Hunting the New Murder Turkeys - ARK Survival Ascended [E35]

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so wild card went ahead and made a brand new version of Ark so they could leave behind a bunch of the bugs and issues that they've created over the years but you want to know what else they left behind my hairstyle I'd be looking very very different in Ark survival ascended so I had to take things into my own heads boom yes that's right we got we got a full-on chibi head now amazing this is the exact head that my chibi has we just have it now as a player mask and you can also put it onto creatures if you make the very special version which I had to spawn in cuz uh it's a little messed up right now it cost mistletoe we'll get that fixed soon don't worry but um yeah let's go ahead and pop that onto the Rex it looks kind of hilarious on your creatures but also just a tad bit horrifying I think um yeah I I don't I don't know I don't know about that uh it's it's a little horrifying so yeah let's let's go ahead and just take that off just in case cuz I I don't want to get freaked out anymore guys um we have the turkey trial we're going to be going out and looking for some of these um these super turkeys and hopefully try trying to kill a bunch of them and getting a bunch of wishbones and stuff that is a crazy ass look at doic I was like what is that red thing I was like it can't be a Rex egg right that is a really red doic it's obviously with the event colors but it's just got like fullon red it's amazing looking anyway so um yeah we got the turkey trial if you're looking for all the craftables they are now inside the Smithy and um we've also got a couple structure um skins now as well which is a new thing that we're probably going to be getting a lot of in these events but also with the Adventure Pack pack cuz we have like a full-on adventure pack pack thingy coming with a scorched Earth and um essentially what we're going to get is we're going to get skins for every single structure piece to make them look different and everything but um this is obviously the start of it so I don't know how it works is there're like a slot on them I guess we'll have to figure that out once I get them but yeah so we have a trough and a cooking pot I actually thought the it was the Industrial cucker but apparently it's just like the cooking pot which is pretty cool um yeah so let's go ahead and try and get all this stuff here today I'm probably not going to get the pumpkin slice here just because it's a lot of wishbones so we're going to need to kill a lot of turkeys for all this stuff so I want the two emotes and then I also want these two structure skins and then I definitely want the turkey head but I think I also want one of these Pilgrim hat things as well and uh I want that for when I eventually have an otter or maybe should I get a bonnet feel like I don't know maybe uh maybe this one would work a little bit better I don't know we'll see but um yeah we've got a couple things here oh and also we have this thing as well what that's just like a bunch of leaves or something I don't know much about this Thanksgiving stuff we don't we don't celebrate your holiday here um uh yeah so I don't know we're going to we're going to have to just tally up how many we're going to need here one sec okay so it looks like if I want all the stuff besides the pumpkin pie it's going to be like 150 so yeah that's uh that's quite a lot H and then also we have the potential for getting some chibies here so you can actually just pay one Wishbone to get any random chibi but then you can go for like a rarer version which is probably more worth it I don't know if this is going to give you super rare ones you potentially could do I guess it's a bit of a gamble so yeah we'll uh we'll probably mostly just focus on the structure skins and the emotes but if I can this would be great and then also that would be great too so yeah we're going to head on out and look for these murder turkeys and I feel like the best way of doing that is probably just going around on my RG because I mean I'm not going to be able to get around the whole map super quick on really anything else at all so yeah we're just going to fly all the way out to the coast here on the RG and hopefully we can manage to do this and you know what just for this little trip let me horrify you just just a tad um hang on let me pop this on Boom there we go the the murder turkeys are are not going to see this one coming are they they really are they're going to be terrified they're going to just hand me their wishbones and just die essentially um guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like hit the like button if you enjoy this one um yeah let's let's try to find some some of these things cuz um I don't know how rare they are I've actually I don't think I've hunted them on the island for many years I usually would hunt them on valko cuz that map just honestly seemed to be one of the best places to find them but I don't know what it's going to be like here on the island so I'm think I'm just going to look for places that usually dodo spawn so pretty much like over here at the Long Beach would probably be a good place to start at least I would say so when we do manage to actually find some of them I'm really hoping that they still have headshot damage because they usually would have that um most of the times in the past obviously we've had manic armors I've always felt like they were some of the best creatures to take out the turkeys with obviously gigas are great too I don't have any gigas on here or Manas obviously but um yeah I don't know the RG for head shots could potentially do it it might take a little while I don't know how painful it's going to be but if it is super painful I guess we could try and grab something else um crows are on their way back into the game but they are not in the game currently so yeah we're just going to have to to wing it without being able to just bring a creature with me in my pocket but um yeah so let's see do we have any turkeys again don't know how rare they are here on the island so I guess we're just going to have to try and find some I mean dodo spawn here that means that they probably spawn here too though to be honest I think that they kind of just spawn everywhere but I don't know I think I see one way up ahead there yeah there we go level 250 wait do they actually name the murder turkeys they used to be called super turkeys right I feel like they used to be called super turkeys maybe hello compies uh let's see where the hell that thing go there it is okay H okay I'm actually going to take off the skin just because I feel like I don't want to horrify the turkeys they they might end up actually giving me their wishbones and then that would be kind of cheating sort of so yeah we'll see oh yeah okay that hurts uh oh dude that's going to be so painful it's going to be way too painful oh my God we're hardly doing any damage to them at all see you can see even the head shot damage 85 like that is a lot less than what I'm doing to everything else here um I forgot that they have they have like Nerf damage as well so here's the issue you see that lro if you start hurting these turkeys everything else and the trike everything else is just going to start coming for you that's just kind of how it works H I don't know I feel like a Cara would probably be best just cuz we can get the um the bleed damage in ah yeah the only issue with the Caro is I'd have to run it all the way over here and then on top of that where the hell did the turkey go no way did it seriously just disappear I've had this happen before I think we pushed it no maybe maybe we didn't is that the same one I don't even know I think we might have pushed it below the map I don't really know um yeah I think we're going to have to go with the gno because oh that's going to be way too painful they usually have like a good amount of Health I might actually just see maybe we can baa it and take a little look I don't know we'll uh we'll just try this real quick I don't even know if they are bable but um I guess we'll see let's see let's get over here and I should probably check that drop anyway and boom on you there can we Bol you we canot okay yeah so they are not bable uh yeah that's just going to be way too painful we're going to have to go with the car hopefully they are still bleed I I don't know if they are or not actually so yeah I don't know I don't know how this is going to work it's probably not going to be super fun oh that's very painful yeah that is uh that is very very painful okay we're going to fly all the way back I'm going to run the Carno all the way over here that sounds painful enough uh okay yeah we'll um God damn it really sucks H yeah hopefully they are bleed cuz if not oh dude I don't even know if I'm going to bother with this event if they're not I want those emotes mainly the structure skins would be great too but yeah I don't know I I don't know if I want to attempt that I mean I could use weapons that's one thing I've always you know I've always felt like the weapons were pretty good against them for the most part you can get like a lot of head shot in with like a pump action shotgun and stuff but I just don't think I'd really have the ammo to be able to go around and kill uh potentially like 70 of these things so yeah it's going to be a really painful event if the Caro bleed does not work so let's get back to base let's grab our Carno I wish that there was a a turkey to test with but maybe not maybe over there I don't know we'll see could be a thing yeah we'll try it but oh man these colors wa beautiful level 100 all right we're basically back here don't exactly know where this thing is uh I think we were like pretty much around here though okay we're at of Stam does it see me oh dude come on you better still be here you better also have some friends also we should probably just hop off for the stamina cuz that's taking way too long here we go come on hey oh actually we've got some levels I just remembered nice let's go ahead and do that and let's see turkey maybe potentially come on oh there we go there it is all right can we make you bleed uh it looks like it actually yeah yeah we can totally make them bleed okay that's good we're going to try and for the head shot it doesn't really look like we're doing okay yeah 19 is the non headshot damage we're not going to get credited for the kills if it bleeds out but if I can at least actually get them killed I don't really care um so yeah if the bleed does work which it definitely seems like it is then that is the way to do it you want to use a creature that can make them bleed or something that's just powerful enough to kill them really quickly anyway like a giga would probably be pretty good um but yeah obviously like I said I don't have one so yeah um I guess carnos are good then uh alow also have that bleed effect thylas as well in fact thos will probably be the best creature to do it with because obviously on top of everything you have the added benefit of them being really really fast and mobile so yeah um really wish I was not hitting these things in the head cuz then we could actually get the proper damage in on them there we go me try and continue the bleed just because yeah that's probably going to be our super quick way of killing them here we go dead and where did that turkey go there it is okay yeah I can already tell I'm not going to go for all of these things during this event I don't know how long the event's actually going to last cuz we have winter wonderland coming at some point soon I don't really know when um so yeah I don't know don't really know if we're going to be able to keep this event on for super long also I don't know how it all works cuz the way that they've done the events now which is smarter when you think about it um nowadays it is actually going to be just a straight up official mod that they have available in the uh the mod Workshop thingy so um yeah essentially if you want to add it you need to just search up turkey trial and then add that um and then yeah that's going to be I I don't exactly know what it brings in though to be honest cuz all the other items like if if I have those skins and everything do I need to have the mod still active to keep those cuz that would be kind of awful um there he is what the hell he's just like full-on bolting it okay bro come here so yeah I don't know if we have to like keep them mod on or something like that I don't really know how it works when we remove it so yeah maybe the Skins are just official items and then the mod just gives you the ability to craft them that's probably the way that it's working I would assume yeah this is very painful I don't know if I want to do this why did I start making this video ah yeah every year I do I can't even hit him now cuz he's like in me every year I do um some crazy stuff with the uh with the doo Rex because obviously um in the previous years we've had the ability to craft a doo Rex I think it costs 200 wishbones last year I think I made 10 which was an absolutely insane thing to do um on top of that I fought the King Titan with them oh my God he moves so fast in the water uh yeah so we fought the King Titan with them and actually won which was very surprising cuz you only have like a time limit of like 15 minutes and they only have a finite amount of health and everything but yeah so I don't know um I don't know if I'd be able to do that this year even just to try and get one cuz like that is painful that is very very painful um also the event is super late as well because of like the whole Playstation release and everything I think they wanted to just be able to have this event going for all platforms cuz it probably wouldn't be super Fair uh on Playstation to completely miss out on this one or whatever um I don't know where the turkey went I mean he couldn't have gotten far but we did say we did think that a minute ago but he also ran really really far I've already lost like 1,000 Health trying to fight this little tur there he is he's back yeah you can see it's getting quite low like we're getting there but we're not really getting there super fast so I don't there we go we finally got it okay um let's see how much health did you have 22,000 oh we got four wishbones did they increase the amount or is it random now I thought you only ever got two Maybe I'm Wrong I could be wrong I can't okay I can't Harvest you let me let me kill a couple more okay well if we're getting four per then I think it's probably better I have no idea if that's got something to do with our gathering rates or whatever probably not but I don't really know cuz like you know when we're killing args we still only get two talents you know we don't get extra of those items there's nothing there's nothing in the game that can make that happen um so I don't really know if they increased the amount or if we just got really lucky with a crazy good drop there we go we got another one right here okay so yeah I mean anywhere where you're going to like find lots of small creatures like you know doos and stuff I think it's probably a good space to look uh unfortunately now we also have more creatures to fight here as well um the way that the bleed that my Carno is doing actually works is it uh it pretty much does I think what is it like 5% over 5 Seconds so when you think about it it would only technically take 100 seconds to kill a turkey but we'd also have to constantly be having that bleed on it so if it runs away from me that doesn't count yeah I don't know and also you know I I got to run out of stamina eventually that's going to happen um so like even though I'm not hitting head headshot damage here it it's still really only going to take roughly around 100 seconds now it might take slightly less because we're actually you know um dealing a little bit bit of damage to it and we eventually might have those damage numbers equal a percentage of its Health but um for the most part 100 seconds is what you're kind of looking at for a bleed creature like this uh megalodons too actually in fact if I had a if I had a Megalodon pack that would actually be kind of sick cuz I'd be able to just lead them into the water and then just use the Megalodons although I feel like that would be not as streamline as you would kind of hope for at least um so yeah I don't know we're just going to keep putting bleed on this guy it doesn't really matter so that's the right click attack that I'm doing with the Carno it's the horn attack that one does the bleed so here we go it's actually getting quite low I mean if they're rare enough or sorry if they're common enough that I can keep finding them and if they're going to be giving me more than two per then we might be able to do this it it could be a thing I might be mistaken maybe they've always given four and I don't really know it's always like a year between these events and I can't remember absolutely everything so I think that they usually would have given two but maybe there was the occasion that you could get four in in which case I don't think I've ever really gotten four maybe I have and maybe I've had this conversation with you many times over many years I don't I don't remember oh man here we go let me just keep fighting this little turd he's almost dead we're almost there I thought actually I just killed it there but we didn't come on keep that bleed going going to be at a stamina soon all right yeah it's it's getting quite bloody you can see for the most part if you look at it's like I want to call it a plume I don't know if that's actually what it's called the like back uh tail piece or whatever there we go we got a kill we didn't get credited for the kill though unfortunately uh we got four okay we might do this then cuz that's that's a lot less that I'm going to have to kill then do they they must have made it so it gives you extra right I think they must have anyway yeah we might try and do this it it's going to be such a pain to do but I do want those emotes we've already gotten eight of them you know we've almost we just need to kill like a couple more and we can already have one emote so yeah I don't know very very painful for sure but we got to just we got to just power through uh I thought I saw a turkey there but it's just a Dodo let me see let me kill you here we go uh yeah so I don't know let me see is there any more around here oh my what the hell look at this thing looks like a freaking gummy bear or something I don't even know it's so cool looking but it's too beautiful for this world I need to kill it there we go nice yeah I don't uh I don't see any more turkeys around here so we're going to have to keep looking maybe I'll just run all the way down the coast although I didn't really check up this side of the beach you never know like there there could have been a couple more along here that I just missed completely so I'm going to check this real quick and then maybe we'll loop around and just do that full Beach there um yeah yeah we'll just we'll see they're probably more common in the South cuz I think like Doos are a little bit more common down there anyway I thought that was one but it's just a poo I don't know how I thought that was one I think it was like the way that the light was hitting it but um yeah I don't know we we could potentially find a couple more here how many years has it been now I I don't even know cuz I I think the the the turkey event came pretty early I think with Ark so I probably missed the first one but I I think after that like we might have missed oh there's one we might have missed like one or two of the events along the way like they didn't do one one year or something like that but for the most part like I feel like over the last at least 5 years I've been fighting these turkeys around the exact same time of the year every single gear and um yeah I don't know if it gets any more entertaining than this you know it's just we're just fighting super tanky turkeys that make no sense here we go keep fighting this little guy is that I thought that dodo was going to come in and protect him no but the trike is yeah of course here we go oh got him didn't even notice that he was dead there cuz we didn't get the death message there we go another four okay so we're going to be doing this for a while guys just just saying yeah um I'm going to search along the rest of this beach I'll Loop up and around and then I'll go down to the red Obelisk and hopefully at some point we can find some more of these guys we're going to need a lot we're going to need a huge amount of them it's going to cost like seven no it's going to cost eight turkeys for an emote and then we'll have two leftover wishbones so yeah very very expensive for sure I kind of wish I did have a thla or a k oh man oh whoa there's two of them here okay that's sick all right yeah we'll try and kill the two at the same time that actually would be kind of perfect they don't get mate boost or anything cuz they don't have genders sweet okay we are getting double hit but it's okay just keep keep backing up I did gamma really really high up just because I couldn't really see through the bushes over there when it was kind of Darker and yeah now we only have one turkey come here bro got to just hit them every 5 seconds and then I think I'm okay you know we just go between the two of them if they don't want to chill together where the hell did that one even go okay yeah I don't know where the other one went I lost it I guess all right one at a time then I I guess this is probably going to be the way that it's going to be um they're not going to stick together at all are they oh man oh interesting so I got three from this one huh okay maybe it is just completely random and I was just getting really lucky well all right yeah I guess that's how it works okay so I I guess it's just completely random because now I'm getting five um all right cool I I mean five's great it's better than three damn yeah we've actually already got like a decent amount of them as well so I don't know we probably won't have to do this for much longer chop you up all right so it's a long while later and um this should be the last turkey if what I needed was 150 I think I have 149 this should bring me over that line I I've never gotten less than three I don't know if you can potentially get two or one but I've I've not gotten less than three in all the turkeys that I've killed which I don't even know how many it is cuz I got really lucky with like a good streak of five for like a little while there but um yeah I don't know uh this should be the last one though regardless and um yeah I don't I don't know if I want to hunt these guys again for a little while um so here's the thing right I had some really good luck around here and then really great look going all the way down towards the red OB and then as soon as I kind of got down to like the southern part of the map I had a couple but not really that many um and then yeah it just just kind of like I didn't really seem to get any as I passed by uh the Stonehenge kind of area like kind of coming up towards um herbivore Island and like the lava cave and everything so yeah not uh not crazy good look around there unfortunately but it is what it is you know um I guess they're probably just more common or whatever I don't know we just found a lot more over here so I don't know this might be a better area to come and look for them uh West Coast I don't think I need to explain where but uh yeah so we'll see we'll see if we can manage to actually find some more I think the event's going to last for a little while longer and then if we do remove the mod after that I which I think we probably will then um yeah we'll just if we have any more bones we probably can't use them I guess I'll just turn them into cheapes or something before we remove it so yeah we'll see we'll see but anyway yeah this thing is uh not super hurt it's not even uh showing any damage in it's plume which I believe is actually the word for it I'm not sure um but yeah hopefully we'll have this thing killed pretty quick is that dodo coming for me get away all right let's see he gave me five nice um I was getting really good look there for a long time just getting five out of every single one um yeah I don't really know is it possible to get less than three I don't really know but anyway yeah there we go so we have 154 of them in total which is great so we're going to head back to the base we're going to craft up everything um I'm trying to think I think the emotes were 30 each and then the structures were 35 each so then that's 130 and then yeah I'll have was that like 24 left over so I can make my skin which cost 10 and then after that I guess I have a good amount left over to turn into some chibies I guess I might just make like two rare chibies and then four common or something like that we'll see but anyway we got a long journey all the way back to the base and I once again need to start healing my guy oh my god dude yeah I've done this so much here today just like force feeding theat me to this Carno this poor Carno honestly you the MVP of this episode for sure should have got myself a thla thinking about this event to be honest cuz uh I I feel like everybody's going to want me to get one anyway and I definitely want one too but definitely should have gotten one in preparations I was not thinking clearly okay well this is definitely not what you want okay there we go the turkeys just ran straight in as soon as I'm fighting that freaking Alpha Raptor God damn it we've got a ton of these uh wishbones here so yeah let's go ahead and make up what we needed to make see so 162 wow all righty so we're going to go for the emotes let me quickly just take a drink boom let's go for the emotes first one of each got to make sure I don't accidentally double craft something let's go for the two structure things and then I'm going to go for this and then we'll see what we have left over I think we should have like around like 24 left over or something right or maybe like 22 whatever I can't remember the number we had now uh I guess we'll have to wait to a second oh yeah around 22 left over okay so in that case I don't know if I should make more skins like I'm probably going to find more turkeys so maybe we'll just spend those on some chibies and then some regular chibies so we've got four rare chibies coming up and then four regular ones so let's quickly just grab these out boom and wait what chibi did we get oh we got spino we got Theo okay we got chuso what's the last going to be come on be something good uh oh we got the turkey wa dude that's probably a super rare one although it's only in whatever class this is huh all right let's pop on the turkey then see oh where did he go oh he'd be in here right nice okay uh I'm going to just not name it for the moment what else do we got oh we got the otter yes oh that's perfect okay hang on where's my little turkey wait where is he did I not put him on uh oh I did where is he though turkey turkey friend I don't see him there he is hang on hello you little weird looking guy oh it looks so strange I don't think I've ever seen this one is this one new I feel like it is right it honestly this right here looks higher quality than the actual uh murder turkeys that's kind of strange anyway I don't know if that one's new or not um I kind of stopped really caring about the chibies a little while ago though nowadays let's see can we make some uh what are they called again display thingy okay yeah they they're not super expensive they're a little expensive it's okay though we should be able to do that in fact actually I think we have some stuff in here we can make one at least just real quick let's get that done so yeah they they eventually decided to make a display case for the uh for the chibies which was a fantastic idea it it's something that we've all been asking for for a long time because they've just been adding so many of these things over the years and there's been no way to to like really do anything with them besides just have them so here we go here is the display case how does this thing work then I just pop it in bom nice okay it's facing the wrong way that doesn't help uh take chibi oh we can pet oh we can interact with them okay all right that's pretty cool you know what H I'm honestly kind of thinking here we go uh one more can I do it again can I not do okay do I have to do a full 180 okay I thought it was like a progressive thing we could make like a museum with the chibies instead of uh dermes cuz they probably work better than the dermes um and also tiny little display case pretty cool um wait let's see what else can we do then I've never I've never used this thing by the way so we can just pet it and then we can take the chibi a that's cool nice all right what else we got we've got the chuso which comes with a little bubble of water which is kind of funny what happens when I pet you okay fantastic that was great nice we got the the nice yeah it's just there like little animations but obviously I don't know it's kind of cool the way it's um it's like a little chibii little guy doing it got the megal oh that's a chuner dude oh whoa I don't know why this just came to my mind but have you guys ever what's that movie crap what is that movie uh James gun did it um Slither I think have you guys ever seen that movie like there's this scene where I I don't want to spoil the whole movie in Cas in case you haven't seen it but like there's this scene where basically there's like very large woman like abnormally large because of these creatures and her face is like tiny in the middle of her giant round body and I don't know why but that right there just reminded me of it to be honest you should probably go watch that movie it's a little goofy but it is pretty good here we go uh we got the we got the spino I almost said the uh I don't know what I was about to say there here we go Ah that's cool nice I assume I can put my cibi in there but I actually don't have one they cost a gamus egg which I was very uh four but unfortunately I I don't have a gal egg to actually craft one so we got to make one at some point we could make an axeman one but this is not axeman's base this is my base so there we go uh We've also you know what we'll keep the turkey on that's going to be my one for the moment um so how do these things work then how do I put that into my trough how does it how does it all work uh let's do this one cuz there not a bunch of creatures around it um okay well I don't see any slot do I just pop it in no how's that work how do I this is a normal trough it it is it's not the tech trough right uh oh place oh you just placed it on top of them oh that's cool can I not place it the other way uh it doesn't want to let me place it the opposite direction cool all right well I guess that's that nice so yeah um you just essentially just pop it on top and then yeah it just that's what your trough looks like I mean that's kind of cool hang on um I don't think I have like a normal one let me oh did I just get a second one wait what was it is that supposed to happen how do I have two is it just like an infinite skin that I can use dude what the hell okay that's actually kind of nice you only need to get a once okay huh so technically if you had a full server full of people only one person on the whole server would need to do this right is that how it's supposed to work or am I like is this I'm very confused all right can I I can I can see it at least I I do need to make a um cooking pot let's see uh oh crafting where are you there you are let's put that on the tracker so we just need a couple little resources here oh by the way the penguin Farm going great I did get an aapor and put it in there cuz I feel like even though we could have it going automatically there's a couple things that aren't so good about that number one the pelagornis could glitch out of the building and number two we don't get as much uh polymer from the baby penguins as we would from grown-up ones because apparently it's the exact opposite of how uh they work in in the wild so yeah that's um it's not ideal but it is what it is so yeah I might I I could have it automatic and it technically is an automatic farm if I put the pelorus on on aggressive then it will be but I I probably won't operate it like that go ahead and get rid of that and let me pop this down just uh put you down over here for the moment and boom nice oh yeah look at that I still have it dude that's crazy I don't think that's how it would work nice so yeah you just need to get at once um cool all right well anyway Let's uh let's actually light this thing up see what what it's got going on any oh my God I just started burning myself immediately so yeah you can see it's just boiling inside of uh what looks to be water I don't know if a boiled turkey would be very nice I I get what we're doing here we're technically trying to deep fry but that does not look like oil also isn't this like super dangerous maybe it is oil I don't really I can't really tell looks kind of delicious it looks like it's already done but um yeah that's really cool actually I hope that they do more of this kind of stuff you know it's such a simple little thing but the aesthetic of something like this versus the regular one is just so much better can we take the skin off oh yeah look at that oh that's cool yeah that's actually really nice and the fact that we only need to get it once really seals the deal for me nice all right well anyway that's the um that's the trough and that's the little thingy as well they need to add in a way that I can rotate that trough cuz that's kind of annoying having them both facing the same way but I mean the Aesthetics of this as well really cool I get it this is some sort of um I guess like I don't know I've never actually seen one of these things in real life I don't even really know what it is what was it actually called again um and again I'm just ignorant of these things cuz like I don't I don't know what that is uh cornicopia trough Okay cool so I guess it's just like a giant basket full of fruits and vegetables and stuff cool nice again I'm Irish we we we I don't I've never seen one of those I don't know your Customs I'm sorry um let's see what else do we got we've got the emotes let's go ahead and pop those on and then let's also pop on the turkey head here we go look there there there's me with a little tricky on my face boom Oh that's silly looking cuz my thing's damaged oh my God that's so funny oh I just realized maybe we need to add like a damage uh thing to the cibi head make it like have like blood or something on it I don't know that could be kind of cool but yeah that is um oh that's a really moldy looking piece of lemon ooh yeah that does not look very tasty at all My Little Beard just sticking through oh my God that that's really goofy oh and it moves it moves when I'm moving oh that's so goofy oh that's really silly the way it like oh dude the piece of cake probably like wobbles around as well nice um I got the emotes anyway Let's test them out then um what even were they again oh I'm low on food again there we go nice let's a gamma down there we go regular gamma let's get like uh in front of a light there we go nice so what are these emotes then so we need to go to Turkey trial so I think it was touchdown and then what was the other one uh this one I think here here we go here's the friendly gesture okay I I feel like I've seen that in like TV shows before I've never done that in real life this is the touchdown I did it nice let's actually uh let's take off the helmet just to see if there's any like facial expressions or anything yay nice cool and then here's the friendly one I don't know why but like my face during that animation I've just I've just got like this resting face that just I don't know it just looks so strange anyway Let's uh let's go ahead and pop the turkey back on nice well guys uh that is the um the turkey trial obviously there's more skins but just in general like you know we don't need to see them all out in the open right I don't need to go kill more turkeys immediately do I I really don't think so there's also all these shirts as well which are kind of nice as well I think some of them are new um there's just so many that I I wouldn't even be able to tell you at this point um but yeah that is uh that's pretty much it we got the emotes we've got the two structure skins we've got this crazy thing maybe I also need to get a turkey costume that could be kind of funny but um yeah that's pretty much it guys if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button and uh yeah I'll catch you next time
Channel: Syntac
Views: 141,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark penguin farm, ark turkey trial, ark turkey, ark murder turkey, ark super turkey, ark how to get chibis, ark how to get wishbones, ark wishbone farm, ark cosmetics, syntac new ark series, ark unreal engine 5, ark ascended trailer, syntac ark survival ascended, ark asa, syntac asa, ark update, ark ascended, ark survival
Id: E5f7tMTMtMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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