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well they say you can find yeast in some bushes

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hughheff 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I adore making bread but each it's takes so damn long. That said I have some waiting to go in the oven now.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/firestarter111 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have been wanting to make sourdough bread for a long time now, I told my girlfriend that I was going to start a culture and we could use it whenever we were running low on bread. She turned down my idea because she said that I didn't need another pet to feed.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hey_I_Work_Here 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

near a bush adjacent to a shopping center*

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mudclub 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
so we went to the store in the middle is corona virus outbreak and everybody took toilet paper bread cereals and all this other random stuff and I just wanted to get some sourdough so we're camping in the middle of the bush in Australia but I want to show you guys how to make and how easy it is to make sourdough now we took some flour we got a starter from this random bakery in Burma GUI that I've been up keeping and on the road and then we've got some filtered water that I just used my burrito filter put her in a bowl and the only thing other that other than that that you need is just a scale to measure this and what we're gonna do is the big our method it's an Italian traditional method dated back centuries ago and it made for very digestible bread and for that reason is all the breads that you buy are not very digestible they're terrible for your system they wreak havoc that's why all this outbreak of gluten-free this gluten-free that and it's it's it's not true wheat is good for you it's just how you make it and how you process it so we're gonna process it the old traditional way where it's actually digestible and good for you we're gonna make it very simple we're going to use just 990 grams of flour and this is like 60% white flour 40% of whole wheat flour and then we have 470 grams of water mixed in with the starter so you want to mix in your starter already and just kind of mix it in before you add the flour so once we add the flour to the water we just mix with our hands and you don't want to knead the begot that's fold it together like you were making a scone or pie dough or something that's in that nature is just you want you don't want it to become a dough you literally just folding in picking it up throwing it down picking it up throwing it down and this whole process should take no more than a minute so then all you do is just combine it so it looks like little strings as you can see like this hasn't become a dough yet and put a damp cloth over it and cover it and let it sit out for about 14 to 16 hours you're gonna cool environment like inside your house you probably have the a/c going or something in your fancy place we're out here in the bush we're just going to leave it outside and wake up and I'll let you know the next step all right good morning we just went to bed and let the dough sit for about 1415 hours and this is what it looks like and so what we're going to be doing to finish the recipe is we're going to add some water we're going to add two hundred thirty five mil of water ten grams of flour and 20 grams of salt now at this point we're gonna be mixing with our hands and eating for about five to six minutes so if you have like a machine at home you can just let it need for that amount of time and the way to knead it is you just pick up one end and fold it over the other and just push down okay so you start to see it coming away from the sides of the bowl pretty easily just want to pick it up just comes out that's more or less when it's ready this is what the texture that you're looking for and at this point you can add any of the flavorings you want you can add like rosemary olives you can even do like a dried mushroom bread like a dried porcini bread or you can do like a fig and walnut it's also really good I just get creative but at this point this is called the bulk fermentation so again we're gonna take our cloth cover it let it rest for about an hour now and a half we finished the bulk fermentation it rose just a bit which is really a good sign that means it's working we decided to divide the dough into three parts one for the main dough one for the main sourdough which is going to keep it simple and plain the other one we're gonna have fun we got some cinnamon and raisins we're gonna make a cinnamon raisin bread and then I found some local saltbush just behind us in the beach and I've chopped it up so we're gonna make a bush style sourdough with fresh salt bush you can make one large sourdough or you can kind of divide it up and that way you have all your work is paid off and you have more than one bread to eat with oh now what we're going to do is divide the dough so I'm just going to wet my hands with a bit of the filtered water and I want roughly about 150 grams for the small ones so once we divide the dough we're gonna what's called pre shape it and the way it's done is use a bit of water just like the sushi chefs use a bit of water to touch their sushi rice and make the rolls we do the same thing with the dough because you don't want to add more flour to that because that yeast is digesting the flour already so the way pre shaping is done is since this is a round loaf I'm gonna grab my bread and I'm kind of creating folding it in itself and creating a ball and this is called pre shaping as you can see the bread is becoming a lot less stickier and easier to work with and that's the beauty of this bread so now that it's pre shaped that's all the work there is to it we're just going to moisten the sides with a bit of water so it's easier to take out we're gonna do the same thing with the other two and let it rest for another 30 minutes before we do the final proofing this one at this point we can add our salt bush so I can just add the ingredients now is since this is a flatbread doesn't have to be in any particular shape I'm just gonna make it a bit round and next we have the cinnamon and raisin bread and I've soaked the raisins already so we're just gonna mix the cinnamon and raisins together this is gonna be a nice sweet style bread so now that we've pre-shaped the bread we're just gonna cover it let it rest for 30 minutes come back before we do the final proofing meanwhile I'll get the fire going okay we're back and let's look at our bread we have a nice dough and we're gonna do the final shaping before we do the final proofing this is the last stage before we actually make the bread just put your hands let me pick it up release it from the sides and then you just want to kind of shape it in a round formation just the same thing that we did just as before and that's it you don't want to pop the air bubbles you want to keep it very light as well so at this point what I like to do is actually invert the dough just on its side where it's upside down because what we're going to do is we're going to flip the bowl over and then we're going to place the bread in like this in the oven so that's the way I like to do it and that's the way I recommend you do it as well so we're gonna add flour at this point because we're not going to incorporate any more flour or fold any more we're just dusting it so that it's easier to pick up once it's done proofing so let's cover it and let it rest for another 30 minutes to an hour in the meantime I want to have some fun and try and do a flatbread I'm just going to add some flour stretch it out just like I would a pizza dough make sure it's all even and we can add it straight to the fire in the meantime we wait alright there it is looks about ready oh that's hot and let's try it out yep she's cooked yeah you can see that salt push in there let's try it Oh mm-hmm all that hard work paid off so good so we got the final proof done so you can see it's raised up quite a bit about almost pretty much double let's which is what you're looking for now I'm just going to flour my hands flour the sides a bit you want to be really gentle and let's walk over to the fire so that's our oven now like I said we're gonna loosen the edges so we're not pulling on the bread when we take it out let's make sure we got flour on all sides so I'll invert it all right and then we're gonna just Gore it a bit just make a few cuts and let it sit for about 30 minutes it should be ready so it's been about 40 minutes check it out that looks so wonderful so you know when it's ready when the bread comes off away from the sides so it has so I'm gonna take it off the heat and then we're gonna slice it once it's absolutely cool so now we're got our raisin and cinnamon bread and I'm not gonna score this one I'm just going to gently remove the sides place it in the pot and then that should be about 20 minutes so we finally let the bread cool down after a lot of anticipation I can't wait to open this up this is the Italian style sourdough with the biga method with the raisin cinnamon bun and I have Kira here she's from northern Italy born and raised so she's gonna do the honors and try the bread that is a nice texture bread [Music] hmmm how soft but surely approved so good I've been making bread for over 14 years and as well as in the culinary industry and pastry industry so I want to give you guys all the knowledge that I know with I'm gonna put up some of the new recipes online subscribe to the channel to keep updated so you can learn all the cool stuff that we do
Channel: wetravelslow _
Views: 2,758
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: sourdough, biga, italian, homemade, chef, at home, camping, baking, how to, make
Id: 9M-i2iPsbmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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