Buying and fixing a semi truck - Freightliner FLD120 with N14 cummins

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right guys so here's my new truck this is a freightliner fld120 it's got the n14 blacktop motor in it it's got 370 horsepower 1450 torque it's got a 10 speed rockwell air ride um yeah it's a pretty nice truck definitely for a first one anyways this is a 2000 it's got 370 000 miles on it and i bought it for 6 grand and the reason is because it needs a little bit of work obviously you guys know that i don't buy things that don't need work so right off the bat you can hear got a couple little air leaks here one right there i haven't even touched this thing yet i haven't done anything but the main problem that it has is it needs a new water pump the water pump is working but it's leaking out of the weep hole so this is quite the adventure getting this back here from connecticut we drove it back and at first it was overheating but then i got the air out of the coolant and got some coolant inside the motor and then we made it from there on out but at first i didn't know if we were gonna make it but i didn't drive it when it was overheating or anything so it should be good to go so this is kind of an easy fix for most of the stuff that i get usually it's a little bit harder than this just needs a water pump and a couple air lines fixed and it needs some tires too these four are fine but these four i think i gotta replace i mean these two have like a good eighth inch of tread on them so they're they're so good but these ones are no good but that's okay i already got new tires for it so without further ado let's bring this down and start working on it so i've never worked on an m14 before but i have the manual and it just says take the water pump out so i guess we're going to figure it out ourselves so i think what i can do is take this fan out and the way to do that is to take these three bolts off and then hopefully i can struggle that thing out of there and then the water pump is right here i got to get this hard line right here out that goes to that little box right there and then it goes up to the top of the radiator hopefully i don't have to take this radiator out definitely i'm not looking forward to that if i have to do that but i think i can squeeze it out of there without doing that the first thing i have to do is take tension off these belts which you can see right here there's a slot so you loosen that up you loosen all three of these up and then you can turn it loose and i can take the belts off so on the driver side here there's a slack adjuster right there so you loosen that up and then you got all kinds of play in the belt so then you can take one off take the other one i got the other two bolts out this one's just about to come out so i'm hoping that i can take that one fully out and then come right out through here i know that's wishful thinking but it's definitely not coming out the other side it's not coming at the top definitely not coming out the bottom so i think this is the only viable option [Music] okay so that fan is definitely not coming off of there without taking this radiator out or at least moving it so i think to make this easier the first thing i'm going to do is take this hood off then i can get to this radiator there's a lot of different things to disconnect on it so this will make it a lot easier so that to take this hood off just take these two bolts out here and i think i'm going to leave that connected for right now i just have one side connected once those bolts are out then i can disconnect that and let it flop down so i had to take off this little shroud in the front here that was right here it was just a bunch of half inch bolts i took out with an impact gun so now i can get to these hinges easier the problem with that shroud is is it was in the way it was like right here and you couldn't get the bolt out any further so now that i have that off and i have this hood down i think all i need to do is pry up a little bit and i can get this bolt out [Music] what would be nice is if i had a machine here that i could lift this straight up but all the machines are a little distance away it'll take a while to get here so i'm just going to try to finagle this off [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign once i took that off look how much room i got i guarantee you i can get it out now i know i could get this out like this but to make things easier i now have access to those bolts that hold on the fan so all i gotta do is reach around behind and get like six of them off and then that fan will split apart from the pulley so now that that's out of the way i can get the rest of this without having to take off this radiator so here's the pulley for the water pump right here so to get this belt off there's a slack adjuster right there so i just got to loosen that up and i believe that is actually part of the new water pump but we'll find out in a minute so to get this pulley to loosen up so that you can take this belt off there's the tensioner right there but behind there is a nut that you have to take out and it's an inch and a sixteenth and the only way you can get to it is from right here without taking other stuff off see it right back here so i just have a regular wrench in there and i was able to just put it in the right spot where i could start loosening it up but i'll tell you what it was like an eighth of an inch away from not working so i'm just going to leave that pulley in there when i take the water pump out it'll go with it and then i'll exchange it when i get it on the ground so at this point i'm just ready to start unbolting the water pump and i can tell you i already kind of made a mistake on this whole project because i thought this was going to be a lot easier but i bought a pump that's not a cummins and i don't know if that's a huge mistake or it was like 600 for a cummins pump and this one was 150. so i figured if i had to do it like once a year i would still be money ahead for a long time but now that i'm seeing that you have to take the radiator apart and all this stuff just to get to it i think it's kind of a mistake but i already ordered this part it's here and i'm going to use it and i should be better next time if i have to do it again hopefully i get more than six months out of it i've been reading online that a lot of people have problems with these n14s with the water pumps so that's why i figured i wasn't even going to go with the cummins because they said that that one was also given problems too so i figured i'd get used to putting a new water pump in every year or two two short ones this is a longer one another longer one short one okay so we'll just leave that there and the only thing that needs to come out now is this right here which i'm not really sure how that happens [Music] well that's how it's supposed to happen they want you to put that on the water pump first and then put it in the motor so that gasket's not sticking because it's pretty cold so i'm going to go ahead and put it in front of the heater for a few minutes hopefully it'll stick a lot better then let's go ahead and swap this other pulley out [Music] okay so okay so that's ready to go in just gotta clean this off a little bit better so so that's just about right now i can tighten up the nut in the back the impossible one so now we can go ahead and put this gasket on you're supposed to check it and it's supposed to have no more than three quarters of an inch of play if you pull on it okay uh uh so [Music] so goes on top though okay gotcha you so you there you go there you go oh it was just scrunched up so it needs to come my way a little bit oh a little bit okay that's just the front here uh so so i'm gonna go test drive this on the road just to make sure it's not leaking i put eight gallons of antifreeze in it let this warm up in air up [Music] so i got an oil leak this is an external oil pump and there's a leak coming from it i thought it was coming from right there and there's a gasket right there so i got a gasket but i sprayed brake parts cleaner on this a few times and then i let it drip down i keep thinking that the oil might be actually coming from underneath of this bolt with a washer there i think there's probably an o-ring behind that so i'm spraying it down a few times to see if i can really locate the area that it's leaking so i'm glad i didn't take this pump out because i'm pretty sure the problem is actually right there i think that's a drain plug so i'm hoping there's an o-ring behind that that i can get to so i'm going to take this bowl out with the washer and then hopefully that thing pulls right out probably going to spill some oil when i do it but it's way above the oil pan so it shouldn't be too much you can see it's dripping down right here which that's what made me think that it was coming from the gasket between the oil pump and i think this is the timing area timing gear that it goes into but it's not that i studied it pretty closely and it's coming from underneath of this washer but it's coming from over here to get to there so i think this whole assembly is like a plunger that goes up into the pump i don't know i've never worked on an external oil pump but i think that's like a piston or plunger and then this is on the bottom there's two seals on it and you can see right there there's a nice crack there once in a while there will be something like a split seal but usually they're more like nylon and i can tell by the cut that it's not perfectly even on both sides so it's definitely a break in that so it's pretty brittle too i don't know i'm hoping this is just an o-ring that got really brittle maybe it's actually a different material but for right now it's so easy to get to that i'm just gonna go ahead and put an o-ring in there and see if it leaks i'll just keep checking on it that's all that's too thick [Music] let's see if we got some thinner ones so it's just too thick i'm hoping that a thicker one with a smaller diameter will stretch it out enough to be that's just still too much i don't know maybe let me try it so so so now i'm going to put a little brake cleaner on there get it all cleaned up and test it out i'm not totally sure about it but on the road test i know that you have to point out whether the lights have condensation in them or not so this one definitely does that one's new the other two i already took out they have condensation in them so i'm not sure if that will fail inspection or not but there's no sense in taking a chance so i'll just put new ones in you don't have to take that housing out to do it but if you don't want to scrape up the side of it it's a good idea to take it out it's only four extra screws to take out so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the leak in the cab ended up being in this manifold that's right here you can see there's a bunch of different fittings it was the second one down from the bottom i just wiggled it around and it stopped and then i kept wiggling it to try to make it leak again and i couldn't so hopefully it's good so that was easy so no more leak there no more leak here they were really loud before too so i'm sure that'll make a big difference this has big air tanks on it but still it's good to get those taken care of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys well the main reason i got this truck is to pull a lowboy and a dump trailer possibly some other trailers maybe like a box trailer for getting the insulated concrete forms but i'm not sure about that because that's crossing state lines and i don't know if i want to get involved in that i already have my sights on a lowboy i might go pull the trigger on it tomorrow either way i'll have a lowboy pretty soon even if i don't get that one so i'm really not happy with the transmission that's in this truck it's a meredith rockwell and an eaton fuller transmission is so much better so i'm going to keep my eyes out for a 13 speed or maybe even an 18 speed i want to get a wet kit for this for the low boy and a dump trailer but i don't want to get that until i get the right transmission because if i get a pto for this transmission then it might not work for the other ones so it doesn't make sense to do that so for right now until i get a new transmission i might just do a pony motor for the low boy or maybe i'll even just side load it right now just to get started and then so i want to do a lot of modifications to this some of the mods that i want to do is i want to give it a nice paint job i want to put a pintle on the back so i'm going to have to fabricate the hole kind of like dump truck plate that goes on the back and just redo that whole area and put like a nice 20 ton or maybe even more pintle on there and i want to put a nice set of dual stacks probably even make them myself i really like the stacks that mike put on his truck from dirt perfect on the army truck i'm not going to do the same exact thing but i might do something sort of similar to that i also want to put a headache rack on the back and i want to put some alloy rims on it and a nice stereo would be nice maybe some led lights i definitely want to invest a little bit of time and money into this and make it a nice truck because that n14 is a really nice motor it's not the red top but i can turn it up i might not be able to reach the horsepower of the red top but i could probably get pretty close and then i'll just have to throw an egt gauge on there like i did the other trucks and it doesn't have a turbo gauge either so i'll put a psi gauge on there but you can see it definitely needs a nice paint job but that'll be this summer sometime and i could even polish these tanks too and these battery boxes but that's stuff i'm not too worried about right away the main thing is i want to get this pintle hitch on there so i can pull that trailer over there as well as a little boy because the lowboy is not going to be able to be used at all places i can think of a few places right off the bat that it really can't go and i guess when i do use it sideloading would be the best thing because then i don't have to pull into the property and i can unload it from the road without getting the tracks on the road if anybody has a 13 or 18 speed that they want to sell for a good price and you're not too far away from new york let me know because i definitely want to get one or the other i wouldn't even mind a 10 speed but just not a rockwell meriter definitely want to eat so for right now this is bare basic and it it'll do what i need and i'll just keep upgrading it as i go so i'll see you guys on some of those videos [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jesse Muller
Views: 211,190
Rating: 4.9417162 out of 5
Id: cwO5xIlGFU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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