By the way, What is Your LOVE LANGUAGE?

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So I know I've taken you guys through some harsh territories like the Antarctica (Disneyland?) and jigsaw and l don't know, Zombieland? So today both of you are gonna go on a date. *gasp* What? Dates to be exact because today we're gonna figure out what is your love language? What?! This is not Disneyland! I thought we were gonna go to Disneyland I would like a refund. Where can I get back this I'm going to Disneyland t-shirt You guys should feel grateful that I'm setting this up because different people feel love differently. So today we're gonna test out what your love language is. You're gonna go on five dates with five different girls. Basically how this is gonna work is each girl you go on a date you're gonna rate from one to five. And you're gonna keep track and at the end you're gonna have to choose one girl That you like the most and that'll determine how you feel loved. What if I'm into guys, Daniel? Did you just assume my sexuality? Excuse you sir! Hello police. I'd like to report a hate crime Alright, so who are these girls I'm gonna influence? What the Who are these girls that I'm gonna invite to my calls? Okay. So this first girl you meet at the movies. By the time you meet her she's already bought popcorns and drinks ready to go She hands them to you. You both walk into the movie and you start watching. During the movie, she pulls out her purse and brings a little snack that you really liked and she apparently know about it, somehow. She gives them to you and you really enjoy it The movie ends you both say goodbye, and she leaves. What do you rate her as? That's it? That's all we get? We don't get to ask her any questions? We literally don't talk? No, you don't get nothing! Just from that You got to kind of be like: Alright does that sound like a girl that I would love to date? So she pretty much, essentially, just bought us food And gave us more food Sounds like goals. I like the fact that she knew my candy but kind of creeped out that she knew my favorite candy Let's say you mentioned it. Okay. I did like the fact that she snuck it in and broke some rules. That's nice. But, I don't know. I just didn't talk to her. Is this- Are we gonna get to talk to anyone at all, or is it just gonna-? No not really, you just get to hear. Oh, what the heck? Okay, wow. Hmm So what do you guys rate her as? Out of five? Mm-hmm. Five is the thumbs up and-? Yes. Yeah, okay. She's definitely a 4. She's definitely very caring and considerate Uh, shh I do have to give her marks off just for the fact that I didn't talk to her. I wasn't a huge fan of her because she broke rules. And also- I don't know. I would rate her as 2 if it's up to... Wow. Wow, how heartless. Oh, there's four more. Don't worry, there's four more. So this girl number two, you also meet at the movies. This time, you guys are watching like a trilogy, like the final one. You both go in and you both watch it. And at the end she says, "Hey, I really enjoy this. I would love to watch more with you." So both of you go to your place and you guys watch movies all night You guys cook together, you guys spend quality time together. Time flies and it's morning and she leaves. Five out of five! Five out of five? YES! Ok-Okay So, what did I watch with the last girl? The movie doesn't really matter. I wanna know! Uh, "My Little Pony the Movie". Okay, so... Strange, I wouldn't watch that myself. But okay fine, whatever. Whatever you do on a date. Yeah On one hand, she was pretty nice. She's definitely like a good friend. A big thing about relationships is the fact that if you don't have fun with someone then it's gonna suck cuz you're gonna be best friends until you guys break up or one of you dies. So she's definitely a four out of five again. I have very low standards for girls It's like: Are you breathing? Okay. Are you trying to murder me? Do you have a pulse? I like girls that I can be really close with. And cooking together and watching movie together. That's something I want to do. So... Awww You know how, when you're in love you start getting really anxious in front of the person and you're like, what if- what if this thing that I do... tics her off and all that? I don't want to feel that way. I hate that feeling. Right, yeah yeah. Yeah, so that's why I rate this one as 5 out of 5. I'm like, yes. Yeah. Next- next girl.. Girl number 3! All right, so she walks up to you and she says, "Ey, I really wanted to watch this movie, Thank you so much for bringing me here. And, wow man, you're looking sharp today." She compliments you on your clothes and you both go into the movie. Watch the movie and when you come out She says, "Ah, that was so good! Thank you so much for bringing me to the date. Like, let's talk for a while." She wants to chat with you, so you guys go grab a cup of coffee together and then you say your good-byes Hmm. I don't like this one as much. Yeah. She is- seems to be too clingy and too, too vying for your attention. She's giving you too many compliments all at once and I feel like she's trying too hard just to keep you there. Like, flatter you. I do like how she's kind of like your cheerleader though. Which is always nice! If your relationship isn't making you happy and it doesn't encourage you then, it kind of really just sucks. So I guess, there has to be some sort of balance between cheerleader and friend, And I think she's too much for the cheerleader section. So I'm gonna have to rate her a 2 out of 5 this time. Okay. What about you, Hosuh? I can't do compliments well, so if I'm around this girl 24/7 I'm not gonna- I'm gonna die by the end of it. Die from- That's like a, 1 out of five? Yeah, s-sorry. Not even friends. Also, I don't drink coffee. I'm sorry. Alright, contestant number four! This time, you buy the drinks and both of you guys go into the movie and you guys went out of the drinks. She says, "Hey, let me go refill that for you." And she takes it, with her drink as well, and goes refills it. During the movie a kid starts crying next to her and then she gives him a lollipop to help him stop crying. After the movie's done, you guys are walking out and she holds the door for you and you guys say your good-byes and you leave. Well, she's definitely thirsty. So I'll give her a 5 out of 5 this time. I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Not a five out of five. Uh, she's good with kids. Which is, a funny story, really rare nowadays, but she's also really nice. Yeah, I don't know a lot of people who hold doors open for me anymore. *sigh* *sigh* Life is so hard. I have to open these doors by myself! Eh, I'll give her a four out of five. What about you, Hosuh? Um, five out of five, for me. I really like kindhearted people. And she seems very considerate and well, it's only from this one impression. But if she is like this when I'm not around then she must be like a genuinely nice, kindhearted person and I give that like 5 out of 5. I-I love that. All right, Last contestant! Contestant number 5! Both of you guys go to the movies. As soon as she meets you she gives you a big hug, and like she's very welcoming and just has a smile on her face. You guys go into the movies and while you watch it she kind of leans on you while you guys watch the movie. And after the movie's over you walk her to her car and she gives you a little peck on the cheek, and thanks you for the time. Wait, so this is the first date. Yes. Oh man. Is she an escort? No, she's not a prostitute. In that case... She's so aggresive. Wow. Uh, definitely a... I'll say like a one-and-a-half. One point five out of five. One point five out of five? Wow, okay. Yeah, that's just bit too touchy for a first date like... Okay, okay. You know, I just feel like if we got into an argument and broke up, I would be waking up, upside down in her room, handcuffed. Oh shade- And how did I get here?! You smell the psycho in her? That's what you're saying. Smell the-? Exactly. It's uh- Well, yeah it's a bit weird. I-I-I probably could picture that actually. She kinda has this older sister vibe. Mmm, okay. Doesn't she? Yeah, she does. Yeah, she kinda does. I guess. You don't like that? I would feel a little too overwhelmed by that. So that's- I'm gonna give it a two, yeah. Two. Mm, a little too aggressive for me. Ha. Okay, as the five contestants walk in. One by one marching in a row. Okay. Basically, you have to ask one of these girls on a second date. Who would you choose? Second date? I would like to ask contestant number two, the one who's really fun and I had really, a fun time with cause, at the end of the day, If you don't have fun with someone, you probably shouldn't go for a relationship with them. Okay. Stephan! I was gonna pick the same girl! Cause uh, Wow, okay. What about your reasoning? So, uh, my reasons, pretty much, I-uh I wanna- when I get in a relationship I want to be a really good friend. Plus we're cooking together. Oh my gosh! That's- That's my favorite thing. I want to cook together with her. Ah, okay. So yes, Stephan... I- I-I want her. But we can both have her. Kay. Both of you picked girl number two. Girl number two represents quality time. You feel the most loved when you spend the most time with them. Whatever it is, you go long walks on the beach, you talk with her, you spend time with her. There doesn't have to be anything special But you feel the most loved when you spend the most time with them. That's your love language. Hmm. What about the other ones? What would- what would have been your second choice? My second choice would have been the kind person who's good with children. Wow, okay fine. You, uh, just for argument's sake I'll go with girl one. She was just really nice overall like I don't know how I can beat that. Uh, the really considerate one who bought you the popcorn and...? Like had my candy. She's like always there to help me and it's like so nice of her. "Wow Stephan, you broke your leg. Let me carry you to the hospital." Girl number one represents the love language of receiving gifts. You feel the most loved when you receive gifts. It doesn't have to be expensive things. This isn't a shallow thing. It's one of those, they give you something and you think, "Huh. She was thinking about me." So that's when you feel the most love. Aw Girl number four represents acts of service. So you feel the most loved when she does something to help you. Like, for example- *hysteric laughing from Stephan* Why, why? It's a sex joke. Is there something wrong? It's a sex joke ANYWAY Yeah, uh I'm a twelve year old child have the lady talk to me. And basically You feel the most love when let's say, she takes out the trash once in a while or she does the dishes after you guys do- get a meal or Something along those lines where you feel like somebody's constantly there to help you and have support stuff like that. Number three was words of affirmation. You feel the most loved when somebody compliments you. Statistically it says ladies tend to be more attracted when men, you know, compliment them. It's usually their get go on the love language thing. But yeah, and number five was physical touch. Mm-hmm. Some people feel the most love when they when they touch you. It doesn't have to be sexual. Like a hug, Or like holding hands or a back massage or like a little rub, peck on the cheek? Those innocent things makes you feel warm inside and feel loved. Listen. Listen guys Basically, if you ever get a girlfriend, which I highly doubt that you ever will But if you do just let them know what your love languages apparently quality time is your get go. So tell them wait I need quality time. Was it highly doubt you will ever get? Was that to the audience or us cuz (to you guys) e-either way That was rude Daniel Daniel fight me. Hosuh, we can take him this time. Let's prank Daniel back. Oh man, Well, that's surprising I thought you guys would have said like other things. I thought Stephen would have said words of affirmation and Hosuh would have said like acts of service. Daniel, I give myself enough words of affirmation I don't need someone else echoing them. Okay. That's right, Stephan! You tell Daniel! Thank you Stephan! I got this! For me, it was acts of service and I- and I really agree with that. Even on discord or anywhere else when- when people Help me with anything I just feel like I need to repay them like somehow I feel this Genuine love to people that helped me do what I want to do or need to do. It's kind of weird. But, that's only one factor out of like 20. What- what if they have a terrible personality? What if they hit you? What if they drink a lot? Like you consider any of these factors Daniel? No, obviously not. Cause those things are obviously get- go wrong, but sometimes people don't know For example, let's say Stephen and I were- let's say Stephen and somebody else was in a relationship right and whatever- Wh-wait wait wait You were you just about to say, "Let's say Stephen and I were in a relationship." Was that (no) was that your sentence? (No). Okay. (That was not no.) Okay go back Okay, continue your sentence. So let's say Stephen and this girl was dating for a while and Stephan's Love language is quality time, right? (Mm-hmm.) And that's all like, that's how he feels love So he's gonna obviously react that way like, "Oh, we're spending time together We're not really saying much we're watching movies together and it's all good." But one day she says she doesn't feel loved anymore. And he's like he doesn't get it, but her love language was words of affirmation She needed to hear from Stephen. "You look beautiful. I love you. You're doing great Hey, I'm so great that we're spending this time together." She needed that but he didn't quite know it So if you know what the other person wants or if you even know yourself and what you want You can always kind of tell the other person you want, "Hey man, I love physical touch." You can do that. That was absolutely creepy. I think for this kind of Personality test. Its not just about you. It's not just about what you would like in that other person It's also about how you want to approach your loved one or approach the person that you are interested in right but you have to put that effort into you have to know what she wants and Then like mm. Yeah, you should send this close to your question And then figure out what she wants. Yeah, and then and then see like where it goes, you know, you could maybe I don't know Share this video with your crush Maybe you could get somewhere with this video Yes, man. This is the way you tell your crush you like them. Send them the link Who knows maybe we were like Cupid's and we were like the master matchmakers Hey, you know they're cool if they watched Danplan make sure you hit that notification button Eyyyyyyyyyyyy Kill me
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 7,347,727
Rating: 4.9547009 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, love language, 5 love languages, relationship advice, how to date, what is my love language?, love language test, relationship test, relationship quiz, how to make relationship strong, how to stay together, improve relationship, relationship guide, dating quiz, quiz to do with boyfriend, quiz to do with girlfriend, 40 vs 1, speed dating girls, speed dating boys, finding my ideal type, girl meets 10 ideal men
Id: xVslACOUsNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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