Making A Sandwich For Jennifer Lawrence | Step Up To The Plate

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how's it going everyone we are sorted food and welcome to freak out today something brand new [Music] [Music] one of two trained chefs and one of three normal guys will be picked at random to work together to create an attention-grabbing head turning dish there will be prerequisites time limits mystery ingredients all tied together by a shameless Internet challenge but who will it be today James berry if James and berry selected it was now up to them to choose their meal time it's breakfast time and finally their meal type while we hoping for old savory we got it now there was only one thing left for them to do shall we step up to the plate that's just a card a shameless YouTube tag is hashtag personal chef okay your dish must be cooked with a particular celebrity in mind take into consideration their food preferences get the dish a clever name and try to get response from them on Twitter it was time for Barry to showcase his intelligence when choosing an influential and charitable celebrity Justin Bieber okay maybe we should not get hung up on Justin Bieber I think major retailers we definitely need to research this the boys now have full access to the sorted food lauder where they can select a variety of ingredients such as vegetables fruits baked goods and since its egg week a plethora of eggs you've got a thorn in my I've got thought in mind yeah so I love her you love her everybody laughter Jennifer Lawrence apparently one of her favorite dishes is a spaghetti chili pizza sandwich we've got Tomatoes we've got cheese let's do kind of a grilled pizzas star thing using eggs we can make mayor you do homemade Mayo duck eggs yeah let's do that too far let's try okay deal with it and we'll save this and try and find a place for it I actually have an idea this is a real idea we finish off up an egg as a star the show egg end of a bagel hole at the end well I don't know where you're going with this so well we're gonna make a sandwich yeah within the day with a bagel and peanut Meghan started this this yes so so we're just gonna put an egg on top I just don't know if all of this is gonna fit in a bagel [Music] so all your breakfasts have to have some sort of bacon involved in it so this is James an idea we've got some back bacon I'm gonna create a honey and Marmite glaze so we've got the bacon grilling yeah we've got the tomato sauce on which is fresh tomatoes onion and garlic and I might put a little bit of chicken stock in there just to give it lots of flavor yeah and then I've got a little reduction of red wine vinegar and sugar it just goes in at the end oh nice again that petroi only the blitzer right mushrooms how'd you recommend each mushrooms so I just saw came in basically a ton of butter for sure yeah that's it yeah yeah you could you could grab some white wine and go on go on ass little deglaze you know deglaze the pan there pan hasn't been glazed this is an article from Vanity Fair which is five things that Jennifer Lawrence should be looking for in a perfect boyfriend useful number three a guy willing to really eat see I told you the actress who snuck slim jims into the Oscars and nearly ruined costumes with her Dorito stained hands hasn't changed her snacking ways Jennifer is the anti vegan anti gluten-free control having just eaten a breakfast of spaghetti and meatballs before the interview the other thing we can change this might actually work you're fine you bury up the kid right the a-teams fan I'm telling you she wants fat in this did she want it okay so pictures that people picked this in real life imagine if we were doing this and Jennifer Lawrence was sitting on the other side of that wall yeah who do you think would have more success for the night gonna create this thing but who would you trust have been a tweet for fun I'm pretty sure to be mean okay bold well you know you're creeping the private everyone here laughed makes you wonder first chewed out okay it's egg week we're kind of focusing more on Jennifer Lawrence but I'm making a mayor homemade mayor with egg yolk with a duck egg yolk which it is necessary but it's nice too pretentious and we like that it's gonna be fch are to try a little bit harder yeah so this is just one egg yolk some mustard and lots of oil until it thickens up why don't more people make their own mayonnaise I really don't know because it's super easy and everybody hates me for this but I only homemade Mayo because there's a stent like the shock this stuff I don't know why help me out here when you say you like usually I would do that and you have that for breakfast yeah I do now is why I reckon you would have that for breakfast Jennifer Lawrence might have double that breakfast you think I don't know I don't know if it's enough to fit in this we could have some bacon and we're gonna have egg for a lot of eight it's only just a seasoning and this is why I would do better with Jennifer Lawrence than you yes so white wine goes straight in there and then we reduced it down until it's almost gone and then a salon and then loads of parsley right in there okay and all be good balance delicious okay the heat we're ready to go don't ask cool guy okay I think she wants fried eggs yeah yeah I like the fat you saying it's plural as well it's not just one a no-no 3 X 3 3 eggs 3 eggs you have 30 minutes left that is not that is not a thing what's the perfect fat to cook a fried egg in and say flavorless oil flavor oil so you would like I find the best money that we're not baking the pan yes that's fair okay what's best for Baker wants better than bacon I'm thinking duck fat could you could be fry eggs and Doug Fir yeah [Music] I'm gonna start distracting like it yeah go for it are you actually still doing a bagel I'm gonna do a baker as well just in case oh I think you might make it birth um now I'm spreading the mayo over the bread and I'm gonna go in with tomato sauce and then I'm gonna go in with cheese stick under the grill so we've got a pizza and then we're going to construct the sandwich and you're gonna do a bagel Hey so you know that part of this whole thing is that we have to get jennifer lawrence's attention so that she sees it and wants to do something with this we're gonna treat her I'll never get a Twitter you know just do the idea of Twitter is so unthinkable to me Oh hard that is no normal Pizza a minute maybe we're making a sandwich you just give double-sided them he has he's done this I have two minutes left if I was you I'd be putting on tight right are you ready [Music] what the hell have you done so I wanted a little bit of green on there you see no she likes just like fat and greasy try the trellis Boyden it's a weird type of kale and it's got this kind of zesty citrus Ness that's gonna work perfectly with all the fat one minute remaining they can invite over here yeah [Music] salt pepper we're done photos photos that is definitely your job OOP some hotel yes Sophie animal what know that Iraq I was X this one's our thumb now though I'm sorry do you think you'll like it I think she'll like it yeah dear our jail or now I'm not sure how you're going to get this because you don't use Twitter but this is your perfect breakfast heaven what we've made for you here is the biggest loaf we could find made into pizza with delicious homemade mayonnaise tomato sauce and all the cheese we could find we've topped it with mushrooms glazed bacon with Marmite amazing fried eggs and because you live in California some weird kale this has been designed for someone with both a big beautiful part and a big beautiful appetite and somebody who likes things sandwiched between two pieces there's enough here for you to enjoy the morning of your imminent next Oscar and a little more for you to enjoy just before your acceptance speech your hunger games may be over but our love for you is stronger than ever Forever Yours Barry and James but unfortunately Jennifer can be here to accept the award so we've got these 12 days now I was expecting that to be a mess in looks and in flavor like just lots of stuff all over the place so that's mato sauce and that Marmite bacon and I hate a minute the kale works in it it does boys and girls this is rhodium also stuff a Mayo you genius it's gonna be gutting that she doesn't even notice this because this is a fantastic sandwich yes for her it can't be a wasted effort let's get this on her facebook page send it to her in any way you possibly can if you see on the street what a sausage sandwich have you seen this all good sandwich if you're hurt uber driver there's an opportunity or if you know where she lives just play it on your phone post it through a letterbox and there you have it Jay laws breakfast sandwich sorted comment down below who should we do next [Music] we are being absolutely serious she needs to see this sandwich it is wine the other option you could cook it for my head and take it to her you'll need the recipe plan it's downstairs so yeah that was a new thing did you like it if you did like it please like it and let us know but until next time have a wonderful week and see you later click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 579,978
Rating: 4.9105983 out of 5
Keywords: jennifer lawrence sandwich, jennifer lawrence pizza, jennifer lawrence invents sandwich, jennifer lawrence recipe, jennifer lawrence food, jennifer lawrence sandwich recipe, jennifer lawrence chilli pizza, chilli pizza GMM, celebrity taste test good mythical morning, celebrity favourite foods, jennifer lawrence challenge, sortedfood jennifer lawrence, j-law, j-law food, jennifer lawrence eats, pizza sandwich, chilli pizza sandwich, pizza sandwich recipe
Id: y--TDyWrs0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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