How to make CHIMICHANGAS / DELICIOUS BEEF RECIPE / step by step ❤

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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm gonna be making some delicious beef chimichangas not only are they super delicious but super easy i know you're gonna love them let's get started i'm going to be posting all the ingredients right here on the screen and i'm also going to put them below in the description box so you'll know exactly what i used and how much so these are the ingredients that i'm going to be using today i've got one and a half pounds of beef beef stick see some chopped onions some diced tomatoes some diced green bell pepper one jalapeno that's chopped up fine i've got some oaxaca cheese i will be grating this for you i've got some fresh minced garlic a little bit of cumin i'll be using the juice and the zest of one lime got some pepper and salt and i've got some beef broth and i'll be using some fresh cilantro i like to get my beef beef stick and separate them like this with a little bit of wax paper and then i just put them into the freezer because if they get just a little slightly frozen they're easier to cut because since they're so thin you know and then you start cutting them you have a little trouble so i like to freeze them for at least 30 to 45 minutes before i get started and and then they're nice and firm to cut so i'm going to cut them up into real little pieces see i usually cut them into strips like this and then i just cut them into little cubes just like that see and when they're frozen they're so much easier to cut and as you can see this beefy stick has some fat on it it's like a good steak you know you like a steak with some good marbling in it so the same goes for this beefy stick it's a perfect cut of meat for chimichangas now if you find yourself a nice big chunk of fat like this you can get rid of it but i like to leave at least enough like this on it you can use any type of beef that you want to use like i've made it with the fajitas i've done like sirloin chuck roast you know but i find that the beef beef stick just works so well it's real nice and tender meat and it's easy to work with it's got just the right amount of marbling in it where you're gonna have fantastic taste and this is the end of it right here as you can see you can see that see so i'm going to go ahead and clean up my area and get ready for the next step i'm going to go ahead and put some pepper on my meat like this you can put as much as you want just move it around so you just make sure that it all has some i like plenty of pepper on my meat like this see just like that and put a little salt just like that it's ready to go i'm going to be using a cast iron skillet and i've got it set on medium and just a little bit higher than medium little hot i'm not going to put any oil in there because the meat is going to release a lot of its moisture and a lot of its natural fat so i'm not going to add anything to the cast-iron skillet except the meat [Music] you're going to notice that the meat is going to start releasing a lot of liquid which is what we want i'm going to toss it around like this until it starts producing a lot of its own liquid but you want to just leave it alone for a little bit like this and then in about a minute give it another stir now as you can see it has released a lot of its own liquid look at that see that's why i don't add anything to the pan and i'm going to continue stirring it around like this until all the liquid evaporates okay now as you can hear it's starting to sizzle because there's no more of the liquid as you can see now i'm going to add my onions i'm going to add my jalapeno the jalapeno is optional if you don't want to add it my green bell pepper my cumin and i'm going to toss it around now that my onions and my bell peppers and my jalapeno have released a lot of their flavor i'm gonna go ahead and add my garlic [Music] like this for about a minute okay now that i've given my garlic about a minute i'm gonna go ahead and sprinkle a little bit of flour in here because i want just a little bit of gravy so i'm going to put a little flour like this but i don't want my flour raw so i put it in like that and then i toss it around to coat it a little bit more like that and coat it this way our flour will get a little toasty in the bottom [Music] okay okay now that i've crossed it around like that the flower is no longer raw i'm going to add my tomatoes i'm gonna add my cilantro i'm gonna add some of the broth i'm going to stir it around like this [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and test my line i think the lime zest gives a lot more flavor than the lime juice that's why i like to zest it see all that right there now that i have added the zest of this line as you can see i'm gonna go ahead and cut it in half and i'm gonna add the juice [Music] just like that i'm gonna go ahead and add a little more you know the juice and the zest of the lime will give it a fantastic taste see this would be a good time for you to taste it and adjust the salt if you want to add a little bit more i'm gonna taste mine a little bit more salt just like that [Music] stir it around bringing it down together and i'm going to let it simmer for about a couple of minutes i'm going to turn off the heat and i'm going to set it aside right here see it's got that fantastic light gravy but it's not so soupy that we won't be able to make our chimichangas with it for a few minutes while i get my other things ready so i'm grating my cheese like this this is my oaxaca cheese you can use monterey jack you can use queso manchego that's a good melting cheese too if you can have queso asadero that's a good cheese it tastes delicious you can't always find it in the stores but if you can you can definitely use that one so these are the flour tortillas that i'm gonna be using to make my chimichangas these are about eight to eight and a half inches in diameter you can use any size of tortilla now they make them bigger if you want to have bigger chimichangas that's good or you can use the smaller ones to have the mini chimneys it's up to you whatever you want to use so the first thing i'm going to do is warm them up now i just want to warm them up to where they'll be easy to roll see one at a time like that just takes a few seconds that's good so my tortillas are nice and soft as you can see that's all we want i'm going to go ahead and remove them and put them right here in my tortilla basket just like that now i'll keep them warm and i'll be able to do one at a time so i'm gonna get my other ingredients ready and start rolling i've got some beans some refried beans i've got my meat filling and i've got my grated cheese you can put whatever you want into your chimichangas you can even add some rice if you want but that's this is what i'm gonna add so i'm gonna put a little bit of beans here at the bottom just smear them like this you don't want to put a lot because you don't want them you know real full and soggy so then i'm gonna get my meat mixture and put some right here just like that it's about two tablespoons then my cheese just like that then i want to bring them in together like this i'm gonna bring this flap over about right there you can bring this little corner in like this and just roll them like that see now now that it's rolled up like this i've got a little tip for you now you see this little bowl in this little bowl i have some flour and water now the tortillas as you know the tortillas are made with flour so i've got a little bit of the flour and water mix here it's kind of like a paste so i want to show you this i get a little bit of this and just put it right here and that this will help seal it kind of like a glue but it's made out of the same ingredients as your tortillas and then just roll it up like this see just like that set it aside very easy sometimes when you put them into your frying pan with your oil they could open up just a little bit most of the times they don't but if they open up just a little bit you know you can have some of the filling come out but like that they'll stay real nice intact i'm going to go ahead and roll another one see just like that and i'm gonna put some of my meat mixture like this oh this meat is delicious oh i could just eat it with a spoon like that then i'm gonna put my cheese that you can put as much as you want like that then bring it in together like this and have this one come over like that then put a little bit of your paste right here bring this over like that and then just let it go over like that see see that and set them aside see i love the beans in these chimichangas now i also like to put rice in here and and the rice works perfectly like that see you do want enough in here but you don't want so much that they'll be too fat and everything will just fall out see just like this now bring this over like this bring this flap over you can tuck it in tuck it in like this see so you can tuck it in like that keep everything in its place put a little bit of this flower sticky stuff right there like that fold that in and just give it a turn see see how perfect they are so let's do the last one like this this way you won't say you didn't see it you can't say oh well you didn't show us how to do it there's plenty here for you to see okay but that's good you know so you really know what to do so i'm gonna add some of the meat mixture right here like that see [Music] now we'll put some of this cheese just like that it melts and it'll just be beautiful so then we're going to bring it in together bring this flap over tuck it in like that see you want to tuck everything in if it comes out and just bring it in nice and snug in there then get some of your flour sticky stuff like that bring this in bring this in like this and roll it roll it just like that and look at that see see these look at how perfect they are nothing will come out they're all be rolled up just beautifully see so now i'm going to go ahead and clean up my area and get ready to fry them so i've got my cast iron skillet here with some vegetable oil in there okay so i'm going to put a piece of tortilla in there just like that can you see that that's about how i want it to be so that's my my test so i'm going to go ahead and get one of my chimichangas look how well they're sealed see no problems at all so i'm going to put it in here slowly like this and i'm going gonna put another one now the reason you don't want it to be you know too too low is because if it's too low they'll get real greasy and soggy on you because the heat is not hot enough but you don't want it so hot that you'll burn them so i'm gonna leave them in here for about one minute before i flip it over to the other side it's been about one minute i'm gonna go ahead and turn them over see that see how pretty that looks just like that and i'll leave them in here one more minute so i usually pick it up just for a little bit like this to get the edges see and that's about right so i'm going to go ahead and remove them i've got a little rack over here with a paper towel down at the bottom and i'm going to put them up right here now i like to put them like that because this way they'll be able to drip there whereas if i put them directly on top of a napkin they'll get soggy so i'm gonna put two more just like this so i'm gonna get these other two chimichangas out see how pretty they look and i'm i'm gonna let them sit there for just a couple of minutes while i get my other things ready so i've got a nice avocado here i'm gonna go ahead and cut it up i hope it looks good inside you never know you know we live in an area where we've got so many avocados here in south texas we don't have any problems finding avocados here and they are always so perfect so beautiful so i just want it cut up into cubes like this just like that so now that i have my avocados looking just right i'm gonna go ahead and get my plate here so i'm going to put some of my lettuce right here just like that and i'll put some of our avocado here this avocado looks delicious just like that now i've got some tomato put some of my tomato right here gonna put some sour cream sour cream just goes so perfect with these chimichangas you know because the chimichangas of the meat and then the frying and the beans you want something cold and tangy on the side so the sour cream is just perfect okay so i've got some rice here i'm gonna put a little rice right here on the side a little rice one of my chimichangas right here like i said after these are really hot after you fry these and they've got the delicious meat and all that you want something cold and the crema just goes so good here just gonna put a little bit of grandma right here on the top just like that put a few more tomatoes just a little bit of a little bit of cilantro like that and you can put a little cheese since your chimichanga has the filling inside and then i've noticed that the ends you know have tortilla without the filling i like to put a little bit of the filling on the side see you can put a little bit of your filling right here a little bit like that now i'm going to go ahead and cut my chimichanga in half can you hear that does it mmm cause it's so crunchy see you can get some of this delicious salsa i have here you can put some on there now for the taste test oh my gosh it is delicious and you see and if you have some of your meat here and if you want more of your meat you can always get some of this a little bit of your rice oh my goodness it's delicious okay so these are my beautiful delicious wonderful chimichangas if you like my video give me a thumbs up share with your friends send me a comment tell me what you think oh and subscribe it's free thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 150,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CHIMICHANGAS are sure to please, How to make CHIMICHANGAS, CHIMICHANGAS / DELICIOUS BEEF RECIPE/ step by step
Id: 5yLOrOSkQiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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