By the way, Can You Survive Zombie Apocalypse? | The Settlement

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hey before we start the video I really want to thank everybody who bought merch we're really scared about Coppa so merch is the best way to support us right now and just like always if you can't that's okay enjoy the video before we start the video one quick note every time I yell out zombie you have to say attack within two to three seconds or you lose the life each of you have two lives if both lives are gone you die understand okay yes of course Daniel anything you say okay you what you're just so good at this hosting good because I think you can get us through this entire game don't worry let me say a sentence good Stephen of course I would have to interrupt you we're gonna be playing can you survive the zombie apocalypse episode previously PG got shot we all walk away from the situation we say goodbye to PJ's dead corpse and we get out of the mall Stephen let's go sorry a month passes the zombie outbreak has not gotten any better we can't do this alone anymore we have to go find a colony to be part of so we journey our way we walk around looking for a settlement and you hear a group of people murmuring so you sneak there for a preview see a group of people and a bigger head that seems to be a leader that person doesn't seem to have any pants on it's PJ how PJ she has a scar on her face but she seems to be doing pretty well except for the whole pantsless part I go to hug her okay you guys all rush in the people point guns to you hello friendly friends with fire guns may I please enter and hug my friend who I thought was dead please maintain position the power of plot anything is possible PJ is actually part of a big settlement is she the same PJ yeah after you guys left her she woke up and none of you guys were there so she had to find her way she lost her pants somewhere along the way can you assume that I lost I have those pants off it was an intentional survival suit you guys ask PJ to invite you to the settlement PJD say yes please say yes otherwise you know as much as Daniel kind of killed me and Stephen kind of killed me hoax is part of the squat so you know what I'll let you all in love her a hug I didn't miss this guys go to the settlement the first thing you see is this huge gateway you go and it seems to be surrounded by huge steel walls everyone seems to be very happy no one seems to actually even know what's going on outside these walls meet so many new people the good settlement what's PJ doing here I don't know try to live you guys left her to die pretty sure Daniel was the one who left her that is tall slide what do you guys want to do first in the settlement I hug everyone I hug twice every single Dombey movie plot the settlement gets breached by a bunch of zombies okay we will investigate faults in the defense system I don't know you guys look at the walls walk around the perimeters as you do a man with a cowboy hat comes out and says why are you fellas doing here I've never seen you in my settlement and PJ goes McCree please these men are with me and PJ looks at the man and goes that's that's our leader oh that's that's the leader hello sky leader I would like to give you a hug now why don't you guys come downstairs and we'll have a nice chat that sounds like a great idea house you walk downstairs you get a cold breeze it's a huge concrete tunnels all around the town he says right each of you fellows go on a separate rule yeah and I'll talk to you one by one well I'm trying my best here I don't know how to do this southern let me be the leader Daniel Stephen and also go in separate rooms PJs stands outside this is suspicious but I will proceed to go into these rooms jolly man goes to his room sits down and says alright what's your name my name is Xhosa nice to meet you now what were you doing what happened to your accent what were you fellas doing looking at my wall we're looking for any false into the fence system because we don't want to get bamboozled you can attack the settlement during the night why would be attacked the settlement if you don't tell me the truth right now I will bring Stevens hand into this room his smile disappears and heat stairs directly Ted Xhosa there's no way that only three of you survived this whole time have you talked to PJ about this cuz she was with us the entire time that girl's nice but she's a little cuckoo in the noggin and so he walks out and goes to Stephens room hello friend welcome back I don't want to deal with this okay all right listen here feller your friend told me about your little colony trying to breach my walls only hole that we're trying to find is the hole in their hearts and we're gonna fill it with hugs okay this is more cuckoo in the head than PJs so you know right the man walks out without really asking him you said you could watch for these fellows Daniel get interrogated oh right that kid yes the man starts beating Daniel into a pulp he gets his two other men to join the man walks out bring Stephen Hill salad says you hear that that's our little friend getting a whooping tell me the truth right now the tooth is whipping out there knocked ourselves in in my apartment for twenty days we wanted to get out so we got out we just want to make new friends we found some pulses Steven are sent upstairs I said all right well we got some stew over there you guys can have some and sit down with the neighbors get to know them a little bit and you guys can settle down here you know previous episode we were the one who's told Daniel it's gonna be great going outside you know the night falls a girl who seems to be dressed in a rag comes up and says follow me and she runs alright and I start sprinting quietly let's go and then you guys go to this corner of the wall and it seems to have an exit you guys go out into the woods and a couple other people appear as well and they say do you know what's going on in that settlement right now hello please they don't know we exist who are you where are the people that used to live there to find out the truth about that place Stephen the truth is they don't like hugs unacceptable we must purge this impure Society you ever wonder how these guys seem to be all so happy they don't go out for scavenging but they always have food what do you think that is okay because they've developed such sustainable agricultural techniques that they don't need to go outside anymore take another guess I don't believe you you are lying and you are from another settlement trying to salvage this one no you don't understand at first I was part of this settlement and that man used to be really kind but soon enough people started going hungry they started fighting he said it was the only way to keep peace but no one knows that those stew are humans - are you gonna help us or not of course from the shadows with her back and whoops that somebody today loses one life zombie okay PJ did you know about this believe me if I knew about this I don't think I would have been staying there PJ please you have to help us and what am I supposed to to give them hugs Steven if you don't shut up you're gonna be the next do I see we have to kill that man all right you have our words what do we need to do morrow night we need an Inside Man to cause a disturbance once you do we'll sneak in and kill the leader okay so you guys head back now we have trust from both sides we have two cars we can play Xhosa what is Steven state for state if this is true if I was someone trying to hide the fact that I perform cannibalism I would probably just kidnap someone and hold them hostage until I need them for a barbecue made to Daniel still getting punched no he's gonna be turning just you you guys try to go back there but there are guards hello guards may I pass with the toll of five hugs each no stand back I've been a part of the settlement I am one of the higher-ups you have to let me through okay yes ma'am are you sure you want these kids to come with you yes so you guys walk in you see Daniel tied to a chair pummeled beyond recognition have you seen our friend Daniel the one time where I thought a hug would be acceptable of sudden you hear people talking outside quick hide in the closet wait but we can't bring Daniel they'd wonder where he is we'll put Daniel there hurry up two people wearing surgeon overalls come in they walk in with the stretcher and they put Daniel on it and they walk out let's follow it you guys follow them and they walk into this room that PJ has never seen before then you opened the door just slightly to see what's going on you see a bunch of people hanging upside down they all seem to be dead and you see Daniel I'm still on the stretcher with three to four people what do you do how it was for Daniel's gonna die I'm watching down the door hello friends Oh Oh charging from the side and tackle one of the surgeons I guess Stephen devil askew activated last person goes wait miss PJ this may seem weird but this is for the settlement you have to let us do this people on the outside told me what you're doing here and if that's true I'm not going to let you kill another innocent person just for the sake of letting this place thrive i freakin tackle this no more people have been knocked out all right let's get out of here okay you can't we can't stay here any so what are we gonna do we have an entire day until the reinforcements coming let's just leave why do we care about those people they try to kill me are we just gonna leave yeah who cares wait Dan I thought you were the man of ethics you try getting beat up for six hours let's make everyone our friend first I'm getting real sick and tired of your being serious for once okay I think it'd be a good idea to tell the entire populace about what's happening they'll get angry and start killing people for us waiting to come you guys head to the intercom okay what do you say the food you've been eating is human meat okay all right there is a mass panic the people outside the walls are like what's going on maybe maybe they thought it was right now so they go in as people are panicking and the guards are trying to explain it away and as they do from a distance you hear a gunshot oh no it's happy fireworks what happened the girl that you've seen before walks out with the dead man's corpse and says follow us or you'll end up like her she points the gun to PJ and shoot fade to black [Music]
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 5,078,594
Rating: 4.94385 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, zombies, zombie, zombieland 2, zombieland, the settlement, survive zombie, danplan zombie, part 3, walking dead, battle, game, dnd, animation, zombie survival guide, hosuh, stephen
Id: bVCfs3-1jOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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