I Spent 100 Days in Raft and Here's What happened

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raft a game where you start on a 2x2 plank of wood with nothing more than a hook and a shark named bruce who follows you around definitely another favorite game of mine as i spend 100 days in raft today i went from the smallest raft possible to an oversized and beautiful raft that took me into 100 days from climbing and finding a real live person you heard me in the radio tower and then finding sea turtles and dolphins swimming about no mods were used during this playthrough bt dubs if you enjoy this type of video leave a like down below hit that subscribe button and let me know what game you want to see me record next so without further ado i spend 100 days in raft and here's what happened my very first day in and it was pretty tame i started throwing my hook to the ocean catching all the junk i could oh man it's been so long got it oh yeah all right uh can i get that piece of wood we were going to need materials to build our raft out that said the shark started attacking sooner than i'd hoped and took out a piece of my raft dude get off i i oh god okay um i gotta get a spear going really quick here i did end up leaving the game for a little bit just to check something out and found some new updates in the main menu whoa guys i was so i i quickly i went back to the thing my that's my character name yo you can change characters and stuff i want to do ray pandas you can be maya or rui apparently there's four other people and you can see in the back that there's like a frame that's so cool oh look at this oh i like the purple that's cool it doesn't work but i'm a fan of purple and red but it works with my super awesome skills at work i went on to catching more stuff i'm gonna just i'm gonna raft me up some of this stuff nope i miss i missed that horribly night time right around the corner i had just the stuff to help with my food and water problem got it okay so we're gonna put this right there right there don't drink that how do i pour it out ah everything seemed to go as planned as it was thick in the night and my raft crashed into an island oh i better not get stuck like can you get stuck on this oh there's another hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on there's a couple of these boxes here guys oh it's barrels no this one's not a barrel though this one this one this one oh crates give you even more whoa okay so crates are like the big boys on this campus here with becoming early into the next day apparently my raft then decided it wasn't stuck anymore oh we're gonna need some food wait wait wait oh crap my wrath is going oh my god no no no no no oh it got stuck for a little bit there oh thank you whatever you got stuck on ah suck it oh my god oh my god i can't believe you almost left me you son of a jerk what oh god get off the dang thing while keeping my food and water in check i did more catch and release with the exception of no release i did get a little surprised with a new sea creature though go away there's a manta ray thingy what the hell is that oh hey look at there's more guys there's more aquatic stuff will it hurt me i'm not gonna find out with the shark right now i'll find out later just not right now i didn't know there was more stuff kind of cool by now my inventory was stacked and full i had big plans i just wasn't sure what those plans actually were my raft expanding ever so eagerly as my storage took place putting anything i didn't need in the moment away i did do a bit of fishing seeing as the turnips and potatoes really weren't filling me up the sun's shining bright on our raft and my food was starting to look twice as good now fish and fruit galore taking care of another shark attack with my sphere i then decided on my first big build the research table this we can build right here thank you very much i like a lot a few minutes later we built a little anchor for what was to come next day four here and the urges taking over i wanted help with collecting stuff from the ocean what better way to do that than a simple collection net finally tired of the shark itself it was time to settle the score zero to zero no more we got him hold on i gotta i gotta stop it i gotta stop i gotta stop i gotta stop it we got the shark we got the shark we got the shark we got the shark hold on i'm going for it oh i'll put another one back yeah made a few adjustments on our raft as the shark board continued collecting and fished things out of the water casting our fishing rod once more things from the ocean started to pack in nicely with our collection nets we would go on to having more stuff for some time taking care of this rather annoying shark again fishing was the name of the game or at least for a little bit while waves started picking up i built a trophy wall for my first kill the shock if i put that there can i put that there oh i can oh my god look at this i got my shark wall is kind of massive holy crap all right i like that the next day i had a little scare while fishing catching more trash in the ocean was needed storing away for later use of course my raft was really coming along nicely looking so much bigger than when it first started too all right we got it look how big it's gotten look at this from a four or was it a two by two to this now oh this looking good i like it a lot the same as before going around and catching any barrels to planks or leaves i could today was a big day i wanted to take the plunge into my first island both underwater and up above i did have to take care of the shark first all right let's see if we can kill the shark i'm gonna go on this island okay um don't know how to fight it yet let me get my bearings let's come back okay get ready here we go here we go okay i know how to fight the shark no oh you guys are gonna see how good i really am at shark fighting if it was anything like the other two games oh dear god i would i would not be doing this they break quickly and no you don't i can get oh oh i killed it see look at that look at that my oh i love it i love it i gotta eat shark meat this island really caught me by surprise because of the amount it had for how small the island actually looked oh wow a small island like this look at all this scrap and all we don't need rocks we just need clay and everything else rocks we can normally get so we're fine there all right live to fight another day we're good we've got a lot of stuff i'd rather go back be safe about it looking through my chests and storing stuff away it dawned on me at how much progress i was making on my raft alone my first thought was to organize everything into their respective chests of course bring a few more hooks to try and grab some planks quickly we really needed to protect the collection nets we had all right we could do one two three four five i did start paddling my way into some barrels and crates all the while headed towards the island closest to me with my clay blocks drying up and the anchor dropped once more it was time to kill the shark again smelter nice okay these will be done cooking anyway so save it first because i ain't dying right well i mean i might die that's why i'm saving it hello oh hey shark you see me there we go every time you hit him he's just like necessarily do it don't do it oh my god hi i jumped in real life oh my god guys you should have seen me i was like batman i almost jumped off my chair oh man i'm oh my god that oh okay i oh don't like that oh my god that wasn't supposed to be that scary the idea was to gather everything or as much as i could from this island i was looking into my recipes trying to make a smelter to up my progression rate almost finished with the island itself the shark did respond once more unfortunately okay the shark did find me oh my god i was like wait a second this is uh it's kind of quiet there we go okay i was looking to place another chest down storing all the plastics i could away by now almost everything had a place in a chest oh birdies they're pointing in an arrow are they telling me to go that way joke's on you with the days that passed by it became routine building a new anchor that would then drop killing off another shark and searching around the island for more of its stuff of course more expansion did begin on my raft since either sides weren't catching everything coming in the direction that meant we needed more collection that's being built my clay blocks finally dried up i was able to get my first smelter crafted put the smelter over y'all [Music] uh which way does it cook ah there we go all right the first thing we want to create is big chests so we need the metal this smelter was progressing the game further along i had my research table doing a great job by the way giving me a new recipe to try out i even managed to get a new chest built the biggest chest of them all baby let's go okay so oh man okay we really gotta plan this properly i'm gonna put it down for now we're gonna finish up the fishing as well as more items to be researched for good stuff to come next i went on to naming the shark heads from before shark slayer slayer to 5005 building out more to the sides now i place down some extra collection net the best part about these huge chests are the space you can save compared to the tiny plastic chest okay so you are rope plastic this will be planks this one will be rocks and scrap while building out more of our raft i started working towards a new water source oh wait what drinking glass perfect for juice okay oh this is what i wanted to right here advanced purifier wood plastic and the glass awesome okay whoa did you guys see that do you guys see that look at that island there oh baby holy crap oh my god look at that that thing is massive moving my cooking stations was next on my list building the new purifier that would help for weeks to come this is going to keep us just this is going to be awesome i'll put it right here okay fixed up a bit more of my raft removing planks and placing some collection nets in place calling it a night today i finished the better portion of my raft or at least the side with all the collection nets which allowed for maximum effort looking to upgrade my cooking station there it was a new recipe to build all right we got a big boy grill too let's do it this is gonna be the cooking area right here flanking flanking while fishing for some bigger fishes i did get myself a nice juicy piece of salmon oh look at that big salmon gonna be good placing down the smaller fishes i had in the single grills it was time to start the process of opening up all those packages we'd stored away finally having a new chest for all the food we cooked feeling a sense of accomplishment i did do a quick sweep of the island taking care of poor old shark and the majority of items on the seafloor something that was in need of a dire upgrade were the small anchors we would build i could build a big anchor oh okay hold on guys it's a common how does this work oh literally like that oh my god beautiful we have a permanent solution for the anchor now oh i love it i love it all right out in the distance now was my first unmanned raft jumping into the waterfall and collecting the goods aboard i did check my smelter finding some seaweed refined into the vine goo itself we can do the goo stuff too oh finally research yeah we could do bottled water fins oh the sweep net bow and arrow a cook pot what is base food into amazing i can make a juicer that's new there was something i wanted to test out and that was a good light source for the night we'll put one like located at each corner of my thing i think that's kind of cool do you have to like refill them at all that's actually really nice i like that okay as you could see my storage full of food was looking pretty dope shark and all adding more storage down as i put more things into a nice and tidy place the next step was placing and letting the clay blocks dry up continuing our raft experience i started a little outline something that would soon become my storage area we did throw up a nice wall in hopes of putting up a calendar right on top i think that's good okay um hold on we gotta look for where is it calendar i need two and stop dude no not the good one no no no i'll i'll kill you again i swear to god so you can see how many days i've survived already holy crap i've survived 15 days already [Music] honestly to me it hasn't felt like that long and that might not seem that long but i mean for 15 days this is pretty good right i haven't even done story stuff or i'm just i'm just having fun i'm literally just having fun with another smelter built i was hesitant into looking around this huge island yeah like i would go there guys i really would and i know i'm passing up on a lot of stuff when it comes to certain islands here but i i just oh man i just got done i want to finish up you know crafting some stuff the next day while out and about we finally built our first streamer and sail all right we're going to do a streamer to see which way the wind goes all right we have this in case we want to steer scavenge more of the island's treasures below and up above it was a simple store and calling it a night now building out more of that fancy af wood the bridge came together quite nicely a few green walls to give it some change i then started moving my bigger chest to be hung for a central storage location setting up some more clay blocks on the ground for new smelters i did a quick grab-and-go with the items our collection nuts picked up grab those same dry blocks from the other day and crafted ourselves a new smelter three and counting to be exact a few more signs made for our chess in the meantime i did build another chest for the fruits we had making it easier for me and my storage i see you over there you jerk god man this guy just doesn't quit with a lot more storage happening my raft was underway once more placing down more clay blocks this time doubled in the last amount i was also looking to replace the old with new wooden floors i did more the same today breaking down some more parts of my raft replacing them with new and improved pieces more shark and island shenanigans as i cleared up the next island made a few fishing rods to finish off the night with guess what guys we're going fishing i'm gonna get so much fish just you wait today was all about fishing by the way that and i noticed something different while my line was cast there's baits i don't have any oh this worms the weird thing of even weirder thing replacing more wood while i fished away it was nice to be able to do multiple things at once store the fish we collected away and began building more chests for the items we would inevitably collect for them new chests loot on loot fishing being a great source of food and the raft coming together nicely it was a great thing happening now i could finally get rid of the two single grills having a second advanced grill built in their wake the fishing rods going to work as i fished more cooking them on the two grills and just having a nice chill day storage was looking mighty fine with all the loot collected i also knew this far in and i still hadn't started the story in the game yet though with this new island in front of us things would be different of course killing off the shark before anything else we had a bow and arrow made specifically for these new sea creatures the puffer fish not really new but i mean there's i'm sure there's gonna be people who are like what are those right here's one two three four did i win we won buddy okay give me the arrows first with night time here and only halfway done looting the sea floor i needed more time now i would totally stick around to do all this but being that it's night time i'm not going to just because i don't trust those puffer fish especially in the dark i'm not going to be able to see them i was pretty terrified at this point because i forgot how aggressive those bores were basically just came for the metal or the iron no metal it is metal okay and then all of the uh had a crap ton of this whoa what is this oh my god a big attack help me oh god oh god oh god oh god can you not come up here oh well that was a lot of stuff i yo [Laughter] there's like these outposts are you kidding me can i go inside no hello is there anybody here uh i don't know if i have money how do i i can sell what a pentalopus pink hike rainbow shark eater uh i don't even know how to get these things it was like any other day jumping back into the water with some fins and striking down the predator of this game the shark taking the reward and cooking its meat over the grill i placed down a few clay blocks to dry off and continued my journey on a raft by now our smelters were closing in up to 10 and looking mighty fine might i add made a few more upgrades to my swimming personnel so i could go back to exploring oh looks like we found another island and it looks like you know what i'm going to go to it uh too close to close to close stop stop stop stop stop stop put this on and away we go where is he at nobody knows there he is i see him hey fred fred you want to fight fred let's go fred oh got him on the last oh wicked okay we have like another couple hits here then is that okay i think that's okay all right with the new sunrise beaming down on us i darted back into the waters picking up more stuff i may have missed started my climb on the island can i oh i can't drop trees dude i can drop all these there's so much to do on this island i never realized how intense these islands were of course i have the stuff necessary oh my god that dude hit me for almost half my hp i started scavenging more stuff from the island from flowers to seeds and logs the fruits that came bearing the last thing i had to do was dig up any dirt on the island find what was waiting atop the highest peak and find myself some animals for the taking i'm just gonna eat coconuts make some room oh okay okay i'll cry i'll cry using oh no stop you're making this still difficult please sir sir oh my god sir thank you oh my god stop moving hello llama llama oh my god llama i continued building on my raft creating a boxed in area for the animals i was to catch today look at that that's that's kind of cool right i like it first we needed to craft up some ammunition kill the shark once more and then game time oh where's the goats going goats where you going oh i got look at your eyes animal name is going to be called i'm going to do i'm going to do it cam'ron cameron cameron wait uh c-a-m yes cam right ear on cameron rosier cam and rose that's the best i guess i'm sorry you're the most recent comment i'm just i'm we're going to do that it's freaking me oh no no no no oh my g how do ah okay jesus that scared the crap out of me i thought i could open it while carrying you what the oh i just wasted that wait dude what how did it where cool okay i didn't know i could do that oh let's not kill us both and then we just jump in here the last thing we did was craft up some shears seeing if it was possible to collect the fur uh thank you oh you gave me wool what do you give me just you i mean hey that's cool too finally done with this massive massive island we drew the anchor back in and began our way seeing that my wrath started to feel more homey i wanted a real place to sleep in or at least to keep me from getting wet oh okay whatever that was please don't do it again while picking up the goodies from our collection nets i finished up the replacement planks to the other wood we had built one thing i realized quickly though we had no way of getting up to the next floor moving our bed upstairs it was pretty much done asides from not having a roof just yet it was a great beginning i did make sure to craft up a few extra weapons and tools for later use of course dolphins i didn't want to get that close okay hey i don't have any planks dude look at this full inventory four three three all of these things these another oxygen these this is good this is good the research bench went to fix up some side of railing while having another set of stairs built more flooring around the raft with new wood moving the fire pit we had placed and thought about some new light sources what's the difference we have these and we have [Applause] oh that's kind of nice actually i made sure to move my calendar first before tearing it down going around and replacing any old pieces of wood with some new ones the raft was looking fancy af okay let me tell you it was man i was sweating my knees were sweating having more shark meat cooking on the grill some tidying up of our inventory was definitely needed with their smelters in a new location too it was nice and easy while putting stuff in to be refined or cooked down to the basic materials dance with our shark friend in the ocean once more one more hit and you're dead or no actually my spurious there it is hold on hold on i do need to breathe that was uh that's yeah that's on the menu of holy jesus where are you freddy freddy okay oh my god i killed you in your mouth it's also that time in the video and if you've made it this far comment bruce down below because yes that is the shark's cannon name even though i call him fred for the better part of you know my 100 days a few more days passed and i did more cooking around my place building out my raft some more and getting to the binoculars my first pair ever okay so the binoculars you can zoom in and out that's kind of cool i guess right is there something over there hold on i also figured if i stopped hoarding everything and started using the collective materials it could really go to some good use i need one more one more one more one more there you go we've got six something some uh is this truck god damn it dude hold on i'm gonna take the rest of what i have and just try to finish this base up whoa what is that over there there's a ship thingy in front of me or some sort of flag huh well we're definitely going there a few more days past here and it was time i did some thorough exploring this is so cool some sort of like rack ship wreckage hello sharky sharky come on okay so the ship is like partially underwater let's check this out hold on oh and i could judge the trees that could chop trees yeah here we go you want me to help you how do you want me to help the boat oh how do we get in there radio cool okay okay okay oh captain's hat yes that way ah i'm the captain now this is your captain speaking back out sailing as we waited for more materials to fall into the nets looking to set up a tree farm of sorts because why not the next day i went to the trees chopping them all down gathering everything they offered then we jumped back into the water because shark the way we started the day is how we ended it to killing the shark again and then chopping more trees down because wood and fruit equals happy ray of pandas something else i should mention is using shears on the llama was great but that also meant i needed grass plots for them to eat and grow the fur back i also got my first kill on one of the seagulls hey he got my first bird kill picked up some equipment and made my way back into the ocean giving the shark a very striking death blow gathering some metal and shooting my favorite toxic creatures the puffer fish i guess you died you did goodbye good night okay i did get a few pieces of this weird silver looking plant not sure what it was for but was definitely going to be needed in the near future or was there something there whoa what's this yo silver lg is that a thing oh that's a thing did i do i remember that i don't know i really don't i couldn't i cannot tell you the next few days was pretty eventful killing multiple sharks someone play the jazz theme oh crap oh crap you scared the crap out of me oh my god to another borin grabbing a few animals for what would slowly become a petting zoo it's free so you don't have to worry oh my gosh i've run so far catch you in the butt stinky butt i didn't spell that right because i don't think it'll fit uh oh wait actually it might kane olson allison can all listen is that how you spell that oh it's a cool cave okay i'm feeling this cave oh secret entrance secret entrance oh that was it though tudor dirt oh big big cave i lied okay i'm i'm liking this even more now i want to kill the bird if i can kill the bird but there might be a war dog up here too is it a warthog or a boar hello oh god oh god oh god nice trap buddy nice track i'm not legolas i'm not a hawkeye okay i'm not gonna shoot him oh i tried okay we'll just wait for you to come to me i'll do that and we'll just run oh shot out of the sky and you're too late darling you give love for a bad day hold on i'm gonna eat this don't die from falling here where'd you go hey buddy all right come here feathers feathers feathers drumsticks okay oh there it is boys and girls the hats dude i feel oh i feel weird just before heading to bed i went and set the raft sailing moved on my flowers and seeds about giving them more space in their larger chest built a new fencing for the animals and something i truthfully liked so much better than the prison we had for them okay oh that's not big llama how'd you get so big wait what does that look like when i carry you it's big like when i carry this one yeah that's normal i guess they grow up in size it's interesting okay going back to my other project i started replacing more planks for the new oh i didn't mean to do that oh son of v word built myself a new trash can for extra things i could throw out chopped down the rest of the trees and called it another sweet sweet night things looked great grass was growing the trees were blooming and stuff was cooking in all of our smelters something i was so excited about today was the simple fact of this [Music] all right hold up hold on hold on okay i know god i'm excited leave me alone so we put this here yo my nipples are hard oh god they're so hard you can't stop it oh that might have been a bit too much information but i don't care oh my god look at this oh my heart's racing oh baby dropped anchor for another raft though the shark wouldn't allow it i'm coming oh come on whoa shark's back okay bit my butt oh my god jesus okay hey there buddy crafted up a good amount of collection nets once more placing them down with each floor removed keep that one let me do this one working on some roofing because of the rain getting in mark my words it would be finished one day i did also grab a bunch of metal and nails giving my floor some super protection from the shark bites by fortifying all right uh i want to try doing these things now i've never done this before and i'm i'm really curious hold on is there two of them ah so when i fortify we're good i guess you can even fortify these whoa you can fortify a lot in this okay that is that is awesome look how fortified this thing has added some more floors the next day i was really trying to get this raft done even just the main floor itself set up some more tree plots that would become a bigger farm for later on a handful of days had gone by killing a shark or two along the way making sure the board knew who was boss picking up another animal for yours truly and i even added some rugs and curtains to my place all right i got some rugs um maybe smaller rug right there going up by our bed we'll have one in front i guess something that dawned on me was the space that was being wasted from the chests alone in the morning and for no apparent reason i had another almost 20 blocks made and dried up god i made way too many of these blocks truth be told i mean i can make a lot of smelters now you know get like another 10 going or something absurd while collecting more fur for my furry friends the grass plot was looking great about nine going and just needed a water from time to time a few more days passed and it was done from farming more of my collection nets to cleaning up a spawn shark and now my finished roof it was time time we focused more on the story and found the first of many locations it had to offer for that to happen i needed the antenna and radar whoa juicer i can make a juicer for what juicing i don't know what is your crops automatically seems to be missing a battery there with wanting to finish up my raft we had more of the tail end finished up collection nets and all while trying my hand at another large island i found these blue like jellyfish things do you see these what what are these what are those what are they they're like some sort of clover looking [Music] i have no idea sifting through and swimming around collecting anything deemed important or needed enough having more of the island looted i started some work on prepping more storage today i started to read looking through my journal to figure out where i was to go i haven't done any of this story okay so you press t there's a whole timeline a whole story of everything you know you start with your grandfather and then you go off in search of a new place place to call home your your hook is your best friend that is the thing fred orr or bruce the shark you know wants to kill you forever and ever but that's okay because we kill him forever and ever uh follow the radio frequencies got it others have come before but failed okay cool i'm the best the world is gone but it's stories remain gather as many as you can can i just like put it here for now or does this have to be elevated requires higher uh oh okay oh you know what i'll put it up there actually for now we'll do that like this um actually we'll put it this way because i think if i'm lucky enough here i can set it up like that with everything built and placed i still needed a higher altitude for this to work using the battery and turning it on there they were it worked cool oh hey dang look at that the big island is on the map that's kind of cool actually while making our way to the radio tower i tried to figure out the sprinkler system looking at it and seeing where it went wrong now can i place the sprinkler on top of it oh you can so does it like do it on it we'll see i mean we'll see in just a second it does okay so it does a three by three okay so we'll make another sprinkler when we have another bunch of these checked back on our radar and noticed how close i actually was wouldn't be long now until i reached the first checkpoint uh oh we're really close or well i mean closer by not 1500 meters out anymore geez look at that it's so wait the next morning it was staring me in the face there it is oh there it is i don't even need to like go back up to check it like so if i go down you guys can see it off to the corner there it's so weird looking like that it's just what and then oh that's awesome okay after parking the raft with another anchor dropped once more i started the track oh sharky boy's probably alive right i think so let's see oh so close there we go no no no oh the wave the wave takes you up you have to go with the wave kind of thing there we go i caught a shark named him bruce no fred cross out fred f-r-e-d-d d robbie boat's gone bruce is after me oh no gonna stay here until i find a way off this place mike is that a person talking here this now sparrow took the ball i i can't figure out why everything is just so secretive i mean i don't even know their real names i only know the team at celine got a prototype working and they needed more people we were supposed to be those people and together we would find a way out of this mess somehow i was yelling up in the tower maybe the radio picked up something whoa i didn't know they started talking in the game now oh that's a next level thing oh that's so cool i really like that blueprint for headlight oh what's this radio notes 22nd of december this dress will receive balboa island ah that's it 9th of january all right let's go there's a person in here what the heck oh my god is there is that really a person hold on i gotta rub my eyes rub in the eyes okay and yup definitely a person tala what the heck yeah oh my god when did they have people in this game hey a friendly face wondering how i ended up here long story really really long story okay wait she said let's head out is she whoa what the what is this like what is this spyro is this crash bandicoot now not anymore no um okay so pick up note oh wait uh it's in here uh people question mark oh this might go to vasagadden which is five three one four okay wait you get the recycler here i didn't know that no time like the present to get our butts moving uh just what am i doing hold on geronimo sploosh hey fred how you doing fred i know your name is bruce that's why you probably pissed at me huh bruce banner bruce wayne which one is it pick a bruce any bruce seeing that the next location was pretty far out again i wanted milk something else that i got from the tower were these recyclers for making in-game currency how cool is that another thing i should have realized was the new contraptions we built needed batteries all right i built my first recycler it needed a battery as well so we did that and now just the palm leaves whoa it's crushing like everything oh you can see the battery power here too okay maybe there's one at the other thing taking a nice dive into the water to cool off i met some new sea turtles oh sea turtles that's so cool sea turtles oh my god okay dolphins sea turtles manta rays a good amount of days going by putting in new coordinates for the radar it was ready what was the next place again five three one four okay oh uh five three one four which is oh god we're going that way or no no that's the island um okay we'll keep going straight and then when we need to turn left we'll go left meanwhile i was collecting trash cop at the nets filling in pieces of the raft and giving certain planks some fortifying for added protection at the end of those passing days our new location was sitting right in front of us ah bruce is back but guess what so is the next location it is looking so good it's it's literally the boat i'm so excited for this one this one is gonna be not the biggest but one of the most interesting personally i love it with everything at the ready we took off into the ocean and made our way aboard the ship with our headlamp at the ready i'm underwater okay let's let's do this yeah the anchor's down definitely down okay cool just in case i don't know man sometimes i miss up and these things happen all righty i'm ready i got my spear and let's use it oh it's dark though hold on ha ha oh i like this hello not going to scare me big rats where are you oh i thought there'd be a big red in here just for now well i can't oh no can't undo that now what's this i heard from the captain we're heading for one of the high rises down south i can only hope you come to your census and follow us you knew the city was a failure driven why do you always have to be so stubborn oh would i just crowbar okay coming up to this first door a big rat creature looked at me like a snack she hello no no no no no nope nope stay i'll be right back hold on bathroom wasn't so bad just some plastic and that to pick up okay this looks ooh a red key okay there was this empty kitchen that had a gas tank and a note though this is awesome this is just what i need a ton of plastic oh my god yes just give me endless amounts of stacks please i'll take it all ooh the yacht is ill-prepared for this journey olof left space for a dance floor but no space for supplies the bottles sure found their way to the bar as a military man i thought olaf would at the very least be practical yet they're all treating it like a luxury cruise fred key redkey oh mechanical part oh look at all this stuff though it's okay if they left don't worry it's probably for the best move to the last room at the end of the hallway picking up the bolt cutter and going through some more messy uh okay we need a few more parts and more mechanical parts for that picked up ourselves a new blue key that opened up the next level and battled the demon where are you demon demon oh you jumped far okay that's fine we got some defense on so that's not bad and door number one is another note they should be what's that i am the only reason they are alive i did happen to find where the noise was coming from but also made it to the pool side laughs alive of course the food shortage i figured this was as good a spot as any to go back and empty our filled inventory faster rather than going all the way back home oh wait what we'll pop up if i could take the stuff down cooked up some food and made our way back into the ocean checking out the first floor again oh you know what hold on can i shortcut this yes i can which is crazy because you could literally do this in the beginning you don't even need to open all the doors and all that hello okay we're i guess continuing this way oh that's the lucky cat oh it's the lucky cat okay lucky cat means i'm look no open that up stop open the door oh my god finger oh my god what the heck one of those damn rats what what are you doing to it get out do your job do your job wow olaf you are i feel like i'm not missing anything am i i don't know i guess we'll find out in a bit here because i do have to go up now it wasn't until i got the note for the safe code is there a key card uh somewhere here oh zero four five one that's for the uh the safe they were clearly once rats now grown into something much more rapid yet also smarter okay progress on their training okay olaf you're on some next level stuff dude i don't you like what you're gonna train huh where did you come from stop it go away where did you come from this one this one yeah hold on is there anyone okay what do we got what do we got what do we got a mechanical oh no it's urgent there's mist now we don't know how far the water's risen the maps are useless we need to the crew are planning a mutiny captain it is time to act a mutiny they're just trying to stay alive are you mad i gave you a chance to live now we have to protect ourselves from the masses we will use the lurkers to our advantage to your advantage what is happening he's going against all orders from the captain this this guy is crazy he's out of his mind but it's so nice to finally have a like a voice or almost like a face to put behind these guys these these characters just because before it was you know you had to read it you had to take initiative and be your own multiple characters that were in the game he does it uh we got the jacks let's do that hold on i'm gonna eat that what why am i getting all this poison stuff i don't want it i don't want poison stuff man there's literally a skull like oh i'll take that he's in the blue cities the cost of the project's realization borderline criminal and its scope outrageous at least with the door to the green card finally open that let us up another level uh stop stockholm what was it like they don't want to end up like stockholm or something what did some place like sink i don't i don't remember that finding a note the lighter and a crate filled with more stuff we were now ready olaf got his own crew people killed that's son of a big word you know and what do you get you get uh i think it is a tnt ah even better dude even better bomb i have to go up up though i think it's like the last one let's go up here yeah oh crap oh crap oh crap oh boy imagine standing next to that oh man what is this steering wheel oh my god we got the steering wheel guys oh the steering wheel and and the engines we got the engines at the steering wheel oh my god we're going places we're going fast places you know oh here we go so the next location is the balboa place or location uh area i'm not going to spoil it for those who haven't seen it you'll see it i don't want to say right now in case i don't make it to it in this 100 days with everything searched through and done it was time to head back as i jumped down to the bottom level swimming to our raft we gotta make our way down safely [Music] yes steering wheel and the engine so before we go we're doing that a new day was here and the first thing we did was build our captain's wheel this is cool you can literally rotate or well i mean i can rotate now i guess we don't need this actually i mean maybe it'll help but with engines too not really we also built two engines and hoped they would work hey there we go okay all right um put it there and this other one's gonna go here and then all you do is fill them up with planks and you're good to go and i want this one to go yeah that way i tried building some more but still no cigar that meant we needed more metal and we needed islands for that kind of ironic here because we only needed one more engine to get the raft moving but i didn't know at the time with more stuff being picked up i guess i had a bit much stored on me now with the last engine built the raft was going places and very fast alright moment of truth i hope this works dear god do i hope this works okay so we have 600 let's see on on on hey sorry i got loud there dude we working at twice the speed now let's go yo we going fast look at this we're zooming now man oh we zooming out here okay okay just gotta make sure we always have a row of planks at the very least placed a few more lanterns around and got to a big time farming session wow these light up so much oh i love this oh this feels nice look at this yo that's sexy okay oh we ain't we're not playing around that i love it with only 20 days left we were in need of more materials to finish off the raft to where i could that said i took the opportunity to farm the island we were headed towards collecting most things to store or cook up for later use starting with the back portion i filled in as many planks as i could the problem was i needed to then place the collection nuts so they could connect at the last bit that and then yeah that's good okay and then with the raft pretty much done as a base outline the next part i wanted to tackle was the front you may be asking why am i doing this because i'm going to add actually you know what i'll go to another two out yeah we'll go out like that we did happen to find another bigger island and that meant it had the trading post to sell and or buy items oh you know what i should also do hold on hold on hold on before we actually hit up this island i'm going to grab my currency i don't think it's a lot but i mean because they're in stacks of 20 i'm gonna i'm gonna guess it's it's not bad all right what do you got for me today buddy oh pal used by a novice oh cool that's one 20 plastic bye bye bye well let's buy all that because that's all we can buy the biggest buy was the new bait we could use for our fishing rods but just before leaving the island i found it my first ever chicken and seeing as i had the equipment for it catching would be no problem hold on hold the phone doldo dodo your dodo now okay uh i don't need these trees anymore go back don't get hit by shark because if you get my shark i might lose you i don't want to lose you oh okay we're fine we're fine i thought okay never mind we're good okay can you get out if it's here let's see ah you're mine now punk all right and we're good to go though next part was fortifying more of my raft allowing me to not worry about the sharks so much bruce and i were solid or so i hoped looking to replace the little storage in the animal's pen it seemed like the perfect call while enough time passed i wanted to replace our hammock with a nice cozy bed put that there oh see look how cozy that looks i mean it's a single so it's you know it's a little small but hey let's sleep ah and we'll throw this down here [Music] you wanna take a nice look see look at that right the first big part i started on was the front of the raft i was looking to move the captain's wheel and everything else with it to separate location extending more of the top floor while putting walls along the sides to cover up any holes it started looking really good i even placed the wheel the sail and the streamer down making it look like an actual captain's deck or close enough the railings really made the picture i had come to life though so far this is what i have i wanted to build like an actual thing for the the wheel like the captain's wheel so i'm kind of i'm trying to build some sort of pirate ship this is gonna take a very long time for what i'm looking to actually build i've got all of this here so we have like the actual you know lookout with the captain's wheel and stuff we have this to control here too if we wanted to i wish the the stairs like handles these things were actual were like real but um they're just for show which is i mean i guess it's okay i tried messing around with more pieces seeing what would stick and what i could do to make it look closer to a pirate ship soon enough i found exactly what i wanted to build with that said the stairs just didn't feel right which made me think to put them on either sides instead of next to one another i think i prefer the stairs like this though i switched them up a bit i want to see if i can maybe do something else with this maybe like possibly but i like having it on the side and then maybe this is like the captain's quarters we go inside and it's our little the idea for this new part was going to be my little captain's hut some doors to fill it in slanted roofing to cover up the top deck why am i doing this i don't know it's kind of cool you know just like a separate way my little balcony area okay leave me alone i'm just gonna hold on where's that thing over here there we go i don't know why i'm doing that it just you know it kind of feels cool doing the last few finishing touches with a fireplace inside some lanterns and motivational sea quotes to spice up my sea life seize the die like that seize the day couldn't have been better than this the biggest part to the raft and i only just begun the serious building i had in mind not even halfway through the story so you best believe you'll see more raft coming soon on youtube near you today marked the biggest day and took a lot longer than expected this is it there you have it guys i've made it to day 90 i was about to say 999 i made it today 99 with one more day being 100 it has been honestly such a fun journey to go through this game again especially especially the biggest thing with the new updates they've added and the release on like being at a full release now so many different things so many things i never did in my previous playthroughs of this game at all my own little tree farm i've got birds in the back i've got my antenna set up i've got my engines running this when i have materials of course try new things i i build even this like my little captain's the hot quarters area look at this i got like the stairs going down a little balcony looks over here i probably won't beat it in the next one either but the next video is going to have a majority of so much content for you so i hope you are ready to enjoy what i have next because it is going to be insane in what i do don't mind the noise in the background but there you have it guys you can see that i've officially made it today's 100 days survived of course um i made it spent 100 days so far i haven't even gotten halfway through the game i'm going to be completely honest with you still got a lot to do a lot to build a lot to see explore all that good stuff other than that i just wanted to say thank you thank you so much seriously from the bottom of my heart i still to this day and forever from now until the end of time will be forever grateful forever thankful and just so appreciative of all the support and love you've shown me i i still i wouldn't be here today if not for you guys i appreciate everything you've done for me and you continue to do i love you guys so much thank you so much for those who don't know this is ray pandas and i'm signing out bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 1,117,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayofpandas, rayofpandas plays raft, raft 100 days, I spent 100 days in raft, raft 100 days final chapter, I survive 100 days in raft, I spend 100 days in raft, raft, raft 100 days survival, raft 100 days survived, 100 days raft, 100 days in raft final chapter, rayofpandas spent 100 days in raft, I survived 100 days in raft game, rayofpandas raft, I Spent 100 Days in Raft and Here's What happened, rayofpandas gaming channel, rayofpandas gameing channel 100 days
Id: Zxk75_GBBog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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