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in this video we're starting off with a pickup truck zero dollars and a chainsaw we've got this small chunk of land with a few trees and a little bit of farmable land our goal is to turn this land into a fully functional Farm alright first day out here on the new land got a tent set up and we got our old pickup truck as you can see we've got zero dollars to our name I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to fill the gas tank in my truck but uh I got some plans to make money now I did end up seeing this tractor for sale not too far away from me and our goal today is to try by that and of course begin farm work so we're gonna hop in the truck here and get going by the way if you guys enjoyed today's video help me out by giving that like button a little tap it helps out the video a ton and I appreciate it so much so we don't have many options of making money I mean all we got is this pickup truck some land a chainsaw in these trees however with all those things combined you can cut down the trees and sell them for money so I think that's how we're gonna make our first amount of money is just by doing that Timber there it goes gotta cut off all the limbs on this thing man this is a big tree just gotta get this thing cut up into logs so we can actually load it into the truck now wood is actually going for a very high price right now so with any luck we should be able to make just enough money to buy that tractor with just a few loads of logs well here's the last log of that tree and have it sliding off there we go all right everything strapped down here we'll get this taken to the uh Sawmill and see how much money we get hopefully the old Ford can handle this this is a lot of weight but the tractor we're looking at is only a couple thousand dollars and it doesn't take many logs to make that money so hopefully we can get it pretty quick oh there's that tractor right there that we want to buy that's the goal well here we are The Sawmill I guess we'll uh drop this stuff off here and see what we get paid all right so after that first sale we roughly made fifteen hundred dollars now the tractor that we want to buy is worth 3 500 so a few more sales few more uh truckloads of wood and we should be good to go so after that first load of wood I decided the best thing to do would be to go and cut more trees down and of course make more money because well without that tractor we're is not going to be able to get started farming now in the foreseeable future cutting hauling and selling wood is going to be the best way to make money until of course we get big enough equipment to get bigger fields and plant crops but until then this is still the best way after selling that next load we yielded another eighteen hundred dollars which brought us up to 3 300. now that of course was not gonna be enough we still needed an extra 200 just to buy the tractor so after that we went back for what would be our third and final load to be able to afford this tractor now of course getting just enough money to buy this tractor was gonna be great we were gonna need more because even though this tractor that we were gonna buy had a plow we were still gonna need to buy more equipment on top of that to get the farm going the last load of Vlogs that we hauled absolutely maxed out the weight capacity of the truck but hey we needed to get that bank all right here we go truck has been absolutely loaded down with logs we're gonna sell this and hopefully that's gonna be just enough money to buy our tractor for the grand total of six thousand five hundred and twenty four dollars that tractor is only 3 500 so we'll have plenty of money left over so we'll go meet the guy and hopefully we can make a deal so this is the tractor right here 40 20 diesel of course it is heavily used even though it doesn't look like it Everly used tractor here with an older plow on the back but I think this should be just enough for us to get started on uh building our farm up well we just made the deal with the guy here he's gonna deliver the tractor out to us and uh we can begin farming but of course that is gonna be minus 3 500 and we're down to three thousand and twenty four dollars which should be just enough for us to keep the farm running well we made it back to Camp here our tractor should be delivered anytime now and I'm thinking our best bet once that is delivered is to uh begin on tilling up just a bit of ground now we do have a fair bit of ground to till up out here so that's probably where we're gonna get started but I do have to come up with a better way of making money than hauling trees with a truck now while it would pay the bills we need a way more efficient system of doing that which might mean buying something else like a trailer or something something a little more suitable to haul logs well we have received our tractor here so I think it's got like half a tank of diesel in it right now yeah it's got half a tank so we're gonna try to do the little bit of farming that we can and uh later on of course I'll have to go get some diesel one thing I want to upgrade really badly is my living situation I'm currently living out of a tent and that's not the greatest but I think I did manage to find an older camper for a few hundred dollars so we may have to go pick that up eventually but uh yeah let's go do some farming it's been so far a pretty good first day we've managed to acquire a tractor and uh have a little bit of money in the bank to of course get the farm going now this isn't the biggest plow so uh we're gonna have to work with what we got here of course I'm gonna have to keep an eye on our land border here because I don't want to go too far and then uh get some random person mad at us but in the future if we do want to expand we do have lots of viable land around us that farmers willing to sell so hopefully we can make it work one day of course expand but for now I'll be pretty happy with this if we can keep it going I think that's about as far as we're gonna go down that way now I don't have GPS so uh these field lines might not be perfectly straight but I'll try my best now the only issue I could foresee us running into is us not having enough money to of course buy the rest of equipment and uh going into Harvest there a harvest there's a lot a lot of money but there's a chance I might be able to rent one off a farmer I know we do have a few uh farms around the area so I guess we'll have to see but there it is the first outline of our very first field out here that's pretty exciting I would definitely like to have a bigger plow but I think this is about the biggest the tractor can handle so we gotta work with what we got here one issue I do foresee though is we have quite a lot of rocks out here and that could be Troublesome that's not good at all for uh farm equipment wreck's a lot of stuff ripping up land sure does take a lot of fuel I can just almost watch the fuel gauge going down we might not be able to go for too much longer here but we'll try our best I don't want to run this thing out of fuel though definitely would love to have a diesel tank out here here eventually well I think that's all the plowing we're gonna be able to do today oh I'm one of my neighbors huh okay I guess we'll go say hi to him I did not think we had neighbors this close if they'd just come over and say hi well I just had a chat with our very very nice neighbor here he owns the farm just way over there kind of on the other side of the trees there and uh yes what I was doing out here and I said well I'm basically just starting a farm from almost nothing here I bought this tractor today and I'm just starting to work the land and whatever and he said uh if I ever need anything just let him know and I was talking to him about Harvest and whatever and I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to buy a combine in time and he said he actually has a really really old one sitting in the back there that he doesn't really use anymore he kind of has a fairly big farm actually and he said I could either rent it or buy it off of him he said it still runs perfectly so maybe that might be an option but we still gotta get seed into the ground and all that but I'm gonna head into town here uh probably treat myself to some nice dinner because I don't really feel like cooking and uh of course get some diesel for the tractor and come on back here and get back to work well we are just on our way back from town here as you can see we're two hundred dollars less richer and uh yeah that's because we had to spend money on fuel and such and a bunch of other miscellaneous things for the farm but at least now we got fuel to actually run the tractor so we can continue plowing the field that we were working on there at least I finally have money to actually spend in town I haven't had money for quite a while we'll just pull the tractor up to the truck here get it filled up with diesel and we'll get going there we go filled up with diesel man it'd be so nice to build a house out here at some point there's actually these like home building plans you can get or something and they just deliver out all the materials and you can either build it or hire someone to build it and you can get them for as low as like I think 10 grand you can build kind of like a smaller house so I might have to look into that like 10 grand for a full house of course that's not fully furnished so you're probably looking at about 15 by the time you're all said and done there but if we end up making some more money this year I think I definitely like a house or a camper or something anything other than a tent not that I don't mind the tent you know it's just uh not the greatest situation there I would I would rather something a bit nicer but hopefully we can get this meal done in timely fashion that'd be nice I'm thinking we'll do another one kind of over towards the road a little bit maybe not as big because we don't have as much room there and then the rest of it I kind of want to do some hay I really want to get into some hay my neighbor actually has a uh old sickle mower and maybe we can rent a uh square baler and just make some money off that too and hey who knows maybe even at some point we get livestock but I feel like that would be quite a ways away we don't have the facilities for that at all we got a lot more money making to do well I've just been going here looks like it's starting to rain I don't know how much longer we can continue in the rain because things get all Mucky and it is not a good time at all so I think we're actually going to get out of the field here as soon as we can and just work on some other stuff well it was really starting to rain pretty bad here so I got this uh Tarpon pool set that I found in town and I ended up buying it set up and I took my tent down because that is not rain proof and I just got the tractor back in here I unhooked the plow so I can actually work on this thing foreign we got some really really exciting news a brand new used equipment dealer has just popped up just outside of town there so we're gonna go out there take a look see what they got because we're going to be needing some stuff here pretty quick as of now we have just over 28 thousand dollars now that's not much but it's a start so we're gonna get headed out there and see what we can find well here is the place right here they're just starting to build their new shop but they do have some stock here currently and uh stuff we can start to buy one thing that is instantly stuck out to me is this log trailer right now we are in bad need of log trailer because currently we're trying to haul Logs with that truck and it's not going very well so we need something and we can just load big logs up to and it's going to be super easy to haul them so we can actually make some good money also it does look like there's a little bit of hanging equipment and I wouldn't mind uh getting the hang operation started we are working on cultivating a field right now so a cedar would not be a bad option so obviously this is stuff we can work up to but currently I think our best bet is to buy this log trailer and then the cedar depending on how much it costs but I imagine that's gonna be pretty dang expensive so I'm gonna go talk to the guy here and see if we can work out a deal on that log trailer well I have worked out a deal in the log trailer 500 and there we go that's minus 500 for us so that brings us to just over twenty three hundred dollars now we gave me the prices on the rest of equipment that I wanted this International sickle bar he wants three thousand dollars for which is a bit steep of a price but out here it's hard to get equipment especially used in that good condition the cedar well it looks really good it has a lot of hours on it and it's pretty beaten up so we said five thousand for that and then the hay baler here he wanted a solid eight grand for that so that's a lot of money but I feel like in time we have uh enough stuff that we can do to make money and we'll be able to make that happen and obviously as time goes on we can upgrade our operation more and more but hey we got our log trailer so this is the start to making some serious money to put towards some new equipment for the farm but I got just one more surprise for you guys today well here we are this is my neighbor's oldest farm he has multiple of them but this is the oldest one and he hardly uses it anymore but he has something very important that we need this tractor right here old 40 20 it is a uh solid front axle so unlike the little two wheels that we got up front on our actual tractor that we own this one has a bit of a wider wheelbase now in trade our neighbor is letting us use this tractor for as long as we need in exchange for us plowing this field seating this field and harvesting this field and of course giving him all the grain from this field now if you ask me that's one heck of a deal here and I'm not gonna turn that down so let me check if this tractor has Diesel and if it does we can get it back to the farm here and uh get to work on making just a bit more money alright I did check this thing does have diesel let's just hope it starts it doesn't have much so if we get back to the farm we'll have to uh put some more into it come on yeah started all right well this is gonna help us out a ton everything seems good yeah grapple's working all right well we're gonna get this back to the farm there and then we're gonna run back and grab our truck which is gonna take a little while but we don't have a current extra person to uh take us back which is is a bit unfortunate but this is absolutely huge the farm a tractor with a loader that's going to help us out a ton and our neighbor is just the nicest guy for letting us use this with of course some stuff in trade which is and it's gonna cost us a fair amount to uh run the tractor to have the diesel to plow that field and then seed it and harvest it it's not going to be cheap but I think it's going to be well worth it at the end of the day and he said if I do get enough money at some point and I want to buy this tractor I am more than welcome to so you guys want a fair amount for this because of course it is a very nice tractor with the loader but uh we'll have to see here we got to make some serious cash first well I ran all the way back over here heck of a run but we got our truck we'll get back to the farm and we can actually do some work I'm excited gonna make some money after getting back to the farm I went to work unhooking the plow on the 40 20 and getting our log trailer hooked up and with our new setup it was going to make making money a whole lot easier after chopping down a few trees our goal was simple cut up the wood load the wood and repeat until we had a full enough trailer to take to the song Mill now with this being my first time loading logs onto a log trailer it was a bit challenging at first to get the logs to the right size but eventually if we figured it out some of the logs were a bit more challenging than others but the 4020s seemed to handle it just fine and with the final log loaded on the trailer the 4020 was proven to be a very good investment with the trailer completely full that could be worth thousands and thousands of dollars I got pretty excited to go to the lumber yard and see what our final total would be with trees proving to be our best source of income this was going to be our best strategy to making money but trees don't last forever especially on our land where we didn't have a whole lot so we were gonna have to figure out a new way to make money all right we're out here at The Sawmill with a completely full trailer load of logs I'm pretty dang excited to see what we can get for this I'm assuming it's gonna be a heck of a lot of money at least that's the Hope alright Moment of Truth and 11 almost 12 000 that's gonna be more than enough to get started on some actual farming well we're back at the farm here with a wad full of cash and I think y'all know what that means it's time for another trip to the equipment store before heading off to the equipment store I of course had to stop off at the seed manufacturer and get some seeds for our new crops after spending over five thousand dollars on seed which would be delivered to our place the following day we made the drive to the equipment dealer and made a deal for our new to us 5 000 Cedar which the truck didn't really like to haul it was squatting an awful lot and with that we were down to just under four thousand dollars which was about where we started the day at now we may have a cedar but we still don't have a physical field to plant in after getting back to the farm and filling my tractor up with what little diesel we had left I hooked up the plow and got to work extending our current field the work was very slow and time consuming but with clear skies ahead and no rain in sight I kept that after a good bit of plowing and burning a lot of fuel we finally finished the field but we had a problem rocks everywhere in the field big ones small ones they were everywhere and we needed to take care of them or else they were going to be a serious problem for our planter so I did the one thing I could grab the tractor and got to work after getting all the Rocks which took absolutely way too many hours and we decided hey why not uh just dump it up by the house area to kind of flatten out the area which really it didn't do much but it's better than nothing well after all that work we are just under 3 800 in the bank we've got quite a bit done actually a lot more than I thought we'd get done today got the field finished made some money bought some equipment and uh yeah everything seems to be going good I gotta go to town and grab some fuel for the tractors and the trucks and whatever else and get everything back up and going again so we can continue work so I'll see you guys in the morning first thing in the morning super early I decided I was gonna head into town and grab the fuel we needed to continue farming for the day and plus that would give the people time to deliver the seed that we bought yesterday after getting back from town we had more than enough fuel to continue farming for the day plus after getting my Cedar checked over and making sure it was in all working order it was time to grab some seed and get the this thing loaded up once our Cedar is good to go we dropped it into the ground turned it on and got to work now Although our field wasn't big it was going to be good enough to get a start after a few rounds the field was looking good until we had our first problem oh man we got a leaked hydraulic line Ah that's just the thing I needed that that was sarcasm by the way that is not the thing I needed at all we were just about to have our field done here probably a couple more passes and it was going to be done in hindsight probably should have made the field bigger but I got some other ideas gotta keep some more land open just in case well town is quite far away and I think my neighbor might just have another hydraulic line that I could borrow at his farm I'm gonna hop in the truck there and see if we can go find one now our fuel of course is not the only one we're gonna be planting we've also got to deal with this our neighbors field which we're planting and harvesting in exchange for use of his tractor I gave him a call on the way over here and he said check in this shed right here he's very sure he has a hydraulic line he had the exact same Cedar as me a while back and he's pretty sure he's got an extra man I could really use a shop like this he also said I'm free to use this place anytime I want all right got the hydraulic line I'm surprised he had one but that is one heck of a find or else I would have had to drive hours into town just to get a hydraulic line after getting the hydraulic line fixed we were back up and running in no time and could continue planting then within about 35 minutes we were on our very last pass on our very first field and we could officially say that this was our first crop in of the new Farm which was pretty dang exciting considering the work we had to put in to get to this point but with that out of the way it was time to fill up the cedar again and head over to the neighbors to fulfill our end of the deal for the current tractor that has got us to this point so this right here is my neighbor's Old Farm now he has this old field and in exchange for us using one of his old tractors he has asked us to plant and harvest this field but unfortunately we did not get to uh planting any kind of cereal crop in time this year so after getting the soil test did we decided it would be better to wait another year anyway but in the meantime he's got a lot of grassland and we have a lot of grassland and with that being said I have a plan and if executed correctly could make us thousands and thousands of dollars so it's time for a trip to the equipment store all right the equipment store my favorite place to be well looks like they got the shop done dang they added a lot of new inventory too well let's go take a look see what they got going out here so what we're looking for today is disc which I think this would work pretty good and some new hang equipment because hay is worth a lot out here if done right now what is this over here 40 40. I don't think I've ever heard of that before but dang I wouldn't mind having this on the farm maybe one day we need to make some more money first but basically the neighbors field has a lot of stubble on it and we need to get rid of that before the next planting season next year so this looks like kind of an older disc and uh Hopefully the guy doesn't want too much work because we don't got a lot of money but hopefully we can make a deal here and I will end up taking this home and getting to work now as far as the Hang equipment goes we still need to make a bit more money before we can get into that but I got some ideas on how to make that happen so I'm gonna go have a chat with a guy and see if we can make a deal on that disc over there all right deal has been made he came at me with 3 500 and uh well we only had just over 37 so yes we could pay that but I managed to deal him down a little bit to 32 so that is minus 3 200 for us anyway we're gonna get this thing hooked up taking it back to the farm and uh we'll get to work on the neighbor's field there and then I got some plans to make some money for some hanging equipment you know I bet if I had hydraulics on this truck I could actually uh run this disc pretty well it's a dually it's got a lot of power but nah tractor's the way to go with this one so after getting back to the farm and hitch the disc off to my favorite tractor and got to work after getting to the field we decided it was time to try out my brand new disc and of course turn on my GPS wait a minute I don't have GPS at any rate we were gonna make quick work of this field after finishing up the last little bits of the field here that we had left we decided we're gonna head back to the farm and deal with our next problem and that problem being how are we gonna turn this big open space into round or Square fails of gold so after making sure everything was fueled up we headed out to the back side of our property and got to work one after another the trees were falling fast but hey we needed to make some money in this place you're either one of two things a lager or a farmer and while farming wasn't paying the bills so I had to improvise and after getting loaded up what I could only describe as definitely not a D.O.T approved load of Vlogs we headed on down to the Sawmill to get paid but we had another problem I currently live in a tent and while it was nice and Breezy summer doesn't last forever and I was gonna have to get something figured out and figured out quick after pulling into the Sawmill we unstrapped the load and got paid 9757 after having a quick chat with the Sawmill owner I found out he had this a little old trailer home nothing fancy and he wanted ten thousand dollars for it so if we got the money this would fix a lot of our problems but we got back in the tractor fired it up and got back to work the only problem was we were slowly running out of logs the cut so in the future we were gonna have to look at different areas to log but pretty soon things were starting to look up for us because over the next few days I brought in not one not two but three big loads of logs all yielding us up to thirty two thousand eight hundred and eighty six dollars well boys we now have probably the most money we're ever gonna have at one time at least for a little while but I just talked to lumber yard owner here we have just made the purchase for the house for ten thousand dollars so that brings us down to twenty two thousand almost twenty three thousand but I'm gonna take this log trailer right on back to the farm there we'll grab a tractor and we'll head on over the equipment store to spend a good amount of money a real good amount of money so that house should be getting moved out here in a couple hours so uh we gotta get this all taken down and we gotta go buy equipment man this is an exciting day it's been worth all the work oh one more thing I had a tab running at the gas station for fuel and food so that was minus a thousand dollars but hey we're still sitting under well just under twenty two thousand dollars so I'd say we're pretty good we got lots of money to go blow with the uh the new equipment store there so I'm gonna get this taken down and hopefully this house should be here in no time well here it is my brand new house well new to me anyway should be really nice to have this I think we're gonna install some solar panels eventually but those are really expensive so we may just wait a little while we'll see how it goes see if I can find a good deal on him but uh so far so good this is actually starting to come together you know be a farm liking it we're gonna get a shop put right here eventually I think that's uh the next task other than uh we still gotta go buy equipment today there's a lot to do today there's it's never ending so we're gonna rip on down there with the tractor see if we can spend some money which uh y'all know me y'all know I can spend money props are still looking good as always that's gonna be a big payday right there so after getting down to the equipment shop we began shopping after agreeing to a price on fifteen thousand dollars for all of this hanging equipment here we got going back to the farm and it was time to put my plan into action all right so we're back at the farm here we've got uh the 40 20 hooked up to the haybine here and the other 4020 hooked up to the Baler now something I kind of forgot about here is this bail shoot here it uh kind of needs one of those hay wagons so I stopped by neighbors and uh I bought this thing right here it's a big old hay wagon now I bought it for a thousand dollars which seems really cheap I know but it's a pretty old one and it was just recently redone and it's under the uh deal that I give the guy that I bought it from 20 square bales which is fine with me because well I got plenty of land to uh Hey here so we got lots of work ahead of us so we're of course gonna need this big old thing and uh he was nice enough to drop it off for us so we're gonna hop in the 40 20 here and get to work I'm excited first Aang we're gonna be doing so that means of course we're down to just under under six thousand dollars still got plenty of money the fuel tanks are full in the tractors and we're ready to go after checking over the haybine to make sure everything was A-Okay we got to work doing some of the outlines of our property and we had a lot to go one of the things is we did get this haybine really cheap so we're unfortunately going to have to replace the sick of Blaze that was kind of one of the things that we had to do with buying this but that's fine and eventually we're gonna have a shop I think that's kind of the next big goal I think this is what the Bales are really gonna pay for so after making sure that hay band was good to go we ripped into town and went and gotten some new sickle blades well I got back from town a little while ago and uh just finished putting in the new sickle blades there so I think we're good to go actually I made sure everything was greased on this I would really love to have a shop because it would make this so much easier and I'd have actually places to store my equipment all you have to do is get this all leveled out here which I do have a loader so I should be able to do that pretty easily but uh we're gonna hop in the 40 20 here get to cutting again because I can't be wasting no time here gotta hey well the sun shines and uh around here the sun doesn't shine very often so gotta make the most of the warm weather oh there we go the Hydraulics are working on this now we can actually put it out to the side that's sweet all right so our land border only goes up to this tree and then we gotta cut back down here because of course we don't want to be cutting other people's uh ground here don't want to do that so it's really weird how we bought our parcel of land basically it kind of cuts along here it's super weird how it goes but we'll get it figured out eventually all right so as far as I know for sure this is all of our land right here where we've kind of got all hate in or at least cut around and then we got a good portion on the other side there but we're just gonna do this side of the road for now and then once we need more we'll just go over there and currently we don't have any cows so we get to keep all of this or sell it whichever way we want to do the split I think my neighbor has a really nice storage place that he said I could use I'm gonna talk to him there so once we get these square bales all bailed up here we'll look into that but eventually I would like to get my own hay store too because uh yeah don't want to be relying on that guy forever I gotta swing this around the other way we're going the opposite way we're supposed to be there we go yo that's better [Music] looking really dang good so hopefully very soon we should be able to harvest them got the good old 40 20 hooked up to our Baler and our bail cart so uh yeah let's get to work as far as everything goes our diesel tanks are full this morning so we're pretty much good to go it's really dry and sunny out this morning so we're gonna try to get as much as we can done and hopefully just maybe we can get to some bailing so as of right now we have 5 886 dollars in the bank account we don't have any big expenses coming up so far as I know other than the initial cost for of course running all this equipment but as any good Farm owner knows that can all change in an instant well it's only taken a little bit but uh we have finally gotten this chunk completely cut and uh the hay is looking pretty dang thick so I'm gonna say we're gonna get a lot of square bales from this like a lot so with that being said I went back to the house and hopped on my Apex gaming PC to go look at a couple things speaking of Apex gaming PCs if you guys want a gaming PC then look no further than Apex gaming PCs you can get five percent off using killed farmer and we have tons of options on the Austin farmer line to suit your budget and what you want respects I have a link down in the description anyway back to the video but after checking around on my computer I found this a 1970s Ford F-250 lifted with some pretty big mud tires now is it the best possible farm truck I could buy no but does it look absolutely cool and would work for what I want yes so after messaging the guy back and forth we came to a price of eight thousand dollars but after looking at my money I may be a little short but right in front of me was the one thing that would make us the amount of money we needed to go buy that truck so we hopped in the 4020 fired it up and got to work now since it was so dang dry out we were able to easily bail all this stuff up with no problem and virtually no drying time and with the Bales flying and the cart filling up in no time we were gonna have that money about an hour later and we almost have a completely full cart full of square bales and we're about half done this field but in my excitement to start bailing and get the truck I kind of forgot one thing we currently have absolutely nowhere to store the square bales over the next little while until the price goes up now while we are of course selling this very first load to make our money we still want to store some over the winter until the price goes up so that brings up our next problem we need to choose a shop from the Endless Options we have and somehow make enough money to get it built now this of course is no easy task considering we're still only at five thousand eight hundred and eighty six dollars and we want to buy a truck but with this big trailer full of scribbles we're about to see how much money we were really gonna make so after getting the trailer unhooked we hopped in the dually grabbed our square bale trailer to get it hauled to town and see how much we could sell these for and it looks like one missed the cart just gotta toss that in there so with the dually loaded down and barely able to pull this we headed into town once we got into town it was time to see how much money we could really make and with all the square bales sold we had made seven thousand and ninety dollars which brought us to just under thirteen thousand dollars so I made a quick call to the guy that was gonna sell us our new truck and we decided we'd meet up at the equipment dealer to make the deal after checking the truck over and of course here in Iran we came to a deal and I handed him the eight grand in cash so after making the deal for the new truck I talked to the used equipment owner and sold this truck to him for two thousand dollars which doesn't seem like a lot but this thing was pretty beat up so I have to get my two thousand dollars we hopped in my new truck grabbed my bail wagon and went home well we are back at the farm here I got the Bale wagon dropped off there by the Baler but check out our new truck eight thousand dollars it wasn't like crazy expensive for this truck but it was pretty good market value even though this thing's all done up it's still pretty high K but it's a nice truck it's a diesel It's a manual it's kind of lifted up here for the terrain we got around here it's really really nice to have it's not a dually like our old one but it can still haul quite a bit and I I kind of hate to have a truck this nice out at the farm but you know what I think it's gonna work so that last trailer I think we got like nine grand for or something I can't exactly remember but I was checking out shops and I found a solid one for 10 ten thousand dollars that they would come out here build all we gotta do is level out the land here and I think it's gonna go right here now we've still got a lot more hay we can cut if we need and if we want to do that we got to do it real quick because this warm weather this nice slightly Breezy stuff ain't gonna last forever so we better get to work now we've got just under seven Grand with our sale of our old truck there so I'm hoping with this last little bit we got to bail up here that's gonna be just enough for us to buy our shop so we can actually start storing some Bales because currently I don't want to make more than I can store at the moment now we do of course have to take a couple bales over to our neighbor who sold us this Bale wagon for really cheap and that was kind of part of the deal there so yeah we're not done work just yet so with our day half over already I went and finished up the last little bits of this field but then it was time to grab the last couple square bales that had somehow one way or another missed the cart because I wasn't about to lose any money there was of course a lot more Bales left in the field than I thought there was so I unhooked the tractor and uh just picked them up this way after getting the last Bale we needed tossed into the trailer we took a trip into town to get the last few sold after pulling into town and getting the last few Bales sold we had just enough in the bank account to buy our new shop well with only 355 dollars left I think it's safe to say we spent most of our money but I'd say it was pretty dang worth it this is our brand new shop it has everything we're gonna need other than tools we'll get tools and a lift in here eventually but for now this is absolutely perfect we can stack square bales on here if we want all men this is so cool it's actually starting to look like a real farm I think once we get enough money because we're pretty broke right now we will uh get a fuel tank put in like somewhere right around here we ended up doing a lot of the Landscaping with the tractor and uh yeah we we got this built for exactly 10 grand which seems really cheap but I know in guys so I got a really good deal and yes I could have took out a loan to uh technically pay for this just over time but you know what I think I'd save that for something a little bit better but it's a pretty small shop got I think enough room for everything we're gonna need really you know what I don't know if my cart's gonna fit in here if my bill cart is actually gonna fit in because it just might if it doesn't I don't know what I'm gonna do oh it's going to oh this is going to be so perfect okay we're gonna be okay for space so I think the plan will be to get this completely filled up again and uh give some to the neighbors who sold me this cart and then fill this thing right completely full and store the hay over winter and of course it's gonna get more expensive over the winter so once the price reaches to get enough well price for me to sell the rest of the Bales I will and then eventually hopefully we can get a square baler like a bigger one or a round bale or something and then just store Round bills or something but I think we can get most of the equipment put in here I do need a pressure washer I have a water source out here it's hooked up to the house we have a well now which is awesome still no power I have a generator hooked up here so this just comes off my field bill every month and we're having to pay that fuel Bill really soon which is I think 1500 or a thousand dollars can't remember off top my head so we're gonna have to get some money fast but for now let's get some of the equipment that we're not actually using just put in the shop there that way it's out of the elements because the more time we can store it in here the less is going to depreciate however I will keep the Hang equipment out here because we're gonna need it pretty soon again with the day coming to a close we got the rest of the equipment hooked up and put into the shop which the cedar did not have much room but it made it in eventually we got 300 and now 54 dollars to our name not a whole heck of a lot to run a Farm off of and the way it's looking our soybeans are finally ready all the grass that we cut has finally regrown so we can cut that again for more hay which we're gonna need to do because we don't have a whole heck of a lot of money right now so you guys might notice something and all the farm equipment we have we have literally no combine so Austin you ask how the heck are you gonna Harvest your soybean field when you literally don't have a combine well I think it's time I show you guys a little something I've been saving all year so we're out here at my neighbor Craig's Farm he's a guy I met early this year and uh he said for when it's time to harvest there's a little something that's gonna be waiting back in the bush here for me although I think I'm in the wrong part of the Bush here all we got to do is get over this Rock Hill first that was slightly disappointing that was also all for dramatic fact there it is our ticket to finally have in our very first harvest in the bushes for the past five years because he doesn't use it he runs a big farm kind of down there where they use like all new equipment and stuff but he said when Harvest comes around I am completely free to use this he said it won't take much to get going so I'm hoping today we get this thing going we can get going on Harvest and actually make a little bit of money not to mention soybeans are at a pretty high price right now well I got the truck backed up here we're gonna put a fresh battery in it fresh diesel fuel air up the tires check make sure there's no mouse nests in here and uh hopefully we can get this thing going after getting everything fixed on the combine making sure it was good to go we hopped in the cab and attempted to start it for its first time in five years all right we got battery power we got fuel let's see if it'll go oh yeah we're running after getting the combine fired up for its first time in over five years we pulled it out of the Bush it's been sitting in and got it back to the farm once we got the combines in the field I realized I had yet another problem I had all this grain ready to be harvested but absolutely no way to transport it but that's where my buddy Ricky comes in you see Ricky was a very simple man he loved two things farming and Mountain Dew and while frankly as long as he brought Ricky a case of Mountain Dew he'd let you borrow just about anything on his farm so after grabbing a case of Mountain Dew I headed on down to Ricky's and soon enough we had secured our gravity wagon well we are back at the farm and I think we're about ready to go I just unhooked the ground wagon because I'm gonna go hook that up to a tractor I think it might be a little better than pulling it with the Ford so unfortunately we didn't have the chance to see the very very big field so I'm hoping today if we get this all done which we should after getting all the grin into the elevator I'm going to try and do a little bit of haying well we still can we still little bit of time left in the year it's a little bit late for it but I think we'll still be able to get one last cutoff of this because we've had really good rain and hopefully we can make it happen but without further Ado let's harvest the very first crop of our farm oh man it's pretty dang Dusty did get a good amount of rain on it though so hopefully it uh yields very very well that's what I'm hoping anyway but with the soybeans breaking record prices that we haven't seen in years I think it's safe to say that we're gonna make a lot of money off this the whole field has been fertilized pretty well we got all the rocks out of it but I am hoping before winter hits that we can actually extend this field out if we have the chance if not we're going to be doing it this spring well very first Headland and we're looking at about 13 so that's looking pretty dang good so far there ain't no such thing as a yield monitor in this machine so we don't got much to go off of and the outside rounds are Never As Good As the inside rounds because the outside rounds tend to get picked off by deer and stuff so we'll see how it goes a little bit uh more into the field here so let's say we're about halfway done here I think we're just about to break 40 on the tank there so we're probably not going to fill this up all the way but it I don't know it does have a fairly big tank in this combine so it's a little less than I was expecting but at the end of the day I'm still pretty happy our input cost for this field was about a thousand dollars so if we make over that then we'll be in the green but if we don't do that I'm hoping we at least Break Even after finishing up the last little bit of what we had left on the field we went over the gravity wagon and began dumping now even though it didn't look like it was going to be much with soybeans at record high prices we were hopefully gonna make a lot of money so with Harvest over almost as soon as it started we hopped in the tractor and went to town to see if this Harvest was gonna be a bust or just maybe make the farm some money well we're at the elevator let's see how much money we're gonna make oh man oh this is good this is awesome that Harvest made us seven thousand and seventy one dollars which with the input cost being about a thousand dollars that was over a six thousand dollar profit but even with that big profit there wasn't any time to win waste we still had work to do so I got right back on the tractor hooked up the haybine and got right back to work but as farming would have it time wasn't on our side the Sun was shining the weather was nice and the hay was drying as fast as we could cut it we had rain coming so if we wanted to keep this hay good we were gonna have to hurry after getting the last of the field finished we switched tractors and started bailing with the rain still in the way it was going to be a race against the clock to get this done on time well we have been going here for quite a while and uh the trailer is pretty much stacked right full of Bales it hasn't rained yet surprisingly enough so I'm gonna switch tractors again here and take that uh big load of Bales right into the shop right to the bail place I guess and get them all sold before this rain hits because I really don't want these things getting wet now surprisingly enough this year we've actually had really really good hay crops but the next County over not so good so the price of hay is uh pretty dang good right now we can make a lot of money so that's why I decided to just send it with this second cut here even though we're supposed to get rain and it's actually pretty windy out right now so the hay just dried right up now you guys might be wondering Austin well what the heck are you planning to do with all this money that you've made over the past like weeks with all this well Winter's coming up and uh we need a source of income over winter so you guys will see what's going to make us all that money over the winter well we are here let's see what they're gonna give us for all of these Bales and nine thousand and fifty two dollars that brings us up to uh 16 000 but well we're here I got to pay the fuel Bill and that's gonna be a grand anyway we're gonna head back to the farm here I'm gonna get the rest of it bailed up but I think he's gonna get more expensive over the winter so I'm just gonna keep that in the shed while we still can and hopefully we can make just a bit more money well we are back and uh still a little bit left to bail up there and I gotta clean up all the equipment from uh Harvest here man we got a lot done also made a crap ton of money which hopefully should be somewhere in the ballpark of what we want to do this winter I will give you a hint though involves trees which I I figured you guys kind of already knew what well it is now raining and I unfortunately did not get to the rest of the hay on time so we're gonna have to wait till that dries out over the next couple days here oh shoot there's a bale okay I'm Gonna Save the bail gotta save the bail there we go get that thing in the shed there we go good stay nice and dry now but if we do have that hay dry out enough it uh still will be pretty good stuff anyway I spent a thousand dollars on this fuel tank right here well 500 for the fuel tank and then another 500 to uh get it filled up there so now we've officially got a diesel tank here and now we don't have to run to town and grab Drums of fuel and all that good stuff so we should be all good I do want to get some of this equipment put away stat though because uh well the rain you know I just want all this stuff inside but I don't know if the Columbine is gonna fit inside we'll see even though this combine is technically speaking not ours I did talk to the neighbor and he's completely fine with me keeping this thing as long as I need it which is really nice because I'm gonna need it next to harvest well it took quite a bit of maneuvering here but we've got everything as tightly packed in as we could and we could have still probably done a better job but uh I just wanted to get everything on of the rain the only thing we didn't get was this hay cart here but to be honest I think that's kind of fine it's just supposed to rain for the next like two days so I want to keep all this stuff out of the rain as much as I can at least but everything's in here as good as we can get it of course this winter we're going to have to pack it a lot better but for now it's okay the truck can of course uh stay outside I'm sure it'll be fine but with the storm of Brewing I'm gonna call her a day [Music] well we got snow and a lot of it and right now we got about fourteen thousand dollars to our name which isn't a whole heck of a lot but it's enough for what we want to do today so since winter is finally hit I've been saying for a little while that we need to find a way to make money in the winter and the best way to do that is of course logging oh there's a couple of you there now the way we did logging in the summer isn't really gonna work for the winter I mean it would but it's not the best strategy so we're gonna head on out to our local used equipment store and see if we can find something that's gonna work actually I know there's something that's gonna work so we're gonna head out there and see if we make a deal well we're just pulling up on the place here and there it is our ticket to making money this winter oh man does it ever look good I wonder if Craig's around here Craig is the local salesman oh he still hasn't sold my old truck yet as my very first truck out here anyway Craig is the local salesman around here and uh he's the guy I gotta talk to to make a deal on this so this is an old four wheel drive Massey Ferguson 12 50 with a forestry package it's got the blade on the front same as the skidder it's got a couple of protection stuff to keep the windows and stuff from not absolutely shattering if you hit a tree and then as well it's got a big old winch on the back to haul the trees out of there so kind of like a Skinner but also kind of not it's got big floater tires which should work great in the snow as well as in the spring I've been told this thing has pretty high hours but I mean for high hours it looks pretty good but if we wanted to in the summer when we got to do some field work and whatever we can detach the winch which gives us the back PTO and three-point linkage and get rid of all the forestry stuff on there and uh yeah we basically got a fully functional regular tractor anyway I'm gonna go talk to the salesman there see if we can make a deal on this hopefully we'll be driving home in a new skidder well a new tractor that kind of looks like a skidder I don't know something like that well I now feel slightly less richer this uh this tractor we actually got at a pretty good deal 10 grand and I mean that's that's yeah you're not gonna get much better than that especially for an older four-wheel drive tractor I mean they're hard to come buy out here and when you do find them they're usually pretty expensive but this thing has high hours so I'm pretty happy with it at any rate um either I'm gonna have to get a ride back or I could head over to one of my buddies places who I know has a gooseneck trailer that'd be able to haul this maybe we'll just be able to haul it back because that would be a lot easier and would burn a lot less diesel I think I'm gonna head over there quick and see if we can grab that after heading over to my buddy's house we had finally secured a flatbed trailer and we were ready to get this new tractor home and after getting the new rig fired up we loaded it on the trailer dropped it down and soon enough we were on our way all right home sweet home a surprise this truck actually handled the trailer better than I thought it would only trouble is there's not really a good place to park and we'll go right here now let's hope this tractor actually starts up because uh we were having problems with the battery earlier oh never mind we're good all right perfect you know what I probably got to get this thing filled up with diesel too while we're at it diesel tanks on the back of this thing that's interesting not to mention it looks pretty dang small but I guess we'll see how long it lasts us all right tractor is field up here let's see if we can go make some money actually before we do that I want to get some of the equipment out of the shop here it hasn't been uh moved at all I mean to be honest I haven't been doing much since it started snowing here the last couple days but once that tractor came up for sale I knew I had to uh get some work done anyway so this is our log trailer here right now and uh it's looking a little worse for wear we held quite a few Logs with it over the summer but um unfortunately it's it's not as good as it once was and it's got a bunch of seed on it right now so I want to get some of this unloaded here and we might try to use this log trailer if not I think I know of another one I could probably rent or possibly buy from another guy I don't know we'll see for now we'll just get it pulled out of the shed however though there is a second option I can oh there's a helicopter flying through I can just uh drag the logs to The Sawmill with this thing but that might be really slow but it might be our only option especially if we're trying to haul full-sized ones because I don't think I have anything that's actually going to load them up properly that might be the only thing we can actually do meanwhile I better get this thing started and let it warm up hopefully the battery is not completely dead oh no fires up like a champ we'll just let it warm up for a little bit this thing should be good to go now now I would not mind getting some of the snow plowed here because uh yeah a little too much around here man open cab tractors were not a good idea when it comes to Winter it is freezing out at least the new one has a cab and it has heat I at least just want to get it in front of the house here cleaned up well this tractor and trailer here is just gonna stay out and uh we'll deal with it a little bit later but for now I want to get to some logging because that is where the money is gonna be at can't make money screwing around in the yard let's see what this tractor's got can they climb over stuff yes it can hold on Beacon extra power extra safety so this is what we were logging out all over the spring in the summer now there's decent amount of trees here still left but not a whole heck of a lot there was a couple other places I wanted to inquire about logging at later but I guess we're just gonna have to go through here for now it's kind of the only option we got I'm gonna have to see what the max payload is for this that we can haul I'm not entirely sure at the moment alright so we've got two big logs here so far and that seems to be about the max this thing can pull but these are some big trees like we're gonna be uh getting quite a lot of money for these just gotta d-lim them out here first The Sawmill likes when you do that and they actually give you extra money which is sweet okay that that is uh that's a lot of log there all right so we should be able to pull this all hopefully no problem I suppose we're gonna find out though well we are moving here uh it's a little bit slow but shouldn't take very long and we should be at the uh Sawmill hopefully or we just bring it to the kind of the front of the yard there and deal with them from there I'm not really too sure well it's slow going I uh guess the skitter wasn't as powerful as I thought it was tractor I guess but um yeah we're slowly making progress we're almost at the Sawmill there so once we get there I think we're just gonna drop these off and uh we're gonna figure out another way to get these to The Sawmill just a little bit faster well that was about four thousand dollars which was pretty good but for the amount of time it took to get out here that's uh yeah it's taking a little too long so I got some other ideas all right so we're finally back at the yard here now I actually need to get the log trailer unloaded so we can actually start using that because that's gonna be our easiest way to be getting logs too The Sawmill unfortunately I was really hoping this getter would work but uh it won't oh well though we still got a perfectly good tractor out of the deal even if we can't use it for what we intended to there we go seed is unloaded here the trailer is now free to be used for uh well it's actual purpose hauling locks and we're not gonna be doing it with any of these because uh it is way too dang cold out I'm thinking I'm gonna attempt to haul it with the truck I don't know if it's the smartest idea but it should hopefully work so after getting the trailer hooked up to the truck and getting the equipment to the right places we got to work about an hour or so later we had had plenty of Vlogs ready and stacked to haul away so after getting him cut up we got on the road to The Sawmill to go make some money well we're back here at the Sawmill um the trailer is fully loaded down and the truck actually seems to handle it pretty well I mean hey we're putting it through its Paces that's for sure anyway let's see how much money we're gonna make oh man eight grand okay well that was a lot more than I expected mind you we had that uh trailer loaded up pretty well so we're just under 18 Grand now and that's a pretty good amount of money so I'm pretty happy with that so far but considering there's a bunch of new things I want to buy this summer especially a bigger and better plow for the new tractor we're gonna have to make even more oh hold on I'm getting a call well we're back at the farm here and the guy that called me was my buddy Ricky and uh turns out he's stuck out on a back road well I mean every road back here is kind of a back road anyway we're gonna go pull them out here I mean hey maybe the mask will come and use for something today I mean we did drag all the logs out here so it did kind of come in use here but uh I think we got what one more trailer of Vlogs to haul something like that we'll do that later though we need to go pull them out and hopefully this will at least do that I don't know we'll find out he said he was on a random back road yeah that's not looking so Random to me looks like you decided you want to go out onto your Island there and uh yeah get stuck that's nice all right well I guess we'll try to get him out of here he's like completely stuck on the other side there I don't know if we can get over there I'm assuming we probably can but I'm gonna make him walk over walk over and grab the winch line yeah he can do that okay winch line is secured oh I gotta turn it on first there we go ah crap okay we're not really we're not really supposed to be going back here let me just hold on lower that down there we go that should work okay crap that's not working either hold on okay there we go blades down winches down and we're still going back Dad gummit okay you know what screw it screw it screw it all right here's we're gonna do can I really not pull him out is he stuck that bad yeah let me give it a good there it goes we got it now oh we're slowly getting them here oh man that that's really deep there I don't know why he decided he wanted to go through there come on come on don't do this to me it's like he's stuck in the mud slowly getting him there we go that should be good he's out of there now I'd better go give him a heck for trying to get over there he dragged me out all the way over here just to get him out of a stinking Island that he decided he wanted to go on Smart stuff smart stuff all right well we're back at the farm now uh I'm gonna get to work on a couple other things getting ready for uh spring because it should be hopefully sooner than later I don't know if this snow quits ever now it is spring so we have got a crap ton of stuff to do now we've got this trailer of wood here I might actually end up taking this in at some point today we've got the Hayfield we didn't get all the hay last year but uh I think we'll get to a lot more of it this year we've got our grain field I guess this was our uh soybean field if I do remember but this year I want to extend it now in order to do that I am going to be able to get a bigger cultivator and I've got just the tractor to run it this year the Massey Ferguson 1250. now we use this as our logging tractor over the winter but uh it didn't work that great so we're gonna take all of this crap off and just make it a farm tractor this year but I think we're gonna hop in the truck here head to the used equipment store and uh see what we can find for a bigger cultivator actually you know what I'm gonna take my old cultivator with me now I haven't really pulled anything out of the shed here since we put it away in the fall but I'm gonna take this along with me see if I can get some out of it it may just take me a minute to actually get everything out of here there we go got it that's what I'm talking about right there that's what we need all right I'm gonna go talk to the guy here see if we make a trade for this actually you know what I should probably go look at it first but I definitely like to trade in that for sure oh yeah this is a lot bigger and this will work perfectly actually all right let's see what kind of deal I can do all right boys the deal is done get this unhooked here toss this 2500 bucks so we made the trade and uh then on top of that we put 2 500 bucks down and that got us the cultivator here all paid off well the disc I guess I don't know but I'm hoping this should help the operation this year actually we're on our way back to the farm here but there's a property I want to show you guys that I've been looking at all winter and the guy finally said he wanted to sell it now if we look on our phone here this is a chunk of property right here 33. now he wants 85 000 for it so I've already been talking to the bank and they agreed to give me an 85 000 loan for this but the thing is is we have to pay it back just after harvest that's kind of our uh our time frame there now there actually is a fairly decent chunk of land to this and it's not I guess right against your other land it's kind of sort of right there you gotta kind of feel 23 Block in that in field 24 but maybe we'll buy those in the future anyway on this property it's gonna come with a few different things like this camper over here and I think there's an old flatbed truck back here yeah there it is it's just an old Ford flatbed it's a Ford 850 or something I don't know everything behind it but they've let this property sit for a long time but the guy said everything on the property comes with it as well as what looks like an old Vineyard I'm not too sure what's going on here but it's here but I'm supposed to hear back from the bank today on the uh the final statement of that and if everything goes well we'll probably be buying this property today or at least tomorrow now the plan with this is we're probably going to clear out a lot of the land and hopefully sooner than later get some cattle on there or at least make another field or maybe just hate it I'm not too sure yet alright so before we get to uh breaking ground on a new section of the field here I've gotta run over to my neighbor's shop there and get all of this crap off and then come winter again we could probably put it on there because this kind of has a nice blade on it and I'd like to keep it on for the winner at least or maybe just put a bigger blade on I'm not too sure yet once we got to the neighbor's shop we got to taking off all the forestry equipment and making this thing a field tractor again once we got back to the farm we dropped off our logging winch grabbed our new disc and it was finally time to break some new ground after we got our Headlands marked out we had nearly doubled the size of our original field but we still had work to do as far as getting the old ground cultivated from last year unfortunately our Fields weren't exactly Square due to the property line but that most likely wouldn't be a problem going forward after finishing off the last pass of our new ground nearly doubling the size of our original field I realized that this just wasn't quite gonna be enough for this year but unfortunately the rest of our farmable ground on our property was hay ground but luckily enough for me the following day I Got a notification saying our loan had went through so with our new loans secured we purchased our new 85 000 property with the new property secured we got the land surveyed the following day to identify the new property lines and then proceeded to break ground with the headlines done we had nearly quadrupled our total farmable land but even though we could have went bigger we decided to be smart to stay within something manageable now this new land was great we had a lot of truths to deal with but those will be getting removed the following winter all right boys this has taken a heck of a long time but I think we finally got most of it here the old owner of the property actually came out and uh was kind of checking on what I was doing and I was just breaking up land here and uh said yeah this land has never been broken up before and I can see there's a lot of rocks so I think I'm going to uh see if I can borrow a stone picker from uh one of my neighbors a rock picker or something because there's even a couple rocks over here now we actually cut across a chunk of land I don't own the property lines are very weird out here but I'd say we at least like quadrupled the original land if not more so we're gonna have a pretty busy planting season now we've got a couple weeks still planting I'd say two maybe three weeks at the most as long as we keep having good weather here um but I'd say we're about done breaking new land for this year now there is quite a bit of trees in that new field there but we're gonna get rid of those in the winter and we shouldn't have to worry about anything like that there we go I'm also gonna have to fill up the diesel tank eventually and that's gonna be a couple Grand here but apparently there's still quite a bit of diesel in there so we don't really got to worry now one thing I'd really love to do is upgrade the planter but I think this should work for this year and I mean we also have an 85 000 loan to pay off so I definitely needed that land and of course we're gonna be doing a lot of hang now we still do have a decent amount of seed from last year so I don't know if we're gonna buy more we have to I guess it's not that big of a deal but at any rate I'm gonna take these logs in but on our way there I think I'm going to stop in at our new property there and kind of check it out a little more also after we get this all seated I'm gonna have to spray and that's gonna get expensive again with the inclusion of our new property here we do have this Vineyard I think I'm gonna get rid of it and then we've got these two things right here and then this really old barn I don't know it's kind of past the point of repairing it because I'd like to make a couple barns out here to keep some animals and whatever else so that might be a thing I think we're gonna clean up most of these trees but a lot of that again is going to be over the winter along with all the trees out there in the field now this bar oh wait a minute is that a dirt bike oh I'm taking this home with me oh this is sweet I got a buddy that works on these I'm gonna load this in the back of the truck here and take it to him and then I'll have a dirt bike there we go perfect all right let's go take these logs in here and let's see if we can make some money but I think next episode we're gonna clear all of this old stuff out including that old flatbed truck which I'm really interested to see if we can get that running that'd be sweet for hauling Bales on or maybe we just sell it I don't know because we're gonna need some money for all of this chemical and stuff we're gonna have to buy to spray all these fields with all right so we're currently at 15 319 now I don't think this wood is going to fetch a whole lot of money and hopefully is enough to at least buy some spray and Seed if we need it and of course if we need more money we'll just cut down more trees and that was 5 355 dollars that's actually pretty good so that brings us up to uh 20 674. I'm just heading back I picked up this rock picker from another farmer down the road he's gonna let me borrow it to clean up all the rocks out of my field here but first I gotta pick a tractor to hook this up to here but today's gonna be a busy day because as well as getting all the rocks out of the field we bought that Barn a little while ago now has a bunch of stuff around it kind of old abandoned vehicles and we're gonna try to get some of those out today last week I got this dirt bike out of there and we got it running so we might take that out for a spin later but first we gotta get these rocks out of the field and I'm hoping it doesn't take terribly long because I'm thinking today or tomorrow we might actually be able to go on some seating hopefully all right that is the first field done here I don't even think the rock picker is full yet but it will be probably halfway through this field because there is a lot of rocks in here this is gonna take a while well we we are looking pretty dang close to full here we just got a couple more spots left on this side and then we got the whole other side over there all right that's it this thing's full now where am I going to dump it that is the question I don't want to dump it over there because we're going to be clearing a lot of those trees out and stuff so I think I'm gonna have to go dump it over by my main Farm there we're gonna be leaving a lot of those trees I think we'll just stick it right over here in case we need some rocks in the yard this should do the trick there we go that wasn't much at all though yeah there's a little bit in there all right back at it after we got the last rocks picked off the field we headed back to the shop got the rock picker unloaded and started setting up for seating so we could go the very next morning once we got the planter out it was time to start filling after we got the fertilizer loaded up it was time for seed which I unfortunately dropped but luckily nothing got damaged but with everything ready to go it was time to get out in the field and do our first initial test and with everything running good we parked it up to go the very next morning all right so the cedar is all good to go here we should just have enough seed for this year I'm hoping if we don't we can always go grab another bag but it should do it hopefully I'm actually gonna unload this dirt bike here real quick and we'll take it for a quick ride I haven't drove it since uh we picked it up from my buddy there and it was only around the yard so we gotta go for a quick ride but after that we're gonna head out to the barn and see if we can get a couple things moved out of the way Yep this is exactly what I needed for checking crops this is gonna be perfect in the fall all right so here's what I am thinking for all this stuff out here I want to get this camper moved out of the way so that can be gone I do wanted to take this Barn down at some point I'll probably do that just before Harvest because we're not terribly busy then other than getting the combine ready that's about it but this truck right here I want to get this truck out of here because I'm hoping I can haul some Bales on now this thing hasn't ran in probably what 25 years it's an old one but it's still an actually decent condition so I'm gonna see if I can get it pulled out of all these bushes here and uh hopefully get it running if there is of course not too much mice in the motor and all of that hopefully it's still okay ah crap I forgot the tow rope all right well we're just gonna have to push it out of here all right just make sure it's a neutral here good it is ah the wheels are kind of turned that way okay if I can get it out of these divots because these tires are sunk in pretty good I'll try to straighten out the wheel and then we can get it out to the front of the barn there gotta try be as careful as I can here I don't want to wreck this bed there you go okay now I should be able to turn the wheel all right got it turned here oh boy it might be in a little bit far okay now straighten it back out almost there oh oh going a bit sideways just a little bit more and good perfect now this thing actually doesn't look half bad surprisingly enough there's actually not uh any Mouse crap or anything in here so that means the cab was sealed pretty good but I'm guessing that's not the same case for the motor here we'll see what we can do well I got a buddy who's a heavy duty mechanic he's gonna come out here take a look at this thing see what we can do about it oh and it's even got a gooseneck on the back hey maybe I can find an old flatbed trailer and then we can really haul some Bales it's also got a pitch on the back so we can change that over if we wanted to but I think mainly we'll just use the flatbed well we could probably haul two four six Bales I'd say something like that but I gotta run back to the farm here return that rock picker and then when I get back hopefully my buddy should be here but I will say the field is looking pretty dang good once we got back to the farm I hopped in my truck grabbed my neighbor's Rock picker to return it to on my way back I was driving past the used equipment dealer and something caught my eye a pretty good looking American Bandit trailer and a New Holland L triple five Deluxe now while a skid steer wasn't exactly what I needed for the farm and considering I had an 85 000 loan to pay back by the end of fall a skid steer was not gonna be a good purchase at least not a smart one but I decided to go see if I can make a deal anyway and ten thousand dollars later I had made a deal so we grabbed my new purchase of a trailer in skid steer and headed on back to the farm as I pulled back into the farm sure enough my buddy was there ready and waiting to see if we can get this old hunk of junk running again all right boys it's been a couple hours here we've been working talking on this thing trying to uh get everything good on it luckily enough for me the motor was not seized which is very nice it's almost the end of the day here so we're gonna try to fire this thing up and see if we can uh well hopefully get it out of here all right let's give her a shot come on all right one more time and then I'm gonna have to get out and check stuff if it doesn't fire up here oh it's close come on now oh it's running we're going all right moment of truth heck yeah oh this is gonna be a perfect addition to the farm oh and it goes pretty decent too drifting gears like it's nothing transmission seems to be actually pretty good on it man these old Fords pretty much as long as the engine's not seized with just a little bit of work they'll fire right on up for you and that makes me pretty dang happy because with tearing all this crap down we're definitely gonna be putting this thing to work well we're gonna have to do some more work to this thing but it's gonna stay here overnight then hopefully tomorrow we should be able to go unseating I'm hoping as long as it doesn't rain but boys we're up bright and early it's the next morning here and unfortunately we did get a little bit of rain last night but I think we should still be able to go I'm hoping so if it's too Mucky it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow but I'm just gonna go out and check the field here real quick man a lot of weeds we're gonna have to spray this after it gets seated all right I think we should be able to go we'll get out there with the tractor and see what we can do ah you know what I might actually hook this up to the Massey Ferguson because this is pretty slow going with this tractor it's still a 40 20 but I don't know may as well run the Massey plus the Massey's got air conditioning and it's all capped in so it's just better all right off we go and this field is gonna be some beans and since we got most of the Rocks cleared out it should be pretty easy going and we shouldn't get any damage on the planter if I see a big rock I'm gonna have to go around it or I'll have to grab the tractor but I'm hoping we should be all good anyway my buddy that was helping me with the truck last night he should be back out there later today and he's gonna work on it just a little more make sure it's running perfectly so we can actually use it and I was talking to the used equipment dealer down the road there and uh he's saying he might have a nice New round baler coming in for us well not new but gonna be new to us if we do get it I'm thinking we'll trade the uh square baler and square Bill cart for it I can't remember the exact name I'm sure there's an exact name that I'm not thinking of right now but if we do get that we're definitely gonna be using the flatbed this year everything seems to be good so far no mud which is nice we'll just get two Headlands done here that way we have plenty of room to turn around well we're going good here no problems with the cedar yet everything seems to be working good we're almost done this field I don't think we're gonna get to the other field today like we're gonna have to do that a little bit later but my buddy just called me said the truck is almost good to go so he's gonna bring it over as soon as it's good and then I've got to run into town for a couple parts Food Supplies other stuff and pay my fuel bills so we're gonna be uh we're gonna be down some money but hopefully we can make it back and last pass here and we are done first field of the Year seated in beans and we are down to pretty much nothing there for our seed actually you know what I should be able to use it all up here if I just do the last little bits on the edge just a little bit of cleanup there we go that is all the seed in the tank and now I know that he's full Cedar pretty much seated that entire thing I'll just back this thing in right over here well well well look what showed up looks like a pretty fancy truck to me all right well I'm gonna get my skid steer unloaded here and then I think going to hook up that trailer to that truck just so we can kind of get this all out of the way you know what I haven't even had a chance to drive this thing it's just been sitting on the trailer since yesterday oh but it seems good yeah this should work perfectly they even got a bale spear I don't know if this thing could load a full Bale but I suppose we'd give it a try and we do have a bucket and forks so it's gonna be nice for loading seed and plowing snow would you look at that even an attacher on the back for pulling the hay wagon I've actually got to get this out of here anyway because we're going to be taking this to the used equipment dealer tomorrow and trading it in man I'm gonna have to build a bigger shop if I want all this to fit over the winter look at that already putting it to work and that can stay right there till tomorrow morning unless I need it of course now that I got this hooked up I got to figure out where I'm gonna park it I feel like if I cut down those trees right there I might have a little more room in here but I suppose right here will work for now we've got 10 437 to our name but today is going to be a busy day because there's supposed to be some rain coming here in probably in the next day or so or maybe a couple hours it's not too accurate on when it says it's coming but at any rate we still have one more field to seed and we have some hang to do so I'd like to get that done today as well as hopefully throughout the week tearing down that old barn out there so we got a lot of work to do first things first though gotta get some seed loaded up alrighty well with that out of the way here I'm gonna stick this back in the shed and we're gonna get to work so later today I'm gonna have to make a trip out to the used equipment store to make a trade for this uh square baler and bail cart for a new Baler and a rake and then we're gonna get to work on cutting this all and making some hay out of it but first things first is getting this uh this task done seating all of this is gonna take just a little bit a little bit I mean a long time we'll probably be here most of the day I'm hoping I can get it done before the rain though well we're about down to our last three percent here on seed and I guess we're about uh half done so pretty dang close to being finished I think we're gonna have to fill up one more time and that should hopefully do it I don't know if we're gonna make it to the end of the row here might run out just before that oh no we finished it nope that's it after getting back to the shop we fill up the cedar one last time and head back out to the field to finish up after getting done the last row for seating this year we hopped in a different tractor to make the long drive all the way into town once we got out to the used equipment store it was time to pick up our brand new equipment well new to us that is with our new Baler and hayrig secured the only thing left to do was to head home and get started on some hits alright boys we got the new equipment here got everything delivered along with our new hay rake which is pretty sweet so we'll be able to put that to use pretty soon I got a buddy over there the old barn he's just working on a couple things but we're gonna go over there and uh see what's going on I'm fairly certain he's got an excavator and a dump truck there and we're gonna try and tear this down today hopefully now luckily enough for me he's not charging me for this I just kind of owe him one I own a favor so we'll see how that goes all right yeah he's got the excavator he's got the dump truck there perfect I'm actually gonna to hook up to this camper here and see if we can get it out of here so you know what I have my flatbed truck out here originally I was gonna do this all myself but I just don't have the time luckily my buddy does construction around here so makes it a lot easier for us along with tearing out the barn I think he's also going to tear out this uh Old Vineyard because frankly it's kind of useless to us and uh yeah it shouldn't be too bad to uh take out all right so here's what needs to be done I gotta grab a tractor here I gotta grab this and we've got to get to some mowing now my plan is to mow as much as I possibly can because the more Bales we have more money we can get and the sooner we can pay off our 85 000 loan before the end of fall because if we don't well it's not going to go terribly great for us all right we're just on our last pass here I've got a little more to finish up on the front side of the field here but I'd say we about got it we'll just get a little bit of this up here kind of get as much as we can at least they're still calling for rain in the forecast but I'm hoping it doesn't hit us and we can keep on hanging here oh sure enough that Barn did come down we might go do some mowing over there later on if it doesn't rain we'll see all right just finishing up the last little bits here I decided I'd go a little extra on the side because you know what why not at the end of the day it's gonna be free hey so may as well cut it okay so with that done I'm actually gonna hop in the truck here and head on over to our other property and see how the uh Barn demolition's going and then eventually if I get time I'm gonna grab the rake here and we'll do a little bit of raking of this may as well but it actually is pretty hot and windy out today so maybe just maybe we'll be able to bail I'm not too sure yet though see oh yeah check it out it's all gone I guess they're just getting the excavator loaded back up here but all this looks sweet all right looks like they got the excavator loaded up here and they're gonna head out but man does this look so much better I can't wait to uh do a little more work in here and hopefully we can get some uh animal pens in here eventually and all that good stuff I think this winter we're still gonna cut down a lot of these trees kind of open up the area a little more but there's lots of hang that could be done through here so that'll be sweet I think all of this over here is gonna end up being hay and we'll uh try keep a good portion of it I'm gonna have to build another shed though because I got nowhere else to store hay at the moment I guess we could have stored it in that Barn there but that place already had a ton of holes in the roof and that wouldn't have been a good situation there all right let's get to some uh baling here actually first we got to do a little bit of raking because uh well I didn't buy this rake for nothing I don't even know if it's gonna work yet we still gotta see that kind of works I mean we can really cruise with it so that's nice even if if we don't get to bailing the entire field today I at least want to try out the Baler just to make sure it all works so then when we can go everything's running smoothly well so far so good we got uh just about half of this field done I'd say and it's looking pretty good everything seems to be drying out really nice so we'll at least be able to try out the Baler of anything I don't know if we'll be bailing the entire field though all right I'd say that about does it first time using this rake I'd say it worked phenomenally and I think we're gonna grab the bigger tractor here and hook it up to the Baler because it's got just a little more horsepower over that bad boy down it's already loaded up with twine so we're good to go let's see what we can do and first bail look at that well everything seems to be working good that's the important part like we're just gonna try to do this little bit of a piece over here oh would you look at that that's three four probably gonna be like five bales from here it's pretty good may as well finish this little chunk off here too perfect I'm gonna kill that good right about there well I'm gonna let this all dry out here but uh for the time being I guess we can try to get a couple things cleaned up here and organized because the farm is looking a little bit uh messy at the moment here I still really gotta get a pressure washer out here because everything is pretty dirty at the moment and it's not looking the greatest plus I'd like to keep this stuff clean if I can I guess I should probably move these seed bags here get them out of the way because since we're done seating now I guess we don't really need them so I just got a call from my neighbor here saying that uh he needs four bales he's seen me out there bailing and uh he needs four bales for this winter so he's willing to pay me for the Bales which uh you know what we're gonna sell them anyway so that works out perfectly actually you know what I'm gonna have to run over to our other piece of land there and grab the uh flat bed because that's what we're gonna haul these with and actually I don't know what the average price per hay bale is right now let me check all right so we're looking at about uh two 250 for a bill right now and this is pretty high quality hay here so probably 250 all right that'll work for now actually just probably shut this off and we'll go grab the flatbed all right flatbed secured let's go load up some Bales hopefully this New Holland can lift high enough I know these Bales are awfully heavy so we'll try our best there's one there's two and four definitely not the best stack job but it'll work fine but when I guess I wonder if the uh skidster uh the skid steer could actually probably reach another bale up here all right well let's get to know for uh when we're gonna be hauling a lot of Bales out of here because I think we should be able to do two more Cuts maybe one on all these fields so yeah it'll be uh pretty busy I guess I should probably trap these down here sure they're all good all right another grand for us hay bales were delivered so that brings us up to about eleven thousand dollars and then I ended up bailing it off camera and it's time to load up oh how many is here probably I'm gonna say about maybe 20 22 Bales some like that so hopefully that's a good amount of money now of course I ain't about wasting time so we're gonna grab a trailer and that should help us get all the these Bales in about one shot alright Q epic bail loading montage [Music] [Music] there we go that's the last one and I'd say we're pretty well full with a total of 19 Bales and we got uh what two I thought we'd fit on all of them but I guess not so we're gonna take these in and see how much money we get after pulling into the shop we unloaded and made about eight thousand dollars after that we loaded up the last of the hay bales strapped him down and took him in bringing us to around 21-5 meaning with all the hay bales sold in the field that brought us to around eleven thousand dollars after searching around for a fertilizer spreader we managed to find this one for about a thousand dollars this was gonna be our very next purchase with our new purchase now to farm and fertilizer already on hand we were gonna make pretty light work of this new job even with everything we had accomplished this summer you still had one goal in mind and that was the payback that 85 000 loan now while that doesn't seem too bad the time to pay it back was only a few short months away alright boys that's about one field down here I'm just spreading out the rest of the fertilizer here just because there's not a whole lot left in the tank here and may as well put it on the field I'm surprised one tank actually finished this field I think the other field might take probably two maybe one and a half something like that but so far so good well with this field now fertilized we should be looking at a lot better yields than last year after some thought I think I'm gonna wait to fertilize the other field there because that was seated slightly later so we have a couple days there so we're gonna grab the haybine and get to a little bit of haying if we can I've got some ideas of where we could uh possibly cut on the new property so right about here is kind of the start of our new property now I'm thinking I'm just gonna cut parallel to this field and we'll just try to get as much as we can alright so this is pretty much what I did for this side here just kind of made an outline I didn't go too crazy with everything because I want to keep a lot of this grass for the cows that we're eventually going to have and if we hate it all then there's not gonna be a whole lot left so I kind of just cut the chunks that we weren't really going to use we are going to clean out most of these trees over the winter so a lot of this is gonna be dirt so I did cut a lot of this out but we still got a good chunk over here that we cut so we'll still get a lot of Bales off this and there we go all right yeesh this New Holland needs a bath it is filthy I don't think this is the last cut we're gonna do for this year I think the other field over there seems to do pretty well for a second cut so we'll see how much rain we get also one more thing since we've got a lot more equipment this year if we end up paying back that loan and having a bit of extra money I'd like to build a second shed or maybe a pole barn or something something we can at least store hay in because right now we pretty much have to sell it as soon as we can because if it gets rain on it then it's worthless then it would be if we could keep it in a pole barn or a storage shed over the winter now I'm thinking it'll be somewhere over by the cattle because we'll need to store some hay over there as well or the cows themselves so we'll see what we can do but I'm gonna grab the disc here because this is one project I need to take care of over there before we can start doing some projects in that area I also have to build a road over there from my main house so if we have the money we'll rent Dozer eventually so this right here is an Old Vineyard now we took it all out when we had the excavator over here to destroy the barn a couple weeks ago now since there's a bunch of Old Vineyard routes through here I'd like to disc it all up and eventually replant it to Grass if we can and since we have the time may as well do it now or maybe we'll build a barn over top of this area I'm not too sure yet but regardless it needs to be disked up so I'm just looking at my phone right now what a new barn and fencing would cost me and it's about 75 000 and that is not cheap at all but I mean considering we're getting an entire Barn it's not bad but I'm guessing between the cost of the cows the barn fence all the other things we're going to need getting water over here it's going to be about 150 000 so we have a long way to go I don't know if we're gonna get it this year but we'll try our best maybe we'll take out another loan after we pay this current one back that's our main goal right now is just to pay that back as soon as we can but to get everything set up for the barn yeah I think we're gonna need a lot more money but with a lot of the new land we've got and we can hey a lot of this land especially if we don't use this all over here for pasture because we've got so much of it over there I think we'll still be looking at a lot I'll just park this right here for now we need to grease the disc because that's probably the last time we're going to use it this year so I'll get it all greased washed and put away so I'm thinking about still nice and warm out it's kind of a little bit windy we're gonna grab the hay rig and go do a little bit of raking there get that all done you know what while we're over here I'm just gonna go and load up the fertilizer spreader or not because the skid steer does not lift high enough it's our main issue with this thing right now is it just just doesn't lift quite high enough maybe I need to get a bigger skid steer so dang close all right we got it there we go one more project out of the way I'm thinking I probably don't even need to rake this because there's not a whole lot here but may as well do it makes it easier in the end and we can Cruise while doing this pretty good oh yes just cruising forget Fast and the Furious we're over here doing fast in the farm well so far so good we got about most of the field done I think we got a couple more passes here and then we should be good all right we are done everything's nice and raked it's looking good the hay is actually fairly dry so we may be able to bail sooner than I thought we would I still gotta get that field fertilized so we got to do that eventually but I got a lot more done than I thought we would so it's actually the next day here and I've spent most of the day just getting everything organized kind of cleaned up I still gotta wash this it's looking nasty but the weather's supposed to be nice for the next week or so here and I'm thinking I'll get that field finished up before it rains so we'll go spread this out there and then maybe do some bailing I'm not too sure yet I've only got one bag of fertilizer left so hopefully it finishes off this field I'm not too sure if it will I didn't really do the calculations but we'll try our best oh crap I forgot I had that camper out there I still got to get rid of that because I don't think we're gonna use it I don't know maybe for the meantime I'll just pull it back to the farm there and we can deal with it you know this actually has a hitch behind it maybe I can hook it up to this well we're just about out of fertilizer here I think we've got maybe half the field done so the amount of fertilizer we have left in the shop should do it just want to make sure I get every inch of this field covered though want to get the best yields possible and that's it all right back to the shop we'll fill this up one more time and we should be about good oh crap I was gonna go back and grab that camper we'll do that then all right it attached perfect oh camper squatting we'll just stick this camper up by the house for now since it's really the only flat place I think I might have made a bad decision building my farm here because there's not a whole lot of flat areas and it's not the greatest for uh making a yard on but we made it work I'm sure we'll fix it one day well boys it's an early morning out here on the farm and we've got just over twenty thousand dollars to our name which is uh not too bad but today we might be spending a little bit of that on probably something I don't even need so we're gonna take the dirt bike down to the used equipment store and check out what they got going over there because from what I heard they might have something that I want looks like the crops are doing good everything's fertilized now so uh we should be getting a pretty good yield out of that other field is doing phenomenally perfect and the haze all dried out so we're gonna bail that a little bit later today so yeah it's gonna get busy all right here we are now what was Jerry talking about that I might have wanted yep there it is I already know what I'm looking at I actually you know what I don't even know what I'm looking at what in the heck is this thing it looks like they took the rear end out of a tractor swapped it onto some sort of a Chevy grain truck and they put tractor tires all on this thing what in the heck who would build this it's got Duallys on it I don't even know how much horsepowers this got but I love this thing and I need it is this even road legal I'm not entirely sure I think they left the keys in it yeah they did what in the heck am I looking at oh it's got a tractor motor in it so they just put a a Chevy cab on it on a tractor essentially what the heck I don't even know what this is but I love it and I gotta know the price on it because I want to buy it now the question is what would I use this for I have absolutely no idea but it's cool and I want it actually you know what would be good use for this is logging in the winter because this thing could pull logs like nothing oh and it is four wheel drive okay sweet all right let's see if I get a price on this thing because I I don't know if I can go home without it Okay purchase was made four thousand dollars I couldn't say no even though we have an 85 000 loan to pay off at the end of fall this was a deal that I couldn't pass up if I didn't get it someone else would so screw it we had to buy it now just got to figure out how to get my dirt bike home which I might just toss it on the back here if I can figure that out well that works I wonder if this thing would work good for uh running the Baler you might have to give that a shot because it does have a PTO okay dirt bikes unloaded here we made it back this thing actually seems to be driving really really nice and not to mention it's bigger than the Massey Ferguson and probably has a little more power so this might just become the main work tractor or truck I am not entirely sure does have air conditioning so can't really complain about that that'd be nice for bailing and from the looks of it it might work perfect with the Baler I may have to take the rear duels off and now we could turn actually pretty decent with it alright well other than bailing right now we don't have a whole lot going on so I think we're just gonna get to that because after this purchase we're gonna need to make some more money and from the looks of it our other fields there are grown back nicely so we should be getting a second cut out of those well first bail down this thing seems to be running the Baler really really nicely so I can't complain I think we may have a nice little uh new addition to the farm here so I'm thinking after the sale of all of these Bales in here we should have enough to make roughly a fifteen thousand dollar payment on the loan which would give us a good jump to seventy thousand dollars left to pay and from what I've seen hay is still at a good price so we should be able to make that happen well so far so good we're just finishing up the last little bits on this side and then we're over to the other part which uh you know what we're actually getting pretty decent Bales off this better than I thought we would and not to mention it's good quality hay that hasn't been rained on so we should fetch a premium for it after getting the last of the hay baled we headed back to the farm and gathered equipment so we could haul the hay and get it sold with all of our equipment secured we headed back out to the hay field and got to work [Music] with our new hang operation doing extremely well would only be a matter of time before we got that loan paid off and not to mention the fields themselves were looking pretty dang good too and would definitely yield well with all the Bales loaded up we added on into town to make a sale and hopefully have a little more money on our account but the sale of the bails made we managed to make an extra sixty five hundred dollars bringing our total up to 22 517 and after getting back to the farm we celebrated by paying our fuel bill which was 2500 but with that out of the way it was finally time to make our very first loan payments of fifteen thousand dollars and that brought us down to five thousand and Seventeen dollars which we could still probably run the Farm off of well boys we made some money and we paid some money that's for sure but the day is long from over we got everything bailed and sold which is nice the grass fields are looking like they can be cut now in a couple weeks they're growing back very nicely we might actually fertilize them because we have a little extra fertilizer around here so I was thinking may as well put a little on there we got the skid steer on the trailer right now so we'll just use the 40 20 like we used to never mind this isn't working we'll unload the skid steer I do know fertilizer is crazy expensive so I'm hoping if we get the cows later this year or sometime this winter at least we should hopefully be having manure by that time which that's a heck of a lot cheaper than some fertilizer that's for sure well there we go that should hold us over for a little bit get some fertilizer on the ground hopefully that helps it out a little bit maybe get just a little better on the hay yield so let's take a quick look at the field here and I guess we can fertilize it a little more since it went through another growth stage here so we're just gonna toss the rest of the fertilizer we have on this field and then if we have a little extra we'll take a little bit on the other field there but we'll see what we can do at least better to put this to use on the soybeans versus the hay because soybeans are worth a heck of a lot more than the hay is and since we got the row crop tires on this it doesn't damage the field which is nice now well we may have zero GPS on this tractor I've kind of got to take it by eye here so we'll try our best here not to overlap if we can so I just finished off that other field there so we're just loading up again here to go to the other one and use up the last of the fertilizer that we got here well that is the last of it here and we've got the fertilizer spreader here full to the top so should be able to get a good amount out of this all right we finished off the fertilizer there got that field done well it's it's not done we didn't uh have enough to completely finish it but it's pretty well good now I'd say I did get a text while I was fertilizing though we have a guy coming to look at the camper today so hopefully he takes it but if not we might just keep it around the farm so I kind of just finished cleaning up the yard a little bit got some stuff put away but what we're gonna do is grab the uh haybine here and do a little bit of grass cutting because the long grass in the yard has really been bothering me and I just want to get it cleaned up a little bit and it gives us a good chance to use this truck or tractor I don't even know what to call it yet well there we go the yard is actually looking a little bit better now I might try getting those trees just a little bit there there I think we're good I'm not doing this to try to get hay out of the yard I really just wanted it cleaned up and since I don't have a mower this is kind of the easiest way to do it screw it we're going to use a smaller tractor to pull the Baler with because it'll be easier to get up and around there this big thing it's no fun I think we might get two maybe three Bales off this I don't know we'll see come on 40 20. you got this I'm on up the hill one thing I did not think of is we're gonna have Bales rolling all over here oh maybe not we might get lucky there's build number two so I think it might be pretty spot on with the three Bale deal nope only two well the Baler is about uh 78 80 full so pretty dang close but we got 5 000 in the bank account and more money to come as soon as this Field's ready and as soon as the uh rest of the hay is ready to cut well as it turns out the guy's not coming to look at the camper here so we're just gonna leave it here and my cousin actually might be coming out for a little bit to help out with Harvest there so and he'll have a nice place to stay well I don't know how nice it is but it'll work [Music] well boys we're back out in the farm it is officially Harvest time we've been waiting months for this but today is finally the day both fields are ready so I'm excited to get started on this but the biggest thing today being that we only have five thousand dollars in our account and still have I think roughly 75 000 left to pay back now this is our last week that we have to pay the loan back so we'd better get to work first things first though we gotta get the combine out of here header hooked up everything else ready to go so we can get to making some money that moved the old 40 20 out of the way I'm also hoping sometime this year or maybe early next year we can at least upgrade one of our tractors because the only thing we got with air conditioning at the moment is the Chevy tractor all right header secured this thing was put away service last year so we're all good to go we just gotta grab our gravity wagon and a couple other things and we should be ready to go I'm hoping so at least hopefully this thing doesn't break down we need to make some money we're going slightly overkill for the gravity wagon tractor this year but the fields are a little bit softer than normal so this thing's got the big wide tires and I don't want to risk getting something else stuck but I should put a tow rope on this in case I need to pull out the combine that would not be a good time it's still pretty early in the day here we've got this massive field to harvest along with the field on our second property and then I'm hoping if we have time I want to get a second cut of hay done this week so we can at least have a little more money in the bank because I don't know if all of this is going to pay off the loan and if we don't get the loan paid off we get a nasty late fee and that is not going to be a good time all right let's start it up off we go now we've increased our field sizes at least quadruple since last year so Harvest this year is gonna take a little bit longer but I'm hoping it should be well worth it we did fertilize this field very very well so I'm open we're gonna get some good yields with our first Headland done the combine was running good and the yields were looking even better than last year I had pretty high hopes for paying off this loan unfortunately though in the months leading up to harvest we had still not gotten any green bins on the farm so with that being said we would have to transport all our grain directly to the elevator to be sold then again with soybean prices being extremely high this wasn't going to be much of a problem all right one more pass to go after we finish this one and this field is done I gotta go check on that other field right beside us there I think it might still be a little too wet to go to days so if we don't go on that I think we'll do a little more hang well we can well the weather stays nice and I'm thinking the rest of this should for sure fill up the gravity wagon if not a little bit more after that so we'll take that in see how much that's worth I think it'll be worth a good amount I'm hoping at least if it's not we might be a little screwed and we are done perfect we get this unloaded here and we'll go from there this field actually yielded pretty dang good better than I thought it would so hopefully I can expect the same from the other field not much more and this thing's gonna be full gotta be careful we don't overfill it here had to go to the other side oh never mind we're full okay or no this thing's just empty and it is extremely dirty so I'm gonna have to get that washed off after Harvest but we still got one more field left so it'll be a little bit yet well we're looking at about 89 percent on the gravity wagon there so that's actually not too bad as you can see here soybean prices are up which is awesome so I'm hoping that means big money for us all right we're here let's see what we make oh man that money's going up fast this wagon unload is awfully slow so we'll be here for a little bit 20 000 and a total of Sixteen thousand six hundred and six dollars all right we're back at the farm here we've got twenty one thousand dollars just over that so that roughly gives us 55 000 left to make by the end of the week which I know sounds like a lot of money but we've still got the other field over there we'll probably go on that tomorrow I'm hoping that'll be dry enough by then but the thing is we still have a lot of hay ground to cut and bail and hay prices aren't looking too bad right now so I'm thinking if we really put in the work we should be able to make up the last of that 55 grand now worst case scenario I have to sell some equipment that's not that big of a deal I can get rid of a couple things it's not the end of the world not to mention with our new land over there there's a lot of trees we can cut down over the winter and sell them as well and I think for a couple thousand dollars I can get an extension on the loan but I don't really want to do that I would prefer to pay it off when we can well as soon as we can I guess so with that being said I'm gonna go cut some hay and see if we can make some more money all right first Headland done here I'm thinking the hay actually looks thicker than it did the first cut which is actually surprising I mean we did get a good amount of rain here so things are actually not looking too bad oh boys it's a little later in the afternoon here we're just finishing up this field and we got one more little strip over there to go do this little extra part over here actually yields quite a bit of hay so figured may as well cut it again and if the weather stays nice we'll head over to the other property over there and get some cut as well and there we go I'd say that a boat does it for over here eventually once Harvest is over we'll move all the equipment out of the way and get all this cut but for now now I'm pretty happy with what we got done well boys it is the next day here I'm just gonna hop on my dirt bike real quick we'll go check that other soybean field to see if it's ready to go I'm hoping it is though because I'd like to get that done sooner than later and we might be able to go on it tonight but I'm gonna say we're gonna have to wait till tomorrow morning but if we want to we can cut all of this for hay here and since we're probably not gonna be getting any cows at least until the Barn's built so that'll probably be a couple months from now so we really won't be using any of this land back here for grazing land for the cows so I'm gonna say we'll cut it just because we really need the extra money that the hay is gonna give us but it's still a nice warm early morning here it's a little bit windy so we got hay drying out I think we're gonna rake it quick here just because that doesn't take very long and pretty easy job I decided I'd try put three rows together it's gonna be an awful big row when we're done here so I don't know if the Baylor's gonna be able to handle it but we'll give it a shot I could probably use a bigger rake at some point this thing's still pretty small all right there we go every everything's raked up here I'm just gonna put this away I'm also gonna get the combine ready to go here for when that Field's good to go I think it needs a good feeling and grease here real quick well we have time may as well I figured I should hook the haybine up to the other 40 20 here it's got this uh top on it so it keeps you in the shade which is nice versus out in the open with the other tractor so we're probably better off with this I was also talking with a guy down the road that owns some cattle and he says he's got a bunch of extra manures so we may see if we can either buy or rent a manure spreader depending on how much money we have after we pay back that loan but if we could get some manure on this this fall that would be sweet but we'll have to see what happens I can check around see if there's any manure spreaders for sale right now I was just looking at my phone here I found a couple I'm thinking this one this one's not actually looking too bad not very used it's not too big not too small 1200 bucks I could probably get the guy down to a grand I'm gonna say yeah this actually might work perfect I know we're not supposed to be spending money but this might be too good of a opportunity to pass up well I went into the Farm took a look at this thing and decided I couldn't leave without it I did get it for a grand they just replaced all the bearings all the chains gave it a new paint job new tires so this thing is perfect I'm also taking a shortcut to the farm because screw the road also before buying this I did call the guy with the manure just to make sure we were going to be able to get it and he said yeah it's ours so we'll be able to spread it out over the field as soon as harvest is done then I think we'll probably disc it in or something but I really gotta quit impulse buying this is why we can't pay back the loan I went and checked on the field again I don't think we're gonna be able to go on it this afternoon but I did get the combine cleaned up I know I said I wasn't gonna wash it but yeah better to keep it clean I got it all blowed out there so there's no rain dust or any of that in there it's all greased as well but now we'll be able to go in the morning without any issues but if we can get that field harvested the more we should be able to bail this as well now that it's all raked and it's drying out really nice so I'm hoping that's gonna be lots of money for us and if it's not a lot of money then we might be a tad bit screw today is fun finally the day that we finished Harvest well hopefully at least because we got rain on the way so we better get to work yeah this field is pretty big I think we're gonna be making a lot of money off it but with that being said we still have 75 000 worth of a loan to pay off here in the next three days and uh if we don't make some money it's not gonna go good not to mention we're running out of time had to grab the gravity wagon because uh well how the heck also are we supposed to transport the grain all right let's see if we can make some money after the tank was full in the first quarter of the field was done we went to unload however with the forecast still predicting rain we didn't waste any time getting back out there the crops were looking good and the yields looking even better that would mean a high price at the elevator and more money for us after getting about three quarters of the field finished we topped off the remaining room in the gravity wagon and headed into town after getting to the elevator we got to unloading and made a whopping twenty thousand dollars but we weren't done just yet all right and that is it for this field as far as I'm aware that uh rain is still a little bit away so we should be okay I'm hoping at least but we'll get this unloaded take the last bit into the elevator and then I am gonna go bail because I would like to get that done too before it rains because once it rains on Hay it's not the greatest for it then you gotta wait longer for it and the hay is not as good quality and all that so I hope to get that done sooner than later all right this is the last of the soybeans here see how much it's gonna make us all right another four thousand dollars it's not bad all right Harvest is finished off here now I did say a couple days ago that I have a neighbor that has a bunch of manure that he doesn't want to use and he said we could spread it on our Fields here so I went and bought a manure spreader so if we get a chance in the next couple days we're gonna do that and hopefully put this thing to some use but I want to beat the rain here so we're gonna try bail this up as fast as we can it shouldn't take too long because we got most of it raked up here we got a couple of the uh rows here raked into three all right I guess you could say three rows raked into one and man is that filling up fast I wasn't sure the Baler could handle it but it's actually seems to be yeah not bad it's bogging down the tractor just a little bit but that's okay the old 40 20 can handle it hay prices aren't looking too too bad right now so hopefully we should turn a good profit I'm hoping we can at least make another 35 000 to 40 000 off this hay here that should give us enough to run the farm for a little bit until we make some more money and pay off the loan but worst case scenario we got to sell some equipment which I would prefer not to do but we can always buy equipment back it is what it is I think we might just beat this rain here I'm not seeing any rain clouds right now but it's saying we're supposed to get a good amount here so I'd like to finish sooner than later anyway if we do get a lot I don't know if we're gonna be able to make it out in the field to spread manure but we have the uh tractor there so we might be able to give it a try so I'm just cleaning up the last little bits over here I ended up getting a call for that uh camper that I have up by my house there's a guy that wants to come look at it he's probably gonna buy it so that might actually give us a little extra money crap I'm putting a bailout right on the road oh maybe not yeah I think I was right about there being more hay this second cut around here because we are pumping out Bales left right and Center which I can't complain about we definitely need the money okay the hay is just about finished here I just got a text from the guy that's coming to look at the camper he's on his way so he should be here sooner than later hopefully all right there we go that's it I also did get a text from the used equipment store where I uh kind of buy all my stuff from I guess they're having an auction here so I'm gonna check around the farm here to see if there's anything I'm not using that I want to sell like there might be a couple things we'll see all right what do we have in here not a whole heck of a lot couple bags of seed yeah we'll use those for next year we got this old plow this is the very first plow I bought here it started the farm and I'm thinking you know what I don't use it I don't think yeah I don't think it's worth keeping around so we're gonna take that there I think there anything else around here the dirt bike I'd like to keep that but I don't really use it that much not much over here we can really get rid of I kind of use everything um is there anything on the side of the shed pretty sure there's one thing oh yeah there's all this over here ah this is what I was looking for my log winch this was from a failed logging operation that I tried to do over the winter and the Pat the tractor that I had just did not work well for it so I think we're gonna get rid of this this is actually really expensive so we might actually get a good price for this I know there's a lot of guys around here that have bigger tractors that would definitely love to have that I guess we'll grab the 40 20 here and get some of that stuff out of there load it up onto a trailer and we'll take it on over there either this afternoon or tomorrow I mean may as well most of this stuff has just been sitting here but it is looking like we got a lot of Bales out of this so that should be a lot of money although if we can if this rain isn't too bad that's coming we're gonna try to do some more we still have some time for it it's gonna be really late hey but we should be okay that's the hope at least I was thinking about taking in the fertilizer spreader but I think we're gonna use that uh next year or we might just get a bigger one we'll see does kind of work well for how many acres we have so I don't know we don't really have a place to store all the equipment right now so the smaller we stay is almost better there we go that should be all of it I'm gonna go right up there to the house and grab that camper so when the guy comes here you can take a look at it and hopefully he buys it if not it's going to the auction and that'll work right there I think so since Harvest is over here as well as planting and all that I want to get some of this stuff folded up and put in the shop that way the farm is looking a little more organized and it's easier to get stuff in and out of the yard I forgot we had those two bills there as well I have to make sure to load those up combine's all washed up let's get this thing put away there we go would you look at that now normally we'd stick the header on this wall over here but I kind of want to leave this open especially if I want to use the side door so it just fits under there which is perfect unfortunately this Cedar does not fold so it's a little bit of a pain to store but we can make it work it does need a wash first though how much more room we got over here yeah we got a little bit just want to be careful I don't Smash in anything The Rake is going back here it doesn't need to be inside so it's fine over here fertilizer spreader that's already nice and clean so we'll just stick it in there somewhere if we have space in the back this thing's staying outside too because uh yeah I don't think there's no way in heck we're fitting that into the shop I'd like to build another one still to have a little more cold storage or maybe some warm storage that'd be nice maybe a little heat in there I'll see what I can do here over the winter maybe if we make enough money off of logging we can get one in the spring while the guy showed up for his camper here he decided he was gonna buy it so that's 1100 bucks for us and that brings us up to forty six thousand dollars not too bad gravity wagging can be outside too I don't think unless I've had stuff in that that's never been in the shed before so it'll be fine out there the way it's looking we might actually be able to fit everything in here pretty good I guess we'll see is this Overkill absolutely do I care nope yeah I'd say this is gonna work pretty good for the Manure Spreader because if it rains The Field's gonna get really soft and I'd rather have a dually here to deal with all that versus uh one of the other tractors I guess worst case scenario I can always use the Massey because that is the massive floater tires on it but we'll see how it goes I'm surprised there's still no rain yet I thought there would be anyway everything's looking a bit more organized I'm liking it anyway I think we're gonna get this stuff all out to the used equipment store here for that uh auction coming up the uh the truck squatting just a little bit too bad though all right we are here and oh looks like they got some new stuff yeah I wouldn't mind taking a look at some of that John Deere 4040. man this is a sweet tractor it's on some wider tires man this thing is nice I would kill to have a tractor like this it's all cabbed it's got air conditioner wonder what he wants for this rig no no Austin don't buy anything unless the hay bales bring a lot a lot of money I don't know if we'll be able to afford this no Farmall turbo 1206 and I've seen this one here for a while it's an older case I wouldn't mind having something like this either but this goes for a lot of money I guess there's a bunch of people bringing in stuff over the week here so I'm gonna say stuff will be a lot more packed in here anyway I'm gonna go chat with him here real quick and see if we can grab a tractor to take this stuff off of here all right he gave me the keys to the 40 40. let's go take this thing for a ride man this tractor is so dang nice maybe next year maybe next year this thing's a little big for what we need but I mean I can't complain this would be nice to have around the farm he said I could just stick this stuff anywhere so we'll just stick it right there like that log win should bring a couple thousand they're not cheap I wonder if you take the Massey back in exchange for this probably not maybe with a lot of cash on top got a lot of hours though but it does clean up nice he told me it was just used to pull a feed wagon and that is it so might not be a bad tractor to have the interior is super nice on it as well we'll park it right back where it was though it is so tempting just to load it up on my trailer and just take it back to the farm but yeah oh well maybe next time but I'm gonna get back to the farm there and there's a couple more things I want to do and I think next we'll be hauling Bales we're back out at the farm and it is raining so the Bales are getting a little bit wet right now but we're gonna try to get them all loaded up today before the field gets too wet and take him in and hopefully sell them and we were gonna cut some more hay but I don't think that's gonna happen as well you guys are probably wondering what this dump truck is doing here well this is one of my friends dump trucks and basically my neighbor has cows and he had a bunch of extra manure that he wasn't gonna spread on his Fields this year so he was like Hey if you want it you can take it so I just borrowed a dump truck and we're hauling it over here it's probably not like the smartest use of fuel in time but I really want to get these fields fertilized real good for next year so we're gonna get this dumped and then we'll probably use the newer spreader a little bit later today all right that should be good there for now I'm just gonna Park this down here and we're gonna get to loading up some Bales man I really hope this uh doesn't get too wet out here or else we're gonna be getting stuck and tearing up the fields pretty bad if anything we might have to wait till tomorrow so in the spring we took out a loan for a big chunk of land that's just over there in the distance the only one was about 85 000 now we still have about 75 000 left to pay off and today is the very last day for us to pay off the loan before incurring a very very bad late fee also I don't know what I'm using the 4024 we always use the skid steer so at any rate today I have to make a decision based on how much the Bales bring whether we sell some equipment off or we just take the hit for the late fee which the late feat is about twenty thousand dollars and I'll have to check hay prices but I don't know if we're gonna be able to uh just paid off here I was just pulling the truck out into the field here and get all these Bales out of here before it gets too wet but I got the calls saying how much we made from the auction there and we made right around five thousand dollars after commission I guess somebody got in a bidding war over my log winch and that ended up going for a lot of money so we're up to about fifty one thousand dollars which means we have roughly twenty four thousand dollars left to make the payoff the loan now I'm hoping with lot of luck this hay might bring us enough money well bail loading is going good here I really wish it would quit raining so I could get some more stuff done because if it keeps up we're not gonna be able to stay out in the field much longer I know this uh Bale spear is kind of like a one bale deal but I want to see if I can pick up two this may not go well but we're gonna give it a shot oh boy okay it might work now is it supposed to work absolutely not but okay it does work I don't know if my skid steer is liking it this much let alone the Bale fork or bail spear I guess oh boy I can't see crap I wonder if I can lift it up enough for the second row I might not be able to ah we'll just stick it on the truck instead a little bit more we got it okay definitely not gonna do that again that was that was not worth it at least my bail spear Is Not Bent trailer's just about finished here and I'm hoping the hay prices are good because if they're not I'm screwed well not entirely screwed but gonna take longer for us to get back on our feet all right everything's loaded down strapped and I'd say we're good to go I don't know how well the Ford's liking this but it'll have to work yeah she's definitely squatting here but I'd say we got a lot more bills than last time at least so we'll see how we do at the market okay so I just checked my phone here while I was driving in and unfortunately the hate prices are looking on a bit of a downtrend at the moment now I don't have a place I can store the hay to wait for a better price so we just gotta sell it straight off here okay 61 000 so that was roughly ten thousand dollars in Hay yeah it's gonna be down to the wire but a few more on the trailer there but I'm really thinking this ain't gonna cut it but if it doesn't I think I got one more trick up my sleeve that we could try but worst case scenario would take that twenty thousand dollar hit for a loan extension and late fee and then uh that'll get us to spring so over winter we're gonna have to figure out some ways to make some more money okay how many Bales do we got over here two four six about six more oh never mind we got a seventh up there all right last bill here and man this is gonna be cutting it awful close and the fields are Mucky so I can't really do much out here I'm just gonna put the skid steer away we'll take those bills in and hope for the best I suppose oh yeah we got one more square bale over here can't forget that I don't think that's worth much anyway but may as well take it in okay Moment of Truth here we go well the truck's unloaded see what the damage is and we're coming in just short at 68 000 and we kind of needed 75 000 to just pay it off as I said before I have one more trick up my sleeve after getting back to the farm the rain was pouring and the day was coming to a close I did have one more idea in a last-ditch effort to pay off this loan and sure enough we were back where we started nearly two years ago in the forest over the previous winter I had made multiple piles of firewood for my house this time around we were gonna have to use it to make money again so I grabbed some equipment and got to work now considering it wasn't winter wood prices weren't exactly through the route but I still had hope that selling all this would be just enough to pay off the loan with the trailer now loaded down to Max Capacity and the day coming to a close it was time to see if we could pull through but unfortunately the trailer turned up to be a little heavy so we had to grab the Massey Pluto with the rest of the way after getting to the Sawmill the rain had finally stopped it was time to wait our final total which was a lot more than I expected over 25 000 and that brought us up to 93 000. so we immediately paid off the rest of the loan leaving us with just over eighteen thousand dollars well boys it's now late late afternoon the sun's starting to go down here and I'm thinking we're gonna try to get some manure spread here real quick it shouldn't take too long I think we're just gonna do this field maybe we'll do the other one I think we got two more loads of manure left that we can go pick up so I'm just going to get the 40 20. we'll hit you on to this we'll get to work now hopefully the field isn't too soft or else uh we might be getting stuck and that would not be a good time bucket is fairly small so it's taking me forever to get this all loaded up we'll get it eventually though all right Manure Spreader is full let's go get some spread I don't know how wide the spread is on this oh it's actually fairly decent my guess is though it probably isn't gonna last too long here so we'll see what we can all get done but I am hoping by next year we'll at least have our own we won't have to go and get some from the neighbors oh boy I'm missing a little bit here at the end of the world I don't think yeah this definitely ain't lasting long that's for sure get spread pretty quick and that is about it for the first load got about three quarters of the way around the field so I decided to change it up here we're gonna try use the skid steer see if that'll work a little bit better I guess the tractor does work fine but this might be a little easier I also might be a little easier if I had a manure Fork but we just got this bucket and it should do the job I hope we'll see though man this is bouncy back here but I don't think we're gonna do any more hang this year since we kind of got everything good now we'll just leave it for next year and it's getting pretty dang late to go and hey oh yeah this is already working a lot better just have to move the tractor out of the way but I still do got a couple more things planned before winter hits fully I'm hoping and then once winter hits there's a bunch of things I want to do like clear out old trees and such and I gotta start getting older equipment put away and whatever else I guess all my equipment's old okay just getting my equipment put away then and just maybe figuring out what can fit in the shop and what can't and What needs to go in there and what doesn't yeah I think we're just gonna stick with the skid steer instead of the uh tractor there because this just works a ton easier has a lot better scooping than the uh John Deere does I guess I do need to to get some more weights on the back of this or a bigger skid steer because it's struggling to lift a lot of this stuff oh I missed a bit but I think this is full I think I might just try to give this ground a quick work over before winter it still kind of works all that manure in there if anything I might just do in the spring I guess now for those of you who have been following since the very first episode you would know that this tractor right here the 4020 is the very first one we bought and it served us well but today is the day that it leaves the farm and uh goes on to new things I'm not sure what new things but it's not gonna be here along with that we're going to be getting rid of the tractor I know you guys love this thing but uh it's just for what we're gonna be getting this thing is not going to get used anymore and so therefore it's gonna have to go along with our good old four-wheel drive Massey Ferguson I love this tractor but it's got to go we've already got it hooked up to the flatbed here so uh we're gonna get everything else loaded up on here head over to the used equipment store make some trades spend some money and uh well get some new equipment this tractor is a little tricky to load up considering it does uh only have the front row crop tires so you kind of got uh navigate it on there a little bit I think we'll be able to get it though there we go never mind I put her on the wrong way I know this looks extremely sketchy but trust me it'll work we gotta make room for the tractor it's a good thing this is compact or else it wouldn't fit well there we have it everything that we're gonna sell loaded up here and not only are we getting one tractor we're actually getting two now some things that are staying here is the uh other 40 20. I absolutely love this tractor and we of course had to keep at least 140 20 on the farm I mean what farm would it be if we didn't have a John Deere 4020 and pretty much everything else is staying as of now but uh you know gotta make some upgrades at some point anyway we're gonna get headed over to the shop with this big old load here the uh Mass Ferguson's not liking it too much but we'll make it work well we made it to the shop here and uh these are two new tractors well new to us sitting right here a John Deere 4040 not a 49 55 like I'd absolutely love to have but it will do and then this one right here a John Deere 2950 this I love this tractor the look of this tractor is one of my favorites so I figured hey they had it in here why not get it but we're trading in the Massey 4020 and the tractor those two right there so we got to get these all unloaded and then we'll do some paperwork and hopefully we'll be back at the farm in no time because we got lots of work to do we actually bought Destructor not too long ago from here but they said they had lots of interest in it so they'd be happy to take it back well along with everything here this is literally one of the only places you can get equipment out here so you don't have too much of a choice and for both these tractors there is Duallys if we do want them we can get them put on here whenever we want so probably in the spring we'll get some of those put on oh it feels so nice to be in a cab with air conditioning and proper radio oh it's so comfy in here so quiet too I'm excited to use this tractor it does have front wheel assists so uh should be a nice little one to have on the farm does have an open cab which we're kind of trying to steer clear of because we have really bad Winters here but now that we got this fully enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning I think we'll be okay now of course the trade wasn't exactly straight across it did cost us an extra eight thousand dollars but I'll take that considering what we ended up getting but we'll get these two back to the farm and hopefully put them to work all right we are back uh let's figure out where we're gonna get these unloaded and we still got some manure spreading to do so we're gonna get that done and then Carry On from there is this tractor overkill for this Manure Spreader most definitely am I still gonna use it yep do believe with everything traded and the cash on top this would be one of my most expensive purchases ever yeah it's got to be one of the most expensive we tallied everything up but uh I think it'll be worth it this tractor has definitely got a lot of potential to do some good work I guess and it's four-wheel drive so don't get much better than that well front wheel assist I guess and not to mention it's the biggest tractor we've ever boughten so yeah it's actually I think it's got more power than the Massey too that's kind of cool I guess after getting the Manure Spreader all loaded up it was time to get back in the field and finish this crappy job after finishing off the last of the field we emptied out what was left in the mineral spreader headed back to the shop got it all cleaned off and got it put away for the rest of the year but that wasn't all we had to do I figured it was finally time to put the new Workhorse well the work and unsurprisingly this new tractor pulled like a beast and turning a job that should have took two hours into one with the field just about finished and it now being late afternoon we packed up and headed back and with everything cleaned up fueled and service for the next day we called it a night and headed back home [Music] next couple days we cut piled and cleaned up random Limbs and trees around the farm to pass the time well boys it's been a busy couple of days here and we got some trees cleaned up and we're just fixing on moving all the equipment out of here this kind of area because we're trying to figure out exactly where we want our new shop because we really gotta expand and uh yeah we need some more storage so I'm thinking what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a pull shed right in here that way we can still use this door and we can store hay whatever else we want right in here but I'm hoping with a bit less equipment we should be able to fit most of the uh bigger stuff in here if not all of it other than a few of the implements because really they don't need to be inside and uh yeah they're fine out here I was thinking about kind of building in this area but uh frankly it's too sloped and it would take too much dirt to move and all that stuff so we're just gonna build over here we did do a little work with the uh get steer in here try to level some of this out but it wasn't really working so we're probably gonna have to bring an excavator in I'm gonna say the shop is gonna be pretty expensive but we'll probably just take out a loan for it pay it back over the summer kind of what we did with the other property over there and uh it should work out good but make no mistake next year is the year of expansion and uh yeah we're gonna probably double all of this that's the plan at least also I would not mind expanding my house because I've been living that in that same house for a while now and uh it's getting a little tiring so we'll see anyway there's snow in the forecast here so I'll be expecting it any day now and one of the things I'm hoping we can do over winter is that second field that we have over there there's a lot of trees in that area and we really need to get rid of some of those so that's probably something we're gonna try to do and we've got roughly ten thousand dollars left in our account and I think if we sell some wood over the winter we could definitely afford to do something with a dozer or a skitter but our current goal is to get all of this junk I guess it's not junk some of it is in this shop and that might take a bit of maneuvering but we'll try our best would you look at that I got the Baler in that takes some skill right there the one thing I am worried about getting in here is the haybine but we actually might not put that in the shop this year considering we do have the flatbed that kinda needs to go in the shop more than haybine does I guess we do have less equipment this year but a lot of it is just uh bigger all right so a couple things we're gonna need easy access to is uh pretty much all the tractors because I imagine we're going to use them over Winter for logging and stuff the snow removal who knows but we shall see oh is that the first it's snowing I knew it it was in the forecast that is officially the very first snow of the year and that means winter is upon us yeah we got this shop pretty packed this year um the flatbed is one bump away from touch on the Combine 40 40 is packed right in there along with the uh 29.50 we probably actually won't use the 2950 much over the winter I don't imagine so because we got the 40 20 and uh yeah I think that's about all we're gonna need although I might throw a loader on the uh the bigger tractor here or eventually maybe we can get a cab 4020 or something just something to keep us out of the elements and that can go right there well would you look at that everything's packed in we got room for uh pretty much everything to get out I guess all the main stuff the two tractors here that's pretty much all we're gonna use maybe the truck a couple times to run into town anyway I think we got a blizzard on the way so I am going to stay in my home wait it out but I hope you all enjoyed season two and well who knows if there's going to be a season three I guess you guys are just gonna have to wait and find out but hope you all enjoyed subscribe and goodbye
Channel: Austin Farmer
Views: 10,655,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roleplay, fs22 roleplay, fs roleplay, Austin Farmer roleplay, usa map, usa farming, usa roleplay, Austin Farmer, Austin Farmer fs19, Austin Farmer fs, farming simulator 22, the formal pickle, the formal pickle fs22, the squad, fs22, mudding map, fs22 mudding map, fs22 camping, fs22 honda atv, fs honda atv, honda atv, fs camping, fs22 truck mod, fs22 puckup truck, fs22 mods, fs22 ford mods, STARTING WITH $0 AND A TRUCK, starting a farm with $0, SURVIVAL FARMING, daggerwin
Id: dvWN8i-Nbu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 17sec (7217 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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