My Survival Kit / Outdoor Gear

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I admit it, he got me. I paused the video to look at his browser tabs.

👍︎︎ 384 👤︎︎ u/Exon 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

This guys great, I could watch his videos all day

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/Baykey123 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

'tactical tinder procurement apparatus' hahaha

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Moikee 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

For once I actually feel compelled to leave my fortress of solitude and explore the great outdoors...

👍︎︎ 164 👤︎︎ u/fenrisilver 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

haha did he say ez game ez life? what a lad.

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/iAmTestLOL 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

That David Dickinson line was hilarious. Brilliant video all round.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/Barabajagala 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies


"I go through these like Americans go through their sisters' panty drawer"

Funniest line in the whole video.

👍︎︎ 234 👤︎︎ u/Jamator01 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

the bitches love it

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/bannanaDOG666 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies

What kind of gloves is he wearing ? I've been looking for something similar.

edit : Found out he made a video about it.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/notakobold 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2015 🗫︎ replies
stavros it's about that time I take you through the gear I carry with me on my travels so if you'd perhaps like to go make yourself a cup of tea I'll show you the fundamental items to attempt to remain a constant regardless of the duration of the journey whether it be an overnighter a free day outing or a five-day outing these are the items that form the core of my outdoor kit free categories water fire and first aid let's start with water but rather than me just point into things and describing them I'll show you a day in the life it's story time step 1 find a running water source fill that bad boy stainless steel water bottle right up construct my file a light that fire build that fire enjoy that file revel in this fleeting feeling of masculinity while it reduces to embers insert for ordinary stainless steel 10 pegs vertically amongst the fire and embers then place some 15 by 15 centimeter stainless steel wire mesh on top of it this served as my grill to cook food upon but also serves to keep my cookware up and away from the fire to prevent the metal from blackening with certain chart as that's a nightmare to scrub off and less time spent cleaning cookware equals more time to pensively reflect and ponder existence then whack that cop on top both cops and water bottle have a ghetto rigged arrangement of brass wire underneath the lips this serves as a bail handle and this is the point where I filter my water I just wrap a cotton bandana around the nozzle and pour easy life saves me having to digest fragments of rock and sand in this instance it did capture quite a fair amount of particular add the lid so it balls faster remove the now boiled safe to drink water tart by picking it up underneath the ghetto brass wire bail handle and the grill and 10 pegs are easily removed to that's job done and if I'm heading off and want some purified water on hand then I'll feel that bad boy bottle back up and then just completely nest the bowl and engulf it in flames as to ensure that the Fred's and lip of the bowl are completely sterilized that's a lesson I learned the hard way and all the cookware nests nicely together I carry a few other water related paraphernalia in my kit chlorine dioxide water purification tablets for those times where mother nature makes life hard and fire isn't sustainable or for those occasions where I just cannot be bothered to make the fire cookware gets pretty filthy over extended periods of time so my cotton bandana also serves as a cleaning rag as a consequence the rag gets pretty filthy so I scrubbed that cloth in a river like a domesticated housewife bring it out like I've Jack the Ripper going to town on a hooker and then wrap it around the back of my neck to let my body heat dry it out throughout the day which is an absolutely orgasmic practice to do in the summer where it's enough to make you wanna kill yourself come winter and a cheeky little fourth nesting container a chart in a now unrecognizable air rifle pellet in turned into tactical tinder procurement apparatus after stabbing a hole in it with a screwdriver so if I fancy recycling a piece of cotton clothing just whack that in throw it in the fire few minutes later charcloth the most foolproof easy to use tinder out there grab a piece of steel and a piece of Flint rest the char cloth on top of the Flint whack that Flynn make them sparked get one of those sparks to hit the charcoal off and you've got yourself an n/bar combine their ember weave tinder off the Gods otherwise known as red cedar bark below that hem bar lose yourself in a cloud of smoke until it combust into flames ez game ez life bit of char cloth goes a long way and that's a nice segue into the fire kit this is significantly more substantial than my typical fire kit bow I've extended it in this video to cover all the various fire related equipment I've used and featured over the past year as some inquiries were raised loyal subscribers are probably sick to death of seeing this the pencil sharpener but I thought the game got myself a larger one so I can shave larger sticks for the easy-peasy procurement of wood shavings to use as tinder a lazy man's way of making feather sticks and with a few sparks from a ferrocerium rod we have fire it really is that easy this is my crack pipe also known as a fire piston a gimmicky way of making fire but a very fun way of making fire doesn't always work though sometimes it's the best of times sometimes it's the worst of times it's very Charles Dickens two components piston and cylinder it works by rapidly compressing air in an airtight chamber which in turn creates a significant amount of pressure within the chamber which in turn increases the temperature within the chamber often to the point where the internal temperature of the chamber reaches that of the combustion temperature of the tinder you've placed in the piston like a miniature diesel engine nifty this particular piston is known as the wilderness solutions amber fire piston pretty high-end retail price is about $60 but I'll snap this up second hand off eBay for $15 an absolute bargain very David Dickinson a ferrocerium rod the bx fire steel in particular doesn't require much explanation it's long it froze fantastic shelves of sparks gives you the capabilities of absolutely drowning Tinder's and sparks rather than lightly showering them in Sparks the striker it comes with is garbage so I just used the back of my knife as a striker for for 100% overkill man load the [ __ ] love it and here's the kicker he only costs a fiver what a bargain snap those up on Amazon while they last flint and steel for those times where a ferrocerium rod would work perfectly fine but you want to make life intentionally more difficult for yourself but a sake of on-camera showmanship an arrangement of high carbon steel that takes on the shape of a gnomes knuckleduster slip your fingers through and strike off by the shavings of the metal by grazing it against the sharp edged rocks such as Flint or cords and those shavings will oxidize in the air Sparks easy a few sticks of fat wood conifer wood impregnated with flammable natural resins it's nature's equivalent of wood soaked in gasoline it will burn from even the dimmest of sparks providing its process fine enough and once it ignites it will burn independently as it contains its own fuel source a block of this size will burn for about five minutes straight so it's a good compensator for working with very little kindling and good fuel for a fire that otherwise might struggle in the early stages due to damn humidity or brain and as a bonus it smells absolutely beautiful it is an orgasm for your sense of smell you will be reluctant to throw this in a fire you'll just want to sit there all day sniffing it or maybe that's just me maybe I'm just a bit weird this is my stash of crystal meth otherwise known as pine resin the resin is hydrocarbon excretions from coniferous trees hoses through a multitude of flammable compounds very much so identical to fat wood in terms of how easy is to ignite and the length of time in which it burns independently a small stash of tinder fungus which comes from this majestic fungi the horse's hoof fungi dense firm but soft and ignitable it's composed of thousands upon thousands of tiny little fluffy fibers that make it so easy to turn into an n/bar it smolders for an incredibly long period of time size depending a block of this size could smolder for 20 minutes so it's a transportable Ember handy especially when combined with a magnifying glass but you often have to head out of the tree line to get some direct sunlight this particular magnifying glass is just an ordinary reading magnifying glass that my grandmother donated to the cause and because it's so large and so thick it captures a lot of liars so it's use can be extended into autumn and spring rather than just summer it's gimmicky but it's fun which is what I value and finally wind water and storm proof matches for those times where I just legitimately cannot be bothered with the aforementioned procedures and also for those times where Mother Nature is making life really hard with dampness and humidity Archy occasionally when the camera's not rolling too many ways of making fire one may save but I like the variety because my life is so dull and uneventful this is the only spice I have in my life but this is what I typically carry a pencil sharpener ferrocerium rod and matches and those items fit nicely into the velcro compartment of my knife sheath of which belongs to the Becker bk7 oh my god what a sexy knife right but sparing extensive knife torque due to its size and weight I consider it a jack-of-all-trades a good middle ground between carrying both an axe and a knife I feel it possesses the same functionality and effective performance as both of those individual items in my opinion let's not fight about that because it's a touchy subject this knife has had so much work done to it courtesy of Doberman knives the pimple of knives the Jesus Christ of blade smithing sculpts metal like Michelangelo skulls my ball so much work that it should not be considered a bk7 anymore so from this point on I'm happy to refer to this as the Doberman 6.5 but if this tickles your fancy and you're interested in viewing a review and demonstration of this knife I've got a video dedicated to them otherwise we'll move on from the Doberman 6.5 onto the boring part the first aid kit will blow through this quick because you already know the deal an assortment of band-aids several crept bandages cut down to a more practical size skin closure steri-strips for those times where you need to close a wound last time I had an open wound I had no steri-strips so I had to use duct tape which is fine it worked well the wound closed but then came the inevitable moment where I had to rip out half of my leg haier to change the dressing very bad times antiseptic wipes these are items I use incredibly frequently I go through these like Americans go through their sisters panty drawer primarily used for medicinal purposes but sometimes you know it's just nice to clean your hands every now and then maintain a basic standard of Hygiene a different medium of disinfection antiseptic liquid tcp antiseptic liquid to be precise because sometimes wipes just don't kyer also has a little dabber for precise and efficient application or if it's just a really deep puncture from a massive horn just ran that bad boy in there and prevent that tetanus the little vials are sample bowls of perfume from a 1uk pros will be familiar females tend to hoard them so just straight-out steal them they serve a much greater purpose when they're in our hands what are they gonna do about it [ __ ] and moan at you they'll do that anyway and a larger bottle of TCP for diluting in water and using it as a mouthwash but also to combat throat infections sore throats all manner of all ailments or just straight-up drowning a wound in panic which is the most common use needle and thread because clothes rip sometimes or your buddy accidentally kneels down on a red-hot ember and burns are holding his trousers fix that up Rhys rain carry on with the chores of the outdoors a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics oxytetracycline if something out here is going to kill me it will not be infection or sepsis got that well covered a hefty load of duct tape about 20 meters of it patches holes in shelters tarps it's binding its cordage flammable it can be used as kindling super strong waterproof plasters steri-strips to a certain extent blister prevention pads splint are polar out are are got practical applications with days signal mirror although it's never used for signaling it's used for the routine face check for cots beard check for debris neck and back check for ticks tweezers for tactical tic and splinter removal a plastic sandwich bag and water purification tablets it serves as a backup emergency water bladder fill the bag up with water drop a bad boy water purification tablet in their ez game ez like safe drinkable water at the cost of everything tasting like chlorine and plastic chemicals but you know you'd learn to deal with a third nipple you growers a consequence and of course the compass and spare where would I be without them is that a pun it's a bit of a pun we'll roll with it let me have that one and that concludes the gear I carry all of the cased gear tucks away nice and neatly into the hydration bladder housing of my bag cookware and knife nice and snug up front which leaves a lot of room for food and clothing and various of a frivolous luxuries all in a modestly sized backpack I have intentionally neglected to mention any form of shelter because they all attach externally and I've had the same shelter system for about three years now so nothing has changed since the last kit review it would be incredibly redundant to talk about it all again but anyway that's that my friends thanks for watching proof
Channel: AlfieAesthetics
Views: 1,991,691
Rating: 4.8689718 out of 5
Keywords: AlfieAesthetics, wilderness survival, bushcraft, survival, camping, hiking, survival kit, bushcraft kit, survival skills, bushcraft skills, bug out bag, survival guide, adventure, camping gear, Bear Grylls, Ray Mears, Alfieaesthetics bug out bag, alfieaesthetics survival kit, zombie apocolypse kit, zombie survival kit, gear review, Adventure, outdoors, zombie survival, survival tips, Camping tips and tricks, how to build a survival kit, how to make a survival kit, SHTF, SHTF Bag
Id: Rm001drekmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 15 2015
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