Sifu Is An Easy Game

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all right let's get it apparently the hardest game ever made and i'm gonna beat it in an hour probably won't even age so i know the mechanic is as you die you age aging is cringe i just don't want that i'll stay an eight-year-old boy or stuff that's at eight years old i thought i started as like a toddler and then i [ __ ] benjamin button it or something yeah i won't even age jesus christ do i have to beat all this ass who wants to go first leave him to me oh jesus first perry successful i'm nuts am i the chosen one oh my god took a little damage but we're good easy [ __ ] them up oh [ __ ] kind of feeling it kind of feeling a little bit okay there wasn't too much i could do there at the same time that was cheating that was an illegal move a forbidden jutsu yeah poked her in the eyes how clean was that huh who the hell is that get him now i strike him that was cool oh [ __ ] excuse me easy game that was the captain insano style martial arts just poking the eyes like dale i'm about to beat this old man's ass i can only parry that second one i'm way off on everything else so we'll dodge this parry that nope got him in the eyes you like that all right not terrible not terrible i'm still trying to feel it out a little bit come here throw something else blasted his soul out of his body that was your dad i thought it was like your grandfather that man's turbo old god damn hey what's going on you live here okay [ __ ] them up [Applause] i'm just gonna go room to room clearing it out kind of like the raid redemption everyone's guilty in here junkies i don't think they'll be a problem who else wants to get their ass beat yeah oh he already overdosed okay someone beat me to it more ass to beat let's go get out of here steven seagal damn this pipe kind of popping off let's work on my dodging oh you got me with the surprise toss oh what the [ __ ] there's another guy jesus christ god damn right you do it's the pipe salesman oh god holy [ __ ] bro i took i took two hits there and that was game wait that was huge oh my god it's getting kind of hard run that back run that back hold on hold on my parry timing's not good not great right now hold on once i get in the groove of things anyone in here taking his [ __ ] and beat their ass yep yeah i found you oh what all right as a fighting expert how do you feel about this game i mean i've been trained by dale and it's really hard to capture that kind of lightning fast martial arts in a video game so this feels a little slow compared to my real life speed but it's still pretty cool so far i got i don't have any real complaints yet oh is this the botanist all right let me try not to get [ __ ] too hard here i bet they're going to be pretty tough first try inbound yeah we'll see oh jesus that tracked me like a [ __ ] oh he's probably okay he just really went in oh my god he went nutty run that back run that back 24 years old that's a great age i remember when i was 24. oh this guy's going wild this guy's pretty good i'm aging quickly reaching my real world age i'm assuming phase two coming up hey right now i'm just downloading his moves [Music] oh [ __ ] all right i got a little too greedy i was gonna go for like a sweep or something that was bad damn i'm [ __ ] aging crazily fast falling apart oh god damn how's the first time he had done a three-hit combo oh is that it oh yeah i didn't use focus at all true i actually totally forgot about focus well i wasn't too bad what am i 28 right now that really wasn't too bad so i'm assuming when you do die like run out of d aging revives you have to go through everything again but you get to keep like some of your evidence is that how that works it's unforgiving because your age will only go back to 28. oh so if i beat this at like age 65 my next level i will always start at 65. if you're not on the list you're not getting inside [ __ ] you say to me all right about that list huh yeah i thought so private party back off now sorry poor guy's probably mad about spamming he's whining i know that man's upset surely there's a weapon here like at the bar or something oh here's one who just said that who just said that pep oh oh my god a dick punch it seems kind of useful need more ass to beat thank you good ass for beating [Music] hi hop oh that wasn't i'm so [ __ ] sorry oh my god i broke his nose i'm sorry god damn it you're just wrong place wrong time now i feel bad oh my lord okay this is so embarrassing good spacing [ __ ] idiot jump close thank you for taking some pitchfork why are you mad at me he hit you why'd you make me do that are these innocent workers because i'm tired of beating like innocent people's asses but just for the sake of being safe actual criminal or good oh that was an attack oh my god jesus oh my god i'm so sorry i'll tip better next time i swear [ __ ] what the what was that holy [ __ ] this guy's oh my god this guy's good i am really struggling on this guy his moves come out so quick so i can't get a dodge off in time and i can't hit my parry timing no oh my god i got combo that was so clean up until that that makes me sad i had that too ah i got a little too greedy voice crack i shouldn't have gone for that like dangerous snap kick you want some more my arms are yours whoa thanks eric frond i recognize that uniform it represents a school for the week oh all right i'm having a hard time now i had a good rhythm in the beginning [Music] oh i thought he was going high oh no we're falling apart oh [Music] you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me what don't break 50 that'd be so embarrassing all right not terrible phase two i have plenty of focus because i haven't used it so i keep forgetting exit prime gina i'm gonna read some corn and the two new subs star finally read the low sweeping oh too early all right 50 is like the golden years honestly oh my god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 60 is a great age honestly this guy was so [ __ ] easy until he went yellow super saiyan on me he just hasn't used like any of the same moves that i was getting a good read on oh my god didn't break 70. we're [ __ ] fine is there a way to get younger no no there's not just like in the real world just like in the real world i beat some ass there we go man when they get that super saiyan aura around them it gets scary jesus christ start hitting harder faster get [ __ ] full health back no jesus even my game character feels bad about that ever since i started doing more dodge in place the game got much easier all right nice needed that very good very good clean [ __ ] clean room that's mob management whoa here i come oh [ __ ] i can't [ __ ] see okay big perry needed that kind of going nuts right now we must first embrace it there's so many no [ __ ] i mistimed my dodge all right we're good we're good uh being this zoomed out kind of [ __ ] me up a little bit okay needed that parry full health nice this is super cool well that's a new one she really got a rough one there it man yeah pretty much oh [ __ ] okay the very last one i missed it one [ __ ] time at the end oh man god damn it this is just one [ __ ] time right at the end all right nice i don't think there's any way i first try this boss without any resets but i guess we'll see jesus christ the very i just missed it damn just mistimed it [ __ ] that's sad all right let's go for a clean run now that i'm more used to the mechanics let's see if i can go 20 20 20. yeah for a first run that was pretty good brand new to it not bad now this mission is where i really need to shave off some age because the club was tough i went from the club 28 to 67. so we there's definite improvements to be had here oh my god the combo okay how's that guy going so hard bro these leg sweeps are my absolute number one weakness here holy [ __ ] those sweeps man i i have such a hard time reacting to it might be better to just block instead of trying dodge oh my god that [ __ ] almighty push i can't dodge it i literally i actually just can't [ __ ] dodge that i've lost more to these two than i did the last boss i genuinely can't [ __ ] dodge it i can't hit it whenever he gets low he always starts just spamming that okay under 40. that's fine not ideal but it's better that's a slight improvement thanks to tier 1 zachary all of the [ __ ] like deaths i take come to the guys right before that boss that boss isn't that bad but then by the time i get there i'm plus three because of the two guys before him it's so frustrating that move set from the other guys is so brutal oh my god he hit the wall and died what an [ __ ] died anywhere else but the wall oh the crane kick oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna cry i'm going to cry that big combo from these two oh my god oh my god okay really falling apart here last time i didn't take a single death all the way up until like the very last [ __ ] part of the boss oh my god really blowing it i hate that crank i hate that crane kick oh my god that is such a pain in the ass oh i'm falling apart again oh my god what holy [ __ ] [ __ ] there goes hey i'll take it elevator key good shortcut and i don't have to go through all that again i should have used all that on a skill to permanently unlock it permanently unlock it i wasn't paying attention i auto piloted resetting the deaths i don't not worried about that resetting deaths here i just don't even [ __ ] see the point i'm already in a shitty position i do not want to fight you please give some shudder vengeance i'll have to redo this anyways just i want to play this i want to fight this boss so i can see your moves like there's no way going into level four at 57 if i perfect this is good for me she's probably gonna [ __ ] me up anyway thanks for the gift wombat wow really going in okay what in the [ __ ] how did i not get okay reset how did i not get the finisher off i i needed to get out of that corner asap i couldn't [ __ ] i couldn't do anything i couldn't [ __ ] see very well unlucky camera get me out of this corner please god this really just feels like a boss you can only dodge and not stationary dodge thanks there's a weird guy [Music] [Music] yeah i mean phase two is pretty [ __ ] free it's just that phase one's kind of nuts this game is impossible i mean it's hard it's definitely not impossible it phase two of this boss is pretty easy it's just this first phase i can't i can't figure it out eyes on the target i don't get it everyone get into position it needs to be some groovy i can't parry dodging perfect dodging seems really hard because i like i don't see it i don't see like a tell from her or anything sub 40 i'll take it i mean it should have been 34 but i'll take 37 whatever okay it's super manageable but i've been beating the game in three hours i'm not too far off i'm pretty close there's only one level after this it's just i need to do it with younger age thanks theresa rugelia like we're definitely not doing bad i spent most of my time on level three mastering that boss what what in the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] damn this is a long level holy [ __ ] oh god to each crime it's punishment there we go needed that desperately needed that all right we got the shortcut [Music] outplayed sorry idiots blasted one dude to the shadow room look here you said piano man all right he's a prime swift and to restore that which once was yeah it was for something yours mine even yet we did something for the people who share you want to erase it all oh this looks like it's gonna be [ __ ] tough it's another one of these long range ones now accept your sentence oh my god okay that's gonna be [ __ ] tough it's all the [ __ ] from that last boss that last lady but from a longer range [Music] no she went low [ __ ] it's all right that's all right we're doing pretty well for the first attempt here first try she was easy [ __ ] i only aged twice 42 super manageable for the last level honestly damn went in completely blind there slapped her around i feel like i definitely didn't need to fight these guys this does not seem like yeah i [ __ ] up wait she's working in my favor keep setting the pic nice that's a good teamwork this is it no i killed her this is very honorable it was i needed the health back oh my god again they were just being nice to me i keep doing this i keep doing it i'm so [ __ ] sorry maybe i'm the bad guy is that the big reveal that this is my brother huge jesus jesus christ always got my move set he probably uses it better than i do can i not focus on this guy in general oh my god what the [ __ ] can you not use focus on this guy the one time i'm actually actively trying to use it [Music] this dude's [ __ ] nuts holy [ __ ] 74 is a great age though it's going to be big a big round i feel okay at least we got the phase two thank god it only took [ __ ] 20 years of my life apparently 30 actually running back pretty short level pretty hard boss oh my god this guy's nuts try harder well this game worth it if you like really hard games with good gameplay yeah things are tier one death i might even get to phase two this time it's like like [ __ ] here all right not bad phase two at 54 years old pretty clean pretty clean like that okay didn't expect that oh my god what the [ __ ] oh my god that wasn't bad i actually almost had him i was getting in a groove there that's not too bad come on good parrying sub 50 not bad not bad oh what the [ __ ] was that jesus christ and hit me with the ultra instinct i definitely thought i got my parry out i definitely thought i got that in time no what is what is stunning me man [ __ ] that was clean for a minute we're so close i started to read him but i just came in there too old i just took too much damage i was punished so heavily for a mistake that was tough but not nearly as hard as the level three boss at least took me what three tries level three boss took me like [ __ ] eight you were supposed to guard the talisman not steal it it's the only way to save them seafood you failed to honor your oath oh now leave yeah moist meat of the game i thought the game was great i really liked it [Music] not the ending you get the true ending by sparing the bosses i actually heard that but to be fair it is still the ending just the bad ending now for the true ending we let them live there we go my first spare [Music] he's a tier one mob man i'm comboing this man out of this world right now [ __ ] this poor guy oh so clean jesus christ gotcha easy spare and i did that sub 30. if this was my 20 year old run i would have literally had this at 22. super sad man super sad that was so clean next boss you still have the awkward phase one but phase two is pretty simple yep i think this next boss is by far the hardest in the game fourth boss easy fifth boss hard but not as hard as this one it's a it's such a goofy boss it's kind of wacky okay not good gotcha another one spared impact to be fair she didn't even want to fight us in the first place she's already become like at peace or whatever two more two more easy game there still sub 30 so it's still fine but pretty upsetting it came down to that all right one more boss we went man sub 30 to get to the sanctuary that's pretty good hold on give me one sec i want to fill up my water man i'm reading him like a [ __ ] book holy [ __ ] speed run unlucky unlucky unlucky unlucky i made one mistake and paid the [ __ ] fat price for it sad but okay oh i've never knocked him down before and a big dodge oh my god that was so clean no instinct took over oh my god okay run it back ah instinct took over all right well we get to practice i can't believe i [ __ ] did that i can't believe i [ __ ] did that got it clean pretty [ __ ] clean please stay with me [Music] now he's activated my super saiyan 2 form so can i just kill him straight up here how does phase three of this [ __ ] work ends here with your death yes kill him okay [Music] all right there we go good [ __ ] [ __ ] him up easy game this is thanks to five gift subs biz the bits again paleo theresa bear milk innocent and witch dragon is it punching like that how you break your thumb yeah actually if you throw a punch with your thumb locked in your fist it's gonna break your thumb that took me just shy of eight hours start to finish to get bad and true ending well to get every ending i guess thanks a [ __ ] jackie boy that was good that game was very hard which ending did you prefer i i don't think either one of them was necessarily that strong to be honest but then again i feel like i was missing some lore because i don't think i collected everything
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,971,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oWpUyMXo5Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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