CampAesthetics 12.5 (Fungi & Bonus Footage) (Wild Camping UK)

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not sure why this isn't at the top of the sub by now, it fantastic! hope to see more of these videos in the future.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flipperofsouls 📅︎︎ May 21 2016 🗫︎ replies
well well well what have we got here then a white Stipe that's host to remnants of a partial veil that frilly membrane a skirt attached to the site an egg-like bulbous sack from which the fungi grows out of an olive yellowy colored cap white gills on the underside of the cap well slap me twice and take me to my mother that's the goddamn deathcap Amanita for loyalty's the deadliest most potent ly toxic fungi in the world the evil sinister mascot of mycology kill you [ __ ] dead slowly and painfully and agonizingly in two days or your money back you've heard me bang on about and before but here's one in the flesh just lounging a bat it's like staring down the barrel of a loaded gun although not as immediately threatening but it's exciting in that I can share this with you and what's especially exciting about this death gap is that this is the most developed death gap that I've come across up until now the Deaf caps that I've come across have been quite immature little nobley stumpy things which is how we tend to think of death caps right those potent little clumps of agony suffering and eventual death but these do indeed grow and expand and unravel just like every other or jorik but before we talk about death gaps I think it's worth having a formal introduction to fungal anatomy and mycological terminology because death caps and laminators in general have some very special features with nice technical terms and it's all well and good just pointing to stuff and saying blah blah blah as well that does us well this does it's worth knowing exactly what these special features are what is their purpose how did they get there so right call this my ecology 101 fungal went after me and taxonomy is worth having a cup of tea I do recommend you get one ah holy [ __ ] hell i sat on a goddamn larix comb those pesky buggers are there um anyway right I'll take a breath man fungi come in many different shapes and sizes both cosmetic differences and anatomical differences so each individual genus of fungi is designated to a specific group based on anatomical features a few major groups are number one and jaw rings two bullets free gas steroids and four poly pores they're arguably the most common groups of fungi out here in the forest there are many more but those are the four major ones for example gas steroids are the bull fungi their Anatomy consists of a glee bar and a purr idiom they're your stink horns they're your earth balls your path balls they are all members of the gas storage room sounds cool right gas droid so I meet your Polly paws are your brackets your day delay offices your farm ferment aureus your pip taupe or especially nurse tree dwelling fungi with no Stipe their conk grows directly off the substrate from their mycelium which is their route network but let's our you're short and stumpy you're fat and chori ground-dwelling fungi that have pores on the underside of their cap and the jerax are your typical Finnish stemmed ground-dwelling fungi that have gills on the underside of their cap a jaw Oryx are the group will focus on today because deaf caps are a jarring now for a fungi to be classified as an ad or ik it must have free specific characteristics number one it must have a cap the technical mycological term for the cap is the pileus sounds nice it rolls off the tongue pileus the second feature it must possess is gills on the underside of the cap and the technical term for the gills is lamellae it sounds nice it sounds French and its third and final feature it must have a Stipe that is clearly differentiated from the cap the Stipe is the technical for the stem these are the free characteristics or taxonomical features that fungi must possess in order for them to be considered annajura what are the special features you asked dis Congo throwing the word special round so hazardously summer jerax have additional anatomical features one special feature that a jorrick sometimes possess is that fin tissue like membrane that dangles off the Stipe this is known as the ring or the skirt depending on how it looks they come in different shapes and sizes deaf caps have a skirt and the technical term for that skirt is the annulus or in ulis it sounds Egyptian it's memorable but where does it come from why is that a feature what is its purpose the ANU list is a remnant of the partial veil what is the partial veil when some majority are young and immature they'll have a thin membrane covering and protecting the underside of the cap it protects the lamellae the lamellae is the reproductive organ is what produces the spores so it's an important feature that must be protected that is the partial veil but when the fungi matures and the cap starts to open out and expand it will stretch and tear that protective membrane right take a breather it will shed that protective membrane and leave it behind on the Stipe which is henceforth known as the annulus a remnant of the partial veil the second special feature that most ammonia's possess is the bulbous sack at the base of the Stipe that is known as de Volvo which is a curious thing might raise a few eyebrows it's spelled with an O not - you don't get it twisted make that mistake and you look like a right con oh that was a pun yeah for right but anyway this vulva is known as a remnant of the universal veil what is a universal veil Samaj Oryx particularly the Amman Eaters start off their life in a little egg like structure a protective barrier a veil that universally covers the developing fungi compare it to a typical chicken egg the yolk is to developing fungus and the egg whites are the universal veil that yolk will develop into a chicken and hatch out of the veil if you will it's a protective structure so once the fungus has developed its basic anatomy it will break out of the universal veil it will push upwards out of that little egg and leaves it behind so henceforth from that point the universal veil is known as the vulva it just appears as a little sac at the base of the site those are the special features that are deathcap possesses an annulus and the vulva and now you know what both of them doing where they came from do Drew and another little bonus piece of info the scales that you see on Amanita muscaria for example the little white specks on the pileus those two are remnants of the universal veil when Amanita muscaria breaks out of its veil sometimes parts of the veil will get stuck to the top of the cap and they get dragged upwards with the fungi as it continues to grow and expand and what's left a little flecks which are known as scales or warts and they're only superficially stuck to the fungi so they are prone to being washed off or weathered off by strong winds and rain so that's that you have to look out for the root network of fungi is known as the mycelium it is a network of individual haifa plural hyphae which collectively is known as the mycelium or mycelium Network and the substrate is a nice technical term for the surface from which the fungi grows out of so the substrate of a Doric SAR the earth typically and the substrate of poly pores are trees easy right huh there we go that is basic fungal anatomy of a Oryx I have an image of three different death caps in different stages of development the one on the Left I believe is the stage of maturity that my deaf cap right here is in - is a little baby deaf freshly emerged from its veil and free is a fully matured deaf cap I want you to take note of the annulus on number three it's very significant and immediately noticeable and striking number one however has an insignificant damaged annulus much like my specimen out here it's not particularly striking so that's something you have to be aware of and look out for it is a very important special feature but it might not always be present or at least immediately noticeable so our deaf cap yellow greeny olivey pileus crowded white lamellae a skirty floppy wizard sleevee type of annulus and a bulbous sack like vulva those are the features a deaf cat possesses so there you go go for four news this knowledge to get some [ __ ] [ __ ] love a man that knows his fungi eating this one cap would kill me half of this would kill me that's all it takes let's say it Shawn were to dice this up and conceal it amongst my pot of food that would be my ticket out of here that's GG dead as a doorstop the deaf cap is responsible for the overwhelming majority of fungi related deaths it's also been the bane of several Roman emperors and popes so it's got quite a few notches on the bedpost of victims very significant historical figures of that boy cheeky bracket fungus from ferment aureus no this is what's known as Ganoderma a planet n' otherwise known as the artists conk but this is where knowing the scientific names for fungi helps with identification a planet erm means flat like a flat plane Ganoderma a planet um is a flat bracket similar to day delay OPS's over the years it will appear more bumpy and fat because every year a new flat fungus grows on top of the old one like growth rings on trees so to speak but a young Ganoderma a planet um will be flat there are different species of Ganoderma that look similar but the etymology of the epithet planner term helps distinguish across species species ID absolutely does not matter with this genus of fungus edibility is never a concern the reason this is called artists conch is because the white underside of the fungus bruises often a red sometimes brownish color as such it can be a medium for creativity you can draw on it this feature is not exclusive to Ganoderma a planet um however Ganoderma astral shares this feature another reason why common names are a bit silly and encourage misidentification of species drawing on a Ganoderma astral does not share the common name artists conk though but it possesses the defining characteristics of artists conk if I had it my way I'd assign this the common name crimson planar bruiser could have mistake that for anything colors I feel the Ganoderma share similar physical characteristics to form from interiors quite a fibrous fluffy flesh very reminiscent of complement aureus the technical term for this part of the fungus is called the trauma just FYI the trauma of Ganoderma is quite a vibrant red a crimson color from from int aureus is more orange to a dull brown so Ganoderma is are easy brackets to identify and confusing it for form Foreman Terriers shouldn't happen but despite that it doesn't really matter because this can be used as a tinder in the same way you'd use from from interior's a fantastic alternative but it's not as good it's great but it's not spectacular one problem is it tends to retain a lot of moisture so is a bit damp throughout and this has been a really long dry spell so using it fresh off the tree can be a bit tedious very frustrating at times you need to drown it in close showers of sparks unlike from Victorious that stays soft dry fluffy and pretty easy to ignite it is a damn fine substitute though but if you're unfamiliar with using tinder fungus then it's not as easy foolproof as the horse's hoof you can get an n/bar if you bathe it in spice with a ferrocerium rod but flint and steel can be genius easy oh yeah let's get some low angle on these bad boys cochran Ellis my cassius glistening ink caps these ink caps are edible in this stage these are ink caps that do not contain Cochran so you can wash it down with some medicinal whiskey if you desire but eventually black and through deliquescent until they turn into these pretty ugly and cheerless things don't really want to eat these like copied empire reform stunt puff balls or pear puff balls this is a gruesome state of affairs poor tree it's got ink caps on it it's got a bracket of some description on it and some some puffed balls on it you're in rough shape bruh this is an interesting ink cap they're pretty ginormous magpie ink caps because they have a bunch of white specks on them like magpie plumage one for sorrow two for joy three for a girl for a boy was five never got that far silver I think silver well right then I look at ink pretty grim things not edible wing caps though these ink caps are poisonous Purdy little fangs though it's a day of lanky fungi like operatin pelota at the end of its tether now we can make them really puff now I'll show you why they're called puff balls don't want to be too vigorous though because it can cause respiratory issues good way to give yourself like Oppidan OSIS which is a respiratory disease caused by inhaling puffball spores bad times dogs sometimes get like over the gnosis from shoving their nose in it and stir in a month old I feel like a magician in a cloud of smoke it's like a gas chamber and now for my vanishing act had I stumbled across these earlier well that would have made one hell of a feast these fungi a legitimate gourmet mushrooms sold in fancy restaurants and supermarkets - these are austere mushrooms pleurotus austria artists held in incredibly high regard for their taste one of the finer distinguished fungi frying them is the standard practice but in a pinch you can boil them you know just to clean them they're edible raw but you never know if the squirrels pissed on them or not all white although kind of an off-white darker hues on top of the pileus this is a highly variable species in respect to cap color sometimes they're white cream sometimes they're dark grey grey violet grey brown steel blue bit light turkey tails in that regard but either way smoothing texture the gills are D current meaning they curve downwards into the stem if they have a visible stem that is depends on the cart of their jib but cheeky nibble indeed a bulette I mean two minds about what this is though deceiver a variant of a deadly poisonous pellet or it's an edible one so it's best if I just refrain from giving a note CF I keep my gob shot on this one but it is an interesting one because it is so vibrant ly colored and changes color it's like fungi bill out of randomized Lego blocks allow me to showcase the cap is a doll olive yellowy color similar to deaf cap colors although the lighting isn't doing me any favors right now it's much more vibrant in Perl turns pale up towards the margin a creamy white the underside of the filius rusty sort of reddish brown with pores which is what makes it a bullet the tubes those little tunnels that spores are produced in and traveled down to be dispensed out of the pores is a light yellow but upon oxidizing with the air it will discolor into a greeny yellow similar to sulfur tough gills eventually turning a greeny blue color and the flesh of the Pelias is speckled burgundy Moroni and white which too will discolor greeny blue the Stipe yellow and red slap those little sweets rhubarb something rhubarb custards are pink one of those red and yellow Sun bullets will have like a lattice network on the start like netting technical term for that is reticulation x' this one does not have any reticulation but the real kicker is that it loses a bright intense blue that big old blue smudge that's from where I rounds my thumb in it so let's do it again let's stain it pretty beautiful a Myron what didn't mean to do that but down watch it stain - Omer fascicular the sulfur tuft the common toxic look-alike of Jim Nabors confluence well it's a common toxic look-alike of a lot of things but we'll make reference to the familiar quite a rich orange and yellow hue paler towards the margin slight green tinge to the gills cap and Stipe very rounded smooth and regular all in all it's a pretty aesthetically pleasing fungi not one to add to the snack bowl though mistaking it for anything cow's should not be an issue nothing else quiet looks like the sulfur topped with the exception of its brothers and sisters in the - OMA genus of fungi being on the prowl for Amanita muscaria no luck today but hey at least I found its brother not going to leave empty-handed but hey want to share with you a little bit of cheeky info now I'm not sure as to the extent of which what I'm about to share with you is known to the general public but to my knowledge it's pretty unknown but the ecologists tend to know it and the botanists tend to know it so I'm here to share a little nugget of naughty information we're going to talk about achieving a legal high from a very common tree the lime tree or linden tree depends on your geography if I whack up an image of the leaves and fruits of the lime tree it should immediately ring a few bells it's a very common tree so I little dangly testicles you've probably seen this tree by roadsides or hedgerows you know it's by no means an obscure tree now I say is called a lime tree but it has nothing to do with the actual lime fruit that you have in your gin and tonic totally unrelated in separate trees linden tree is what it should be referred to or Tilia if you want the genus but in America I believe the lime tree is known as the base wood tree or basswood tree I'm not sure I you bloody Americans say it but the inner bark of the lime tree or the flowers of the lime tree if you take a bunch of it and dry out by roasting it in a cup over the fire like we did with gallium a Perrine fruits and then take a bit of that dried in a bar Ryan dit roll it into a cigarette and then smoke it and get high as a [ __ ] and it's illegal hi - so you won't get your door kicked in by the feds it's a hipster way to take the edge of a hard day it's not a buzzing off the walls type of hi it's not a try and eat your own shoulder type of hi it's no dimethyltryptamine it's more of a tetrahydrocannabinol type of pie a sedative high relaxant pain reliever dampen your senses but of course I'm by no means encouraging such practices I just think it's an interesting thing to share and I take no responsibility if you're done goof and smoke or poison ivy tree if I've gone colorblind too the color blue or my skies have turned gray better not be the latter otherwise me and mother nature will be having some words but over yonder those yellow trees not typical deciduous trees losing their leaves oh no those are large trees which is a unique tree in that is considered both deciduous and coniferous it's usually one or the other quick explanation for the unsaved a deciduous trees are those that lose their leaves in the fall they become barren and bare in autumn broadleaf trees oak maple trees of that nature coniferous trees are the needled cone-bearing trees or the evergreens to simplify it pine spruce cedar the needle trees don't remain evergreen throughout the changing seasons larch has needles and they are green most of the time but they turn yellow and fall in the autumn like deciduous trees it's a peculiar one makes for a spectacular viewing bursts of yellow in an otherwise evergreen forest interestingly large has some historical significance back in the day 1940s Nazi Germany doing their business some green fingered fellows planted large trees in the shape of a swastika in the middle of a coniferous forest and for a few weeks in the autumn those launches would turn yellow and a bright and vibrant swastika would appear in the tree line symbolism aside that's pretty cool gore admire the horticulture but this carefully arranged swastika of larch lasted several decades as it could only be seen from air for a couple of weeks in autumn it stood there until the 90s and then they were eventually cut down suddenly wind out nowhere nice shot though got the green and the yellow branches and leaves be flying we know to saying every cloud has a silver lining that's fine it's annoying when your lovely silver cloud gets a black lining or black smothering morbid aesthetics toffee bye bye oh crap is the feds mr. goblin had wall jack they go to take guard air pushed in film came glad I got this shot very metaphoric it sums up my relationship with Mother Nature a very long drawn-out [ __ ] you [ __ ] look at the debris winds picking up man get hyped quite an abrupt end to basting in the autumn rae's just wanted one last sunny campus waves before it's like this aired a sale of a bit windy mills out here Mike just go slaps in the face or a high-velocity lien but compare this casual beer wind to the hurricanes and tornadoes that Americans suffer regularly by comparison this is a walk in the park exciting I like the contrast that misery can't put a damper on my day no matter how monotone you make it would shall be splintered on this day branches will fall on this day bad place to stand it's like the anus of Mother Nature she's like that she'll over you boy how dare you enjoy my bounty I'm the harbinger of bad times don't you forget it I am both the fun-loving girlfriend and the unbearable wire that will not stop moaning until you are just as miserable with she is such a bad place to be in a forest amongst all that wind it's like am I going to get crushed by a falling tree today am I going to be put in a coma by a falling branch we've headed out of the tree line though out of the forest to play it safe because the threat of falling wood is real got our orange bitty sacks to crawl into in case it rains as well mother nature have some clemency I don't need a girlfriend Marvin nature [ __ ] me all the time
Channel: AlfieAesthetics
Views: 114,446
Rating: 4.9502487 out of 5
Keywords: AlfieAesthetics, Camping, Survival, Bushcraft, Survival skills, Bushcraft skills, Survival kit, Survival Guide, Bushcraft kit, Outdoors, Outdoor gear, Wilderness survival, Camping gear, Travel, Adventure, Holiday in England, Ray Mears, Bear Grylls, Les Stroud, Bug out bag, Zombie survival, zombie apocalypse, Summer, Bushcraft and Hunting, Wilderness Survival Tips, Cabin, Tent, nature, natural, Wildcamping, Wild Edible Plants, Poisonous Fungi, Camping tips
Id: 9x6IOrlyVpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 14 2014
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