Budget Bushcraft Overnight Camp. Kit Yourself Out For Less Than £100. Raised Bed. Irish Stew.

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] true [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hi folks and welcome back this video is all about campcraft kit and a bit of cooking i wanted to set myself a bit of a challenge for this video with regards to kit um bushcraft gear can be really expensive and when you're starting out it can be a bit sort of daunting as to how much it's going to cost you so i wanted to see what 100 pounds would get you could i gather together a full and complete bushcraft kit for under 100 pounds and use only that kit for a bushcraft overnight camp foreign starting with this rucksack this is a vintage italian army surplus pack um absolutely huge about 50 liters i'd say plenty big enough for all of your bushcraft gear it's got two big pockets on the front with uh webbing straps and metal buckles and one big compartment on the inside with this strange sort of canvas flap which holds in place with a chain the chain is quite awkward to use you've got to sort of pass the chain through these wire loops if you like to go through these grommets and um and it just sort of snags up it's a bit of a pain to sort of pass it through so i'm probably going to just take it off here but being a chain uh is quite useful for bushcrafting anyway because you could use it as a pot hanger so worth keeping and then i'll probably just replace that with paracord it has these simple carrying straps here with webbing thumb loops which are quite comfortable just to tuck your thumbs in while you're walking and this pack cost me the grand total of 18 pounds off ebay so not a lot of money it's got a nice sort of vintage look to it and it's certainly big enough to carry all of your your bushcraft kit next up we've got a water bottle and cup this is british army issue one of the osprey water bottles really robust can't really go wrong with them and the matching plastic cup which goes on the top that cost me five pounds from my local army surplus store a torch is always a good idea when you're out camping in the woods at night so i found this in my local garden center of all places cost me one pound 50 and i already had some batteries at home so um yeah as a led torch i couldn't find a head torch that would work within budget so i've just made this simple webbing strap that will go around my my head and the torch just is held in place with a loop of elastic and then we've got a ferro rod here just an eight mil ferro rod that cost me four pound forty i think uh again off ebay this is the cheapest cooking pot i could find on ebay it's a stainless steel kettle um it's got a bail handle so you can hang it up it's got handles on the side so you can grab it it's got a lid it's full of my dinner for later and it's got a pouring spout on the front so you can use it for tea and for green tea and things uh it holds 1.2 liters and well i don't know how good it will be but it's reasonably thick stainless steel i think it should should do the job and it comes with this little pouch that cost just under 10 pounds on ebay for shelter i've got another bit of army surplus here this is a british army issue tarp or basha these things are really good i'll put this up in a minute and you'll you'll see it in a bit more a bit more detail but these are cheap i bought this for 15 pounds from the same place i bought the water bottle and you just can't go wrong with them really camouflage pattern on them and uh in here i've got some paracord i bought uh 30 meters or 100 feet of paracord for seven pounds off ebay it's just the cheap chinese stuff i cut three lengths at five meters and just uh melted the end so they don't fray and what was left i used to secure the the bed which i'll talk about in a minute the bed that you saw me made make at the beginning of the video i've got a sleeping bag here this is a british army modular architect sleeping bag cost me 22 pounds you know it's a big brute of a bag it's heavy but they're warm and um it means that you haven't got to worry about trying to keep your fire going all night to stay warm you know you can just hunker down into this thing and um and you're going to be all right you're going to be warm and finally some cutting tools i've got a folding saw here which i bought for six pounds off ebay this thing is rubbish in fact it's dangerous the locking thing the locking sort of tab thing there doesn't work and the blade just wobbles around all over the place while i was cutting the poles for the bed this thing closed on my on my finger and cut my finger open uh don't don't waste your money on this i bought it because i wanted to keep the cost down and keep everything within budget but spend a little bit more get yourself a laplander this is not fit for purpose and finally we've got a mora companion if you saw my recent video on on knives you'll know i'm a big fan of these they're great knives i bought this one especially for this video this is a stainless steel version and these cost nine pound fifty which is nothing is it really for a really good really good knife they're three quarter tang plenty strong enough for most of what you're going to need to use it for in kemp and finally we've got some work gloves always a good idea when you're handling rough bits of wood and things around camp and handling hot things out of the fire i'm actually not going to include these in the running total because they tipped me slightly over the hundred pounds um but these cost seven pounds and i'm gonna i'm gonna treat them as clothing i'm not including the rest of my clothing in the uh in the total so i'm not gonna include these but work gloves are always a good idea some of these items you could do without i mentioned about the sleeping bag you could do without that but you're going to have to keep your fire stoked all night long the shelter same you know tarp you could build yourself a shelter out of out of logs and debris to keep yourself dry and warm but what a tarp does is it gives you time it gives you time to focus on other things takes a long time to build a shelter and so if you take that time out of the equation you've got more time to spend doing the fun things and building other things in and around camp [Applause] so so [Laughter] i've cut up all that wood which was no easy job with that silly little saw i can tell you and then i split down one of those logs here just into smaller pieces and little thin pencil sized pieces and i made some feather sticks as well which i'm going to use as tinder to get the fire going um one of the things i did to my maura here when it arrived was to file away the spine just in this area here more has come with a kind of rounded edge on the spine there as i said in my knife video last week and that's no good for striking against the ferro rod so just take a file and just create a nice sharp edge you should be able to just um strike that on your ferro rod and create some sparks oh laughs so so [Music] [Music] so so [Applause] hmm i'm going to get some dinner on the go um because this video is going to be out on st patrick's day i thought i would do a kind of loosely irish themed dinner or based dinner um somebody had contacted me from from the states to ask if i'd do um a sort of patrick's day corned beef and cabbage and i i'd never heard of it so i i did a bit of research and um it's one of those things that isn't really an irish tradition but it's become a st patrick's day tradition in the states if you see what i mean um what is much more irish is of course the good old irish stew which has uh lamb in it so i've got some cubes lamb here just a few pieces enough for me and then to go with that i've got a potato a small carrot and a small onion [Music] and then i've got some lamb stock because traditionally you'd make your own stock by boiling down the bones and all the rest of it i've got a bit of oil to uh just brown the lamb and the onion and then in here i've got some lamb gravy some of that bisto best stuff which is which is really good and that'll just help to to thicken it at the end i split down a bit of ash here to use as a chopping board it was just on the limit of being able to batten down i managed to do it by whacking the handle and the tip what was the tiny bit of tip that was um that was sticking out there and i just managed to drive the knife down and split it so i'm going to start by just chopping an onion a bit of oil and on it goes i'm just going to give those onions a bit of a head start and then i'll put the lamb in while the meat's browning i'm just going to prepare the other vegetables i'm not going to peel them i'm just going to put them straight in into the pot with the lamb and onion a little bit of water and a nor lamb stockpot so that's all in there's just one more ingredient i need some not so wild time [Applause] well the stew is nearly done about another five minutes i reckon yeah which is good because i'm really hungry in the meantime i'm just enjoying a guinness as it's patrick's day well it isn't but it will be when this video comes up maggie's doing really well um yeah she continues to improve you know every day well she's she's pretty pretty much back to normal really running around looning around she's been up to the gate a couple of times to see what i'm up to but um i can't really let her into this part of the garden it's not secure and if she comes in here she just automatically makes a makes a bee line for um other people's gardens and it's just not fair on my neighbors do you know what i mean she'll just be off off just wreaking havoc in their vegetable patches and just being a pain so um i don't i don't really let her into this this bit of the garden and i mean it's one thing during the day where i keep an eye on her but at night you know she'll just be wandering off which is why she's not up here with me but she is doing well which is really good um i've got a a trip planned for next month with with andy at kent survival um yeah this is a trip that we uh we planned to do this a long time ago but um you know the first the first lockdown happened and didn't happen and then we met up between um that first lockdown in the second one um and we talked about doing the trip then and and then it didn't happen and we went to lockdown again so hopefully all going well as long as um as long as nothing happens to scupper the plans that should happen next month which is really good that'd be a canoe trip but something a bit different yeah really looking forward to that okay i think we're pretty much there i'm just going to uh put some of this gravy in and normally i'd hoik all of the veg and the meat and everything out so i just had a liquid left in there and then um it's much easier to to sort of thicken it when it's just a liquid you could you can sort of whisk it and stir it but i haven't got anything to put the um the meat and the vegetables into so i'm just gonna have to do it this way and hope for the best yeah that's looking good oh yes some big old lumps of lamb potato carrots yeah we're gonna enjoy this let's try a bit of lamb it's really hot um foreign uh [Music] cheers [Music] so oh this is the sleeping bag that i got for 22 pounds um it's a it's an arctic bag like i said and mine came with a liner in it they don't all come with this but um luckily mine had it in it adds a little bit of warmth i guess to it um yeah it's a good bag central zip draw corded hood and um behind the liner here are two pockets one on each side uh mesh pockets here they're designed for drying your socks overnight if you have damp socks you can put them in there and your body warmth will dry them overnight yeah it's a good it's a good bag really big really generous massive um baffle here where the zip goes keep all that warmth locked in and uh yeah not a lot more to say about it really they are they're big and bulky and they're heavy but um they do the job and they keep you warm controversially i have a different hot chocolate this evening this one is from norway and it's kindly sent to me by a subscriber so we'll give this a little whirl it's really nice well i'm gonna get this finished up stoke the fire up and crawl into this uh green bunker and uh try and get a good night good night's sleep um obviously you know sleeping on a raised bed they're not the most comfortable they're a bit like sleeping on a badly made park bench but um they keep you up off the ground and therefore you don't you don't get that cold uh you know the cold from the ground just sucks every bit of heat out of you otherwise at least being up off the ground i'll be warmer but i don't expect it to be particularly comfortable i um had a little incident at work the other day and injured my injured my side my my ribs and that's kind of like spread around to my back so probably sleeping on a load of tweaks is not the best idea but i'm sure it'll be fine um like i said before you know i tried to keep the cost of this kit under 100 pounds if i'd had a bit more then i would have probably added a caramel or something to it they don't cost a lot of money you can just you know one of those foam ones will do the job you know one of them on top of this raised bed would be a would be a good system you'd be up off the ground you'd have the comfort of the foam and you'd sleep pretty well but i'm sure i'll be all right on this tonight yeah be all good see you in the morning oh [Applause] so so uh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so so so so morning folks i had a pretty terrible night's sleep um i was warm it was warm all through the night lovely and warm but uh i just kept waking up un uncomfortable on this uh on this raised bed um there must be one or two of the poles i put in that are slightly higher than the others and they just dug in like ridges into my back and i kept rolling over onto my side or onto my back and i'd be comfortable for a while and i'd sleep for a bit for an hour maybe and then and then uh i'd be woken up again and i'd have to roll over and get comfortable again but that's the way it is um like i said last night um you know you can you can beef up this kit um with you know very little cost actually a foam roll max what 10 pounds maybe um especially if you get hold of one of those uh military military surplus ones they're a bit thicker and a bit a bit better than the the cheaper ones you can buy and that would make loads of difference and you could you can get away without a raised bed then of course you can just put it straight on the ground and sleep straight on the ground if you haven't got the bed to build but yeah now i'm uh pretty happy with how everything has worked really all the kit the sleeping bag like i said has been brilliant it's really warm it's huge as well there's masses masses of room in there you can roll over easily it's not you know it's not tight to you i guess it's designed for a soldier in all of his gear you know to sleep in so yeah that was good um the the tarp well they're just brilliant anyway i've had these before um these these uh british army bashes have loads of tie out points they're designed so that you can fold them in half and use them as a stretcher they've got handles on them for use as a stretcher and they're perfect for one person you can set them up in any number of ways just as a lead to like this is great but you can you can set it up more as like a you know a tent um yeah really good the billy pot has been brilliant you know for such a cheap billy it's um just the right size for one person for a big meal that stew i made last night was huge and um that was perfect in there the lid is really good it's got that bale handle i mean it's a bit rough rough and ready you know the rivets aren't really very central nothing quite lines up and stuff but it works so that's all good the um knife again excellent um you know i can't believe how cheap those mowers are i'll put links to all of the gear where i've got them underneath in the description box just click on the video title and it will pop up the description box and you'll see the links all in there yeah the knife was brilliant they just come super sharp out of the box ready to go like i said just file that spine down a little bit so you can use it on a ferro rod that makes all the difference the ferro rod itself was good but quite awkward to use without a handle on it because it's so small you've got to really grip it tightly so if you do get one of those um just put a handle on it or maybe drill a hole through it and put a bit of paracord so you've got something to hold on to you know some of that thin micro cord that would make it a bit easier to use these gloves have been excellent i've spent a lot of money on work gloves in the past and these are as good if not better and they cost i think they were 6.99 or something made by briars and they're just they're just cheap gardening thorn-proof gloves but they're really good they can handle picking up hot things as long as you as long as you're not handling them for too long i was able to move logs around and pick up my pot and everything and they were perfect just the job the torch is really good for one pound 50. um yeah you know simple it's just got one one setting but it's plenty bright enough and you could turn that into a head torch just by making yourself a strap and as for the rucksack well i don't think you can go wrong for 18 pounds it's a it's a nice looking pack it's got that kind of cool vintage look to it it's very simple but it is huge you've got a massive main compartment with that that odd kind of flap thing which i probably wouldn't bother with and then a draw cord closure above that which is all you really need and then those two big pockets on the front which are huge um you can carry loads of gear in them i'm really happy with the gear and just goes to show you you don't have to spend hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pounds on kit you can get yourself set up for under 100 pounds which is really good to know especially if you're starting out right well i'm going to get myself cleared away here get things packed up because i've got a breakfast date with mrs in the woods this morning which i don't want to miss i want to get in and get showered get rid of my smoky clothes and all the rest of it and um have some breakfast thanks for watching and i'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 51,989
Rating: 4.9717622 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, survival, campfire cooking, Irish stew, raised bed, bed from natural materials, shelter, tarp shelter, lean-to shelter, basha, british army shelter, bushcraft kit, bushcraft gear, arctic sleeping bag, british modular sleeping bag, mora companion, ferro rod, folding saw, camp craft, whittling, spoon carving, budget bushcraft kit, budget bushcraft gear, affordable bushcraft, overnighter, solo overnighter
Id: S0igNbWvIq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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