Opening Our PIZZA HUT Restaurant In Minecraft!

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She's got that look like: "Now listen to me young man. I am talking directly into your ear now. I need you to do me a favour. You will do this for me. I need you to go to Gamestop, and ask the bastard working the counter if they have Bambi on the PS2. If you come back empty handed, you'll be in big trouble, mister. You'll never see the light of day."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Getix792 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's pizza time we opened our first pizza hut on our minecraft server and it's our job to run it from pizza dates to daring deliveries pizza is our life will we be able to handle the heat oh great don't forget to join my pizza party and subscribe thanks i start my first official day at pizza hut i'm excited oh my gosh there it is it's so beautiful there's so much pizza in there oh my god hey [Laughter] check out the uniform so cool yeah look it's good in the daisy duke's house yeah i know i love the shorts okay all right so are you excited we're gonna meet our manager our super smart amazing manager oh my gosh probably because i thought i would use those words but yeah from working in the pizza kitchen too much all right all right ready oh yeah that works hello hello hello hello and welcome to the magical world oh oh wait you you guys aren't customers no we're not customers oh you must be you must be my new employees oh gosh what do i have to work with these two uh okay okay have a seat have a seat uh let me let me run through some paperwork we we sell pizza and people like us so try not to ruin that okay i'm your boss ian uh you get paid in pizzas uh tri-weekly wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hayden it's not money yep you signed the contract anyway so uh we already have some customers here we're getting everything started so you two as the new employees need to get to work first thing you need to do is get rid of the cats in the kitchen yeah uh right this way right this way you gotta get rid of all of these pets in the kitchen sir why is there why is there cats in the kitchen why did you put the cats inside the kitchen well how else are we going to get rid of all of the silver fish oh those [Music] so um yeah good luck uh is this a health and safety violation uh it might be just don't ask don't question them okay come on come on come on come on okay okay all right let's just come here open the door kitties there we go all right they're all out awesome oh wait look it's every pizza delivery person's dream to have one of these bikes oh my gosh celebrity scooters we can't ride them now we just started don't don't we can't we can't come on come on come on we're done with the pizzas oh you two are still here yeah yeah of course where you're coming okay all right all right all right anyway welcome to the back kitchen we've got uh we've got stuff to make pizza we got some carrots for you know some reason i don't know it's it's a secret menu and all you throw the dough you put it in the oven you eat the chocolate pizza what can i try it can i put the dough in uh yeah you know uh sure let me let me let me take some pizzas for myself you know manage your privileges and all oh all right i'm gonna try this uh one two three four four look at that look at that look at the dough annoying what's inside of the pot pizza done this is amazing look how the pizza is made yes yes making pizza is amazing i know i've done it for 37 years and um it has uh been an integral part of my upbringing wait ian how old are you anyway if you look over here uh give you a basic there's a cat there's cat someone get that cat out of here also you got uh first task uh before you go serve the customers make sure you fill up the salad bar you know it's uh very empty right now just the way i like it but apparently other people like salad uh well it is on the menus all right all right okay all right now so here's the thing you put you finished making the pizzas and i will put the salad out in the salad bar okay all right all right so there's nothing can go wrong all right if we work hard we will get this right ready yeah you got it all right now we got this check on the pizza take the dough put the dough inside you're doing a good job noy i believe it all right it's so awesome what how do i turn this up well what [Music] excuse me miss manager i'm going to do my job all right okay you talk to those customers find out what they want hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to pizza my name hi my name is ahmed i'm here to take your order uh are you guys on a date like uh no kawaii what huh what made you think that well you asked me out to eat and she is a total hottie sir i am so surprising that you managed to land a girl that's beautiful oh my gosh i mean no offense but just you know this isn't what you think it is i swear we're just friends okay what can i get you guys for a pizza order what pizza would you like please um i'll take a cheese pizza a cheese uh bacon lovers please uh not because i'm in love with kawhi chan or anything like that it's just bacon i love the bacon yes i mean i love the bacon yes please don't worry you two i'm gonna go to the back i'm gonna get my finest pizzas for you guys i'm gonna go get some no don't worry i won't make this romantic at all whatsoever all right i gotta make this super romantic no no no no that's not the right setting what i'm just trying to make sure the pizza is nice and crispy uh oh i forgot how to put the water away okay yes sir what can i do all right what do the customers want okay so they want a cheese pizza and a pepperoni pizza and also uh i need to go make sure that they're okay because you know our customers deserve only the best and i am going to make sure that they have the most romantic time ever just trust me trust me hello youtube okay all right here we got this we got your uh we got your uh pizza and you know what here's a pizza you're gonna share a pizza it's half and half thank you guys right also like a romantic pizza exactly and ta-da all right here we go i got some some baguettes on the house seems like a little much oh and don't worry here's a uh a candle just in case you know candles and also no no no i can you can you please sing some music so you sing something really good i'm gonna send you the song of my people today it's gonna be the day when i'm gonna come out for you something romantic something something french like the pizza [Music] it's the language of love and pizza i'm starting to feel really uncomfortable here is the language of lambor i want to speak to your manager what is that what no you can't speak to my manager my manager doesn't want to someone said they want to speak to the manager oh i think he wants the bill sir sir sir madam i do apologize everything that happened with that's they're new it's their first day uh anyway um what's wrong they think we're on a date but we're not we're not on a date it's not romantic they're trying to make us share pizza and baguettes they're speaking french oh it's not romantic uh why were you failing the date i'll give you another pizza if you want it's you're making this worse ah sorry sir sir you are too tall for the play area i gotta go somewhere i'm too embarrassed okay sir sir sir please come out of here get out of there sir sir you need to take your shoes off before you go in the play area wait for them be sure to put it in the shoe cubby sir i'm bringing my bag please let us know when you're ready for the bill for your date no no oh my gosh oh my gosh look please please it's my first day zane you can't you can't just jump inside the play place whenever you want to okay come on let's go let's get out of here ugh fine all right all right just go to your date and tell her she's beautiful and then no would you stop that ixnay on the eighth day all right there you go there you're gonna have an explosive time all right sister we we made we made some fantastic choices okay they're getting a job you're going to have a pizza challenge you're trying to defuse a certain thing thank you i understand you don't want things to blow up right now yes i'm out of here and you deserve it you can't leave me here they're gonna make me pay for everything and they're repeating sorry i can't hear you too far away see you kawaii chad he's just it's okay honey right honey you can do better honey you could do better here pizza hut um new girl new girl um your next assignment is to uh clean this up all right what yes sir oh hey not bad not bad anyway um it's uh it's about my break time so we don't have an assistant manager i'm i'm gonna make you the temporary assistant manager while i while i go take a break okay oh my gosh oh thank you sir you won't hear me listen it's not so much that i trust you i just don't trust the other guy a little a little more than you you know you can count on me sir i got this don't worry all right you go take your break you go take a nap i got this all under control being a manager is probably super easy i can do it bye okay i have full noise manager gave me super manager powers so now i have the power to give i [Music] like to order a pizza please yes ma'am what can we get you um how many veggies you got i want all the veggies at least one of everything you don't have veggies no we do oh we have a food we have so many vegetables yeah we have so many veggies and either we have more veggies than any kind of like a veggie taste we have veggies that have veggie tails that's right let's hurry up all right no tails please all right don't worry we got this let's get in here let's get in here and make up some awesome pizza we just to throw some vegetables at the oven and hope it works okay okay yeah yeah strawberries and vegetables strawberry uh turnip got some um bacon oh wait can't put bacon ma'am ma'am we have your uh fresh veggie pizza look at this look at this right here there we go look see see those those are those are not pepperonis they're not meats they're not meats at all that's uh that's actually yes no no the strawberries we have we have the fresh vegetables yes strawberries on a pizza you all right you know like how people have it's a local delicacy all right cool i want i'll just pineapple and be on my be on no way it took me forever to say pineapple on pizza because it's just oh my god how could people how could people want pineapple on their pizza yeah seriously i mean strawberries are one thing but not pineapple i know right how could need a pizza hey it's my birthday and uh i need to celebrate with a little bit of pizza oh wow uh pierce that could happen yeah i guess i don't know that all right yeah yeah um so it's my birthday but also it's everybody else's birthday in order to make sure that we celebrate properly i am gonna need 5 000 pizzas oh sure we can only do like 1 000 pizzas uh we're not allowed to do five thousand what do you mean you can't i want to speak to the manager i am the manager sir we don't have a dough for it sir what but i i have money i can give you money for this but we mean no no i don't care just make it happen this is a pizza place make the pizza please and thank you all right i'm gonna go there arcade okay i will be on my way i expect 5 000 pizzas on that counter soon are we allowed to spend his pizza no no no no no bad noise bad bad noise bad wha what what what do you want what do you want what what smell something what what what oh my god oh my god what's happening why oh yeah uh turtle's really good at that dance game and instead i would set the whole dance floor on fire so uh yeah thanks sense right oh my god what's happening whoa i don't know i was just playing oh my gosh [Music] i [Music] for your yelp review ma'am you can get delivery stuff you better talk to the local dominoes they can help you sir [Music] hey uh hello no no no don't answer don't answer oh my god oh my gosh oh my god uh how'd things go uh great yeah we have lots of customers here um don't don't worry about that customer screaming out there uh it's just uh you know we're just uh finishing up restructuring the windows yes ah redecorating new uh building plan and um nothing happened nothing nothing you wanna you wanna say to me [Music] cheese pizza yay oh great that wasn't so bad was it anyway let's get back to work we got to get ready for the lunch rush butterfly our break is so awesome at this place yeah it's getting late uh in 30 minutes all right thank you for calling what's happening guys sir we have two minutes left on our break what's up that doesn't matter two minutes whatever you uh i'll give you extra break tomorrow guys we've got an emergency what's your name uh we got some we got some delivery orders that we need to put out get get in the kitchen i got some delivery pizzas ready to go for you oh my god oh my god i think we've got some deliveries and i would do the deliveries but i don't want to the last time i went out on those they ran out of gas i got stranded they broke down i i don't want to walk again anyway youtube uh are you two ready to go deliver on the scooters yes yes okay okay calm down calm down all right so we got three pizzas you need to deliver one to this uh guy named pierce i think he was the sheep guy earlier then we got an order for kauai chen and then an order for zane so i want you to take these three delivery pizzas okay take them to their houses get uh get big tips extra big tips always ask for more tips that that's the secret really okay um and yeah okay we got it all right let's go oh we get to use them no no no this is the moment we've all been waiting for our entire life are you ready are you ready are you ready nice let's go near oh whoa whoa whoa they're hard to control whoa whoa these things got some loose handling okay all right all right we're here to deliver the pizza to pierce let's get up there some music coming from here what's going on hello hello hey hold on uh erica get your butt out of the way hey you for the party come on in oh that's right no no no no no no no sir wait what what we're a delivery service we're going to agree with the pizzagate yeah yeah give me a pizza guys guys guys have some pizzas here oh okay so settle down there's enough for everybody i promise you just ordered one pizza sir so there you go please give me a tip oh no no no no no no no no no we got two five thousand pizzas ah nice thank you for the tipster what do you mean tiff hi enjoy pizza come back all right all right all right we got our sheep uh you know what sheep you can just be free from pierce's party there you go all right sheep is doing so good all right let's get back i probably didn't like the party much yeah we got to go to kauai chan let's go i don't know what kind of pizza kolachen got it let's see the recipe oh uh probably just the kauai chan pizza maybe with cake inside like oh what is that [Music] i don't like it i don't like the sound of that noise oh knock knock knock hello delivery service is way faster than i expected oh well thank you it's 30 minutes or less or we pay for it did you say it special pizza yeah have some carpet here you go oh my god you guys enjoy that right all right bye i don't know how i feel about this but yeah free carpet all right let's get going all right nothing bad could possibly be whoa oh no oh no the bikes annoy the bikes oh no i got an iron oh no oh no what are we doing what do we do i think we should probably run for it wait a minute ian has a car let's do ian's car but isn't it a one seat let's go oh sorry but wait it's storming a pizza hot pizza is the pizza positively pizza hut pizza oh wait what the noise look it's a wow it's a boulder the pioneers just surround these babies for miles the pizza pioneers that is it's just a balder no it's it's a rock it's a rock all right let's go anyway come on stop we can't stop the rocks let's go [Music] don't worry we will not let anything bad happen to this customer's pizza hello hello sir we brought you one hello oh hey there you finally made it with my order yes we i say you got your pizza here you go sir it took forever thank you so much i've been really looking forward to one of these wait wait a minute where's my drink where's my drink my diet dr popper what are you telling me that you actually came all this way without bringing me my drink this is the most disrespectful source i've ever seen you expect me to pay for this without my drink well i am not buying good day madam is this where we ask for tim it's okay it's okay because you know what we're gonna give him the pizza he asked what is that noise what what what in the why is there so much pizza blocking my door sir we're back oh hey how'd the delivery go wait wait wait wait a second yes sir where are the mopeds um you said they broke on the last one and they didn't break this time they just never existed nope they never existed ah they're a figment of our imagination totally totally totally anyway okay cool uh did you get tips uh yes we got some tips uh yes so can we can we get our our money i suppose i suppose you know it is your first day and i normally don't pay employees on the first day but i think you two did a good job so there is a pizza for you and a pizza for you sir i thought that was a joke in the beginning right [Music] i think i joke about what i pay my employees oh you're not paying us for our work of course i'm paying you for your work in a pizza it was right it was presented right from the very beginning right from the get-go and you two agreed so um i'll see you tomorrow at uh six a.m right oh wait so we gotta get the cats out you know the cats that are inside of here just to make sure that they're you know they're perfectly fine yeah i thought you already got the kids why why's the cat so angry guys good kitty ah ready to have a meal mouth yep let's go play some games and have some pizza
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,806,123
Rating: 4.8932648 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau pizza hut, aphmau plays at pizza hut, aphmau pizza hut prank, aphmau play place, aphmau went to pizza hut, aphmau funny prank, pranks to play on your minecraft friends, minecraft friends, funny prank moments in minecraft, aphmau at pizza hut, minecraft funny pranks
Id: yBucIzfhYRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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