GBRS Group - Developing Universal Shooting Standards

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back in Freedom with the boys talking Universal standard for Readiness a lot of times in Special Operations and Duty law enforcement whatever it might be you can't control the lighting variables and that's really what we're want to talk about today they setting a universal standard for high ready low ready a bunch of different drills now with gas mask passive night vision shooting with the laser and without and just see can we make a universal standard based off body position some of the tools we have to our disposal we're just going to go through a couple easy ones Universal common to all high readi low readies rifle Bill drill three body two head transition combat reload and a check drill we'll do that slick with a gas mask pass Le through night vision and then nod to the laser if we have time but everybody knows that one cool and it's really just we don't want there to be a big disparity between hey we throw on a gas mask and now we can't get a seal we can't get a can't get a sight pitcher we can't run our natural course of fire that's a lot of stuff we did in the militaries we' set a course of fire for 100% lit broad daylight no gas mask none of that [ __ ] we never really trained to it a lot of guys don't have that luxxury and a lot of these dudes we're starting to train with now they're running gas masks 200 times out of the year so we have to be able to make a standard course of fire to support all those guys and all the gear they have to wear are you ready I'm ready huh let's do this all right I'll show you guys the shout timer but we're not trying to blow anybody's doors off just trying to make a universal standard here just to make sure so all these high readies and low readies the stand up for us is under 1 second we'll see where we're at shoot ready yep standby 78 low ready shootter ready standby 71 Bild drill six rounds from the rifle High ready stand by 1.79 1.79 three body two head shootter ready standby there we go 1.87 1.87 combat reload got empty magazine in there speed reload again combat reload with the rifle all you want to do we're doing transition right now do a combat reload I'm ready do combat reload shoot ready yep stand [Music] but 3.90 all hits are good let's do a transition first shot was in 081 shoot it ready yep stand by 2.20 2.20 I go and set up for a check drill thank you what are you doing for this check Dr we doing our check one five and five one five and five one five and five right our check is a little bit different it used to be one one and one one five and five so one of the one out the carbine transition to Pistol five out of the pistol put it away top off rifle five more rounds out of [Applause] rifle all right check one five and five what are you going for for time on this under 11 seconds I think it's good yeah the normal normal one one and one is 11 seconds not trying to break any records nice and easy shootter ready stand by 9.32 932 all hits are good first shot was in 73 good [ __ ] slick all right we're going Jam these things up we're going to throw on gas mask do the exact same thing gas mask hey so a lot of the issues with the [ __ ] gas mask guys haven't done it if you're not running a riser you can't get a cheek weld on that thing you're trying to throw your head over you're trying to lift it high and now you got body armor and all this of the [ __ ] on it's a nightmare to do man that's one of the reasons we made that Hydra is try to get that optic up make it a little more comfortable to shoot and it translates over to passive night and shooting you'll see that here in a second all you all good on load out for him y okay sucks having a gas mask on huh I like it nobody likes a gas mask all right guys we do the exact same standard now with a gas mask anybody's ever warn them knows they suck and know it's really hard to get a sight pitcher through that thing this one of the things you got to train for got to make it all Universal shootter ready High ready stand by 71 71 good hit blow ready shootter ready stand by 70 all right going Bild drill six rounds from the carbine ready position your choice shoot ready stand [Music] by 1.74 1.74 all right brother we're going three body two head shootter ready yep stand by there we go 1.87 1.87 hits a good all right you want to do Transition we doing combat reload combat reload combat reload one of rifle combat reload stand by 3 point 4 3.48 first shot 63 beautiful all right transition drill one round on the carban goes dry transition to pistol shoot ready y stand by 2.61 2.61 first shot 87 stuff one of the carbine transition the pistol five out of the pistol reload rifle five out of the rifle shootter ready stand by [Music] 9.09 One pistol slightly out of the a first shot 79 beautiful all right we're going to do uh we're going to throw on nods and do it passive all right boys now we're going passive through night vision think that plagues everybody shootter ready yep starting off high ready standby 85 low ready standby 72 Good Hits 72 all right Bill dribble the rifle six rounds shootter ready stand [Music] by 1.78 1 .78 Good Hits brother three body two head shoot ready stand by there we go 2.05 2.05 you doing transition uh combat reload combat reload Roger all right combat reload shoot it ready stand [Music] by there we go 3.55 3.55 Good Hits want transition yep all right shootter ready yep stand by two 2.73 2.73 Good Hits chck Dr please check drill I got five in yes sir thank you brother one five and five shootter ready yep stand [Music] by 11.06 11.06 all hits beautiful that's [ __ ] a dude I'll tell you that 11.06 on [ __ ] awesome dude sick all right let's go light down we'll talk about it that was great yeah only thing out we had one pistol yeah I got a shitty grip on that second uh check drill yeah check drill like the typical check Dr we all grew up with one one and one one five and five a lot harder to get time standard stay the same that was the only thing we're off by 01 yeah thousands of a second whatever dude I thought that was great the headbox doubles yeah head box doubles for us oh right where it needs to be everything's inside the a how did it feel for you from slick to gas mask to everything else you you have to change anything physically no there's a little bit of um on the pistol just making sure that that red dot stays within your actual field of view because it is much more limited so just having to work a little bit hard to return the gun and not rushing it I got a shitty grip on that one um but physically it didn't feel any different whether it's in a respirator or gas mask um under nods or slick it's all the same and I'm I've always trained with a with a high amount so I should by Theory have one presentation it should be the same I didn't notice too much on the transition what I did notice that evera slightly um to pick up the reticle ever slightly more so on the low ready on the high ready it was fine but on the low ready just because of the way that the gas mask sits out it doesn't quite sit so I had to put in a slight like I would say less than 5° count on it less than 5 de not to the point where it's starting to influence our holdovers cuz we know that that's going to make a difference at short range y um but yeah I was comfortable to shoot all of those the big thing I was looking at is head positioning not watching you trade one weapon system for another and have that slight head dip you have have to break a a posture down or anything like that it all looked Universal one to the other it should be I I like it because I think like we've started doing a lot of passive passive IR shooting it's been the the big thing for the last couple of years and it's great if you've got the kit to support it but it's very difficult to do without it um and you see guys bending themselves into crazy positions like for years we just shot off the laser we did and guys like it because it's it's you know it's a good tool it makes your life easier but only if the enemy don't have mvgs and most of the people that we go up against these days probably do have some sort of capability like we were talking about like a lot of SWAT Team guys they're not running nvgs they're not running IRL it's not part of their wheelhouse but the threat's all the same y the gas mask it's all the same like that gas mask is one of the hardest things to defeat I don't care who you are like that thing played this forever we just that thing's been a nightmare and be able to get one universal standard we go back we'll crunch all the time standards and post them all up that way you can see from from slick to gas mask all the way through now shooting passive just see the time standard I don't think you I think you actually faster with a gas mask on I started to speed up a little bit I know that I was starting to get into Rhythm a little bit the the the whole gas mask thing the old argument that we used to always get thrown back in our face was well it doesn't matter you're just going to use your leisure anyway and that's cool unless you're working in the day or you know that's not an option now what you're going to do if you're in you know you're in a football stadium trying to shoot targets you can't see your red laser because it's 3:00 in the afternoon on a Saturday like now what's your option we can take your gas mask off you're not going to do that so like but you have to figure it out Ian it's kind of like the big push getting one universal presentation cuz it was man like you'd have to you'd have to have a different style of kung fu for every different piece of Kit you put on gas masks respirators all this other [ __ ] now pass we shooting through night vision it's not one universal presentation now you have to train a day time a night time in between worst case scenario I'm running around in a [ __ ] Kim bio suit with a gas mask on that's a nightmare dude yeah it's like now I don't have the confidence to do it we're not trying to do that we're trying to show you that your one Kung Fu supports all of this as you have the right equipment to do for it I thought you did a beautiful job that was awesome like I don't give a [ __ ] about that I great I do I know you do think I'll buy your beer later there you go I think for me like guys have probably heard this before like one thing I hate whenever I'm shooting whether it's doing CB whether it's breaching I hate variables I hate having different start points and different baselines every single time I come on a range so for me to be able to standardize everything that I do it doesn't matter if I'm doing this I'm doing it in low light mix Light No Light gas mask on gas mask off nods on nods off any one of those scenarios the the the hour that I spend on a 25 meter flat range counts for all of it that's what I like about it it's the efficiency of training it's all right if you're in a in a military unit or in a swap team that's got an unlimited budget and you can train five days a week six days a week whatever you want but the reality of being in a in a in a busy organization is you might not get on the range for a couple of months it might even be longer than that sometimes guys go literally a year potentially without firing a weapon so if you can reduce the training burden and make it streamline so one size does truly fit all I think that's only got to be a good thing right cuz if I've only got an hour I don't want to sacrifice this to pay into that I should be able to train for everything for all eventualities in that one hour I should be able to cover all bases if you can achieve that then you're in a good place that's just my belief on it anything that yeah um same thing like different variables so different presentations different uh touch points before um was always an issue like we'd go on the Range we'd hammer thousand and thousands of rounds with one presentation all your certain touch points and then when you threw on a gasm nods it was completely different animal yeah um and in decrease in those variables will decrease increase your speed on Target and decrease your misses you know there's there's less time searching for that laser or if you hit up you know I've seen guys especially running gas mask and nods they've repped so much they got that muscle memory they'll [ __ ] hit their nods shift their Helmet or just all kinds of just whacka do stuff um yeah eliminating all those those unknown failure points and those additional steps yeah just makes everything more cleaner like when you we lay out the times and show your presentation it was all uniform it was all straight and pretty much the same thing you've been repping all day during the day should be it it should be I mean it should be in thir but you make a good point like the amount of times that we train in our respirators but we so quick to get them off and then whenever we go and do a job or potentially not every time but sometimes we'll go and do jobs or we'll go and do work and we're back in our gas mask we're back in our suits we're back in all the rest of it rebreathers whatever it might be like you need to be comfortable in that you need to know that it's going to suck but you also need to know that you can operate your weapon system and don't don't rely on the fact that I'll make it work when I have to because that was the attitude for years is like I'll make it work you know we've come this far we've never been caught out yet and that's cool I get that and I'm all about it but at the same time if you can create a situation or a circumstance that is advantageous to you regardless of changes environment regardless of changes of situation that has to be a good thing that has to be a good thing I don't know great job man dude that to me seems to be the gold standard you have to have a uniform presentation one that basically fits all because you can't control the lighting variables you can't just rely on the night to be your cloak of armor you got to be able to perform no matter what kind of Kit you have on regardless of lighting conditions I think it's a beautiful demonstration man awesome awesome thank you Che good job boys
Channel: GBRS Group
Views: 739,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gbrs group, gbrs, gbrs gear, navy seal, tier one, dj shipley, cole fackler, burn the ships, shawn ryan, uksf, 22 sas, 22 sas navy seals, tactical gear, tactical apparel, range t shirts, edc gear, edc, tier 1, devgru, seal team six, us navy, special mission unit, special operations, be a pro, knowledge transfer, military, cqb, close quarters combat, tactical training, america, usa, 2nd amendment, self defense, sof, special ops, gwot, hydra mount, gbrs hydra, gbrs mount
Id: aKL4uwZ7dF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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