By the way, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? (ft. Youtubers)

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all right welcome everybody today we're gonna be playing are you smarter than a 5th grader Elsa and Stephen you guys over that video where we did this like shout out thing I don't remember anything I'm not in Daniel team unless you're talking about us like hole-saw and Stephen and J and me is it that one no that's not the one that's every other video so they're back please say hi to Matt from PTL john hall from john hall hi from Luke Ravi and Eli from geek out hobbies hey what's good I had to be here fellas that was so many names you want everyone is now called Xhosa hello Xhosa one through four can I be Xhosa one I'd like to be hosts the three threes my favorite number I'll tell you closer to that's fine so this recording is hectic gonna be crazy it's me wild every question you get right you will win $1,000 okay i'ma buy a solid-gold toy that'll be donated to charity Oh for charity that's how they get you oops for charity so since a lot of money will be donated in this video we partnered up with battle breakers link in description battle breakers is a cartoon inspired hero collector RPG built as a passion project by a small team at Epic Games and it's just released you can explore up to a thousand different dungeons battle bosses form a team with your best friends collect a bunch of different types of heroes to fight for you and you can also play it on cross platforms it's basically like a turn-based fighting gotcha game it's free to play on PC iOS and Android and if you use our support a creator code the three first bosses you fight will give you additional value thanks again epic games respond suring this video and helping us fund this charity it really does mean a lot so if you guys are interested check the game out to support us link in description go check it out all the proceeds from this video will be going to a charity called fresh start they basically help individuals and family members recover from addiction right now they desperately need literally toothbrushes and deodorant I think we can help them out with this so you guys ready yeah free-for-all what are we doing No so there are seven of you there's no way I can keep track HOSA you're with Matt from what suppose and you're with Eli with geek out hobbies Steven you're with loose Romney and John you're on your own just like high school yay I'm in high school okay so how's this work are we gonna buzz in just start screaming each team will get to go in turn yo Steven are you ready for this or what obviously we have numbers advantage we win host of things that we should have team names I'm hostess teammate so I agree with everything he says wholesome that what do you guys want to be called can we be called Xhosa to host the two all right that sounds okay that's why I mean Steven had it said said one thing we already know our team name what is this Steven it's team Steven and the side characters I'm in I'm thinking Steven in the Sun how would Steven this and I'll be your son today you ready okay okay okay okay this is getting weird already and Eli what are you guys doing I already forgot who I'm with because I'm horrible with memory and you're with an ant say how do you like Alesi hi dad okay see what a bad host see this is high-quality production you get go on dad plan every time you literally name them host a one two for Daniel so they can suck up and then we can win let's let's be t me unfortunately younger than everyone else wait how old are you I'm only 17 Oh minor it's a jailbait Ryan FBI open up Eli are you okay with team Daniel I am completely okay with team Daniel's I am a major suck up John you'll be just team John no I want to be called the winning team yeah that's what I'll be in about 20 minutes won't it be really ironic when we win though people will say it's rude oh my god you're right if one of us from Dan Tyne wins oh my god Daniel you put us in an impossible situation don't worry people will see my remarkable intelligence and thou holdest okay ladies and gentlemen we are going to be playing are you smarter than a 5th grader there are five categories history English geography science and math these are all fifth grade level questions and every time you get a question right $1,000 will be donated to fresh start are you guys ready the Canadians if greater is in there I'm Canadian yeah me too we're dumber than the American that's quite a strike it is an American show so it'll be American physical all right so we're gonna have a handicap but we're still gonna one team Danny all you guys can go first pick a category I'm good at math one do math I majored in history what do you mean okay okay we go mad that's 5th grade what can go wrong ok your first question a hexagon has how many sides the first team oh whoops I apologize for my teammates behavior any light what was your answer 6 let's 12 together so that's it I love how you guys didn't even like discuss it amongst yourselves you guys just so a pentagon has 5 and because it says Penta right so if it's a hex and you if there's a spider or spiders have six legs it's one point not your mat pick a category I mean science major so oh well hey executive decision the team's name after you this is too much power for Xhosa to handle house is just dragging me along let's just let's yeah let's do science ok the earth is at least how many billions of years old Rosa I think I know this one think I remember it being 4.6 or something right I think you're exactly correct down to the day I think the earth is at least 1 billion years old technically it's right dad I think I should get the point man what do you think four point six or more I think no you said how many billion years old right so let's play it safe and go forward the answer is four billion years I think we we get that point right I think we should all protest until Daniel gives them the point early Steven the point quick a little break to talk about a different type of charity illegal it so in November I worked with a school and my school works to another school we go to a service trip down in the Dominican Republic we go down to bring shoes to those who are less fortunate than us we go down to build hurricane proof houses and we go bring you know any medical supplies at glasses back birth control all that sort of stuff and we have a GoFundMe so if you have anything extra in your heart it would be super helpful for us because we need to still get you know supplies to build the houses down to the Dominican Republic so we can help them you know have safe living environment I think it's honestly a wonderful thing that these guys are doing it's something personal and we know the person that's doing the charity so this is also being the link and description so go check it out and back to Stephen think Stephen should get the point Stephen gets the point thank you Dan I'm really disappointed in how that turned out Stephen and Rahmi pick a category Rahmi you pick um you want to do some math sure fine let's go basic like Dan okay I'm gonna give you guys 10 seconds to solve this Rama you can blame Stephen because I always give Stephen a handicap you collect 48 pieces of Halloween candy your parents that you can eat two pieces per day plus an extra piece on Saturdays and Sundays how many weeks will it take to finish all of your candies where you can suck it dick okay fine let's do this I'm gonna okay give me oh my god the age of the earth was easier than that how many candies do we have 48 thank you three three weeks plus a change plus yeah three sixteen a week yeah so 16 three weeks I don't want to be that guy but it's been way more than ten second up team loner that is not my name and I resent it oh sorry sorry team winning thank you pick a category I majored in physics so I'm gonna go a science what are the three states of matter there's four is four not in fifth grade there isn't it totally is what do you can't just suddenly stop creating matter at some point oh it's only cuz you're in fifth grade that there's okay so just ignoring Stephens rampage I'm gonna say solid liquid and gas and plasma dad all right John that was correct I think it was wrong so I think Sivan should get the point yeah that's seven for guys are bullying me and I don't appreciate an eel I pick a category and you pick this time what are you good at you I um not so great at English pretty good math science and history I'm okay yeah you pick one that I don't know do science I guess cuz you're good at it the earth has four layers the thickest of which is a mantle what is the thinnest layer called all right so there's across the mantle the outer core and the inner core the crust is a thinnest right I didn't I I haven't taken science in like ten years everyone bully and discuss okay ding ding ding the crust is the answer good job Neil deGrasse a lie all right team Elsa to pick a category what do you want to do this time let's go history no one's done that yet right but we could do it it's American history though I didn't know what you wanted to stay at zero points host us even you're being nice and things are negative right now in which decade did Hong Kong revert from British rule I thought these were American fifth grade questions let's go 1990s ding ding ding you got it right oh yeah wow thanks for carrying the team I had no idea right team winning hi pick your category history let's do this Battle of Gettysburg was fought in which war seriously the correct answer is the Civil War there you go that 20 bucks I PayPal you is coming in real handy right now team Daniel and any life pick a category are in your pick a guy ok geography it's ok we I got the eke out hobbies on my team what is the main language spoken in the Canadian province of Quebec francais sir yeah and French is the more prominent one I believe well legally it's like if you look at the Wikipedia it says the official language is are you looking at the Wikipedia yes it is French Stephen and the Sun pick a category you want let's do geography listen let's just do it do together which country is both an island and a continent Australia all right we'll play a free-for-all one question worth $4,000 okay it'll be the first person to answer and this one is going to be a question about a channel called vampire oh the question is what is the most viewed video on down plan channel by the way can you be a psychopath and no no ah can you survive the perch can you survive the perks type it in this Romney a four points my team he's on my team GG thank you guys all for playing in total we have raised one thousand and five hundred dollars for this charity fresh start if you want to check it out for yourself go in the description below I think you guys so much for watching bye bye bye
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 4,472,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, quiz show, smarter than, small youtubers, charity, 15000 dollars, quiz, 5th grader, smarter than 5th grader, hosuh, stephen, melodify, ann, danplan
Id: 68YoKyZ5BCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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