Brits Try Halo Halo For The First Time!!

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I like the boba shop twist on halo-halo, considering the traditional ingredients may be hard to find! Yay for getting the chickpeas and macapuno (did James say mutant coconut LOL) right!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sabine_strohem_moss 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so welcome to brain freeze week which translates to frozen delicious things today's recipe is one of the most requested ever and this is perfect time to do it yeah hallo hallo so not just requested specifically for brain freeze week but pretty much consistently for last couple years and we've never dared do it so we don't have enough about it so we've come here to Soho to Bob a jam to find out more this all looks amazing but we finally came here with one thing in mind hello hello so can we have one of your findings are you jelly then we have our caramel pudding pop / ice cream [Music] and that's the same play that you're drinking at right here when you add a sprig of meat fantastic bring em in and it's serve we call plate and Wow 13 components what they say here doesn't their take on it yes so I don't know if it needs all the components whether there are other components whether or a mixture right let's get stuck in that's I'm intrigued by a purple ice cream evaporated milk isn't it it's not keen on the beans I like the texture sorry now I like the flavor I don't like the texture however caramel pudding as a kid I loved that I thought coming here was gonna film with confidence to make it but I'm just slightly more nervous now because having tasted a very pure and tasty honey we've got to be great it I'm excited so I liked was so they said they knew that hollow hollow was good because they had Filipino people coming back tomorrow yes they're not just buying it once because they know of it from an on-stage thing for their childhood but repeat purchase we've got to recreate something as good which means we need some of those more unusual ingredients and chinatown is just over there we should get a fine [Music] so the thing with hello hello is it literally means kind of lots of stuff mixed together thanks mix mix mix and therefore we've got a whole bunch of stuff we're gonna mix mix into sundae glass and try and recreate it the first thing we need to do and this bit we absolutely do know is make a homemade ice cream we're gonna use the cheats methods we're gonna whip up double cream folding condensed milk and then add the purple stuff I'm just trying to work this out so this is all a jam yep ube is a type of yam yes and a yam is something that's a bit like a sweet potato or from the same family similar it's grown underground but it's a bit like a orange and a grapefruit is kind of they're both of the same family but they're very different okay cool and then like all good ice cream recipes we freeze it this is a very sweet dish so we're going to make a sugar syrup one to one sugar water in a pan heat simmer boil five minutes now for some ingredients we do recognise just perhaps not in dessert kidney beans you want to cook them so they're really cooked I basically a drain tin 300 mil of water bung it in and cook it and tell most that water kind of evaporates off maybe 15 20 minutes and we're going to mash them but also gonna use chickpeas and I've got to come up with a reason for this and the reason is that I saw it in somehow hello recipes online and the idea of it just really intrigued me what I really wanted to do is feed you chickpeas in a desert and this is the only time I'm ever gonna get to do that all right kidney beans if I really think hard about it I've had kidney beans in something sweet before Japanese treats was it machi chickpeas that's just hummus in some water until all the water has evaporated and we're left with very cooked chickpeas and by very coat I mean almost overcooked sugar syrup in just enough to cover it time for another texture some kind of sago pearls or tapioca pearls we cook them by putting two or three tablespoons into a lot of water boiling for 10 minutes and then taking it off the heat putting a lid on and just letting it sit for 10 minutes so we'll drain off I'll attack the oka pearls run it under cold water to cool it and then sweeten slightly with some sugar syrup and we're gonna blitz up right to get shaved ice with a little sugar syrup as well so it's a sweet shave ice what's important is that it's kind of fine enough to take up the evaporated milk this is gonna melt quite quickly in the studio so we're going to create two of them here I challenge you to a halo halo jewel I accept ube Jam shaved ice coconut gel time for some of our beans I'm going to check this sago pearls I'm going with the mutant coconut extra shaved ice on top going for my boob a blob see that see that fresh mango to finish it off a drizzle of evaporated milk and I'm done that's halo halo oh no let's bring them in it's justified [Music] golly Jake dig in spin have a gospel have a spin where do you start the idea see pulled the evaporated milk on just before you serve it all the ice is melted because Mike's been taking the photographs so didn't quite work out but you get the idea right yeah first off that ice cream as well as looking amazing tastes incredible I've never had ice cream taste like that so the kidney beans remind me of some of the Japanese dessert it is that unusual texture but the chickpeas and then chickpeas have a chew that's what they're doing they're adding a texture I'm still not convinced it's for me so yes they are really interesting texture no space to say I have absolutely zero expertise in how you know hey no I hadn't even heard about it until today its face to say that I have zero expertise in hallo hallo hallo hallo because I've not even heard of it until today I know that 3/4 of that is delicious we need you guys to let us know how we've got on like I think they're both speck taking her but what would you have changed what would you put in it probably not the chickpeas I'm guessing and what should we try cooking next that no one in the studio has ever heard of before that was a lot of fun I enjoyed that I've loved the last 48 hours click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music] you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 369,121
Rating: 4.8934202 out of 5
Keywords: halo halo, halo halo recipe, filipino halo halo, filipino shaved ice, filipino dessert, filipino ice cream, how to make halo halo, what is halo halo, brits try, british people try, homemade halo halo, the best halo halo, halo halo in london, halo halo mukbang, favourite halo halo, trying halo halo
Id: xdfBcBNvknc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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