Sia Parody Breakfast | Step Up To The Plate (Most embarrassing video ever!) | Sorted Food

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Hello, we're Sorted Food. This is Fridge Cam. And it's a Sunday. Today, we're taking another Step Up to the Plate Challenge. Now the last time that we did this, this happened. Result, but today we take it to a whole other level. Now, when this part comes on to your screen, what you going to want to do is just pause the video for a brief second, get your phone out, put your phone on to record your facial reaction, press Play again on the video, and then send us your reaction, sorry. One of two trained chefs and one of three normal guys will be picked at random to work together to create an attention-grabbing, head-turning dish. There will be prerequisites, time limits-- One minute remaining. --mystery ingredients, all tied together by a shameless Internetty Challenge. Who will it be today? Before they cook, the guys must select the chef for food quality control and a normal for personality quality control. Oh, it's Gordon, right? No, it's Ben! It's Mike, Oh, vicious. No this went well last time we did one together. Oh, he is gutted with that. Let's do this. I know who this is. Oh, well, I'll pick it then. No, I don't know what any of this is. We're making breakfast, instantly, potentially limits the choice. And the breakfast is going to be a savory breakfast. Savory breakfast is OK. I'm happy with that. It's time to step up to the plate. We need a bigger box. Go! Three, two-- Very cheap thrills, today, you must create a dish for Australian superstar musician, Sia. Research her diet and lifestyle to be sure she loves her custom made recipe. A savory breakfast to help grab her attention. You must present your recipe in the style of one of her music videos. There will be costumes, no chandeliers, thank god. Let's do this. As ever, the boys have access to the Sorted Food larder which includes biscuits, cherries, steaks, salmon, spinach, watercress, mange tout, green peppers, yellow peppers, aubergine, eggs, cream cheese, sweet peppers, celeriac, mushrooms, international mushrooms, squash, cauliflower, beetroot, carrots, peas strawberries, potatoes, lemons, limes, kiwis, oranges, and apples. A lot to swat up on. So Sia is a vegan. Hey, I went a whole month being vegan. It's cool. I would ask you for some vegan breakfast tips, but humus and Pringles is not going to win her attention. So I don't think I'm going to ask. Rather than lots of substitutes, which we haven't got anyway, let's go for cuisines that naturally don't use so much in the way of animal products. So, breakfast around the worlds that naturally lend themselves to vegan food, like quinoa porridges, rice porridges, things like that. I've eaten quinoa porridge before. And it's amazing. Is it really? I also had it. [LAUGH] Great story. She has a dog called Cereal. Could we do a trio of breakfast? I mean, I was struggling to come up with a decent idea that I think we could deliver. And then you said, should we do a trio of breakfast. And I think that makes it three times harder. But should we do it? OK, great. Tell me what to pick up. The bok choy might be nice. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Let's do some dimmy sum stuff. And we can do this right? I think we can. Boys, you have 60 minutes starting two minutes ago. Because Ben's already started chopping up some mushrooms. You said that one breakfast wasn't enough. So we're doing a trio. I'm thinking some sort of dim sum with ginger and stuff, maybe a little bit of spice, but not too much spice breakfast. Like a mushroom dim sum? Yeah, mushroom dim sum. Which means we need to make the pastry. That's one of the first things. We got some water on for that. He doesn't know what dim sum is. A cheap thrill for me, porridge. And we're going to do a cornmeal based one from the Caribbean. And then possibly, and I'm determined to use it-- pass the rhubarb over. We're going to get it in there somehow, maybe some jerk spiced rhubarb. That's not breakfast. But I feel fruit almost is. It sounds amazing. With 55 minutes to go, they still don't seem confident. I feel like at some point Mike needs to step into the kitchen. He does. If you got peanuts on the go, I'm going to toast some of those off. And then we can add some peanut oil to fry off our mushrooms, three different types with lots of ginger and a little bit of garlic. I've had a brain wave. What if we used our almond milk to make cereal milk, like her dog, for the smoothie and make a cereal milk based smoothie? That's all yours. Ben does not care, Mike. The good thing about a dim sum dough is it doesn't need a huge amount of kneading. That should be it, boiling water into flour a bit of salt, a little bit of a knead. And we leave it to rest. So if the Caribbean porridge, half almond milk, half water, season with a cup of cloves, some allspice, some cinnamon and black pepper and bay leaf. This bit I'm less sure about. It defies logic. But I love rhubarb. I'm going to roast some. And I'm going to try spicing it slightly. So you've got the sweet and the sour. Some orange juice and some spice to go on top of our relatively savory cornmeal. If I ever do anything jerk, I always think, a little bit of honey, a little bit of sweetness. Obviously, no honey in this, but a little bit of jerk seasoning with the orange and the rhubarb and some rice syrup. Is her name actually Sia? No. It's a stage name? Why does she call herself Sia? I can --maybe tell --that's you --why what --I her name --knew is. --we've cracked it. Her real name is on this 10 facts. 19 Surprising Sia Facts You Need to Know, her real name is Sia Kate Isobelle Furler. So her name is Sia? Yes. So I'm going to comprise this smoothie of cereal milk, avocados, dates. And then we're just going to see how it goes. I put a banana in the freezer. So I'll probably add a banana. And we'll just go from there, blend it up, drink it. And if it tastes good, great. If not, I'll just keep on adding stuff until time runs out. For our dumpling filling, we're going to layer up flavors, so not just ginger and mushroom and peanut oil, but also fresh coriander with soy. Can you make it look like an elastic heart? Is this an elastic dough? [MUSIC PLAYING] It's OK. I've overfilled it, so the juices come out. Which means it-- Oh, my goodness, they look like her hair. If you do one black, one white, that would be amazing. So in the time challenge, we have decided to do is something that is uber fiddlely and takes care and precision, wise. [MUSIC PLAYING] What milk did you use, Mike? Coconut milk. Nice. [MUSIC PLAYING] So I'm thinking for our dipping sauce, we've got our roasted peanuts and chili and has frozen-- that's all right? It's cold. It's cold enough. Did you just pinch the tip of my banana? I just wanted to see how firm it was. Oh, fair enough. Dipping sauce, peanuts-- should it be hot or not? Is this breakfast do we want it --her spicy --favorite or-- She really likes the song-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] --papaya salad in Thailand. And they are the spices things I've ever put in my mouth. So in the course of this hour, the guys have had to cook. Ben's made Caribbean porridge and dim sum from scratch. And Mike's made a smoothie. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is a bit more experimental. Because I probably should know the ratio. I'm adding in our cornmeal. And we'll see what happens. In the Caribbean, this is called pap. Because it has the consistency of baby sick. That's what we're after. It will taste better. But that's what we're looking for. And that there is why Ben can't get a TV show. That and the pending court case. Time update. You have 18 minutes. OK, we need to start thinking about how we're going to make this look good. Because at the moment, we have got a lot of baby sick kind of textures going on. [MUSIC PLAYING] Five minutes and 42 seconds left. [MUSIC PLAYING] 110 seconds to go. [MUSIC PLAYING] Five, four, three, two, one, step away from the plates. This timer is done. That, I think, is a trio of breakfasts for any hotel she just happens to be in, all vegan from three corners of the world. Because she's always on tour, some cheap thrills, some Sia-based hair, and something healthy. I'm sold. [MUSIC PLAYING] I can see a lot of breakfasts. We made it. I've got an idea for how we can get her attention. But it's going to be a group effort. That's not part of the deal though is it? Because we, we sat on the sidelines. Yeah, we did not get our names picked out of a hat or basket or whatever we get them picked out of. Dear Sia, sorry. Dear, dear, dear, dear-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear-- And our dignity bites the dust. Oh, why must we keep dressing up? Such a desperate cry for attention, this full-grown man is 31. But we want you to notice us so bad. The best breakfast you'll ever have. As our dignity bites the dust, oh, senpai Sia, please notice us. As we flail in bare feet. Oh, Sia, please like our tweet. As --this dim we --sum flail in --is bare --really feet --yum, dark and fair like your hair. Mushrooms are --oh, Sia [INAUDIBLE] --please and --like vegan --our friendly --treat The charcoal paste has no taste, no mammalians --as we for --flail our --in Australian, --bare feet have this porridge instead, and as --oh a nod, --Sia --please -like to your --our dog, --treat Cereal and smoothies in bed. I'm questioning whether this was a good idea. Because we've all had a beer. I'm reckoning that this monstrosity with a beard is making you feel weird. I would advise you try and divert your sight before you bleed from your eyes. All that this proves is just how desperate we are for views and should stick to the food. Because we're holding on for dear life, getting on, got children and wives, can't compete with Jake Paul for the likes. So we're just holding on for dear life, on for dear life, on for dear life, getting on, got children and wives. BuzzFeed Food's getting all of the likes. So we're just holding on for dear life, on for dear life. You're more Shia LaBuff than I remember. Don't say that. [LAUGH] Oh, that takes you on a journey. It's not sweet. Then you actually appreciate what it taste like. And it's delicious. Because porridge, generally sweet, rhubarb, generally sweet. Very little, it's tart, in this case. It does play with your brain [INAUDIBLE] I really like it. This, I think is the greatest. Especially that, that is a take on papaya salad, but blitzed up. That's great. You want to do a dip? That is delicious. You halved it. Can I have one of the halves? Thanks, mate. Oh, that's a winner. That's definitely a winner. That's great. And you swig it all down with Mike's concoction. In a homage to her dog Cereal, that is a cereal milk based smoothie with coconut milk, avocado, banana, dates, and a little bit of vanilla. Oh, I like that. So part one, success. I reckon so. I reckon, yeah I reckon. An experiment that worked. It definitely worked, delivery. So you know the deal. You've got to help us get Sia's attention. Hey, we're throwing Maddie into this as well. Well, if you can get Maddie Ziegler's attention, as well, we would be really happy with that. So basically, they probably both got dogs. We definitely know Sia has three. So if you look after them in a Hollywood Dog Salon, then make sure that you let Sia know about this video. If you go to an Interpretive Dance Class and Maddie Ziegler is there, why not tell her to watch this video? And tell her to tell Sia to watch this video. If you're Australian, tell Sia about this video. Is that it? All Australians know each other. It's a known fact. [LAUGH] How did I do that? Alternatively, if you're not in any of those niche markets, then a simple retweet will help. Well, I bet you didn't Sia that one coming. And I don't ever want to Sia it again. But I do strongly advise you to like it, share it with your friends, and comment down below, as well as sending us your video responses. Who's ready for Dad Joke of the Week? Go for it. Now, I've been doing some research recently and it turns out if you go to Jamaica, a slice of apple pie will cost you $2.50. However, if you go to the Bahamas, that same slice of apple pie will actually cost you $3.00. Turns out these are the pie rates of the Caribbean. [LAUGH] I'll give you that one. Thank you very much, have a great week.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 548,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breakfast, vegan breakfast, vegan food, breakfast dumpling, sia, breakfast for sia, vegan food ideas, savoury porridge, quinoa porridge, rhubarb, jerk rhubarb, sia cover, chandalier sia, cereal milkshake, dairy free milkshake, cereal smoothie, avocado smoothie, sia elastic heart, sia shia labeouf, shia labeouf, maddie ziegler, papaya salad, dim sum, mushroom dim sum, breakfast dim sum, bok choy, breakfast trio, cornmeal porridge, carribbean porridge, rhubarb porridge
Id: BW1YOwD1ueo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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