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buddy i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today I'm gonna be fixing cabbage rolls I haven't made those in a while so I'm gonna share the recipe with you you know growing up we never had cabbage rolls it's not something my mom ever fixed but I learned the recipe when I was an adult and I changed things around a couple of times and I think it's delicious so the first thing we're gonna do is I've got a nice cabbage that I already washed and have it cleaned I'm going to remove the core here so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go in here and just cut it you have to be careful just like that and then sometimes I go in here and I remove just a little bit more of the inside I'm only gonna be using about ten leaves maybe we'll see how many fit in my dish just like that and as you see they start coming apart which is what we want so I've got some boiling water here and I'm going to drop it in there because I want it to steam and as it steams you should be real careful because it's very hot but just like that you're the boiling water and I'll cover it it's like on medium just a little bubble here in there of us of a boil and we're gonna get started on the sauce so I got a pan here that's nice and hot and I'm gonna put in about a tablespoon of olive oil and then I'm gonna add one medium onion it was kind of like a small meeting on my hand it's nice neat job I'm gonna put it in here [Music] and I'm gonna sautee like this and I'm gonna add some garlic now these garlic cloves and I thought it was so big but I like to use fresh garlic if you don't have fresh garlic you can use powder [Music] and my garlic in here [Music] on every little bit [Music] we're just in a little simmer until they're nice and tender now that my onions are nice and tender I'm gonna go ahead and add some of my crushed Tomatoes I'm gonna add about 3 cups [Music] and I'm also going to add a little bit of tomato sauce I want it to be a little bit runny but not very runny that's why I add a crushed tomatoes so all that about almost stuck up in there just like that then I'm gonna add a little bit of chopped parsley I have fresh Italian parsley that I chopped up if you don't have any you can use the dried parsley and if you don't have any dry parsley you don't even have to use it but I like it in here so I'm just gonna add a little bit like that just a little bit then I'm also gonna add one tablespoon of brown sugar you do want a little bit of the brown sugar or you can use regular white sugar just to kind of sweeten it up a little bit so I always add about a tablespoon of the brown one but you can use white sugar and I also have one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and the apple cider vinegar is the acidity that we need and the brown sugar is the sweet that we need and together when the sauce is just so perfect and I'm also gonna add a little bit of salt you want to watch yourself but you can just then add as much as you wanna putting in about 1/4 of a teaspoon Iran and I don't usually put a lot of salt into our food but you can if you want and then I'm putting in a little bit of pepper also less than 1/4 of a teaspoon I'm gonna stir it around like this and then I'm gonna move it back here on simmer just for a little while while I prepare the meat mixture now my meat mixture that I'm gonna prepare for you today you're gonna take some lean ground beef I've got my ground beef right here I don't know you remember me saying that I like to use the 80/20 ground beef because it's got a very good taste kind of like a good steak with it smartly but in a dish like this I like to use very lean ground meat and the reason for that is because you don't want the grease running out of your cabbage roll so that's why I use the leanest one I can find and with very clean hands that are very it's very important that your hands are clean you're gonna I'm gonna work in here so in here I'm gonna add some rice now the rice that I have is not totally cooked I cooked it about 3/4 of the way because if you put cooked rice in here that's totally cooked all the way then it'll be real mushy by the time your your your cabbage rolls come out of the oven so I don't like to I don't like to put it in there you know very cooked so that's why I cook it or it said that way and I'm also going to add one egg like that and I'd like to put my egg right here in the side and I just give it a little beat like that and then I bring it in together [Music] you don't want to overwork your meat because you don't want it to get tough all-out a little bit more of the car seat I'll add a little bit of pepper just about like that and I'll add some salt things my hands that's the best way to do it and I like I said I don't like to overwork it you just want to incorporate it and bring it all together and that's now that I brought it all in together like this see without overworking it now I'm gonna wash my goodness now that I'm washing my hands I'm going to go ahead and set my meat filling aside and I'm gonna get my cabbage out of the water a lot of that cabbages are already used which is what you want it so I'm gonna go ahead and take them out one at a time the ones that are you see like that I always try to just take them out like this if I can and if not I'll bring the whole cabbage out if you leave them in here a nice very hot boy they water using me they come up come apart really easy if you get one of your spoons and you just kind of bring it into in between like that it's really easy to take out [Music] you can just put it in like this and you'll be able to get it off like that [Music] and you know in the cabbage that you have left over you can let it cool I usually let it cool and then I just put it in the fridge and then tomorrow the day after you can fix it with butter and bacon on the side which one of your favorite needs and it's perfect [Music] and I think this is the part that I'm gonna let cool and this is the part that I'll be using another day now I'm not gonna use all of these but they were just literally just coming off so I went ahead it took about so I just want you to show you how they look so now this would be a good time for you to taste your sauce and see if you think that you need to add a little bit more salt or a little bit more pepper I tasted mine right now and it was perfect so we won't need the water anymore turn that off I usually leave it on because if you put your cabbage in there and not all the leaves come off and you feel like you still need another two or three depending how many you're gonna make since your water was still left boiling and you can just get your cabbage and put it right in there and continue to remove another torture okay so these I like to use as much of the leave as I can because I love cabbage so what I usually do is turn it around like this and I remove this part I remove this part right here because this is the part that's not letting me roll it cuz it's real hard so I usually take it off and just leave it about like this you see I usually just remove this right here like that [Music] and this is my last one I don't think I'm gonna use them all but I went ahead and and remove that little hard core off anyway now these are right here these were that mushy ones that were on the outside I'm gonna go ahead and just give him a light little chop and I'll use these I try not to throw anything away if I can avoid it I'll just give him a light chop and I'll put them bottom of the dish and I'll use these just like that okay so now what we're gonna do is and you know what I forgot to add some of this worst is your worst dishes here Worcestershire sauce so I'm gonna add a little bit I like it in here just about like that and I don't like to overwork my meat so I'll just give it a just a little stir like this just like that it'll all be good okay so now to do my wraps I've got a dish here this is what I'm gonna put them in you can use anything you want depending how many you're gonna make you can use a square small one you can use any size away you can even use you can even use a pot if you had a big pot you can fill it all the way up just depends how many you're gonna make so I'm gonna get one of these and you know what if you have some cabbage leaves that are torn like this it doesn't matter you can still use them if you have to get another piece and overlap it as long as you're wrapped and they're nicely wrapped inside it'll go and it'll be perfect so I'm gonna go ahead and get about about this much meat like this just as much as you want just depends how packed you want it and I'd like to spread it out like that a little bit then I'll just bring it in together like this wrap it nice and snug just like that you see then I'm gonna do another one and it helps a lot when you remove this because when you don't remove this it's real tight and you're not able to lay it flat so that's why I like to remove it like that you can tuck it in nice and snug like that dr. T there too there you see these pieces that are right here I'll take that piece off did you see how it's broken up like this it doesn't matter you can still use it it's so delicious you don't want to bet it go to waste like this see just tuck it in like that nice and snug okay so I'll I have to be here let me make some some room so right here in my dish what I'm gonna do is since my sauce has been simmering all this time and it cooks so perfect I'm gonna go ahead and add some at the bottom of my dish like this just bring it out just like that and then this delicious machinist that I told you I'm gonna go ahead and put them in there and you can just spread them out and don't worry about it you can just mix them in like this you're just gonna have a little bit more in the cabbage and it's so delicious that you're gonna be glad that you did it just like that now I'm gonna get my rolls and I'm gonna put them in like this so you can put em in like this I'm gonna try it this way you can get them nice and snug and you know when these are delicious even that day after or the day after that seeing you don't have to fuss don't get your meat and make it real nice and tight because then you know it'll be really really tough I like to just leave it like this give it some room just like that see cinnamon like that see how nice it looks and I'm gonna show you what to do in case you were to have a broken one let's say you were to have two pieces like this and you need it you know you needed a whole one but you say oh it's broken so what you do is you just lay it out like this and you could just put it in like put it here on top and and not fuss don't worry about it like this like that roll it up nice as long as it's encased really well inside see I was able to put ten in here right here so now I'm gonna get some of this sauce and I do like to show a little bit of the the cabbage rule I don't like it totally covered so I'll just put a little bit like that just a little bit and then what you can do is that you can have this have this sauce that is left you can warm it up and when these come out of the oven you can have them on the side and if somebody wants some more they can they can use it so now that I have him like this I'm gonna go ahead and cover it with some foil paper [Music] another thing that is missing is looking into your cabbage me and you can just cover the top if you want to but mine what kind of tip the cabbage wasn't that big I'm gonna use the aluminum foil now I've got my oven set at 375 and I'm gonna put them in there for approximately one hour just like that and we'll check it my timer just went off so I'm gonna go ahead and get them out and check it out see how they look see there's still a light boil but I'm gonna go ahead and put them back in without the aluminum foil for approximately 50 more minutes and then they'll be done my timer has just gone off so I'm gonna turn my oven off and they're right Oh look at that isn't that beautiful very beautiful and very hot I like to leave them in there an extra 15 minutes uncovered just so that you know they'll just dry up a little bit from from the top and the last 15 minutes I went ahead and lowered it from 375 to 350 because I knew that they were basically cooked at an hour but I always leave I'm just 15 minutes after that at 350 so let's see what these babies look like let me get him something else to help me sir maybe I should just pick them up like this there we go there we go and if you're wondering what goes good with this I really highly recommend mashed potatoes and while they were in the oven I went ahead and made some mashed potatoes very creamy and delicious I really recommend mashed potatoes with it you can serve whatever you want but I like mashed potatoes oh look at that see they beautiful I'm gonna wait just a couple of minutes cuz it is hot so these are my cabbage rolls as you can see and you know these cabbage rolls are fantastic as leftovers if you haven't yet subscribed please do right here on the lower on your lower right my lower left you can press subscribe press the little bell too if you want to get notified in my next videos give me a thumbs up if you like it send me a message tell me what you think and please share with your friends now now for the tasting oh my gosh mmm they're kind of like meatloaf II with a twist because of the cabbage they're absolutely delicious thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 1,226,853
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Id: bxUIBtFrjlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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