CampAesthetics 10 (Wild Camping UK)

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Who would you rather be left in a survival situation with: This guy, or the Primitive Technologies guy?

One talks a lot, the other doesn't talk at all.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sock_the_robot ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Dude knows his shit

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Classic Alfie. Easy life.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BobGeldof2nd ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 17 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
quite the view a well at least is quite the view for me the camera never does quite do things justice but there's a pond amongst all this foliage and I say this because of these yellow flowers iris ooh decorous otherwise known as yellow flags they are wetland dwellers well that elder tree is highly inaccessible or should I say that sambucus tree if you want to know the genus did you know you know the drink sambuca it contains or at least it used to contain elderflower from the sambucus tree makes sense right but that's up for debate it might be something to do with the Arabic name for the spice and these but anyway asked by me some brackets give me the brackets I'll want the bracket there's so much blushing bracket in this woodland you literally can't walk more than 100 meters in any direction without stumbling across a huge batch of it well what have we got here then right off the bat and on the fly identify would suggest it's one of Eva three things one a puff ball to an Amanita maybe an Amanita phalloides s otherwise known as the Deaf cat how intimidating still growing in its universal veil not yet emerged but probably not or free a harmless stink horn but as the lovely Madi correctly pointed out there is a bit of a gelatinous protrusion from its Vale so one would immediately assume that it's a stink horn but there's only one way to find out for certain Oh cut it open get on that dissection game cuz I can't agree Wow Oh like an eyeball haha oh yeah what is it that's a phallus in pewter kiss my dear oh hang on I should talk to the camera at home this is indeed a stink horn the common stink horn phallus impudent up in the wrong way though but going to whack up an image before it looks like once it's fully developed indeed but there is the reason why it's called distinct horn the greeny part is what's known as the Glee bar if you want to get technical is what carries the spores of the fungus and is what stinks the greeny part is what becomes the head or the bell end of the fungus so to speak once its emerge from its little veil and as the common name would suggest it does indeed stink like on a level you can smell it before you can see it in most cases it really is quite offensively pungent describe the smell well it's the mixture of hydrogen sulfide and methane fel which has a sulphur group in its molecular structure so you know sulphur that rotten egg smell decaying swamp smell or singed hair smell beer contains the spores of the fungus and the reason why it smells is because it emits a ton of pheromones that attracts insects so insects are the vector for spore dispersal with this fungus the smell only really develops as the fungus develops though in this premature egg stage it doesn't really smell at all here's another one just starting to emerge a much better specimen for a bit of dissection it only takes 2 to 3 days for them to fully mature but for the sake of demonstration and the fact that is just so enticingly disgusting to look at let's get inside this bad boy I'll cut this one open properly this time though handling one it feels much like a testicle nohomo dough or grape you know that might have been a better thing to say there we go so pretty but you can see it how it started to take shape but this little white section what's known as the receptor Coulomb is what eventually becomes to stalk of the fungus and is edible it tastes just like horseradish so it's a cheeky little nibble the fungi becomes a bit inedible as it begins to develop into its stalk and phallus or should I say the fungus becomes inedible once it wrecks haha oh my god get a life and it pops out easy enough if you cut the fungus properly so cheeky little nibble but I do only speak for this particular fungi phallus in peu de cos I don't speak for all stink horns although as far as I'm concerned most stink horns are non-toxic but you would probably pay like five hundred quid for this in France this is their kind of food and the gelatinous layer is good lubrication for a bow-drill to go in between your spindle and your bearing block just FYI so interesting fungus right I like having someone do work for me that makes a nice change say hello to Madeline that's mine you crafting and food preparation table it will see some use today gonna break it in hard like a Catholic girl how are we making fire today well I have an abundance of char cloth look at that I've got tinder for days so we're going to throw some sparks with the old steel and what's that then this is quartz Flint and chair or a form of quartz that chemical composition is the same silicon dioxide although I find quartz to throw much better Sparks is a little bit more brittle but it's 10 times more aesthetic so no more flint we've done up the game we're on that pink [ __ ] now but dig enough you'll find quartz I happen to chip the end of my shovel while digging a Dakota fire hole when it came into contact with this bastard so an otherwise annoying consequence of digging turned out to be quite all right but to be precise this is rose quartz gets that pink hue from being developed in such ferrous or iron impregnated clay ground because there's so much iron in this ground if I knew the first thing about blacksmithing I would have a goddamn field day but anyway let's start throwing sparks let's put down the fire right now that's the easy part done them flames watching that back I can dig that that wasn't a very elaborate gathering an impressive shower of sparks so let's ignite some char cloth using a more visually pleasing method this yellow fungus is called tremolo Mason tarika slow that down ramela mesentery car such a nice name is just rolls off the tongue but otherwise known as witches butter lovely name or yellow jelly brain now right off the back this gradient of yellow to white towards the substrate is a very typical feature of a similar yellow jelly fungus that Gramercy's Kreisler permis but with that chromite sees the ridges are thicker it's a fatter fungus quite rare in this part of the world - it certainly doesn't grow in such abundance large ramela Mersenne tariqa does but these little blobs of Tramel are everywhere at the moment amongst all the deadfall and leaf litter dacra Maya sees also tends to be more orange rather than a pale yellow but tremolo Mason tariqa colors do change and get washed out but how does tremolo fare up medicinally those polysaccharides that modulate the immune system it's also an immunostimulatory gives your immune system a bit of a kick up the arse if it's weakened or inhibited in any way much like traumatic versicolor in that regard so it's a good little clump of goo it's on our side is it edible yes it is although it's not held in particularly high regard it tastes like nothing it just tastes like having frog spawn roll around in your mouth it's the texture and consistency that puts a lot of people off but ramela mesentery cart roughly translates to trembling intestine but that's more of a description of a physical characteristic rather than the namesake for gastrointestinal upset which wouldn't happen this is a harmless fungi but just because a fungus is edible raw and I will stress this emphasis emphasis just because a fungus is edible raw does not mean it's not contaminated by bacteria fecal matter or pathogens so cook it in whatever you're cooking if you're into that what you know about that burdock from the genus of artyom let's talk about edibility and identification so identification they are a biennial plan meaning it will grow its root leaves and foliage one year the next year it will flower the flowers will look much like thistles so you may catch it in a different stage than I am currently so I figured I'd mentioned that might throw you off a bit if you're not familiar with the stages of development and quite clearly they are an absolutely massive plant they're very hard to miss but what are some plants that share uncanny physical resemblances well rhubarb for one but it's not as common out in the wild and have deeply red stalks as opposed to predominantly green stem with some purple hue that comes of age on the burdock the undecided leaves are paler in color in comparison to the top side of the leaf botanical descriptions of the leaf will say that it's wooly or furry those are characteristics that I wouldn't personally designate to this plant they do have very fine hairs covering the underside of the leaf but I wouldn't consider it wooly or furry not significantly so it can be quite misleading you can either stalk swore although I have mentioned previously in other videos about not being able to digest cellulose the same applies here you can chew it your enzymes will break down what they can but you end up with a massive undigestible cellulose so you know eva spit it out or just knock it back because cellulose does come in quite handy as roughage you know fire but for reasons cooking the stem makes them more palatable but they're quite bitter cooking them makes them a bit less bitter but it tends to leach the bitterness into the palate that you're cooking as a whole the leaves are very bitter though I wouldn't recommend those for a cheeky nibble plus the hairs are annoying when they get stuck in your throat it's a kind of deal but the root is what we want a specimen as large as this its root can reach up to depths of 30 centimeters so lots of digging is required but we only want the small specimen so let's crack on okay dirty girl hand but can I just pull this do it no no it goes in so deep into the ground brings a tear to my eye seeing you get your adds day she don't give no Fox I don't like the worms much just gonna sit and watch me do it I'll take over if you want I just feel be a very rewarding experience if you do all the work saying you can tell the grandkids you know I'll go for burdock root once they could be my greatest tale of adventure that's Roberta ah centipede you don't happen oh no don't you dare Alfie that's dinner though what you know about them ticks should take off your jackets like you feel muscles flex while you're at it he's sexually harassing new now I'll spy me some room oh my god that's good don't forget there's still ways to go yet it wasn't a miraculous porno whole [ __ ] lot because I was trying to glue the fungus together you know the M and the heart oh but it turns out fungus doesn't want to superglue to another fungus hooter for that way it's got these little tiny nose in it allows for a separate video finding north of a needle I've left the truce is your Saint Nina needle it's a [ __ ] needle it's a pain this go ahead alright so ain't a sewing needle well it's it's a needle it you're just being semantic like oh I find Northup in no but their ass don't it came from a [ __ ] sewing kit yeah so in kids have pins in them you're just artwork should call things by their proper name Alfie so you should call a scone a scone and say how it's spelt know you don't like celibacy like that I mean how can you not like it it just tastes bad war how very good people [ __ ] about it so much though so we got some chopped up burdock root burdock stem some tremolo mess in tariqa and a bit of charmella Orrantia Bofur the ball so what we need to do is parboiled a lot in a separate cup just to remove the contaminants and clean it figured out throw some nettles in there too because why not a let's get cooking nice shot you should do some voice acting so I got such a big fire Alfie go on say that Tramel is in in goes the rest and now we just leave that to boil water sup a Venus flytrap does it like a crab no you don't know that we'll cream know about it no get your bag made of fabric automatic hang on let's just get this on camera for the record come closer right repeat what you just said okay so put your steel mug on the top of that right and then you stick turn that up slow down into the steel mug and use the mug is cool so good to get that mug off well you're saying flip flip the contents of that into that now am I supposed to flip the cup ah we're sick really resting on it well you're saying flip the mesh yeah questionable practices but I'm open-minded about it I'll let you flap your wings baby don't think just do or we could just let it cool down like sensible people no that's not long five minutes you nearly knocked the whole thing over and you kick that stick ha ha god dammit girl I would have slashed your jugular oh my goodness gracious shake it up holy [ __ ] that could have been a catastrophe but it looks like it worked good job Maddie is wandering your shoulders I go baby look at that damn aren't I clever [ __ ] now we cook it for real all right isn't that just the most appetizing thing you've ever seen haha this there's the crown jewel though that yellow jelly brain child down on natural Miller they've already tasted just kind of like slides around 12/1 it mixes in with a noodle but it is noticeably slamming but it has no taste it's quite a weird texture it's okay to spit out what did you think of the tremolo Maddy speak up [ __ ] horrible horrible papa was right it's more the texture and consistency rather than the taste what did you think of the burdock root okay it was okay yeah the stem no sir that was horrible mmm it was it wasn't bitter it was just it made everything else taste it though I guess you're right it did make everything taste a bit bit off the root was good though well should we put never putting some nettles will address that assess our spinach don't think and got a piece of metal with our baby anyway good game how glorious to start ready it's ten out of ten henna now we do so so much Spike it well Jessica's [ __ ] city of the generals fresh blood sees the mine boy what's all this about then I imagine many folks have come across these orange balls on deadfall and tree stumps it's perplexing is it a fungus or is it an insect egg it's neither of those things this is called like a Gallitep addendum otherwise known as wolf's milk which is quite peculiar Wolf's milk is a literal translation of like a gala like o is from the Greek word lycos meaning wolf or relating to wolves or werewolves gala is the Greek word for milk from which the word galaxy comes from just FYI Milky Way you see our galaxy was actually called the Milky Way because legend has it there was this whole breastfeeding incident involving Hercules and Zeus his wife Hera which long story short ended up in breast milk being squirted out all over the place which became the galaxy henceforth known as the Milky Way haha anyway epi dendron epi means upon dendron means tree epidemia growing up on trees so wolf's milk growing upon trees while the [ __ ] it's called wolf's milk though I have no idea I imagine it has origins in mythology but maybe someone that's milked a wolf can fill me in on what I'm missing that'd be great but anyway what is it is the question you may be screaming at the screen this is a slime mold a plasmodial slime mold much like flu go step teaser and enter idiom like Oppidan it starts off as little individual amoeboid that from a distance looks a bit like red stains on trees they move across the tree as individuals engulfing and feeding on bacteria then once they're done with that they emit a pulse of pheromones if you will a chemical signal that serves to bring all the individual meat boys together to form a plump congregation aka this [ __ ] the technical term is actually a failure another name for fruiting body but once in this stage they begin reproduction this orange using goo is what will become the slime mold spores once it dries out in the hour - shell darkens in color and eventually disintegrates interesting stuff does it have any uses not really another name it goes by is toothpaste slime mold which is peculiar I don't imagine you could use this as a toothpaste substitute but it's not toxic but again contamination from bacteria on the substrate chemical compounds one dimethyl pyro only decarboxylate shorthand is called a like olga Rubin has shown inhibitory and destructive effects against HSV virus which is the herpes virus hooray HSV one to be precise which is responsible for cold sores so you know there's one use negligible like a gallon no sides show inhibitory effects against gpause II bacteria gram positive bacteria you're on those slang terms now you know same old story with slime molds from in the stewpot although it does make everything taste a bit like play-doh brings back those nostalgic childhood memories of eating play-doh don't judge speaking of slime molds here's another bit of flu go sept ISA the spores have not yet been produced it's not ready for dispersal a dead shrew hmm how unfortunate their cute little things I want one as a pet you looking for your brother I got some bad news babe just putting this out there I didn't kill - root it was already dead when I racked made me sad why isn't he intimidated by my presence I'm Indiana Jones Dora Maar a little fella you're too cute - from the stewpot but I want to push my luck and get closer on some Dave Attenborough type [ __ ] National Geographic ah he's gone is pegged it mate you may have seen this flower before popping up amongst all officials and opium poppies get highest [ __ ] on that morphine according but this cheeky little flower is called a mallow the genus is malva the species is more Chartres so it's the musk mallow Malva mushara identifiable characteristics they have quite an uncommon leaf structure not your typical broadleaf plant the leaves look a bit like chamomile leaves just little branchy divisions so very distinguishable at least for Musk Mallos anyway other species of mallow have regular leaves but the flower the seeds the leaves all edible the stem is edible but you'll soon learn that the stems are quite undesirable parts of plants the root is not worth the trouble of digging out and not generally sought-after but I will say if you do decide to chow down on the leaf if you eat too much you'll generally get that feeling in your throat because there are hairs on the leaf but a cheeky little nipple there is a lot of musk mallow in this meadow food for days it's probably like 70 calories if you pick all the petals that is not dinner that looks intimidating will ain't that a Purdy little thing it's more so the camera focus that makes it look more enchanting we're sure when you need him he'd identify this well would you look at that and colony sorry fellas it's nothing personal look at all that protein if you're concerned about keeping your games out in the sticks protein fix right here lay a tarp out in the Sun fold one corner into the center and the ants will instinctively carry all their eggs into the shade under the folded side of the top they do all the work for you hello don't mate you boy just look at that red soil that red tint from all the iron oxide if the camera picks it up that is pretty red that's bad times pretty much a no compass zone just an idea of how much iron or ferromagnetic material is in the soil here's a compass reading above ground that I will say it is 15 degrees off where North should be but as we head down to the ground [ __ ] goes crazy 10 magnetic fields would you know about them could potentially screw up the polarity of my compass needle underline all the magnetic domains of the needle that'd be bad time but I'm basically standing on one big magnet or several stumbled across an awful lot of punk wood which would be fantastic if I actually used it but for those of you that don't know what Punk wood looks like maybe that's some terminology that no one's giving you an explanation for you basically it's just rotten decayed wood that breaks apart in your hand makes excellent char and if you're lucky enough if you catch it dry enough you can ignite it with a ferrocerium rod using the baviaan sparkles method so I was in the midst of processing up some farm ferment areas getting some real nice spin strips for easy-peasy fires starting in the future figured you know what [ __ ] love fungi and I love my [ __ ] so one [ __ ] in particular is very deserving of recognition and a token of gratitude so the plan is right here's the deal this is a basic crude heart shape I'll refine it further then carve out another heart-shaped mold in the center then I'll melt up some amber pour the amber into the mold then nap a piece of quartz into a heart shape whack that in the center of the amber BAM I think that would be pretty nifty a nice little souvenir so I broke off a piece of my quartz that I use for fire-starting and just spent about half an hour or so napping it down into this heart shape that was a hard life it was pretty much a jagged square beforehand and considering I'm using a goddamn kabob skewer to do my napping there that's not the best tool for the job but it will suffice so now I wanna nap this into a more refined heart so it can be plugged into the resin mold I find this harder than napping actual real arrowheads out of flint the symmetry of hearts man I'm so bad at making them symmetrical it's like Large Hadron Collider schematics for me when I hold this up against the Sun the only thing that looks like a skull or some demonic image or it kind of looks like a [ __ ] go with googly eyes you know can you see that maybe it's just me first boo-boo of the day that's bad times you probably saw it coming by the way I was napping it's very amateur way to do it I saw it coming but hey this crack on well we started off about an hour ago we've pretty much just a raw block of court and I think I've done well to refine it down to this shape but it is just deceptively difficult to nap this top it off I can't just blunt-force trama it because I risk fracturing it in a way I don't want oh it's hard life today man I think it's just a matter of chipping at it nano meter by nano meter molecule by molecule now we start rounding out their edges this is the tedious part it's where everything goes on even hollowing out some cavities this seems to be the easy part Halloween out of the cavity the problem is getting this side symmetrical with this side it's going to be a pain in the ass cut in maybe four millimeters of fibrous material that doesn't want to break apart so easily so what I'll do is I'll finish this at home refine it perfect it get it done but right now I'm just gonna have a trial run I'm going to mail up the Ambar I'm going to pour it I'm going to see what it looks like nearly completed so let's do that it's going to take me another hour or so to nap the courts alone that's a project and a half mate because it's really awkward you can see it's like it's not your nipple at the edges type a nap in project got break off chunks without fracturing it but anyway so there's beta testing the foam from interest kind of sub choose the color of the amber it should be that color at least we know it works so we'll perfect this at a later date or maybe this is it maybe there's perfection in the imperfection it's very rough and rugged much like the style and method in which it was created and the environment it was created in mmm it's a bit rough around the edges it doesn't give a [ __ ] just like me it's perfect this could do this could do would also save me a lot of work we'll see and I feel that's a good note to end the day on so I'll see you around Bros sup homeboys and homegirls last week subliminal flash was a collection of fungi whose names had been abbreviated the goal was to leave a comment with the full unabbreviated names and boy a lot of people know that [ __ ] there was a secret message by the way but I don't think anyone clocked it [ __ ] slacking but let's go for all the fungi then get to them else first up was a man foul which is Amanita phalloides otherwise known as the death cap oh boy but let's talk about why earned the name the death cap it is responsible for 90% of fungi related deaths 90% one cap is enough to kill 100 kilogram male or 250 pound male for the american bros half a cap is enough to kill a teenager or adult may of lesser proportions put that in perspective when I've spoken previously about certain plants or fungi being toxic they really ain't [ __ ] compared to the death cap a lot of the toxic things that I've spoken about will only ever give you an upset stomach or if you overdo it you'll probably violently [ __ ] yourself or ferociously vomit but the death cap will straight-up kill you slowly and painfully over the course of a week so let's talk about how it kills you ended on a happy note first of all after eating the fungi you'll feel fine there are no immediate symptoms whatsoever you carry on as usual with the daily chores of the outdoors you go to bed that night everything seems hunky-dory but then after one or two days [ __ ] starts getting real you'll start to experience relentless stomach cramps which feels like you've been eviscerated by a pissed-off Persian with a rusty scimitar then he reaches into your stomach and begins twisting out your intestines you will violently [ __ ] yourself you will vomit as a result you'll probably experience dehydration on top of that as if you didn't have enough to worry about yeah it will reduce you to laying on the floor screaming in pain assuming the fetal position and begging for mercy but no mercy shall be given it's only just starting to give you a bad day all of those symptoms eventually subside after a day or two the gut-wrenching cramps ease up the nausea stops you think by god I must be really lucky everything seems fine I'm saved but this is a false sense of security because now the death cap goes to work on the fourth to sixth day the amanitin mycotoxin starts to rape and shut down your organs your liver and kidneys in particular Oh the next few days you'll probably experience total and utter kidney failure acute liver failure a hepatic coma as a result of liver failure eventual respiratory failure possible cardiac arrest and eventual death fun times right the only way to survive E in a def cap is to immediately get a liver transplant which you know isn't available at the best of times and not particularly accessible when you're out in the middle of nowhere but if you can get yourself to a hospital within a couple of days of eating one then you might survive bad times in general though so yeah it is very deserving of the name the death cap well earned but if there is one thing I would like you to take away from this video it would be being able to recognize the death cap this is just one image in one stage of development take the time to google it familiarize yourself with all its stages of development and identifiable characteristics and do that for all the Amanita family of fungi too because we do indeed get deaf caps and destroying angels in the UK for my fellow Brits they're not as rare as you may think they sneak up on you man regardless of how familiar I am with them it still makes me stop dead in my tracks once I stumble across one and it makes me panic a bit it's pretty much staring death in the face makes my heart race like a [ __ ] but anyway moving on next up is a man musk which is Amanita muscaria otherwise known as the fly agaric or fly agaric eva is an acceptable pronunciation i prefer Adric though it's the comparatively much less toxic sibling or verminator for leaders and a fungi that we should all be pretty familiar with because it's popularized in children's books and stuff gnomes apparently chill on them and use them as stools to sit on while fishing considerably less toxic than Amanita phalloides also has different mycotoxins the toxic compound and this fungi on the scarring hypotonic acid and musky mole but it is believed that it would take about 10 to 15 caps to give you a fatal dose of poison so it's not at all nearly as toxic as Amanita phalloides but it's still a bit toxic nonetheless it is more of a psychedelic mushroom rather than a [ __ ] you up kind of fungi the chemical responsible for the psychoactive effect is called musky mole some people and by some people I mean silly Billy's eat dried specimens to trip balls and to that I say just stick with shrooms man want to know about them Liberty caps there's no need to eat poisonous mushrooms man even if you are interested in aligning all your chakras and astral projection to the Pleiades star cluster and chilling with the Pelagians or whatever not that I would know then we have good of daikon which is day delay ops this calm for a go sir the blushing bracket they come in a wide variety of colors pretty much the highlighted section of that color chart when they're orange II and growing on birch trees they're sometimes mistaken for pit bed which is Pinto poor especially nurse otherwise known as the birch polypore or razor strop pro tip it doesn't sharpen knives its drops knives sharpening and stropping are two very different things that produce two very different results if your knife edge is blunt as [ __ ] then it will still be blunt as [ __ ] no matter how much you scrape it against the birch polypore all stropping does is rely on bent or skewered pieces of metal on the knives edge it doesn't remove any material whatsoever so no sharpening bit of a common misunderstanding dao con was doubting your constant Risa otherwise known as cram balls or king out for its cakes bit of historical law behind that name by now I imagine everyone's familiar with what they're used for so moving on to F form which is good old form ferment aureus the horse's hoof on guy tinder for days and finally there was traversรฉe which is good old traumatic versicolor arguably one of the most pretty and aesthetic fun guys out there they can be pretty much any color on the color spectrum with the exception of purples or so I believe I've never seen a purple one but they are majestic as hell and tastes like mushroom flavored chewing gum if you boil them pretty nice a cheeky nibble so shout out to will use sexy [ __ ] first up JD Wayans 1980 as he was the first person to identify them all within 30 minutes of the video being uploaded I believe that's pretty next level you know your [ __ ] it does seem as you also contributed to the last camp aesthetic subliminal fungi challenge with the macro epi odors and chlorophyll herbs got my eye on you son it's clearly no challenge for you Matias Bengston fir time in a row on point like a needle son spot-on 100% perfect brings a tear to my eye even when for all the trouble of including the swedish names for those fungi which i won't humiliate myself trying to pronounce but top bloke and Essex bushcraft and survival sup Georgie bro from now on I will never look at a farm foreman Tereus the same I'll just have vivid images of a really mangled deformed vagina it used to be a magical fungi for me but now it's been corrupted by camel toe comparisons so thanks for that bro but I am concerned about your choice in women if your [ __ ] are smelling like farm ferment areas maybe it's time to find yourself a girl that has access to running water and maybe a sponge but it really does smell quite strange when it's burning I agree of you mad props and shout out to the bushcraft dude Connor Smith how to make a wookie rage interesting name Ryan Doherty I can never say that name right Doherty Rowland Smith high voltage x11 Finn Hemsworth neutrino Farkas mate 14 and Jase tan next level fellas last week subliminal or at least the result of it was the macro alleppey odor I included the slight misidentifications but I missed out on another batch of answers which was to last OMA bramara otherwise known as a stalk ball but to be more specific the winter stalk ball such a good answer I have no idea why I missed it sorry Bros I hope you can forgive my negligence so shout out to all you fellas live in survival outdoors and dips max bow RJ Toria and Charles Joseph you bunch of hipsters with your obscure answers and finally shout out to mark Ness the bearded bastard Hands worst fellow rocker of the Wii Sports Sparrow shout out to you homeboy Hayden Radford and the Zane Hill for unrelated reasons clean hardwood you can go suck a dick mate so farewell ladies and gentlemen I hope you will have a nice weekend Bruce
Channel: AlfieAesthetics
Views: 648,858
Rating: 4.7568145 out of 5
Keywords: AlfieAesthetics, CampAesthetics, Wilderness survival tips, Wilderness survival, Bushcraft, Survival bag, Survival kit, Survival gear, Camping, Survival guide, Survival skills, Bushcraft skills, SHTF, Bug out bag, Zombie, Zombie survival kit, how to survive in the wild, holiday, adventure, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Ray Mears, bushcraft kit, travel holiday, nature, outdoors, travel, survival tips, Hiking, Military survival, Camping fun, Wild Edible Plants, Poisonous Fungi
Id: zagWJP6kS_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 27 2014
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