CampAesthetics 11 (Part 2 of 2) (Wild Camping UK)

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well would you look at that that's a goddamn Mackrell FeO to Procera ladies and gentlemen the parasol mushroom a fungus that we spoke about towards the end of campus vetrix night she's a beauty but only a little wittle baby at the moment you can tell it apart from a similar more toxic fungus chlorophyll amor codes by this rugged textured Stipe and rich brown color as opposed to the ghastly pale hue of the chlorophyll 'm if I return to this location in approximately two weeks this fungus will be absolutely gigantic this is also an edible fungus bite away edible when cooked however as it does contain a mild form of a micro toxin which is destroyed by heat always best to cook things anyway another fine example of mackerel epi o tapu sera a beautiful phallus that's a damn fine specimen but it's edible in it's premature stage - but - in substantial to warrant destroying it I'll let it grow but there's quite a few of these popping around up here I counted six would make for some cheeky nibbles but I must resist temptation oh my goodness here we have the Big Daddy of puff balls it's quite huge it's larger than a cricket ball this is a puff ball but not just any puff ball however the giant puff ball cow bhatia Gigante this is an edible mushroom sometimes there's an easy way to find out whether it's edible or not cut it open if it's white on the inside then it's good to go shell down if it's discolored no longer a brilliant white then don't eat it simple not much else to say about both balls but I'll show you the insides of one in the moment here's another one that was growing close by widow looks like the birds have been at it edible though if I wanted to salvage it because it is still pure white in the center has not discolored taste and texture it tastes like mushroom flavored cheesecake that's my description of it it's very soft there's no bite to it whatsoever I personally don't like it though because it reminds me of tofu tofu is [ __ ] awful here's another little one pretty cute but this is quite a small size for a giant puff ball if this was left to grow which unfortunately it was not looks like it's been stirred or kicked up by something their knees would grow to be the size of basketballs absolutely gianormous but as a hell of a find said that has been kicked up though as I'd love to show you how large they can get it's a two-handed job to lift it but interest in fine nonetheless if they're white in sight good to eat if they're discolored no longer good to eat I'll show you some other species of puff ball later in the video here we have a much more typical puff ball quite a pretty little fella but one way to find out if it's edible is to cut it open so bear with our year baby that's it well immediately you can see it started to discolor a bluey purple color that's a puff ball you wouldn't want to eat unless you wanted to experience nausea and stomach upset they won't always bruise this blue color though however they often bruise yellow sometimes brown and sometimes black but to sum up puff balls in a nutshell if it ain't white it ain't right and in this moment you shall discover why they are called puff balls they puff they chug out a thick plume of spores that's what the white flesh disintegrates into spores squeeze a develop puff ball you get a puff of spores pretty fascinating albeit disgusting but hey that's why I wear gloves so I can handle these kind of things this too is a different species of puff ball than the two previous ones we mentioned we'll get to that a bit later oh my goodness gracious could this be the infamous destroying angel Amanita virosa one of the deadliest incredibly poisonous mushrooms out there closely related to and just as deadly as the Death Cap Amanita phalloides the answer is no it's not it's totally harmless this is not an Amanita this is an odorous which is a totally different genus of fungi although they do some of the same taxonomical features like this skirt around the Stipe that's known as an annulus or a newless sounds Egyptian it's memorable you the viewer are familiar with the Adjara curse genus of fungi whether you know it or not because the odorous genus of fungi are host to the types of mushroom that you buy in supermarkets button mushrooms and portobello mushrooms for example the proper name for that mushroom is a jar as bisporus how about that this fungus though is - in a jar occurs the species however not particularly easy to identify on the fly three particular species that come to mind are Jericho's Avensis known as the horse mushroom a jar occurs campestris known as the meadow mushroom or a jovica silver Cola the wood mushroom which considering where I am right now and go with that but not necessarily so it's a hard life they all look the same all the aforementioned species though are indeed edible but they do have a toxic look-alike that belonged to the same genus a jerrika Sanford dermis one taxonomical feature of that toxic look-alike is that it bruises yellow when it's cut or damaged although there are edible species within the Ajara chris gene as the bruised yellow as well so you know it's a hard game with a Arrakis gotta know your ship really gotta know your ship because the look-alikes from different Genesis are usually the ammon eaters and here we have what's arguably the most common genus and species are possible that you'll typically encounter in the woodlands this is the gem studied puffball gets that name from all the spiky bits that are littered over the pur idiom latin like APPA temple Atem house the inside or white good to go if you fancied the mushroom cheesecake big old batch right here the entirety of its contents are edible if you really wanted to eat it but wouldn't recommend eating the perineum raw or the outer layer raw that's the dirty bit here's one I prepared for consumption remove the perineum left a little bit on so you can see the contrasting colors a cheeky little nibble indeed looks Pleasant s'okay fairly abundant good game puffballs here's one example why one you shouldn't eat fungi raw even if they are edible when to why you should remove the perineum from the puff ball what we're looking at is the pur idiom of that puff ball under a pocket microscope and what lurks amongst it and Sean's expertise has led to the identification of an adult dust mite or house might as the gnomon are found in houses just goes to show who knows what lingers amongst things so it's convenient that path balls have that outer layer that you can easily remove for this reason it is estimated that approximately 6 million of these little things live in and amongst your beds mattress so you know have fun with that info so I'll re are cram ball DAC camouflage ah would you look at that some delicious traumatic versicolor want to get me some of that child down on that mushroom bubblegum but anger back that would be a mistake not a fatal one but this is a false turkey tail let's talk about why I said that here's a real turkey tail on the right folks on the left when you flip them both over and observe the poor surface or technical term hi metaphor you can observe some macroscopic differences the false turkey tail has no paws turkey tails are packed with lots of little ones easy mistake to make but easy mistake to rectify it it's as simple as that really I do like me some turkey tails though gonna chow down on a few of those later I'd like to share with you a gift I've received it's actually the first gift I've received off of YouTube so it's a significant moment and it's a damn fine gift at that a Belgian bro who goes by the name of vert hit me to Vick sorry if I pronounced your name wrong by the way clocked on to me drinking Stella Artois R in one of my videos Stella Artois is of course a Belgian beers so of course that resonated with good old meta Vick so he came to me like yo Alfre how would you like it if I sent you some of the finest Belgian beers that Belgium has to offer and I'm like how [ __ ] yeah man Belgian beer is my favorite so here we have a fine assortment of Belgium's finest intoxication is what's on the agenda today have no bottle opener so got improvise I've seen people that can open bottles with their eye socket that [ __ ] is [ __ ] crazy so I'd like to try and thank you in your native tongue I'm going to assume that you're a french-speaking Belgian or at least I hope so because I can only speak French I'm no good at Dutch so Mon France in a pub on just we loaned le palais alimony my pronunciation move a mess a un bon journée Cuong vu Bellavia bells c'est vraiment lamellae Oh vraiment Emilio Mon Ami merci beaucoup Mon Ami viva la belgique ah la pierre Quan Luger glutes vuela salons a dance to set the sword vuela SI nous de la Paix mon pressure Mon Cheri Mon Basu mon amour but I do think I know how to say thank you in Dutch just in case you're not a french-speaking Belgian don't JaVale I think is it dong Jie Bell dong Jie well well maybe you're a german-speaking Belgian in which case danke danke Shoen time for fruit supplement in a few things with some wild edibles hang a bat is that broccoli you say ah a male that voluntarily is broccoli what a [ __ ] so what have we got we have sir Majorca spiced poorest more commonly known as button mushrooms some drama Tabor cicala commonly known as turkey tails and some urtica dioica stinging nettles let's get busy dice there nettles up there we go mm see you on the flipside brother say goodbye to those rubberized handles take that off give it a stir we're getting there we're getting there that's looking like it's done well bleed mmm that clump of stinging nettles whoa bro look at that that's a leaf suspended in the air by piece of a spider's web or it's a possessed demonic cgo and I'm gonna get brutally ass raped and murdered any second now regardless of the outcome can't help but admire the aesthetics of it I would look at Cletus that's a damn fine per leaf I tell you Hart I'll take her to the honky Tonk any day what do you want leaf why do you mesmerize me so tell me your secrets calling upon any bird prose or ornithologists out there to help me up my bird game I'm thinking that this feather belongs to a Kestrel but that's just my ignorant ill-informed opinion maybe an owl tawny or bar now help me up my bird games bros oh dear things have turned quite drastically the sky looks quite intimidating should whack up a fire shoulder just in case it rains can't be without fire how else will I make tea before we get dunked on by mother nature one more thing I want to cover heading back into that meadow returning to mal Verma chartres the mosque mallow I was asked by a bro will do mallow petals tastes like I'll see them pop up all over the place previous experience tells me that petals taste like [ __ ] though to perfumey to be enjoyable well I will say that they taste Pleasant a little bit sweet you don't need to worry about them being too perfumey tell you what you should do if you collect a bunch of petals and stack them up like a mini sandwich then just chow down on it I would compare that to a very mild marshmallow a very cheeky nibble indeed really is quite enjoyable you can get over the prospect of eating flowers might seem like a bit of a pretty thing to do but when you think about it it's actually pretty badass most people admire flowers for their aesthetics but we however just straight-up even like barbarians with no restraint but anyway it kind of begs the question is the marshmallow the actual sugary sweet that we roasts on fires and such made from the actual mallow plant or is it just coincidence would certainly make sense though right nowadays marshmallows are just made from sugar and crap but back in the day they were made from the roots of the marshmallow plant which is our fair officinalis a different plant but it belongs to the same family as the musk mallow though the malvaceae family so not entirely coincidence so if you're out on the trail with a fire are female you can whip her up a mile from a shorter marshmallow and she may suck the D for that man a pleasantly sweet tasting marshmallow substitute the clunge will dampen but there you go there's one way of how a bit of botanical knowledge can get you laid good luck and give her one from me easy way to gather them all up though if you take the entire flower head and bite it off at the ovary spear that how you left with the petals easy nutrients why does Mother Nature hate me today because I'm picking all her flowers deal with it yo they're gonna die anyways soon this is not where I want to be right now holy [ __ ] it has turned miserable that roaring fire doe as substantial as it is it will not survive the night if it rains fire shelter is required ah I never saw it so much wood so fast in my life really I'm against a clock busting the five quid folding saw last featured on campus fatigues too I'm all about that gear loyalty even if it is a piece of [ __ ] where's my piece of [ __ ] so let's crack on does seem very counterintuitive to dismantle your fire just as it's about to rain but it's gotta be done don't want to build my fire shelter over the flames that's dangerous here's the prototype just working on the log arrangement at the moment though that burn stick will obviously be swapped out for a more suitable stick just to trial run at the moment a few more thick logs bear arrangement of said logs and we'll be good to go nice don't worry fire you'll be safe tonight good sighs probably going to make a little door there and I'll add some protection to the sides too let's get busy it's looking good man it's looking good beat the clock with the exception of that little gap in the corner I'll sort that right out come at me mother nature my defenses are impregnable as an extra layer of protection I'll be covering the outside with carpets of moss providing a half the time to complete it ah found a little baby rasullah adjacent to the fire shelter I'd love to sit and chat about restless and lactarius milk caps but you know that incoming thunderstorm sorry bruised now I just gotta move the rest of the embers underneath the shelter stoke it back up and bellow it back up into flames and that's GG I imagine this will be the last opportunity we'll have to stretch our legs a bit think we'll be confined to our shelters for the rest of the day on time Z got a hunker down your holy [ __ ] that is quite an intimidating sight mother nature is about to bring the pain this is not a fun place to be right now are we're going to get it so hard man so it begins the Sun was prom right lasted buckets now left to say bring it on rich oh [ __ ] so much grade is better my camera it's a bit wet out there points just a little bit very refreshing though ah the walk home is going to be a riot or pure Smosh fest out here it's like a goddamn Reading Festival all over again that flood in life thankfully this is far away to mark out but for how long Bugsy good dad [ __ ] this tree is what's been taking the brunt of the rain stops my shelter getting battered got my orders ball and chain or hurry doors my father would say fun how to put it into filming prematurely thanks to the old thunderstorm Burton silver lining is that I have fresh water lived into my front door stick them fall out get some fresh walking to the river thank you mother nature green to essence of masculinity right organic honey courtesy of Amanda harvested from the Beehive she keeps enough that God I hate to live next to you girl and fish oil please the elixir of the gods are though need two caps you squeeze that oil in Jinju quick inspection of the fire shelter inside totally dry those moths time doing work the fire is not warring but we've still got Evers and a bit of flame we'll play such a satisfying feeling keeping a fire going in a thunderstorm simple pleasures man disregard boy money helping so now he goes from sipping coffee in the sunshine to drink in a she tea in a thunderstorm variety is the spice of life I guess well shop with his fire shelter though let's rob by going through the rain some people get very ill after drinking rainwater fresh from the sky what is the rain dirty no absolutely not unless you're capturing it from a factory polluted sky the rain is clean but the issue comes from the best so many people use to capture the rainwater namely the top or the rainfly tarps are absolutely filthy if you think about it it's probably the only piece of equipment that never gets washed you pack it away it's dirty you unpack it when camping it's dirty it's dirty when it drags across the floor is dirty when the wind blows [ __ ] all over it all day both figuratively and literally capturing rainwater on your top to channel it down into your canteen that's why many people get sick from drinking rainwater protip and on that bombshell it's time to end thanks for watching and good night
Channel: AlfieAesthetics
Views: 191,605
Rating: 4.9631491 out of 5
Keywords: AlfieAesthetics, wilderness survival, survival skills, bushcraft, survival, bushcraft skills, bushcraft kit, survival kit, bug out bag, camping, camping kit, SHTF, zombie survival, zombie apocalypse, ray mears, bear grylls, mykel hawke, les stroud, holiday in england, camping in england, travel, Holiday, Summer, Outdoor, campaesthetics, overnighter, wildcamp, solo camp, stealthcamping, Cabin, Tent, Camp, Outdoors, Campsite (Accommodation Type), Wildcamping, Wild Edible Plants, Poisonous Fungi
Id: jqoMt1Zd1So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 03 2014
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