Camp Record Gold Nuggets on the Huge 10 Inch Dredge + Multi Oz Cleanout!

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[Music] okay another new day we're gonna get on it today uh we're gonna head on back to our hole and and dredge another day so yeah it was pretty cool cleanup and we're gonna try to beat it this week so uh i'm getting ready getting dressed it's uh early morning just have breakfast and we're gonna head on down to the river here comes gary ready to go to work going to thousand work nice here's the beautiful office nice scenery awesome out here look at that that's cool [Music] you almost made it up to that stake we're gonna have to take that steak out and move it up further and our goal is to get to their tailing pile that's up there and then we're gonna go around and join up with them and keep going forward so pretty cool uh right now gary's gonna come up in a few minutes one of the bars on the the dredge nozzle came undone so we got to uh we got a generator over there and a welder so we're gonna do a little bit of repair before i go down all right i'm going to pull them up all right just pull gary up no how's the material pretty good oh man it's great nice easy going easy going moving tons of material getting gold sweet can't get no better than this baby no we're almost to the stake we're gonna have to redo that by the time your dive's done we'll be probably there or past it and this uh if you want i'll weld this if you want to move the steak yeah and then uh we'll just we'll just put it right we'll intrude on their territory put that stake right on their ground so they know it's coming yeah no kidding i think i already think we're intruding we're going to catch up to those guys with those puny little eight inch up there actually while the machine's off let's check the box i mean uh really really tough to see gold in this box because majority of the gold sits in these boil boxes in here and you can't really see it um but there is some flakes all throughout this you can see flakes all in this mat there's little flakes all on this mat uh majority of the gold is gonna be down in here um this is real thick my oh look at that right there there's a nice one right there see it sitting on the miner's moss that's a cool one uh yeah the golden oh oh we got a nice one another nice one there's a little one right there so we're in some bigger stuff which is cool um yeah it's really hard to see because this minor mouse is really thick and the gold just settles right down into that miner's moss but uh yeah yeah we're gonna do some repairs and get back down in the water all right so we got the nozzle done now we're going to move that stick all the way upstream probably on the other side of that tailing pile there and we'll be ready to rock so it's gonna be a good day clean out day clean out day but we got 32 hours on the box 36. yeah you have 36 now but you'll have 40 we'll have 40. i think yeah oh yeah that's right we're going to judge a couple hours and here it comes we're going to do the clean out made it after work off to work [Music] for the 15th day in a row off yeah i gotta [Laughter] that's cool with the clouds up there [Music] home sweet home there it is [Music] look you touchdown [Applause] [Music] there we are we're running today we're just gonna do four hours on the box gary's down right now he's gonna do two hours i'm gonna do two hours and i'll give this 40 hours on this box for all these boxes and we're gonna do a clean up [Music] cool we're ready for a cleanup just clean up just got out of the water gary just did two hours i just did two hours just got out and uh look what gary found in the box look at this one that's the biggest one we found uh here so far biggest one in camp so far biggest one i'll have anybody in camp so far that's a nice chunky one nice almost looks like california it's a juicy one nice good find yeah and what else you see in here you see any other stuff ooh but this one right there you really can't see it oh yeah the minor moss is really thick there's one there's a whole bunch of gold in here there's another one that's a chunky one right there and uh yeah this binders moss is really thick and the gold eats right down but when you start seeing it on top it's probably a good sign huh yeah yeah that means there's more on the bottom a lot more yeah a lot more and this box is big big big we look down here quick and there's there's gold down in here um and then these riffles down here so yeah i think it's gonna be a good cleanup hopefully it's good as last one yeah so now the hard work starts this is uh going to take a couple hours to clean this yeah i mean uh this part's kind of fun because you look in here you can see this is all glittered with gold and again what happens is that you know when the material comes in right here it goes through this screen and all the small stuff it goes in a hole here and here and comes down into the boil boxes there should be a lot of gold in these boil boxes we're gonna check it out soon and then uh it comes down to these mats and uh you know this match is glittered almost just the small gold that's all it's all gold it's uh small but yeah yeah little gold so we're going to clean uh the whole thing let's get started [Music] all right so let's put this down here so we don't lose it yeah we got 40 hours in this box so everything's kind of tight there we go let's start with the top right here ready one two three oh man look at that build up wow look at the gold oh dude see all the gold that's all gold right there there's gonna be a lot of gold there [Music] there's gold right there see it all in here man look at it all right here dude is this where we're getting the kelp or gold's getting locked in yeah the gold uh kind of sits right here because uh after the hour see the screen the screen is pretty clogged so we're gonna have to uh we might even have to take the screen back to camp and beat the hell out of it to get these so there's not uh enough usual water flow going through because uh you know after 40 hours just gets clogged so we'll take that back clean it get me that pan it don't matter i don't care if it's five ounces or eight ounces i mean i'm happy i'm happy having a good time this is awesome you know i mean if it's less than five i'm still happy because yeah this is pretty cool just being out here you know yeah it's really really cool i mean we're in the absolute middle of nowhere yeah everything's perfect on this garage yeah it's easy to operate everything's clean uh streamlined yeah we good we got this dinner oh yeah it's cool all right we're gonna clean this bad boy up all right let's get started there goes it comes down to the boil box look at that pile dude there's a loaded yeah there's pile in here look at that all right there all down in here there's a whole line right here that's pretty cool shoot oh yeah all the way up what the majority is uh throughout this pretty cool yeah we're just uh rolling this up we're putting it in the tub rinsing this all out and then we'll continue down the box all right gary's gonna get ready uh to get these uh boil boxes out use this little shop back and a little generator see uh see there's a lot of gold in here oh that's stuck there it goes there should should be a lot of gold in there maybe some gold in here yeah you can't really see it though okay we're gonna do the side box here [Music] hopefully there's another pile like glasses there it is [Music] it's all back here oh man [Music] oh [Music] that's right [Applause] [Music] all right cool so we just lifted that uh miner's moss this is what's underneath the miner's boss that's all gold pretty cool up in here [Music] lots of gold that's cool yep awesome continue on what do you think excited all right cool she's all clean done for the day we're heading back to camp with uh matt's got a pan full of nuggets that is really good for this river awesome time to have a few beers now clean some gold thirty let's do it gonna go celebrate clean some gold there we go bag of camp scooping away anything looking good yeah so far from what i can see looking pretty good nice this one should be pretty pretty loaded all right we're gonna have to run this twice yeah yeah we're gonna run these cons twice we're saving them they're going into a bucket down there then there's a pond right there and we'll rerun it all right keep scooping away [Music] all right we're done yeah we're done ready to complete that what are you thinking good or bad i can't tell you you don't know the water's too muddy to be on the top too muddy i just see mud really i don't know i'm getting a little nervous yeah me too well let's check it out all right you ready okay here we go these are our what plus twelves yeah plus 12. look at that spin off it's collecting those huge pieces of magnet thing that's pretty cool we won't hold them because the battery oh batteries died yeah very cool though so the yeah look at that that's cool that's all plus 20 is right there wait a minute in there gary's got the minus minus 12 plus what was the other one the screen is a 20. so this is a minus 12 plus 20. so nice little uh plus 20s a little pile right there huh yeah hopefully they add up nice looking and i got the minus 20s in the blue over here oh there's a nice big place how far out offshore is that uh we're from the shore about uh 15 20 feet out we're taking it off nice looking pretty good yep [Music] got it down to the minus 20s here putting that through the little mini sluice see if we can light this thing up there we go starting ready rocket yeah yeah i got the video of that rockets i was out there doing that a lot of rockets very back at it good uh don and john are on the eight inch right up there they did a strip right here and we're coming up beside them and we're doing in this heavy current right here really hard working look at that stake up there see the current it's uh it's really strong working so uh we're doing the best we can to go just head on straight into it we can't take the hose to the side and get out this way because that current just takes that huge toes and just whips it that way so we gotta head straight into the current to get that gold so we're just doing a little sweep right here and we're gonna try to catch up to those guys and work side by side so yeah we just uh dredged along today same old same old just dredged red dredge uh everything's working great oh we got a smoker now so we've been cooking some meat let's check the box if it looks good [Music] um [Music] it's like to treasure on the tennis got my music on that's a pretty cool mp3 player so i got to listen to music when i'm down there all i got left uh my hood my knee pads it's almost time to pull gary up so i'm gonna finish putting my stuff on and get down there [Music] i'll probably go from the stake down to right there over there how's the current pretty rough nothing over there pretty brutal i was lost jesus all right cool well uh i'm going to get down there and continue on and get some gold there we go a little baby shampoo smear that in there and that will keep good for my whole dive no two hours no problem down all right let's go [Music] hmm so hmm uh [Laughter] two hours and then i moved back down for two hours so now it's my lunch time to have a little break so got the smoker going check it out this thing rule got this little smoker it's gonna be nice i'm gonna have myself a nice lunch today [Music] usually you can just open the flap on the nozzle and get the clog up but if it's really bad you got to idle down all right cool back up all right so yeah lunchtime what's even better than that uh we just looked in the box real quick and we found this it's dirty um nuggets yeah [Applause] oh now that stretching's done right [Music] oh yeah all right about my turn uh five more minutes and i'm gonna pull gary up the meantime water [Applause] all right i've seen like steps i set up there's like six of them right there in one little area oh wow all right so go a little bit out this way a little bit above the wire we're gonna go take a look at the box make sure we're on the gold right yeah all right let's check the box out make sure gary's on it we saw a few so we want to make sure we're on good ground [Music] all right let's turn it down take a look see we got i put that little nugget in the nugget bucket [Music] oh there's a nice one right there yeah there's a piece there's all right let me stop the motor all right there we go boom boom see them all in there oh yeah oh there's a nice one right there oh look at that group i told you we're all right there dude right here look at it it's all chunky stuff we're hitting dude we're in it man it's our day of cleanup that sucks there's a lot of those you know yeah you can have a pile look at all that dude look at that right that's cool see all that yeah there's a whole group right there wow oh look at that one it's crispy that's a cool one we're in it look at this that's really nice we're finally in it man yeah it only took all week yeah it's our cleanup day yeah nice it's cold everywhere oh it's a big chunky let's see we can find a chunky chunky chunky a big nugget come on no don't big big nuggets that one oh yeah that's good look at it all in there you got a little headphone all right well we're on it let's get down and get some more awesome that's just this little section this whole front section this whole section right here all the gold that's can fall through the screen goes in these boil boxes oh dude look you can see it in the boil box there's the first box yeah there's something right there yeah that oil box should be loaded today look at that all right we're on it we're on it finally cool god man about freaking time a little handful there's a lot in this box that's sweet look i can see a lot of it in there look at that yeah see right there yeah that's just on top so all right all right cool all right i'm going in get some more gold all right here we go [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] telling you [Music] that's cool yeah all that gold we got earlier today is gone so i think it just settles down in the mat you know look at that oh that's nice yeah there was a whole bunch up here there was a whole bunch over here now i don't see them so they went down into the carpet so we'll do a clean out dude hopefully it's loaded down in there see these bulges that might be all gold yeah well cool yeah we're gonna clean this baby out and uh see what we get all right could it be good i don't know how good i'm guessing at least five though we'll find out look at that shining in the sun that's awesome that's pretty hot cool and uh yeah the side boxes there's quite a bit of golden side boxes so uh the boil boxes should be full all right oh there's another one cool all right we're gonna uh get changed up and uh you're ready to clean this baby up favorite time of dredging it's plenty of time [Music] cool all right looking good somewhere nice little pieces of camp you guys got the nugget patch nugget patch [Music] looking good tonight feeding steak we might be having a crab feed you see that gray carpet in the tub yeah oh they're like all over chunkies everywhere all over here that's pretty cool looking good looking good all right gary dredge is all clean we think good clean up so far it looks pretty good we're gonna kill it yeah i don't know if he killed it there's gold in it sweet which we didn't kill the last one but this one should be a little bit better yeah yeah it looked pretty good there's a lot of junkies all right we're gonna go back to camp and clean out we'll see you back so here we go we got one two three four five buckets we got five buckets we gotta run we got three and a half more to go three and a half more to go so we're just cubing it and uh when we're done we'll take a look all right you ready we're done done with the gold cube in there that's with the trays let's see something oh there's some in there dude that's solid jeez don't get me all excited probably uh three ounces right there you think so i don't know it looks like a lot yeah wow that is solid too that's solid oh no material that's cool yeah it's solid gold right there in these trays i think there's a lot of big in here that's looking pretty good pretty good there it's a nice looking pan that pan looks a lot better than the last one that came out of this triple oh yeah that's just all gold too here huh it was too heavy to go up into the cube that's why it's not lit up you know yeah let me see our fine stuff we're gonna really find hardly any in the g4 separator yeah yeah but it it'll only be in the match yeah it doesn't look like you're gonna have to run that again no probably not no i'm sure a few flakes got away but it's all heavy that's cool looking good in the trough it's gonna be loaded wow some nice pieces in there too gobs yeah actually i'm going to put that into that that way we can uh we'll go burn it off right right now where it turns into a big mess cool uh get some up in the corner another [Music] we did a lot better this time feel the weight of that oh yeah nice look at that yeah a little light on there yeah mm-hmm cool oh no bad cleanup that's for sure there's more than four ounces there yeah looking pretty good well with that there's probably another ounce in there so i mean look i'm talking there's gotta be over five ounces at least oh that's a lot of chunky you see we got all of our fine gold down here still what's it called mercury mercury like the planet um cool just finished all the fine gold this is what we've got little miracles lick that baby up all the way down to the bottom pretty cool yeah so now we just gotta add the small stuff to the big stuff and see what we got see what we got we got a uh on this clean up we got a uh a five gram nugget yeah a two to three gram nugget yeah we'll wait up and see and uh quite a bit of bigger bigger stuff yeah yeah it's quite quite a few nice pieces yeah this will be cool all right we're going to clean this out and put it all together ready guys you're going to weigh it up don's in there he's heating it up yeah we're ready looks like a good cleanup go in here and see what's going on see how we did there's a lot of paintings all right there it is huh there's a couple chunkies in there huh frying away okay i want to weigh that little nugget too yeah those are cool camp record nuggets yeah that's cool it's a big one two seven is the record too that one's two seven yeah wow two sevens are very good it's like nice come on yeah my record was first place loser one point seven or six it's kind of dirty looking but gold i think another one of the other guys had gotten a 2.6 or something 2.7 really cool we got a first place and second place [Laughter] too hot well i'd be afraid of burning that yeah this is the hard part waiting for the gold to cool to weigh it okay it's ready is it on the right thing yeah that's on gram grams real quick 50 60 150 160 [Music] you're up to eight ounces 250. 260. 262.99 oh yeah that's right the big ones too 263 268 271 [Music] 8.72 almost almost nine man we missed it by one ounce come on got to get 10 next week we should have done a whole day today sweet you
Channel: American Gold Prospectors
Views: 17,733
Rating: 4.90378 out of 5
Keywords: Dredging, dredging for gold, sniping, sluiceing, keene, proline, prospecting, gold, nuggets, pickers, flower gold, american gold prospectors, gold show, gold rush, panning, big nuggets, VT gold, nh gold, Maine gold, Gold prospecting, Bazooka sluice, Metal detecting, dry washing, trommel, chunky gold, bedrock gold
Id: G0NBizkUjOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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