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hi everybody i'm rachel from rachel cooks with love today i'm gonna be making a delicious old-fashioned beef stew just the way i've been making it for years it's simple but it is delicious and i know you're gonna love it so let's get started so these are the ingredients that i'm going to be using to make my old-fashioned beef stew now i'm going to give you the ingredients that i'm going to use and as i go along i will tell you the amounts i've got a very nice chuck roast here now this one is a two and a half pounder i've got some bay leaves i've got some garlic cloves some carrots some celery an onion white button mushrooms flour tomato paste little gold potatoes salt and pepper 50 percent less sodium beef broth and i've got another can here in case i need a little bit more worcestershire sauce i've got some bacon fat here and some of my crushed tomatoes and i've got some fresh thyme some fresh rosemary and some fresh italian parsley that i'll be using and then here i've got some of the vegetable scraps that i use from when i got the carrots and the celery ready i'm gonna be adding this to my beef broth so that's why i have these scraps right here i'll show you when i get there so let's get started so i've got my chuck roast here and i'm gonna go ahead and cut it into pieces you don't want the pieces really small because if they're really small then by the time your beast view cooks they'll just be falling apart so you want to you know a nice bite size just a pinch bigger just about this size like that see just like that and then if you see you know a big nice chunk of fat there you want to take it off and this is very good meat this is perfect meat for beef stew so you want to leave just a little bit of the fat but you don't want it to be too much because then it'll be a little bit too greasy on you but you do want to you do want to have a little bit some people say that they have a recipe for a quick meat stew now i think that a good beef you need some thyme you know you can't make a beef stew in a real quick hurry because this meat is the best when it is cooked slow like in a crock pot or on the stove top you know even in the oven but you want to give it time you know to cook and really pick up all the flavors of your seasonings and and all the ingredients that you're going to be using in this deep saucepan i'm going to go ahead and put in my beef broth now the reason i picked a low sodium beef broth it's because i'll be putting some salt into my stew and you don't want your beef stew to be very salty i'm also going to add this other can and i'm gonna go ahead and add my little vegetable scraps that i have here while i prepare my meat these vegetable scraps will be releasing their flavor into the broth so now that i've got my broth on the stove i'm going to prepare my meat now i'm going to go ahead and add some pepper to it really good like this you want to make sure that you season everything as we go along because a good beef stew has really good taste and you don't want it to be bland big thyme and rosemary and parsley salt and pepper you know these packets beef stew mix and all kinds of different seasonings i don't think that's original so i just want it to be the good old-fashioned way so once i add my salt and pepper really good like that i'm gonna dust it with flour just like that you see take your time this is what's going to thicken up your beef stew i like to prepare it with flour in the very beginning now i know that there are some people who like to prepare their meat and then at the end they want to mix the flour up with a little bit of water and all that and i don't like it because then i think it's really raw you know the flour will be real thick and gluey and when i prepare my meat and i sear it you know this flour goes in with it and that's what gives it a delicious taste then later you know we'll have that delicious thick beef stew so i've got it all done now as you can see i lowered the temperature down to a low simmer and those vegetable scraps are going to be releasing such a delicious flavor and added plus to that broth to a medium high i'm going to go ahead and add some olive oil just a little bit like that and then i'm gonna add my meat one piece at a time slowly and you don't wanna overcrowd your meat you want to give it some space if you get it real overcrowded it'll start releasing a lot of water and you won't be able to get that very nice sear that you want so i'm just going to leave it alone like that for just a couple of minutes before i flip it over to the other side now i've given i need about three minutes now we're gonna flip it over and you see that's pretty golden brown that's what we want i'm gonna flip it over like this so it can get seared on the other side now when you prepare your meat like this small batches at a time you don't want to put them all in together and get them all clumped up together like that because like i said if you do that then they'll release a lot of water and then you will be able to get this here that you want i'm going to remove these they're here so perfect now they're not cooked they're far from being fully cooked but they are seared really well just like that i'll add just a little bit more of the olive oil and put in a few more pieces now i'm going to go ahead and flip this batch over and you want to make sure that you always maintain your heat at a medium high because you want them to sear really good i'm going to turn off the heat and i'm going to get this last pieces out so they're ready and seared and how pretty those are so i'm going to go ahead and remove all these out of my cast iron skillet and i'm going to set them aside and let them rest there for a little bit before i start on my next step that's going to be my vegetable so now that i have removed my last piece of meat i'm gonna add one ladle full of my beef broth i want to deglaze the bottom of this cast-iron skillet just a little bit like that i'm going to bring it to a light simmer and while it's simmering in there it's going to start deglazing the bottom and all this delicious stuff all these little bits is what i'm going to pour into my beef stew so you don't want to get rid of these because this is going to be delicious in your stew as you can see it already came off see and this is just so good in your beach too so i'll let it sit there on a real low simmer so i'm going to cut up my onion now i like my onion to be in nice big just like that see just like this get my onion and put it in here now my celery i'm gonna go ahead and cut it a long ways in half like that and then i'll just cut it into nice this about like this i'll set that aside there that now i'm going to do my mushrooms now as you can see you know it's a little button ball you want to keep them a little chunky so i like to just cut them in halves or in quartz like this see like that and they'll be perfect if you think it's too big you know you can just cut it just a little bit more like that and i think this is gonna be good like that now that i'm done with my mushrooms i'm gonna go ahead and get my rosemary ready as you can see i went ahead and just cut a big chunk off that i've got out in the pot and i'm gonna use about this much so now with the rosemary i'll just go ahead and remove the little needles you know these little leaves like that you can go ahead and throw it in there but then you've got to go back in there and search for the the little stems a little branches and i don't want to do that so i just remove it off like that now you can use dried rosemary in time but the fresh rosemary and thyme for a long stewing is delicious and it's perfect so i'd rather use fresh when i'm gonna make a stew than the dried ones now there was going to be something quick i would use the dried ones but i like the fresh better now that i've removed the needle and i'm going to go ahead and chop them up just like that and i'm going to do the same with the time and i'm going to use about i'm going to use about this much see so you want to turn them the opposite way and then just remove the little leaves like that see and you can mix them in with your rosemary i'm done with my rosemary and my time now we can go to the stove and get everything ready there so i've got a deep dutch oven here and i've got it set at about medium heat i'm going to go ahead and put in some of my bacon fat in here i've got about two tablespoons let it melt like that and this bacon grease is going to give it a delicious taste so now that it's melted like that i'm gonna go ahead and add my onions i'm gonna stir them around like this until they get nice and translucent okay you want the onions to release all their flavor into the bacon grease like that that's what's going to give you a delicious beef stew so now that my onions are getting a little translucent i'm going to go ahead and add my mushrooms now the mushrooms are going to release a lot of water because the mushrooms are mostly all water so you don't want to have any water in here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add some salt so that's the reason i don't want to add a lot of salt to my broth because this is where i'm going to be adding it and that's good so i'm just gonna continue stirring them around like this until my mushrooms are just perfect so look at how beautiful my mushrooms look they're starting to look real nice and golden see and as you can see there's hardly any liquid down at the bottom because the hell the salt helps absorb all that water that they release and also by having it on medium to a slightly high heat you know that helps them get nice and golden brown if you keep the heat too low they'll release a lot of water and if you don't put any salt you'll have a lot of water in with your onions and we won't have this beautiful golden color that we want so i think my mushrooms are ready now i'm going to add my garlic now you can mince your garlic if you want or you can just put it in like this and i'm going to do it like this like that oh that garlic smells wonderful in there now so now that i've got all my garlic in there i'm just gonna stir it around for just about 30 seconds so now i'm gonna add my broth now if you wanted to you could add some wine in here to deglaze the bottom but the broth does a wonderful job of deglazing it too in the old times you know i don't think they use wine i think they just use the broth that's why i'm using the broth see oh my gosh look at how beautiful this is now i'm just gonna scrape the bottom very lightly and just glaze the bottom real nice like that and i can already feel it real nice and smooth okay so i can feel the bottom is real nice and smooth so i know that it's deglazed really nicely i'm gonna go ahead and add all this wonderful stuff remember i'm gonna add it all in there because that's just a lot more flavor that's going in there with all the the bacon and the meat bits and i'm gonna add my meat with all the juices like that just like that i'm gonna add my rosemary and my thyme i'm gonna put in my three bay leaves because they were small medium otherwise i would use two big ones some pepper just like that i'm gonna put in about a fourth of worcestershire sauce and that's about a fourth of a cup right there now i'm going to add about a tablespoon and a half of tomato paste and i'm also going to add some of my crushed tomatoes and that's good about half i'm going to stir it around oh my goodness look at that see the color stir it around real good let that tomato paste dissolve now that i have stirred it around really good everything has come in together the tomato paste has already dissolved i'm gonna go ahead and wait till it comes to a very light bubble very low boil and as soon as i see that it has come up to a nice low boil i'm gonna bring it down to simmer and let it simmer on the stove for about one hour before we add the other ingredients as you can see we're starting to see the bubbles coming up see so at this time i'm going to lower the heat low simmer i'm going to replace the cover on it now the beef stew is going to take about two and a half hours to be ready but at the one hour point i'm gonna come back and add my vegetables and the other ingredients so for one hour i'm gonna leave it covered like this and see you then so i have about five minutes to go before the hour is up i'm gonna go ahead and cut my potatoes and my carrots and i was just gonna show you how i cut them up oh and by the way i wanted to show you my bread i made this rosemary round loaf yesterday and i wanted to show it to you because i'm going to toast it in a little while and we're going to have this with uh with the beef stew i'm going to put a link below i have one on home baked bread and that was a wheat bread it's one of the first videos i ever made and and so you can see that so these these are little gold potatoes and they're the little petite baby ones and if you can't find these little ones you can just get to the the bigger ones at least medium size or whatever size you find and you can cut them into pieces about this size or you can use the little red new potatoes you can use those too and if you don't have any of those you can't find them or whatever you can use some russet potatoes now now i don't like to use the russet potatoes in my bee stew because you know the potatoes really do fall apart now these little gold potatoes really hold their shape and for long cooking that's why i like to use these not because they taste better or anything like that but because they hold their shape really well so i just cut them in half like this and this is how i'll be putting them in there now my carrots i like them about about this size just like that see you don't want them real big but you don't want them real tiny pieces either because the little tiny pieces will just dissolve in your soup but if you can keep them about this size they'll be perfect in your bee stew if i were to have put the carrots in there and the potatoes in the very beginning with my meat then these might just fall apart so that's why i like to do it about the halfway point so i've got my carrots i've got my celery and my potatoes ready to go in so i'm going to wait till my timer goes off and then we'll be putting those in so my timer just went off it's been exactly one hour and look at how beautiful this looks you see the light bubble you don't want any more than that you want just a light bubble like that oh and look at how beautiful it looks already see the mushrooms see see the beautiful mushrooms in there see this is the reason why i don't like to add my vegetables in the very beginning because if i had added my vegetables in the very beginning they would all be falling apart so at the halfway point at about an hour that's when i add my vegetables then by the time the time is up then they're just perfect but they're soft and tender and ready to eat so now i'm going to go ahead and put in my potatoes my carrots and my celery and i'll stir them in there and as you can see it's starting to get thick it's getting nice and thick it's not very thick yet but it's getting nice and thick because of the flour that we coated our meat with when we were searing them and that's gonna be just so perfect plus when your potatoes are fully cooked they will be releasing some more starch so then you're gonna have a perfect consistency i'm gonna replace my lid and i'm gonna let it continue simmering for one more hour and i'm gonna set my timer my timer just went off and i wanted to show it to you at this point see how it looks and as a time goes by you'll notice that it'll start getting a little thicker and thicker that's why the flour that we put in the beginning is just perfect oh it looks beautiful look at that so i'm gonna go ahead and check one of the potato slices oh they're nice and soft but they'll be just perfect in the next 30 minutes so i'm gonna go ahead and replace the lid and set my timer for the last 30 minutes i'm gonna chop my parsley and have it ready because my timer should be going off in about 10 minutes my timer just went off i'm toasting some bread i'm going to remove this off the heat and let's check on our stew oh i'm gonna turn off the heat and i'm gonna go ahead and add my peas just the last one minute and i only i always add the piece at the very end because i don't want it to lose its pretty green color so i just leave it in there for about one minute look at how beautiful that looks oh my gosh see and our stew is ready i'm just going to add some of the parsley right there on top like that give it a stir and our beef stew is ready to serve oh my gosh look at our beast you oh my gosh it's at this time that i'm going to remove the bay leaves see if i can find the other one here's the other one and here's the third one right there look at that [Music] so it's time to serve oh my gosh look at that and it's very very hot put a little bit of the parsley on top see and it was exactly two and a half hours now this is the reason why i tell you that you can't make a quick beef stew unless you're gonna use your instant pot or something but i hardly ever use mine for those reasons that it's just so perfect when you just make it on your stovetop and be patient and wait your two and a half hours so i'm going to go ahead and take a quick thumbnail of pictures of my bowl and then i'll come back for the taste test we're done with the picture now for the taste test and i'm glad we did that because it's not as hot you see it with my bread i just put a little butter and i toast it oh my god oh my goodness this is so delicious [Music] um oh my goodness oh my goodness this is so delicious i wanted to show you a piece of meat so you can see just how it's falling apart look at that look see how easy it's falling apart and the potatoes oh my this just hits the spot you know we've been having chilly weather here and that's why i thought of making a beef stew so this is my homemade old-fashioned beef stew if you like my video give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think if you haven't subscribed please do share with your friends and thank you very much i think this is going to be the best beef stew you've ever had
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 676,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YHh9fJSg-cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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