Can a Professional Engineer become #1 in Poly Bridge 3?

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly Bridge three yes the new game is out if it's the 30th of May right now it might not be yet if it's not it comes out on 30th of May but we have been working our way through the campaign and we're currently on cr09 Rockstar so on this one the cars must collect their checkpoints to get into the flag so there's a there's a checkpoint there here's our car that's where we've got to get to so I'm literally thinking we go down here and then well through the star shock so we've got our road in we then want to use wood because wood is quite cheap and we wanna try and trust this up as best we can now I like to take advantage of wall breathing which basically means doing that so basically we've gained an extra anchor meaning our Bridge span is technically shorter so we could get away with doing that I like the look of that let's see on this side oh this side's gonna be hard work we definitely want a wall Breeze to take all of that do we just try and go over the top I can't see that being strong enough I'm not gonna light but we're gonna give it a go so let's see what happens he goes off and then oh dear oh my goodness look how fast that spinning around so that was the piece that broke I reckon if we just bring that over that way a bit oh yeah that worked that did work okay we did it we did it for 8502 quid which puts us at sixth on the leaderboard now bear in mind this isn't public yet so I'm only playing against like the hardcore poly Bridge testers yeah but something we do have on this one we have some we have some Gallery entries so this one pretty similar to mine but look at these ones oh that makes sense you use the rock to land on and this is the solution to just four thousand oh man that's that's actually quite good Fair plate so yeah after having a little look at some of those you'll you probably will notice building a bridge isn't necessarily the cheapest way to the top of the leaderboards anyway we're on the final level of the first world go for gold so we gotta collect both checkpoints oh and look at this we have two vehicles there's so it looks like you're in the middle there's just there's two stars on top of each other a green one and a yellow one so we've just got to do a bridge that goes to the same place so that's good I think for this we might use the curve tool so if we do that we can pretty much put curves wherever we want so if we do sort of that and then go we now have like a road dangling with with that in between now if we don't Build a Bridge Road just breaks hence first job of the day is to build a bridge so I think we'll do some truss under here again with the wall brace oh can we get away with that that looks risky as anything so if we just copy this half the bridge to the other side then we know it's like symmetrical and then for the middle I'm hoping I can just get away with something like that oh it's so small I can't see this working in the slightest but I will give it a try now I've gone I've gone way too cheap surely no it's worked it worked oh my goodness okay I was not expecting that this could be pretty good on the leaderboards we're fourth and if we save like 120 quid we could be third I mean question do I need like all of that could we get away with that surely not oh look how Ricky it is it's so rickety yeah I'm not surprised by that oh actually actually can I just do that and that oh there you go that's well under and our cars are also well under the water all right but a little tweak just move that up I think that should make this middle Bit Stronger that's where it was failing you can see I got the stress on now so as long as pieces go red we know we're making the most out of them so yeah that's good that is efficient bridge design and yes we are third oh man if I can get under 12 Grand I'll be first can I get under 12 Grand surely not all right well this is pretty cheap we're nowhere near being under 12 Grand though I don't know how I can actually save more money we are over 10 are away from the second though look at that that is close I have a feeling it's gonna be tweaking the road to like make it smaller because if I bring everything down so it's lower then our Bridge isn't as tall and if it's not as tall then you use less material and oh dear after lots of attempts I think this is the cheapest I can get it I assume to go lower you've gotta you gotta lose some pieces somewhere but I will take second in the world I mean that's not bad is it that's not too bad then that is all the classic rock levels completed and we're on to a new world of the minor mountains and not only were they completed they were also under Badger and unbreaken so pat on the back for Matt so let's go on to these so the first one is called learn the ropes we have a male van there weighs 9.5 polygrams pretty heavy it's got to get over this what are they what are they in the air oh look they're like hover platforming things cool oh man look at this level look how pretty this level is oh man it's so pretty oh look at the Mine Train down there old remnants of a bridge in the background oh man this is so cool oh you go around the back oh yeah this is pretty this is this is a pretty game guys I'm gonna say that right now down to just the graphics alone we're gonna see some Builds on here that is a bridge I would love to so first off for this one I think we just do straight road across we say [Music] so that's rude all the way then we're given rope and cable on this I mean we'll just trust this up so we end up with a trust like that if we Press Play I imagine yeah that has not got the strength yeah so we're gonna need some rope from up here and now these are going to be pretty good for just holding this in place because essentially we've now got three spans I mean actually that didn't work very well at all but uh we can just make the trusses a little bit bigger which makes them stronger and yeah so essentially rather than one long span these have given us sort of anchor points so we've got one span two span three span so hopefully that means yeah we're not to 92 stress but we got across quite easily there and we're third on the leaderboard so I guess we can do a little bit of Shaving to get to that top spot so first thing I like to do is turn stress on and just have a little look at how we are oh man I think we can see we can save loads we can shrink this trust massively right so I've got this down to 19 300 quid there's sort of one more thing I think I can do and I'm gonna have to do it to try and save an extra 100 quid to take the top spot and that is when you look at rope can you see it's 220 quid per meter if we look at wood it's 180 per meter now something you could do in poly Bridge Too was literally get rid of rope and then make like a a wooden a wooden rope basically now it's worth noting this doesn't always work because rope is better in tension than wood but it could potentially be a way of saving some money no it wasn't that was the piece that broke meaning I think the extra weight from these nodes because nodes weigh something in the game so if we actually if we hover over this look it tells us how much it weighs so 0.33 polygrams If We Hold On tell us how much all of that is oh that's really useful fair play so just under 1300 quid if we replace that with rope you can see it costs more but it weighs a lot less 0.09 polygrams yeah so what I'm thinking is it's actually made down here weaker so we might want to make that a little bit taller now the problem doing that means we need to realign our rope or wooden rope I reckon after a bit of tweaking yeah it could work and we're 18 761 which means we're now top of the leaderboard by a long way that saved us so much money can we just appreciate like how much detail there is in this level again like I know we've already been through it but like look at the little shack up here with the radio tower we got a little dangerous sign over this side and a windmill like when we Press Play The wimble Spins and look there's a little tent up there someone camping at the very top I am loving these levels and it's not just because I'm the best in the world although that is the phrase I am going to be using in this video quite a bit anyway on to the next level cable say oh look look they've started us off with a bridge so as we saw in the level info this is a cable stayed bridge and that actually really really common essentially you just have like a pole in the middle and then you have a rope down one side anchored into the ground so if we just remove that for a second you can sort of see how if it was angled that way can you see this pole just flops down whereas if it was over this side because because the pole weighs something that would be intentions that will like sort of stay up in the air so the idea with this is that you're just transferring the weight from there all the way up down into this node so essentially it holds the bridge up so the Jeep can do that however I don't think yeah we don't actually need those to complete the level that is what they are suggesting but because we have wood and steel I reckon we can probably do it a much cheaper way because if we were to finish their Bridge which would be doing that I mean it does actually look quite nice Fair player like oh look at the level it's so pretty this game yeah whilst that works that used 28 grand and you can see oh actually look at the leaderboards on this one there is scope for me to get some first places top in the worlds going on so yeah let's delete all that and then I'm going to leave you guys with a bridge building Montage anymore [Music] [Music] right and then here we go we're back we're back that was uh that was quite an emotional song that one shed a little tear singing that um if you if you did as well let me know in the comments I'm sure I'm sure some of you did but for a different reason than I did there's a song about some of it that fell in love with someone who turned into an architect and therefore they had to um oh they're a torn they didn't know what to do anyway this is what I've come up with it doesn't look very conventional I'll give you that but look at the price under budget by sixteen thousand nine hundred and fifteen quid imagine what we could buy with that and you could almost buy another Bridge um if we oh if we just take a little moment to look at the beauty of the level but then watch it again with the stress on I've got slow motion turned on you can see most Parts go very very red and then any tweaks sort of have a butterfly effect they can affect other things so I think we'll leave it there we can't quite get under 18 Grand but I'll take that that is that is the lowest cost and look at the stress 99.49 I assume oh wait no it's remembered my no way one of my earlier attempts got the lowest stress as well I'm the best in the world at this level and sorry I didn't use a cable stage Bridge sorry devs anyway the next level is called jumping off point oh dear that means there's a jump involved we got a plane that comes and we're gonna have to build a jump so we can get over over the plane to the other side so there's a nice bit of Road putting already I reckon jumps are quite hard work because your base see making a cantilever so you probably wants something like that and then I don't know I'm sort of thinking that's probably not going to be strong enough we might need yeah if we were to have like a counterweight under there that will actually really help support this thing I forgot sakes so yeah that looks really really good to me oh why did that hurt so much to watch all right we need to make this a bit girthier apparently all right and then I've added a bit of reinforcement to the base of my shaft and then I think we're good oh look at that jump beautiful so since there's still no other player Solutions in the gallery it will move swiftly on to the next level this one is called Quantum Leap um so what oh what is that is that a DeLorean why is that she's as lorian happily so I think the aim of this one is we need to hit 100 miles an hour so we can go back in time before this water like eroded away like a river because then there would have been like a straight path so that's what we're going to try and do on this one um oh look we only we only actually have five bits of road so gonna need very smooth jump I imagine can we do that yes no oh no it goes so fast right so I've just replaced the wooden rope with a steel rope we don't actually have oh do you have cable oh Cable's cheaper than steel okay we'll use we use cable instead then so yeah that should be strong enough so we can at least see like if our jump was the right grade are we gonna make it no we didn't make it sorry DeLorean so two choices we either add more road so that our jump is a bit bigger which um should work very nicely yep there we go alternatively we probably could have kept it as three and tried to like ramp it up a bit angle it up but to be honest I like that I love the levels look how good they look like I had no idea poly Bridge 2 was like a bad looking game too I played this and we Max dress we are last nice 99 and then we're on to the next level perched path so description there's no anchors in the middle try resting your bridge on the island oh look they've showed us like a little why didn't you rest there well I've got a better idea game because I think you're trying to trick me like we're will put in their solution and just see how how it works so essentially those nodes there are resting on the island so we've got quite a short Bridge or two little spans really so that works 16 and a half Grand but my idea why don't we do road down to like there boosh and then try and use this island as part of the bridge like as as the middle bit of road so if we get our wall bracing and then we try and do I think we're gonna have to do that sort of thing up here and then this is the only tricky bit I think we're gonna need a node to actually rest on the island so if we do that wedge that on top you can see that node there is actually holding the bridge up oh and it was strong enough okay I mean what's the stress like if we watch this oh it's pretty bad it is pretty bad actually um but hopefully I can then just copy that if I flip it horizontally and then shove it over this side we've got the mirror image the trouble is Bridges working different direction because it's going uphill I think the forces will be spread sort of slightly differently so I would imagine this will break and it needs it needs tweaking yep all right so there we go there's our solution 10 138 quid jobs are good and where are we on that leaderboard oh what are any third so people did this with seven Grand what Seven Grand I don't understand how you do that in Seven Grand not gonna light yeah I think I'll just stick with my 10 grand solution I have a little look at the map because the map is so beautiful I love it yeah there we go to the next level which has oh look they're teaching you how to brace so we have taken advantage of bracing against wolves on this one ready but the game is now officially teaching you because I think we've only got yeah we've only just got enough road to to make it over to that and basically this platform in the middle we can't rest on that one because it's a dashed line like all these nodes go straight through they don't rest yeah it means you've got to try and support this thing from one side so we got that on either side which should be enough because the force like hanging off this end should just go along there into the wall so let's see yeah lovely they crash into each other but uh how do we oh my god look how good we are at this game it's like I was a real civil engineer or something I mean I'm pretty sure I could even I could go a bit further with this if I wanted to be really mean to everyone else that's going to attempt this level right so I've properly tweaked this so if we have a little look at this one remember we can hover over this so we can see it costs 4034 weighs 4.29 polygrams then we can literally compare that to the other side so I've saved like 300 quid and the weight is a little bit lighter as well so let's swap that one then we'll see how they both work should be fine because they're identical oh damn it I thought your identical cars why why did that happen all right well anyway a little tweak there we go 8076 quid good luck anyone beating that um and also check out my Max dress that is how you know you have engineered efficiently and now we're on to the hydraulic levels so we're gonna leave that for next time because Hydraulics terrify me but if you enjoyed it be sure to beat your like button let me know if you prefer the songs being like drawing a montage rather than at the start of the videos would be good to know but for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 786,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge
Id: MkXQYef6cn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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