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hi everybody I'm Rachel for Rachel cooks with love today I'm gonna be preparing a delicious dish and that's chicken cordon bleu now I've got a very good friend of mine Anna Smith and she asked me if I had a recipe for a stuffed chicken breast of some kind and I thought of chicken cordon bleu because it's very easy to prepare and kids absolutely love it so let's get started so I've got two very nice chicken breasts and with very clean hands I'm gonna go ahead and split them in half both now when you stuff your chicken cordon bleu you want to be able to pound your chicken and spread it out so it can be an easy wrap and you don't want the chicken breast to be real thick because you'll just take longer to cook just like that now I'm gonna do this one just like that I'm gonna wash my hands before I pound it so I wash my hands really well now I'm gonna get a long strip of saran wrap that when I get one of my chicken breasts right here in the center you might get it just a little bit wet like this so that the plastic will slide on it and I'm going to pound it out I'm gonna be using a mallet then I'm gonna be using the black side so I'm gonna pound it from the center out see you want them nice and thin so I'm gonna lay this aside I'm gonna rinse my hands before I get another piece of saran wrap so you always want to make sure that you've got clean hands because when you're doing this you want to touch things and you shouldn't when you're handling the chicken so it's better to be safe than sorry and I'm gonna do the same thing to this seein when you count the chicken you want to make sure that you can get it as nice and flat and even as you can without tearing it chicken if it tears a little bit you can still work with it but it'll just be easier try not to and I think that's good so I've got my two chicken breasts nicely pounded so I'm going to clean up my area and get ready to step up so I washed my hands cleaned up my area now I'm ready to stuff my chicken so I've got some black forest ham and I've got some Swiss cheese these were slices of Swiss cheese and I cut them up in half and when I went to the deli I asked them to slice my black forest ham really really thin so this is what I'm gonna be using so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a little bit of pepper on my chicken breasts like this I'm gonna put in a little bit of salt just like that and I've got some Dijon mustard and this is the one that I'm gonna be using so I'm gonna put a little bit of Dijon mustard right here you don't want to overdo it with your mustard but you just want enough to be able to spread it you know evenly cuz you don't want your mustard to overpower the taste of your chicken and the ham and cheese just like that so I'm gonna get some of the ham I'm gonna put it right here in the center like this now I like to use this very very fine thin sliced ham because once we roll it up and we cook them and they're ready to go and we slice it you'll see some empty pockets but I notice it when it's shredded and both like this it's just perfect so I'm gonna put my ham right here in the middle like that [Music] like that my cheese [Music] just like that so I'm gonna bring this over just fold it in just a little bit like that and bring this over and fold it in like that you want to bring it over because you want to seal single it all the way around sometimes your cheese will seep out a little bit that's okay so then we're gonna roll this over like this then roll it again and then we just continue rolling it make sure your cheese stays inside continue rolling it and tucking it in roll and tuck like that there we go see just like that we're going to twist the ends like this just like that just tuck them in like this it's nice and snug now I'm gonna do the other one yeah I'm gonna put a little pepper a little bit of salt some Dijon mustard spread it and I will put our hand not cheese we will bring this over just to seal this end over here and then bring this over over here so we can close this end then I'm gonna roll it up now roll it up they're worth in a roll at the end just like we did the other one like that and here we are we've got both of them now now I'm gonna go ahead and put them in the freezer for 45 minutes I noticed it when they're in the freezer and they get real nice and cold they roll up with the breading really easy so I'll be back in 45 minutes so my chicken Corner Blues are still in the freezer and the 45 minutes are almost up so right before I get them out of the freezer I'm gonna go ahead and prepare my breading so on this plate I'm gonna put some panko crumbs see I'm using some panko that's about right and to season it I'm gonna put a little bit of garlic powder about 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder 1/2 a teaspoon of onion powder I'm gonna put a little bit of salt I'm gonna put in half a teaspoon of paprika a little bit of white pepper just because it doesn't have color that's why I use it then I'm just gonna cross it together like this you want your chicken Horrible's to be tasty so you want to season your breadcrumbs just like that now I've got some flour just all-purpose flour right here in this plate and I'm also going to beat one egg I'm gonna put a little paprika just a pinch like this just a little bit like that a little bit of my white pepper and that's to it then I'm gonna beat it up really really good so my egg is very nicely well beaten just like that so I've got everything ready right now I'm gonna go ahead and get my chicken cordon bleu out of the freezer and at the same time I'm gonna turn on the heat and start getting my cast-iron skillet hot so here they are they're very nice and cold don't won now the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna dust it with my flower just like this make sure that you don't miss any spots even on the ends like this and you don't want to make it real heavy so I usually just padding like this all the extra flour will just fall off just like that stay I'm gonna set it aside right there and I'm gonna do the other one make sure you get the ends and you remove all that extra flour see so now I'm gonna run it in to my beaten egg like this see I'm gonna make sure your hands are very nice and clean then I'm gonna go through the painful okay so you got one and I'm gonna do the same thing yeah make sure your ends are all nice and cold equal da so then we're gonna run it through the bank go like this just like that now we've got both done I'm gonna wash my hands and I'm gonna get my cast iron skillet right so I've got my cast iron skillet set on medium heat I'm gonna put in four tablespoons of butter and I'm gonna put in four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil cover for it because it's getting hot so nice now it's ready I'm gonna go ahead and put one in just like that and I'm gonna put my second one now as you can see there's a very light boil to it and that's exactly what I want now you don't want it very very hot because if you do you'll burn the outside before the heat penetrates and cooks the inside now we only want to cook the inside about halfway through the other half is gonna be done in the oven so right now you want to get it to a nice golden brown without burning it and that'll be about four minutes so in about four minutes I'll flip it over so I'm gonna go ahead and flip them over to the other side just like that and I'm gonna go ahead and let them fry like that for another four minutes so I'm gonna go ahead and get the size so I will just lay it on its side like that and I'll do the other one I'll leave them like that until all sides are golden brown I went ahead and lowered my temperature down a little bit just a little bit less than medium and I'm gonna leave them here for about three-and-a-half to four minutes so the four minutes are almost up just get me some of this olive oil and butter and I'm just base unit like that and I've got a cookie sheet here and I've got one of these cake racks and I'm gonna go ahead and set any top and from here they're gonna go over here because I want that heat to come all the way over and under because if I put them directly on the cookie sheet they'll get soggy from the bottom when I go ahead and get one and put it right here and then I'm gonna get the other one so you see how pretty there so my oven is set at 400 degrees I'm gonna go ahead and put a piece of aluminum foil on top just to make sure that they don't get any darker on top just like that and I'm gonna put them into my oven for 20 minutes so I've got about 10 minutes to go before my chicken cordon bleu is ready for me to get out of the oven and at this time I'm gonna prepare my sauce it's just delicious and it just goes so good with this so I'm gonna go ahead and put in one tablespoon of butter we're just gonna melt this up just a little bit like that then I'm gonna put in half a cup of nail I usually just eyeball it but I'm gonna use my measuring cup just so that you can get the idea it's so good even if you go over a little bit it's still good so that's about half a cup of mayo right there I'm gonna put in 3 tablespoons of honey just like that I'm gonna put in a tablespoon of lemon juice now I'm going to put in two tablespoons of Dijon mustard like that you're like that I'm just going to stir it around and you can serve this warm or you can serve it cold see how nice that looks and it is it is a tangy sweet at the same time so good and this is ready so I'm just gonna cover it up and move it off the heat turn off my stove until our chicken cordon bleu is ready to be taken out of the oven so my timer just went off I'm gonna go ahead and turn off my oven I'm gonna check the inner temperature just to be sure and I want it to be between 165 and 70 from the center it's usually just perfect after 20 minutes of being in the oven yes and it is just right there so I'm gonna go ahead and let him sit there for about five minutes before I go ahead and slice them up so I've got my sauce ready here now I'm gonna go ahead and slice it still very warm very carefully oh and already it smells all good I'm gonna go ahead and pass it over to my plate just like that oh look at how we nice that looks see the inside see the cheese is so nice and hot now I'm gonna put some of that sauce it smells wonderful and it looks delicious now for the taste test oh my gosh hmm it is delicious can you see white kids would love it it's ham and cheese looks like fried chicken it's just perfect and it's easy so this is my chicken cordon bleu subscribe if you haven't send me a comment give me a thumbs up tell me what you think thank you very much
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 621,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q0gP8eDhmpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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