Buying and fixing a john deere 675b skid steer

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you you I just got this it's a John Deere 675 B it actually used to have a door on it and it's got heat in it but it's in pretty rough shape so this has a llamar diesel motor in it four cylinder so it was the cheapest skid-steer I could find that was diesel the guy wanted four grand for it I gave him three I couldn't even find another diesel skid-steer for less than five grand and even at there was even at five grand there's only like one and it was crappy so I'm pretty happy with the deal I got for that kind of money you can make up for that in a week's worth of work so the first problem that I want to deal with is the the bucket and the boom don't really function like they're supposed to for some reason if you press the pedal like a little bit it works great but if you press it a lot it I don't know maybe it overthrows it or something the valve and then it doesn't really do anything so I really haven't done anything yet I just pulled it off the trailer I just drove it around a little bit the other problem that I discovered is that I think there's a problem with the one of the or maybe more of the sprockets and chain that's inside inside of here the hydraulic fluid I guess bathes the sprocket with oil so I'm gonna have to take these panels off and figure out if I can see something going on in there once in a while it starts grinding and sometimes it actually just grind so much you can't even move all right so I'm going to show you what I mean by its grinding and crunching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's not good at all see there's there's milk coming out of there it means there's a lot of water in this hydraulic system all right so I drained the fluid out there's drain ports on like all four corners of this thing so there's one down here in the front and kind of same thing underneath the back tire here and the belly on this thing goes all the way through to the other side so what I did was I put a jack on this side so this side would be a few inches higher than the rest of it so in turn it should drain everything to this side so this thing has like 17 gallons of hydraulic fluid in the belly here so I needed quite a few spackle buckets to do that so I didn't really here's a magnet right here and there was a little bit of metal shavings on that but it wasn't it wasn't really too bad I would expect more honestly from a chain drive system so I tighten the chain that might have been a little bit of the rattle that I was hearing but as far as as far as the hydraulics are going obviously this fluid is just completely not acceptable but in here on the right-hand side if you're machine there's a strainer right here and that comes from the belly on here this is just a 7/8 bolt that you kind of take it off and but it's not a bolt but it's the top of this thing and so you just take this out and it's pretty bad on this thing and look at that I don't know if this is from the pumps or if it's from the chain system it's hard to tell because they're both on the same circuit so you can't really eliminate anything this is part of the strainer here the rest of it's right here and there's even more stuff in here this is just trashed that's not really that good at all it's not good news the good news is is that it's here not in the pump but I don't know I don't think the pumps gonna be able to have metal like this going through it and still be good well we'll see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the next thing I want to address on this is this bucket this bucket I think it's too big for this but I'm gonna make it work and I'll probably leave it the size it is I think it's like three quarters of the yard I'll probably leave it the way it is for certain things that are needed for the problem with this bucket is I can't see through it it it's too tall so from here to here is like I don't know a little over two feet like maybe 28 inches or something and when you have it flat on the ground when you when when the cutting edge is on the ground you can't see it because this is in the way so what I may do is cut a little window in here but I'm not really sure I might just get another bucket for for everyday use and this will be this is good for like firewood and stuff and if I if I use it for something like that like lighter materials I might actually extend the sides up and make the front longer to make it store even more stuff I'm not sure I'll I'll have to see how this works for for like an everyday kind of bucket it may or may not work out but I'm gonna fix this for now so what I'm gonna do to make this easy because I don't want to spend a ton of time on this I'm probably just going to cut out these sides and replace it with something thicker but the most important part is this cutting edge here so I got a new one and I think what I'm gonna do to make this easy is just take the plasma cutter and cut where this cutting edge stops just cut a nice line in here and then I'll try to straighten out the bucket and then put the cutting edge on because if I just if I just put it on on top of this it'll be too thick I know some people suggest to do that but it's just too thick and besides that the cutting edge separated from the bucket itself and there's like dirt wedged in there I'm not even going to try to bother to flatten it out I'm just going to cut all that out and just put a new piece in cutting-edge was like 130 dollars at my local tracker store I got eight feet so we'll see how that works out it's a lot cheaper than a new bucket so that's that's what we're looking at so it goes from zero - oh no inch-and-a-half here that's how bad it is so I might have to get creative to bend this thing back because it's got these supports here I'm sure they don't want to give up easy anyways I'm gonna get cutting this and I'm gonna use my standoff I'm the plasma cutter it's been a while since I put that on but I want a nice straight line in here so I'm gonna use this board I'm gonna clamp it on hopefully I can bend it enough where it's down far enough then I can follow it cut this [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right so these are the two spots that need to come up a lot so I I welded these little things here just so that I can pull up on it and then later when I'm done I'll grind them off I'm just trying to it's like pulling a dent out on a car except a much more extreme level so you just kind of got a look at where it's like creased where it's been and hopefully I got it in the right spot you so what I did is I welded these things on here and then I pulled up on this I tightened it up and I went way past where it should be and then so this whole thing was bowed and then basically as I was welding it was heating things up and actually helping it to stay in that position but also just all these welds that I'm putting in here as I had this deformed in the opposite way that I needed to be not only did the welds heat it up real nice to help it stay that way but what they also did was add some some strength from it going like this so finally when I let go it's now I think it's acceptable I mean I I think it's this cutting edge is down about 1/4 inch in the middle and up on the sides well so the sides are where they are that's where they need to be and the middle is about a quarter inch low so it's it's just slightly crowned down a little bit but that's much better than having it crowned up when you when you have it crowned up as much as it's up that kind of makes like a stop when you push into a pile it kind of just like stops so if it's crowned down it'll kind of help actually it ideally it's better to be flat but if if anything you want the crown to be going down slightly rather than up so there was just this one spot was really bad here there's this mean like beam right here and then on the side of it it was all deformed so I got that much better you can't really see it but it's so much better than it was before because I pulled it way past where it needed to be and I had a lot of pulling power with these I'm just gonna keep welding the rest of this I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out also what I'm gonna do is weld the bottom of this when I put it in the air is this gonna have a lot of weld on it and then I may put another piece of steel on the bottom just a thin piece of steel because normally the bucket comes out further so this this buckets made out of I guess it's made out of a thin ch so usually the eighth inch would come out all the way to the end and then you'd add the cutting edge to it so I'm missing that whole part of it so I may just put a small piece of steel on the bottom like I said I'm gonna try this bucket out I don't want to go crazy on it because I can just buy a bucket for like $500 so if I spend like two days doing this that's not even close to worth it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I'm pretty happy with this skid steer I didn't realize it until after I bought it that it has a 1700 pound capacity on it so for this weight on this machine that's pretty good actually because a bobcat of equivalent would be like a 763 and it's about the same weight but it can only lift 1,300 pounds so that's the rated capacity so that's 50% of the tipping load so you can usually go twice that much before you actually tip that's under ideal conditions flat ground whole fluids so at 1,700 pounds the tipping load should be 3400 pounds so that's how much I can lift and it you can usually the breakout force is usually a little bit even more than that but it tips at about 3400 pounds that's pretty good for a machine like this even a lot of newer machines are only a little bit more than that so all in I think I have $3,300 into this thing and it's on the job site ready to go so the next thing I need to do to this is change over this quick change because this is a new holland style quick change so i'm gonna adapt that over to the universal shouldn't be too hard then i can use any bucket this whole works out great I can see through that's about at the height that a normal bucket for this would be so now I can actually see through but I can also carry bigger debris if I need to the sides I think probably didn't need to be cut down I might add something on there later I just didn't really have the steel at my property when I did it I didn't have the right steel to do it but for now I think this will do for a little while anyways so this turned out to be pretty good and this this skid steer works pretty good so really the only problem that I had right from the beginning and the reason why the guy sold it for so cheap was not the strainer here even though that was pretty plugged up the problem actually was this valve right here is for the third function so what happened was this valve was down because this was rusted and somebody had had shifted this this is the lever for it and here's the cable so the cable is no good I gotta replace that at the end of it what happened was it got rusted and he just got stuck so this valve was just stuck on so there was no power to anything because it was just dead ending this power because this was on so to be off this spring should be hitting this piece of metal right here and that's where it is right now and I put a pin in there so that you can't do it again so it was just dead ending to these quick connects and that's why I had no power so that's all that was I kind of got lucky on that so this is ready for use and I'll continue using it from here on out maybe I'll sell it for a bigger skid steer eventually but I think this year this will be fine maybe I'll keep it around for using it for the sawmill after that even when I get a better one because I kind of like it actually it's I didn't really care for it at first it was kind of like a quick easy machine but turns out to be pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesse Muller
Views: 797,074
Rating: 4.8547139 out of 5
Keywords: skid steer, skidsteer, 675b, deere, andrew camarata
Id: UMdvuCISe_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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