CampAesthetics 14 (Wild Camping UK)

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good morning how are you today I'm alright thanks for asking if you wouldn't mind then I would like to ask you a question are you an inexperienced camper have you yet to be formally acquainted with the various ominous noises that emanate from the shadowy depths of the forest well if that's the case then I have something for you my friend familiarize yourself with the following my god how ominous this arouses much suspicion hmm what could it be were those two screams of a malevolent banshee perhaps foreshadowing our imminent deaths were those des screams of an unfortunately hapless female getting brutally murdered to death oh my god oh my god no calm yourself down you big girl's blouse I'll tell you what they are quell your panic calm yourself those were the screams of a vixen a female Fox a fox you say senpai indeed a fox a simple harmless Fox calling out into the night as horrific as those creatures are they are a completely natural in harmless call of the wild so you need not worry it's just a vixen going about her business go back to sleep kohai got a turn-off make a bloody racket I didn't know they'd give me a heart attack every single time anyway moving on let's lighten the mood why are we out here so early in the day well some may consider it astrophotography alternatively some may consider it just taking pretty pictures of the pretty stars because I am wimpy effeminate and escalated perhaps but nevertheless it is the utilization of the cameras mechanical iris to observe the celestial aesthetic in ways that my biological iris can not courtesy of long exposure photographs for I care not for these rather generic photographs of the sky because today I want to show you something of much greater significance a grand spectacle is about to unfold so let's get hyped for that hashtag play music for dramatic effect because it all begins with this image this image is special for two reasons the first of which being of lesser significance is that it centered on the constellation of Ursa Minor which is host to Polaris the North Star there is a lot going on here we have constellations four days out here but never mind all that what really makes this image special is that this is just one of over 300 images taken over the course of the night each individual image taken 30 seconds apart from each other capture to start gradual and incremental movements across the sky you're savvy good because once all 300 of those photographs are merged and morph together this is the result quite spectacular indeed it's like peering into your ancestry because although those stars are distant and in sentient we both come from the same place well let's not be a hippie about it we must move on we must orientate ourselves 45 degrees clockwise to capture the sunrise in the east I'll see you on the flip side good morning again how are you today I'm all right thanks for asking I've set up a camera to record a time-lapse I want to capture the Sun rising over the crest of a hill ah we're going to be here for a while going to go urinate and we're back in the meantime I can share with you a moment of glory I once stood upon the precipice of that Pharaoh over yonder with a greasy [ __ ] perhaps the greasiest of all [ __ ] in the most glorious of sunrises living the dream bragging rights because it's probably the most glorious thing I've ever done and that is going to be pretty hard to be but we'll try we'll try yeah [ __ ] sure knickers can you conceive of any better way to start the day most glorious most glorious follow me shortcuts as I lead you to victory to immortality hahaha did you just fall over she fell off my [ __ ] nature oh my god most glorious to Erebor we shall reclaim the mountain yes yes this makes me erect oh my god I'm so excited okay okay that's enough of that because we found something of interest an incredibly valuable resource reeds cattails bulrush bursting at the seams with their fluffy seed this makes for a good tinder one spark from a ferrocerium rod will combust the whole lot into flames brilliantly short-lived flames but flames nonetheless as quick as the heavens are too open they are too close clouds approach which could make for some interesting cloud arrangements perhaps this could be a good opportunity for a time lapse to even more orchestral music or perhaps not because I imagine the orchestral music is getting quite annoying well whoa whoa whoa whoa hold the bow jet did you see that let's rewind this time lapse focus for a brief moment in this time lapse that cloud unfolded and morphed into the shape of a Phoenix and I don't think I'm clutching at straws here that is quite clearly a golden soaring bird I mean look at that Nick that Nick has some serious curvature that's legit and its glorious sparse wingspan and it's blazing tail trailing behind that's a Phoenix but screwed a time lapse will play it back in this original real time that's a tempest keep tier Phoenix goddamn call me Kalfas well look at that in camp aesthetics 12 we had white fluffy cloud tolls in campus fatigues 14 we have blazing soaring golden sunray Phoenix's one could say that we've upped the game well wasn't that eventful you don't get too many morning's like those let's go into the woodlands now my god look at the light show moist glorious but let us pacify ourselves with the tranquility of dad dear nature as far as heart-shaped arrangements of matter go I believe this takes the podium although maybe that's just my feminine side coming into play immediately perceiving it as a heart rather than an arrowhead hmm is it a heart or is it an arrowhead with Dold edges who knows so ambiguous that's real Purdy though but here's the game plan I'm on the lookout for a particular plant a plant that possesses a multitude of practical value chances are that you will already be very familiar with this plan but you may be unfamiliar with just how useful it really is a planter is ridiculously abundant but on this day and having difficulty locating it which is always the way nevertheless let's go for a wander this is the plant we seek dandelions they're typically regarded as quite insignificant undesirable and unremarkable little weeds but allow me a moment to bust some fun facts that may just skewer your perception of dandelions into one a little bit more appreciative perhaps the most endearing qualities of dandelions are their culinary uses they are edible in their entirety the leaves can be brewed to make a tea but most notably the roots can be roasted and ground into a powder which can then go on to be made into a coffee a coffee you say indeed dandelion coffee a wild coffee that is surprisingly pleasant it's a top notch beverage much better than drinking boiled pond water that's for sure so that's what we're gonna do today we're going to whip up a batch of dandelion coffee to awaken the senses but have you ever wondered what the word dandelion means it's quite a peculiar seemingly meaningless word but from where does that word originate and why is dandelion a given name to this particular flower what does it mean what are the secrets well as you may suspect its origins lie in Latin the word dandelion comes from the Latin dens lioness which means lions to the tooth of the lion pretty badass name for a flower right lion too worthy of respect and admiration lion tooth is a reference to the leaves of dandelions as the leaves of dandelions are quite jagged and sharp in appearance supposedly resembling the teeth of lions the semblance being towards the Fang like canines but as many moons past the original Latin name evolved the French would eventually be the ones to take dens lie on it and sculpt it into their own language as such dens lioness became dent de lion which as a literal translation means tooth of lion and when spoken as the French say it dent de lion becomes Don de Leon so you can see where dandelion comes from now right and that's how the story goes it would be the English that would then come along and take Don de Young and skewer the words slightly as to conform them into their own native tongue as such Don DeLeon was debased and bastardized into dandy-lion and that's where the story ends those are the ethnological origins of a flower that we all know so well but up until now probably never really gave a damn about interesting low right another interesting alias of dandelions is pissed the beds which is pretty strange and while there is some legitimate science behind that name on the contrary there are also some straight-up Liars behind that name another word for straight-up Liars is of course folklore the folklore is that if you pick dandelions then you will piss the bed as a consequence that's it that's the grand tale but it comes from this plants use as a diuretic certain chemicals within the plant increased the production of urine so consumption of dandelions encourages a more frequent parsing of water but you will still retain conscious and subconscious control of your bladder dandelions do not make you incontinent well we're at it would you like to know something super cool and interesting about daisies of course you do who doesn't where does the name Daisy come from what does the word Daisy mean why is this flower called the Daisy well the word Daisy comes from the old english words for days i as in the eye of the day and that refers to this flowers tendency to open out in the morning and close up at night the petals open and close in respect to day and night so it is indeed the eye of the day in the figurative sense it is the days I it is the Daisy oh my [ __ ] flower knowledge son that's what the ladies like so right here we don't just have a dandelion and a daisy oh no we have the tooth of the lion and the eye of the day and that's quite a drastic shift in perspective and now it's time to defy and desecrate some dandelions how much root does a brother need for a cup of coffee well consider that the route is about 50% water so the roots will shrink to half their original size upon roasting so gather as much as you believe would fill a couple of tablespoons once it's all been roasted shrunk and ground to the stream is the catch though dandelions are quite bitter considerably so however the chemicals responsible for this bitterness are known as sesqui terpenes and these sesqui terpenes are water soluble which means that they can leach out of the plant and dissolve into water so the bitterness can be removed from the plant by boiling the roots and a couple changes of water easy fix easy life don't worry about scraping the brown discoloration or fever it's not dirt it's just a discolored natural part of the roots but epidermis is the botanical term for it removing it is unnecessary it gives the coffee some earthy tones makes it very gourmet time to part ways with the dandelion greens imagine if there was someone right downstream just casually filling up their water bottle and all of these decapitated dandelions just slowly floated by I think that would arouse much suspicion and now we must venture forth with our roots let's get this ball to roll in time for fire or that birch though we'll be having some of that but although this birch tree is dead standing and absolutely no harm would come to it if I were to score it scores within the bark about birch trees are pretty obvious two passes by I imagine those scores could serve as quite an abrupt and stark reminder that they are quite possibly not alone out here which for those that value the solitude I imagine could be very discouraging so I'll source my birch from a more obscure location amongst Ian's enemies we have the obscure hipster birch bark oh is that some punk wood right there my goodness oh my god could it be miss a Buganda yes indeed this is glorious punk was not satisfied with that piece though of requires substance double whammy tinder and fuel wood I need more more I just look at that crumbly goodness this tree is very unstable I must collect shot yes that's how we get [ __ ] John I've got chunks for days time to arrange and set ablaze the stash oh yeah let's get this ball rolling really a doubt in your concentric are my god a glorious scramble a handy find reserve it for the evening fire preliminary 10 peg and grill placement oh yeah I have so much access funk wood that I don't even know what to do with it this seems like an appropriate use every little helps and whatnot and we are ready to go are we making fire today well that convex lenss is looking most appropriate so let's go focus and photons here's the plan obtain a smoldering ember we've been the Ponk would and then continuously bellow that Ember as a means of spreading it and once that ember is large enough upon continuous bellowing that large smoldering ember should combust into flames quite an abrupt transition had such tenuous flame to work with for those couple seconds of flame was enough to get the birch bark going and the rest was history this teepee is primarily composed of coniferous wood which was a conscious choice because with spring comes insects which are of course a nuisance but many insects cannot abide the smell of burning coniferous wood they cannot abide the scent of evaporating resins in Turkey so coniferous wood smoke serves as a great ambient insect repellent so let's make some dandelion coffee in an insect free environment ez game ez life in the meantime going to go a bit feral and dig a pit a pit that will be used to cover and conceal the extinguish remains of the fire once the deed is done since we're moving on after this task we got a play clean up let's have a gander inside round 1 complete that bitter waste water going to use this bitter waste water to begin dampening the pit that's right nothing goes to waste out here no sir the practice is our most efficient round - about to run out of water Oh No how disastrous good dad we've got the Lucid sunshine cool air birds chirping warm from the fire the smell of resinous wood smoke that's quite a wholesome sensory overload extend this pit of breath upon reflection I think I use my knife more as a digging tool than a cutting tool the Doberman 6.5 entrenching tools next level plays final round let's get these roots are roasting that's not the sound we won a require rattle turtle I suppose the easiest way of telling whether you're close to being done or not is to consider this process analogous to charring those vaporous explosions are water vapor from the dehydrating roots so once the expulsion cease then you're on the final stretch anticipating a cloud of pent-up water vapor to burst out as I removed the lid ah we gucci out here nice weather though right there's the rattle towel time to roast a root easy life roasted root are we good to go perhaps but there's something to consider while on the surface it looks ripe and ready to go the exterior epidermis is only a thin layer so it's the first a roast it Melo you into believing that the interior has roasted - not necessarily you must be followed like so that's the ticket boy they'll do the trick now it's time to grind these bad boys you know the deal we crush it into oblivion I get my five thousand percent recommended daily allowance of iron this way as well you'll never catch me with anemia oh that's just not cricket son that's not refined enough we must go deeper it's good enough for the peasantry but we need to go do pot oh that's looking real gourmet that's worthy of a Michelin star observe that rich dark color and it has an even fully diluted year that's a good sight sue this smouldering stick mimics a certain external organ of mine oh my god this is very exciting ah would you look at that transparent crystal clear smooth colorful like God's rich aromatic fragrant prestigious Gordon Ramsay - ambrosia of primal sensations oh my god it's just the reflection bro your whole world is a lie how does it taste well dandelion has quite a rich dark unique flavor laden with subtle earthy tones it's pretty God to heaven tear ascended tear it's like drinking a rainbow it's like a warm and loving post-coital amorous embrace with your romantic partner or something like that what I'm trying to say is that it's quite all right it's one of those consumables that seemed questionable on the surface but once it hits your lips it's surprisingly Pleasant psychologically it makes you feel ready to take on the day as morning coffee brewed at home typically does but it does not contain caffeine it is a placebo but a genuinely pleasant beverage to consume would recommend worth the trouble I'd take this over sticky weed coffee any day based on the taste alone but it's considerably more time consuming to make in comparison to sticky weed coffee which makes it a difficult trade-off taste versus time as the struggle that's the struggle it's cleanup time ray Dean of the place for smile on my face Henry the Hoover Dam for not good getting nice and wet this isn't your in by the way it's war up just in case you thought otherwise I do really need a piss though those bandy line diuretics are doing work out here for a couple more pints of water overall this lot and it will be ready to bury and we'll move along oh yeah that soggy extinguished time to bury and there we go you'd never know I was here right no one would ever suspect a thing no one will ever finds the body well that's a damn fine way to start the day oh if only this was the start of the day huh our day began at 9:00 p.m. last night so we've been awake for 14 hours thus far huh not complaining though hashtag worth it but starting to feel the effects nevertheless let's go for a wander ah look at them pretty flowers how nice yeah that's right you look at them pretty flowers you look at them and admire Wow look at that one little droopy Lester Salander he's like really sad and mopey because he's not getting any sunlight everyone else is moist tragic and now we're at a crossroads because I could continue to film the festivities of the afternoon film some nonsense but then I run the risk of running out of camera battery before the day concludes so I'll try and conserve my camera battery and resume filming in the evening so I'll see you on the flipside welcome back it's now the flip side you didn't miss much apart from absolutely everything but now we must proceed with the end of the day shenanigans let's go for a wander in anticipation of an evening field of observing glorious sunsets want to make myself a cheeky bevy to carry with me along the way perhaps a tea made from coniferous needles sounds good to me where the pine er is the game plan knock up a quick-fire make myself a cup of pine needle tea have a wander around and set ourselves up somewhere for an evening spent observing the glorious sunset see the Sun off with a salute so let's go do that dead grass ethics looking most majestic oh you know just wasting camera battery filming dead grass good game time for fire tell me your secrets grass might be slightly redundant but if it ain't broke don't fix it let's focus even more photons to confer great the crumble that we picked up earlier in the day just crack open that exterior to reveal the charcoal II interior and then go to town on that and they ignite so easily pretty Swift all year that's what daddy likes go fast got yourself a file a while the crumbles still smoulders our time is an illusion and this will be home for the night amongst the ferns amongst the shade it's pretty cozy ha would you believe me if I told you that I ran out of space on my memory card moments before the pivotal moment of combustion probably not I understand that's very suspect but on my end that's terribly inconvenient nonetheless after a tactical memory card reload we're back in the game so let's get culinary sod what I'm about to do it was very wrong absolutely Haram don't you just love that sound makes me erect or whatever it can stay wonky are we dingle dangling out here fresh fragrant Marco Pierre White t-bag these bad boys aren't that sudden surge of wind oh that's a nice breeze and we shall return to these embers later peace out Girl Scout you ready to end this video boy murder charges when I cut this video time to unwind it's chill time the gods were smiling down upon me this day I was blessed with heavenly weather and considering how red the sky was this morning I'm genuinely surprised that the day turned out so well you like them pretty flowers do you of course you do but that's enough of that let us avert our eyes towards those evening skies and ponder the mysteries of life together boom for a brief moment I was flaccid but this view has fixed that things are throbbing and pulsating again most majestic most glorious time that's time I want to conjure a sentence a sentence that includes various pretentious words such as spellbinding and mesmerizing and entrancing but I am just far too tired to uphold a standard of literacy so ya adjectives adjectives for days quite the view you know what school astrology and I don't mean all the hocus-pocus nonsense but the concept of star signs that's quite interesting and I only say this because I was born on the 27th of July and this makes me a Leo my star sign is the constellation of Leo and I am currently staring right at the constellation of Leo feeling pretty chill about there also Leo is a lion which is SuperDuper relevant as a vast portion of this video was spent dealing with dandelions lions tooth ah everything ties together so nicely feeling satisfied feeling a sense of completion a sense of closure anyway where my fellow Leo's that come represent absolute master race star sign out here you go come represent mmm I grow tired I grow weary the eyelids are heavy feels like my eyelashes are made of lead let's just hope that our sleep isn't disturbed by the screams of raging vixens and so ends the day or so begins a new day the moon has risen the earth has completed a full 360 degree rotation upon its axis so thanks for tagging along with me during yesterday's rotation but now it's time for us to part way so it's been emotional thanks for watching from yours truly proof
Channel: AlfieAesthetics
Views: 220,553
Rating: 4.9496741 out of 5
Keywords: AlfieAesthetics, wilderness survival, survival skills, bushcraft, survival, bushcraft skills, bushcraft kit, survival kit, bug out bag, camping, camping kit, zombie survival, zombie apocalypse, ray mears, bear grylls, mykel hawke, les stroud, holiday in england, camping in england, travel, Campaesthetics, Adventure, Summer, Survival tips, Wilderness survival tips, ray mears bushcraft, Outdoors, Tent, dandelion coffee, Wildcamping, Camping vlog, Wild Edible Plants, Poisonous Fungi
Id: UDY26F2Hbm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2015
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