Taming a Queen Bee for my Own Honey Farm! - ARK Survival Ascended [E32]

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I'm totally going to get rabies it's going to happen oh no so I'm just out and about looking for some bees over here at the Redwoods with my bear and um yeah hopefully this this works out here today cuz I would very much like to have a little honey farm going at least for the foreseeable future obviously honey is super useful we need it for the top tier of kibble we need it for the veggie cakes all sorts of useful stuff and um yeah we need to get going with that kind of stuff here today so I brought the bear and the main reason why I brought the bear is because bears are immune to beas thingss they're not going to make you fall off your Mount or anything which is great so yeah they're kind of like the perfect tame to go ahead and do this with so I have everything else that I'm going to need to actually tame up some bees you need to passively tame them um and I've got a superior kibble here I do believe that it's actually um I think it's simple kibble that they need to actually tame up but um yeah obviously it doesn't really matter as long as we're tiers above what it actually needs um it's going to be kind of difficult to spot these beehives I'm definitely having trouble doing it I think that these trees in this game are a lot brighter than the Redwoods trees in survival evolved I I just kind of feel like they are anyway I mean maybe they aren't maybe it's just me but I don't know let me know what you guys think um either way though hopefully we can manage to find some and we can get them all tamed up I might go for like two just so we have a decent supply of honey but um we'll see we'll kind of see how it goes hello little piggy yeah you're not mutated you're just kind of different from your parent all right so anyway yeah I'll just bring you guys back once I find a beehive and hopefully it's actually got a bee inside of it cuz I've definitely come across some hives in the past that have not had bees in them but I think that's probably because they're they've been around for like quite a long time and maybe the queen got out at some point and then just you know died or whatever anyway Let's uh let's see if we can find some actually another thing that I could potentially use the honey for is directing creatures into traps cuz obviously honey is is something that they'll go for you just drop it on the ground and anything around will just try to go for it cuz they like eating it uh what the hell was that is that a micro Raptor I think it might have been no no no it was an Archer but they're pretty similar so I'll kill you anyway here we go uh there's something chasing me there we go it's a safer so yeah having the honey could actually mean that I could trap creatures a little bit easier at least you know nothing aggressive that's coming towards me but if there's like I don't know let's say MEAP picus or not MEAP picus why you can't tame those picus there we go if we had one of those I could like direct it into like a little box or something like that using the honey without having to hit it so uh oh there we go we got whoa there's three hives on this this tree right here that's crazy also they blend in fairly well not as well as I'm thinking but definitely a little bit better than before cuz like before they they stuck out like a sore thumb and also now they're like a bit more sunk into the tree as well so yeah I mean just to find them like they're they're just on the tree trees you know just come to the Redwoods I guess and then search around for a couple minutes and and that's what they look like in case you don't know so um now we got to figure out how the hell I'm going to do this so I have foundations and I have the uh the stair pieces let's switch it to this so if we kind of make like a little bit of a spiral I might be able to walk the bear up it let's see let's start from here we'll just make the spiral and then I'll see if I can get the bear over to it okay so we're probably can I go down by one oh wow I can okay hang on let's let's go down by one but then have it flip to the other side there we go and then can we go up from here just to kind of like move across a little bit I don't think I can yeah it doesn't seem to want to let me maybe I can go from oh yeah yeah there that's perfect okay cool now we just got to walk the bear up and see if this actually works hello bro uh what is that attacking I can hear something hitting okay it's a Dillo we'll just go ahead and kill you real quick nice okay so let's get up here hopefully we can do this looks like it's working we just my turning radius is a lot wider than the actual stairs so we got to just take it a little bit slower just step back and adjust and here we go so you want to go ahead and destroy the hive and that's going to make the queen leave and it's going to take a couple hits but obviously if you're on anything that's not a bear when these little bees come up come at you they're going to knock you off your mou so uh I definitely would just recommend having a bear for this here we go um okay definitely don't see the queen I did see it pop out I think it's over there is it going to come out of the tree though cuz obviously it being in the tree is not really going to help I actually don't have grappling hooks as well so I'm really hoping that it does want to get out cuz this is uh This Is Not Great uh we might have to go for a different Hive if it doesn't want to come out of there um all right let's see let me pop on some bug repellent probably should have done that to begin with but eventually they're going to stop AGG gring to me there we go I think it worked no no they're still coming for me a little bit yeah look at this this is crazy get out of the freaking tree what are you doing inside of there you're meshing I'm just like I'm so baffled how Wild Card just allow these bees away with this okay so I'm just uh I'm going to just watch it okay we're not going to approach like crazy amount right now cuz we needed to like not be aggro to me to actually tame it so we might have to just like Let It free and then just kind of like let it do its thing for a second here let me see let me go ahead and kill these guys God damn it get out of my face all right we good think we might be okay so it's somewhere around here we should see the buzzing see the buzzing we should hear the buzzing and see the little flappy wings but um let's see where we're about to to go I actually don't see it right now or hear it oh is that it over there see something yeah there it is okay cool so the babies are dying okay I might be able to approach now maybe possibly let me see let me pop this onto my bar and then also we're going to need this in my zero slot as well and I'm hoping we can do this we might be okay let's just uh approach somewhat slowly I guess uh the bear is not with me so that's good should be able to do this come on let me feed you no no it's not working oh crap ah they're oh the bees they sting uh that hurts let's just stay down they're not able to hit me for some reason uh H okay we might need to wait a little bit longer okay so I just spotted it there crap okay hey there we go nice oh man yeah the little uh taming thing not uh not the easiest thing to get to pop up can I just turn you into a beehive here I think let's do that there we go nice so now we have a beehive this is an easy way to just bring them back that's going to work so I think I might try to get a couple more of them cuz they only cost one piece of kibble that's not too bad we also saw that tree with like a bunch of them on it so if I can get like three hives then that's going to be perfect definitely more than what is needed but still I'm okay with it the only thing is I actually don't know where that tree was it was pretty far back in this direction cuz we we definitely moved a decent amount oh yeah here it is this is the tree yeah we've got one there and one there nice okay they're like right beside each other we might be able to get a double whammy going kind of curious what would happen if I placed a piece of C4 right here and then kind of just like left and then blew it up as I'm like super far away would they still be aggro to me like cuz technically I was the one creating the damage Source though I would imagine that would still work that same way either way though let's uh let's get up here start mauling at these little hives okay let's back up I don't want to fall off there we go nice I should be able to hit the two of them from the top right here so just as a normal bear you can actually go ahead and just do the right click attack and you'll get honey without actually damaging the the beehives at all so there we go we actually get three times the amount that you normally would get by uh by grabbing it by hand out of a hive here we go so we got the two of them out we'll just kind of let all these guys come to me I think yeah they're both flying off in the same direction over there nice so we'll uh we'll just kill all these guys and keep like an eye on them I'm just I'm just going to keep my distance this time I don't want to approach at all until we're pretty much ready to go with this so yeah let me uh go ahead and just pick up that nice let's see so they went oh yeah they're like right there I didn't I thought they would have flown a little bit further away but we're okay we just we got to wait for them to just deagro and I think it probably helped me not actually being on my bear but now they're separating crap okay we're going to have to hunt them down all right I think the two of them are over here I saw one down here and I think the other one's like just up and around that Little Rock over there yeah they're actually right beside each other now okay I think we might be able to do this we're far enough away that they probably have deagro are they what's happening okay there we go let's just feed it okay okay we got that one um let's see let's just unfollow on you where does the other one go oh crap yeah no we don't want to bew Quick come to me let's go passive oh no passive there we go come to me bees come on oh you guys fighting okay I think we're okay let me just turn you into a hive there we go we good they're not pissed at me now are they where did the other one go um don't know if it's still around here at all I actually don't see it oh I see it it's over there okay hang on let's try and approach yeah this bug repellent and the ghilly suit is like the only thing keeping me alive right now cuz I totally would be dead if those bees were stinging me oh my God bro we're so close let me in oh here we go no let me get it let me get it I'm hitting e no here we go come on yes got you nice okay let me turn you into a hive as well where are you going no no no where are you going come to me all right well we got a long journey back to the base now but luckily we have three hives which is definitely more than enough so yeah let me begin my my journey where are we going this direction no way over in this direction kind of should have just looked at that to be honest but yeah anyway so in the meantime I will show you some little Home Improvements that we did in another little clip that I took earlier so I've completely desolated the land around my base there used to be trees everywhere here but now there's not and I have 9,000 thatch in my inventory now why do I have over 9,000 thatch in my inventory you may ask I know you didn't ask that but let me tell you anyway we're going to be making up some training dummies and I'm going to be using these to display some armor but I I never realized how expensive they actually are and I didn't want to just diminish all of my resources so I have a a ton of uh fiber up on the dire bear I've got all the thatch I'm going to need and all the wood I'm going to need here and we're going to make up 18 of them and uh they're going to be up between the artifacts on the top floor which I have since done um like I talked about in the last episode so yeah let me get back here we're going to have to get all these things crafted up I just wanted to show you guys like what I did to this land cuz like yeah there used to be trees everywhere and now it's uh it's just desolate it's so crazy looking also I might actually go kill that aler Caro over there in just a couple minutes we'll see but uh yeah let me get all these things crafted up so what I want to do is I want to have um the nine different sets of armor displayed up on the top up there and um yeah so obviously we don't have all those sets right now but I can make up I think probably about seven of them maybe I don't have any organic polymer probably so maybe just six but um yeah so it's it's everything normal and then I'm going to count scuba as an actual armor set even though it's not properly one but um yeah so let me let me grab my darar he has all of the fiber on him should probably keep all the thatch on you God this is so many resources it really is can we craft 18 of them uh it's only going to let me craft 10 oh okay I see yeah no I didn't I didn't properly calculate the amount of wood I needed all right one sec we just got to wait for all these to craft up now let me show you what I did I went ahead and put all those artifact pedestals up here um I'm actually going to need you to not be completely in the way so I'm going to just Chuck you right here and then hop off oh I made it nice so the only one that we have displayed right now is the hunter um I did technically do the cave for the massive which is the lava cave but um yeah I didn't actually grab one in that whole brawl that we had going on we only grabbed one out of all of us cuz the other one was lost to the cave so um yeah that was the thing and I need water do I have any I do not great ah crap okay I think I might have some on my RG but yeah so what we're going to do is I'll just basically just Place one down oh crap they're snapping okay let's stop that nice so I'm going to pretty much put them like right around here they're going to be between each each artifact there's 10 artifacts that means that there's nine gaps between them and yeah so that's going to be perfect just got to get it all set up and there we go we got them all down looks really creepy up here right now I don't really like that something really eerie about it yeah I uh I'm not a big fan of that right now all right so I think I don't know how many sets of armor I'm going to make let me get it down yeah just gamma up just so I can actually see where I was placing them and making sure the distance was right but um yeah I can definitely make the cloth armor uh definitely the hide maybe also the the fur I can't remember how much it costs I do have a decent amount of uh wool I've been shearing all the sheep that I have so you got a good amount of that so I might be able to make that as well oh crap you're you're you're ready oh I completely forgot about that okay hang on uh you're yeah you're grown up enough to feed from the trough so yeah you're going to be probably okay do you have all the good stats I think you do yeah yeah you definitely do any mutations on top no okay all right so it looks like we should be able to make up the majority of the armor sets uh need a little bit more of something for that I'm just going to assume that it's Pelt but it actually could probably be metal I'll just grab this anyway grab some ingots uh yeah that should be more than enough all right let's see so yeah we've got um cloth we got hide we got Flack we got the fur and kitan so far um I made brand new sets instead of using a bunch of random pieces that I have maybe eventually I'll replace them with like good pieces or something but they don't have like the load out mannequin in the game right now so it kind of sucks you can't just like run up to these like mannequin thingies the training dummies and then just switch armors with them easily it's not a thing right now so yeah what was I crafting again oh yeah it's one more chest piece there we go uh can I make that yeah sweet all righty so yeah let me go ahead and decorate all these mannequins upstairs oh my God it's going to take forever there's so many pieces of armor can I even carry all this I might be able to okay well I've got the majority of the armor sets up and ready and I decided that I would actually go ahead and make up some scuba here as well there we go uh so this one obviously doesn't have any hands um we could probably add something on there but I pooped at the same time I'm seriously struggling to jump over those right now I don't know what it is I think I'm like bumping into it or something and then yeah it's just it's not it's not working I need to make like a little Bridge or something thing so I can uh I don't know so I can go ahead just not fall all the time anyway yeah let me pop these on Boom nice so yeah that's all the armor sets it's kind of hard to see them right now just cuz of the lighting at this exact time of the day but for the most part you know I think it will be pretty cool once we can actually get some proper light in here either that or I can actually go ahead and add in some lights I probably should do that or maybe the artifacts will light them up yeah that would make more sense anyway yeah so um we just have a couple more that we need to add in then we have the Gilly I'll get that sort of at some stage I just need some organic polymer and then right down the end here obviously we have Riot armor which we are not ready to make and then Tech Armor which is a little bit further down the line as well so yeah anyway I think that that is that tiny little project done but um all in all I think this is all it's turning out quite well I definitely need to add in a way between these two sides and then obviously figuring out a way to get up here as well I was thinking of actually just making a stairs or something from here just like a uh I don't know one of the new stair kind of pieces cuz I don't know they're pretty they're pretty cool but um yeah I don't know we'll figure it out we'll figure out a good way to get up there either that or maybe an elevator I could put like a small elevator in here actually that might not look too bad I can't put it there cuz that piece of rock wait what is in there is there there's a hodon in my in my base yeah I can't break that unfortunately um maybe I can put it here I don't know we'll figure it out we'll get there eventually but um yeah that's that tiny little project all done o that Mammoth does not look good hang on are you good bro you're you're you're all good you're eating yeah you're you're eating you're fine um let's see did I leave oh yeah no okay I killed those earlier oh there's new ones okay accidentally like leaving these creatures on breeding by accident completely did not mean to do that so I figured that I'd at least use all the honey that I got so yeah we might be able to craft up a bunch of these I'm not sure oh yeah know we do have enough sap okay sweet so yeah um I actually also probably need to set up a redwoods platform at some point just so we can actually have some proper sap going cuz every single piece of sap that I've gotten so far has been from drops which is usually pretty good I usually get like around 60 whenever I do find some so um yeah not too bad at all but uh yeah I think we are now out of honey let's see yeah so we got like 50 15 cakes is a decent amount yeah that's not bad um let me pull this cake in into there so yeah we got 16 in total I just want to stock up cuz eventually we're going to try and tame up some snails as well using the cak so um yeah I want to have a good amount for when we can do that but um yeah let's see and just dump the rest of these ingredients back into my fridge so now I need to find a good spot to actually put these because they can't go down on top of Foundations they couldn't did the last game right wait what is it I'm confused was it that they weren't able to go onto foundations in the last game the normal ones or was it the s+ ones cuz now I'm very very confused were they not I thought that they couldn't but that's actually really nice so I can actually have them in here cuz I was thinking oh man we're going to have to like make a hole somewhere and then put them down but no this works out a lot better all right sweet Let's uh let's go ahead and put these things down here then so yeah we'll just kind of wait can they they can't snap to each other at all no that kind of sucks all right we'll just line them up along here so yeah we need to feed them some rare flowers and then they're going to start producing some honey for me and eventually we're going to have a good amount of Honey between all three of these hives this is going to be an easy little farm probably should have rotated them a little bit or something I don't know eventually I do plan on building a new Greenhouse um like a big proper one and I think I have an idea for where I want to put those inside of the greenhouse although it kind of changes now the fact that you can just place them on top of uh you know ceilings and and Foundations and stuff I thought that you couldn't do that please confirm or deny that because it could have been the s+ one and I could be very very confused but yeah there we go nice little honey farm going okay so I've traveled all the way down here to the lava cave and I want to get myself an artifact finally cuz we didn't get one that last time I really want to destroy all of axeman's signs and replace them with sin was here or instead maybe I could replace it with like Jim was here and then he wouldn't think it was me if he doesn't see which tribe made the sign anyway anyway Let's uh let's head all the way down here then so the only thing that I don't have is sleeping bags placed down I meant to do that one sec but I also don't have any lesser antidotes so I'm really hoping that I don't get unlucky and get rabies but if I do I'm just going to have to try to tank it a little bit and uh use some medical bruise so yeah fingers crossed but we'll see um let's go ahead and just place down a bunch of these right here there we go nice so yeah I wanted to come in here for that artifact but also you know what the cave drops are pretty good I mean I got this pistol right here in a cave drop and it's better than any pistol I found outside of these caves so I don't know maybe the loot is different in the caves and you can only find very specific items like high quality down here or something I don't really know but um yeah let's uh let's work our way through here a little bit then so I don't really see anything was somebody in here recently cuz I don't see any creatures at all there's a drop what the hell somebody must have just been in in here oh no I see some bats okay cool I was about to say like where like not that I'm wanting creatures to be in here fighting me but you know it's a bit weird to not have any seriously I thought that that just would have hit cuz there's like a lot of bats right there but I guess not uh what about like right here boom nice okay let's get a crossbow shot in as well on somebody maybe you and then I'll just Spam my pistol a little bit just to try and get some extra damage in I'm totally going to get rabies it's going to happen Oh no I got them immediately come on what is that crap God damn it yeah I didn't have any Lee Blood so I couldn't make any lesser antidotes and the worst part about the Lee blood is you can't put it in the fridge but you also can't put the antidotes in the fridge and they obviously don't work inside of a um a thingy either so that is that is just awful luck wow yeah there we go let's just heal a little bit um oh who whoa whoa I'm sorry that's just not fair did you see that they all dis appeared I almost jumped off I legitimately could have jumped off by then and just been swarmed by you know I don't even know just like creatures coming out of the ground anybody else H there's a spider down in the lava or a scorpion hanging off the edge there as well um let's see let's grab this whoa that is an insane stego saddle but like also saber dude saddle that's also really good dude people would kill for this wow okay um I'm not going to go this direction but I do want to peek my head over here cuz there can be drops on this side too and if there is I want to try and grab them let's just walk over here very casually and then we'll just turn around fight these guys in a minute but yeah let's just see if there's any drops over in this side uh I don't see any so we're not going to go that direction but I will turn around and fight these guys please don't give me double rabies like I already have mega rabies I don't need Super Mega rabies you know that is so silly there we go it's so weird how they can give you rabies even though like you're not being bitten by them you're just kind of in like close proximity of it or whatever um yeah let's uh let's get over here then let's see so we're going to want to go around this side we might as well just go this way I know both ways can lead to the same artifact area but this way I think has more drops so we'll go this way instead that is a lot of bats that is a huge amount of bats uh all right well they're coming probably no point of trying to shoot at them I'm not really doing that much damage to them anyway holy crap all right oh my okay yeah I'm going to get double super mega chungus rabies uh here we go a they're like batting me around a good amount as well kind of hurts this is a good amount of 140s in there there's like two of them that's a 130 as well holy crap okay there we go nice they're all dead wow yeah that is um that's intense let's actually grab out all these useful things um we have fish meat as well so my bar is going to be heal healing quite quick here I'll show you try and do it without covering it up there we go so yeah we can heal up really quick on that fish meat we can also heal up with this stuff as well right I don't it doesn't really look like it's actually healing at all no it isn't all right cool let's grab this let's grab this and yeah we should kind of be okay for the moment we are a little bit we down but it's all good and let's go for some more melee sweet all righty let's work our way through here I just don't want to get batted off into the lava cuz that would just be GG I don't have grappling hook so we would actually just be dead and so with the Barry and I'd have to come back here and and uh somehow manage to Grapple my stuff out of the lava there we go all right we just got to wait for that to go away and there we go nice okay so it's this way then and we want to just keep going down along in this direction we got to jump over here but we can take a little look down yeah we've got a yellow drop right there I could probably just skip this whole section and just jump down there but we'll just go anyway cuz in case you didn't catch that video this is kind of like the way to go I guess I was so close to the other side though that video was fun I'm really glad that we did that but the unfortunate part is we're probably not going to be able to do that in any other cave you know the Scramble for the artifact just because they're not really um I don't know they're not really as risky as this one and there's like water in some of them and I don't know I just feel like we wouldn't get the same experience so glad people did enjoy that video though cuz uh yeah it was it was fun uh lots of dying though here we go come on let me get you nice okay so I want to go for that and we might end up getting attacked but probably not so let's go ahead and just leave you there let me see we're good right I thought I heard something behind me there so let's just try and make these jumps then we want to get to this yellow drop that's going to be great here we go okay yeah pretty good I have a better Mammoth SLE I think or maybe it's basically the same but still pretty nice let's get out of here sweet all right so we're just going to keep following this way this is going to lead me to the artifact and let me get this little guy we got a baby Dow right there anything else over here yeah there's an or not an artifact what there's an explore note there we go sweet all right come on almost stupid onic these things are so annoying they're not even like the worst part about them is like they're not even worth taming you know they uh I don't know like there's there's no point of them they're like you can't ride on them they're awful to tame you know it's just I don't I don't see the point I mean they can give people rabies but you could just get a um uh what are they called Megalania for that instead yeah I don't know very very pointless creature here we go it' be cool if you could like use them for something like for getting blood packs just like the uh desmodus but yeah in terms of bats desmodus heavily outshines this one 100% that is a highle spider let's go ahead and kill it uh cuz we've already determined from the last game that Fighters are not really worth even trying to super mega mutate cuz they are still awful regardless um there we go we got you nice uh let's try and get this one as well come on bro come on oh there's something else there it was a dow yeah that makes sense cuz I can't see here we go let's just wait for that to go away okay let's grab this and feed a little bit okay we got another Dow nice God damn it why Ah that's annoying he spat on me like immediately uh let's goad and eat this meat right here there we go nice okay cool hopefully I don't get spit on immediately again um which way was it was it left or right I actually cannot remember now I have rabies great everything's going bad I think it was um I think it was that way right there but we might just check the other direction just to see if there's any um drops or anything cuz I don't know these this cave loot is pretty amazing I mean that blue drop was way better than the yellow but still very very good we need more of that in my life honestly Jim is very lucky for living right beside here cuz he could just Farm the crap out of that I have a cave beside me too but it's the snow cave and we all know that that that just would not work out very well for simple you know farming that is that's not the type of place that I want to run into to quickly grab some drops that is an intense experience in there considering the amount of creatures here we go come on my God let me get these guys there's the artifact Anyway come on get out of here come on let me get you one more there we go sweet all righty um so I might just aggro all these creatures over to me first just because I don't want to be going after the artifact and then getting attacked on foot cuz I don't know if I want to bring my Barry over there I mean I probably can I want I'm being spat on though there we go all righty let's grab that and that good amount of kite actually which is nice can always appreciate that I guess we can we got to be very cautious though to not overshoot these jumps because that would just be really really bad there's a yellow drop over there nice okay see let me just aggro these little turds would have been a great idea to actually bring some grappling hooks cuz I feel like we're not going to be able to get to that yellow drop without a grappling hook yeah maybe I could just ra Jim's base real quick and get one uh there we go sweet all right probably can't actually get to that yellow drop all right let's grab that nice let me on thank you yeah I feel like we probably can I definitely don't think I can make that jump uh yeah that's a grappling hook jump if anything that is not a synac let's let's go ahead and take this little jump jump you know that's just not going to work out well at all so um yeah I think we're going to have to leave that one there unfortunately I next time I will bring some grappling hugs it kind of just flipped my mind to be honest cuz I was like oh yeah we'll just use the Barry we won't need to go on fot or anything but yeah I guess I should have thought ahead just a little bit um kind of a silly spot for it though anyway let's see let's get out of here then boom nice let's go this direction I don't think we can go super far in this direction but we'll just take a little Peak this leads around to that first way that we went um yeah I know this area this is like it's like little bits where we have to like jump across I think right unfortunately I'm just constantly being spat on by dillow like this is the worst here give me that thank you um yeah I don't think there's going to be any drops over there all right let's go back at the same direction that we came in and the artifact is back but I can only grab one because I did not bring an otter with me which is another thing that I definitely need to get for caving just cuz then I I'll only have to do the cave once if I just stay there for long enough and just harvest the crap out of the artifacts cuz obviously the otter is the only creature in the game along with the human that can hold uh artifacts but it can actually do something that humans can't and it can hold multiple artifacts which we definitely cannot so um yeah it can still do that in this game as well which is great so really really useful let me see what else we got yeah this kind of leads up and around the sameish way um cool all right well I think I don't think we're going to run into any more loot as we come out of here so I think I'm just going to try and get out of here then we'll just go this direction oh that's a jump right yeah that is um yeah let's go back and around the same way that we came in all right well yeah no more drops on the way out it's all good we'll come in here a couple more times to be honest because I feel like we could probably farm this one or maybe I don't know there's a couple other caves that are closer to me that are not impossible to do so we should probably try to do some more of them though cuz having a bunch of artifacts on display would be really really nice all right well we made it out um guys that's probably going to be the end of this episode it is a long journey back cuz obviously I had to swim pretty much around the whole coast of the whole island yeah we had to go all the way across and then down and around and then all the way up to here so I mean I could just cut across the map a little bit which I might do we might be able to do that a little bit maybe if I go up here and then kind of C across there that would be a little bit quicker I don't know we'll see but anyway that is going to be the end of today's video if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button and uh subscribe if you're not and yeah we'll catch you in the next one I'm going to go check out face but not show you you have to watch his videos to see it
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Views: 177,985
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Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, dinosaurs, ark letsplay, syntac ark, dino, ark syntac series, ark new adventure, dinosaur, ark queen bee, ark bee, ark taming a bee, ark how to tame a bee, ark how to get honey, ark honey farm, ark automatic honey farm, ark queen bee taming, ark base decoration, ark lava cave, ark artifact of the massive
Id: _cTpQTyjpeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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