Can You Make Cake on a BBQ?! | Sorted Food

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when we ask you guys online what dishes we should be making when it came to our barbecue week you've read some curveballs like bread yeah now garlic bread that would be obvious we thought why not do a sweet bread and we're going to do an incredible dish awesome Street food cooked over our embers its chimney cake I have no idea what that is I don't know how to make it I'm going to be useless let me show you so it began in the kitchen because we're lazy you could do it all outside knead it by hand we want to use the mixer and into it replaced flour sugar yeast and I would say this is twice as much yeast as a regular bread dough so it's a really really leavened mixture within added in warm milk three egg yolks and some melted butter knead it all together for good five minutes until you end up with the elastic dough it's basically brioche but with extra yeast give it an hour or so to prove after now your dough looks something like this and in that hour we have lit a a large pan full of wood and made a fire now you don't when you look burning you need to keep fire up learn all the logs and we left the lovely white embers so it's still very hot yes super hot at this kind of level but without all the flame that you go on the flames that burn your bread before it cooks it's a very even heat yeah and you can do it with charcoal or you can even do it inside under a grill that's how we test the recipe back at the studio before we came evers I have a question yes can you describe to me what chimney cake is because I have not seen my thumbnail so it's like sweet bread wrapped around a tube and traditionally Eastern European country had it in Prague in the Czech Republic and it's basically cooked over embers and they keep rotating it almost like a spit mm-hmm it cooks like that like you're there I know I was I can't remember it be fair we were there last egg too and I did have it on a Sunday morning you might not remember much of that and I've been impaired so we want to do is roll out on a floured surface to about the thickness just less than one centimeter for quite a long piece they go scroll down yeah great then what you want to do is cut it into pieces couple of inches wide but nice long strips are just necktie he tied it up because it's a bread dough and you've already kneaded it Lots it's not like a pastry where you don't overwork it so actually all the scraps can be real old it's an enriched dough so it's really soft we'll come back to those in a second but now for the chimneys now these are our DIY ones because traditionally they would be like long metal piping and they sit they rotate or almost fit and then you can important thing is we got to slide the bread off afterwards this is an aluminium can of beer basically that we've emptied wrapped in tin foil and that will give us the perfect chimney no it's not a cracker the perfect chimney for you to make your bread around mix it up a little drizzle of oil and just rub that in and around basically you want that to stick to the tin but not so that it overlaps necessarily you're kind of just wrapping around so they're just touching yes but clearly overlapping and then when you get to kind of there you just want to like attach that one on it's just kind of squish it together because it's such a soft dough it literally just joins like that okay and then pretty much just the wait enables you to completely cover your can in bread that's what you're looking for so there is your chimney cake now for some flavorings at the moment it's just an enriched dough it's just got the sugar the butter the milk the eggs what we got here is grassy sugar a little bit of ground cinnamon now watch the wind on this one because if you choke on that tournament challenge now you can roll that in our sugar okay you have that I'll do this and because the dough is still quite wet a lot of it will stick because it is that soft brioche dough again yeah get in there make sure it's got a full covering and then basically you want to cook this under a medium heat if you don't go to the grill or over a medium we're about 810 minutes rotating it ready to get a nice golden color the bread will crisp up on the outside and cook the sugar starts to caramelize but it cooks all the way through because the metal gets hot as well now to do that we kind need to put it on a stick what we've got and one of these okay barbecue this will be interesting because I publish it on this first we're in reason so the last check just to make sure that all the bread is sugared and coated and then we literally hold it over the heat just like you would a marshmallow when you're toasting it and you just keep rotating but eight to ten minutes so when I read through some of the suggestions from you guys and I instantly as soon as people saying bread I was instantly thinking of Jamie's levelled up garlic bread plug in lug plug plug plug plug link in description which we cooked in the oven in level up but you could equally just put it on the side here and cook it in the embers in the tin foil delish tell you what though this chimney cake I think could potentially and makes me win barbecues for the rest of my life so that's kind of what you're looking for is scientists smell like bread because some amazing cameras Asian publishing videos sugar and the cinnamon smell amazing we're going to do is keep cooking it until you're happy that it's golden all over and crispy and then leave it to cool for five minutes or so just so you can handle it because obviously will be hot sugar and now for the moment of truth because of the Tim and because we've left that that cracker bits like this we should be able to twist the whole thing are you nervous twist rather than pull and the whole thing should come out and that is a chimney cake you can see right the way through it roll it again in your cinnamon sugar I'm just going to pick this tiny bit off the bottom so that the levels are up so we can stand it up because we want to stand it like a chimney we're going to do so in our service Bowl but when we saw these in Prague they would serve some climbers with the drizzle of chocolate sauce and it's so warm out here don't hold back yeah that our bar of chocolate became a bag of chocolate yeah slip the top on some we're going to see what happened at home obviously you just melt it in the microwave over a bain-marie or put the pan over the barbecue but we should almost have our very own piping bag thing this is tempered I'm amazed it's done anything and let's see toasted hazelnuts there we go that is our cinnamon sugar chimney cake sorted [Music] this is just not me trimming down tearing chair job yeah I think so and hopefully should break apart into those strips safe yes I'm going I'm going yes you get some chocolate this is great I still don't remember eating in Prague but it's fantastic so it's got the sweetness and the quenching of sugar Oh but inside a slight soft little bread as well as amazing that you can get those results from a barbecue as long as you get your coals right whether it's wood or charcoal and you're cooking on the embers so you don't have the flames you have the flames you're just going to burn it but windows cook it Oh chocolate I'm quite messy I'm going to need a towelette but if you would like the recipe which I strongly advise you you don't have a look at it sort of three calm everything you need step-by-step and how to impress your mate to the next barbecue you're hosting and talking impressing mate come Sunday we've got a big night in and we are cooking at the table we are and all your vegetarians we were going to another on Sunday seven so that you shooting for that and winking underneath these glasses that you just can't place your what [Music] click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one flypaper [Music] you
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 536,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dessert recipe, chimney cake recipe, hungarian food, bbq desserts, summer desserts, grilled desserts, chimney cake sortedfood, kurtos kalacs, chimney cake, козуначени коминчета, kürtőskalács (food), chimney cakes, kurtoskalacs, hungarian, chimney cake equipment, chimney cake grill, chimney cake dough
Id: qf1dUKCvLg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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