Crazy Theater Teacher's Weird Body Language Theory

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the theater the theater what's happened to the theater it hasn't gone anywhere and it probably never will the apocalypse could happen and all that would be left is a bunch of cockroaches and a 10 person acting troop performing cats two said cockroaches you remember me talking about this lady this mentally unstable theater teacher that clawed her way up from hell well guess what i ain't done exploiting the memory of her yet this is what you get for traumatizing me in my vulnerable formative years snake face whether i like to admit it or not i did learn some things about theater from medusa some good some bad and some random things that i swear she made up because i have not found any evidence of them existing anywhere else i put forth the following to you dear explainers the four character spheres vacant headsphere intellectual headsphere hearts beer and will spear with their powers combined they make up a school of magic and constantly flex on each other am i reading the right notes here for real though according to my theater teacher all people and characters fall under one of these four categories based entirely on body language she sold this as a legit way of character acting yeah so i'm cashing in on this lady's weird theories and putting the question out to you which character sphere are you click the link to take our quiz don't there's no link alright let's begin excuse me where did i put that real uh here we are the differences between the spheres are based entirely on four types of body language the walk eye contact sitting and hand gestures see if any of these feel familiar we'll start with the twins vacant headsphere and intellectual headsphere now i remember my teacher was adamant we understood that these spheres have nothing to do with intelligence a character could be a vacant headsphere and still be a genius and i'm not just saying that because some of these traits apply to me now then when a vacant headsphere walks they tend to lead with their head they also tend to walk with a purpose even if they don't have anywhere to be walking gotta get there where is there i don't remember wait i'm just taking a stroll through the park gotta walk they also tend to have a bounce in their step so if they're wearing a ponytail that thing swings like a 1930s big band my references are not dated they'll get it they've all played cuphead next up is eye contact specifically while talking to someone vacant headspheres are a little funny this way they have the ability to hold eye contact but they just don't wanna they're still listening their brain is just multitasking right so the surprise party for emily is on saturday don't tell emily there's a cat over there i bet emily would like a cat i should steal that cat when bacon head spears sit they tend to sit on the very edge of the seat and when it comes to hand gestures vacant headspheres use their hands when talking a lot it's like their mouth is directly connected to their hands if you kidnap a vacant headsphere and want to shut them up just tie their hands to the floor this is also one of those traits that is certified rebecca so i guess you know how to kidnap me now now let's move on to the vacant headsphere's twin sibling the intellectual headsphere but they're the type of twins that have like some similar features but are in actuality entirely different people again this has nothing to do with intelligence an intellectual headsphere could technically be a dum-dum but honestly i've never come across anyone who acted this way that wasn't a big ol brainy nerd about something much like their twin intellectual headspheres will sit on the very edge of their seat and also lead with their head when they walk minus the ponytail swinging bounce of course but in direct contrast to their boisterous sibling when you start to speak to an intellectual head sphere they must immediately stop what they are doing and very intently stare directly at you while you talk to an almost intimidating degree hey so you got a moment i just wanted to ask about that new filing system that keith you know what i'm just gonna go ask keith intellectual headspheres like doing very small things with their hands while talking or thinking like fiddling with a pen or a coin twiddling their thumbs and their gestures are very small and understated it just feels like this character sphere is the embodiment of the term mild-mannered the librarian of the bunch stick them in an apartment with a vacant headsphere and you've got a mildly interesting sitcom on your hands we'll be right back to vacantly intellectual after these messages moving on you have the heart sphere a favorite of mine probably because i share the most traits with this one this theory is basically miss bianca from the rescuers movies first of all heart spheres have very good posture when they walk because they lead with their chest guess you could say they follow their hearts [Laughter] now when a heart sphere is talking to you they maintain eye contact very well but the key is their eyes react very empathetically with whatever it is you're saying whether it's happy sad angry what have you you never second guess if a heart sphere is actually listening to you wow the heart sphere is big on empathy it's like a villain being named reginald mcevil man when it comes to a heart sphere's hand gestures everything is centered around the heart to a literal degree they they touch their chests a lot that's what i'm saying like putting their hand to their heart playing with their necklaces or their shirt collars it could be one of these numbers i may move my hands a lot when i'm talking but boy howdy when i am listening or thinking no necklace is safe oh do those of you watching who think this trait sounds familiar and you could possibly be a heart sphere here's a little secret for you fidget necklaces are an actual thing that you can buy this fear is also the only sphere that sits in a chair like a normal person they don't sit on the edge their butt is perfectly where it needs to be taking up the correct amount of space for a humanoid none of this none of this none of this just but satisfyingly placed in chair excellent form darling now we get to the will sphere i used to think of this one as the cowboy sphere until i got corrected the other day to start off when a will sphere walks they lead with their hips they kind of have that cowboy swagger about them i describe this to a friend of mine recently and he said oh like supermodels yeah that checks out now i think of this as the strut sphere the sphere of strut the stratosphere okay so will spheres don't really use their hands all that much when talking they only gesture once or twice but when they do you gotta step back because it's always something big like they're laughing at something funny and they slap the table or it's a get out of here hand gesture or big finger guns they expend all their gesture points in one go they're like sands they start off with their strongest attack i don't know if this is intentional but will spheres will maintain eye contact with you while talking like they're trying to assert dominance this is another reason why i used to call them the cowboy sphere because they stare at you like it's high noon and one of you is about to cash in your warranty supermodels do it too that catwalk stare looks like you murdered their family and now they're gonna remove your vital organs through your ears legend says that when a will sphere and an intellectual headsphere have a staring competition it never ends ever and last but not least if you have ever known someone in your life that regularly claims an entire couch for themselves they were probably a will spear they don't just sit in the seat they take up the seat just think of julian sitting in jenna's terrible jean chair heart sphere will sphere hearts fear will sphere the person could be 4 foot 10 105 pounds and somehow they can magically take up every inch of a sofa hello my name is rebecca i am a couch stealer no i will not move my leg so you can sit down i claim this furniture in the name of parham you can sit in the lava as you can probably tell just by the fact that i have already claimed traits from every single one of these spheres not everyone perfectly fits into one of these categories and my theater teacher's logic was incredibly flawed it's like humans are complex or something obviously this is all just for the yucks just some good old-fashioned tommy rottwot don't take any of it too seriously but go ahead and let me know in the comments below if you actually do fit perfectly into one of these fears or if you're a big old mishmash like me and subscribe while you're at it i see all of you watching without subscribing especially you blake thank you so much for tuning in but now i gotta tune out bye a whole bunch of people named blake might be freaking out right now i could dopamine rush people's brains just by shouting out things specific to them this is how i use my power shout out to the city of columbus ohio the state of new hampshire all of norway everyone 46 years old and anyone whose birthday is november 8th you are all awesome unless you're not
Channel: Let Me Explain Studios
Views: 5,745,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ODpw-J1qxik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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