GREEN BERETS React to 13 HOURS | Beers and Breakdowns

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what's up guys welcome to this episode of beers and breakdowns you've been asking for this one probably more than any other movie for sure everyone asked for this one we were waiting to do this one because we wanted to do it with kurt and i so we can go back and forth a little bit on the tactics in everything about the movie from my combat experience i would say that this movie was one of the most accurate about combat in the sense of the ups and downs of how combat really is so the idea is that they're being overrun and they're constantly pushing back on a much larger force but i think he unintentionally hit the fact that in combat whether you are the larger force or the smaller force that it's it's evan flow sometimes you're the bigger dog sometimes you're winning sometimes you're losing and i think 13 hours in their attempt to just show you know how overwhelmed they were and how heroic they were it just showed to me like the more the nuances of combat because i think what they get wrong a lot is they're always like we're the best we're better trained so we're winning all the time it's like that's not how it [ __ ] goes sometimes stupid [ __ ] happens sometimes accidents happen you know i've had uh green berets initiate full-on ambushes on us and it was terrifying i thought i was gonna die i thought that was the moment when we were about to fight for our lives on the last stand because it was a whole ambush just opened up on us and was like this is it there's a tree line out there i was like everyone they're all in that tree line [ __ ] walking us in and i was like we're about to hold down this compound and [ __ ] [Music] hold it till the last minute and it turns out it's our guys and luckily you know [ __ ] happens that's [ __ ] combat so i think 13 hours did a really good job of just showing just how shitty combat can be sometimes it [ __ ] sucks so we waited and we think it'll be worth it so here it is 13 hours beers and breakdowns what's up guys happy memorial day weekend this weekend is super important to us to everyone who served it's a super important weekend probably more than uh most it's connected to our hearts because all of us either know someone that was uh killed in action or we have a friend we have you know a relative we have someone that's close to us almost all of us at this point of 20 years are wearing bracelets to remember the fallen i used to have this quote that helped me get through dealing with the loss of friends and that was strive to be the best for those who no longer have the option so it was just a reminder that i needed to live my best life because someone else gave up theirs to help me live mine so on this memorial day i just want to say we're giving a 20 discount code because it's just one way that we could give back to the community and help out on this day and to remember the fallen so use code honor 20 to get a 20 discount and that's on everything on the site swag like the shirt i'm wearing uh the tour fng academy collab knives for seer school all of it 20 off if we get 20 codes used from now till the end of the sale which is midnight on memorial day then we will do a live stream i will jump on a live stream so i could chat with you guys um and answer a bunch of questions sign up for the email list and i'll send the email list a link and the time and date for the live stream as soon as we hit 20 honor 20 sales thank you guys happy memorial day weekend and never forget everybody's staring at the white guy walking in with the beard because of course they know who he is but this is what i thought was cool so positive so real quick who john's uh is he a contractor former ceo what is he yeah former seal now contractor okay and then this is the head contractor also was a seal with him so pulled him into the contracting gig okay so they're um they're grs is it grs gbrs gardeners yeah the gardeners whatever those whatever their acronym is gbrs gbrs yeah so we all know them so the cia grs gbrs so as far as i know cia has two of those outfits there's the gbrs which is the base security and they'll go on mission if it dictates and then they have ground branch right and then ground branch is like the tier one the [ __ ] i mean those guys are the ones out there killing [ __ ] so ground branch that's the shiznit and then gbrs is badass too don't get me wrong evan was gbrs i think um glover was um anyway there's a lot of guys people yeah there's quite a few guys that went that that route after they got out it's kind of a natural thing to go down that road a ton of money dude way more than being in the army yeah it's hella good money and they get paid out the ass but what i liked in this scene was it just showed some tactics and i don't know if everyone picked up on the tactics that they saw so one navy seal is picking up the other one so john walks in um and you would think two navy seals picking each other up you'd be what's up dude hugging it out all that stuff well they want to make sure that john doesn't have a tail because you saw how everyone's watching him so his buddy hung back in the stairwell and watched him walk by and then he hangs back for a second so that way he could see if anyone's following him to the car to see if they're being you know if he was being tailed if they have you know people that are going to attack him set up an ambush anything like that so just little things like that is a tactics thing like he could if he hangs back in low key he's been there for a while no one's watching him anymore he could watch him walk by does anybody follow him is there anyone watching him does anyone go with him now that he knows he doesn't have a tail they could just link up at the vehicle and get the [ __ ] out of it see who's paying attention see what they're doing right so he could be the eyes in the back and get an overall view of what's going on especially if you've been there for a while so you get patterns of life and you start to see who's coming and going who knows the key players at that [Music] [ __ ] we're point in so right pause this able so right away that's like level 10 the worst [ __ ] situation yeah immediately boxed in a small alleyway shit's going down yeah so yeah all these fighters completely surrounded you got multiple [ __ ] machine guns pointed at you you got like 15 dudes you got guys with rpgs is that an isis flag you got dude it's it's just [ __ ] terrible like it's done so right here right then and there they could just been smoked like on your way from the airport yeah on your way to the airport just landed you were there for five minutes and you're dead i mean he got lucky they got super lucky that that bluff about having the aircraft overhead worked i don't know how accurate that is or if that really happened in real life but if this if i just showed up and you drove me into this situation i'd seriously questioned a lot of tactics i had to seriously question your knowledge about the area i'd be like what the [ __ ] how could you just [ __ ] happenstance drive into a war zone yeah and then get us stuck there so when he says are we bailing i mean the only option you have is to on foot run as fast as you can yeah like what else are you going to do in two white guys you're going to stand out like a sore thumb there oh yeah the minute they see two white guys your your option is to a run or b use the fact that you're obviously american to threaten them and so they went with option b and luckily for them it panned out instead of being taken captive and [ __ ] you know being prisoners of war it's running come in over the face go wrong i'm looking at about eight armed tangos here qrf is being alerted [ __ ] that the only quick reaction for someone is my guys no contact 17 feb qrs send them i want my guy tell them they're not allowed to leave the base how would no one was shot one shot i know there's no [ __ ] way they'd be dead right there okay that's what we call libyan standoff it's all right because the drone sees you seize your face you know who you are what do you think happens to us your home your family go on give the order let us feel i am right to decide the future of my country talk to one guy i'm willing to die for your country they just happen to get the guy that speaks perfect english all it takes is one itchy trigger dude so you get lucky that the one guy that's doing the inspection speaks fluent english so you could actually threaten him and then he'd be like look up you try your threat and they would just start ripping your ass out of the car and then you're gonna tell me that all those guns pointed and not one person pulled the trigger there's no [ __ ] way it's a tense situation yeah dude there's no way and then i think when i when i kind of looked up like people's arguments with this movie uh tanto was saying that the the base chief was like he was always like pulling them back and they were like well there's no reports that ever happened why would there be reports of a base chief telling you not to go yeah so like when the qrf to go help uh the senator there's they're not gonna document what he said like everything he said so the whole like oh there was an investigation and that was never said tonto made that up like it's not going to be documented it's not going to be official it's not going to be official documentation every [ __ ] thing you say like what is this court when you got a transcriber [ __ ] writing down everything you said but i do believe that so when he said i want my guys as the qrf so quick reaction force you got guys on standby to go save you they're trying to talk about the qrf being uh favorite 17 or whatever their [ __ ] locals are that's like calling up potentially the enemy and being like hey you're gonna change this hat and put on your good guy hats yeah and then go help these guys when they show up you don't even know if they're gonna be like [ __ ] bumping it up with the enemy and all of a sudden like nah you could take them it's fine you have no idea who's showing up if they're good if they're bad so to to send them as a qrf is suicide it's it's not helpful at all and that's why he's pushing so hard for his guys to come back back him up so you could actually get out of this situation or have a chance at getting out of the situation so 12 minutes the the cia guys treat everyone like their piece of [ __ ] nugs and they're just there for security which is never going to be needed so they're you know just useless working out like you know they just treat them like piece of [ __ ] yeah and it's so it's just it's crazy because at one point in time each one of those people in their perspective careers navy seal ranger you're elite you know you're at the peak but then you go into this other realm and now all of a sudden you're a nug that nobody cares about the low life to these guys who were harvard educated and it's like that is their peak yeah and if you're not at the top of their peak then you're not at the top at all and that's life it's like everyone has their own peaks and and we all think that oh we're at the top and it's like you're at the top of maybe your peak but there's a hundred thousand [ __ ] peaks out there and no one else gives a [ __ ] because they're all trying to get to theirs but anyway i thought that was interesting because things change like you went from being [ __ ] big man on campus to a peon to these little harvard grads you're a big meat eater it's all of a sudden you now you're just a muscle naive they have no idea the danger so these kids went and shot off uh bottle rockets and then they obviously go up to the enemy in our all right pause it this is so it's a typical security uh protocol you know they're just checking to see what security is going to be like so they go up the kids go up and start lighting fireworks by the base so they're hired to do that so then we could just test to see what your security protocols right yeah what's your security response do you get 10 people to that side if you start getting an attack do you have people go to certain positions so that way we know where you're going to go so if we want to attack a base and i could initiate your security response then i could document it and then i could attack you accordingly i could set more positions yeah learn your ttps right tactics techniques and procedures yeah and so that's what those kids were doing they were getting paid to go light off the fireworks make them sound like it's it's uh they're under attack and then see what people do in response oh and also to get them to get used to the noise yeah and then automatically assume that it's fireworks desensitize them right if you give me a call in three days i would love to see the manifesto and go over the details very good perfect hey this is chief's number one rule don't get out of the car no i'm getting this part is like i get that they're doing the best that they can but it's you got white bearded dudes yeah randomly set up in afghanistan just confidently having a cup of coffee well they're in benghazi but i'm sorry benghazi same thing i mean you stand out like a sore [ __ ] thumb why do you think that you could just go sit and like be a gray man in the middle of benghazi what's funny is because like team guys no matter you know sealed you know sf whatever there's a very distinct look instantly identifying like whenever you're in another country like we'd be doing whatever it was i remember one time in nepal we're at a nightclub one time and like we're on the second floor and we see a group of three dudes walking and immediately we're like those are team guys yeah walk up to them then they were first group guys yeah and it's like there's a very distinct look like no matter how much you think you're blending in you stand out you're not blending it at all so like if you if you know that look you know who they are you know what they are so like everybody here knows what's going on yeah everyone knows that it's like oh american operators so that of course they're going to watch you and they're going to pay attention but then it also bothers me that he gets out of the vehicle and just takes off like chasing these guys like why why your mission is to protect these two cia assets so if they're not in danger immediate danger why do you give a [ __ ] if someone was watching you just left them you're alone yeah you just left them and now your guys pull off security on that on the asset to go find you it's the same [ __ ] they tried to do in 12 strong when they had [ __ ] chris running off yeah it's like now i have to go find you like you're pulling me out yeah like why would you do that just stop trying to be a [ __ ] hero let's focus on our mission and people are watching us hey it's going to happen yep we're we're obviously [ __ ] american operating in this country and they're going to want to know who we are that doesn't mean that they're going to [ __ ] kill you or you know like people used to just take pictures of us because we're a group of large americans sitting at a table in whatever country trying to thinking that we're being the gray man because we wear a baseball cap nobody knows nobody knows that i have my team hat on with the oda number on the back and a [ __ ] team shirt on everybody knows and some solomon shoes but hey i put on some gray pants some great tactical pants with my [ __ ] knife in my pocket [ __ ] zip-offs yeah nobody knows that i'm a [ __ ] team guy this whole gray man theory i did a video like don't be the great man and i was like i don't know what to talk about the gray man i was like you have to like in selection you should be a great man you should you should not try to or you should be the gray man you should try to blend in and just do your best work you know everyone's like that's not what the gray man theory means i'm like oh my god [ __ ] really you think i can't grasp the concept of blending in like so many [ __ ] civilians jumped on the comments and we're like that's not what gray man means it means blending into your environment i'm like you having that environment like [ __ ] you tactical nerds wouldn't know the first thing about blending in when i went to the best i've ever done at blending in was my trip to africa and i wore exactly what they would wear like not like like uh traditional african but like like dirty pants i wore dirty clothes i wore the the button up the plaid button up dirty that was like too big yeah i shaved my head like but if i made myself look like a way that i wasn't comfortable looking yeah and that's how i knew i was blending in because it was like i'm so dressed like one of them that even the africans were telling me like dude you look like you're from here i was like i'm not comfortable wearing this if i wear something i'm comfortable with i'm not going to [ __ ] blend it exactly so if i go to five [ __ ] 11 and buy a bunch of cool [ __ ] that i like which you can't get cool [ __ ] that i like at 511 by the way yeah you know what i mean like people think they can go to a store and buy the things that they like and blend in you're not buying solomon's or merrell's benghazi right so if you want to go to benghazi are you comfortable wearing you know afghan wardrobe or uh like a one-piece the gowns that they were no but is that going to blend in better than your [ __ ] salomons yes get back to work how would you feel if you had to protect americans for 28 bucks a day then bring your own bullets well why would security professionals it's a huge issue i don't know if people picked up on it they obviously made it a point to show but their first line of defense is pissed about not getting paid enough so like that's a big [ __ ] problem problem like your first line of defense is these uh local nationals that you've hired to defend you the 20 i got to listen to what they call them something feb or something so whatever their name is this militia group is getting paid to protect you and you're not paying them to where they're standing outside the gate bitching yeah that's that's really [ __ ] bad that's bad because at the end of the day even if they're not brave even if they don't want to protect you if you pay them enough at least they can give you a phone call with some intel and say hey man you guys got some [ __ ] people coming yeah and uh i'm not stopping them yeah i'm out but you might want to do something about that if you pay them enough if you take care of them maybe they'll do you know help you up a little bit never never count on a local national to defend you with their life right you know you're not their countrymen i'm not saying they're cowards for the money they're there for the money you're they're not they want to go home at the end of the night they're not going to risk their lives for you we all accept that we know that so if they're not there to actually shoot back which we know that they're most likely not going to do then what are they there for to be a a warning system and if you don't [ __ ] pay them you're not getting that warning so that was just an early indicator that things were so bad security wise yeah that is like every single thing and that's one thing i like about john's character is like immediately he shows up and he's like wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong yeah like he holds no bars he's like this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] everyone is just hoping that nothing goes wrong yeah they're bringing in a new fresh eyes right and he's he's not it's not that the other ones don't have the tactical experience it's that they're jaded because they know that they're dealing with these limitations like no one gives a [ __ ] about security so we could tell them this is bad this is bad this is about all we want but it's not going to get fixed and john's coming in and being like what the [ __ ] yep like what the [ __ ] and and then his boss is like ah it is what it is well i mean also with them not only are they used to not getting what they want they're also used to nothing happening so i mean they're being desensitized at this point they're like all right well we don't have this but also nothing's happened right very true and john you see the glass you know the thing drops the glass is breaking he's reaching for his pistol that guy didn't even look yeah even look so john's not desensitized he's used to when things sound like they're gonna pop off you know looks like a duck [ __ ] quacks like a duck that shit's a duck and he's ready to get in a gunfight because you know that's how it is like [ __ ] war hey man sounds fishy looks fishy there's [ __ ] fish around and it's time to start banging hammers so yep you know this [ __ ] fish starting to start banging there i was going with it dude i was on a roll and i want to let it go so this is when they start overrunning the base that the ambassador's on and the the qrf is a mile away are they a qrf yeah but we are the only help they have two vehicles stage ready let's go move deposit so right now they're a mile away from the ambassador that they know is being attacked and he says like no none of you have to go but they're the only help we have mm-hmm like there's not a [ __ ] green braid that i've ever met in my life there's not a ranger i've ever met in my life there's not a [ __ ] navy seal i've ever met in my life that would look and be like nope i'm staying like there's no way there's no [ __ ] way there's something i don't know if it's the part of the special operations community or it's just the people that choose to go special operations that there's not even a decision ever if you need my help and you're going we're we're going like there's no [ __ ] way like if you were staying out with like ready let's go let's roll but now the fact that we want to go home we don't think don't do it we think let's be the most tactical efficient as tactically efficient as we can let's shoot as accurately as we can let's [ __ ] shoot move and communicate the best we can so that increases our chances to go home yeah let's be the best [ __ ] fighting force we can so that increases our chances to go home not going isn't or is not an option well they're there for a reason right and they didn't come there just to sit and not do anything i just thought that was a cool moment because it's like hey man you guys don't have to go it's like bro you know you don't have to say that yeah you know we're going but we also don't have a death wish i don't think it's people it's hard for them to understand that that doesn't mean that we're going in going man [ __ ] i don't care if i die yeah no i want to go home i very much want to go home but that means that to have my cake and eat it too is to the best thing i could do is to shoot as accurately as possible move as efficiently as possible and be the best tactician i can to try and win that's what's going through our minds well something that's kind of ingrained from the beginning just like in basic training like soldiers creed they'll never leave a fallen comrade things like that like it's something that you're always taught and that just becomes a part of you and again when you excel to a level like that you know sf rangers green berets like those are all people that want to be there anyway so they've already got that mentality yeah there's something internal within all those people that choose to go that path that's like i want to go be with people that we're going to go do that stuff with yup it's going from a rescue mission to suicide mission let us loose lives mistake you are not direct action elements chief think you let them take that consulate where do you think the next target's gonna be you got two situations going on one they're they're burning out the uh ambassador and that's a [ __ ] brutal situation what he went through is is i mean worst case scenario yeah like sure you're there's nothing to do yeah like you're at the end of your rope it is what it is and it's just time it's you know there's nothing you can do horrible so then with these guys people could look at the chief of this base first of all i would i would say that tanto was telling the truth and the fact that he stood them down i would i would never question that i did anybody that's been in the military and worked with other agencies like you know that stand down is always like the first go-to they love stand down first it gives them time to think it gives them time to like panic the [ __ ] out and to like not want to make a decision those people don't want to make big decisions because those are career ending decisions typically so the whole stand down order and people trying to say that tonto may not have been telling the truth i think it's [ __ ] i guarantee that guy told him not to go but they were like well there was nothing reported and that's what i was saying yeah like of course it's not gonna be [ __ ] reported it's a conversation like no one's gonna record that but in the chief's defense what i think that he because he's not a tactician because he doesn't have that drive to go get in the fight he was about saving his own life in the life of everyone on the base and so his idea is if i send the only good fighting force we have over there and they die we're unprotected yeah so now when they come to our base we don't have this asset of heroes to protect us because we sent them to go do that so in my mind i think he told him to stand down and to stay where he what they were because he knew that his best bet was with those guys in the exact spot that we're at so that's if i had to like guess what happened on that day he was like oh just stay here to stay here because he wanted to be you know have the the protection [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [ __ ] trying guys was that like a three so it's a 320 and it split the truck in half like okay no those rounds are not that [ __ ] powerful but two i know for from personal experience that [ __ ] 320 is not easy to aim like i didn't have sights on mine i had it completely stripped down but i remember when travis told about the the v bid and he was like hey man shoot it with 320. and then i shot once i was like because you're just guessing yeah and then so you're like holding it guessing and you can't just like micro adjust right then and there because you only got one shot because you're gonna really you gotta reload it and then reset and hope that you're right so i went too far [ __ ] too short [ __ ] and that's i felt his embarrassment because like you start feeling like everyone's staring at you and they're crawling up your back oh my god yeah and then thank god the third one went boom and hit it and it's a and he would travel [Music] well to be fair it took him a couple shots yeah so it took it took him a couple shots you did have the sights on it but those sights are [ __ ] garbage they're guesstimates it's not anything accurate it's not like a red dot or anything um so i just i felt this pain because i've been there before but second that 320 would not split the truck in half like it they're pretty they're explosions but i mean i would say like this radius explosive like it's not that big maybe he's friendly maybe go so he went right and now he's in this predicament he's a cia guy that's like john's like go left come on the wrong way jack get up here [Music] go dig on your right the way these guys are in for tonight they got a little taste of victory the annex is next boom consulting this is pistol grips with the [ __ ] back in 2012 dropped like holsters too man people love dracula holsters like that shit's a [ __ ] thing of the past yeah nobody uses drop leg holsters like the the denver swat team you said they all had droplet holsters put your pistol on your hip or on your thigh so it you do an extension down the whole idea was that you're trying to have a natural flow of your arm so you didn't have to bend they thought that like if you would if you would have it the natural extension it would be the fastest draw because your arm's already there and your hands sit by your pistol but it's just not [ __ ] true because most of the time you're up in your workspace doing this up here and then when you're pissed your rifle goes out you transition to your pistol you're closer to up here yeah so to get it from your side is faster but then now you have to drop all the way down to your your leg so the drop leg holster is just not the thing but some guys still [ __ ] use it and i guess if you're already used to it and you're faster with it [ __ ] whatever roll with what you got yeah but it's it's one of those things that's like it's obsolete and the other thing like you see his left hand it's like the pistol grip or they call the gangster grip and put a vertical grip on the like the the barrel basically of your rifle but when you do it like that like it's very easy to maneuver the rifle like this not accurate so a lot of people are having issues so what they do now or what they started getting into was more of like a v grip where you would grab it like this because that way it's a lot harder to move the rifle to the left and right but when you have it like this it's just easily oscillating back and forth or yawing whatever you call it yeah so you got the c-clamp or you got the reverse c is what a lot of people use so either this way or this way one of the two but either way you're controlling the front of your rifle and the point is whether regardless of how you feel comfortable to do it is you're driving the front of your rifle towards the target with control but like this you've got a pivot point in the center between your two two control points so between this handle and this handle is a center pivot point so now it's all over the [ __ ] place and i got to do this and try to keep it straight instead just drive it and put that barrel where you want it's just way more accurate i think a lot of it came from some operator picture or something like that where everybody just like jumped on the nuts of the of the gangster grip after that the funny thing is is we learn a lot of firearms now of what works and doesn't work from guys that have no tactical experience but just shoot a lot yeah [ __ ] uh t-rex arms the guy from t-rex arms that guy he doesn't have any tactile experience but he shoots so much that you can't argue with his decisions with where to put his stuff and how he runs his stuff so a lot of times like military guys that have way more like combat and have shot at people and all this stuff we're still picking up little things from these guys like uh the t-rex arms guy because he's like i'm this guy's shooting more [ __ ] ammunition then special forces group is allotting us as a team yeah so it is what it is like listen i may go and do it but you're shooting tens of thousands of rounds on your own dime hey man if you found that this this little [ __ ] uh bump stop works and cutting off this piece of you know this grip is good oh [ __ ] it i'll do it you know give it a shot so it's just funny because there's always that arguments like why listen like t-rex this t-rex guy is like no combat but it can shoot like a [ __ ] and now he's teaching tactics and it's like listen man proficiency is proficiency how i use that proficiency is up to me if you're going to use it for home defense or for range time only or for competition or for war proficiency is what matters getting better at your craft so what's up guys i'm gonna take building c jack tig i want you on building d building a tonto boot building b the s guys that's your territory odds tower one zombieland go get it i don't think they needed the blueprints for that but you know whatever you got four buildings and a square and one time you go there all right guys we're rolling this out you're going to a b c d like [ __ ] somebody get the architect on the line what about the sewers boss my thing about this security wise and it just shows how rough a situation they have is that's only two people per building yes that's [ __ ] brutal it's the city yeah you can you can and you don't know where you're getting attacked from so now you're just hedging your bets so like hey two person per two of you are gonna be fighting off the entire assault force then we just saw what they handed out yeah a couple of our couple belts like they got [ __ ] machine guns they got uh uh what do they call the technicals when they're on the yeah the technicals the truck but like for them like they've only got like probably less than a basic load each yeah they they're really low much they don't have [ __ ] and they're they're less than a skeleton crew it's this is but hey they're there and they're doing what they can yeah this is this is a bad situation and there's some bad [ __ ] man and they know it too yeah that 240. okay if we're expecting any friendlies i need to know that information now i'm not aware of any friends i have no confirmation go i don't [Music] i would rather have them farther back because the rpg is like the closer you get the more accurate that thing gets yeah they're probably thinking the same thing the closer they are the more accurate they could be too though are we clear [ __ ] dude asking that's tough yeah that's a tough situation so that was the the big thing is like waiting for are we cleared hot to shoot like oh dude you you've been under attack this whole time yeah why would you ask if you're cleared hot to shoot i'd be like we got tango's front [ __ ] what i would start letting rip are we clear hot to shoot a [ __ ] base just got overrun a mile from you you know the attack is coming to you why are you asking if you're clear not to shoot you [ __ ] know that that's the enemy it's the whole roe man dude [ __ ] that at least a [ __ ] say warning shot like i'm gonna do a warning shot well you're not authorized warning shot it will suck my dick okay cause we just had a base get overrun and potentially uh a [ __ ] kia an american kia so you could suck my dick or just do it right because that guy's downstairs he's not gonna know if you [ __ ] snap around off and then if you immediately you're going to find out because you're going to have a hundred dudes shooting back they're not they're shooting yeah we can shoot now so the whole like identify weapons like um you just it [ __ ] drives me into you just got attacked frustrating things yeah but i'm not saying that those guys are wrong because bureaucracy is [ __ ] crazy i mean all that red tape no one wants to lose their career or or go to jail yeah for sure so people will do some crazy [ __ ] can so people might not have picked that up so the two cad guys walk up and he was like hey where the cag element attached to you and he's like only two that sucks and he's like yep well we're what you got so they sent two cat guys and you might think why the [ __ ] would they only send two cag guys well they end up doing a scene and it was like this and most people probably didn't pick it up but um the cat guy walks up and says to the chiefs like sir uh we're tasked with uh sensitive item destruction yeah so kag was only there to destroy s-i yeah they were not there to save anybody they were not there to protect the base obviously they would have done that because they're keg and they're not gonna not [ __ ] do their job but they were not there to do anything about protecting the base they were not there to save anybody they were not they're not the calvary yeah they had a very specific they had a very specific mission set and i don't think a lot of people watching probably understand that when you're given that specific mission set you're there to accomplish that mission right that's why there's only two right so there's two for a very specific reason and so when they get there they're not like how do we do base defense they're like where's that [ __ ] si because we need to destroy it because that's the only reason we're [ __ ] here yeah so i just thought that was a moment when they threw that in there and it was so quick because he walks in he goes he says what sir we're here for destruction five s-i and people are probably just like well whatever yeah doesn't make any sense but that it just explains the whole thing for kag why there's only two and it's why there's not like focusing on keg going out and doing a bunch of running and gunning and like showing off their skills is because they were there to [ __ ] destroy the si collect it destroy it and that's which is still a very important mission right right i mean you got an embassy there's a ton of u.s secrets inside of here if it falls they don't want that getting out so you have to have somebody there that's capable and responsible for solely that mission right because everybody else there is obviously dealing with defending themselves at this point but that it just goes to show the priorities right like it's like so you have one of the most elite fighting forces on the planet and you got two of them there which means that you could have got 10 of them there or even 20 of them there but you chose to put two of them there so your priorities were you know what i'm saying like were protect long-term u.s investments versus short-term uh lives that's just my view on it because like if you got two cag dudes there you could have sent a [ __ ] team and a team i mean who knows what was in the country at that point yeah there could have been some logistical errors there's a whole number of reasons but when they said the s-i thing it was just like because at first i thought oh that's what they had available they only had two cad guys available so they sent two gag guys this is what we got because this is what we got it's a whole lot better than this is what we're willing to do for you so i don't know that's where the conspiracy theories start coming in and that's where things are kind of left up to interpretation is like why did you care more about s.i than saving those lives or did you or what was behind the scenes you know what's funny is even like being in group with a security clearance people would always be like oh what's going on with this and what's going on with that [ __ ] i don't know have you ever heard of compartmentalization because it was like like i had a top need to know basis yeah i had a top secret security clearance i didn't know [ __ ] from [ __ ] if it didn't affect what i was doing i didn't [ __ ] know and even if it did i probably didn't know people aren't walking up to you like you got a ts here's some information you're like it's like a secret facebook group or something like oh that's what's going on oh [ __ ] good to know like you don't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] unless you're directly involved and you need to know you're not gonna [ __ ] know [Music] guys does anyone else hear that all right what is it coming this is where [ __ ] really goes south like as someone who shot mortars you know being a bravo part of our graduation like in order to graduate bravo course you need to be tested out on mortars the 81 and the 60. um and mortars a dialed in mortar team is [ __ ] lethal so that like the mortar men so it they're they're [ __ ] they can be killing squads if they have the right information the right targets and they have time to dial in their targets so this was a mortar team that was dialed in based on the intel that was provided of the scans of the base all that intel the base was not meant for the overall attack because the overall attack you're going to take care of when you get there but it's for the mortar team and once you start dropping 81s on [ __ ] exact buildings because you've already dialed them in [ __ ] man there's not much you could do yep that's that's a bad bad day and that's when everything turns from these heroic [ __ ] badasses doing like just kicking ass and taking names and doing everything they can to just being victims to the situation they are just straight up getting [ __ ] up and there's nothing they can do about it some of those weapon systems that's it sucks because they have so much standoff like you don't even see it coming like nothing you can do there's just waiting level is it my time yep leveled the [ __ ] playing field man that sucks that's this is the unfortunate downturn for those those boys once those [ __ ] mortars start dropping and they're accurate yeah that's bad bad bad hey it's me look at that scene i want you to hear from me first we had a no problem here whatever you hear on the news it's uh it's over now [Music] the road's not coming home [Music] [Music] damn give that man a [ __ ] oscar why does he not get an award he [ __ ] killed that scene you made us proud john thanks jim thanks jim come a long way from selling paper you did holy [ __ ] that was the [ __ ] best moment of the movie the sunset the way he captured that phone call calling his wife and and then oh my god dude coming home you're the man good job you [ __ ] nailed it all right guys there you have it there's 13 hours we hope you like it this is a badass movie i mean it was badass and [ __ ] tanto all those dudes are are awesome and this was hellacious like this was a a situation that no operator ever wants to find themselves but everyone signs up knowing it could happen to them every single one the minute you guys graduate from ranger navy seals green berets cag you don't have to say because they know but any time you sign up for special operations one of those special operations you accept that this could happen to you and you are going to stand there and [ __ ] do what you got to do and if it's time to go down with the ship well then so [ __ ] be it because you're not leaving your bros behind so i think this movie nailed it as far as representing what it's like to stick up for your brothers and to be in the special operations community um and that never leaves us so i don't know about you but i loved it yeah it was good it was another one of those that's it's a heavy topic just because it was based on true events and you know a lot of good people lost their lives during this whole scenario um so we try to pay as much respect as we can while evaluating the movie just talking about the movie um but yeah it was definitely a good one i enjoyed this one yeah see you guys on the next one [Music] you
Views: 1,130,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sfas, special forces, green berets, 13hours, ranger, ariborne, selection, army, military
Id: BAX-OM6Tui4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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