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Hey, welcome to Sorted. We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that will actually make a difference to your life, or just make you laugh. [LAUGHTER] Two of us are chefs. Don't worry, the rest of us are normal. And everything we do starts with a suggestion from you. (SINGING) Pancake shake when I take the cake. I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake. Hello once again, everybody. I'm Barry and this is Ben. And today, we get everybody involved in this video. Everybody. Mate, you are not ready for what I've got hidden under here. I hope your dish is better than your haircut. Ooh. You're gonna be so upset when I lift this up. I'm almost embarrassed for you. I don't think I need to say anything, because mine's going to speak for itself. You're going to pass out, I recon. You're not gonna be able to handle it. I think you're going to love this more than yours. Well, you're not even a vegetarian. So you actually just don't know what you're talking about. You know the rules, Katie. Go big or go home. I've already ordered you an Uber. Ooh. Ben's paying. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is Spitalfields Market in East London. There's been a market here since 1638. It's great for shopping, but better for eating. There are about 30 food vendors here, all creating top quality, innovative street food. But which is the best? Milo doesn't know. There are eight of us. We each have 10 pounds. We're drawing two names and a category at random. Those two will have 15 minutes to find the best dish they can within the category and budget to battle it out against their opponent. The remaining group will judge whose dish wins by looks, taste, and value, and the loser will be shamed. 3, 2, 1. [BELL DINGS] I don't whether to go like filthy. What if I just make the most out of the vegetables and get something like cauliflower, [? potato, ?] I don't know. I'm going to go to The Real Greek, because I was going to go basic and get something that I know what it is. But I've never been to The Real Greek, I've heard really good things about it. So I'm going to try it, and hopefully it's amazing. I'm semi-confident because I know that I'm up against Hannah, and I think she's going to go really like dirty. I think I saw her heading in to get burgers. Bleecker Street, grilled, smoked tofu, hot sauce, which [INAUDIBLE] sold it to me, lettuce, fried onions, blue cheese, burger sauce, then the bun. And then I got some of their mixed fries, which is sweet potato fries and normal fries in an old pot. This will win. This will definitely win. Reveal. Ooh. Hello. I headed to Bleecker Street and got their Buffalo vegetarian burger with a portion of their mixed fries, sweet potato and their home fries, that classic [? pub ?] fries. It's not a salad. Mine is not just one salad, but three salads, and two halloumi skewers. You can go anywhere to get a burger and fries. The first test we're going to judge your dishes on is food envyability. So on the count of three, go and stand behind the dish that you envy the most. One, two, three. Ooh. It just looks fresher and more inviting. And there's more. OK 1-0 to Niki and The Reak Greek. But test number two is probably the most important one in my book, the taste test. I love the fries at Bleecker Street. There's so much going on with that salad, so many different flavors, textures. I love that. That's great. I'm surprised by the burger. It had good texture, good flavor. The tofu could or couldn't have been in there, and it would've been the same burger. Whereas that, I find there's lots of fresh flavors going on in that salad with the grains and the herby bits, delicious. Go and stand behind the one that tastes the best to you in three, two, one. Ooh. So that's a point each on that round, which means it's 2-1 to Niki. Can Hannah claw it back in the value for money test? Out of the 10-pound budget, I spent the full 10 pounds. I spent 5.50 pounds. Oh! Damn! Go and stand behind the dish that you think presents the most value for money in three, two, one. No one's moved. Oh, really? I thought that was going to be a landslide over to Niki. Interesting. I'd pay that for a good burger, and that was a really good burger. I wouldn't pay 5.80 for three sides. It's still 5.50. 5.50 for three sides. I just thought there was a lot more to Niki's than there was to Hannah's. I'm sorry. Category one goes to Niki! [APPLAUSE] Good choices. Round two! I went for four of these, one salted caramel, one lychee, one fig, and one lotus biscuit. I tried a sample, and they're delicious. I've not tasted anything like it. I've never really come across these. They're something unusual for me, anyway. I hope it is for everyone else. Oh, come on. Ed grabbed me first, mate. You snooze, you lose. That's not what-- You snooze, you lose. This way then. Originally, I was looking for something a little bit different, capturing the imagination of the team. But Ed did that, so I'm getting doughnuts. It's 10.30, those three. That's 10.30? OK, cool. Shh, don't tell anybody. I mean, they're good doughnuts, but I'm going to get caned. Ta-da! Whoa. Oh yeah! So I've got French canelés. I've got salted caramel, lychee, lotus biscuit, and fig. Canelé is a traditional sweet from the Bordeaux region of France with a caramelized crust and a soft, custardy heart. Ooh. So what? Doughnuts. These epic Crosstown Doughnuts. I've got a peanut butter and jelly doughnut, a classic jam doughnut, and at the end, a tropical surprise. Right. Food envyability in 3, 2, 1, go. Barry, I'm the only one. I'm stuck with you? Fine, wow, I'm [INAUDIBLE]. [LAUGHTER] Now there's no chance. No, give me a chance. No, absolutely not. Crosstown Doughnuts. Yeah, because we've never had those ones before. Exactly, that's what you guys love. But why not go for something different? Did you try these in the store? Because I saw you there. I did. They were my first choice, and you [INAUDIBLE].. Exactly! So-- Shush! So come over to this side yourself. No, I'm just-- [LAUGHTER] Shall we taste them and see if we change our minds? I've already tasted those ones. Oh, Ben. Still got it. Oh god. Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm so glad I didn't stick with you. [LAUGHTER] Oh, yum. It's like a croissant. [INTERPOSING VOICES] --buttery, delicious salted caramel goodness. I've tried some of it, and honestly, mate, I've never tasted anything quite like that in my life. No, never. What type of jam is this, Barry? What is that? Loserberry jam, I think. [LAUGHTER] That was really mean. Now these are amazing doughnuts. The problem is, Barry, we get them pretty much every other week delivered to the studio. So people know what to expect from those, whereas that is something so new and unique that I think you're going to struggle here. I think it's slightly unfair. Get-- just get to the vote. Get to the vote and we'll see. 3, 2, 1. Come back. 2-0, Ed. I came over here because that tropical one was actually really good. At the end of the day, nothing's going to taste much better than a peanut butter, ganache, and jelly doughnut. This is because I didn't vote for you. [LAUGHTER] The question is, are we all going to feel the same way once we find out how much they cost? 10 pounds and 30 p. Ohh. Overspent, disqualified. Ed, did you overspend? I did not overspend. You've won. You've won. How much were yours? 10 pounds on the dot. Four for 10, yeah. Look at the size of them! Yeah, I mean, let us choose. Well, should we vote? In 3, 2-- oh. That's a landslide victory for Ed. [APPLAUSE] Round three! I'm wondering how much I can push the brief of hand-held. Like, if I go fish and chips, you could hold the fish and the chips, couldn't you? I want the shawarma. You can pick up shawarma with your hands, but the large costs 12 pounds. Obviously, I just-- I hate going for a small. I can afford a small, but I don't like going for a small. You cannot help but want it. It looks amazing, and I think it's going to win on every level. It's only just hand-held, which is perfect, Easy. So I got a wee bit peckish as I was doing my research, so I bought a little snack. You might remember this. This is Poppies sausage in batter, which [? I got free ?] in London's best fish and chips. Handheld. I found something that I've never heard of before or had before, and I don't think the other guys would have done either, and that's why it's my choice. Woah. Oo. Ah. Interesting. [LAUGHTER] Surely the whole point of handheld is something you can grab and eat on the go and not have to worry about having a shower afterwards. If it's not all over your hands by the end of it, it's not worth eating. This is a lamb shoulder shawarma from Berber and Q, and it's got pickles. It's got peppers. It's got loads of herbs, yogurt, spicy sauce, and that lamb. Smell that. I don't want to smell it. I don't want to. Go on, smell it. Just have a little smell. I thought so. This is an Amazonian inspired flatbread made from cassava and water, filled with chicken, sun dried tomatoes, chiles, spinach, rocket, everything in there. It is different. That's exactly what I thought. I thought, I could go for something normal like a lamb wrap or a steak wrap. You could go-- Or something like that. --for something that looks amazing. Or-- Or you could go for something that looks different. --I could go for something a bit different. Right, we know the drill now. Enviability. Envi-- three, two, one. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ah, I'm challenged on this one. I've got to be honest. Got to be honest. I was not expecting that, if I'm honest. Neither was I, to be honest. [LAUGHTER] That's going to taste exactly how you'd expect it to. Oh, you can't imagine. Delicious, lamb, but that's something completely new. That's why. The thing is, with James', is that you can see what's in it. You can't see what's in yours necessarily, so I think that's why, maybe, I'm being biased, but we'll see. So round one-- [BELL SOUND] --one all. Round two, taste. Dig in. [MUSIC PLAYING] The lamb shoulder falls apart. That is exactly what I signed up for there. The peppers are hot, but pickle too, and it kind of just hits everywhere in your mouth. The edges are sealed with cheese, so it's like, give me the best bits on grilled cheese. It's really crunchy. That's what the whole rim of that dish is. Three, two, one. And the sauce on that is really, really delicious. Yeah, I think, flavor wise, they're both pretty close, but I would be more satisfied by that sheerly by the size of it. Now, when it comes to cost, that could sway my vote. That was a small. That was a small. That was a small? That is ample. Out of my 10 pound budget, I spent 7 pounds. Oh. OK. I actually made money on mine because they didn't take cash so it was 9 pounds, fifty. I paid on my card, and I pocketed the tenner. [LAUGHTER] So-- When he expenses his card-- I made 50 P. Voting in three, two, one. [MUSIC PLAYING] The reason I'm here-- Hey, mate. --is that with that leftover money I could buy one of Ed's-- what are they called? [? Cannelle. ?] Canellelelele. [BELL SOUND] But not one of my donuts. Not one of your donuts. No, too expensive. One more round to go. [APPLAUSE] [BELL DINGS] Everything is designed for a quick lunch for people whizzing through, so nothing is big, big, so I might have to redefine the word "big." So dictionary definition of "big"-- of considerable size or extent. I'm going to be challenged with that one. So the second definition-- of considerable importance or seriousness. Katie is shamelessly using Milo to get freebies. The thing is with Spitafields market, 10 pounds is not necessarily that much, like there's quite a lot for over 10 pounds. So in order to go big, I feel like she needs to buy something, and that's like 8 pounds, 50, but then blag an extra load of filling. This is my choice, a chicken naan wrap. We're going big. These guys take naan wraps so seriously. It is such an important, critical part. They bring their own tandoor oven right there. Look at that, the food envy of everyone. Right, so I'm thinking Ben's going to try and think outside the box because he normally does. He tries to make a point, so he'll go, oh, I'm going to go a bit off the mark and go a bit controversial. So I'm thinking, let's just stick to basics but go with good flavour. There's different salsas. There's different chilies. There's pickles. There's everything in there, and the most amazing thing is that this burger has every part of the pig in the patty. Fred is going to be so annoyed, and it's going to be great. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh. OK, guys, so here we've got a pork nugget burger. That sounds insane. And by nugget, I mean it's fried in pig fat, and it's got all the pig you can imagine inside of that. He said, if you can think of a part of the pig, it is in there. So on the bottom, it's got a smoked pineapple salsa. Oh. Oh. It's got fermented pickles. Oo. It's got barbecue [INAUDIBLE] lettuce. Umm. It's got pistachios-- Oo. Oh. --crumbled over the nugget. Oo. I know. And then it's got something called mojo. I'm going to pretend like that's right-- [INAUDIBLE] --which is like a coriander and lime sauce, and some chili on there. This is potatoes twice cooked. It's got chili sauce on it, Parmesan, and mayonnaise, and they look amazing-- Balalala. --and smell amazing, as you can tell. Right? So I went big with a naan wrap. Because if you're going to define big, it means something serious and important, and they went the effort of wheeling in a tandoor oven. So this is a naan cooked in a tandoor, chicken tikka, house sauce, all wrapped up in a girthy naan. The obvious definition of big is like extensive-- Did you Google this? Large. Yeah, and I looked at the second definition, which is like a big decision in your life, is something that's seriously important. No, sorry, the definition of big is big. OK, Barry-- It's quite big. --it's girthy and at least eight inches. If you don't think that's big, then that's your call. Katie said she was threatened by it. [LAUGHTER] Just saying. Enviability-- three, two, one, go. Oo. Ah. Clean sweep. Interesting. It's a no-brainer, really. OK, should we move on, taste? [MUSIC PLAYING] Not really crispy on the outside, fluffy in the middle, but then with the Parmesan and the sauces as well, that's amazing. But they're still chip-like as well. All right, so chicken tikka in a naan bread. You get that beautiful tikka flavor. There's a slight kick to the chicken matched with the lettuce, the fresh, crisp lettuce. That's a really fresh wrap. That's not heavy at all. I don't think anyone's ever said it's heavy. Well, I'm just saying it's not, in case anyone was wondering. The pork nug burger, good. I really liked it. The best bit was the pineapple salsa. That was full of flavour. They made good chips and good sauce. Let's vote with our feet in three, two, one, go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Going big. Me too. Two, nil, and there's just price left to go. I feel like there's a story. Well, my story is that I spent less than 8 pounds on mine, 7 pounds, 95. How much change do you have? I don't have any change. You know, like any good market goer, you haggle your way through, don't you? So I spoke to the owner, and he gave me both of these for 10 pounds. [CASH REGISTER SOUND] What's it listed at? This is-- the burger itself is 8 pound, 50, and the chips are 4 pounds. [INTAKE OF BREATH] So all in, that is 12 pound, 50. You spent 25% more than budget. OK, so in terms of value for money, we've all got a decision to make-- three, two, one. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oo, really? I feel like what we have learned from this video is that we're useless, and that more often, Katie, Nikki, and Ed, and James should make the choices. But not Hannah, which is important. Not Hannah. [LAUGHTER] Well, well done, everyone. [APPLAUSE] Ed, there wasn't a bad dish had today, was there? Amongst eight dishes in Spitalfields, every single one was brilliant. Spitalfields, has some of London's best street food. And it's just next door to us, which is amazing. Exactly, so if you are in London, go to Spitalfields. Check out all of the food there. Send us photos of what you find. Is it is something slightly more original than what [INAUDIBLE] could find, than we have every week, even though it was delicious. It was delicious. It was delicious. Group hug. Come on, team. Let's all go into Ed's arms. Yeah. We're really close. Ed, come on. Ed. Friendship-- Come on, Ed. --goals. Ed. Oh, we're really sweaty, aren't we? Now, the big question, and it's a bigger question than normal, who do you think did the best job? And you've got eight people to choose from. And most importantly, who do you like the most? No, that's not what I asked. Now, that's really what you're asking. Also, then make sure you like this video, because we really like it, and you should too. Big thumbs up, and we'll see you next time. See you. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING] As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing down, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and see you in a few days. [MUSIC PLAYING] Guaranteed, you've never had anything like this, and maybe you never will again. That's not a good thing. Wait, no. Oh. [LAUGHTER]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 664,507
Rating: 4.9403272 out of 5
Keywords: spitalfields, london, food in london, london streetfood, street food, quick eats, london food market, food market, food battle, ultimate battle, ultimate battle sortedfood, food challenge, eating challenge, spitalfields market, food tour london, where to eat in london, east london, east london food, burgers, salads, wraps, dessert, vegetarian, sweet treats, go big, handheld food, big food, £10 challenge, food under £10, food for a tenner, street food videos, best street food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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