Can Gordon Ramsay Make a Cheesy Green Pasta in 10 Minutes? | Ramsay in 10

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welcome to ramsay in 10 where each week i'm going to show you all how to make incredible dishes in just 10 minutes i promise but if you get them done in 10 12 or 15 or 20 or even 30 minutes i promise you it doesn't matter this series will teach you the skills to make you cook more confidently at home to all of you this is ramsey and ten good luck [Music] right come on let's be honest everybody is turning green but have you done it with pasta full of vegetables cooked in 10 minutes i bet you haven't but after this you definitely will so this dish is delicious full of flavor and trust me any member of your family is gonna love this dish right uh oscar pandan let me show the ingredients so obviously fusilli now if you haven't got fusion you can go with penne or even spaghetti beautiful fresh kale lime lemon garlic arugula almonds parmesan and this little whizzer it's a beautiful nutribullet that's going to blend that beautiful green sauce then we're going to finish that and run it through the pasta and then top that with some almonds right let's get 10 minutes on the clock first off season that past the water okay get the gas on there and be germs the olive oil okay this olive oil sort of helps emulsify the sauce now garlic okay i said earlier you can use a little chilli okay don't sweat about chopping the garlic super fine the finer the garlic the quicker it burns okay so just lightly slice that garlic and you know what from there in get that gas up and then again literally start frying that garlic off there now lightly seasoning okay i'm gonna put a little touch of heat in mine just a touch of chili flakes in there okay once you start getting a bit of color on that garlic okay i'm gonna add my kale now the kale's gonna be sort of lightly sauteed and then we're gonna steam it at the end i'll show you why get that in there and literally cover the base of the pan with that kale now from there you'll see this almost sort of wilt down but not as fast as spinach and kale's got that nice sort of rugged texture running through so it's got some sort of it's got some energy to it spinach disappears kale cooked beautifully a little touch of salt on top salt on bottom a little touch of pepper olive oil drizzled on top okay i'm gonna throw in a couple of the almonds just now to get a little bit toasty and make that sort of come together as a flavor pasta turn up the heat i like to cook the pasta quick this is fusilli fresh pasta is going to cook literally in about three minutes okay get a nice gentle rolling boil and roll that pasta in there bring up the temperature super quick put the lid back on i always like just to turn the pan that stops any pasta underneath literally sticking to the pot oscar pan down please i just want to look at this in here the kale is starting to wilt down okay from there get yourself a ladle and then take some of the pasta water which is full of starch and just go round in there that's the noise you want to hear time please [Music] two and a half minutes down nobody goes down right from there sweat that off turn the gas get that heat back in there and then look you see that kale starting to break down now i want to get a little bit of sort of zest going on a little bit excitement to that green kale so look in with my zest and that starts to sort of make the kale a little bit more vibrant now look what's happening okay the kale's starting to sweat and break down past the water's giving it that really nice touch of starch a little bit of texture on top of that color of anchovies again optional but you need two or three nice salted anchovies chop them up okay and literally just lift that up and throw them on top of the cow now give that a really nice stir as that kale starts to cook okay smell with that citrus at the end just sort of lifts this i don't want to overcook the cow okay i want some structure in there from there get your beautiful mix collect all your kale sort of one side and fill up that beautiful little blender now you can use a blender or you can actually use a stick mix as well this thing just does it beautifully and quick now from there look get that juice and literally just pour that inside can't throw that away the flavor in there it's crazy now look time please four minutes coming up to halfway give that pasta a little shake now before i whiz that look a little touch of olive oil okay a little touch of seasoning and then lid on now i'm going to break this down gently okay i don't want to go too puree so it's just literally on five seconds got this beautiful amazing sauce now look at that put that back into the pan now we start focusing on the seasoning spread that out and look what's happened it's broken down and like i said you can put that in a blender or even a stick mix but now we start to correct the actual flavor halfway touch more olive oil in i'm gonna check my pasta and look bring that sauce down to sort of almost a sort of almost like a nice creamy richy density sort of texture that pasta's beautiful out don't over drain the pasta starch inside that fusilli really helps thicken the sauce and now you bring the whole thing to boil okay and this is where it starts to sort of almost come alive beautiful come there i'm going to start mixing that in and now you can see that nice fresh vibrant green flavor it's a perfect dish for us at weekends especially after a run or an hour in the gym a couple of hours on the bike this is something that is hearty incredibly healthy but more importantly so good now we use the kale we've cooked the kale down sometimes i like to finish it with a bit of rocket as well inside the pasta i'll show you that now that gives that nice little peppery flavor it goes all out now give that a little mix and now you can see this whole dish coming together beautifully now from there turn the gas down and again i'm gonna finish that literally with some fresh lemon okay i'm gonna add half of my rocket in fold that in literally and then with the other half i'm gonna dress that turn that in that's beautiful seven minutes in three minutes to go now that is beautiful off with a gas okay give that a little shake the remainder of my fresh rocket a touch of salt olive oil a touch of lemon juice i'm just going to glaze that lightly and just sort of dot that around so i've got half rocket cooked and then that nice sort of texture of my almonds crunched through the hands in and then finally a nice salty beautiful aged parmesan and go over the top and there you have literally a beautiful fresh vibrant green healthy pasta dish done in under 10. boom time please you have one minute and 51 seconds remaining i may be getting old but let's be honest i'm getting faster bon appetit to all of you thank you for watching ramsay intent if i went too quick i apologize but slow it down now don't forget to pick up ramsey intent cookbook inspired by this series and trust me you're going to come out a much better chef and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to my amazing youtube channel for more good luck
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,115,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay pasta, Gordon Ramsay 10 minutes, Gordon Ramsay cheese, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute recipes, Gordon Ramsay official recipes, Ramsay in 10 pasta, Ramsay in 10, Ramsay in 10 cooking, Ramsay in 10 recipes, pasta, pasta recipes, cheese, cheese recipes, cheese pasta, cheesy pasta
Id: itSTX87ptK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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