Can Four Idiots Run A Food Truck Selling Sweet Nachos?!

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morning everyone it is quarter to 6:00 on a Saturday morning and for those of you who didn't know and at the beginning the week we were challenged to come up with our own street food dish to sell at a food market it's been food truck week but there's not really many food trucks in the UK so we've come up with some food thanks to your help we found a location a market but we have no idea where anyone's going to turn up we have no idea whether anyone's going to like the food but there's only one way to find out the time has come where Primrose Hill farmers market to stand is now open come this way let me show you and Wonder know what we're making it's sweet nacho so corn tortillas fried off and dusted in cinnamon sugar layer those in and top it with something's a bit like Mexican crema it's sour cream with a little bit of added sugar so it's got that tartness dollop that on and then we're going with chocolate chili sauce more chocolate than it is chilly loads of dark chocolate double cream and a little bit of sugar to sweeten and the whole thing warm through with dried chili flake next up the caramel sauce now this is a Mexican goat's milk caramel and it's infused from cinnamon and vanilla and it's all boiled down until it goes a real golden sticky color just over the top and we're finishing it with 100% cocoa nibs cos it's a fresh lime and a pinch of chilli the stand feels great the food looks great we're happy with how it tastes there's lots of people here in the sun's out but will anyone actually try it and the price today it's nothing more than an opinion and an optional donation to sign up together we have people they're got nachos and then it's in this element here absolutely rocking in the moment I reckon he's locking up around about three nachos a minute thank you for liking us so through this we're open for business prim original market and grab some theoretical question come in if I could come over and I brought my cat could I get a special offer because my package called nacho double portion so I'm saying while we've had some silly dishes sweet lad shows I've coated in cinnamon sugar [Music] public tons of flavor I mean you get the chocolate which is sweet when you get that out of available citrus this is just amazing really good it's so good ten twenty I reckon we've done fifty so far I transfer between forty forty to fifty okay so we have never done this before and we plug the two fryers a fridge and a castle and see one extension even apparently that is not the thing to do here so we now are working out how to fix it she says parity another extension table but we're going to do one time one fryer 150 portions will because it will just be a little celibate I can recycle and I'm on route the price comes forth offered found a hardware store and they're just that was thank you already going son it's time now then thank you darling sailing feeling having any tons of oil out there sorry we've in hand essentially Mauri Mauri I savored a good one fryer is fire yes literally going to have to stand over all day but will do they are stable I can't do electric I can't do foods I think hello how are you this is my place Baltic owners goats milk caramel I'm a weird dream we convinced there's no mints like me then with the pointman oh thank you so much oh they are the old lady for your opinion I'm in heaven ah definitely the Jamie Stafford looks good I'm on my way I did wonder where he was I mean we said 8:00 a.m. thank you all right I got my tight t-shirt I sure would be back on that yeah cities I'm what I missed what am I going to do Stan well yeah yeah it's both because it's RAM people have donated about 18 portions worth 150 and we got a couple of hours left so our big thing is that we want to sell out yep know how so by the end of the two hours okay we've done this much in about two and a half hours so we've got our work cut out and yeah it's sort of died down a little bit anyone be doing any chances no just happen here here we go so I'm hearing Ben's chat for the first time I'm going to be honest with you he's struggling to give these away what I would synonym quite a show there poka good right really good ladies and gentlemen get your sweet nachos here you've never had anything like this before in your life it's amazing we're in Primrose Hill yeah yeah yeah don't have buy-one-get-one-free loves than just another market yeah through through pounds through through pounds let's try some sweet nachos they didn't speak English so let's try some free nachos free foodie everyday me stand by my dear just business slows down partly because a dividend site three natural have three swings natural hey guys thank you priest out with that Jo's very nachos greeting that Joe's free nachos what happened everyone's for changes in Underhill died nice no sunburn on haha nothing to do with the video unnecessary don't do that James I found sort of easy Sun cream for you he's kids specific so should we trim it up for you it's 50 bucks if we go I reckon we were doing on average a portion a minute until Jamie turned up it's gone very quiet nacho nacho nacho nacho shall capture perfect [Music] pretty good look delicious national again yeah OMG think Jane said we bums lie around a hundred so by about 15 left actually amazing if you feel actually well what in that that is all the quantity as we have left but it looks for we might actually sell out okay okay yeah perfect your hangover probably a solid nine out of ten I am nailing it so actually getting proper constructive criticism most people love it vacation is big like absolute maybe just one portion left some traffic screen access Creek today that's it we're done we sold out good work result say ago I'd say that was a success something we sold out and we raised a load of money for charity which you can find out the full total in a second there is the best example of team of a thing we've ever done this but it's fun for that reason no brownie points this week because the true winner with Senator Cantor thanks to all your generosity we have raised two hundred twenty two pounds and Center Phnom Penh plus an Australian dollar and at exactly we will donate them all quickly right now we'd love to hear from you guys is this the kind of thing you'd like to see us do more regularly would you come and see us what if we have an actual physical space that was kind of maybe selling terminally or permanently they're coming up over the next couple of weeks we are going to be traveling around America finding incredible food going to VidCon and then some really exciting secrets if you want to keep up to date with that as it happens follow us on Instagram because we're going to use the stories feature because we're so under stick while we're way these amazing rest of videos they don't stop will you work with you guys to create some the most beautiful sexy recipes with ever mode yeah you remember when you join me in my flat and helped us shape a whole bunch of recipes it was on face book life we've turned those into phenomenal things you will want to give they go they start tomorrow but for now we are off to get a boarding pass you click that subscribe button so you get notified of all of our amazing videos and please I say it smash that like button guys flash it closer like button smash it click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 594,735
Rating: 4.9728837 out of 5
Keywords: food truck, street food, street food festival, we run a food truck, running a food truck, sweet nachos, sweet nachos recipe, sortedfood food truck, food truck challenge, food truck documentary, best food truck, beginners food truck, how to run a food truck, sortedfood street food
Id: 93tWvzwq00c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2017
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