Barry's Banging Berry Brioche Loaf

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boy are you ready for a very extravaganza gentlemen now let's introduce to you the berry free off cake that board could look more very Taylor if you try I know I know let me just throw some berries on it smudge some stuff smear some stuff and put I know is that grease proof paper in them yes it's big it's a big board you know what it makes me think of it's like you have a couple and one of the couple works in the city probably in finance or recruitment the other one in the couple and doesn't and therefore decided to start up a food blog yep and this is their first goal at a recipe it looks like they just open their their very first Pinterest account and food and so before we start on a case can I get a drink but another probably love you know I'd like some icing red liquid well that's lucky what we have is a very infused juice oh wow it's a five-day infusion it had raspberries and blackberries and tarragon with a liter we closed silence it was made by muddling raspberries black currants and a little bit of fresh tarragon turned them into a liter of London Dry Gin we've combined that with a sugar syrup some lemon juice some soda water there's plenty of ice cheese boys with no kids so this is an Everest cocktail yeah yeah I mean I didn't use the glasses and I certainly wouldn't have said the point of it I'll tell you what that is refreshing if you are ever pop and me in need for an alcoholic beverage and that's your that's your thing now whilst then touch that and I'm gonna get away now I am quite a long way behind on the spelling point yet move alright now though it's like can we pull up the Saline balls now we have series pretty obvious oh I am behind and I've tried Appy time this week to himself backing it has it works so this is my last-ditch attempt to try to get Brandon point squeak okay my first step was utter charge now Ben I know this isn't normal and but for this recipe and I want you to sit back relax and just give me the instructions I'll do all the cooking for you you know how much of a control freak I know that's why look I've created this little worm area here for you to perch on I've got some fresh berries some bar infused gin here if you just slip away if you wouldn't mind just up there and I'll know how long shoulder okay go click on it you rest your head back so at any point you need a massage just just Scheldt and get your gin strawberries to go and your left so much that oh hello though gorgeous white chocolate Barry Kurt and amaretto soap shortbread rheostats pressed loaf damaged cake that is one hell of a title is that going to fit in YouTube oh look at all of that white chocolate jiggly don't wipe them so working from the bottom up you've got shortbread Soudan amaretto you've got white chocolate ganache set with beautiful fresh berries then you've got a homemade very curd more fresh berries and it's topped off with a lemon cream the whole thing is buttered almost with cream cheese and it's pressed into a homemade brioche loaf I'm not talking just in it spaces in there this is insane he did it by unbelievable so lots of components but each one quite simple my favorites the very third as a cutaway by the way just in case again making obvious this is the star of the shows of very Kurd but I stock blueberries in a pan with 120 mil of lemon juice freshly squeezed you want to squeeze them out of a lemon and measure it out the funny thing is bit when you usually do am a big nut in at home isn't this how it ends up anyways you're in the kitchen cooking everyone else on the beanbags chili now I suppose it's just role reversal I'm also role play keep that to bubble and let it simmer for about five minutes so the berries go soft it is very number one you okay so far yeah could net literally literally never been more comfy so the thing with lemon curd is it's thickened with eggs so you want three egg yolks plus one whole egg in the big bowl with sugar you want to wait for measurements there in the link that says okay if I sleep next no give me a neck ache so I rested up going to pillows open it I'll get you a pillow you re in trying to keep an eye on your licking and relaxes the neck rub way you're there with them neck Father's Day I think that's what's it mean yep anything around a point with the soft and blueberries pass them through a sieve and push it all through so you get a nice puree in a clean pan combine your eggy sugary mixture with your blueberry mixture whisk it up and cook over gentle heat back ten minutes we should thicken up like occurred in here to me just shout on it why do I feel it coming from a place of guilt not from a place of goodness I think it's come from a point of desperation you've seen leaderboard I'm not gonna deny that it sounds lovely I'm just trying to work out why because are you going to give him a brownie points because you didn't have to do anything yet lovely thank you yeah you're dropping that already he gave me one last week of he gave well I'm desperate Valley point aims it is aligned once your curd is thickened up take out of the saucepan to cool down whisk in some salted butter and leave it to step completely on that white chocolate Oh white chocolate berries who knew macerated berries with a white chocolate ganash talking you made a ganache earlier in the week we took kind of inspiration plays twice as much white chocolate as double cream just heat up the double cream suggest a simmer or it over the choc chocolate and let it do its thing you'll notice the bottom he's toted with a sweetened cream cheese the next layer up from that is then we have some lovely shortbread biscuits and then they are soaked in it on the cure hope they work on top of that we then added some some a layer of Ares then drizzled over and what I think might be a sex gift shot of the season of fridge cam some white chocolate ganache we all couple of look now that is what I call sex days obviously we can't actually see it because we're at the table you can visualize it's just white chocolate easier the source what helps it was in focus so then on top of that more berries then L delicious berry bird then to top it off is sweet and cream with a bit of lemon zest in there with a lid on wrapping cling film sick of waitin some of them get it into a fridge and leave overnight this might just bring the perfect dessert I cannot fault the dish and the recipe you just don't know the Pinterest presentation because I don't know I want to thank it what can you thought the hair come for anything at the moment but I would like to know about so for example when we have a big night in yep then I normally come to you and there's a degree of planning that goes in presentation who's going to take what whether we can embellish it with additional drinks I'd like to hear what happened this time so it's like this what this time we thought that in celebration of very week the berries repeat themselves thing is I've gotten a brownie points down I don't care what really happened was who tries to giving you I asked I asked him what what is favor berries and he just went on I stopped listening what's your favorite on a ferry and not marry if I won is I don't think much beats of British strawberry but I thought that's a boring answer I'll give you some others I also like juniper berries because without them where would you get gin okay I also like Marion Barry found those in Oregon was there the Oregon University made those also lies point I just plated black know how interesting their blackberries because of the art of actually going and picking them when they're on the bush just plucking them off and one of my favorite chokeberry cranberries I like cranberries they're quite tart gooseberries but they're super tart so a bit like rod a bit like rhubarb it's not not bigger should we go over is in the muff in one of my favorites these different various different circumstances think of a browning point incoming valuable grapes like grapes of the berry don't know a clinically speaking they're a buried if you wine where would we be without wine if you okay acai berries I saw those in the Amazon like a superfood [Music] all those while he calls it the solid berries I have like a half day - sounds like sweet now good night and as you made every single step mm-hmm all of it and there as you just that there I didn't even this the hand you didn't touch anything to do with it except for a five-day gin infusion which I did by days ago but not today and then pour it up pour it out pull it down gravity goes down more gin [Laughter] well then I think fair enough I'll give you a brownie point out and do I'm literally calling my way back like this we know okay yes Michael step if there had been some additional planning or something there were more up for grabs I wanted to give them to you I tell you what great cake and I think the cake deserves a brownie points I will allocate that brownie point to ever been yeah and to be fair I also would like to good with Brotherhood but I won't because it would make my bear any point you gave me completely member thank you thank you thank might you have a question I can do a question if there was a sorted food musical what would each of you sing about and what would your songs be called I was thing about and the frustration around food colored food okay how nice to put more color and holding on the goods around but I he has super happy with very weak because it's been vibrant for Andrew either yeah I would think about how great safest yeah stake it's great it's really really great six will be already wrote that but you know with work on it I don't think my Herbie will Barry gets enough to limelight and I feel like that opens up to a whole dance sequence we're choreographed with wheelbarrows expert goop into spring up into the spring off into a sprig of no bed no no mommy no moments no no see Erica we can pull that off now I don't you're thinking and the big nor end right am i right am i right you're wrong look who's joined us Oh a string within weird because they've was if anything this cannot justify its James and his tethered piece of right that contains a mystery box at the end of it and he's got a lower that mystery box and then that mystery box is going to be a clue to a theme that is going to form all of next week's video so names no other box oh hello as underwhelming just a bucket charcoal hi haha yeah how is profile and range charcoal bones to face class kids base mask I've got my fan base barbecue it's barbecue so we're going to go outside and do lots of different types of buzz - okay okay now and we're going to end with a big my end but it's going to incorporate everything that we've done during the week is our big night again with all knowledge is well that's way and see won't you wow what a week and we have our work cut out yeah because we know what next week's theme is though as always we're going to take those away get some input from you guys both on the community tab on YouTube and on Twitter and on Facebook shapes and recipes and you will see the first of those tomorrow the power of the Internet and post-production yes but also if you own equipment in the meantime get on to the very stuff of all available source of food check it out and leave is for you tomorrow yes with our barbecue tongs in hand click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorite
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 719,629
Rating: 4.9714408 out of 5
Keywords: how to make brioche bread, easy brioche bread recipe, brioche bread, brioche recipe, cake recipe, berry cake, fruti cake, bread cake, dessert, shortbread, big night in sortedfood, homemade brioche, brioche buns, brioche sortedfood, berry sortedfood, berry brioche cake sortedfood
Id: F1Rbp55n6lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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