Starting a New Adventure on a Strange Alien World - Avatar Frontiers of Pandora [Episode 1]

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so we're going to be checking out this brand new game it's called avatar for tears of Pandora and um yeah it's set inside of the Avatar Universe I believe it is Cannon to the actual movies as well so it's going to be pretty cool guys if you enjoy this go ahead do me a favor hit the like button and uh subscribe as well if you're not already and um I will say in this very first episode there's a lot of cut scenes I will probably leave time stamps down below if you want to skip the majority of them at the start but um yeah it's this game's beautiful I'm really excited to continue so yeah let me know if you want to see more good morning morning let's review the ambassador program when the RDA discovered Pandora you can't discover something that was there all alone happy when we say discovered we mean it was the first time humans came here when we arrived we realized that this was an opportunity to create beneficial relationships with the indigenous peoples we created avatars like mine to help create relationships with the Nai and when you graduate it'll be your job as ambassador to reach out to the natv Clans and to help us to create those alliances can um anyone tell me how that can be done the RDA can share their medicines Technologies and knowledge that's absolutely correct Taylor director Mercer we have been going over tap's Mission as you requested why would would not be want to have alliances with youy Alma you have no idea what life is like out there aari it's Savage we found you as children after your clan abandoned you we have given you a future what purpose our clan would never have abandoned us built up on its legs will get done I allowed you to keep that dirty trunet under the condition it remained in your bnk mhm hand it over it was our mother's it's not a dirty trinket you don't even know what a song cord isry it's just a broken sling I know this is difficult for you but you have to accept that your mother abandoned you liar [Music] you all know the rules no physical contact no dinner for any of you direct merer [Music] sir you're supposed to be speaking English on base when you cry out at night tan you cry out in na why do you always take merca's side director merca saved us taon they took us from our families we are saplings cut from Our Roots we may not remember where we're from but we can still grow out there on Pandora I can't even remember the words of our Clan songs anymore we can sing them even without [Music] words we can't let them strip the nutv out of us we have to do something before it's too late we are stronger than them now I felt it in the classroom with the Mercer we can end this tonight I have an idea good job tan now we have to hurry we only have a few minutes breathing the air before we're going to need masks we found them I'm very disappointed in you we have given you this privileged life and you want to throw it all away we don't want your privileged life we belong out there no you belong to [Music] us you cannot fathom how much we have invested in you H we saved you gave you a home and I identity we already had an identity we are not me no you are what I made you we may not remember the words but we can still sing the songs of our people stop [Music] singing I said shut up stop [Music] singing We are going home I'm warning you Harry not another step stop right there what did you do no no no [Music] so today we will continue our talk about Earth economics and the laws of supply and demand why do we have to use human weapons nor we've been over this Pandora is a very dangerous place but we've hardly seen Pandora how do we know what we're protecting ourselves against Cortez I need to talk to you over here now look orders have come down from Hell's Gate we are being evacuated from Pandora I need you to grab your stuff before before the Panic starts what look we have lost Pandora some Avatar driver named Jake Sully when full native turned the na'vi on us that's why you can't trust any of them I need you to get your stuff together and get back in your old DB body now poppet show is over okay everyone collect your things hey Cortez I will handle this you need to go you know what to [Music] do follow me quickly we've got this one chance come on get in what are you doing you'll be safe here is merca leaving us we are no longer of use to him no I I won't believe it hurry you need to hide let us go we can take them we can escape to Pandora there are solders everywhere you won't make a single step this is our chance to be free this is your own only chance to survive what about you you're just going to go to sleep for a little while it won't be long okay okay so it looks like we can customize ourselves here let's see you help me before it's not really like a crazy amount of options here um yeah it's it's very basic it's just basically your face and then a little bit of your hair you can't choose any different colors or anything I actually kind of prefer the standard hair so yeah that's pretty much it we'll just skip right past this you made it I thought I lost you all of you what what's going on what happened been asleep for a while a long long while must you proed them like this if they can walk they can walk the rest we have to leave but the RDA left didn't they and you left us here the sky people have returned sentu S no one has ever called me that that is your clan the mighty one at that we thought you were lost with this world but this dream Walker thought to lock you up in a box instead I'll explain when we get back but for now you take it easy your body's still waking up all righty so that's a bunch of my pre-order stuff I think coming in I'm here nor and T too we're safe we're getting out at last look at these puny little guys look at that assault rifle whoa do I have that why does it look so long bow wait do I have any of this stuff inventory no route you can have your reunion later go eat you will need your strength we look at this tiny little guy honestly it kind of feels like playing Arc cuz I think my AR character is pretty much an avatar where's and maybe all right do I go this way don't oh my God these are normal people corridors wow treating not wasn't really part of my training come on come on we got to go are these people people all right what am I looking for that thing let's see okay so we got some food nice anything else Q is our food wheel f is what you use to consume some food so yeah let's just go ahead and eat that nice okay yeah my health is H coming up there I think the other bar is probably Stam inve oh we got to move maybe can I run doesn't look like it okay just slowly walk out here oh they all abandoned me God damn it uhoh okay the children they're alive [Music] Cortez she always thought we were making pets and not soldiers get rid of them one that [Music] out okay what do we do we got a Sprint uh okay we just keep running through here I'm guessing we're going to get to an exit soon that no can't grab that Crouch down oh I slid nice on sight there we go oh that's pretty smooth all right I think uh do a little jump I don't think I'm missing anything here probably not Indiana jumps where's my hat oh crap okay uh this way and let's jump okay we can hold it ooh all right we got to get into that vent yellow in games always means good you know you always go for the yellow thing if there's yellow tape on a box that means it's the box to hit you know just how it works all right let's use the stairs to be civil um okay do a little Oh I thought it was damn it I thought it was CA to slide it's actually control uh nice all right God this would be so claustrophobic what the hell how big is this vent boom Oh we actually have lags though dude I love games that have lags Let's Do It come on ooh keep running oh wa it almost looked like I wasn't going to make that they're too Place uh SC this hole oh Crouch down drop into the vent one more it over here all right let's get through can we get through okay here there we go take this a radio put it in your ear it is tuned to our frequency you've been busy they were looking for you they found me you need to move now wait what's your name Salle one of the last of my clan I am here so you will not be the last of yours keep moving fast and quiet go all right which way do I go this way can you hear me I hear you those soldiers are everywhere it's okay breathe look for a way out guessing we just kind of continue to go along this path there probably only going to be like one way anyway I just got to make sure I'm not like missing anything I don't know if there's any like Collectibles and stuff let's see hey can we like run in here no can't really oh hello all right let's get up here let's see can you hear me just keep going up the stairs where everyone else did they get out I'm Mak feel so weird are you safe for now so large I think let me worry about the others just keep moving okay another vent to break this way okay I got onand probably this way then I move up the rank would you stop staring at this stuff all right control that's going to basically all right we need to watch their little detection things got like things to throw maybe still here just they like lit up I'll give you is yeah that'll work I think we're good which way do I go found a new Hideout this morning can I attack them feel like we should be able to right okay we're just here to be sacrificed by the RDA I better be able to attack them oh I went all the way around never mind all right it's this way that was close okay where we going see do not let them Escape shoot to kill up this way we're in window away I I want to kill somebody man we're like gigantic I'd be able to ruin them door to the gym is locked I'll try to find a way through stay watchful okay there like a vent or anything find a way to open the door okay um we came from this way right see is there anything I can grab maybe uh oh it's probably this there we go yeah that would make sense all right we are in the gym got to just sneak around then it's telling me to punch so that means that we're going to have to engage here shut up I'm going to rip out your tongue and feed it to a Vier W we've got a couple people there I think did I almost get triggered there got to stay away from those pyro okay can I wait for them to come around maybe me just look over we can just stand up I am so large hate the night sh we almost got detected all right on this rock clows here we go die no you don't ah got you where's your gun I want it no probably not oh my god dude all right let's do it yeah being this big I mean like get I'd be kind of terrified to go up against something this tall uh okay we might have lost that guy we go through this way no okay where is the correct way oh maybe up here no back here maybe we came from back here didn't we wait where am I supposed to go oh did I miss all this what the hell okay cool I guess I did Pandora you see some of Pandora anything in here wait do I go H okay feels very claustrophobic in here um this way how long were we asleep okay let's see that way okay it's just like a lot of running trying to escape I feel like they could have cut this down a little bit is this it ow gotcha where'd you catch Harding ah you don't got to worry about this one it hasn't got anywhere near the fight its sister did murderer well look where it got her such a shame they could have been abuse once but now there are no Navi ambassadors only Navi obstacles wrong oh all right let's get out of here climb up oh wait hang on Boom here we go all right Follow the yellow pipe are you okay unless you get stuck that that was way too close shl okay which way oh this way maybe wow yeah this uh facility is very intricate it's great that there's a nice path to potentially get to outside here we go all right through the vent more vents so many vents eventually we'll get to see something beautiful that is the magic of this level you you do this one and it teaches you how to move around here we go though oh this looks beautiful oh wow oh dude that's crazy is that a pineapple dude it's a purple pineapple this planet's amazing wow that is so gorgeous look at this so this is what outside looks like I've never been outside not even in real life maybe the others followed the water oh dude oh these are those things they're going to like zip up right there we go a man yeah oh this is amazing James Cameron you've uh you've started something oh my God look at this all right tap Q wait what wait what did that say tap Q I just did that I brought up the food did it say h maybe I got mistaken a quest there we go Q brings up qu or Q brings up food I'm confused uh there we go oh we've already we're already tracking that nice okay so we got to follow the stream oh my God this is so gorgeous I cannot get over this this is amazing it's funny Arc 2 is going to look probably maybe as nice as this we'll see but it's going to look very alien like this as well I'm excited to see that look at my little fies wow this is so gorgeous look at all those guys I don't even know what they're called wow yeah oh those are massive pine trees or palm trees sorry not pine trees what words um just keep following the stream oh man wait I want to I want to touch these can I touch them hello you're in the movie I recognize you I don't know what you're called though what does that do we punch it yeah didn't do anything more RDA uh okay we had a little battle here little Choppers or something um what do I do yeah bunch of those like Maxs and stuff are just destroyed this is so gorgeous I cannot get over it wow like look at that that is so nice beautiful absolutely beautiful oh can I take these arrows that would be sick no doesn't look like it um do we just keep following the wreckage then let's do it let's keep following the Battle there we go nice so I think it said we're trying to find a refueling station that should should be this here we go zip nice all right what have we got in here more Avatar friends we're na'vi technically we're not an avatar at all uh anybody that has I believe it's the over here there we go by thee is that something oh yeah it is nice yeah if we see anybody with uh five fingers then we'll know that means that they're an avatar wait where is this guy oh there's so so much stuff here getting all sorts of food and stuff wait where is he I can't pinpoint him am I blind oh there he is okay he sounded like he was way closer now you see what they kept you from your true home you saved me you can't keep fighting I will help you this time sick we got a bow nice you will need arrows wood in the underbrush is pliable you will find it simply Focus your senses my senses they taught you to be human but you are not V see the forest as I do okay how do we do that um oh X I was looking at the other two popups see this is your home oh there's a little CR to you if you let it let your senses guide you okay well there's a little crate down there see uh sense around we've got a bunch of of like crates here so we'll just grab these first and then we'll go look for some wood then where we get in spare parts it's like a bunch of these things around here any more oh yeah we missed one right here oh that's like a big one how do I open that one I don't know huh wait what is that okay there we go secured container um all right so we have to get RDA access for this can be open by hacking system okay so I would imagine going back into the base will allow me to get that what am I looking for then what exactly like how far do I have to go he said the did he say the underbrush or something may we kind of like go down towards the river a little bit dude so beautiful soldiers oh crap I still don't have any arrows hang on let me figure out like what am I looking for I'm not seeing it oh there's something there maybe what is that I thought there was something ah oh oh no oh crap what was that okay that's just that that's bad all right let me go figure out where to find the arrows the wood to make the arrows my senses I can't do them there we go another container over there looks like a secured one cuz it's quite big oh that is the one that we were already looking at okay getting a little bit all over the place here oh there we go I completely missed them they were like right here nice uh wait let's inspect it then there we go okay I got it let's grab some more you need to craft arrows as I do sharp human metal okay so what are we looking for then so we're going to need um yeah we can we can do that right oh there we go yeah it's just the wood we should get out of here can you move D I need a pot from a dofit plant I'll find one don't worry yeah I know what that is they grew by water okay so we got to come down to the water um look for that thing okay see we got a map as well now oh dude whoa how big is this area whoa whoa the map is massive wow okay so this isn't actually I believe this is in like the Western um area it's not like anywhere that you'd see in the movies what is that can I inspect it from here what is this oh go up oh nice oh that's weird oh that's so weird oh I don't like that oh there's something very unsettling about that let's see what is that little cash okay so there's like little caches up inside of these uh the trees and stuff can we step onto this oh wao I didn't think I could actually go that far a that didn't work out for us all right let's see oh those are going to explode oh 100% look at that yeah oh I didn't even see those ones okay we got to watch the surroundings a little bit better oh man all right search inside Area okay okay wait should I just okay let's go back inside then I thought it was down by the water wait you know what no screw it I want to fight these guys tell me to search inside area there's there's water here sure but I want to fight these guys where are they yeah that's what I needed right that's it look at those how you get promoted in the RDA not this again okay can I like Ping them and stuff he so we've got two here we got one there bastards I'm tired of this see let's go for you first then oh dude I ruined him oh how did you instantly see me oh crap okay let's just move in oh did I actually do that no way sick wait you can't search them can you uh oh let's grab one of these what are these wait oh was I grabbing my arrows back maybe I don't know what I was grabbing oh cool can I grab my arrows out of these guys I don't know well we need um we need one of these oh we've already grabbed these okay yeah that was um that was these as well I was looking yeah I was waiting to try and grab those ones look at this thing I don't even know what they're called but I definitely think that those things in the movie right probably in the first one what's there there's definitely something in the water if it's going to do all that I don't know about that what is that maybe nothing who knows all right let's get back let's heal up my uh my friend can I like shoot these pod things I want to try I got the tapit on my way back there were more soldiers here we go oh yeah you can oh they all explode as well nice all right he's all the way up there but oh no no bro hang on I'm coming bro okay we got a no he won't let them take him alive let's grab some of these nice okay Let's uh let's Crouch to be a little stealthy I need to take down that thing let's see what it know okay we got some like weat spots here at the back I think it's like easy now place is cancel shot all right we got to rotate around try to get to like an angle that I can hit him at oh here we go no he's turning from me okay I didn't hit that spot at all they don't know where I am do they oh crap hang on no those are not see yeah we got a bunch of them back there oh no I missed that Arrow completely and now we're screwed what is that what that like gas thing hang on might be helpful if I took out these guys first time how much of a drop is there oh I got that guy nice got that guy oh okay I'm like looking at the health bar there one more time nice okay oh I need to craft more arrows uh Q uh and then F there we go nice there we go got him dude ruined all right now nice anything to grab oh we can oh we got some sticks back cool or maybe they were just there I'm not sure all right here you go bro this is how we heal you have no sord we had my mother's but they stole it we must change that wait what should I do now do you must discover your own way santu and until then join the resistance but hear me those humans have the same enemy but but we're not the same no no no they are too close go I'll meet you at base camp by the waterfall all right there we go he had like a bunch of dog tags on him actually like a ton of them can I grab arrows here really okay so we need to locate the resistance headquart ERS he said waterfall right locate the top of the waterfall climb okay where might that be Let's uh let's eat some food hit Che to go to the food and then uh yeah let's go ahead and eat that meat sick nice all right where is this waterfall probably over there I would imagine boom oh you know what I really want to be able to open this I don't know if I'd be able to though like yeah I don't know we'll leave it for now maybe we'll figure it out there might be a way back there and if so we'll we'll figure it out eventually don't really want to focus on that I want to get up to there that's what I want to do is there more uh zipline thingies oh yeah look I think that there's some right there nice okay so we just got to scale this whole Cliff grab resistance space must be above it nice okay anything to grab down here doesn't look like it let's go up that's so creepy don't like that at all it kind of looks like it would be slimy I don't like that let's see climb this whole area uh wait anything here oh yeah give me that nice more spare parts um shoot it maybe hey there we go let's get up this all right let's see actually you know what while we're at it let's uh let's go ahead and craft some more arrows nice just so we have some extras how do I put my weapon away see no I'm sure I can get up here right hey can I get across to there going to need to wow dude it's so beautiful I can't get over this like look at this place it's gorgeous can I reach that I don't think I'd be able to what is that okay thought we could like do something um all right so basically doing a charge jump and no that's not going to work we got to do that and like run at the same time yeah but when I do that that it kind of like brings me down a little bit H it like makes me so I can't actually like oh you know what yeah we can just do that hang on there we go when I was charging the jump it like kind of brings you down you can't run basically is what I'm trying to say but I guess I should just like Run and Jump into things anyway can I kill these guys oh dude oh my God I almost doed it I think I'm just going to say that I did uh uh nothing to grab here so this is where we're supposed to be going is that where those things went is that what I'm seeing um okay oh right over to there nice oh what are those and the creatures are so insane looking okay that's the one I heard a little bit m Oh I thought I could lead it and get a head shot nope ah it's okay hello small people any goodies for me oh yeah all right let's grab this give me that nice any more good goodies uh there's a couple things around here see what is this oh never mind [Music] it is soundproof PR hurry sorry filter got stuck didn't think C got it figured out now oh my gosh another one I am so glad you're here since you know there's so few of you left oh God I'm so sorry welcome to resistance HQ uh right sorry oh na come what there you are over here okay that went well they like you everything's fine just breathe it out we must not rest until all our are removed from Pandora all right well some of those fruits so great though just want to tear them off the tree and sink anything to grab yes welcome all right here they are I'm so glad to see you we heard the shooting and Alma said to run for it are you okay shaken sulet got me out where are the others and nor made it too but they decided to spend time outside I don't think they should isn't it dangerous don't worry you're all safe now that's what matters what what happened back there tap was in Ruins Mercer ordered it destroyed when they evacuated I watched the walls collapse in on you I thought you were dead then priia heard the RDA on the radio talking about his signal at tap I was afraid to Hope how long were we in there it feels like you left yesterday it uh should feel like that for you but it's been nearly 16 years what 16 Alma that can't be right you need to understand seeing you all again today you have no idea how much that means to me I failed you I won't make that mistake again I promise look take some time Raj will get you cleaned up taon knows his way around already he can show you this can be your home now you'll see all right 16 years it doesn't feel real yeah I I don't know I don't know what to think about that almost right though we can be at home here I feel it and it's cool here right so much Cool Tech of Pandora oh sure they just bu he's over there uh that's Raj he's cool kind of I think everyone's just getting used to us being around hello you must be Raj it's rajinder oh I'm sorry uh Alma said I know Alma Alma calls me Raj I don't know you I I'm knew relax new I knew you were coming sleeping all this time you must be well rested I have fresh clothes ready for all of you Elma didn't tell me you were missing a sense of humor as well fresh clothes okay can we just pick all this what will it be today okay so we need spare parts of these things um this is going to require 15 I feel like we should save up for that okay so we basically come here he's like the shop essentially um bunch of different items here simple ammo webbing 10% more fire damage okay um I feel like I'd probably want this thing cuz that makes a lot of sense but yeah we can't afford that yet we're going to have to save up uh we only have six so far we need um yeah we need like 15 what about designs no nothing there wait can I just take these boom did that cost that did not cost okay cool nice anything else I could just take uh no that's wait oh no that's Wait no that's going to cost five okay cool all right sweet we got a new look maybe I can't see it wait how do I change then oh here we go okay so how do I okay there we go nice switch into proper na'vi stuff sweet all right there we go we did it do you can I give you anything for these you got a freebie this time special circumstances considering usually we take what we can get around here if you find something good let me know na the clothes do they feel weird I think I like them H well I want to keep my hat and some other bits and try out some of the tech you have to meet this Alex guy he's like an inventor you settled in fast well it's weird being out of tap but everyone here's been super nice all right we got to go talk to this guy he's got the weapons or here you go have a look okay um there's a lot of nice stuff here huh I kind of want the assault rifle yeah I'm going to need that how much is that that's 30 oh God damn it okay wait wait we could probably get this one soon yeah I think we need to go out and about looking for some stuff there's nothing free over here so yeah we'll get out of there taon can't keep away I see and you brought another Navi Alex builds stuff mechanisms and technology for all kinds of communications and Discovery and a little chaos if I have the tuning right see this this is Sid my systems interrogation device good name right bit of a mouthful perhaps had your thought it was a little much but what does he know I designed it with na'vi in mind a little troublemaker for RDA technology cobbled it together with old RDA parts and tap Parts yes well we could probably scratch that off or paint over it you know if you like I've been trying to get Amma to test it oh we can test it can we we can test it that could be fun I can make one for each of you go ahead get a feel for it remember oh the hell it just cut me straight out of whatever the hell that was okay so we got Sid actually hoping it can find the faulty wiring in our airra okay see running FL follow that oh there we go nice okay so you got to match the circle probably that damn wiring all right let's just chase this up here we'll uh the tool should lock on this easy peasy lemon squeezy I miss lemons here we go all right so we got to hit e oh my bad okay there we go um hey I think I found the fault just a little and the system will reset do you mind uh what do I do am I doing it okay there we go nice wait what am I doing oh we got to get all the way around there we go nice little puzzle I think I got it you see it is a useful tool isn't it I told Alma this this is our future I must say I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it nice to have were come to something but I've ordered you about enough Alma's Gathering everyone for a briefing I believe your friends are still exploring outside uh okay do we have to go outside then okay we got to go outside wait pick up o stor grenades hell yeah okay what else is here anything else to grab oh there's something over there that looks like big box oh yeah no we can open it sick anything else um special screen here something over there I'm guessing that's where we need to be all right cool we'll go outside uh we will sync up with these guys is there an exit around here no all right we got to wait for this nice so they are over here there you are said you I'd forgotten how it feels to Simply sit in the breeze taste the sweetness on the in the air not listen to Mercer talk about their civilized culture there are more colors than I remember I have no names for them we'll learn their names we'll relearn all the s in two ways why do you think Elma waited to bring us here why didn't she check tap before maybe it wasn't safe before it's not safe now who cares we are free I want to run until my lungs ache and my legs give out we could leave you know right now where would we go wherever we want all of us what do you think you Me inella Tan we could live as sent to again Alma brought us here for a reason she's Gathering everyone inside to talk she must have a plan don't stay here for her she wants to control you all the humans do no they don't Elma was always kind to us the people here like her and they're nice aren't they they seem nice priia let me use her radio I believe they want to help us let's go see what Alma wants maybe maybe it's something fun I doubt that no please come come on everyone's waiting fine fine just give me a minute the light is different out here I want to enjoy it haven't we spent enough time in metal boxes at least tonight we'll sleep under the stars like our families did all right so we just head straight in then ooh okay so we can come in here and craft some stuff okay what else do we got anything here no all right we'll take a look at that later when we have some stuff uh yeah let's just go in for the moment John Mercer founder of the tap program deciden to know him all too well but for many of you he is a new face he has returned to Pandora as the Executive Vice President of Frontier operations alongside your old friend from tap Colonel Angela Harding as his head of security he is ambitious self-serving egotistical and you worked with him we have been fighting the RDA for many months now what difference can this man make Mercer's tactics are aggressive that coupled with his frustrations over Tat's failure we need to strategize our Outreach work with the nearest Clans has been difficult some Aran were willing to fight but after suffering losses on their side they have since withdrawn we haven't explored further than the zesa they're fierce but they're unwilling to make a human alliance your clan was one of Travelers storytellers diplomats respected the Nai might listen to you uh Alma we have a pollution Spike close by like really close check out the levels RDA it has to be they're here with Mercer no not him pollution is caused by RDA Machinery they must be setting up a regular drill site carving up the land poisoning it turning it to sludge they've never been this close to HQ before if they go wandering they'll find us for sure we're spread thin right now soak can you establish a safe perimeter Ana try and reach herir over radio I can try to shut down that drill site I think I have the hang of Sid now I don't think that's such a good idea let them go I've seen them fight they'll be fine okay but be careful the rest of you get ready to intercept any other patrols keep your radios on be ready if the RDA see you at their drill site they will engage remember what I taught you craft your arrows Focus your senses there are supplies by the main airlock should you need the RDA won't soon forget our Victory we got some stun grenades anyway's left uh what is this oh cool so I don't have any ingredients but this is where you come to cook some stuff nice all righty let's see um yeah let's just stock up on this stuff make sure we have a bunch of it and then we should be good to go to make arrows in the fly see oh yeah there's tons of it around here man all right nice hey where am I heading then where exactly is this thing again grab some of these Health pod things nice okay where are we going oh that hurt they're electric clamps what the hell God damn it okay I need to not like run through things okay where exactly am I going again let go down this way hey there is big ass noises coming from over here and a bunch of dead something oh no oh what the hell are those supposed to be all right this is it I think hey priia I'm near the drill s the ground here every time theere it's the same thing their equipment pollutes everything around it everything but hey Pandora is strong shut down those drills and the land will recover one second I'll check the schematics you have those being xda's got to have some benefits right I'm kidding they uh they're not fun people looks like we've got two things here the cooling unit on the drill and a generator probably at the edge of their site what about the RDA well you can probably shut down the site without engaging them if you want unless you know they see you doing it all right we are totally going to start taking them out I wonder if I can go in and do it stealthily though be very curious if I could do that maybe I should kill any humans around then after that we'll go for the uh the mechs okay got a Mech way over there we got a human about to walk out over here no sorry no that's a Mech hey crap let me me just move around a little bit there we go we got some humans down here where's that Mech [Music] looking what happened did they seriously get do they know it looks like there's nobody in that Mech there it's not red and it's not moving I don't like being okay we got some more humans down there don't know oh I hit him I don't know if I killed him though probably there's another human there he's on the opposite side right yes he is okay another one there as well see one more on AIM for the death thingies there we go oh dude that like fully takes him out oh they know I'm here now though crap okay so definitely the best bet in that situation would have been to go for all of the humans first then start taking out the mechs wait from oh there's another Mech like way over there okay hang on we just got to we got to speed through them a little bit could use some St grenades do that okay sweet nice got it uh let's get that guy and get that one somebody's going to jump into that me let's just destroy it anyway can't hurt re enforcements oh crap wait is that a Mac or a human okay I think I took them all out so far all right let's uh let's see start crafting some more arrows craft another eight oh here we go oh crap I should have taken out the helicopter come on let me get that I just want to kill it anyway even though it's going can I take it out oh I can't no way got him oh crap I wasn't fully throwing that back where's everybody else got him all right is that it wait can I blow this up oh yeah I can wao I should have done that earlier more grenades what is what okay oh there's another guy over there got him okay oh my God they're they're freaking everywhere okay let me just work from the outside we're like all on the inside of this whole place got him where's the rest of them there's somebody over there anyway I get you nope all right let's do it oh crap okay let's just run in B punch him SC you nice okay well a little bit messy I think we got them all we got to get up here what do we do pull out our thingy okay there we go okay we just got to work it through nice can I shoot an arrow into that oh that definitely looks like I should be able to hang on oh there we go the emergency should open up on the drill when it okay wa oh crap I need more arrows I think uh you hold down now okay yeah crab some more arrows there we go nice okay sweet yeah destroy all that stuff I heard that explosion from here air quality is improving already nice ooh some stuff up here oh it's just more sticks okay hello can you hear me I'm out with the others we heard that bang is everything okay I shut down the drills we should be RDA free for a while well uh we found something up high like a big flower the others are excited but I don't know I'm not sure will you come look okay uh okay we we're full of arrows pretty much right yeah we've got like 19 of them we're good nice well I think that's probably going to be it for this first episode um if you guys want to see more definitely let me know we can totally play through the rest of this game we've got so many series going right now but it's all good I mean like you know something something different every day is kind of nice some variation but um yeah that's going to be it for this one if you have enjoyed it do me a favor hit the like button um subscribe if you want to see more there's probably going to be less cut scenes going forward as well and just more exploration and eventually some taming so that's going to be really cool can't wait and uh yeah that's it I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Syntac
Views: 367,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival ascended, ark 2, syntac ark, avatar frontiers of pandora, avatar, avatar game, avatar gameplay, avatar frontiers of pandora gameplay, frontiers of pandora, avatar 2023, avatar video game, avatar ps5, pandora, navi, explore pandora, avatar frontiers of pandora episode 1, avatar part 1, new avatar game, avatar frontiers of pandora playthrough, avatar frontiers of pandora walkthrough, avatar frontiers of pandora letsplay, avatar taming, avatar how to tame
Id: xyPfbRpQ6x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 19sec (3979 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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