Campfire Bread (Dutch Oven) & Homemade Butter

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[Music] so so uh good morning afternoon or evening whatever it is wherever you are come out today on this beautiful day brought this uh little edc hammock that apparently i've not used since sweden because it had some corona in it so a bit of a find there um yeah it's a beautiful day i thought i'd come out and bake some bread because i need some so i thought i'd show you how to bake the bread in a dutch oven over a campfire you've seen me do it before but if i do a dedicated video so uh i'll collect some firewood i've already got our campfire set up from the last time i was here and we'll get going on that as you can see my juicer from last time and i forgot i left one of my favorite spoons here [Laughter] just rearrange this fire pit a bit open it up a little bit it's closed off for the rock cooking there we go i think i'll use some of this oak that i found as the base layer quite a big bit here as a bit of a brace some birch bark off of that some fat wood that i brought with me [Laughter] i've also got some jutetine with me and i made some fresh char punk wood and char cloth the other day so use some of that should have been flint in here somewhere so so so so oh that tastes good so i have here a glass jar just a recycled one and i've got some double cream or heavy cream for you americans and i'm going to pour the cream no more than about halfway up in here close that off this is going to make our butter which i can use to make the bread and after i've made the bread so just make sure that's nice and secure and we need to shake this for probably about 10 minutes before it churns [Applause] so you'll eventually start to get a very thick cream but don't stop you need to persevere even though it gets harder and harder to shake eventually oh god i'm out of breath eventually you'll start to see and hear a solid lump in there in some liquid and this is not going to take much longer that is basically going to be your butter here i have flour yeast salt and some golden caster sugar i'll put the exact measurements down below in the description field there's my butter smells lovely i'm just gonna add about a tablespoon maybe a little more to my mix and i've got about 300 milliliters of warm water here now often when i'm warming the water i'll put the butter in it but that's quite soft anyway don't go in with all your water straight away all flowers can be a bit different and all recipes can be a bit different i like to use just a butter knife just to cut it in until you can start using your hands eventually all come together like so you'll have to switch to using your hands to work that together always have a bit of extra flour handy always helps i can just start working this in the bowl eventually your dough is going to start to come together it's going to get very elastic and you won't feel any of them little lumps in it and it'll be very nice to handle you'll know the feeling so that's all nicely kneaded now so i'm gonna actually leave this in the bowl so i've got some cling film with me which is just going to help it not to dry out um you may have seen me in the past i've just put it in the dutch oven to proof which is very easy to do and it's nice to keep the dutch oven warm as well but i'm just going to put this near the fire and i'm in no rush for it to rise unless you can probably see that's grown quite a lot so what i'm going to do is knock it back and put it into the dutch oven and let it re-proof just a little bit more you don't have to do that i could have proved this straight in the dutch oven and put it straight over the fire when it had proofed enough it's just the lid lifter the dutch oven itself i've actually put some baking paper in the bottom there just to help a little against burning and also just to make it easier to get out all right so i'm going to take this off which i will keep lovely so this i'm just gonna knock the air out of it you can oil your bowl as well so nothing sticks but it's not too bad so just gonna knock the air out of it bring it together put it in there squish it down a little bit it's quite a lot of dough for this dutch oven i'm going to put that lid on and we're going to hang this near but not over the fire i've actually got some carving bits with me today so what i might do is try and do a small butter knife for when the bread's done that's starting to rise what i might do is just put it straight over because it'll rise a little bit more whilst i'm putting the coals on and heating up the cast iron just looking good that's the shape more or less roughed out i should have really thinned this down before doing the shape it's not going to win any prizes but uh that's our butter knife see how that goes when the bread's done what i've done here because we're near the end of the bake is i'm just rotating it next to the fire just put a little bit of colour on these sides because you get the heat from above and below but not so much from the sides especially if your loaves a bit smaller than the dutch oven so i'm just going to rotate it for a few minutes and remember the dutch oven will stay hot after you take it off so if you leave your loaf in there you can leave it to finish it off but if it's done don't leave it in there any longer let's have a look looks pretty perfect on top yeah not bad just leave that to rest for a minute it's had about its right amount of time i think we should be good just want to make sure it's not doughy in the middle so what do you think looks pretty good doesn't it it's got that hollow sound on the bottom let's hope it tastes as nice as it looks we just need to cut into it i'm only kidding brought bread knife with me moment of truth you're going to see it at the same time as me oh that's perfect could you be more perfect it's important not to cut into these as soon as they come off the heat they'll just tear apart so leave them to cool a bit it's still nice and warm in the middle i have a nice thick piece i think i deserve it oh yes so all we need now is some of that butter hopefully this bread's warm enough to soften that a bit i'll put it in a cool bag there we go that's starting to spread now i only took a few seconds i did add a little bit of salt to that butter how good does that look one thing left to do here goes warm buttery fresh bread oh that was well deserved soft with a nice crust this is probably the best loaf i've baked outside i suppose i was putting a lot of effort into it being a dedicated video so this is coming home with me [Music] nice and cool now so right that's me done for the day thanks very much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed that check the description for any more details on the recipe give it a go yourself i'll see you all soon stay safe till then goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 204,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qnemvmeK2nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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