Campfire Pizza Cooked in a Dutch Oven. Handmade Bread Dough. Baker Tent.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when folks and welcome back I've set my bacon tent up in my garden we're still in lockdown due to this coronavirus so I just had to make the best of a bad lot really I'm fortunate enough to have a garden and I have somewhere where I can set up so all is not lost there are of us the challenges to you know filming in your garden it's not only me that likes to enjoy my garden I have neighbors as well I've picked the worst day of the weekend to film which is the opposite to what I'd normally do I'd normally pick the driest nicest sunniest day for better filming conditions but to reduce the chance of background noises I've picked the worst weather day it's pretty dreary it's been raining on and off all morning but that might just work in my favor I've lit a fire under the porch of the Baker tent to protect it from the rain because I'm going to be doing some cooking this morning I've got my big Dutch oven because I'm going to be cooking pieces my face is I'm going to use exactly the same dough I used for baking bread so if you watch my bread video I did cooking bread in a Dutch oven it's exactly the same recipe I'll put it in the description box below but I'll talk through hours like go in this bag here I've got two pounds of flour I'm working in pounds just because it's easier for me to remember the recipe that way basically it's two pounds three ounces at a point and it just makes it easier for me to remember so I've got two pounds of flour that's one pound of bread flour and 1 pound of plain flour there's also some salt in here now normally the recipe calls for an ounce of salt I think that's too much I think it makes it too salty and in my experience it stops the yeast from doing its job properly so I use about half a teaspoon of salt so that's in there as well I've got an ounce of yeast so that equates to four of these little packets that you can buy of dried yeast each one of these are seven grams and announces about 28 grams I've got the same again of sugar so there's an ounce of sugar and a pint of water that water needs to be warm just tepid not not too hot that you can't put your fingers in so I've just got some water on to warm up by the fire and wouldn't get started I've also got my Dutch oven over here next to the fire just to warm up I'm going to prove my Darwin here so I want this to be nice and warm and I'm just rotating it around to get the temperature up inside this is a really big Dutch oven it's a 12 core petromax FD 12 big enough to bake a 12 inch pizza [Music] in this cup I've got the yeast and the sugar the water is now warm so I'm just going to add some to that yeast and sugar the yeast will start to feed off the sugar now and this all start to sort of froth up well that's good it's doing its thing then so I'm just going to put this to one side right so I'm going to do most of my mixing in the bag I like to do this for this first sort of initial stage when it's really sticky the dough and then take it out and finish it off and then knead it on it on a board but it does save a lot of that dough getting stuck to your fingers if you can start it off in the bag this is a large batch of dough this is enough to make quite a large loaf of bread I don't need to use all of this for one pizza this this is enough for several pizza bases so I will divide it up and I'm gonna make one pizza this morning and the rest of them my family and I are having for dinner tonight so it will get used up then right the yeast and sugar and water have started to react and that's almost doubled in size in the cup there so I'm going to start to pour this in just a little bit at a time and then using my spoon I'm just going to start to combine it make a sort of well port in the middle and just bring the flour in mix it right so that's all of the Eastern sugar don't forget we've got the rest of the water to go in as well don't put it all in straight away because flowers vary a bit and some flowers require a bit more water than others now I'm gonna start mixing it in the bag just squeezing it through the outside of the bag and getting all that flour from the corners to mix in [Applause] right well I've got that mostly mixed or as good as I can in the bag I'm gonna turn this out onto this board now I'm just going to put a bit of flour on first so it doesn't just stick straight away just dust it finished off on here get all the bits out of the corners [Applause] there are obviously loads of different dough recipes bread recipes out there when I did my great video I was being undated with comments on with suggestions for different bread recipes yeah there are loads out there you know use whatever really this is just a recipe I like it works and I think the bread is really nice so that's what I always use once you've got a recipe you like you tend to just stick with it there's all sorts of like no need versions and you know sourdough and as all sorts use whatever if you want if you do end up making it too wet don't worry you can you can have more flour it's always worth having a little bit extra I've got a bag of plain flour here so that was the case I could just add a bit more you're basically aiming for a firm dough that doesn't stick to your hands I mean it's sticking a little bit here cuz it's still a bit wet and places but you want to be able to work it and knead it without it sticking your fingers and everything this is obviously a lot easier in your kitchen okay I'm pretty happy with that for its mix now comes the fun part time to knead it basically what you're doing is really working it turn this this way so I can get some purchase on it and you're basically just going to keep folding it rolling it folding it rolling it and just giving it a bit of a hard time take out all your frustrations take that coated you want to do this for a good 5 minutes because that really puts stretch into it and gives it that nice stretchy ready structure and you break the bread open when you bite into your pizza right I'm pretty happy with that I'm going to stick that into the Dutch oven now to prove so in here I've got a trivet a cast iron trivet just to keep the pieces off the bottom of the Dutch oven which is going to get really hot I don't want it to burn like my bread did yeah and I've just got a baking sheet this is actually the bottom of a a cake tin one of those with this snap side kind of thing you know that snaps I'm going to use that as my baking sheet so while the dough is proving I don't want it to stick to this so I'm just going to line this with a bit of greaseproof paper don't want to prove and dance what we're aiming for it to double in size [Music] while the dough is proving I'm just going to chop up a red onion it's going to be one of my toppings right let's take a look at this dough oh there we go it's definitely risen I put the Dutch oven over the fire and loaded the lid up with coals just to get it warming up I want that nice and hot for bacon-ness and I'm now going to knock the wind back out of this dough it's obviously full of air now as it's expanded so needing time again [Music] right I said before this will make several Pizza dough's pizza bases so I'm just going to divide this up now to 8 into 8 each one of them will be a pizza and I'm just going to dust my board and then start rolling this out [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I like to pop bake my pizza bases I'll give them just a couple of minutes in the oven by themselves without the toppings or anything on and it just makes it easier to handle them once you've made the pizza you can you know transfer into the into the Dutch oven much more easily if the base is already a little bit rigid also at home if you're doing this you can make up all your pizza bases in advance and freeze them and they'll keep for months in the freezer then whenever you fancy pizza you haven't got to go through the whole dough making procedure you can just take your pre-prepared bases out make your pizzas and you're away right let's get this pizza made up then I'm just putting pasetta on the top just straight out of the carton or jar however you buy it then going to put a little bit of dried onion and dried garlic I'm then going in with cheese now I know this is a bit controversial as to whether you cheese first or topping first while I'm a cheese first kind of guy that's just grated mozzarella red onions double salami I've got salami from Naples and salami from Milan here a bit of pepper mixed herbs and some chili flakes [Music] I don't know how well you can see that but I've tried to arrange the wood around the outside of the fire bowl here just to keep the heat at the outside rather than directly underneath it it also gives you a space in the middle where you can collect up embers and coals to put on the lid to get that top heat [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was gorgeous I don't care what anybody says Peter always tastes better when cooked with fire and we to get things cleared up here and I'm gonna take this last slice in for Tom I hope you've enjoyed the video thanks for watching and I'll see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 187,383
Rating: 4.9078436 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, campfire, campfire cooking, open fire cooking, Dutch Oven, Dutch Oven cooking, Dutch Oven pizza, campfire pizza, fire pit, trivet, Tjm metalworks, tjm mini fire anchor, petromax cast iron, Petromax Dutch Oven, petromax ft12, bread dough, pizza dough, kneading, camp cooking, baker tent, campfire tent, homemade gear, make your own gear, myog, garden bushcraft, backyard bushcraft, lockdown activities, homeschooling activities
Id: ViAqIo2qdog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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