CampAesthetics 8 (Wild Camping UK)

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He posts like 1 video per year

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

His review of the bk7 is the reason why i bought one. I wish he posted more and would do more gear reviews. Very solid channel though 👍

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/3_T_SCROAT 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

AlfiesAesthetics is the channel name

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/EchoGamer16 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

So I skipped through a bit, then landed on him talking about the difference between chert and flint. Dude loves his self-learning and exploring knowledge.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mr-Yellow 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

What has impressed me is the way his knowledge has enlarged over the years, and the reliance on kit goes down.

Ignoring the recent capsule survival kit posting, his "My Wilderness Survival Kit & Camping Gear (2018)" is so much more refined compared with the 2013 and 2014 selections.

He's not averse to spending money when necessary, using something cheap and common if it works well, or staying with - modifying and repairing if necessary - a well proven item like his BK.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AGingham 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Been a long time sub...great guy!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tEmDapBlook 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
how close can I get to this tortoiseshell butterfly man it doesn't give a damn about my presence boy looks like someone's been lounging about first glance I'm impressed he's using an already existing structure to support all of his sticks nice little log to sit on something to lean his back up against now our entrance so now attend would not tear down oh my days that wasn't easy good 15 minutes hard graft right there I buggered my shoulder up the other day doing overhead press nearly took myself a trip to snap see and every shovel full of dirt from this Dakota fire hole gave my shoulder some JIP hashtag hard life form Foreman tariffs or horse's hoof fungus tinder fungus whatever I've spoken about this before in wilderness survival tips so I won't bang on about it today but just a quick recap for those that haven't seen that video this layer underneath the skin once it catches a spark or begins to smolder from whatever method of fire start in your using the fungus smolders for ages like literally for hours so it's useful for transporting fire from one location to another or you can use to smoldering fungus itself to ignite a bird's nests fibrous material that's what I'll be doing later but this particular one is massive it's larger than my hand for reference good stuff I'll be using it in conjunction with a magnifying glass to make my next fire go ahead full bush hippie today just stumbled across the mother lode of a day delay OPS's well some there some right there as well got some over here in Errol Purdy it's like velvet and I'll be taking all this for char in sin to make such good char keep a good stash of it so don't have to traipse around for it next time look at this bad boy that's a fern tendril well it's not called a tendril is called a cross there but don't show this to the Japanese because they will make porn out of it ferns though some are edible wood nutritional and some will [ __ ] you right up it's good to know about them one would immediately assume that this is Bracken since it's the most abundant and common fern amongst the UK but Bracken is a bad burn Bracken contains Vietnamese which destroys fear mean in the body I've always known as vitamin b1 and as a consequence it leads to vitamin b1 deficiency which is bad times it carries a wide range of complications neurological and cardiovascular diseases not a good thing Daffy is a possibility as well if you eat enough of it mistaken it for something else all Bracken is good for is burning it when it's dead good kindling in my opinion and it also contains a toxic chemical called toquilla side which in the long and short of it it destroys DNA well it damages DNA that is carcinogenic bad times that is minion this a fear you looking bad boy is called glitchin I'm sure you've all seen it before kinda looks like the tree is rusting if rust was pale blue but lickin he is kind of the bastard child of a fungus and an algae it's a bunch of algae cells are surrounded by fungus cells and unlike most tree fungi the parasitic and still nutrition from the tree they're growing off the algae cells produce energy and nutrition through photosynthesis which goes on to feed the fungus and didn't return the fungus protects the algae keeps it from drying out and such a nice little symbiotic relationship I believe the genus is a Palmer tremor and the species is a pearl Atem usually has a minuscule black edge though I can't see that right now Palmer term apple Atem is what I would identify as but regardless the parmer term has have been used as both food and medicine in certain cultures around the world primarily as an antibiotic when ground into a powder and sprinkled into wounds but would I recommend that hell no those Indians be crazy look at these Polly pause looks like a mangled vagina inappropriate Footwear crew in the house and that right there is way more inappropriate than my Footwear so stop giving me shoe size of this crap bull man it's a hefty old thing I'll tell you all the black fuzzy stuff that's leaving like a charcoal residue on my fingers but a fungus is spores this time of year they're all got it released in spores to be carried away by the air not the best thing to breathe in though so just don't shove your nose in it but I know what to do with this washer water sure Leggett that part 3/4 all day until now tiger woods 91 feet 7 inches I'm crying right just imagine right you're standing out in a nice lush thinking about you know I contemplate Enlai existence postulate in the mysteries of life no burn fungus to the skull how karma got me good though as I was making my crafty escape i'll stacked it down a rabbit hole and mangled blanco up pretty good i'm in such a weird simultaneous state of scrutinizing pain hysteria sympathy adrenaline and an overwhelming sense of satisfaction can't put a price tag on those feels yo ah Karma's a [ __ ] eh speaking of [ __ ] shout-out to Harriet you are a beautiful clump of atoms everything's beginning to turn purple do you get bluebells over in America or is it something that just plagues our sprit bombs hmm tell your heart I love me some blue whales they're not even blue though they're purple oh it's right here yeah that's some good war paint before when I go back and deal with a [ __ ] remember on the last campus takes video I showed you the slime mold enter idiom like Oppidan and spoke about its stages of development well this is the final stage The Outsiders crusted over and brown spores have formed on the inside and now it's in the process of spreading the spores into the environment interesting still edible though certainly more palatable than the gelatinous clump it was previously so as Les Stroud would say throw it in the stew pot if you're into that kind of thing there is so little content around enter idiom not confident in regards to its chemical makeup and such apart from this one paper of Bounce so if you'd like to make a cup of tea and join me for a [ __ ] lecture on inter idiom because I think it would be fun to try lay a fraction of dis scientific jargon for you as it carries some significance in relation to the potential medicinal value of venturi DeMarco pardon ah this is what Alfea aesthetics gets up to when he's not doing hookers and horse tranqs anyway abstract to deoxy esters is not important to know exactly what they are but they've been coined into Rhydian to a and B easy to remember they were isolated from the slime mold into a little blah blah yeah we know to do blah blah blah were determined by spectroscopic data spectroscopic data is from a branch of science called spectroscopy basically shines a bunch of electromagnetic radiation on an object then analyzes the wavelengths of radiation that were absorbed and re-emitted then they can determine what the element is and how much there is is sometimes how they work out the molecular structure of things that's such a bad description of spectroscopy but it'll do they used ultraviolet infrared mass spectrum one dimensional two dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectrums standard stuff the results are down there but it's not important just gives you the molecular makeup of the deoxy esters bla bla bla 170 Oxus pyro five five that's a pheromone found in insects an insect attractant if you will make sense to enter idiom like Oppidan would have that as it will help with spore dispersal with insects that coming and going from it because they're attracted to it bla bla bla showed inhibitory effects against gram-positive bacteria that's the kicker gram positive bacteria mmm Staphylococcus which is a very common bacteria responsible for all kinds of [ __ ] methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus or mr si you've probably all familiar with that streptococcus common cause of pneumonia strep throat tonsillitis whatever so one could conclude that this slime mold has antibiotic properties not sure how significant or negligible it would be however crush it into a powder snort a line of it off a hookers back if you're into that kind of thing I won't judge that's all I can find on the subject so we can take from that what we will hmm I saw 4 a.m. in the morning at the time I'm recording this just got done reading your comment Calum bushcraft so shout out to you Kalin bushcraft bro ulam and son you do man and here's another one in its final stages dust the old thing but inside of it are a few little insects I'm not sure what they are but I guess this is where the pheromone comes into play those insects will carry off the spores casually traversing the terrain will buy em that's my kingdom I'm the watchful protector the stoic Guardian where the [ __ ] is Sean am I gonna have to bust another smoke grenade quite a hoard today right splitting that 6040 no 70/30 now that's like a year's worth for tinder right there apart from the trim it a you can show that as well it is a polypore call me grand master fungi got my magnifying glass going to town on it right now so only a matter of time it doesn't look very impressive now but this fungus is already smouldering balls deep and it's only 12 degrees today what's that in Fahrenheit that's 55 Fahrenheit today and thus burn this fungus within 10 seconds did you know that this fungus is capable of combusting into flames allow me to demonstrate there's a nice little cherry on top best fungus not that I'll advocate blowing it into flames though since it is such a valuable resource that you don't want to really piss away all in one go just for the sake of flame because once you start smouldering good luck stopping it do you like my selfie fire it's not so stealthy this time around and it's one of the few times where I would say god dammit I wish I didn't build this fire so well [ __ ] kills yeah get some of that heat that's mine well what did you expect our fears you don't goofed yeah boy it's like making wine smoking I mr. Victor Tran requested that I cook something random so here I am getting ready to cook something random I aim to supply the demand what we've got here is a selection of a few common edible plants and fungi right here we've got some stinging nettles which needs to be blanched over to fire to remove the trichomes Tremezzo versicolor which will be parboiled then diced primrose leaves and the stalks of whistles currently in the process of removing the spikes for [ __ ] sake you've done no I'll smash man with the bricks if you carry on son would you know about that green tea God keep this body in tip-top condition says the smoker on the right is my meal that is certain to open up a debate regarding my sexuality dirty little hippie and on the Left Shaun's meal that is certain to open him up to heart disease and Alzheimer's yeah whack them eggs on boy the oil steamin these eggs man seasoned with the finest organic wood flakes and ash from the fire yeah but it does lunch is ready [ __ ] flint insurer generally interchangeable terms they're pretty much the same thing just formed in different ways I believe chair forms in limestone where Flint forms in calcium carbonate avoids known as chalk I could be wrong about that but this is just my butchered knowledge of geology both made of the same stuff though crypto crystalline and silicon dioxide it's quite fascinating how chalk is formed it comes from all decocker lifts from a cockle if a pause microscopic algae that have a calcium carbonate shell which eventually resides on the seabed once they die gradually forming into big nodules of chalk over time plus plus seashells pearls that's all made of chalk I could be wrong about that though but this is why there's chalk in this clump of Flint thus where it formed but if you want to find Flint for fire start and then you need to find chalk you won't always find cracked open nodules of exposed black Flynn more often than not they'll be hidden underneath a layer of calcium carbonate which we call the rind and it's only when you crack it open to you exposed to Flint so if you can't find Flynn crack open any Bay's you whitey Rock and you'll have a good chance of finding flint inside found a nice little clearing a little meadow nice clear skies good game sup Luna be checking you out tonight well it looks like I spoke a bit too soon the fascist rain cloud goin has just joined the PI oh man that is quiet everything a nice splash of scotch takes the edge off a hard day where you are Slenderman one hum for you again boy - spooky where you at boy will make school a pretty boy nice bit of nighttime navigation though I can't see a thing past five meters but that makes it all the more exciting probably just scared of an animal or that breaking branch could have been the Blair Witch army I'd love to make a film similar to the blur which I love all their handheld shaky camera films that warm glow of the fire most Suvi duct tape just doesn't seem to want to stick to the inside of my tent anymore so rather than using a whole reel of it to improvise on the outside there's a small qualification which I've twisted into the material of my 10 and secured it with some brass wire next level improvisation makes the atmosphere snug enough for a buck he also gives me some light to work with man's got a text 2002 dude what a nice girl listen can you do me a favor I want you to say hello to my subscribers and shout out to Cameron daily trusty patches Bob Bobson thrillin film one Matthias Bengston is it my fires or is it Mattias or Mattias that they mutually has a H in it though right alright on he's only gone on [ __ ] to that in number if anyone wants to come and mock me for my phone now feel free Matthew awesome skull Crusher's 1000 the bushcraft dude UK proposed 17 in it Brian Baines Callum Meier Hill and Jack Porter who blazes copious amounts of the devil's lettuce and has incomprehensible levels of swag but a huge shout-out to trip seven and I will say right here that if you don't like the sight of blood then click there to skip ahead but I feel everyone on this channel could handle a bit of blood so caballo this is trip 7s knee and his gruesome wound that he suffered from kneeling down on a piece of Flint the exact same way our slash my knee in the exact same spot on the exact same leg although trips wound is a lot worse than mine was but I just want to share this with you as it seems like I'm not alone and getting rekt by Flint so just a heads up fellas might wanna invest in a knee pad because it's not fun times so shout out to you trip solely because you managed to make the time to take a picture of yourself while you were bleeding out so badass focus focus Faysal on the Patrol peace out ladies and gentlemen hope you all have a nice day
Channel: AlfieAesthetics
Views: 323,305
Rating: 4.9054451 out of 5
Keywords: AlfieAesthetics, Wilderness survival tips, Wilderness survival, Bushcraft, Survival bag, Survival kit, Survival gear, Camping, Survival guide, Survival skills, Bushcraft skills, SHTF, Bug out bag, Zombie, Zombie survival kit, Camping equipment, Survival knife, Camping in england, how to make fire, how to survive in the wild, adventure, CampAesthetics, Camp Cooking, Zombie Survival, Bushcraft Camp, Adventure, Outdoors, Nature, Wild Camping
Id: h2kx_aG3iCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 26 2014
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