Dredging on the 40 mile Part 2

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[Music] all right 7 45 in the morning here's my tent just got up got my wetsuit drying gonna go down the path here and go get some breakfast so this is where we go every morning for breakfast waiting here cool just had a wonderful breakfast and there's shad getting ready the wandering buffalos getting ready for a day's dredging beautiful sunny alaska yep it's going on there's a gas station everyone's grabbing the gas so we got three boats i go out and drop off people every morning and there's the hovercraft that thing's pretty cool that's good for the low water yeah when it's high water they're able to run those uh jet boat or motorboats it was it typical morning everyone getting ready mad rush cool we'll see you out on the river here's my drop-off [Music] [Applause] [Music] just got dropped off and i moved my dredge it was down there where the gas can is i made a little hole right there so i'm the owner came up and told me to try in this uh section right here i think this might be a good little area so we did a quick test pan we just removed that rock right there and there was at least 75 colors and just one little pan underneath that rock it was crazy so yeah i'm just gonna try to eat it in this way and see what we can get today let's get started and get some gold today no time here gold fever got jim jim's cleaning up he's nailing it look at that bam look at all those ripples full jeez all the way up there too nice thank you sir cool cool you're right preston how'd you do ah that was a lot better than i thought freaking nailed it huh yeah check it out this is the last ripple look at that it's filled to the left oh yeah that's why i want to rerun that dude that's nuts dude each ripple is freaking loaded oh there's a couple ounces in there gotta be man time for a beer all right going to work dirty rock sucker that's her name is that a jet oh yeah oh cool [Applause] drops don't worry too shallow to run the props huh cool is everyone getting ready for we're not going there we go all right and we're up off to go driving all right dropping one of the guys off on the twin six three peach easy go go go go go go here the kill zone go go first drop off done now it's a pitfalls turn you guys got some gas right below okay [Music] cool here's the biffles little area beautiful bay beautiful bay i like that yeah [Laughter] these guys [Music] you gotta have fun you gotta have fun oh yeah cool yeah typical morning drop off they come drop you off every day and then they leave you all day miles and miles from camp you have to survive you have to survive out here these guys are building where's your fire it's over there i yeah i like it they got a little campfire over there somewhere over there they got a little uh keep warm keep the bears away yep cool off the work here we go good luck guys i'm just gonna try to go um down into the bank uh they're not getting much on the bedrock here and the bedrock's like five feet down so i'm probably only maybe three feet right here so i'm just gonna keep sucking the top three feet off and see how it looks yeah so every morning you get dropped off at your spot you could choose wherever you want they don't sign spots um you can ask the owner and kind of give you a hand on where to go which i did and he recommended right here which has been good i tried a little bit down there that was pretty good too um i've seen it pretty consistent i haven't been on a hot spot yet but definitely getting gold every day been definitely hitting uh quite a bit of gold the rest of the guys are hitting a lot of gold and one of the guys slammed it yesterday he got over an ounce in a six inch nice chunky stuff and a whole bunch of fines so yeah they got 10 miles of claims here um here comes one of the guys he's bringing me gas right now one of the workers so yeah they got a commercial operation going they got the the 10 inch dredge down there and an eight inch and those are the the camps workers they're they're doing their own thing and then they got a guest and the guests get these six and here he comes hand delivering gas look at this you to tip them some gold though if uh if you like a service you're cheap cheap labor have a cheap day throw me a candy bar oh candy bar that's all okay cool awesome i'll go a little deeper today see if i can hit the bedrock but i know the biffles are down five feet and no you're in a drop zone so yeah there's a little bit of drop right here yep i keep looking at this rock pile over here but the more i look at the more i think it blew off of the mountain yeah it's the slide right see that wall i was there the other day i went down maybe five feet and no bedrock yeah yep yep but i seen it going the big rocks out in the middle oh the big rocks oh that looks nice in there that'd be nice it looks good but like i say the more i look at the more i think they they fell off the hillside yeah yeah it's you know i have to go over there and take a peek up and see exactly yeah we saw there's a you can't see it through the trees here but there's a a slide that came down and that's what all this is that's not tailings there's a little bit of a drainage too yep yep but all that did is made all this big cluster of sand right here right right so it would make a knife you'd think a nice dribble for the the blood gold to fall in too right yeah she's feeding me she wants to eat get out of here all right cool all right good luck today see ya i'm just gonna get the dredge all set up and i'm gonna hop in all right it's cleanup time i just uh stopped for the day well i ran out of gas so i had to stop for the day but i wanted to keep going uh the tenants still running the rest of the guys uh took off uh there's a thunderstorm that came through and uh they left probably about an hour ago but uh yeah i'm just working on my hole so uh i ran out of gas so i'm just waiting for the ride which will probably come in about an hour so i figured i'd do a full clean out here so uh yeah let me show you something cool i just did uh a little test and there's like so much gold in here it's not even funny but it's all super small all right let's see let's uh let's just do this little test sample right here i can barely get anything maybe there we go this good goop let's just grab this right here let's see if there's gold in there yeah i know that i could already see gold this is going to be cool let me uh rinse my hand off because there's gold up there all right there we go tiny little test pan just to see what's in it and try to pan inside of wow i'm trying to pan inside a classifier so it's a little awkward all right there we go oh yeah see the glitter already there's lots of gold in there so it's one little tiny test sample look at that this is loaded there's gold all over that thing look just pouring out man that's awesome all right let's do the swirl geez that mat is loaded look at that look at that hope the camera's picking it up it's small but there's a lot of it jeez look at that the bed is just that's all gold look at that hope you can see that that's crazy that's just one little pinch off that mat right there there's gonna be a lot of gold in this clean up hell yeah i'm gonna uh clean out the rest of the box and that's that was only halfway down the box that wasn't even up front cool should be a great clean out and the rain stopped nice this is where the money is right here [Music] see if we can see anything no the gold here is just so small you can't you can't really see it i just wanted to show you this i was uh just cleaning out the top of the box take the pan and you know throw it in there get all the dirt to come down i just want to show you that look at that that's all gold crazy there's tons and tons of gold in here all the way up there that's really cool we took the boat back to camp and had a little dinner and now it's time for clean out just a whole bunch of really really tiny stuff it's kind of loaded in the riffles but maybe there's some treats in there cool all right so last night i was just beat and it was like 11 30 when i was doing my clean out um so i kind of did a halfway this is my plus 20s just got a couple and then the rest is uh this is all minus 20s you could just see all on top this whole thing is just loaded loaded loaded loaded look at that there's just there's just gold all throughout this so i didn't do this last night on the little clean out sluice because it was just so late and i'm beat so we'll do all this uh added to the stuff i get today and we'll do it tonight so another beautiful morning here in chicago it's uh it's probably about 8 15 now we just had breakfast now it's time to uh suit up and go hit the river for the day we'll see you later on tonight another beautiful morning here in chicken alaska just got dropped off ready to dredge for the day uh let's see so yesterday i ate a big chunk of this and i looked at my cons and i got a lot a lot a lot of little stuff see that stick it's going upstream so nice little eddy right here that's why there's a big sandbar here and there's just going to be a lot of fine um you know flood gold in this area which is fine with me you know small gold all adds up you got a lot of it so that's what i'm chasing right now just because i know it's here and um yeah just gonna keep on working i gotta move these rocks before i get started get them out of my way and i'm just gonna eat it in this way and hopefully we'll get a lot more gold today here's the other crew they're coming in the commercial guys again they're uh they're working on that 10 10 inch and eight inch and there's a super six over there and all types of stuff going on but yeah they're just rolling in for the morning they're gonna get started so yeah let's get some gold today [Music] what do you got nice blue bowl yeah blue ball in it blue bowling buffalo style the buffaloes blue balls right look at that crazy blue bowl's full speed not in the water right yeah it'll come to you faster faster let's just spin it off look at all that ounces i'll do my clean out not as good as theirs that's for sure there's some gold neck still got a ways to go in the bucket superpower got tons and tons of superfights all right kind of finally got done with some of the clean out today uh this is uh one pan as you can see here that's all fine super fine gold quite a bit of it let's take a look there nice lots and lots of fines all over good looking stuff and then i got this this goes with it too look at this this is just completely freaking loaded but there's a lot of black sand in there it's going to take me some time to get it out i can't even believe how much is in there that reflection a lot of reflection but yeah this is thick thick thick with black sand just loaded um i have no idea how much gold is here but not a bad day i just got to uh do a final cleanup it's just it's late it's probably like midnight so i gotta get up early and go with the river tomorrow tomorrow's the last day probably just do a half day so i can come back and clean up but i'll do a nice nice looking pants well unfortunately this is the end today's the last day i had to do a half day of dredging today um i got to start cleaning up my cons in the box there i got to get them all in the bucket and bring them back to camp and process them all so i'm only can do a half day a dredging unfortunately but yeah i kind of came in uh this way and went around and just did what i could there's a nice little orange rusty layer that's not too far maybe a foot down from the surface and i was just following that that's where they're sitting there getting all the gold from so i just did um ate away as much as that little orange strip that i could and i saw a whole bunch of little tinies in there yesterday there's quite a bit in there again i couldn't process it just ran out of time so yeah i just got to do the clean out here just getting away let's get it before everyone's up in the yukon um see i can see i can see there's a piece right there just sitting on top of the sand there's usually a bunch in this uh the black sand line right here but yeah you can't really see the gold even up front it just kind of washes out of this little black mat right there so you can't see it there i can see a little teeny tiny piece right on top there but the gold here is so small so i haven't been filming me going down in the hole and grabbing pickers like i usually do because there isn't any you just just can't see the gold it's just so small and again coming over the box to uh take a look um i mean there's there's lots of gold in there for sure you can't see it so but cool yeah i got to get cleaned up and i'll head on over back to camp so after the gold cube i just run it through um or take the cons from the gold cube and use a 20 screen mesh and then all the constant gold cubes through their 20 screen and that's minus 20s and above 20s already panned out cool the fines are pretty much all set all the way down these uh ripples are all lined with a very fine glue all the way down pretty cool and there's a bunch in here too it's a little murky you can't really see it but yeah let me turn this off just kind of cover the black sand when i turned it off but yeah a little gold right there going there oh this is all gold pretty cool pretty crazy nice so the clean out on this thing's pretty easy you just take it roll it just like this just roll it [Music] and just take it and squirt away there's gold up here too look at all that nice i'm going to uh switch on over to the blue bowl i just finished um using that cleanups loose and so i got all my cons from that clean out solution right here i got one two three like four days worth of cons i'm gonna start running so i just threw in a little bit of handful and look at that all on the outside edges there that's all gold tons and tons of it it's small but there's a lot of it look at that that's crazy cool i'm gonna keep on spinning and cooking gold that's what's for breakfast everyday dredging is working your ass off yeah still some black sands in there but i cleaned up as best i could with the time i got there she is all done all cooked up pot of gold yeah i think that's a rock [Music] yeah he's got a couple we got a couple rocks in there i'm trying to make it way more that's all [Laughter] you're laughing wrong yeah [Music] you
Channel: American Gold Prospectors
Views: 12,459
Rating: 4.9204545 out of 5
Keywords: Dredging, dredging for gold, sniping, sluiceing, keene, proline, prospecting, gold, nuggets, pickers, flower gold, american gold prospectors, gold show, gold rush, panning, big nuggets, VT gold, nh gold, Maine gold, Gold prospecting, Bazooka sluice, Metal detecting, dry washing, trommel, chunky gold, bedrock gold, gold mining, how to find gold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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