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[Music] what's your up YouTube bald seom is in the house right now I got a lot to catch up on life been crazy busy but we are currently B bille Arkansas we have some meeting with Sam Hub in Walmart a small town is literally just built off the back Sam Walton which is super cool I was reading a book and he used to fly around in a prided plane like a two person prop plane and it got it and Arkansas flew around and Scattered a little bit like to have like a fake PL in here that this is one of the airports that W repli that him so really will hit free here but we're about to do some beating did some stuff kind of change what go off the future for raw with walart I'll you potentially Walmart 2 was super exciting and S was double Forest so we got a bunch of beatings we're going to rip through the and then I'll catch up with you guys after so stay [Music] tuned [Music] downlo for [Music] [Music] while [Music] Stacks gaps don't go farther back than you need to straight up to the ceiling stacked hold that stacked position than spread your fingers on the floor good pressure of your hands You Spa oh [ __ ] our toes exhale and open look back your hands big open reach push into the wall as we open hard when you haven't worked out in a while get the SP get the spine to move we try to isolate on that movement that's occurring there so biggest thing here is making sure our hips are locked down not donating Mobility letting this foot come up off the ground letting his knee push off ins side too much stay tight to the wall we trying to get much rotation with direction as possible he's going to turn rotate staying tight to the wall now he's going to find extension through this rotational pattern reaching back as far as you can good stretch good extended pattern tight to the wall loaded flexion rotating finding that down this sh shows me how horrible my traps are they're always intering engaged and locked in all right so got back from Arkansas yesterday gbrs guys you guys knew from our last collab we did with them right down here in Florida we went to dinner with them we're just chilling and today they're going through a workout sadly I can't work out push any weight so we're doing some Mobility stuff they have a trainer down here burn in he's the real deal kind of keeps these guys mobile keeps them strong and all this stuff so he just put us through like a warmup and I'm sweating from that already I'm not even supposed to be sweating right now I haven't done any exercise in like 4 weeks so brutal but I wish I could be joining them on the liftt sadly I can't but we're going to do some fun [ __ ] today shoot some guns hang out and do some cool [ __ ] so yeah that's what's going on you address your head yet I haven't fully addressed it but I think they can see that on Bal lots of stuff been going on I'll give a recap of what happened in Turkey but I think my hair is growing back slowly it look like a weird dude who shaved his head and has thin hair nice and shiny scalp but it'll grow back and I can wear a hat now so win-win so yeah that's what's going on stay tuned as soon as we get done with this one I get on you again injury for you guys is so high it's like you're right on the razor's Edge it's like one or two more like true failures oh [ __ ] like you one oh [ __ ] was ruining your whole life one little tweak is off yeah that's why we do so much for why we have gyms like this you so when you think forward head posture a lot of the issue is right here skaing especially as we develop the PCS yeah so all I want you to do I'll do it on your first but then I'll show you how to do it your own so do you see how much range of motion you have like just kind of move your neck around feel what you got I want you to take I'm going to take the back of my hand and I'm going to put it on the side of my neck right on the side of your Adam's apple and all I want you is I'm going use just the oil of my skin look this way somewhat maybe look it straight now I want you to slowly so you would do this on your own you know what I'm I want you to slowly turn your head that way I'm going to slowly kind of push it oh yeah keep turning keep turning keep turning now move your head left or right throw that way way more I I do the same thing I wear a lot of shoes I wear birken stops a lot but help though don't they well but but in the gym we want the toes but typically like better than like a night yeah least spreads your toes yep spread your toes so that that tension of spreading the toes getting the movement so like I'll have guys not only work underneath the bottom of their foot but we'll take our fingers between our toes and kind of massage you ever do that yeah no that's a that's a big one um you don't have to do it now but on your own just kind of fingers between your toes and just kind of like work them like this and then uh what do you put underneath the bottom of your foot like a little Crosse ball yeah I use a tennis ball so use a a tennis ball because now we can push and the feedback is more relaxed whereas cross ball sometimes guys like dig it and go like this and if you're pissing tissue off you're never going to relax like pain and rela pain in performance are a oneway road so if you have pain like your brain's never going to be like oh this hurts so bad I'm going to relax it's going to be like f like if you're tensed that's not what we want so like I go AC cross ball and just kind of ease into it maybe move it to a new spot ease into it and new spot ease into it new spot and ease into it move your toes ease into it Mo your toes just for 5 minutes and I've had especially athletes that always have their feet cleats yeah clears up a lot of issues up in the hips possible so that you can find internal and external rotation yep as tall as possible as tall as possible what's your uh analysis of Chris pretty good definitely more on the front side of his body with his hips uh if can restore some rotation especially on that left one I think uh can help it's the thing we're going to do some stuff for the hip flexors right now and kind of explore some rotation through internal and external kind of see what we can get out of all right so now I want you to add a f fold so from here I want you to think about Fanning your pelvis almost like you want you to shoot your [ __ ] behind you behind I don't want you to get crumpled in your lower back I want you think nice and Tall bring your ribs to the shin taller taller over tall reach there you go from there now up now rotate to that side again reach is that comfortable on your fingers now I'm going to kind of pull you into me but you're still thinking cognizant of that awareness yep you're very aware of your pelvic positioning good strong torso reach into me reach into me reach into me like you're coming in you're coming into me there you go think about driving your back rear leg into the ground there you go hold that position now from here you're going to simultaneously grow and turn your torso and try to face away from me so draw your elbow turn up right up right up right up right push your left knee into the ground push your left knee to the ground left left left more sit up right sit up right more turn turn now feed back into me reach drive that left KNE into the ground Chris now push away drive that left knee turn more turn more turn more I'm try to turn your whole thing turn turn turn turn turn hold that hold that hold that hold that back all right we're out relive here trying to bring these boys back to life giving them some IVs DJ's getting some stem cells so jealous of that you know I'm obsessed with my stem cell been doing way too much though the last few years but trying to recover and heal everything up so we're wrapped up workout they did a bit of lift I did some hit mobility and stuff with Vernon some cool stuff I need to be doing a lot more of for sure but we're going to get some food head to the range after this so I'll see you guys [Music] [Applause] there [Music] n [Music] [Music] you were definitely the first person I've ever SE have held that [ __ ] down the whole M at the point [Music] [Applause] yeah he got a feather what did you what what did you learn what did I learn torso straight Flex the glute don't let yourself rotate this way tight grip this thumb on that thumb rather than on the gun tightening this elbows locked in don't lean back don't lean forward probably more but [Music] yeah Ain that [Music] [Music] woo [Music] [Music] d [Music] operations 5 years of surgery stacked up time a [Music] little I had injy right before [Music] ITI [Music] get me back in shape all right kiddo I love you I love you thanks I told her made her I told her uh when he said you should come down and I was like I don't know cuz we're going out of town this next weekend and she was like Dad do you know who he is and I was like kind of who she was like I followed him for so long you got to go she like you're going dad you're going my uh I got a younger cousin probably 10 years younger than me be he's like a [ __ ] K doll he's all yoked up when he came or when he found out that these guys came in town oh you going to you see yeah like do you um tell him I said hi I like tell you said you sure so he says hi yeah tell him [ __ ] do right now I actually have like mind muscle connection like I've never had before I've been so [ __ ] hurt and I've had to come back so like when I go in now with an injury it's very specific 3 in down 4 in over right here drop the needle down that's where it is I'm much more in tune now so I wonder what that would be like in the train aspect it's all bodybuilding be able to build that MUSC con perfectly so whatever movement you're doing you're Contracting the muscle exactly how it needs to be it's like once you nail that it's just you're good I think a lot has to do with your confidence man being able to grab and move like grab that 100 like today or like even getting him into pull-ups when we first started man he couldn't even get his arms overhead um so that confidence in being able to just grab something and go just those constant doses of stress and now now I don't think there's anything you look at fearful of movement you see revenge in 407 4 five 47 yeah dude for just for how much that hurt to be able to go back I never thought it would happen again like I was one of the guys I was trying to Justified like well if I can Venture us 225 30 times like that's way more functional than 407 for one and I don't have to wor about blowing a peck out but it's because I've never successfully done it even when I'm was strong 385 for a triple weighing 205 like that's a significant push for me I'm not pro I don't have to [ __ ] do that but every time I went for four or five I missed it because my working sets 135 185 I mean all the way through just just a te and my CNS is shot so I missed 405 every attempt and it haunted me but I also said I was like I'm the only honest dude in this [ __ ] gym I've never been press 400 lb where all the rest of you were like oh I used to rep that in high school yeah sure she [ __ ] did you're not going to [ __ ] believe this this was my first met DJ since when I came to the hospital 30 days impatient I've come off all meds like this is after my first shoulder surgery before I got electrocuted so this this is my very first time bir this is what he got this is me 66 for a decade sucks because I didn't realize that's what I was in my mind I'm what I am now my ego I didn't realize that's what I become through all the meds laying there just wasting away I didn't realize that's who I was when I look back at that photo it's so sad to me that I was in a [ __ ] I was living a false life I was but straight delusional you don't realize how bad it is until somebody shows you a photo like okayy this is you the video is not loading but is it not looking I don't know but here's a picture oh wow yeah you dye your hair too now just longer look kind of blonde yeah yeah it's blonde yeah dude wouldn't even know that's you look at that look at that skinny [ __ ] wasting away man the last chest yeah how long ago was that that was 19 right or was 18 when it first started four 4ish years ago four or five years ago [Music] yeah you know the [Music] deal I if you keep those things I have a few of yeah dude appreciate it no thank you thank you [ __ ] big [ __ ] me yeah right be 250 next time you see me I'll be 260 then definitely be for sure DJ going to come back shred I scream every day like he started Shing what's up all right so that's a wrap on our few days with the gbrs crew we're here after hour talking about doing some cool stuff in the future maybe some collaboration on events more stuff like that but overall we just had a really good time training learning lots of cool stuff just did a really good podcast with them which going to be on the raw channel so don't miss that we'll be doing some cool [ __ ] on the fut in the future we're going to try and get DJ Jack he's going to get up to 250 lbs next year I got to be back up to 260 so be seeing them in the future but till then see you guys later
Channel: Chris Bumstead
Views: 1,037,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IqOuFG41wHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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