I Animated Our WEIRDEST Dreams With @theodd1sout

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- Hi, my name is Maaz, and I'm here with the Odd Ones Out to talk about how he dreams about furry prison. - What? Listen, listen. You don't? - You need to stop (laughs). - I just want to say two words, okay, Zootopia tiger. - Fair enough, you win, your honor I am guilty. Take me away to furry prison (laughs). (James and Maaz laugh) James and I wrote down all of our crazy dreams that we had for about a month. And then we thought it would be a really cool video to share them with each other for his The Odd Twos Out channel. - That was two years ago, yeah. - I really was fond of the dreams that we shared, especially the ones you were sharing. Because people had already started working on it, so I decided that maybe I could tell you a bit more of my dreams. And then re-complete the project, and put it over on my channel. And the way it's gonna work is that James wanted to let his story boarders draw out the stories in their own unique styles. I decided to continue with that same way, and let people within my team and some of my story boarding friends also animate these stories. If you like the style or aesthetic of a specific story or a story boarder, make sure to check out the description below to find them. Oh, and this video was sponsored by Genshin impact. More on that later. - No, no, are you kidding me? (Maaz laughs) What? - Yeah, I am serious. I actually like the game, okay? Oh, and if you wanna support me as well, make sure to check out my high quality new merch I just dropped. I've been working on it for months and it's really good stuff. So make sure to go to maartianwear.com, and check it out. This hoodie alone is worth getting, okay? (laughs) All right, now James what do you want? - [James] First dream, I went to jail for two years for hitting someone. And as I was walking through the jail cell, I realized that it was a jail for dragons. I remember walking down, there was one dragon in a very tiny cell and it had a bunch of chains on it. And it was shaking and crying and it was going, "I did something horrible." And that really freaked me out, it made me scared of dragon prison. But we were just walking down the hall, seeing just dragons in different varying levels of cells. And we get to the end of the hallway and it was, there was my cell, but it was the nicest cell because I was only in prison for hitting someone. I was also only in prison for two years, but even though I was only in prison for two years and I had the nicest cell. I thought it was dragon crap that I had to waste two years of my life in prison, so I tried to escape the dragon prison. And by escaping I tried to talk to some of the dragons to-- - [Maaz] Recruit? - [James] Bust out. Yeah, I tried to recruit some of the dragons to bust out, but then I woke up. - [Maaz] Wait, wait, wait, I have so many questions here. So first of all, did it look different? Was the jail differently designed and shaped? - So my jail cell was actually a giant field, it was weird, it was like an inside field. And I was like, "Oh, this is a very nice cell, I was worried about nothing." But I am still here for two years and that's a big waste, so I rallied up other dragons to break out of jail. - [Maaz] This dream that I had is the one that really picked up my mood. And it's a dream called Genshin Impact. - [James] Oh. - [Maaz] Click on the link in the description (laughs). Genshin Impact is the open world action RPG that everyone's been raving about. I've been playing in myself, and it seems to have also taken the internet by storm. In Genshin Impact you start off your magical adventure in the continent of Teyvat. Where you can step onto seven different regions with their own unique cultures, elements, and mysteries to uncover. And it is an absolutely gorgeous game, where both the world and the characters are just pure eye candy. Not only that, it's also got a super dynamic combat system where the seven elements interact with one another. Allowing you to strategize on how you are going to use the reactions to take down your enemies. Best of all Genshin Impact is a free cross platform game where you can play it on PC, Android, iOS, PS4, and PS5. And the new update allows you to obtain the new character Yae Miko, who can absolutely step on me. Along with the classic superstar characters Raiden Shogun and Sangonomiya Kokomi coming back for wishes as well. There's even a brand new, super mysterious boss with a massive katana that's been added. So make sure to complete the story quest to uncover who they are. And finally, the new events such as the three realms gateway offering, divine ingenuity and of Drink-A-Dreaming are all worth checking out as well. So if you want to check out Genshin Impact for yourself and start on your own adventure, make sure to click on the link in the description below. Once again, thank you Genshin Impact for sponsoring this video. So this place, it's a world that's inhabited by wizards. - [James] Okay. - [Maaz] Magic is everywhere in this world, and they're using elemental magic as if it's completely normal. It's this very peaceful world of wizards and elemental magic. And then suddenly a traveler from another world appeared and lands on this world. She's explaining that, "Hey look, I'm from a planet. I have no science, I just came from a magic mono world." - [James] She has no science, but she flew from outer space, okay. - [Maaz] But she's using magic, right? - [James] Oh, okay. - [Maaz] Yeah, checkmate atheist. And so she's using magic to fly into the world, and in that world it's just mana. And so there's no water, there's no elements, it's just a pure, magical world. And so this traveler is like, "Look, I'm here to see what the ocean is. I want to know what water is, because our world doesn't have it." And she's explaining this super calmly, and then the other humans are like, "What the?" They're so scared of this random alien that just came in, right? I was watching this happen, and then all of the wizards are terrified of this alien. And they attack her with all the magical strength that they could muster, but they were completely powerless. She's a magical creature, it just didn't even scratch her, she didn't even try to fight back. She was just casually turned around and started running. - [James] Okay. - [Maaz] And now this is where I come in. - [James] Chapter two. - Chapter two. He breaks out a furry prison. (James and Maaz laugh) In this world I was a really formidable aqua and aero mage, which is water and wind. And so I see this random alien running, not towards me but nearby. And I use my aero magic to make a giant gust of wind, and stops her in her tracks. - [James] All right. - [Maaz] And then she's just like, "Yo, I commend you for your strength." - [James] But I'm going to kick your butt. - [Maaz] Yeah, it's like this is doing nothing to me. And so I'm using all of my aero and aqua magic, but then I think of this plan. I'm like, "Hey, come over here." And I make what appears to be a lake, and I'm like, "Yeah, if you go in it connects to the ocean." And because she had never been to a ocean, or a lake, or whatever, didn't know what that was. She's like, "Yeah, that seems like a great idea." She goes in, and as soon as she steps into the lake she gets submerged. Because she didn't know it would-- - [James] Yeah, she doesn't know how to swim. - [Maaz] Yeah, she didn't even know what the water physics was, because she didn't have that. And so she falls in, and she's drowning, and then I take this opportunity to cast my strongest aero and aqua mage and flash freeze her. And that's how I win, because now she can't do anything. And she didn't even know what this was. - [James] Wow. - [Maaz] And then I woke up and I was like, "Damn, I'm so good." - [James] I got to commend you for having a plot, a loose plot. - [Maaz] Yeah. - [James] Ah, how am I gonna win? And then you outsmarted the villain. I wouldn't even consider this person a villain honestly, it's more just a... - [Maaz] No, no, she was a very nice person in my dream. - [James] Yeah. - [Maaz] I was beating her up. How dare you be a foreigner (laughs). - [James] In this dream there was like one mega villain, and he invited a bunch of like smaller villains into this meeting area, and his like evil laboratory. And then he show owed us this ray that would turn you into a perfect monster. He demonstrated this ray by firing it at a giant squid, and then it looked like the giant squid died at first. But then it came back to life and it was all white, and looked like it was amplified. It was more evil, it was a more evil giant squid. And then I asked the villain, I said, "Won't the squid attack us?" And he said, "No." And then the roof opened up, and then the squid got launched up into the ocean. Which the ocean was up in the roof basically, so that was it. - [Maaz] What the heck? - [James] Okay, this isn't the weird part. - [Maaz] This is not the weird part? What the heck? - [James] So then the villain started talking to everyone, and this is a line I remember in the dream. He was talking to everyone and he says, "I can turn you into perfect monsters, you will never have a sore throat, ingrown toenail, or a zit on your face." That was just a line I remember. He's trying to convince the lesser villains. - [Maaz] Is it an infomercial for this ray? - It was more like him rallying up a bunch of villains to become even stronger, more evil villains. And then he says, this is the weird part, he says, "Luigi, how do you expect to get down on one knee without any knees?" And then he revealed Luigi in a wheelchair, and there aren't any legs on Luigi. And that's all I remember. - [Maaz] Wait, wait, wait, wait. You just brought up so many things in the one sentence. (James laughs) - [James] So he was implying that he can grow Luigi's legs back. It's like Luigi was trying to propose, but he couldn't because he doesn't have any knees. - [Maaz] That's so... I had this dream where I was chilling my sofa, relaxing, watching some TV, as you do. And I'm just lazily clicking through the channels, and as I'm flicking through I hear this skittering noise underneath the TV cabinet. - [James] Ooh. - [Maaz] A little (clicks). - [James] Ooh. - [Maaz] Weird noises. And I was like, "I've never heard this, I don't know what's happening." And so I sat up and I'm just leaning in to see what's happening. And as I'm slowly leaning in and try to see what it was, a cockroach suddenly flies out. - [James] Whoa. - [Maaz] And starts flying towards me. And at first I'm just like, "Oh okay, cockroaches can fly? Okay, sure." I start lying back down in my sofa to avoid the cockroach, but then it swoops down and changes direction to attack me. And so as I'm lying down in my sofa, right? I'm just shimmying side to side in my sofa to avoid it attacking me. And then I woke up and I was shimmying in bed. - [James] Yeah, I was about to say the fact that your dream was you laying on a couch. And you lean in and then you go back to laying down, I bet you actually did that in real life. - [Maaz] No, I actually think I did, yeah. I was fully shimmying in my bed thinking that I was getting attacked by a cockroach. - [James] I wonder if the skitter sound, I wonder if that was in your bedroom somewhere, like the air conditioning was going off. - [Maaz] Why would you say that? Now I think there's a cockroach in my bedroom, why would you say that? Why would you say that right now? - [James] I'm not saying the sound was a cockroach, I'm saying the sound could have been some other third party. Like a car was driving by outside, and your brain took that sound and was like, "That's a cockroach." - [Maaz] I'm not sleeping in my bedroom anymore. (James laughs) I guess that's the same thing like when you dream, because I know you wet the bed until you were eight years old. - [James] Shut up, you're not supposed to know. (Maaz laughs) - [Maaz] Listen, okay, I understand. So as I was saying, when you peed yourself until you were eight years old (laughs). - [James] Uh huh, what about it? (Maaz laughs) - You know when you're about to pee yourself, you don't know it, but in your dream you think that you are in the toilet and you're going to pee. It was in "Diary of the Wimpy Kid" where he thought he was like a firefighter and he was dousing water. And it turns out he was just peeing his bed. And it's stuff like that, your brain puts whatever physical feelings you're having, and puts in your dream. And so you would never know if something's happening in real life. - [James] Unless you wake up afterwards and you're drenched in pee, then you could probably put two and two together. - [Maaz] No, that was me, sorry. I came over and peed on you. (Maaz and James laugh) Listen, I didn't wanna tell you this, but it wasn't you until eight, it was me actually. - [James] It was me. It's always been me James. - [Maaz] It's always been me. (James laughs) - I want to say before I tell you this dream, I've never done pot brownies before. Anyway, so this dream took place in the nighttime and I was behind a building, and I was with my old improv group from high school. And we were all wearing our uniforms. - [Maaz] Wait, you were in improv? - [James] Yeah, I was in improv in high school, and we all wore uniforms, they were blue. And I forgot who, but they pulled out these brownies, but the brownies were in a bread bag. You know it was like a little plastic bread, they pulled out these brownies, and they were like, "Here's the pot brownies." And I was like, "Sweet." I've never done pot brownies, okay? But that was just in the dream. - [Maaz] Yeah. - The dream journal says then some time passed, I don't remember what happened. But I noticed later that I lost the pot brownies, and that my little sister appeared and was like, "Ha ha, I pranked you, I hid the brownies." And then I turned into full on older brother mode, and stopped playing games and grab her. And I was like, "Where did you put the brownies? Don't touch my brownies." And then she was like, "Okay." - [Maaz] What the heck? - Because they're pot brownies dude, my little sister thought they were normal brownies. I tell my sister to show me where she hid the pot brownies, and she shows me where they were. And she points to a parked car that was behind the building. And then I looked into the car like this, and then I see the pot brownies. And I see one was eaten and I asked my little sister, I was like, "Did you eat one of the pot brownies?" And she was like, "Yeah." And I was like, "The next two hours is gonna be a lot for you." - [Maaz] (laughs) Okay. And what I wrote on the note app was I literally just wrote the words Aquaman. And there is no other context, there is nothing else. It's just Aquaman. - [James] Wait, so I'm imagining you woke up from this crazy vivid dream. You're like "Whoa, I got to write this down so I remember it." but you're just so tired and the first thing you wrote is Aquaman. And you're like, "I'll remember what that's about." And then you go back to bed or something. - [Maaz] Yeah, I literally went back to bed, I don't remember the dream, so there you go. - [James] There is nothing, just Aquaman. - [Maaz] No, it's just Aquaman. - [James] What a very insightful dream. I was in this room, I was in my own bedroom and out of the corner right there, there was a shadowy figure. It was in the shape of a giant egg, and it had a creepy smile. And then I asked it, "Is it time to get up?" And then it replied by bouncing up and down, and going, "It's time to get up, it's time to get up, it's time to get up in the morning. It's time to get up, it's time to get up, it's time to get up today. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha." And that's all I remember. - Okay, so James, I just wanted to ask, what did we learn today? - I think we watch too many movies. I think that's what I learned. - I think I actually really like that I wrote down these dreams for a month. Because now my dreams are more vivid, and way more enjoyable to me. - Yeah. And as soon as you wake up, you're like, "This is what happened, I remember them." - I actually would recommend to write down your dreams. And if you can't do that then just record it on audio, that's what I ended up doing afterwards. - Oh, it's a lot of fun. You'll read what you wrote and you'll be like, "Oh, I remember it." - I think that's also one of the tips to get lucid dreaming, which we can talk about later. - Oh, I've never been successful in lucid dreaming. - Well yeah, because you keep dreaming about weird (beep), like Luigi having no legs and furry prison, okay? - That was like two years ago, okay? - Yeah, has that changed? Do you dream about better things now? - It was like two years ago, okay? (Maaz laughs) - All right, and with that wear your seatbelt, and stay amazing. - And stay amazing. - All right, and so James, do you wanna want to try some pot brownies? - If you have some, yeah, I'll try some.
Channel: TheAMaazing
Views: 2,649,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theamaazing, amaazing, the amaazing, maaz, maazing, theamazzing, amazzing, the amazzing, mazz, maaz animation
Id: lVdUVa9dgEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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