Easy and Delicious Fried Cabbage | LIVE w/AB

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three two whoo man look like we're doing lives like just constantly right so try to build up some heat get some fire here hey what's good fam I guess I should just go ahead and say the whole thing what's good family you guys should be dropping in I'm gonna wait a few minutes before I get started you know what I mean uh then I'll go into my rigmarole by what we're doing you already read your title so you guys know that I'm doing just like a fried cabbage you know I mean uh dish is really okay so look every other Friday I like to go live so I can like connect you know what I mean you just want to say what's up just go ahead and drop that in there you know I'm gonna say what's up back to you you guys got any questions you can just let me know uh somebody just gave me a thumbs up telling me everything is working properly this time I'm sure you guys will tell me how it is then if you guys switch I'm gonna see if I can get them to switch over here aside what I'm doing is I'm just getting my bacon together you know I mean building up a little Bacon Fat down on the bottom because I'm gonna use that also right so this gate is a head start right before we start it look I just took a pack of bacon went ahead and just cut it down you know to like these size strips let me just pull these up right now so you can see you see that right there just pretty much about that size right there right yeah we just start with this now if you guys got any questions you know me Now's the Time to ask you know I mean and again it's every other Friday excuse me it's every other Friday that we gonna be going live right and then the Fridays we're not doing live I'm gonna go ahead and just put out my regular uh video if you guys want to know why I'm doing it like that after doing being on YouTube for almost six years this June to make six years for myself you know what I mean uh I just like the fact that I can like just connect with everybody I don't care if you just hit it with a thumbs up that's good that's what's killing the television hey with that being said what's good all right Cindy says what's up baby Cindy what's good Cindy talk to me what we doing today is Friday all right yeah it's got to be I'm live hey talk to me let me know in uh in the chat what we making this weekend you doing something tonight you know Cindy are we doing something this weekend tell me you're doing something Josh Thomas says this is about to be fire oh yeah hey how many people out there let us know in the comments right in this chat how many of y'all uh like fried cabbage and then I really want to know this how many people haven't even had fried cabbage uh if you uh on a keto diet or looking you know something like that then for sure you know about this right here huge on the flavor you know I mean without all of that all of those carbs to be honest with you like almost like really no carbs Taylor Evans said congrats on your success all right thank you thank you hey for those you guys that didn't uh didn't see any of the posts like on Instagram or or Facebook I don't know if we put anything on uh did we put anything on uh YouTube about yesterday how we went out and uh yeah you know what if you didn't know you guys check it out we went out to uh myself Pat Neely and uh Chef lawyers we went out and did a good day it wasn't a good day it was Fox Five my lunch hour right the live lunch hour yesterday which was like a major success they invited us out asked us to come back for the Fourth of July if we can work that out then uh we're gonna go back and do that you know what I mean uh big things are happening it's been slow slow on my part mostly you know what I mean uh just hadn't really been like seizing all the opportunities that you know been coming my way but I'm gonna try to do that we can't you know have a representative to take us out and be large folks Sonya B says trying to make an amazing steak this weekend any recommendations an amazing steak recommendation I'm a ribeye person so you got to do that you know what I mean I would just say let's do a ribeye you know what I mean I'm not sure how you like your meat let me know like how you like your meat you know what I mean you like your steaks medium rare which most of the following that I have do not you know what I mean something like it medium but a lot of people I'm finding out they like Theirs to be well done now before you read another question look I want her look can you uh go ahead and switch inside this pie or are you in here already okay you see this right here this is about as far as you want to go I start with the baking because I really I'm looking for that fat right there that's what I want to go ahead and get toxic masculinity said we ordered out tonight but I'm having second thoughts I thought oh no hey don't trip it's you know what treat yourself usually when we order out you know I do the exact same you know uh you'd be surprised how much you know I mean how much going out I do you know I mean but I'm trying to like tone it back a little bit trying to do a little bit of more of a healthier eating you know I mean so when I have these recipes I don't I don't just eat them every day treat yourself and guess what it's always tomorrow like it's an easy one for you too so I want you guys to take a look at this bacon right here anitria mccranry said I love fried cabbage what are you adding to it okay so right off the bat obviously we're doing bacon right I'm Gonna Keep It kind of like traditional or traditional to the way I make it you know I mean I'm going with the bell peppers uh I'm gonna go with the onion you know I got green orange and the red you know for a little flavor this right here is really like my level up folks that's just right here I don't know if let me put it right here so you guys can see it just my chicken and Dewey sausage this right here got a whole lot of flavor uh folks uh this has been like my little go-to I tell everybody about it so it ain't a secret no more if you can find it you know get yourself something this is uh made by the Brand This is a hoffy I don't get nothing I need to be their representative that's all I'm gonna say you know we put a little garlic in there you know what I mean and then we let these flavors just do their thing but this right here just look at that let me go ahead and put it over here so you all can see it in right here next dish pot this right here now everybody might not have this but by the way I've been looking at the sales on this right here I'm gonna say just about everybody that follows me does have it this right here is the real level up so all of this when it marries together boom hey you know what let me see do I have any uh celery any Sheltering inside you know what let me get some celery too so one of the cool things about you know making dishes like this I treat this like it's a like a stir fry I can go in my refrigerator and look and see what I have you know what I mean enough I want to add something to it I will but everybody should have uh oh you could have just you're gonna throw it everybody should have like the Holy Trinity you know what I mean you should always have that after ready especially if you follow on this channel you know what I mean there's a lot of other channels out here to do the exact same thing too you know what I mean uh says I want to know if it's possible to bake bread on a grill oh yeah yeah yes it is I got to say this now listen what type of Grill that's gonna be the real thing listen it's gonna be a little noisy right now because you know we got to do what you're celery I know y'all are beat me up on a wash there so I'm gonna go ahead and just wash it rinse it off and when I say wash weed I don't put no soap on it or nothing like that you guys would be surprised some of the questions that I get like what kind of liquid do I use to wash things off with you know I mean I just hit it rub my hands on it obviously I got gloves you know what I mean but what I like to do is just rinse it make sure I don't see none of that dirt and then I'm going to clean it up with this knife all right all right so let's see here um I had a comment I'm sorry the line spot says I fry it but I want to see how you do it to get some pointers okay so what you see right now I got Bacon fat in the inside of it I was looking at it I was trying I'm debating to myself like do I want to drain some of that but you know what I'm gonna use it I don't have not look this is my head right here look it's kind of small right looking at that yeah I'm gonna say we good right so I start with the bacon fat you guys let me know what you guys use when you guys do it you know what I mean uh it's really about you know the flavor that you want I didn't have to do that with the bacon but I like the bacon to be in there also if you guys are not using uh if you guys are like trying to stay away from the pork you can always use beef bacon but listen how many of y'all have this you see this right here if you don't have a mason jar with bacon fat you see I save mine strainer if I wasn't going to use that I would just put the strainer on top pour this right on top you'll see It'll be liquidy on the top as it cool it turns out like this says your hat game is dope hey I'm gonna tell you something about my hat game before I started this channel my hat game was really really tight but you know what I kind of like just been knowing like a b from LA right so I went with you just I just keep going excuse me I just keep going with all of the uh the LA hats but I got so many hats you know I mean but now I feel funny I can't even really wear none you know what I mean because everybody gonna be looking at me like hey what your La had that if I want to hide from somebody I'll just I'll wear another hat but the thing is when I'm out in public and I say something like uh if I say something to somebody and they hear my voice they turn around like hey I knew that was you kit Wren says do you have a restaurant I do it's in Rancho Cucamonga me and my buddy uh Mike you know the we co-owners of Elmer and Jasper's crab barbecue in Rancho Cucamonga but you know what uh today's the day I've been talking about look I'm doing something big and it's happening out here in uh Vegas I'm gonna make the announcement today so if you guys not following me on uh any of the other social medias uh it'd be nice to you know follow me over that way too I'm gonna kick some real gems to you look we just got the trailer launched uh in negotiations with something happening out here that I won't say too much more about but listen to this it's big enough for me to say that hey the negotiations you know what I mean uh but trying to get you know like two things going on out here you know what I mean uh just doing a lot but I'm slowing down folks you know what I mean uh been talking about doing a a book tour that don't seem like that's been like man that's like an active God out here trying to get that done but listen it's a whole lot going on you know what I mean uh the restaurant is getting ready to be talked about today I just got the pictures of the final rap loving what I see and I'll put it out to everybody right after this and I get cleaned up all right all right so look what I'm doing is now I'm you know I turned off my heat right so what I did was look I gotta I don't know if you guys can see that but I got like a H that's like low I got a low flame I'm fixing to bring this back up and I'm going to work with okay so let me do this right here I'm gonna show this because I'm gonna make it all messy if you guys can see you know I got it all chopped up like that right but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move it all down Lucy Williams says what's a what's good with cabbage uh for one it's a vegetable you know what I mean uh you got no carbs if you dieting especially if you're doing something on the keto side uh just the flavor that you get all of them everything that mostly people make you know when you're doing uh some type of keto diet or something like that you know it's like a lot of I don't know I'm gonna show you like you do what you can do to like Spruce them up you know on the flavor right this right here whether you on keto or you not this is like a staple you know what I mean uh real real big on our on flavor but if you ask me though it starts with like my base and I obviously I'm starting with a good base you know what I mean I'm gonna go ahead and just add this look I'm doing a lot you know I mean this is like truly when I say leveling it up that's what I'm doing you know so I just added a little butter to that too we got a super chat from cooking with James okay hey thank you thank you for the Super Chat talk to me oh he didn't ask me hey that's what's up hey my bad my bad my bad I thought he had a question no I'm sorry rep said cornbread with it cornbread you know what uh I don't have any cornbread with this what was I thinking they were answering the question from like what would be good with oh maybe cornbread right right you got another Super Chat from Valerie Owens no question you know what uh thank you guys you know listen I do appreciate your love you know what I mean uh I just wish that everybody can uh make it out here to Vegas you know what I mean uh this is where I'm at right now you know so you guys can come out we can like hang out you know take pictures eat you know what I mean just and just turn up that's been my goal you know what I mean uh because you would ask me it's really about like giving a great experience you know what I mean and uh I don't know no other way to say it it's really about the experience you know what I mean I'm gonna ask you guys this and let's just take a survey I'm gonna just ask this we're gonna use one and two right I'm gonna ask okay I'll ask it this way how many people been to a restaurant that had great food but your your your service or your experience wasn't the best food was good but your experience wasn't good do you go back I want to know drop a drop of one in the chat if you do you know what I mean you know if you go back and your experience is not the best but the food is great I want you guys to drop a one in the chat John Osborne says AB your recipes have all been fired but missed the outside barbecue are you bringing back to it this Summer that is an understatement uh am I bringing it back I just need to like work it into my lineup and we starting next I gotta I got a couple of things you know what I just got behind a grill that I like you guys uh see it's an offset smoker you know what I mean uh I really really like it and decided and working with the company about putting my name on it you know what I mean and uh you know going there but this is the year that I go ahead and solidify myself as far as being on YouTube about barbecue I'm gonna start it off with a real video actually just getting ready to be it's already filmed we just need to edit it you know and go from there but uh let me give you the short answer heck yeah it's coming uh you know what maybe I shouldn't have said that like it's coming like ah it's here love your work a b how good was Malcolm Reed's barbecue oh hey dude is a legend would you be but hey you know uh and I got it you know what we all on the internet if you don't know him you know what I mean uh if he was on that side of the country you probably would know who you know who he is or whatever or tasted some of his food dude know a lot hey you know what and I I gotta say this I've been killing for a long time folks you know what I mean uh not maybe as long as I've been cooking but a little bit after that they only down like a couple of there's only Separation by like a couple of years you know what I mean but I can just say this I never stop learning and do this helped refine my game you know I mean uh Malcolm is good you know a good in my book and he good in other people's book too very selective of who he uh who he works with you know what I mean uh keeps his image clean just as much as he does that though I'm just telling you the dude barbecue game is outstanding so cooking with James said do you like cabbage or collard greens better now that's a cold one cooking with James huh hey James aren't you do you got a logo um what is it it look like it's around with a little J in the middle yeah don't try to sneak up bro hey you trying to like pull up incognito that's what you're trying to do oh sorry I didn't even then you want to hear me with a tricky question how do you answer that dude I like this over that um I'ma say it like this bro I like them both just as equal I don't know how to I don't know right now I'm stuck on them gumbo greens right them gumbo gumbo greens is killing it and when you guys come out here to Vegas you know of course I gotta have them two ways regular green you know southern style regular greens but the gumbo greens is probably where we're gonna double down on that's gonna do it hey getting back to this uh you saw me look I just cut down look at how big these are these slices are on them I'm saying see how I did these these almost like quarters he's almost like eight you know I mean you see that right there look at that onion oh yeah and then right when they start to just get soft a little bit I always get my uh my onions a head start let's go ahead and do this hey I can tell you something that I never thought about all of my life you know how you always want to uh a cutting board you want to have a juice ring when you have a juice ring stuff get hung up on it when you're trying to put it in there you know what I mean so you make sure you only get the juice ring on one side but on my boards what I do is I take my boards and I put you know when I am making them what I do is I put your feet on the other side so it kind of like defeats the purpose juicering good especially for them steaks really anything and then I'm gonna Focus too and let you guys know like how important it is when you're doing your meats you got to let them rest folks Fox over filling said back to your question about the restaurant and the services number one because the experience could have been just the individual or individuals during that particular shift oh so they go back and try it again okay I mean well you know what uh I like to hear that as being on the owner's side you know I mean because I you know what we are only as good as the the service that the individuals who work for you you know how they are you know what I mean like how good of a service do they do they buy into the culture you know what I mean or so that's that's like really real real real and uh important for me I can deal with a place that have uh if my experience if my experience is great and the food you know I'm not saying it's bad but if the food is is good it's just not way over the top like oh this is like the best ever I probably frequent them places more often because I like to get the experience you know what I mean I'm a real experienced based but to be honest with you when you say experience bass check this out for me I'm striving to do both it's the experience and have great tasting food you know I mean not an extensive uh menu you know I mean but the things that I do it will be to the to the likened of those who are involved that right there is very very important all right I'm oh then I'm loving everything that I'm seeing in here DP says a b what made you want to do a cooking show oh okay so when they say cooking show are they talking about like I just need to be a little bit more you know more specific and the reason I'm saying that because a lot of people call this channel like a show you know I mean which I do appreciate that's how they see it then so be it you know I mean uh but maybe start my channel was I just I needed something to do you know what I mean I needed to get a I was working long hours you know what I mean uh just something to keep me rooted you know what I mean so then I got tired I was looking at my weight I'm starting to gain weight you know I mean eating at all these uh fast food places you know I mean so I just decided look I made a video you know what I mean my very first video was a crock pot video it's still on my chains on my on my Channel right now I left it on there so we can all see where I came from I used to hate to talk now I can just ramble on and on and on right and then uh made a video and then from that though you know then you want the video to look better you know uh somebody asked you you know hey can you make this and I'm like make it all the time and then from that five years and about seven or eight months here we are today all right sorry hi I was wondering are you coming out with another or are you coming out with a season oh you know what uh yes if you guys look at okay so listen let me just say how I work with all of all of the videos right if you guys look at anybody's video underneath you know we all have stores if you look under there and it should be a shell we call that top shelf what we do is we just put you know our major items on there I got my seasoning on there my co-author cookbook with myself and Matt Mr Make It Happen some of you guys are following him you know what I mean uh you'll be able to get everything from there everything is on there you guys can go to my Amazon store anything that I cook with down to these hex Cloud uh Apache pans and all of that that's here I got a few more items coming you know for myself those are in the works I'll be launching those right at the start of the summer you know what I mean and uh just a lot of cool things you know Shin what about adding shrimp shrimp you can add shrimp to this yes matter of fact I was making this and somebody was around when I was making it and they saw that I had some shrimp in the refrigerator right and they said let's do it and I was like you know what let's do it so at the end I'd probably I'd probably add it maybe the last seven or eight minutes you know what I mean and uh just give it a stir let them warm up they'll cook that way and just do it I will tell you this it's fine you know what I wish I'd have thought about that from the gate second cook oh must okay so look I'm bringing out my first cookbook in the fall you know what I mean uh it'll be in the fall of uh of this year this should be with myself me and Matt we working on our second cookbook right now as we you know as we speak uh that'll be done I don't know when I don't know we probably need a couple of more months before we go to the publisher Oscar Contreras said what kind of glazy you throwing in there because what kind of what kind of what what kind of Glizzy are you throwing in there because hey I love the lingo and then when they talk like that they make me want to bite you know what I mean you want to make me hey just go back go back a couple of I gotta go back a decade you know what I mean huh oh okay it's all good it's all good I said I'm about to go back just that quick you know I can regret now look cutting these let me just talk about this cutting these you cut them how you want to cut them you know it's really up to you you know everybody got some kind of way they're doing look to me you cut them how you want to you know why because even when you got a piece like this you see this odd it's going to shrink down and do its thing anyway right so I'm gonna go ahead and add this now it's up to you you guys want crunchy you know uh bacon add it at the end but for me I added back I just didn't want it to get so soft you know earlier I like to take it out I didn't want to burn the bacon but this right here I hope you guys can see and saw how they look inside this pop you know I mean uh this right here this that money you know what I mean uh real easy to make you guys got to make this now I'm gonna go ahead and put this level up up in here and that'll be you know what so I don't be sneezing and coughing and doing all that I'm gonna take this off like this and I'm just going to add myself and that depends on how much kick you want you see the name of this is what Creole kick so watch out you know I mean uh they don't hey they don't call this that for nothing you know I mean just want to put a little flavor in there that's it you don't need a whole lot pop Tech on trucking says when are you going live again so I know when oh it's every other Friday every other Friday Pop Tart you know what I mean uh so look it's every other Friday at 4 30. you know and then uh the Fridays that I'm not live like this you know that I'll release a video at one o'clock trying to get back to being more consistent you know I mean I got some great help around me you know so things are working out you know I mean so I'm getting back to to normal Jack Zager said why did you start feeling TV oh thanks buddy hey Jack I'm gonna go out of the limb and say that might be Jonathan okay so look you guys listen you see that comment right there that's about grilling TV the grilling TV network if you guys don't know right now you know what I mean uh look we're trying to grow another uh another channel right with talented chefs chefs like myself you guys already know who Pat Neely is you know we got uh uh Aaron McCargo Kenneth Temple Chef lawyers and then earlier you heard me talking about uh Chef lawyers that's who I was with in DC you know what I mean uh just you guys want to see something new you got to go by there look all you got to do is when you're in this when you get through with this just go ahead and put look up grilling TV right when you look it up you'll see it you'll see myself Pat and other great you know talented guests you guys got to go by there show your support you know what I mean and uh just check it out I think you guys will like it and we got some fun things you know coming up too kit Wren says you wear gloves are they difficult to cook while wearing them no you know what uh no well you know these type of gloves they fit real real nice and tight you know I mean so no no issue but I would just say it's probably a good thing to just start using your gloves you know and start using them now after you cook with them a couple of times they become second nature Gerald krennic said did we have a cusp LOL huh Gerald credit said did we have a cut yeah hey so I don't know hey I don't know if you heard it or not but they started telling me like hey you cussed you know what I'm saying hey you know what I like to stay authentic you know I mean I try not to be a sailor you know but uh sometimes it just is what it is yeah you're really yours I'm enjoying the lives much respect you know uh thank you you know what you know what it's cool man I get I run into a lot of people you know what I mean and uh they talk to me you know I mean I I'm still amazed you guys that anybody want to see anything that I do you know uh but I hear a lot of the and I can see the influence out on YouTube you know I mean uh a lot of people have been I guess inspired to do something just think if I had not have ever ever made a video right I would never ever had gotten here you know I mean so if somebody but I've seen other chefs you know I mean to be honest with you I've seen chefs that look like me to let me know that this was even uh possible you know I mean so I stayed authentic did me you know what I mean and uh just tried to go from there do we have any uh look in there and see can I have some uh chicken stock so I hope you guys can see this I'm just gonna put just a little bit of liquid so I can give me a little steam down here on the bottom you know I mean I got most of it coated you can see that all right let me step out for one sec thanks amen Armstrong says my son loves your videos he's been watching you since he was 11 months he calls you cooking hatman cooking cooking hats man oh the cooking Hat Man what's his name she didn't tell us ran with with her with no question you know thank you guys you know what I do with the Super Chat you guys you know what I just put it back into the uh I'll put it back into the channel you know I mean any kind of way I can like level up to production you know or do something like that that's what I do with it so I thank you but it doesn't diminish that people that just watch the channel you know I mean I'm just happy with you know just the view you know I mean and uh second of all I want to say this thank you to everybody whether you do that or not you know it's much appreciate much appreciative if you do you do and much appreciate it if you don't you know what I do have one request I want you guys to don't forget to like you know I mean uh that's very very important just like the teachers the algorithm like hey maybe this content is cool you know what I mean and then it just pushes it out and who knows next time the Food Network be looking for somebody they might just find your boy all right Gerald krennick said and Cher that's right as shear hey you know what uh I got to say you and I got it everybody can't be in here all at the same time you know what I mean you know this is just cool you know a little reconnection you know what I mean uh just to talk to everybody you know just to have you know what anybody in your life is like amazing you know what I mean so that's it so right now I'm just gonna let go ahead come on man ask me some real questions out here now when I'm making YouTube videos do you cook a lot for you and your wife or do y'all each cook seeing how she might be in here I can't lie I don't uh I'm not I'm not doing too much or nothing as far as uh because I cook you know throughout the day you know I'm cooking everywhere so mainly I could here now because it just kind of like just became you know kind of like become my life but I got some cool Hobbies though hey if you guys didn't uh Hey listen so I got a little assignment for everybody which I know it's hard to get people to go and do you guys got to go by the grilling TV network and go ahead and subscribe other great talented chefs like myself hey more talented than me you know what I mean I'm still learning from them listen to be to be able to cook alongside a real Chef just to you know get your knife game together just to be able to that right there listen I respect it then look after you do that I want you guys to go by and look at uh what is it life with a B it's on my channel you know what I mean but just look it up it's life with a B you'll see I only got four videos on that but listen we already started uh recording some other videos and they being edited right now you're gonna want to be on there so a lot of people ask me like what do I do there's so many things that I do but uh I got some fun stuff on there it's really not food related I mean some of it's based around food you know what I mean but uh you want to go over there you know what I mean and uh and just uh let's just live go ahead sorry um donation 94 said a b what's your top two Comfort Foods hey right off your back number one what's his name Joe Joe you ain't been with me that long huh I got to say it that way right because yo you got to know right off the back man it's that smothered pork chop bruh you know I mean uh it'll be that I don't know I could just give you my whole meal that some red mashed potatoes and gravy you know I mean some of that uh some of some of that smotherness on that on them potatoes and like some greens and cornbread I just gave you the whole thing man that right here is me if I was going to be on an island I can only have one meal there you go Charlene brasilio said where do we find you on the other channel Chef okay the other challenge listen I'm getting ready to start putting my specific videos on the grilling TV network right so all you got to do is when you're on YouTube just search in the search bar anywhere just put in there grilling TV that's all you ain't got to put the network on nothing like that and it'll come up when you see that you'll see my you'll see myself Pat nearly and other great chefs and we got some surprises for everybody uh some some I'm gonna just say some big name chefs you know what I mean they're just coming in showcasing their skills and showing some love and I do have another Channel called like with a B you know what I mean go by there subscribe and then start next week I'm gonna start dropping these videos it's just a matter of getting them edited you know stuff like that Oscar Contreras said what's the most polite way to tell someone at a barbecue that raisins don't go on potato salad and the little seasoning goes a long way hey don't get me started talking about this potato salad we could do it live talking about that man I don't know how you tell nobody hey that's that's a good one you know what I like to play with that I like to just say I'd walk by and get close to it hope it was next to the edge and I just walk by him oops you know I'm saying who that who don't know who does it I know who does you must have been in the company function you know I'm saying uh and then somebody at your company did it but I can tell you this if you look like me and you went to a potluck or or Backyard Boogie or uh a park and they having a barbecue right tell me you don't feel like this like hey who made this potato salad you know what I'm saying to eat a potato salad is like like key potato salad and the barbecue baked beans you know what I mean then you I know right off the bat you look right at your grill and want to know who's that dude over there what is he doing I got one for you how many times you've been out there and somebody been grilling they've been grilling right on the top you know I mean right on top of the codes you know what I mean uh I see it all the time folks unless you're making some cornea carne asada or something like that that uh get off of that hey why are you doing that how you cook that okay donation 94 said the best way to cook a Polish sausage Polish Polish oh what's the best way yeah I thought he was going to tell me the best way okay uh best way it really depends you know what I mean uh Polish sausage man you could do that a couple of different ways if you're doing them outside that's one thing cut a couple of slits you know put that on your grill somewhere on that uh indirect Zone and let that work let it absorb some smoke but you got to put the slot you know the slits in it right uh if you were doing it in the house I got a separate way to do it especially if you're doing it in the morning you know you're making your breakfast I would just put a little layer of uh a little layer of water and let me let me strike that because I told you guys you got to listen to me you've been following me I always when I use the word water I know what you're hearing you should be hearing chicken stock right you just put a little bit of that down there put that on you know put the sausage right on the top and kind of like give it a it's almost like a broil type of uh look those two ways is how I make them all the time anyway Renata Thompson said what do you do to unwind ah would I do to unwind um I'm all the way up you guys see me right here I like to say I'm Unwound right here but like my number one Hobby in the world is I drive a drag car you know what I mean uh I'm just hitting the speed love that you know I mean just bought me a hog you know I mean just got me a Road Glide you know I mean just want to get away and just like kind of like disconnect even if it's just for the day you know I mean uh stuff like that like I can I can get away from this only thing about that is I've been smashing this so hard and working hard even transitioning from work quitting my job not doing that no more you know I mean and then doing this full time it's uh sometimes when I break away and just do me it'd be hard to come back all right Mike Jones says do you ever do pork chops and applesauce I have I've tried it you know what I mean uh I need to revisit it you know what I mean uh I really I do I need to come back to that I've had some that was great I tried to like emulate it on my own uh I need some work to do but I have had it and I do like it you know about that abas said since you're from the west side boys in the hermanus to society oh boys in the hood come on boys in the hood Brian W says for the potato salad it depends on who brings it if it's Grandma's you say nothing right right right well it depends on Whose grandma made it I got I gotta go to that you know I mean I gotta look at I gotta look at uh yeah this is my Grandmama you know what I'm saying but I just don't eat everybody's potato salad the potato salad is so easy to make uh the hardest thing for me to do is when I made my potato salad and put it on YouTube was really just trying to figure out how do I tell everybody the ingredients oh and with that being said listen a lot of times we are we cook and we just give you the base it's up to you because you're supposed to taste as you go go ahead cooking with James said if he had to pick would you rather race your car or do YouTube you have to pick hey hands down I'd rather race my car you know what I mean you're talking about something that man I've been doing that since I was 16 years old all this stuff about all these dudes out here and all these movies Fast and the Furious and all of that a lot of that really started uh a little bit of it started down shower but I'm gonna say a lot of that started down there in South Central Los Angeles for those of you guys that are from La that's in this way if I'll just say one thing even Hey listen we used to date and do everything on Florence and man I'll just leave it like that hey I'm probably telling my age but I've been out there with spoke uh all the big names the van the gray boys and all of that just been doing this forever it's in my blood Paul Bowman said I saw you on Fox News yes yes yes now hey you know what that was uh that was that was a cool little segment uh we shot that yesterday and you want to talk about getting you in look they got myself Pat Neely and Chef uh Chef lawyers they brought us in had us get everything ready do their job and then they they put you right back on the plane and get you out of there we're getting ready to do a Good Day LA and all of that is really uh surrounded by uh the grilling TV network you know I mean there's a lot of Buzz behind it you know we trying to build up uh some of the people you know some of the local people that watch uh hey just support the channel you guys remember YouTube slash grilling TV all you gotta do is do that and then go by hit hit the Subscribe button and watch a couple of the videos all right progress512 said at the barbecue and potluck if you can't cook don't hey let me pick something up and then drop it hey you're so right if you can't cook don't you know I mean uh you know what just ask you know I mean get you some help uh I love when people ask me because I don't mind you know getting there and just showing them once you explain everything I think that's why the channel has grown to as big as it is oh and I got to say this too hey this is a big milestone I think in January smoking and Grilling with a B past the Food Network and followers that's crazy I don't get all of the views because my channel is more seasonal you know I mean uh we'd have to talk like analytics or something like that but I just thought that was like a major major accomplishment for the channel go ahead got a super chat from Clifford Barnes recipe my family loves your pastalaya especially my six-year-old he helps me cook I even had to ask what's up that's something that my grandma and my mama passed along ain't nothing like the family inside of that you know inside of the kitchen you guys get to go in there and then create you know I mean just look at the kids when they put something together you know I mean if they big enough you know I mean they can walk an actual bowl of a finished product they table and put that down hey look at look at the confidence look at the gate they use when they walk in you know what I'm saying just how they hold themselves up that right there you building a chef vicious Sony V says since when have you been doing lives WTF I've been at hey family keep us smoking and Grilling oh yeah oh I just kind of like just started this maybe like about a month ago right yeah this is like my second one it's like every other week and again for everybody that's new in here just dropping in here I'm gonna be doing a live every other week so it won't be next Friday it'll be the following Friday after that so I'll just pick a dish like right now I'll just go ahead and show you look got that cabbage folks got that Andouille on the top the only thing missing right now which I didn't put in here now some red chili flakes you know I mean I got some people coming around that's got some sensitive uh we'll just say this they belly sensitive you know I mean so I don't just raise it up but I did hit it with that I wish we had that sound effect so I can hit it like this and just point out here and make it go Dean hey this Creole kick this will light them up though oh let me put some more pepper one thing about peppermint I if I don't see my pepper I feel like I I didn't I didn't put enough in there you know I mean uh screw it and get it like that Roderick Latrell said I fixed my woman the smothered turkey wings one weekend and now she brings groceries home for me to cook hey congratulations it could be a curse too though you know what I mean but that's what you want hey you want to keep them everybody can't do it like that right I like that yes sir hey you guys ever come to Vegas look me up please you know I mean uh I'm just a regular cat love to like get out here I get to run in my mouth my fam be like hey you talking too much we can't never get to the destination but just look me up you know what I mean and uh you never know we might do something Shannon 19765 said what do you think of the new demon 170 Challenger I love drag racing the Challenger you're talking about the one that they just brought out uh was it last week or whatever ask them they talk about that but anyway the Challenger is cool and uh I'm getting ready to I'm building a new car right now like I'm building a uh a new chassis car those are like street cars they're great you know Mustang for the street racing and all that but I kind of like changed my program uh you know I mean no more on the street you know I mean this is like instant depth we hit something out here or somebody or we running in somebody like that we try to keep it safe but uh we talking like going seven seconds stuff like that but to answer your question uh I think it's a hell of a fun ride you got to be safe have a smart mind you know what I mean and I can't I can't say nothing because I'm on on video right now you know what I just say hey I think it's I think it's great I'll just leave it like that read between the lines second Liberty Gun Club says who's your favorite 90s MC favorite 90s what MC oh 90s damn I mean dang let me see uh MC manage there's so many you know what I mean uh I grew I'll just say this man you know they're like like some of my favorite artists would be like Q if you guys didn't know I graduated from high school with Cube know just about everything about him of course he didn't morphed into who he is now but we went to high school together we wrote together uh so you know like Q uh I ran with you know I was a Youngster though then with like Dr Dre really really big into the to that West Coast you know what I mean like that's like the end of uh that's like mid 80 and then running through the really been an NWA fan you know you know I mean uh I ain't gonna say I'm not a fan you know I mean I just like the more the individual work from the artist you know I mean uh I like the East Coast too though Donald is a sensuous Super Chat no question hey thank you guys you know what all right when you guys send Super Chat you know you could take the time to write it or something you know what I mean uh that for sure make sure that you know the young lady that you hear uh reading the comments she'll uh make sure she reads your you know your question and then with me saying uh listen I want to say hey thank you to Native that's the young lady in the back reading the questions because I have nothing in front of me and then we got one dude hey you know what man you always talking about you never in the line like come on over here come on come on bro go this is Chris he don't never get a chance to be in front of this this is the dude who make it uh happen you know I mean I call him and it's a whole lot of work so look this is Chris now you guys can say you finally got a chance to see him he's a Pizza you know I mean yeah this is the video department so this is the dude who makes it all happen you know what I mean and uh I'm gonna need you to flip back to this right now because I'm about to get my texture that I got but go ahead just give him a round of applause thank you Chris all right so look right here in this pot right here to me let's talk about this right here and then I'm gonna go ahead and start wrapping this up how long we've been on there you guys got a time yeah yeah but meanwhile all right I'm only gonna go about five more minutes but I want you guys to take a look at this because I'm talking you know what I mean and I'm taking my time you know having a good time talking to you guys answering comments right it took me longer I usually make this in about 25 minutes uh you want to talk about a hearty meal you put this in a bowl with some cornbread and this right here is your whole complete meal you got your protein right you got bacon in here and you got some andouille sausage kicking up this flavor then you got some Veggie right then you got some more veggies in there because I put the rainbow and you guys can put whatever I could have put carrots in this also you just want to get them soft now the part I want to talk to you about this is where it reminds me of greens it's up to you some people like they green super soft like spinach I don't like my greens that way I like for my greens when I lift it up like that I like for it to look the way it looked I like for it to look like a green I don't want it I want to be able to still see the leafy uh you know Vein on there but I still want it to be soft that right there is like a little bit of an art this right here as far as I go see how to tip the top off because I don't want it to steam no more I want it to start cooling immediately oh my goodness folks if you don't have this on your your plate tonight something wrong hey run out to the store call doordash Who deliver whoever get yourself a head of cabbage you probably got everything in there and then make this right here all right kit Wren says we used to go to Lion's drag strip as teenagers in the 1960s oh yeah yeah yeah hey there's somebody down there all hey you know what I have never ever been to Lions drag strip ever heard so much about it uh all like the older catches uh you know our food with you know what I mean are they out there they wear the shirts uh I I knew about it and all of that but I didn't really get introduced to uh drag racing until uh 19 oh man damn it's it's sound bad when I hit him with the 19 you know what I mean like you're still going hey what's going to get worse because then I had to put the other two numbers with it you know what I mean so I just been doing this a long time that's just my love you know what I mean I'm out here in Vegas I'm only hey from Las Vegas uh from the strip you know the drag strip or let's see I'm only I think I'm only like 20 minutes away you know what I mean you know so I I can you know I mean I can jump put the car in the trailer and jump right on down that way Vincent Wilson what kind of car do you race oh you don't want to show it I got an import car too I'm building a 67 uh 67 Nova I'd have to go get it right now oh Chris has got it hey Chris don't get that one I'm thinking we got another one upstairs that'd be better than that I mean well you can get done wow also this is the moment where we're going to keep the music okay yeah you can cue it oh I don't know I can I don't know if you guys can see that but this is it right here you know I mean it's a tube chassis car uh I'll keep the numbers uh quiet you guys can look they just did a spread on this on the magazine or I just finished that today so I know that was submitted uh submitted to the final editor that's all uh but I do have the spot you know what I mean there's a lot of cool things you know coming for me you know I mean oh you guys can't really see but the whole car is wrapped like my channel you know what I mean uh that's the cool thing about it so the bull that's on my channel that's what's on the side I got some better pictures you know upstairs but this is something I just hang up and put on the wall okay so look this is the part that right here that we all wanted to wait on you know what I mean that's me I ain't a lot of y'all folks I got the best job in the world Grace Foundation says that's dope cooking with James says car is sick bro hey you know what uh thank you and I I don't want to say cliche-ish you know like hey put your hard work in you know what I mean because when I say I'm blessed listen or a guy that showed me his favor and he shows favor to everybody let me just say that I'm not no preacher you guys you know what I mean uh but this was just a lot of praying you know I mean to get off of the road and missed everything you know just trying to keep food on my table you know what I mean and trying to you know feed the fam so you know I mean and then then I get blessed to have a YouTube channel that did what it has done you know I mean uh just you know what I mean we just got to do it I don't want to get into no preaching service or nothing like that but I just say hey find something that you like if you love it stick with it you know what I mean and don't be afraid to fail I know everybody hears that and then sometimes we put a lot of time into something that don't turn into nothing the same way I say you put your time in you got to be able to cut it Loose because I didn't have several Ventures that just didn't work out but I'm not married to it you know what I mean but the end of everything is this you know what I mean I'm able to do this and Inspire and to teach others and to help others hey with that being said listen while I'm talking I'm trying to figure out how to keep my saliva because I'm trying to try this right here you know where folks I'm gonna end it on that I got the texture right for this one right here and I'm gonna lie to you all the time I don't get it right but I got it so if you guys haven't seen me make this I'd have made this two or three times on my channel and that Creole kick give it a nice little here come that heat you know bagging in on the back of my tongue this right here is right give me one second can one of you guys grab me a water please and we're gonna wrap this up again I want to give a recap you know what I mean uh you'd like this you want to see other talented people like myself now look I'm not afraid you know how to work with all kind of people if you see somebody out there and I haven't worked with them it ain't for the lack of me trying to like reach out to them and they just don't say nothing back like like maybe they're not getting the emails but I can only do so much but if you want to see other talented chefs like myself and find out where I'm starting to learn and hone my skills you know because my grandmother did what she did handed me off to my mama my mama let you know ran so far it's a relay race now they didn't let me loose with these uh with these chefs you want to check them out go buy the grilling TV network go by there subscribe look down look at you know find you a favorite chef and just watch if you ask me watch them all because they all got something to you know to give and to teach you know with that being said uh um I'm gonna eat folks super easy cabbage and Dewey that's it right there and I'm nothing to hold y'all up no longer hey thanks for watching don't forget to smash that like button on this video right here and with that being said guess what folks I'm gonna pull up with my bowl and I'm out peace [Music] oh
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 371,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, fried cabbage, fried cabbage recipe, easy cabbage, southern fried cabbage, cabbage, fried cabbage with bacon, how to make fried cabbage, southern cabbage, soul food cabbage, how to make cabbage, best cabbage recipe, easy cabbage recipes, fried cabbage with bacon and sausage, cabbage recipe, southern cabbage recipe, how to cook cabbage, cabbage recipes, cabbage with bacon, keto recipe, easy keto recipe
Id: N___5w_i6Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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