Can Former NAVY SEALS Convince a Former GREEN BERET to Switch to Sig Sauer - PART 2

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hey what's going on guys mike glover field craft survival i'm here with special guest gbrs that's golf bravo romeo sierra tbi man i don't know short term um but gbrs is here former navy uh career navy guys both met retired both of them spent time in development group and they're here teaching me and transitioning from a glock to a sig which army guys use we used to use glocks in special operations uh still using 19s i believe but now the entire army's going to m17 and m18 and these guys are experts at it because they used it in their navy career also familiar with glotts so they know the perfect transition so i'm going to hand it over to dj because dj is going to give me from scratch on a cold gun um blocks of instruction on the transition and if you haven't listened to part one of this it's the episode right before this make sure you do that in advance thanks cool let's go so we already talked about finding the trigger trying to find the wall yeah the differences between glock and sig um i feel um if we get in our normal stance whatever your normal shooting position if we start from a higher ready yep um and we drive that thing on our eyeline to see where it lines up with you naturally okay so if we drive it out the same way we do for a glock do you have to level it do you have to drop it are we getting front side focus is everything in alignment yeah i'm i'm uh so i have the 320 x carry legion i've been practicing on so i could i see it on the a like in the center of the a and i see that front sight in the rear of my vision blurry on the a it seems to be aligning pretty good okay so a lot of guys that uh start out with glocks me especially i felt like i always had to drive it out and then level it to find it or i had to heal it to try to find it i feel the the sig transition is pretty flat yeah so if we drive it out so kind of thing we tell our students if we imagine high school we used to shoot spit balls we just aim with our nose yeah i stare exactly where i want to go and if we start from a high red and i drive it into my eye line that's the poor grip we can see his thumbs in alignment the thumb is really the guide rod i'm pointing that thumb in exactly where i want to go and to me that is the defining moment if how fast i drive out that support thumb is my secondary angle device if nothing else happens where i point that thumb yeah if i'm in alignment that's where i'm going so when i drive it out and we're prepping that trigger i'm really focusing on driving that thumb to the alignment that does a lot of my work because we're inside we're prepping for that 21 gunfight for inside of that cqb range is really what we focus on because i feel like out of most scenarios that's really what it comes down to especially law enforcement or concealed carry and we're not getting 50 meter pistol gun fights in the street it's not reality yeah but for this if we if we lean forward on i'd say uh not the instinctive shooting but the universal approach that i i'm staring at the threat i'm staring at the target whatever it's going to be and now i'm going to just present the gun into my eye line but i'm going to focus on the trigger prep on the drive out so any point from the high ready once my finger touches the trigger to the drive out i can break that shot because it's level the entire presentation we're not doing a tomahawk chop we're not bowling into position got it it's at the high ready and we drive it here okay as soon as that support hang meets we drive it out i mean one of the points too that you definitely want to focus on as you're driving it out you're bringing those sights up to your eye line you're not bringing your head down yeah so if you drive that out one more time we talked about the back blade so just to say if we take that we superimpose it dead center of the target and we'd let the optics so we let the the iron sights just go fuzzy we just put that big broad right in the dead center of it that's kind of the platform the instinct of shooting as i'm bringing it into my eyeline that spitball approach i'm trying to make it something universal that i've done a million times it's like throwing a baseball there's no sight for it you just know so it's the same thing i just have to stare at it what i've never noticed before is how significant this box is on the back of the sig and i i never noticed that but when you just told me to go look for that box now even though the the target's in clear refined focus i see this big box in the background of my vision and i don't know if sig did that on purpose as a point of reference but it's a massive target and it and it's filling up that a zone right in the center of it so sometimes we mess around with it with locks we take a white paint pen and circle it on the back and that's how we do back plates so we get out of a vehicle we have to run something super fast it's something just enough to be able to level it yeah to get the back plate so we're not winging out shots we're accountable for every round that leaves that gun yeah so we have to be able to train for my red dog gets knocked off the battery is dead whatever i bet more people have been crushed by trying to find a red dot trying to acquire a front sight yeah then just trusting in your foundation the stance the grip the head positioning the trigger prep and reset yeah and driving out and making it more smooth marker thing on the back of the gun you guys did that in the navy we did a navy for glocks because we had to make a transition and it was so weird because i'd shoot low a lot of guys would shoot high we couldn't find the right grip angle so we sent um we sent our guns to robar to try to give him a 1911 style we'd shave him down we did our friend's stuff and it was a hard transition for a lot of guys we just weren't used to striker fire we weren't used to the trigger pool yeah and it was a learning curve a lot of guys didn't want to make the move and then now it's like these platforms the 320 that i'm shooting is i believe it's maximum shells custom gun but it's like ergonomically perfect and balanced which which is something substantial uh when you look at the um i know the barrels still and forged or still are hammered steel and the uh the grip module is aluminum is it aluminum is that right okay so on the x5 it's tungsten infused tungsten infused yep it's super heavy i like the heavy grip to me it makes the slide feel so much lighter it makes you feel like it's titanium yeah it wants to run on rails especially if we grab with a master grip like a firm grip we talk about the physical component and everything special op the grip matters yeah like how strong you are physically matters so we talk about the mindset between pulling that pistol out of the holster yeah i'm not pulling out as a deterrent if that thing clears garment i'm doing one thing with it i'm shooting something with it so if if i go to get a purchase on this gun by the time it breaks out to here i've got 100 of my beam wrapped around that gun yeah and if i point it at you you can't take it from me yeah so we talked about the intent behind the grip and everything else yeah universal i never pull anything out unless it has a hundred percent meat wrapped around the gun i'm just saying like if i heard that right um so when when i what's interesting about this gun is i had a glock when i was all glock because even in the army when i shut competitively i didn't want to transition into a different gun competitively because i wanted to use the work mindset i used a steel um frame at one point and i can't remember any of the company you guys could comment below in the notes you probably know it i don't think they're around anymore but it was a super heavy grip module for the glock but it when you presented it it was super balanced in the presentation and one of the things even in dry practice if you're not fully loaded up you get that polymer light on the end or on the bottom and then heavy on top it just feels funky and practicing presentation but even this with no bullets in it no mag in it feels super balanced as i present the gun we talked about it before like when you drive out that gun it should feel like if you have no experience whatsoever you pick up a pistol and you drive it out it should feel like what you thought a pistol should feel like as a child yeah watching people run around bad guy movies good guy movies like when i grab a sig that's exactly what i thought a pistol would feel yeah i grabbed some of these other foreign guns or whatever else like what is this yeah i don't even know how to shoot this damn thing yeah and we talked about you're about to do something very uncomfortable with that firearm yeah so why not give yourself every advantage like the texture of the grip the optic everything about that gun should be tailor made for you because your life depends on at this point yeah if it comes out of the holster it matters i love when guys are like just suck it up mike and i'm like i'm not looking for tactical disadvantage i want tactical advantage and if that means comfort and reliability or all these different things i'm on board with that that's the same thing it's like why didn't you go in a gunfight solo yeah because i'm better off with all my friends yeah that's why we bring them 100 that's why we bring the helicopters that's why we bring everything else yeah because it gives you the tactical advantage if you ain't cheating you ain't trying exactly all right so first drill so what are we doing what do you think so first we'll lock and load let's get five rounds okay just from the high ready just feeling out the trigger just feeling comfortable with it okay and then we can kind of build into it um be like a build up from a build drill yeah kind of work it you know six rounds to the three second part time but really it's it's feeling where that trigger break is yeah every time and then being comfortable with it so kind of like slow aim one for sure just to really feel the reset each shot to make sure you know that yeah because a lot of guys will do a countdown drill sometimes with glocks we drive it out 1.2 pound yeah it's supposed to break it five pound trigger yeah three they're breaking it you get the seven and they haven't even milked it yet like we have to figure out we're accountable for that trigger pull got it and the reset got it okay all right so i'm going hot and just so you guys know safety wise i don't i don't want to baldwin anybody here um i i want to make sure that we're always safe uh he's uh got hearing and eye protection and out of frame of being in my line of fire just to put it out there for you guys who are thinking about starting youtube channels or filming content we're we're practicing good habits here good safety all right so lock and load whoa this is like the new girlfriend like yeah right wow i'm jealous man that thing's beautiful it's it yeah it's different it's different okay so out of the whole surge is high yeah just high ready we're trying to take out everything just we want you to obsess over the trigger yeah over the grip over the recoil and the reset yeah and cole i'm prepping here right i'm going to prep here or prep on extension i would start prepping as you're coming out got it got it extension okay all right so five rounds just one spot just uh one shot yeah five rounds to really five rounds total yep on that one shot though once you take that first shot slowly let it out and feel that initial reset okay guys i'll give you that comfortable make sense okay all right ready on you [Music] wow yeah it's it feels super consistent as i shoot which is not familiar like i'm used to the binding yeah like friction and my brain goes work around that but it's it's super clean it feels crisp is the only word i feel like a lot of my it almost feels spongy i'm trying to find the reset and i'm feeling pressure it wants to reset too far yeah and that's why i think guys come all the way off okay so a lot of times we'll get on there with our support hand and we'll remove it for him we'll break the first shot reset reset right to the wall okay from there that's where we reset to okay make sure they're not doing it all right it's the same deal yep same deal [Music] how's that feel good i'm i'm actually surprised and maybe it's because the the way the slides cut i'm actually surprised by the lack of overall recoil on my hand and how snappy the front end is one of the criticisms i have of the m17 which i have shot is it because it's mil-spec it has it's snappy and i see a lot of muzzle rise in the background of my vision on this it i feel like it's back on target super fast and my split time would be reduced in a build drill or whatever short of reset everything shorter yeah which is really what it's all about yeah people thought grip doesn't matter for accuracy it does you want to put multiple rounds on target yes we have to be able to reset that trigger super fast yeah for sure manage the recoil okay so now we do the same thing now we do it from the holster so we get the burn got it a rep from here focus on driving it out now it's just a timing piece that master grip feeling that new grip angle and now we're just reconfirming where our eyes are going yeah and i feel like a lot of guys um if they're not aware of it their eyes will start to track down instead of staring right at the target so they'll look down the timer will go off they'll grab it and then their eyes will transition and they have doing a bowling motion if nothing else happens if i were to attack you right now but you have to shoot that we keep eyes on target and we fight to drive to it our body doesn't know if we're 90 degrees upside down it shouldn't matter if we just steer we want to go got it so one solid presentation from the holster yep followed up with two shots you start burning that rep okay to try to get invited so two rounds one shot reset okay one shot reholster now we're just burning reps something else we started doing when we uh when we re-holstered yeah it's an old-school thing from uh the sig 226 d-cock thumb holster and retain yeah we end up thumb on the back plate just to make sure it doesn't get knocked out of battery so every time we get a re-holster we go long on the index finger and we backplate it to make sure this thing's not knocking the battery i didn't even have a the only habit i teach my students as well as just enforcing myself is looking at the holster to give it a glance because it's like a guy's like sucks you got to look at your holster i'm like sucks you're a douche bag and you don't understand like hey you're probably coming off a high of stress and you're already checked out there's no fight but the fact that you're giving me something to do which is like follow through on the back end that's so powerful man it's like i never even thought about that yeah people are sitting there trying to re-holster like look down and re-holster it one time and make sure this thing is got it in proper work so thumb on the back plate we always shoot down anytime we holster we're going long finger yeah cause then it's like that's like your admin check knowing whatever you're putting away is good to go to pull out again and it's good and you know you do it under the rest and we get a little bit of a gap it's not a battery that's not going yeah there's just one more confirmation exceeded it's set i love it i love that let's build the universal just do it on every platform i'm just doing that too guys oh how does it feel dude if i feel like i'm cheating with this gun because you know it's hopped up this ain't like a stock gun but i feel like i could do some damage i i could at least be a marksman and uh and shooting a pistol it does feel good i'm not gonna lie i'm used to like like one of the issues i have my support hand locks the slide catch on the clock because we have big hands and so the cag works piece that goes up and out of the way i have to run that me too but i don't have to do that on this yeah and so our big hands can fit forward of the gun and support it all at once and i'm not going to induce a malfunction which is what i'm not used to yeah i mean we talked about the unfair advantage like when you pull that thing out your confidence should be through the roof like if i'm driving this thing out the big shot i should have every advantage possible that gun should feel like it could extension my body because i'm about to ask it to do something that's outside of normal people's scope yeah i'm about to ask this guy to do some next level stuff yeah and it's got to be an extension i love this man i love it okay same thing yep same thing we'll finish off on that mag and then we'll do a um a step up to a build drill which we stole from you guys and became my favorite drill how the magazine will feel for the reload i feel like they just launched in the ground like a lawn dart if that was a glock would have been like exactly in fact when i was on active duty we would i would do this deliberately because all of the plastic mags we were using before steel or magpul had good mags they would bind and that so my my it's always doing this to get shake the mag but that thing launched out of there like it was yeah john wick flick you got to try to get it out of there it's like it had a pet in behind it's like launched out of there no it's perfect all right so i was down teaching the air force guys and they started talking about the build drill yeah they're kind of build up for it and i love the progression i'm all about the progression um but they started off with one shot from the holster seven meters whatever it was but it's on a three second par time um just like the old build drill it's six rounds into the a zone seven meters three seconds from the whole street okay but to get guys to burn max amount of reps because we we cold board right now six rounds and you throw one out yeah i don't want you to burn a bad rep yeah so we start with one round on a three second part time that way you feel it there's no rush now two rounds the same thing three ramp it up four five by the time you get to five got it it's one of those things like if we bobble the draw if we don't prep the trigger we're right on that cusp where we're starting to chase rounds and you'll see bodies uh their body mechanics start to break down they'll start to lean forward and we'll chase it yeah but we're not chasing we've got to make it smooth the entire time so we drop down one if i miss it on my five shot i draw back down to four i redo four then we move to five then we move to six we just keep elevating like there is no there's no magic drill you just have to keep hammering the basics and i feel that build drills that build up is perfect especially for new shooters yeah we have to work from the holster we have to stare we want to go grip retention everything comes into alignment and i don't let you i've never shot anybody one time yeah i mean it's gonna take multiple in six rounds like six rounds is a very good number to be able to put on target inside of this range super fast in three seconds from the holster that's a realistic time and it pushes the pace like it makes you work for it yeah i the guys who who uh the two whole two-round thing i think early in the g-wat in training when i was in sephora tech when i was in different training courses that was the thing but more so it was like almost like ammo conservation but al qaeda and smart bad guys have body armor and and if you're using two rounds as an interim then you're assessing you're spending a lot of time in assessment when you could just be giving them the rounds until you get the end result that you want and yeah i like that and i i also like progression most people would shoot this they'll shoot six and then they get frustrated then they'll do it do it do it build up build the confidence and i this is a safariland als brand new it does have a different position and everything is kind of different about it so even for me i need that workup i don't need it like i'm not so good that i could ever just go let's just wing it see what happens i like the whole progression so the progression we get a brand new shooter on the line if i ran him through 10 courses of fire with a standard build drill that's 10 reps out of the holster we do it the other way he's getting 60 reps out of the holster like i'm making him work for it even more it's like that's the thing there is no magic there's only repetition i love it make them work i love it all right here we go you i'm not trying to impress you with my shooting because i'm not a very good shooter this is like three meters away it's probably 10 feet away it's not fall it's not that far again i'm not trying to impre when i just want you to i don't want you get sucked into target that's why we're not overshoot uh showing it the the training protocol missing is what's important right now okay yeah the training methodology is really the focus yeah it's the hammering home the basics and the importance of the basics yeah it doesn't matter who you are super experienced brand new shooter yeah everybody hammers the same thing it's got to be the basics it's got to be repeatable i love that all right so uh one shot off the timer right yep yeah good standby get my hand on or off this is three seconds yep so that was three seconds all the way through you've got a massive amount of time yeah you can go from the surrender position yeah it doesn't matter okay but uh what i'd argue is stare exactly at the a yeah a lot of guys um even i even do it sometimes i'll get i'll start the feather from maybe mid thoracic and up my eyes will start to wander and when i do i start to throw them low if i just target fix it exactly where i want to go got it i feel like that cleans up uh the entire revolution i like that focus all right all right cool stand by oh i biffed it yeah and then i tried to make it up and then i erased it yeah still got good accuracy still drove down the eye line yeah that was the trigger prep on the out even with the bobble still 1.85 okay one point [Music] 1.2 1.2 oh so some things that we can kind of speed up on this initial shot and reaction we talked about is as you're drawing you're prepping that trigger so once that sight's aligned that that shot that's extremely up because i'm throwing it notice that we're snatching it yep yep you can notice that paw so like kind of clear and safe real quick good so again as you're coming up i'm prepping that trigger so as it comes side up i'm breaking that shot i'm not gonna lie i didn't do it because i was scared yeah because i'm like prepping a trigger yeah that's like you don't know it's the unknown uh we haven't gone on a date yet you can you seem kind of eager like so what's going on here so okay i'll do that i got it we're in a safe environment now's the time to push the limits got it good yep so we'll do one more for a single shot yeah we'll do one more for a single then we'll build into two and kind of just go through the whole evolution all right one one one one all right let's go to two you can give him a standby stand by so one one first shot then .4 second so 1.5 sure stand by one nine fifth so just for uh for the diagnostic check for me as you're doing this i like to position myself on your center line to see if there's any kind of micro adjustments uh you'll see a lot of guys guys who are used to running in kit who have to defeat kind of pouches they'll break body position just enough to kind of break it that little bit translates like if we move this thing back to 15 it's all the difference in the world i don't realize i'm shooting with kid for that many years just natural bodybuilding you see me doing that i haven't i haven't moved around the side yeah i do it yeah just with shoulder stuff muscle memory yeah just a little bit of movement i'm like ugh i could just keep it natural and drive it out just as a tenth of a second man yeah the second matters yeah for sure so yeah for the diagnostic just really head positioning and making sure we're not doing a big forward lane making sure everything is you know a universal approach so two shots yep back two shots stand by one six two shots again stand by oh i had a biff grip on that one my grip was sideways yep uh i'm noticing like my draw isn't confident because i'm used to snatching the glock out so easily but this is just feels a little bit different like my my brain's going that's not what it normally is and so there's a hesitation on my part i feel like but it's trying to build that confidence like you have thousands and thousands reps of breaking shots with a glock yeah you just don't have it with the signal you have to rebuild that porn again it is man like it's a sometimes it's difficult yeah people underestimate too like this is a time to notice what's working and not working with your holster draw so yeah these are so adjustable these days it's like do you camped it a little bit yeah you have a shoulder issue yeah for sure so i feel like i need to can't this way slightly that i mean that's how that's why i have yeah right and i'm used to that can on a glock it's just because this is so upright i've noticed i might have to lift up and out clear and then do this when i'm normally like a to b now i feel like i'm doing a b c okay i love it though it's ah three we're building three shots now the same thing standby [Music] one eight seven one two it's the first shot yep prep that trigger a little quicker yep three shots stand by [Music] good follow through mag reload still for 4.4 but that first shot was like 1.1 and that's moving all right stand by [Music] 1.6 yep so i take it to four shots yep okay second to four get you progressing awesome standby [Music] that one one and that good kind of uh metronome kind of beat of you're consistently resetting that trigger you're right at 0.21 and it's just even across four shots four shots you ready standby yeah super clean clean one point one on that initial shot point two uh one point seven ever also moved to five yep i'm going five shots stand by 1.9 there we go let's go to six stand by [Music] okay all right so now we're in dangerous territory here now we're in the sixth round thing so we talk about the bobble we talk about uh a missed grip if we imagine that i only get that much of a strong purchase by the time i get the full extension it's not going to get better so i feel the only way to make up for it is with my support hand yeah i don't have time to readjust yeah we have to make it go and we have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable yep it's not a perfect grip but inside of this range i don't have time to do a readjustment yeah i've got to stare exactly where i want to go the spitball approach i'm driving out i'm prepping it i'm pulling it straight through the rear as confident as i can trying to manage what i can yeah with what i have it's weird i feel pressure man i i got a little stress yeah it's a new gun i got two deaf dudes coaching me like but i feel it's like i'm in that magic window of performance stress like i feel like it's an advantage right now it's not overwhelming but i rarely feel this i i only feel when i run my students do a stress shoot and then i run it blind on my own but but i like that it feels good man it's like positive energy one of the quotes that uh stuck with me over the career is one of the old guys he said you fighting condition you're in you have a hip surgery you get attacked on the street your fighting condition you're in you pull out that pistol with a shitty master grip fighting the condition you're in yeah so whatever it is at full presentation yeah you're fighting that so yeah i feel like that was dj's a nice way of telling my grip sucks but just get used to fighting uh with with the loss of the of the state no i mean like so what i see a lot of times is guys will start the drill they'll have a shitty grip and they'll want to readjust like i'll just do it again finish the drill finish that's why i love you keep running it yeah like two rounds i still gotta do another four reload i still finish the drill yeah still burn a positive rope we're still staring right at it yeah we're working in the workspace yeah it's one more opportunity to burn a good rug yeah you can't ever have enough i love this man all right all right next round six shots six shots in the holster standby yeah 2.03 yeah you were right under uh 0.2 in between it's moving good good trigger reset yep he's under 1.1 on his first shot ooh yeah it's moving good man all right six yep staying by 1.9 yeah dude so when you think about this in mindset like the confidence builder that you can hammer out six rounds under two seconds in distress because we're making you nervous and the timer is it's just natural look yeah all your rounds are inside of a fist yeah yeah like wow so we talk about just staring where i want to go i mean we've all seen it if i shoot you there or there it's not like you're gonna send me a report like how you dick it doesn't matter yeah but it's the confidence to be able to drive that thing out under duress inside of a fist-sized space inside of a realistic engagement yeah i like that pr i mean i i feel like well like i just off-boarded a little bird onto a target it's it's uh it's very beneficial stress and i what i find fascinating about your your tactics because i'm critical of instructors and trainers not critical but like inquisitive but also like how how are you working is it's a progress it's a we're stacking chips and and a lot of guys i see um they train dudes and they don't start like this is how you master it every it's like it's like hey let's do it in slow motion let's let's work through each and every step and then culminate bringing the stuff together and i feel like not a lot of guys do that right because you pay you pay money for the course and and they're you're literally paying for somebody to give you the drill to shoot papers through holes versus the attention to detail and like this progressive attack and again i'm i'm not saying this to like impress upon you like this is some sexy ninja stuff but it kind of is it's like the best chefs in the world have the knack for flavor and for taste but also science of how the things work how do the ingredients work together when you do that and you see it it's like that's not impressive but it's it's so simple that's why it doesn't seem impressive but when you put it together it's like so impressive so one of the things we talked about is everybody wants to they want to engage in knowledge transfer they want to be able to teach somebody else a skill set so that's why we hammer home so hard on the y because i know you're gonna do it anyway yeah i know you're gonna go back and try to regurgitate everything you just heard i'm gonna give it to you such a manner that you're forced to fully take it on you're gonna polish it make it your own little thing yeah and then you're gonna transfer that formula over to somebody else just like if it makes sense proof is in a pudding can you do it under duress yeah there's no magic sauce there's only perfect repetition i love burning them yeah i'm going to start gbrs with the g standard glover yeah and it's gonna be a tactical company of nothing but navy guys one army guy that's what it's gonna be yeah um guys i appreciate you guys coming out and teaching me um i'm excited about working together with you guys um highlighting a lot of your expertise we're talking about in the podcast and we had talked about you guys positioning your expertise to train mill and leo but what i find interesting is that the content you're providing in this format right now and the stuff you do on instagram on youtube that's training and processes and methodology that any civilian can take and apply to their game which i think is epic man i'm trying to give the universal approach yeah something it might not be one size fits all but the concept behind it it only makes sense yeah make it the same make it repeatable do it with intent and understand why you do everything if you understand the why you can write your own style yeah that's the beautiful thing is like you have to believe in your style 100 that's why when people have these trolls on the internet they talk [ __ ] about certain coaches that dude's background and pedigree that dude bet his entire career on his skill set and his sops and his methodology and everything he does there's nothing wrong with that that dude is an american [ __ ] hero he is like give him the respect he deserves that dude bets his life on on his method on his style and i love it i love the training methodology and i love learning from other people yeah i'm right here he's talking about me he's talking about me just not i'm like i'm right here man you talk to me about it um yeah it was i had a lot i had a good time i had the pressure uh what i'm going to do with these guys right now is we're going to do black rifle coffee pro tip content because these guys got something to offer and i want to do our best and and presenting that like i told you guys before phil craft i'm not a subject matter expert my field of experience that's mostly reconnaissance and sniper based operations is very narrow so i don't want phil craft to be the expert i want foot craft to be the conduit for the expertise these guys are the experts and i hope you found value uh in their expertise uh till next time thanks guys cole dj appreciate you guys make sure you see all the links below subscribe all that good stuff um and check out their social media platforms below subscribe to them as well so you could continue to learn in your journey until next time peace out thanks guys you
Channel: The FieldCraft Survival Channel
Views: 954,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fieldcraft survival, fieldcraft, survival, special forces, green beret, safety
Id: i6AYYV38Z1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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