Steak and Eggs in the Woods. Raised Sleeping Platform. Diagonal Lean-to Tarp Setup.

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[Music] [Music] morning and welcome back I'm out here in the woods again and this week there's a couple of things I want to do firstly I want to have a go making a raised bed more for practice than anything else really but I probably will leave it set up out here in the woods simply because I'm planning on coming back here in a couple of weeks time and it would be nice if it was still if it'll still set up so I could use it then and the second thing is I want to have a go at a new tarp shelter set up I've also brought some breakfast with me so once I've got those things done I'm going to light a small fire and cook up some steak and eggs for breakfast okay I've cut one pole I measured it out against my height and added a bit I've cut this one to use as a template so I'll I'll use this to measure out the other poles and then I'll cut them before I take them back to where I'm going to set up so I'm quite lucky really in this bit of woodland there are loads of downed trees we've had a lot of wind lately which is which is blowing trees down so there are there are freshly downed trees there are also trees I've been down for some time but haven't started to rot yet so there they're gonna be plenty strong enough for what I need but I'm certainly not going to be cutting any trees down [Applause] well I really like this setup this a perfect sort of solo you set up kind of lone wolf style I've got the idea from as from Bush pirate he's a German bushcrafter and new tuber his channel is called Bush pirate and loads of really good content awesome awesome stuff we get a chance check it out there's loads of room in here as you can see you can see behind me there's a huge area here a massive triangle for storing your gear historian drop firewood would be perfect you know you could put a tarp down in that area there and have a little area you know if I was out capping with Maggie for example she could sleep in that area there it's got a really huge overhanging porch area in front of the shelter it would have to be really hard driving rain to get me to be honest unless it was maybe coming in at the sides I might get a little bit here but it really does offer loads of protection I like it you could also have a fire in this area and the overhang of the shelter would protect the fire from the rain [Music] air blades it always seems to be gunfire or airplanes in the background of my videos I'm sorry about that yeah as I was saying you could have your fire in this area what as does in his in his video is he has his fire set up beneath the a-frame which is holding the the front triangle of the shelter up and that way he can use the frame to support his pot hanger so he has his fire directly underneath it it offers some shelter some protection for his fire and he can you can also use it for for hanging his pot off it was a really really clever idea oh yeah good I like it okay I'm going to get a file it so I can have some breakfast and I'm really hungry I don't know we like to have a fire in coniferous woodland just because of the root system and all the pine needles and stuff all over the floor but I've dug down about three inches and come to sand I've then snug down another four inches into the sand and just cleared roots from this area here and then packed all the sand back in so I'm fairly satisfied that fire isn't going to spread down and affect the roots underground I'm going to be here for a couple of hours anyway after after I've eaten so I can make sure that it's well and truly out before I go right let's get it lit so I've got steak and eggs for breakfast the steak I'm going to cook in the embers at the end just straightening the embers and the eggs I'm going to steam in the little insert that goes in my zebra Billy I'll bring some water up to the board for a cup of tea and steam the eggs at the same time the eggs I brought in this new box transporter that I that I have a subscriber of mine a chap called you and has very kindly made this and sent it to me to try out it's a 3d printed he has a 3d printer he's sort of 3d prints various bits and pieces as a hobby and and he's been making a run of these egg containers so there's a kind of like a cradle which holds four eggs and and then it's held shut with these rare earth magnets quite a neat system and obviously that'll just stop the eggs from breaking when you transport them to camp really like it it's cool and the inserts are glow-in-the-dark he says that he's tested this by loading up with four eggs and dropping it from a height of a meter onto a hard floor and only one of the eggs broke so it's a pretty good pretty good test I think really you know I haven't I haven't tested it out although they did survive the walk into the woods today cheers Ewan Beauty they're done the water's boiling I've just leveled these out a little bit I I want them to die down so they're just white embers before I stick my steak on but in the meantime I've put my eggs to eat I was gonna bring Maggie out with me today in case you're wondering where she is but unfortunately she's not being very well so um she's been on a sort of chicken and rice diet and I don't think it was very fair to bring her out and then eat steak in front of her but yeah she's on the mend she's just she's just a bit unwell she's had a bit of diarrhea and just not quite being her normal self just being a quiet bit bit lethargic but I think she's I think she's on the turn I think she she is getting better so hopefully next time just while I wait for the fire to die down to embers I've just put my steak on to warm I like my steak really rare you know barely cooked at all but it has to be warmed through otherwise you just end up biting into something that's cold and that's never nice so when I tend to warm it by the fire or near the fire for a little while beforehand just so that it it kind of like warms through and then I can just flash literally just flash cook it in the embers and it'll be lovely well there you go doesn't get much better than that for breakfast all I did was season it with some salt and pepper and I am so hungry I can't wait to get stuck into this oh my Nesbitt you know of all the ways you can cook a steak I don't think you can be cooking it this way directly in the embers this is only a supermarket steak it's a ribeye I love ribeye my favorite type of favorite cut of steak I'd have ribeye over fill it any day and yes like a 21 day aged matured ribeye Morrison's very good is so this bed is surprisingly comfortable actually it's got seven poles and I did try and pick the straight as poles I could and yeah it's good it's sort of springy you want something on it I've just put my wool blanket on it for now but you know you could use you could use bowels sort of you know evergreen boughs and Bracken and things like that on top of here just them just to create a soft platform onto which to sleep but it's really good it keeps you up off the ground which is important you know you lose a lot of body heat down into the ground overnight so you need to be up off the ground if you haven't got a role map with you or a sleeping pad you know you need to get up off the ground so this is ideal and if you were if you were in a really cold environment and you were relying on your fire to keep you warm at night like a Swedish long fire for example the other beauty about this sort of setup is that warmth from the fire can go underneath your bed as well and it almost gives you sort of underfloor heating if you like you know the heat can can circulate around and keep you warm through the night but yeah it's good and pleased with it so the bed is made up of two logs which sit down here they're kind of like bearers which rest on the ground on top of that there is a longer log this one here which goes across and that's held in place with these pegs which you drive down to the ground and then you lay your the logs you actually lie on on the top of that I used seven which is about right you could you could have more if you wanted you can make it wider obviously you just have to make sure this log here is wide enough to to accomodate however wide you plan the bed on being and that's it basically you can saw these off like I did otherwise they're going to stick up and and jab you unless you wanted the net to hold on bedding material that you may want to put on top of this if you if you were going to put insulation on top of this or something soft Bracken or boughs or whatever you've got a you know to make it comfortable to insulate you you might want something to hold it all in place in which case you might want to leave them a little bit longer and maybe even add some more just to hold it all in stop it from sliding off as you as you move around in the night but that's that's basically it's dead simple but it creates a nice airflow underneath keeps you off the cold damp ground yeah and is springy uncomfortable surprisingly comfortable well thanks for watching I hope you've enjoyed the video I hope you might have found it useful next week I'm off on my bushcraft and survival challenge go on Thursday I'm very excited I think I'm organized I hope I'm organized so yeah fingers crossed I'll be able to get some filming done while I'm there and and the next video will be will be that take care I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 52,399
Rating: 4.9487648 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Wilderness skills, Primative living skills, Bushcraft cooking, Campfire cooking, Open fire cooking, Tarp shelter, Tarp setup, Diagonal tarp setup, Diagonal lean-to tarp, Bushcraft shelter, Raised bed, Raised sleeping platform, Natural materials bed, Zebra Billy, Feather sticks, Ferro rod, Fire steel, Natural fire lighting, Gransfors Bruk small forest axe, Folding buck saw
Id: hmkMjbP5L8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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