By the way, Can You Guess That Anime? [QUIZ]

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So today we're gonna be playing Can you guess that anime basically what we're gonna be doing is we're going to give a very very vague description of an anime We've picked and the other two has to guess what that anime is. You guys can play along Let's get started! Alright, who's going first. I'm going first motherfudger Alright, this is my first anime. So there are these people that are surviving, okay? Mm-hmm. Attack On Titan. And - no I knew you were going to say that It's not that one. Fine okay, what's another one Their hair is super beautiful Dragon Ball Z Nope The main character is this super happy super hyped up character always positive and then something Dramatic happens to this character and the character is now like super dark and emo and and oh everything sad and life is depressing Uhh, they're surviving, right? Uh Kabaneri no, it's the attack on Titan ripoff one. No, I kind of want to say Mirai Nikki No, but the main character isn't happy go around so no. Okay next clue Okay, this one's gonna be critical their hair is shiny. One Punch Man? No, this anime has something to do with rocks. Rocks? What? Okay, I only know shiny hair Dragon Ball Z. That's it. Yeah, what the heck? I don't know any rock things. Really? Yeah Well, this one's called land of the lustrous. Never heard of that. Never heard of it? Never heard of that. Hosuh? Land of the lustrous.. no! What it's a good anime? Okay, you know what, whatever. Ohhh! It's this, uh, it's the really hyped 3d anime. That was yes it is. Oh this was it Yeah, I haven't watched it but it's got eight point five in my anime list So I just want to avoid 3d anime ever since berserk 2017 Okay, who wants to go next? I think Hosuh does.. okay got it alright Okay In this anime. There's a group of main characters think there are five in this party there's one character that's a pervert and then there is an independent woman and then there's a very coward character and then there's a tsundere character who's a girl and then the main character is like I'll give it away if I say, okay Okay, that's literally anything. I don't know. I I'll take a pass on this. Okay next One of the main character who's tsundere she can order this other main character around with a single word Wait, how many girls are in this? In the party. two Yeah high school of the dead. No, dammit, okay Um this Pokemon, no Okay in this series the main character has two two rivals one is his brother who's a dog and another is his What the hell kind of anime do you watch Hosuh?! Okay so- The nemesis is a dog.. ok Yeah, and then there's another rival who is a wolf and then there's an evil antagonist who's a spider What the actual hell do you watch Hosuh? Should I be concerned? Hello? Hello Hosuh's parents. Yes. Your son is watching some weird stuff online I don't think you should let him study in Canada anymore. I actually, I actually watched this back in Korea! Keroro. No! Th-the main character is a dog, and he has a who's a brother *inhales* Wait! I think i know, oh inuyasha, yes it is inuyasha OMG YES!! I DID IT! I'M A MAN! I know anime! Oh! I'm so proud of myself! Pat on the back Daniel! Pat on the back! That was exhilarating, okay? I know! It was hard. Steven So this anime is very edgy, right? Okay Mirai Nikki No, the main character gets more powerful by turning white turning white Yeah, so the main character goes from black to white and he gets more powerful Is this some racial like representation of society? All anime is made in Japan. There's no racism that goes from black to white I'll take a pass on this one, this clue. Yeah, I have to take a pass on this one too, I have no clue. Okay So the title of the anime does not have any names in it So for example, the main character is not even listed under the name. I know okay Yeah, so the name of the anime it doesn't have the main character in it. That's like every other anime. Has what I call Dragonballitus, where they scream really loudly and get more powerful Do we know this anime? Is it like a really typical anime? Oh, yeah, you guys should all know this. I don't think I've watched it but I've heard of it. What do you think it is? Aaaahhhh my gosh... It only has one main story idea and it just keeps doing that for several arcs. Oh, I know this Kinda sounds like bleach it is bleach. There you go who said it first? It was a tie actually I heard you guys both at the same time. I haven't watched bleach. Wait! You know why it's called bleach? Why? The guy goes from black clothes to white clothes and he gets insanely powerful! It's actually pretty cool. I know I didn't get it at first like uh-huh. And as I was saying this out loud like a Genius I got this next one. So this one's more dark themed It's a lot more dark attack on Titan mother fucking Alright well Wait actually yeah it is got it steven yeah it was I win Alright well whatever we can come back to you ok Okay, so the main character goes vegan for a day and gets superpowers vegan vegan for a day just like daniel did DId you get any super powers daniel? yeah its called hunger Um sure vegan for one day, I'm pretty sure I haven't watched this before okay next clue So it's a typical battle anime. He wins by punching harder and through the power of friendship one punch, man No, naruto. No one piece. It is one piece. Oh Good morons Mainstream animes and just made them funnier. You guys just literally told me a story I mean III had a pretty good one for attacking Titans, but you didn't even give me hey you gotta give your chance man your so basic daniel Um In this anime. There are a bunch of main protagonists I think there are six or seven of them and then there are all kids. Yeah, they're all kids They enter this world and they meet these monsters right Digimon my gosh Okay, we actually what oh my god Fuck oh my god. Yeah, I Am a genius of anime. Call me the Anime king now on if anyone wants to refer to me or DM me they must call me anime King Daniel, but I won't respond oh thats awesome Okay, oh now that that video is over thank you guys so much for watching We need to do an end card apparently do we need to do an end card? I? Mean it's eight minutes. So we should probably make it ten minutes and we do need to actually announce something So it's it's very game. This is a timing where Stephen says the garbage you guys are all garbage Recording this at 3:00 a.m. When Stephen is sleeping and he's not gonna bother us right now, okay Okay, so number one on that list of stuff. We need to tell you guys P o box it's closed now Not now, technically it's closed on May 30th Oh, so basically if you have something to send today you can send it But if you have to prepare it it's it's kind of too late I'm going to be deleting all the P.O. box numbers and posts from all of our channels. So people don't get confused So yeah, there you go. No, it's kind of sad that we're closing it Yeah We'll probably make a reaction video out of the stuff that we did get because some of the stuff we got was this absolutely amazing Mmhmm. Yeah, HOSA knows i've been wanting to do Charity livestreams or charity not live streams because we don't know how to do live stream to charity I wanted to do charity. I want it to be clever and fun and good. Mm-hm I am scared of like saying this to the public because now that I've said this you gotta do it gonna be held accountable to do it to commit to it and With with trying to do good works It's always constantly this flow and you want to do it one day and then you don't want to do it the next day You want to do one day and you don't so you never get anywhere, but once I've said it and like put it online It's I'm gonna have to commit to it. So here it is Okay. So here it is. We're gonna do it I guess and we'll do it. We'll figure something out Has it been 10 minutes yet? I think so. Okay. Bye. Okay Oh, bye Yeah
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 3,898,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, quiz, can you guess that anime, anime quiz, anime guess show, anime review, attack on titans, bleach, land of the lustrous, animatics, animations, anime test, anime knowledge test, anime knowledge quiz, one piece, inuyasha, guess this anime, danplan anime, danplan quiz, anime smarts
Id: vEJYT3pVRrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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