I Survived 100 Days in a 1x1 BORDER in Hardcore Minecraft

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this world is just one single block and we have to survive a 100 days in it but every day that we survive the world will expand giving us access to new blocks mobs and structures this is 100 days but the world expands and it all begins on day one okay this is insane let's quickly see what we have around here okay it looks like we have some sheep I think I also just heard a chicken and then we also have a pretty big mountain next to us with some goats and that's about it but we are on top of a cherry tree so let's mine down and see if I can get some wood wo wait we already got a sapling what are the odds of that that's insane but here we go we got our first wood oh and it's lots of it too nice wao what wait what there's a sheep inside of the Border this guy must have just wandered in here wait there's not enough room for both of us let's see can I even mine oh I can't even mine wait I'm stuck here now this is kind of a terrible start to the world I literally can't even move and I can't mine okay well I guess that's all I can do for day one so now is day two and we still have our sheep friend right here but now I finally have enough room to walk around in here but we also have some grass that's let's see if I can get some seeds Okay no seeds oh and we also have some more wood right here amazing okay now we can finally start getting some progress done in this world so let's make a crafting table and then a basic wooden pickaxe and now let's mine down to get some Stone okay finally a stone pickaxe nice but now that it's day two and this world is two blocks wide we can start mining down safely oh he just fell down here and took fall damage oh wait oh this sheep is going to be more annoying than helpful I think hold on let's try to get back out of here oh sheep all right let's see if I can make a staircase that goes up here now something like this okay now the Sheep should be able to get back up okay there he goes nice all right as I was saying though since this world is two blocks wide now we can finally start mining down safely since mining straight down is definitely a recipe for disaster but let's just mine down here and see what I can find I'm looking out for some coal maybe some iron and any other good stuff that we might come across oh I hear some lava wait a minute sounds like it's over in this direction though we might be able to get access to that once the world gets bigger but so far I haven't found anything oh why does I say that I found a cave oh am I going to be able to get down here safely um it doesn't look like it yeah there's no safe way to get down there okay um o but there is some water right next to the Border look at that that's going to be super useful cuz you need water to grow crops and also for a bunch of other stuff but I didn't find anything good down here so I guess we'll head back up to the top and I guess we'll just hang out with this guy until day three okay it's finally day three and the world is even bigger now oh we have some pink petals and then also two more grass to punch let's see okay no luck with that one and no luck with that one okay oh wait I just realized this staircase down here is completely dark so that means mobs can spawn down there oh no okay I think it's time to make a sword just in case and also an axe just in case I have to defend myself down there let's go investigate I don't really hear any mobs so I think we should be fine okay there's nothing down here nice let's see do we have access to that water yet okay not yet but it looks like we will tomorrow so I guess for the time being I'm going to widen this staircase and also try to find some iron let's just place a block down here to be safe and then I'll go all the way back up to the top start breaking down my staircase and then I'm going to start mining all these walls so we can widen our staircase wait can you place blocks on the border oh you can't okay that makes things slightly more difficult but it's fine I really hope I'll find some ores like this cuz I'm in desperate need of some torches to light this place up oh you know what I just had an idea but I can't do that idea until I finish my staircase so hold on oh there's a little cave right here oh and that's the lava that I was hearing yeah it's just right there looks like we'll have access to it by like day six or something that's really cool cuz lava's going to be super useful with access to Lava I'll be able to make obsidian and with obsidian I can go to the nether oh my gosh wait my sheep just died wait no it just fell to its death oh my gosh well at least we got some food oh no oh I'm so sad now I'm not going to have access to any more wool and I won't be able to make a sheep farm anymore things are going terribly guys I have no ores no food and now I don't even have any animals I have no idea how I'm going to survive this but I'm still going to try okay well here we are at the top I widened my staircase let's see are there there any sheep nearby please I need some sheep looks like the nearest ones are all the way over there oh that's so far away I cannot believe that just happened I totally was not thinking but like I said before I have a plan to get some torches that's going to be to mine up these new logs maybe we can also get some new saplings let's see okay we just got one and now we're up to three but let's take these logs and then we can smelt them into some charcoal and then with that charcoal I'll be able to craft some torches okay we got some charcoal and now we have some torches let's quickly head down here and light this up now since I don't want this turning into a mob Farm down here okay and there we go everything is all lit up and safe now I'm still mildly traumatized from my sheep dying but once again that's about all I can do for day three so now it's day four so now let's see if the expanded World gave us any new ores oh wait look at that it's our first ore and it's an emerald and it's also outside the Border okay well that's not very useful so let's see if I can find anything else maybe some iron maybe some coal I just need anything to numb the pain of my sheep dying that was so tragic okay so far nothing new oh wait but let's see can I actually access this cave now I might be able to mine down the side like this oh wait no I can't um oh but I can jump down into this water though is there any dripstone in that I really hope there's not and are there any mobs down there let's just quickly make sure I don't want to be jumping down into a trap okay it looks safe let's do it okay here we are nice okay let's see are there any exposed ores around here oh we have some coal but it is pretty far away from the border though and that's about all I can see this exposed so I guess we'll just mine down from here and see what I can find oh we have some dirt dirt is pretty limited so this is nice to have I'm just going to quickly gather all this up all right I gathered up all the dirt let's continue my staircase down here now and then we'll keep mining oh okay we have a small cave right here I'm so glad there were no mobs in here oh my gosh there totally could have just been a creeper waiting for me once again I don't see any exposed ores this is not a very good seed I think I literally haven't found anything yet but I guess we'll keep mining down to see what we can find okay we got our first ore but it's nothing very useful it's just copper okay we got a couple pieces of that that's not too bad let's see what else is down here okay even more copper if only you could make coer tools oh I should be lighting this up wait what am I doing hold on this is very dangerous okay let's keep mining finally we have some coal oh my gosh that is amazing oh and it's so much of it too this is so nice I'm starting to forget about my sheep dying now and there's still tons outside the border so we'll be able to mine that up on day five but let's keep mining down oh I hear some zombies and some bats so that means there's probably a cave nearby oh wait I hear lots of zombies oh look at that we have iron but it's right outside the Border HH no okay we'll have to come back for this tomorrow but wait oh I hear zombies wao wait a minute this is a stronghold look at this wait a minute I should also be lighting this up hold on I keep forgetting to place torches this is how I'm going to die in this world I'm going to get killed by a zombie cuz I forgot to place torches okay let's see what's down here look at that we already got the advancement I spy we got the I spy advancement and I don't even have any food yet that is some very strange progression but there's a creeper and a zombie no wait don't explode I don't like this o my stone sword is just terrible it doesn't do any damage okay we killed our first mob we got to get rid of this creeper now there we go okay is there anything else down here let's place a torch just to be safe let's see what's around this corner I don't want to be surprised okay there's nothing else down here nice it's only us we're safe but look at this we're inside of a stronghold oh my gosh wait look at this that's the end portal room wait a minute that's crazy that looks like it's about 20 blocks away so we'll probably have access to this by around day 40 that is so cool oh there's also a chest too look at that but that's about all that I can fine in this stronghold so let's keep mining down to see what I can get oh we have a little Ravine right here oh look at that we have exposed coal exposed iron exposed lapis wait a minute those are skull veins oh no is there deep dark down here I do not want to have to deal with that I don't even have any food and I'm about to encounter the warden maybe oh but look at that we have some iron nice our first piece of iron but let's keep mining down okay we just made it to deep slight level nice I'm discovering all kinds of good things down here we have a stronghold we have some deep dark that is kind of insane oh look at that we have more iron not inside the Border too we'll also be able to mine that up tomorrow and we also have some gravel that's pretty useful since with gravel we can get flint oh and I keep forgetting to craft torches oh my gosh I need to be lighting all this up this is so dangerous oh wait we have more stronghold down here that is so weird cuz I mine really far down and there's still more stronghold that's very strange doesn't look like there's any mobs though which is good let's see here nothing good down here what about in this Corridor okay also nothing let's keep mining down oh I hear some water that might be useful in the future since water is a precious resource in this world and so is my sheep but it died wao wait a minute there's some skull right here okay so we definitely are in a deep dark biome let's see oh my are you kidding me look at this there's an ancient city down here we have a stronghold and an ancient city that is insane but I'm definitely not going down there right now that's way too dangerous so let's head back up to the surface wait a minute since there's an ancient city should we try to fight the warden by the end of these 100 days I don't know that might be kind of dangerous but I think it should be a pretty fun challenge but I don't even know if I'm going to be able to survive that long this is such a hard challenge I don't have any food yet my only animal died and I barely have any iron this is just going great but let's head back to the surface and clean out my inventory oh wait I just heard a sheep like pretty close by oh yeah there's one right there oh please come closer I'm in desperate need of you but once again that's about all I can do for day four so now it's day five and look at that we have access to some more grass now let's see okay no seeds still no seeds please I need seeds Okay no seeds at all oh wait there's one more down here okay yeah no seeds Okay but now that we have the world expanded let's go down and get that iron that was just outside the Border let's see if I can remember where it is and I'm also running out of hunger very quickly so we need to get some food as soon as possible okay we have access to some more copper so let's grab that real quick I have no idea what I'm going to use this for but we might as well just grab it let's see where was that iron here it is okay we can finally mine up this iron oh and there's even more outside the Border too so I'll be able to grab this on day six but I think we had even more iron exposed so let's go investigate okay yeah there's there more iron right here nice and even more outside the Border okay and yeah that was it okay we have four iron now and I think I know exactly what I'm going to craft with all that but first we have to smelt it oh and I also have some more logs that I have access to nice it's just one though and look at that Acquire Hardware that is the best advancement but with this four iron I'm going to craft up a bucket oh wait I don't have enough wood I was going to craft up a shield but I only have three planks left it's probably a good time to plant one of my saplings but now that we have this bucket let's go down and grab the water in that dripstone cave I still don't have any to grow with it but it'll be nice to have and there we have it our first water bucket nice oh and I'm running out of hunger so fast this is really really bad guys I don't know what I'm going to do but I guess in the meantime I can just set up a little farm up here even though I can't grow anything and we really do not have that much space Oh my gosh I don't know how I'm going to do this okay never mind I don't have enough space to do this so I'm just going to wait until day six to build this farm this is such a difficult challenge okay day six the world is a little bit bigger woah and now we have some more trees but we also have some more grass to punch let's see I really really really need some seeds I just got one finally oh my gosh okay let's see what about over here okay just one but that's fine that's all I need oh my gosh I thought I was going to die from starvation but we finally have one seed and that's all we need to make a farm so let's place down my water right here craft up a stone hoe hoe all of this and finally plant our first seed oh my gosh it took us 6 days to get food that is insane but we're finally on the way to having a food source but let's quickly mine this tree real quick since you can see my inventory is completely overflowing so I'm going to craft up a chest which I'll place over here now we can empty out all my Cobblestone and everything else finally we're finally starting to make some good progress now but we have a ton of wood to chop so let's quickly do that let's see if we can also get some more saplings okay awesome we're up to four now so I guess I'll plant one more over here and now let's go mine up all the new ores that got exposed so we have some emeralds right here but I think you need an iron pickaxe for that so I won't do that just yet but I know down below this cave there was even more more iron so let's go find it and mine it up but first we have some more copper oh and some more coal nice oh look at this there's tons of it oh and this iron is actually still outside the Border okay but I know there was more down here right ooh this is dark down there we should go light that up I don't want that turning into a mob farm here we go we got a torch right here nice look at that some more iron but in all of that we only got one more piece so I'm just going to spend the rest of today mining around and see if I can get some more iron but before we do any more mining I think I should smelt up this food cuz I barely have any hunger left yeah look at that I only have one hunger point oh gosh starving to death is the most embarrassing way to die so I need to make sure that does not happen look at all these animals over here just taunting me none of them want to come say hi Oh and the chicken even dropped an egg oh my gosh I desperately need some animals but let's throw my food into here and let's start smelting it up okay check it out my first real food this is not very nice to my dead sheep but it's worth it okay our hunger bar is looking a lot better so let's do some more mining we just going to go around here and expand all these walls and see if I can find anything alongside outside the Border okay we have some more coal but it's also outside the border so I'll have to remember to come back for that oh wait we have some pointed dripstone down here this might be handy in the future o we should also grab this second source of water just in case and now I guess I'll just keep mining okay I spent the rest of day six Mining and I got 10 iron in total that's honestly pretty good but now I think it's time to start working on our second Farm since this little crop farm right here is not producing anything oh wait we also have some grass to punch let's see oh okay I got one more seed two more seeds nice let's plant those up real quick but as I was saying it's time to start working on another farm and that's going to be a mob farm since with that mob farm I can get bones to make bone meal and I can finally get a good source of food cuz I don't think growing food manually like this is going to be good enough for me I need a reliable source of food and I don't have any sheep either so this is kind of my only option but I have a pretty good idea on how to build this Farm I'm going to gather up some cobblestone as well as my water oh and I also made an infinite water source as well since I had two sources of water which is just enough to make an Infinite Source oh and since the Border has expanded we have ACC access to more iron too let's gather that up and before we build this Farm let's quickly go see what else we have access to oh wait look at this we're going to have access to lava on day eight that's amazing but let's see what else has been exposed okay we have some more coal that's nice what else do we have down here more copper but I'm not going to mine that up just yet as well as some copper just outside the Border let's see I'm looking for iron or coal though that's the most useful stuff okay this is still outside the Border oh we finally have access to these two pieces nice oh and two more iron right here nice and I think that's it yep that's all the iron okay let's head back up to the the top let's start building this farm and I'm going to be building it underground since I feel like it's going to be a lot easier than building it up in the sky but first I'm going to need some more pickaxes you can never have enough Stone pickaxes in this world and now let's go build this thing I know just the place to build it it's going to go right down here in this exposed cave so first I'll have to flatten all this out and then also get rid of the staircase and then block all of it off up here just to be extra safe okay and now before we do any more building I'm going to need to get quite a bit of wood since I'm going to need wood to make trap doors so let's see if I can grow any of these saplings just going to place a few around here here like this maybe I'll plant one right here as well and now I guess I'll just wait for these to grow since I can't really do anything else without this wood oh wait actually there is something I can do since we're about to be dealing with some mobs I should probably craft myself a shield just to be safe there we go now we're just a little bit safer even though I have a stone sword and no armor but at least it'll protect me from skeletons okay and now it's time to actually wait for these to grow and maybe while we're waiting we can have one of these guys wander in wait he's coming closer wait did he hear me wait come back no this guy is never going to come to me is he wait hold on he is getting close though this might be promising oh if only I had some wheat so I could try to lure him come on crops grow faster please this is urgent there's a sheep right there oh that's actually so close okay there he goes he's wandering away now he doesn't want to be friends okay day eight and nothing has changed with these trees they haven't grown yet but we do have some more grass to punch oh and also that sheep is really far away now I lost my opportunity to get him oh wait this one just grew wow that is amazing all right let's chop this down and get some wood all right all that is chopped down let's replant the sapl now and now I think I should have enough wood to start building this Farm look at that a stack of planks and I'm also going to need a ton of trap doors I'm not sure how many I'm going to need just yet so I'm not going to craft too much but I know that I'm also going to need two signs so we'll craft those as well and we should be good to go oh wait we have access to more iron too nice I keep getting distracted with all this but it's a good distraction cuz iron is very useful all right let's quickly go smelt this up since I should have eight now there we go that's enough to use one piece of coal very nice okay let's get back to building now over here in this corner I'm going to build a little access tunnel and that's how I'm going to be able to get down to the farm and then also down below it as well it's going to be something like this's just mine this all the way down okay there's the cave let's place down some water just to be safe and then I'm going to build the access tunnel like this it's going to be just right in the corner of the farm and that's going to give me a nice safe way to get up and down oh wait the Border expanded so we can make this Farm just a little bit bigger now that'll give me just a few extra blocks of spawning spaces okay let's just light this up real quick cuz I don't want mobs spawning in here just yet we'll do something like this okay and now for this access tunnel I'm going to dig it straight down like this and now I should be able to link it up here we go with one of my existing staircases nice all right we'll do something like this now I should be able to place the water up here and then it just nicely flows down into this one block hole okay perfect all right let's head back up here now this is getting kind of complicated and then I'm going to have to mine my way out real quick here we go and now I'm going to start building the channels where the mobs will fall into that's going to be something like this it's going to be four equal channels like this they're all going to meet in the center right here and this is going to be the drop shoot and now all I have to do is place a sign right here and then right here this should prevent any water from going in but we are going to need more than one source of water so let's go back up to the surface real quick let's grab some more water my crops still haven't grown yet oh my gosh oh wait I think I know exactly how many trap doors I'm going to need now so let's just craft the rest of those up 12 should be perfect oh and then I'm also going to need a slab there we go okay we have everything that we need I really hope this works all right let's go down my access shoot place down my water grab the second source of water and I'll make a quick infinite water source here we go there needs to be water in all four corners like this and there we we go oh wait hold on I didn't build this correctly let's just get rid of all the water real quick cuz these channels have to be two blocks deep since otherwise the mobs could just walk straight out and we don't want that okay there we go this is such a tiny Farm look at this all right let's Place water in all the corners now then I can also place my two signs like this there we go okay now it's time to build the drop shoot it's going to be right down here oh gosh okay well it just pushed me down on accident oops okay well let's just isolate this drop shoot like this then I'll keep mining it down to the proper level it needs to be roughly 22 blocks down below oh and then we're also going to have to expand all these staircases it is such a mess down here there's so many random staircases and stuff it's so confusing but hopefully as the world gets bigger we'll be able to expand all this and make it a lot nicer okay um there was a Creeper down here that just exploded I wasn't recording though where did that thing come from oh it looks like it's spawned right here cuz it's all dark oh wait I'm scared are there going to be more mobs down here let's investigate oh yeah there's a zombie where are these guys coming from go away ooh it must be cuz the Border expanded that maybe something's dark now oh yeah look I think my water must have gone down here here and gotten rid of all the Torches ooh that's bad let's see oh this is so scary cuz as this border gets bigger and bigger there's going to be more areas that aren't spawn proof that get inside the border so every day the Border grows it might cause some problems with Mobs but I'm going to try my best to stay on top of it oh wait hold on let's get distracted again and mine Some Coal nice four more pieces all right let's get back to building this thing okay I've calculated the correct y level and the drop Sho should end right here okay look at that I just have to patch up a few holes then also expand these staircases to go around it okay everything should be good I think we have a fully functioning mob farm oh I'm so scared this thing has a very high chance of killing me but I guess it's worth the risk since without this then I won't be able to get a good supply of food and without food I'm also dead so no matter what I do then I have a chance of dying but let's add the trap doors now I can also get rid of this light source oh wait oh no this is going to push me off okay I got scared oh wait I'm just one trapo too short hold on um let's light this up just in case I don't want to come back to a room filled with Mobs oh and look at that our first piece of food oh my God and it gave us three seeds oh that is so amazing let's see can I lure a sheep with it oh they are so far away now there's practically no hope okay well let's just stash that away somewhere safe for now let's craft up a few more trap doors okay we should be good to test this out now okay here we are let's go down here place down my last trapo and everything should be good now let's break the light source and then I'll quickly escape and also seal this up okay moment of truth let's see if this works let's go down to the end of the drop shoot which should be right down here yep here it is I'm also going to place some trap doors on it since that way I can close it off when I'm not using it let's see if this works okay on the F3 screen I see a zombie and a creeper I really hope they're spawning up there oh yeah look it's working oh my gosh we actually have a functional mob farm but I'm not really looking for some zombies I want to get some skeletons oh my gosh and look there's one right here look at that no bones just yet but we're going to get some very soon oh this is amazing okay are we going to get anything else oh here we go oh and look at that we finally got some bones okay let's quickly go use them oh wait and it's also Day N so that means the Border expanded so we should be able to also expand this mob farm as well let's see oh yeah I hear them up there oh gosh now the question is how am I going to get in there safely to expand it this might be kind of difficult let's see oh wow okay um yeah o hold on there's skeletons and I forgot to close this oh they're fighting each other oh gosh he has an enchanted bow okay there we go the zombie killed him for me nice all right let's light this up and let's quickly expand it it's going to go like this and I'm also going to have to mine this over here okay there we go it's been successfully expanded let's break this and I'll quickly Escape all right let's go test out my first bone for bone meal and look at that we also have access to Lava now not sure what I'm going to do with that just yet so I'm just going to leave it where it is but in the future we might be able to use a cauldron and some dripstone to get even more lava oh and look at that we got more food nice this Farm is quickly expanding and I can turn this into some bone meal and grow all of these nice we're making some pretty good progress now things are really starting to speed up it's amazing those first 6 days were so painful but let's quickly mine up all the rest of my wood that I have access to as well as punch some more grass oh there we go some more seed very nice and now I'm going to go use the mob farm for a bit and stock up on some bones oh it sounds like it was working when I was gone yeah oh there's tons of things down here nice look at all that o I got a bow nice as well as some arrows some Gunpowder and some bones this is going to be one of the best farms in this world I think but I'm just going to sit here for the rest of day n and get as much stuff as I can oh my gosh look what I just got I got a carrot wait we have more food now hold on I totally forgot you could get carrots and potatoes from zombies that's another super good use for this Farm oh we're making so much progress now this is amazing all right so let's plant my first carrot nice and I also have six bone meal that I can use there we go we got some more wheat and four more seeds wait is that enough wheat to craft bread it is look at this our first food from our farm probably not even going to get me up to full hunger though yeah but it's better than nothing all right let's go back down and keep using this Farm wait oh there's a spider let's kill you real quick wait he dropped some string wait a minute that's also going to be super useful wait how is there a spider outside the Border um that doesn't make any sense let's see if I can lure him in oh he's sees me okay here he comes oh oh gosh ah okay we got string nice this is so scary all right let's go down and get my string I already have two pieces but I think we should have a few more down here waiting for me okay here we are ooh look at all these skeletons so nice and here's the string okay we have four pieces now I just need four more and then I'll finally be able to craft a bed ooh look at this my first piece of armor nice okay it's been a little while longer let's go see if there's any more spiders in the farm since I really want to be able to craft a bed oh yeah I hear one let's see where is it sounds like it's pretty close by these spiders like to go in the corners usually let's see yeah there it is okay hello friend oh I'm scared I can't reach him wait oh I have a bow though let's see okay and I killed it and it dropped some string nice I'm going to have to wait for this creeper to go away though or maybe I can just wash the string into the center yeah I think that worked let's go down and check okay here we are and I didn't get any string okay so it must still be up there I'm going to have to go investigate okay let's see here okay there's no mobs that's good and here's the string okay nice we have six now we just need two more I'm so close to being able to craft to bed just one more spider and we should be good okay it's been a bit more time let's go see if there's any more spiders oh yeah I hear some nice oh what the heck wao the Border expanded and now they can go behind here okay wait that's bad I didn't think this through um I'm going to have to get rid of this guy though wait there's so many of them okay let me just block this off I'll go like this okay we're going to have to fix this Farm let's go down here and investigate okay there aren't many mobs there's a few outside the border for some reason it looks like they're able to get outside the Border when the Border expands yeah there's creepers no I hate this okay I'm just going to have to use my bow let's try to kill this guy there we go and then this Creeper's stuck in here so that's good I'll just get rid of this water and let him flow down oh wait no he's not stuck anymore hold on I'm going to have to put some walls on this Farm I think okay the creeper fell down good all right let's start fixing this now let's expand it one more block I'm also going to light it up just in case oh and there's string outside the Border weird okay I'm also going to relocate my access shoot I think since the Border has expanded it's kind of just in the middle of the farm now so let's also relocate that as well oh no there's a skeleton okay wait oh no go away okay it just fell down this spot over here is not lit up there we go oh it did so much damage to me too I hate skeletons okay well let's keep fixing this Farm I'm making some pretty good progress so far okay the access shoe is all fixed now we just have to add two more trap doors and it should be all good to go wo look at all the trees that have grown up here and all my food oh my gosh let's Harvest all this up replant my seeds oh I have tons of food this is so nice let's see here I can craft two more pieces of bread is it going to get me up to full hunger oh almost but if you see here I already have one piece of white wool I can craft another piece and I'm just missing two string to finally make a bed I can't wait until we're able to sleep but I have one trapo and now I have three okay perfect let's go add those to the farm okay here we are I'm going to add one right here and also one right here okay everything should be good let's break these torches yeah we're all good to go it's time to try this thing out again okay let's go down my new access shoot and let's see if it works okay it's working nice I'm just going to stay here for a little bit to get some more bones and hopefully by then there should be some more spiders in the farm okay it seems like this Farm is is going quite a bit faster ooh and we also have some more armor nice and by now there should be some spiders up there so let's go see okay I hear spiders yeah oh there's so many what let's see probably one in this corner yep here's one hello friend okay that one didn't drop anything but it sounds like there's some more over here oh he just fell to his death I think let's see yeah no string from that one though and yeah here's the spiders let's just try to kill them with my bow here he is oh there's tons of them okay they all died wait but they're falling outside the Border though that's so weird let's go try to grab that string though let's see yep here's one more spider okay I killed it there's a zombie as well please go away ah o okay I only have three string really he only dropped one string and the rest is outside the Border okay we're going to have to kill some more spiders this is so hard wao wait a second there's water coming through right here why oh no wait it's going to destroy all my torches down here oh my gosh it's going to go all the way down to the bottom of the world I guarantee it okay hold on we have to go fix that now there's always things that break and need fixing in this world let's see oh yeah it's a disaster there's water everywhere look at all these torches that got broke okay here we go yeah it actually went all the way down wow that is crazy but I fixed all the Torches so we're good oh and here's the end of the water okay nice perfect timing all right let's go back up kill some more mobs and hopefully have some more spiders spawn okay there should be some more spiders up here let's go check oh wait hold on the border expanded so there's zombies he dropped a potato oh my gosh literally amazing you know what let's go get some more food before I start fighting these spiders since I want to be on full health okay we got some more wheat very nice my inventory is always overflowing oh my God now we have some more carrots and I can plant my first potato look at that we have tons of new stuff now but these sheep and chicken aren't getting any closer but let's quickly expand my farm plant up some more seeds let's see let's turn all this into bone meal oh my gosh look at that we have over a stack of bone meal that is insane let's grow all of this now oh guys I'm getting so rich now this is amazing oh and since we have potatoes I can make baked potatoes those are a really good source of food actually but my entire Farm is grown so I can Harvest all this up now oh look at this this is so nice yeah over a stack of seeds that is so good let's just quickly grow some more potatoes since I think I'm going to use those as my main food source I'm just going to grow as many as I can using up all the rest of my bone meal okay there we go we have 17 potatoes now I'll be able to fill up a pretty decent amount of this Farm nice and then on the rest of it I'll plant carrots as well as some wheat okay nice let's see eight pieces of bread oh that feels amazing I can finally have a full hunger bar for the first time in 11 days okay things are going really good now guys but now it's time to go fight some spiders since I still need to make a bed let's see are these spiders still down here oh yeah I hear tons of them okay I'm scared yeah there's so many oh wait skeletons and creepers oh gosh wait good thing there was water down there or I would have taken fall damage oh gosh um let's just use my bow go away Creeper and you zombie okay they should have all fallen down the drop shoot nice okay that was kind of close but I guess I'll try to snipe these spiders now okay he dropped some string nice let's see yep we have five pieces oh my gosh we can finally make a bed let's just get rid of the rest of these spiders real quick there we go and I'll have even more string let's just quickly expand this Farm as well all right I'll expand all this over here there we go our farm is a little bit bigger now at some point I am going to have to close it off though cuz it's going to be getting bigger and bigger as the world expands but let's go craft that bed now when my sheep died on like day two I thought I was never going to be able to craft a bed but look at that it's dreams coming true finally I guess I'll just place it right here and now we can finally skip the nights oh my gosh okay but let's go down here one more time and get some more bones for bone meal there's tons of mobs in here oh my gosh hello okay I'm just going to sit here for a little bit and get some more bones okay it's a brand new day I use my bed for the first time and I only got one extra bone let's just use that to grow some stuff real quick here we go and now since this world is quite a bit bigger I think I should start organizing all my stuff since I have tons of random items and also tons of blocks that need organizing so let's grab some wood craft up some signs and some chests and then I think somewhere down below the surface should be my chest room okay wait hold on not right here we're too close to the surface still let's try somewhere over here let's just mine all this out real quick and since the world has expanded we have quite a bit more space to work with we're just four blocks away from one chunk okay it's a brand new day the world has grown just a little bit more and I finally have everything all organized down here that's going to make my life so much easier but there's a few more things that I want to do I want to build myself a tree farm and I also want to relocate this Farm to go underground since underground will have a lot more space than up here so I guess I'll just go somewhere below my chest room this should be a perfect spot right here and this is where I'm going to build my farm ooh look at this we have brown mushrooms those are going to be super useful later on cuz you need brown mushrooms to cure zombie villagers but let's clear out a little area for a farm right here I should probably make it as big as the entire world to be honest cuz we are going to need a good supply of food so I'm just going to spend a bit of time hollowing all this out and this is where the Farm's going to go you know what I should probably also grab this lava real quick just so I don't accidentally get rid of it or turn it into obsidian by accident so I'm going to grab three extra iron and craft another bucket here we go and you know what I have tons of iron I should craft some armor I mean I already have a chain mail chest plate so should I do some leggings oh I don't know Iron is so limited I'm not really sure what to use it for I think I'll just do some leggings and some boots there we go now we have full armor okay well let's head down here and let's keep clearing all this out oh wait hold on I have to grab the lava there we go okay now we can keep clearing all this out oh I found a ton more iron this is amazing and I can also hear a ton of spiders down there that is so scary okay this took quite a bit of work and we finally have access to some more iron but here's the farm all complete we have a lot more space down here it's going to be so good but let's relocate all my crops to the new Farm now let's mine up all of this stuff most of it isn't even fully grown yet but that's fine and now I'll just plant all of it down here now we have so much space it's amazing we're on day 15 we're almost up to a full chunk and now I'm also going to reclaim all this dirt since I actually don't have any left after building that farm okay and now it's finally all clear up here but let's head down here and plant up the rest of my crops and there we have it our fully completed farm this will hopefully give me tons of food one day but now that we have the food farm taken care of I want to work on building a farm for another super important important item and that's wood I want to build myself a little tree farm but first i'm going to chop down all the rest of these trees and I got 28 saplings in total from that that is kind of insane I feel like cherry trees have much higher rates of sapling drops cuz I'm just getting so many from these leaves but I also have tons of extra wood now so before we build this tree farm I want to craft up some ladders I think 12 should be good and I'm going to use that to get up and down from the farm it's basically just going to be a platform in the sky with some dirt on it it's not going to be anything fancy but it is going to allow me to get a lot more wood and wood is super important in this world so I'm going to build up in the corner right here that's 12 blocks let's try to MLG water bucket there we go and then I'll put my ladders up like this and now I'm just going to build a platform up here and that's going to be the farm it's just a temporary solution until the world gets bigger cuz this is going to be so ugly okay I think that should be good let's place down some dirt like this and this is going to be our tree farm let's just Spam a ton of saplings down on top of all the dirts and there we go I'll come back to harvest that later but now since the world has grown so much we should probably go go check on that mob farm cuz it's probably overflowing right now let's see yeah look there's tons of mobs oh my gosh wow there's Enderman there's witches there's everything down there okay um I don't know what I'm going to do maybe I should try to expand it and then after that we'll build up some walls so we have to find a way to get rid of all these mobs first I only have 15 arrows so I'm not sure how that's going to work but I guess we'll Target the skeletons first and then maybe also the witches let's see here let's do an investigation oh wait yep there's skeletons hold on I hate this I don't want to be dealing with right now let's just eat some more food to heal out my Hunger there we go and yeah look at all these spiders oh they are so annoying please go away yeah check this out there are so many mobs I think the most dangerous ones are definitely the skeletons though so I'm going to try to get rid of those first oh and I'm all out of arrows now okay I guess we'll just go down and see what happens okay that creeper just fell in so did that one nice looks like most of the scary mobs are gone oh the Enderman teleported to outside the Border oh my gosh that's too op all right let's get rid of all the rest of these spiders we're getting even more string very nice and I picked up two two more arrows let's see if that's enough one and two oh it was perfect okay nice all right let's just quickly light up this area so we don't have any more mob spawning and now I'm quickly going to work on expanding this [Music] Farm okay it's finally all expanded and I also added some walls to it as well but on top of these walls I'm going to add some slabs so mobs don't spawn up here but then I guess as the Border expands then they can spawn outside the Border but that's fine that's problems for future Julian to deal with okay there we go nice now in this corner I'm going to build my little access shoot going to go right over here and that's going to replace this one right here ooh Some More coal nice okay and here we are oh wait no no no no no no okay we're good I thought the water was going to go all the way down the stairs again that would have been a disaster but let's swim all the way up here now then I'm going to build the top part of the access shoe over in this corner here we go like this nice okay we should be ready to test out the new and improved mob farm yeah look at that it's so much bigger now this world is getting so big but let's go remove all the light sources and then we'll try it out okay removing all the light sources oh wait that's spawnable up there the world expanded so mobs can spawn up there now um I guess I'll just put slabs on this I don't know it's only going to last one day though cuz then the world's just going to expand but I can at least try for now okay everything is all good now we'll just have to open up all these trap doors make sure all the water streams are working looks like it and then I'll break this block and there we have it everything should be ready to go all right let's go test it out let's head down here to The Killing chamber and now we wait okay it's working nice so now that we have this upgraded Farm I'm just going to sit here for the rest of the day and get as much stuff as possible all it looks like it's working much faster this is going to be amazing look at all these skeletons okay about one day of using the farm got me 23 bones that's honestly not too bad but I see something kind of exciting on the F3 screen and that's a zombie villager so let's go look at the farm and see if we can find it see it should be like down here okay it's not down in the farm so it must be down in the drop shoot okay let's go see it might be kind of hard to get that zombie villager isolated from the rest of the mobs but we can at least see oh yeah I see it yeah look at that okay there's so many mobs in here though let's see if I can use my axe to just kill all the mobs that aren't zombie villagers there's a few witches in here too that's also going to be super useful it drops sugar oh my gosh wait that's amazing that's exactly what I need to cure a zombie villager okay I don't know how I'm going to do this they're all stuck together um let's see here I'm going to go up here in the drop shoot and I'm going to block it off since I don't want any more mobs coming down and now I guess I'll break this slab oh I don't know what I'm going to do this is so hard I really do not want that zombie villager to die and plus since it took all that fall damage then it's going to be on super low Health let's see if I can use some water to get these guys to separate okay that's not working oh they're all like together in one hit box how can I get them to move this is so hard maybe I can place a boat down I don't know what can I do let's just try to punch it real quick oh I punched the zombie villager okay that's not good but now it's separated from all the rest of the mobs so I should be able just to kill them like this okay look at that we have it isolated oh my gosh and it's holding an item too so it won't despawn that is so good okay let's place down a boat right here here let's see if I can let it out okay come here zombie villager go in the boat there we go we got it in the boat oh my gosh I can't believe that worked okay um now I don't know what I'm going to do with this guy just yet but I'm going to store him over here cuz we don't have nearly enough items to be able to cure him yet let's see does he do a lot of damage yeah he does about one heart of damage okay how can I safely move him over here H cuz he is kind of in the way I'm going to increase the height of the roof over here so I don't take damage and oh this is scary maybe I should try to use some water oh okay no no he died oh my gosh okay well it was worth a try I guess at least we know what to do now when we get another zombie villager oh I can't believe it let's let all these mobs down now okay let's just kill the rest of these guys is that another one wait no way I think it might be yeah there's another one in there okay hold on let's try to isolate him again I need to go up here block this off let's see here oh we could have had two if I didn't kill the first one okay all the rest of them are all stuck in this hit box right here um I'm going to try to separate them with some water okay there we go that definitely worked a little bit okay slowly but surely I want to be extremely careful okay there we go we have him isolated let's make sure I'm on full health then I guess I'll just place down some water right here and I'm going to try to get him to move over in this direction let's go like this and then like this all right go in the water please okay there we go nice and then I'll place down a boat and there we go okay that is perfect nice but he isn't holding any items though let's see if he wants to hold an item hello are you going to hold an item okay I guess not we'll just have to stay super close to him oh actually wait mobs and boats don't despawn so that's fine I'm forgetting my basic Minecraft mechanics okay but there we go we have one zombie villager now let's let out the rest of these mobs place this down right here and there's another one oh my gosh wait there's another zombie villager why is my luck so good right now okay I guess we'll try to isolate this one too but I am going to need another pickaxe though cuz mine just broke hopefully he doesn't despawn by then I can't believe I just got three zombie villagers in a row that's so crazy but let's quickly craft up some more pickaxes maybe I should also craft up another sword okay we're good to go I hope he's still down there okay here we we are let's isolate this drop shoot all right wait is he gone I think he might be gone I don't see him anymore yeah I think he despawned when I left oh I'm so sad yeah he's gone well that's fine cuz we already have one and I know we can get them super easily so since we just got our first zombie villager I think we should start working towards getting the materials to cure him and for that I'm going to need to go to the nether I'm definitely not prepared but that's what we're going to spend the next few days doing first of all I only have one lava bucket which means we can only make one piece of obsidian and I need 10 obsidian to make a portal but I think I have just the idea on how to get more let's see here I have some pointed dripstone and where's my iron oh I only have three oh but I can smelt this 21 that I have here let's start smelting that up and now I'm going to make a little lava Farm since with pointed dripstone and a cauldron you can make a little lava farm so that's going to be the next Farm in this world all right now I'm not exactly sure how to do this cuz I've never done it before but I think I just have to place some lava up right here let's try like this and I'll block this off and then maybe some pointed dripstone on the bottom like this oh it only works on lava source blocks okay but that's fine we can at least just start with that oh wait no looks like it's working over here too nice and now I'm going to grab my extra iron let's craft up some cauldrons this feels like such a waste of iron but it's going to be worth it in the end here we go that's two cauldrons I wonder how long this takes it looks like it is working though and we just have enough iron to make three cauldrons okay that should be a good start oh and down here let's see if we have access to those brown mushrooms we do have access to almost all of them nice that's another ingredient that we need to cure these zombie villagers now I have over a stack of Bones look at this I guess I'll come up here and grow some more mushrooms there we go very nice okay and it's dropping tons of mushrooms nice amazing I'm starting to make some really good progress guys okay that's all of that all chopped down let's see how many mushrooms did we get from that I got 21 that's really good that should definitely be more than enough I only need like one or two and we also got some sugar from a witch so I basically have everything I need except for glass bottles and blaze rods now I don't think there's any sand in this world is there oh there's some all the way over there but I'm not even sure if the border is going to reach that big but it's fine cuz witches also drop glass bottles they are literally one of the most useful mobs in this challenge okay but let's stash away all my useful items now I think we should do some more cave exploration since the world has grown quite a bit since we last did that and there might be even more iron and maybe some other cool things that we can find so let's go down and investigate let's see oh yeah look at all these mobs that is crazy there's so many down there but first before we go I think I should bring some more torches just in case cuz the world has grown quite a bit so there's probably tons of dark areas down there so we're going to have to be super careful okay let's go explore o this guy scared me I thought it was a mob ready to attack me but let's see what's down here I really hope there's no mobs wo I just heard something a zombie super close by yeah I'm hearing mobs oh no I don't like this wo look at this this staircase just got exposed and this is where the zombie is okay Hello friends oh there's tons of them down there okay we should definitely light this up ooh oh look at that a library that is so good that's going to be so useful to get enchantments but it's not exposed just yet and yeah look at this oh there's so much more to explore down here and also so many more areas for mobs to spawn ooh look at this this chest is going to be exposed in just a few days but I'm hearing even more zombies down here where are they I hear skeletons too oh no looks like this might be too dark down here so I should definitely go light it up place down some torches very nice yeah I think there might be a cave over here cuz that's where I'm hearing all the mobs coming from oh but we do have some more coal though let's just mine that up real quick let's see ooh Some More lava yeah look at that oh and this chest is so close to being opened oh my gosh okay we'll definitely have to come back tomorrow and there's more chests over there too wow this stronghold has so much stuff for us but it looks very dark over here so I should definitely go light this up there we go let's see what's over here another chest that's just outside the Border oh my gosh how many are we going to find like that this stronghold is taunting me okay but let's continue our journey downwards I'm hearing lots of mobs this is not fun okay all of this looks all nice and lit up let's see what else we can find oh yeah here's the ancient city let's see should I try to go down here I don't know yeah it looks like I can build a staircase oh we got the advancement sneak 100 I need to be very careful of any shriekers though if I set off any shriekers I'm immediately leaving oh look at this there's so many chests close by I can't wait till we can get access to those let's continue my journey downwards o all these skull sensors okay is there anything that I can find in here that's inside the Border doesn't look like there's much to be honest but I also don't see any skull creakers for the time being so I guess we might as well check it out wait what's in here oh yeah there's all kinds of fire nice wait there's Soul Sand that might be useful in the future but let's see oh yeah here's some wool oh I could have just come down here to get wool to make my bed I didn't even need to build a mob farm let's see if I can get access to the secret room down below the altar the entrance should be like right over here I might be able just to dig down into it oh yeah here's a secret room let's see what I can find in here I can't believe I'm inside an ancient city right now okay we have a Target block some Redstone stuff nice we don't have access to too much stuff just yet but if we ever need any Redstone stuff then I know where to come but it doesn't look like we have access to any of the chests in here just yet so besides Redstone stuff there isn't much that we can get down here so I guess I'll head back up oh wait there's iron let's go grab that real quick and what's kind of weird is that I actually feel safe down here cuz since we're in a deep dark biome then no mobs can spawn the only thing we have to worry about is the warden but since there aren't any shriekers then I'm super safe down here who knew the deep dark would be the safest place in this world okay but that was only one piece of iron that's fine and I don't think I see anything else okay let's head back up my staircase now I would really like to find some more iron though cuz I need an iron helmet and an iron chest plate I want to be as protected as I can possibly get okay my zombie villager is still doing good that's nice and I don't hear any others inside of here yet but I just need to go back to my chest real quick to stock up on some more pickaxes and then we'll continue our hunt for some more iron oh look at this we have lava oh my gosh wait that went so much faster than than I expected that's amazing we already have two pieces let's Place one more right in there wait it just did it again look at this it's going so fast let's Place one more right here I can't believe this that is insane we just got two more lava back to back we're 30% of the way there three out of 10 okay but let's get some more pickaxes you know what I'm actually running low on wood so I think we should go check on my wood Farm I keep getting distracted but there's so many things that we have to do to survive in this world oh and there's an Enderman wait hold on let's craft a boat real quick I need to see if I can get any ender pearls yet again another thing to be distracted by okay hello friend okay he's in it nice let's kill him it might take a super long time with this stone sword never mind oh we got a pearl nice and a grass block those are both really good things nice that was definitely worth it stash this safely in here now let's go check on my wood Farm looks like we have quite a bit of trees that grew actually let's see yeah there's lots of them nice all right let's get to chopping okay chopping down all those trees got me just under a stack of logs and 24 extra saplings that is really good woah wait look at this we have three more lava that is insane this is going so fast um where am I going to store this lava now hold on let's just make a little pit above ground so I can store my extra lava cuz I don't have enough iron to make any more cauldrons yet um is this a bad idea is this going to catch on fire I have no idea guess we'll just try it out I can't believe how well this is working this is going way faster than I expected I thought we were going to have to wait like 20 days per piece of lava but it looks like we're getting about one piece of lava per day and then multiply that by three and we should have enough lava to go to the Nether in about 3 more days so that's amazing but let's get back to what I was doing earlier and that's trying to find some more iron let's see how's the mob farm oh yep doing very well there's mobs everywhere down here now but let's see if I can go find some iron okay no iron just yet but I did find a massive vein of coal wo I found some lapis wait do you need an iron pickaxe to mine this okay no you just need a stone pickaxe nice that's going to be so useful once we do some enchanting later but I still haven't found any iron okay this thing is definitely overflowing look at all this XP this is also going to be pretty good for enchant ing I think but the hunt for more iron continues wo I hear skeletons are they through here oh yeah there's a cave down there oh gosh please don't shoot me oh okay he's right here there's two of them oh gosh oh gosh okay I got it wow this is a pretty big cave down here let's definitely make sure to light this up oh there's some more iron taunting me and I also managed to find 20 iron that is really good but let's see if I can find any more all right I spent the rest of the day Mining and I didn't find anything else so let's smelt up all this iron now I also have so many bones oh my gosh that is amazing we should probably go check on my food farm too I haven't harvested that in quite a while I'm going to grab my bones drop off the rest of my items let's go Harvest up my crops I'm just going to make sure they're all fully grown by using some bone meal first now we can Harvest all them up oh my gosh look at how many potatoes I got that is insane we finally have a good source of food it's amazing oh and we can Harvest our next Brown mushroom nice okay but look at this after replanting all of it I'm left with 4 and 1/2 stacks of potatoes that is so much food I can finally Sprint Carefree now and not have to worry about running out of food but let's turn all this into biged potatoes and I'm also going to need some more furnaces too nice look at that our first baked potatoes let's see yeah they do so much hunger nice this is amazing okay but I'm just going to spend a bit of time smelting up the rest of these wait a minute since I have all this wheat now let's see if there's any sheep close to the border and the nearest one is over there let's see oh ouch fall damage yeah I feel like as the Border expands they just get farther and farther away let's see are there any chickens maybe I don't know I don't see anybody come on animals please I need you guys oh and also since the world has expanded we should also light all this up yeah look this is spawnable down here oops it's going to be a constant battle to keep up with the Border expanding okay but I think everything is all lit up nice oh and we have some more lava amazing I'm starting to make some really good progress we have four extra pieces of lava we're almost halfway there but let's take a nap and let the Border expand okay it's a brand new day the world has expanded let's just quickly go see if I can get any sheep to come closer oh this guy's not too far away wait oh my gosh wait oh I thought it was working oh he's so close please sheep please no he's going farther away now I'm just going to sit here for little bit in case he decides to come a tiny bit closer oh he's so close he just needs to come like two or three blocks closer come on please come on sheep no don't walk away from me this is so tragic I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able to get animals in this world cuz they just keep going farther and farther away come on sheep I know you want to be friends please if only I could get outside the Border then I could just get a little bit closer to him but I don't think it's possible to get out here come on sheep okay yeah he's way too far away now it was worth a try I guess I'll try again tomorrow once the Border expands but I have a ton of extra iron now so with that I'm going to craft up a chest plate and a helmet and we'll swap it out for this garbage there we go I have full iron armor now let's see any more lava nope okay and I have four extra pieces of iron so I think I know what I'm going to do with that I'm going to craft up an iron pickaxe since I think it's about time that we go mining for diamonds now that I have full iron armor this should be a lot safer let's see oh yeah this thing is just overrun with Mobs that is crazy it's working so good but I'm not hunting for mobs I'm hunting for diamonds look at all these guys tons of items for me thank you and tons and tons of XP I'm almost at level 40 that's crazy but let's go all the way down to the ancient city and that's where I'm going to start mining for diamonds actually wait a minute yeah look at this these chests are exposed now I think there's about two or three chests that we can check out let's see oh we got the eye armor trim not sure if I'll ever use that we also got some gold and some Redstone that's pretty good I'm also going to steal this chest too let's see I think there were a couple over here as well let's go investigate yeah this one's inside the border now oh we have iron leggings okay well I guess if mine break then I'll have an extra set let's see here okay this one's still outside the border and I think that might be it oh but wait a second I forgot to bring my food with me and I also have to grab some torches yet again another thing to be distracted by let's see hello thanks for the items ooh an enchanted bow power one that's pretty cool I'll definitely stash that away for safekeeping but I wasn't very prepared for this mining trip so let's get geared up I'm going to need all of my food oh there's so many yeah look at that almost three stacks of baked potatoes that is amazing now I'm also going to need to craft up some more Stone pickaxes since I only want to use my precious iron pickaxe to actually mine the diamonds and then I'll drop off all my extra stuff and now we're actually prepared for this mining trip oh wait hold on I just heard a witch I need to kill it please drop some glass bottles why do you have so much health oh my gosh I've hit this witch so many times there we go okay it only dropped a stick it was worth the D though okay now we're actually going to mine for diamonds I promise I keep getting distracted all right we're going to go all the way down to deep slate level and then also to our ancient city now I guess real quick before I start mining let's just see if there's any exposed diamonds let's see here doesn't look like it right off the bat yeah okay there's no exposed diamonds and I guess my next best bet is just to mine all this skull and I'll see if there's anything hiding below this okay no luck with that I guess I'll just mine down below this ancient city and see if we can find anything this world still is pretty small though so the odds of there being diamonds are kind of low oh wait we got some gold that's going to be super useful cuz I need gold to make golden apples to cure the zombie villagers nice let's see how much did we get six okay cool let's keep searching though okay we're at bedrock and I guess I'll just mine out this entire area down here the world's not that big so I'm just going to do a bunch of zigzagging strip mines and see if I can find anything okay you're not going to believe it but I got a total of zero diamonds I'm so sad and I didn't even find any on the borders of the world either I mined out this entire area and I didn't find anything oh wait there's some Redstone right here let's just gather that up real quick oh my gosh there's no way I found some diamonds right as I say that I didn't find any I find some that is so funny um my inventory is completely full though what can I get rid of I think we should come back for these and I also forgot to bring torches with me so this is all dark so when we come back it might be filled with Mobs I don't even know how to get out of here where did I come from hold on I'm completely lost is this where I came from okay here we go let's go empty out my inventory and then we'll come back oh wait actually this is the deep dark biome so there's not going to be any mobs that spawn that's amazing so I guess we technically don't have to light all of it up but I still do need to head home cuz I have to empty out my inventory oh I hear zombies and Enderman down there oops that's not a good sign okay we're back home let's start smelting all this stuff up empty out my inventory and let's go get those diamonds now oh wait hold on we have more lava more things to be distracted by woah wait look at this we have nine pieces of lava in here so all we need is one more to be able to build a portal that is amazing let's go get those diamonds first wo I just got some pretty op boots they have feather falling two on them let's just use those for now they only have 10 durability left though so they probably will break very soon but any amount of feather falling is really nice to have so I'm going to use those for the time being but we're back down at the ancient city let's go get those diamonds if I can even find them let's see oh yeah here they are okay oh wait hold on we got to use an iron pickaxe we got one two H should I mine any more than this I'm not sure if I should save these for when I get fortune 3 cuz I only really need two diamonds to make an enchanting table I think just for now I'm going to save those let's just see how much more there is though okay I think it might only be the four of them okay yeah it was just four there's only two left I can't really do anything with two more diamonds so I'm just going to save those until I have fortune 3 I think that's going to be my best bet but there we have it we finally got some diamonds okay I finally made it back home and look at this we have our 10th piece of lava that is amazing amazing I think it's time we build a portal but it is night time so let's sleep real quick all right but first i'm just going to empty out the rest of my stuff and next I'm going to have to find a place to build this portal I'm not sure where I want to do that wait look at this there's a little chicken over there hold on hold on hold on let's see let's grab some seeds I get distracted so easily guys let's see if I can lure this chicken towards me come here friend I have some seeds oh looks like he's stuck in the water though okay well I guess that's the good thing cuz when the Border expands then he'll still be there and I'll finally be able to get my little chicken friend oh no wait I just heard something yeah there's pillagers where are are they oh they're right here okay oh gosh um what do I do try to kill these guys go away okay we did it was that all of them oh no there's more up here let's see hello friend okay nice we took care of them all right but back to the task at hand and that's going to be to find a place to build this portal you know what I think right here would be good it's kind of already a natural cave right here let's build it in this corner wa there's an Enderman hold on I keep getting distracted let's see um oh I'm not sure if I should look at him to get him to come in the boat okay now he's inside the Border okay never mind let's see go in the boat friend there we go okay we got him in the boat I keep getting distracted by everything okay no ender pearls for me all right let's keep mining this out okay here's the outline of where the portal is going to go so I guess I'll place my first piece of lava turn that into obsidan and then I'm going to do the rest for the other nine bits okay there we have it here's our completed portal ah I'm so scared okay but we do have to craft up a flint and steel though I think I have one piece of flint in here yep as well as a piece of iron okay here we go flint and steel um I definitely am not ready to go in just yet I need to do a bit more preparation like I think I should probably make an iron sword oh we have this Banner now we can add it to our shield look at that that's going to be a warning to any future pillagers that try to kill me but just in case I'm going to craft another Shield since we are going to be dealing with blazes and those do tons of damage so having a shield and a backup is going to be super important and I also have my extra boots cuz these are definitely going to break um and then what else do I need I have tons of arrows I have my bow ooh let's bring some snowballs with me that might be useful to fight the blazes let's see what else should I bring with me definitely some extra food I think a stack of baked potatoes and 16 bread should be good maybe an end Pearl just in case I have to get away quickly who knows maybe that'll be useful maybe it won't um and besides that I think I'm ready to go I am so scared okay let's do this actually one more thing before we go I need to make sure I'm nice and rested up and now the world is also one block bigger in the nether as well so that might be kind of useful okay let's do this lighting the portal and heading through let's see okay we got the advancement we need to go deeper let's see what's around here ooh a fortress it looks like it's still outside the Border though let's see what else can I find over here we are pretty high up so I should find a way to get down safely oh wait I think the Fortress is going to be inside the Border look there's a little Tunnel right there okay let's just gather up some blocks real quick and now let's see if I can make it down here safely oh wait a Magma Cube I hate those things being in the nether with just iron armor and stone tools is kind of terrifying but I do have some gold boots though so the piglins should leave me alone oh how can I get down here I don't like this we do have some quartz though not sure if I'll ever need that but I guess it's nice to have okay yeah the Fortress is definitely inside the Border okay I finally made it down safely let's get rid of this Magma Cube though I do not want to deal with this right now wow having an unenchanted bow is really not that great okay go away oh they're too close to the zombified piglin I don't want to hit them with sweeping Edge oh why are you looking at me like that okay we got them all taken care of and I didn't get a single Magma Cream what that's not very nice okay but let's see what else we have here looks like the Fortress goes into here oh I do not like this at all there's so many mobs in here let's see okay yeah no blazes yet this guy looks like he's friendly oh wait there's a blaze spawner right here and right here but it's outside the Border um how can I do this cuz I need need at least two blaze rods let's see can I even get close to it yeah it's not activating cuz it's outside okay um I don't know what to do guys okay I think I have an idea I'm going to make a new bridge that goes all the way up here since my old bridge is kind of janky wow look at the amount of mobs up here wait there's probably so many of them going through the portal but my idea to get some mobs to spawn is to go pretty high up since that way we can get some stuff to despawn down there and then once I come back down then we might have a chance of having blazes spawn not sure if that's going to work but I guess it's worth a try let's just mine all the way up to the roof real quick okay here we are then I guess we can check the F3 screen to see if there's anything down there okay so far I just see piglins zombified piglins piglin brutes wait what there must be a Bastion close by but I don't see any blazes not sure how I'm going to do this guys this might be kind of tricky cuz the mob cap is completely full with these guys right now and they all keep coming up the stairs why what's wrong with you guys okay let's just go down here and see what we have so far any blazes okay there's none this is not going to plan how can I get rid of these guys I really don't want to try to farm them cuz that's going to be really really dangerous so I might just have to hope for them to despawn and then maybe eventually a blaze will spawn I have no idea but these guys keep walking up my stairs stop why are there so many up here I literally can't even get up here now oh my gosh this is chaos why do they feel the need to come up these stairs that is so funny look at this there's like all of them up here guys get out of my way oh no I'm like accidentally going to hit one aren't I um okay this is not safe I should probably leave let's see here okay we have a bit more space now but they just keep coming up that is so funny why do they do that if you guys have any answers please tell me but let's Chey the F3 screen again and see if we can see anything doesn't look like there's any blazes yet so I might just wait up here for a little bit and see if any spawn but I also have to do something about these guys I think I might just build a new staircase that one's just been overrun let's build a staircase over here instead oh my gosh wait I just came back through my portal and look at this what is happening oh this is a disaster how am I going to get rid of these guys I hate the nether let's see I might be able to kill that Enderman though um oh there's two Enderman okay how can I do this safely let's see here um maybe if I hit one like this okay they're all angry now here they come and then I'm going to go outside hopefully leading them out here let's see where are they come here friends oh here they come then I'm just going to Piller up and see if I can kill them okay yeah they're all coming nice this is good but also very very scary all right let's just try to get rid of these real quick okay that should be all of them o I got a gold ingot from that nice let's go see if there's any more down here this is terrifying hello there any scary friends down here oh yeah there's two in this boat let's get rid of these next let's see if we can push our Enderman into it oh no I accidentally hit him wait oh no oh no oh my shield oh my gosh that was so bad oh that was a big mistake but at least we didn't die though okay I need to rethink my strategy to go to the nether clearly that did not work okay first things first though my inventory is completely overflowing so let's empty all that out and now let's see if I can come up with a better strategy to deal with the nether let's see here oh gosh that guy scared me and he just went through too I think what I have to do is block off this portal or maybe build it into a small room let's see yeah here's our friend he just turned into one let's just try to kill him real quick okay there we go and I need to grab some blocks to block off my portal I'm going to build it into a little room first I'm going to make some doors grab some blocks and I think that should be good to prevent unwanted friends from coming through here okay let's just expand the area around the portal real quick and then I'm going to make a big room around it I just saw another piglin go through all right but let's block all this off something like this and now I can add my door and that should be enough to prevent anyone from coming through let's go take care of that baby though oh he's not holding anything go away there we go okay with that taken care of let's see if I can get some blazes actually hold on one more thing I forgot I need to place some torches inside of that room cuz otherwise things will be able to spawn in there here we go we got some torches okay once again I'm ready to go actually hold on one more thing just to prevent the random mob from coming through here I'm also going to put a door on this portal since that way if any random mobs do come through here then they'll be stuck inside of here and they won't cause me any problems hopefully okay it's blazed time quickly placing a few torches inside of here all right let's go investigate now yeah still nothing has spawned interesting it looks like we might have to wait for these spawners to get exposed cuz I don't really see any other way of doing this all right well I guess we'll have to see how many days it's going to take it looks like we're about roughly 8 days away from that that's kind of a super long time but I know exactly what I can do in the meantime and that's going to be to get some more zombie villagers and maybe also some Enderman for ender pearls since we are eventually going to go to the end in this world and we have to have enough ender pearls for that and then we're also going to stock up on zombie villagers so we can have them once we get blaze rods cuz unfortunately without blaze rods I can't cure them but we still have plenty of stuff to do in the meantime wait oh my God wait wait a sheep a sheep oh my gosh that was so lucky I got it look at this okay wow I cannot believe I just got this guy I just happened to be out here placing down my extra lava and there was a sheep close by oh we finally got our sheep back um what should I do with this guy let's see I don't want him to wander into that lava that would be terrible so I think I'm just going to put him into a little pit for the time being and then I guess we can start working on building him a farm let's see all right in you go sheep thank you very much nice I can't believe we got that that is insane okay well I guess we now have a side quest and that's going to be to build a sheep farm let's grab some wood craft up some fences let's see here where should I place this Farm I think over here should be good let's do a little bit of terraforming first okay I think this should be a good area let's just make sure all of it down here is grass though since that's what sheep eat okay nice all right let's start placing down all these fences something like this should work oh and I should also get some fence gates oh wait maybe I don't have to let's use two iron to make some shears and I'm going to get some wool from this sheep so I can make some carpets yeah here we go nice wait no don't escape oh gosh um okay follow me friend let's bring you into here very nice this is your new home by the way and then I'll go like this and then I'll Place some carpets to be able to get in and out easily something like that nice okay here's our sheep farm he doesn't have any friends but I guess I'll just give him some wheat to make him happy let's see are there any other sheep nearby yeah there aren't oh they're so far away now yeah they definitely get farther away as the Border expands but maybe since I have this sheep now then it'll want to attract these other ones that's probably not how it works though but let's make sure to light all this up so we don't get any mobs there we have it we finally have some animals in this world that is amazing wait oh I hear zombies wait what's going on in here ooh there's tons of things spawning in there that is not good um let's see here how can I get rid of these guys hello our chicken friend is still there he's still stuck though this guy has an enchanted bow okay nice he's dead let's quickly go light that up I'm going to need some coal oh my inventory is just exploding okay more torches nice let's go light all this up oh here's our chicken friend let's see can I attract him yeah he's sees me but it's not working cuz he's stuck in the water oh that's so sad okay well I guess in about 6 or 7 days we should be able to get this guy but it's back to the task at hand and that's going to be lighting up the rest of this world wait a second look at this in one day we're going to have access to oak trees that's going to be so good cuz right now I'm just stuck with cherry trees I'm not complaining though cherry trees are very pretty but it would be nice to have access to some different types of wood oh and also from the oak leaves then we'll be able to get apples and I need apples to make golden apples okay that's going to be super nice I'll definitely have to make sure to come back here once the Border expands but let's keep lighting up the rest of the world here cuz the world has expanded quite a bit since we last did that okay and everything is all safe nice we took quite a big D toour to get this sheep but I think we should go work on getting some more zombie villagers now let's just quickly see how bad the State of Affairs is down here yeah wait there's one right there but it's outside the border and look at how chaotic this is oh my gosh there are so many mobs down here and they're getting stuck that there's so many H should I try to get this one I don't know oh wait he might fall down he just walked right over it what why let's see if I can wash him in there yeah go into the farm please okay I think it's working yeah okay we got him he's down on the farm nice okay let's see here oh he might have died though cuz there's so many down here let's see first I should probably isolate this though wow it is so loud oh my gosh okay isolating it off let's see here there are so many mobs in here I'm probably going to break my axe doing this I think I do see him though okay yeah I need a new axe hold on I should have thought this through okay let's grab some wood real quick let's craft up a few new axes I think two should be good okay I really hope hope he's still there let's go investigate all right hello yeah he's still there nice okay oh I just killed him he walked right into my axe oh my gosh let's see there might be another one in here though let's just make sure okay there isn't oh and I was so close to isolating him too okay well I guess that's fine let's see if there's anybody else in here it doesn't look like it it's just tons of creepers okay yeah no zombie villagers all right I guess I'll just go back up here and see if I can spot any from above let's see here okay tons and tons of zombies but it doesn't look like any zombie villagers yeah oh I should do something about out here maybe I can place down some torches to prevent them from spawning outside of the farm I think I should try that let's see here I going to need to make some more torches though there we go 22 that should be more than enough okay and I also have some lava with me just in case things get bad I can place down lava and kill a ton of mobs at once okay let's see here um how do I get down there safely I have no idea I guess I'll place down some water to start with and I'm also going to try to snipe all the skeletons okay I think I got most of them just kidding there's one more please don't shoot shoot me oh my gosh wow he can shoot from that far that is insane I might have died to fall damage right there but I think the only mobs that are left are spiders which I guess I'll get rid of right now just in case I have so many arrows so I might as well use them oh look at this I can shoot things outside the border that is so cool all right I guess I'll just get rid of the rest of these mobs as well I definitely have the arrows for it so I might as well do that okay everything should be all clear down here now let's go down and investigate okay I'm going to collect up all this stuff real quick and also snipe all the rest of these spiders and now I guess I'll just try to light it up out here so they don't won't spawn yeah I think this is perfect it lights up only out here oh this one's a little bit too close to the farm let's see I'll try to go like this let's see yeah nice I'm basically trying to make it so there's light only outside of the farm and there's no light inside of the farm wao wait a second why did all these guys just spawn I'm still like super close wait what oh no there's tons of mobs now I didn't think they could Spawn from that close well I guess it's a good thing that I have a bow no skeletons ah go away okay I need to place some light over there let's just get rid of all the skeletons first oh my gosh that creeper just blew up up that skeleton okay we should be fairly safe are there any skeletons okay no just creepers oh wait I'm out of hunger hold on o ah oh gosh this is bad no why are they not dying please die thank you oh my gosh okay let's quickly Place some more torches so this doesn't happen again wait look at that a zombie villager oh and a baby zombie hold on oh I don't have any blocks to mine up with hold on let's Place lava no he just okay well this just went terribly at least I didn't die though that's the most important part oh he killed my zombie villager okay need more light like right away hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Place some more light we got one creeper right here wait oops this is so chaotic okay we should be safe for now let's do some more strategic lighting okay everything is all successfully spawn proofed everywhere outside of the farm is all lit up and the only place that mobs can spawn is inside the farm let's see who do we have down here wait is that a zombie villager this one right here with the thing on his face maybe I don't know I guess we'll just have to go investigate all right let's go see I really hope it is let's quickly block it off from any other mobs it is a zombie villager okay let's try to isolate him again last time was a failure but I hope I can be better this time okay these guys are all stuck right here let's see okay um let's see how I can separate them there we go it worked okay we have all the zombies off to one side and the zombie villager on the left there we go now he's isolated okay now all we have to do is place down some water right here and then we can let him out then hopefully if everything goes according to plan he should just hop in that boat with his friend there we go wow that was amazing okay perfect he also picked up my stone sword but that's fine okay we now have two zombie villagers that is some amazing progress so let's quickly go empty out my inventory it's always just completely overflowing it's insane and now since we're kind of waiting on a lot of things at the moment especially the blaze Spawner in the nether I think the world is finally big enough to build ourselves a house so let's do that I'm going to need some wood some Cobblestone and some deep slat and I don't really have that many wood options to work with so I guess we'll see how this turns out but H where should I build my house we're kind of like on the side of a hill right here oh wait hold on before we do that let's see if we can get any saplings from this oak tree since we finally have some leaves inside the Border let's see please okay this is the last one okay we got nothing but we'll still have plenty more chances once the world expands but let's see here where can I build my house I might have to do quite a bit of terraforming you know what I think up here would be actually a pretty good spot so I'm going to relocate my sheep farm to go down here instead let's go grab some wheat to make this a little bit easier Let's see we have a second sheep over here all the way over there come here friend I'll just put some wheat in my off hand just in case he decides to come over but let's tear all this down now and then I'm going to move my sheep to come down here all right hello friend let's just do a little bit of terraforming real quick okay and now we can build our little enclosure okay nice all right let's get to building our house now actually wait hold on it just became night time let's have a quick nap so we can have a little bit more to work with oh my gosh wait look at that this sheep just wandered in here what I barely caught that that is ridiculous that's the second time that's happened now let's bring this guy into our farm now I can't believe that all right in you go there we go and now we can finally breed these oh my gosh I never thought this day would come to be honest oh wait speaking speaking of animals hold on before we build our farm let's go check on that chicken let's see if I have access to it yet oh it's still just a little too far away since it is quite a bit closer let's see if I can use some seeds all right friend no it's still not going to work H I'm so sad I'll get to you soon don't worry just a few more days and we'll be able to get that guy but let's get back to the task at hand and that's going to be building our house I'm first going to do a bit of terraforming just to expand this area out a little bit I think this is a pretty good size to work with actually wait hold on one more thing to be distracted by there's more oak leaves to go check out let's see cuz I would like to use different wood types for my house okay we got a sapling nice let's see if I can get any more okay we got two nice any more all right that's it two saplings but that's way more than we need we only need one okay hold on I'll build my house after I get some more wood let's go back up to my wood Farm now actually I guess we could just build it right here and now I am going to need some bone meal real quick something like this and here we go our first oak tree nice can't believe it took us this long to get oak wood that is insane but we're getting even more saplings and we got an apple okay it's amazing nice nice this is going to be so good but I'm just going to stay here for a little bit and get a few more oak trees since I would like to use some oak wood for my house so I'll be back once I have enough wood okay I chopped down quite a few oak trees as well as all the cherry trees up on my tree farm and I got just over a stack of oak logs and almost four stacks of cherry logs so let's start building I'm just going to expand this out a couple more blocks since now we have more space and now let's start building this house I think I'm going to start with some pillars of Oak like this in the front then I'm going to strip all of these I'm not sure how this is going to turn out but I'm just going to roll with it then I guess on the inside we can use some cherry logs maybe some variation of cherry planks as well I'm going to strip these logs too that looks fairly decent and I'm also going to craft up some Oak stairs and I'm going to use those to add a few details here and there okay this might take me a while to get it looking good so I'm just going to do a build time lapse starting now okay after many days of work here's the house it doesn't look that amazing to be honest I didn't have access to that many blocks I only have access to two wood types so this is about the best I could do but I still think it turned out fairly decent but on the inside here I moved in all my chests and I also have an upstairs portion as well where I'm smelting things and where I also have a few more chests and you might notice that inside the house right here is much bigger than it is on the outside that's because I just dug it into the mountain to give us a little bit more space but you can't even tell from over here I just sneakily added some Stone right here so you can't see it and then some dirt on top right here nobody will ever know but that's the house all complete this is so much nicer than living underground since up here I don't really have any threats from mobs but the world has expanded quite a few times so there are a few things I want to do let's head down here to where my farm is and let's go check on that chicken okay he's still here nice we're so close I just heard a zombie though wait what wa it's coming from this way what's over here wo oh there's a cave over here oh it's part of that giant cave wow look at all the mobs oh my gosh okay I'm just going to block this off for now I can always deal with that later but wait oh look at this this water source block is right here if I grab that then it should free this chicken let's see oh he's also laying eggs let's see once the water goes away I should be able to bring him through the Border let's see come on you're so close I did it oh my gosh can I grab these eggs let's see okay we got some eggs too wow we finally rescued this chicken he stayed in that water stream for so long but let's bring him out here to where the rest of my animals are come here friend I can't believe I actually have animals in this world that is crazy okay and then I'm just going to push him in nice all right we do have one egg let's see if we can get two chickens okay no luck but just to make my friend happy I'm going to give him some seeds oh he loves me okay but now the real question is if we're going to have access to the blaze spawner yet since it's been quite a few days I think it should be exposed by now right let's just drop off my extra items and let's go check it out I really really hope we have access to it I've waited for so long wo okay so looks like some mobs are in here okay I have my gold boots on so that's good don't want to make anybody mad let's see oh the nether has gotten quite a bit bigger look at that that okay let's see here I really hope we can use that Blaze spawner let's see here wait okay it's like either right next to the Border or right inside of the Border can't tell let's gather up some blocks real quick though let's bridge over and see it's so hard to tell okay yeah it's just outside the Border oh my gosh and it's not even activating when I'm close by okay I guess we'll have to wait one more day but I guess in the meantime I can get this area ready for killing blazes since it's going to be pretty dangerous so I want to make sure I'm safe I'm going to expand this platform out a bit I'll do something like this and then I think for safety I'm going to box all of it in but I'm going to need some more blocks for that though so let's quickly head home and get my tons of extra Cobblestone here we go and then I think I'm also going to bring a door with me since that way I can fully enclose it and just turn it into a blaze killing chamber but let's go back and build this okay we have to work fast before the Border expands and look at this a chicken I would be so excited right now if I didn't already have one but yeah as I was saying we have to work really fast before the Border expands since as soon as it expands this Blaze spawner will become active and I need to be ready for that I don't want it to take me by surprise so let's just enclose all of this and I'm not sure if they're going to be a able to go outside the Border but I guess we're about to find out okay am I ready I don't know this door might burn too this seems so not safe okay well I think I'm ready to go so I'll head back to the Overworld to sleep so we can expand the Border I really hope this works all right let's sleep oh I just saw the Border expand okay here we go moment of truth I'm so scared okay let's see I can't tell if it expanded or not did it okay it did yep there's blazes spawning okay um oh they spawn so fast why um what do I do let's try to just block this in real quick like this oh I need fire resistance how am I going to do this safely this just seems so dangerous okay there's already so many oh wait for them to shoot their Fireballs okay we got one okay I only need two oh why are they outside the Border I can't hit them I need to eat real quick just to make sure I'm on full health okay my Shield's taking quite a beating too oh gosh hold on I'm on fire Retreat Retreat oh there's one outside the Border why oh my gosh maybe I can shoot it with my bow yeah there we go looks like that's working ah oh he hit me I swapped out my boots for these fire protection ones and I think it's working pretty good cuz I'm not burning for nearly as long oh there's so many in there ah please die oh gosh hold on escape this is so bad oh what do I do let's let them all shoot real quick oh gosh did he drop one nope oh he dropped one he dropped one okay we have two that's all I need let's leave oh my gosh that was so dangerous okay we're good to go I can finally cure some zombie villagers that was definitely worth the risk but my heart is pounding right now oh I left the door open on accident oops let's see who's waiting for me over on this end okay o it's a baby wait how did he get out this door was closed that doesn't make any sense but I guess I can kill him okay there we have it I can finally Cur some zombie villagers this was so many days in the making but I finally have all the necessary ingredients all right let's make a brewing stand which I think I'll place right here oh wait hold on I'm not ready cuz I need some glass bottles oh my gosh it's always something um okay well I guess we're going to have to go down into the mob farm and kill some witches cuz those can give me glass bottles hopefully it doesn't take too long but it sounds very very scary down here let's see oh this is too dark right here let's light that up o the world has grown so much since I've last been down here there's probably going to be a bunch of places where mobs can spawn okay but look we still have our two friends so that's good and I guess we just have to sit here until I get some glass bottles that's kind of the only option so I'll be back once I have some glass [Music] bottles okay this took quite a while but check this out I got four glass bottles and an extra one as a potion of healing so now I think we finally have all the ingredients secured these zombie villagers I'm going to need two golden apples and for that I'll need 16 gold which I just have enough so let's smelt this up okay perfect let's craft up two golden apples very nice all right and now we have to grab two sugar two spider eyes two gunpowder and two brown mushrooms oh wait I'm actually not going to need two I'm just going to need one let's just make one fermented spider eye now we can pop these bottles into here actually hold on they have to be water bottles first let's fill them up right here and then I'll put these into my brewing stand alongside my fermented spider eye that should be everything we need to craft a potion of weakness let's see I really hope I was correct I'm pretty sure you don't need Nether wart though right let's see okay potion of weakness and now some Gunpowder to turn these into splash potions there we go okay I have my potions of weakness and my golden apples that's everything I'm going to need so let's do this I'm so scared this is like a super important step so I really hope I don't mess it up all right let's head down to my zombie villagers let's close this to be extra safe okay and here goes nothing let's Splash both of these guys with a potion of weakness and then give them both golden apples wait let's make sure I'm doing this right one one and two there we go okay they're both curing I can't believe this we're finally going to have villagers oh wait how am I going to get them up to the surface um I guess I'll deal with that later but I'm going to have to stay here the entire time they cure since one could cure before the other and then the other one will just convert the other one right back to a zombie villager and I don't want that to happen at all cuz I just used all of my gold so I'm just going to sit and wait here until they both cure oh there we go one just cured that was actually super fast now as long as I'm standing here this guy's going to be targeted on me and not this villager so this villager should be safe as long as I'm standing here I can't believe we have villagers in this world that is insane and also as I've been afking at this Farm I've gotten some pretty decent bows power three punch one oh wait they both just cured that was extremely fast but there we have it we have two cured villagers I can't believe this um now what am I going to do with these guys it might be kind of hard to bring them up to the surface so maybe for the time being I just build them a space down here I don't know but before I let them out of that Bose I want to get two workstations I'm probably going to turn the two of them into Farmers those workstations are extremely easy to craft up it's just composters there we go all right let's go get these guys some jobs okay they're still safe nice um actually I think I have a better idea quick change of plans I think it would be best if I actually did bring them to the surface and I have an idea on how I'm going to do that first we have to head to the nether whoa what why is he breaking down this door what why these guys can break down doors okay that is something I did not know but as I was saying first we have to head to the nether since I need to get some Soul Sand to make a bubble elevator let's see am I wearing my gold boots okay I am okay there's some Soul Sand all the way down here nice let's gather up some blocks let's work my way down here now oh wait I think there's blazes spawning ah please don't attack me okay where's the Soul Sand it's all the way down here okay I think I might just drop down okay that was quite a bit of damage but we now have some Soul Sand let's gather up a few blocks of this I think eight blocks is more than enough for right now all right so let's head back home let's head down here now right over here I'll place down a block of Soul Sand oh but now we have to turn all this into Source blocks how am I going to do that cuz I don't have any kelp okay I think I have an idea it might take a while though let's come down here and then right down here I'll make an infinite water source then I guess we'll just place down sources of water going all the way up oh wait hold on I need some signs I think just three should be enough taking a quick nap okay and now I can head down here and then place down some signs like this there we go okay now we can start placing down all the water sources this might take quite a while though okay here we go that's the last one all right let's see if this works now oh wait hold on oh drowning let's place down some Soul Sand and it looks like it's working yeah nice okay that's what I'm going to use to transport my villagers all the way up here all right now I have my two job site blocks and I should be able to let these villagers out of their boat now here we go let's see if I can lure them does anyone want a job okay this guy wants a job nice I'm just going to lure them up these stairs like this okay they're both coming nice look at that this is working actually really good okay both of them are coming over here now okay that one has a job now I should be able just to push him up here okay is it going to work oh one of them is almost in okay and I sent them both up okay perfect let's see okay they're both up here nice let's place down both of their job sites okay it's working nice oh this guy's going all the way up where are you going to interesting wow they're both just climbing the stairs on their own I don't even have to do anything look at this oh he was looking at The Cauldron interesting okay um well I guess I'll have to get rid of this stuff wait if I break this will the lava Escape ooh I don't know I'm kind of scared I don't want to kill those villagers on accidents let's just take all the lava out of it just to be extra safe wait now they're going all the way up here why are they so Cooperative these are like amazing villagers wait they're going into the house now wait these are the best villagers ever they're just going everywhere where I want them to go without me even saying anything that is so good okay let's bring both of them back over here now oh this guy was attracted to the barrels in here okay I guess I'll have to get rid of that real quick now they both want to be Farmers okay cool um let's just make a little temporary trading area real quick I'm going to grab some cherry logs and some fences oh he's claimed this bed how cute all right so I guess I'll just do my villager area somewhere down here maybe next to my animals would be a good spot this is just going to be super temporary though all right I guess I'll just do something like this I'm treating these villagers like animals all right friends I have some jobs for you okay it is becoming night time so they might not want to take these jobs let's see maybe if I place a bed too that might work okay this one seem to track it to this bed that's good I guess I got to go over here and steal this bed from this one sorry friend then I'll place this bed down here okay is it going to work okay here he comes nice I can't believe this is working this is literally a dream come true all right friends in you go okay nice I'm also going to sleep myself okay somehow these guys are able to escape that's not very good so I'm going to have to change the shape of this real quick I think let's go something like this there we go all right now you should go in there okay perfect we finally have two villagers let's see what their trades are okay both of them want to trade wheat but I probably want something better than that ideally some carrot or potato trades oh and I forgot to tell you guys a second chicken wandered into the border so I was able to breed these chickens and now I have three of them and I've also been breeding my sheep as well and I have tons of them now we finally had the things I thought were almost impossible to get animals and villagers okay but first I'm going to need to empty out my inventory since this just completely overflowing all right now that I have some inventory space let's grab some wheat some carrots and some potatoes oh you know what I'm also going to need some beds cuz I want to breed these villagers as well and I definitely have enough wool for that nice okay let's just go lock in these guys trades though this guy's just standing in the composter okay let's see nothing very good let's just quickly reset these guys trades carrots and beetroots I don't have any beetroots so ideally I want carrots and potatoes or maybe carrots and wheat okay carrots and potatoes nice let's lock this guy in look at that what a deal all right let's try to get the other guy to trade us some good stuff I think I want this one to trade me potatoes and wheat that would be the best trade I think okay he does carrots and wheat um I'm going to reroll I really want potatoes and wheat this guy's also carrots and potatoes H that might be a good trade I don't know no I'm going to stick to potatoes and wheat I feel like that's the most ideal second trade okay and here it is nice let's lock this guy in there we go we now have two farmers with locked in trades and also since I cured them from zombie villagers their trades are quite discounted as well all right but now I want to craft some beds for these guys then I also need to expand their area as well since we're about to have a whole whole lot more villagers all right let's grab my wool and some wood crafting up some beds I think four is a good start all right let's go expand this villager area okay nice we have a bigger area now and now I'm going to place down some beds something like this and now I just have to throw them some food so they can breed let's grab some potatoes and carrots let's see if this works all right here you guys go that's six stacks of food that should be enough right okay they're sharing food that's very good and look at that it's working oh my gosh this is amazing they just keep throwing the food back and forth that's so funny I probably gave them too much wait can I have some food back oh wait look at that there we go we now have a baby villager that is amazing all right now I should probably go wao what is going on I hear a door trying to be broken down is it over here yeah they just broke the door oh my gosh I can't believe they can do that that is so annoying I might have to replace this with an iron door but let's heal up real quick and then exterminate this guy nice all right but as I was saying I'm going to need to harvest up all my food since I'm going to need to sell this to get some emeralds and then with all those emeralds I'll be able to buy some super good stuff stuff that would be basically impossible to get in this world without villagers wait they're already sleeping why I still have trades to do with you all right but I guess since they're sleeping I'll also sleep myself and there we have it we're halfway through the challenge we're on day 50 I didn't think I would ever make it this far to be honest I'm going to tell you a secret though this is actually my third attempt this is such a hard challenge but this is the farthest that I've made it so far so I really hope the good luck continues but let's get back to the task at hand and that's trading with my villagers to do that I'm going to need lots and lots of crops that I can sell for lots and lots of emeralds all right I'm going to spend a few days doing this now and I'll be back once I have these guys leveled up and also once this guy has grown up guys oh my gosh I just saw something insane there's a pig right next to the Border come on please I did it oh my gosh I can't believe this I'm bringing so many animals through the Border it's amazing I guess as the world expands then more and more animals get close to the border and then they'll eventually wander towards it but I've made some pretty good progress with my villagers I have both of these almost leveled up to their second level and we have three new babies now but we still have quite a bit of work to do so I'll be back once that's all done wao okay well looks like we have our first Iron Golem and that first baby is finally an adult now let's see are they going to make another villager wow this is going so fast I gave them way too much food at the start I think yeah look another baby I do not want to have an iron golem close to me like this this is terrifying but now that we have one more adult villager it's time to give him a super useful job but first I'm going to have to smelt up some Cobblestone into stone and then that stone into smooth Stone there we go and then we'll use that to craft a blast furnace since with a blast furnace I can get an armorer let's see all right who's going to become the armorer this guy is okay nice o I can buy iron boots for one Emerald I guess I'll have to do that to level him up let's just buy a ton of iron boots oh my gosh wait my inventory is overflowing now let's go stash these away with my extra armor now let's see what he's trading with his upgrade okay chain mail leggings guess I'll just do that to upgrade him there we go Okay now what's next please be some diamond stuff okay just a chain mail chest plate okay guess I'll have to do this as well to level him up all right now what please Diamond there we go we got diamond leggings and diamond boots let's buy one of each oh and I'm already all out of emeralds okay well looks like we're going to have to do some more trading let's swap these out for my gold boots look at that our first piece of diamond armor I only found four diamonds down in the mine so it's great that we have villagers to get some diamond armor cuz I don't think I would ever find enough diamonds for a full set of diamond armor so it's really nice that we have villagers now but I'm going to need to harvest up some more crops to get some more emeralds and then we'll use that to buy some more armor let's see let's grab some bones for bone meal and then I'll get back to harvesting all this up actually you know what this is kind of an extremely slow way that I'm doing this so I think I should build a micro crop Farm those are usually pretty pretty easy to build and it should give me a ton of items super fast oh yeah look at that I have over a stack of redstone that's amazing and then I'm also going to need some cobblestone as well as an extra bow and then I'll use this to craft a dispenser there we go all right and now I just need to smelt up some more Cobblestone into stone I'll also need to craft up some Redstone torches and then we can use that stone and those torches to craft some repeaters I think I'm just going to need two of them all right here we go okay let's build this thing it should be super easy to build and I'm just going to build it next to my villagers and it's going to go something like this we're going to have a dispenser right here and ins side of it will be some bone meal and then right below the dispenser will be some water and we can turn this into some farmland and then behind it we have to do a little bit of redstone circuitry we're going to do two repeaters like this connect it up with some Redstone and I should be able to go like this okay hold on we have to build this one block higher we'll do something like this okay is it working yeah it's working nice now if I place some potatoes right here then it grows them then I can just sit here and do this all day this is way faster than doing it all by hand then as soon as I have enough potatoes I can just go straight to my villagers and then trade them for some emeralds all right let's get some more more emeralds actually hold on I have one idea to make this go faster let's head in here and grab a bucket of lava and then right next to here I'm going to place it down quickly turn it into obsidian now I should be able just to look right here and then plant and harvest these crops way faster if this guy wouldn't get in my way all right I'm going to stay here for just a little bit and get some more emeralds okay I used up all my bones for bone meal so I think the next two villagers I'm going to get are going to be Fletchers and then I'm going to reset them until they give me a stick trade okay this one has a stick trade nice so now I'm just going to have to head up to my tree farm and get a ton of wood oh and also look at this I have all diamond armor except for a chest plate now and the chest plate is super expensive so it might take me quite a while to get it but let's gather up a ton of wood that I can turn into sticks so that way we can get even more emeralds all right I have tons of logs let's turn these all into sticks and then trade them for some emeralds okay let's see here he's upgraded and how expensive is this chest plate oh it's 22 I can afford it and it has protection too nice okay check this out we finally have full diamond armor but I don't want to stop here cuz I also want to get full diamond tools and for that I'm going to have to craft up a smithing table so we can get ourselves a toolsmith let's see who's going to become the toolsmith is it you oh it's this guy okay let's start leveling him up oh and I'm already out of emeralds oh gosh this might take quite a while but I'll be back once I have this guy all leveled up okay I've made some pretty good progress over here at my toolsmith I have him almost leveled up to master and he's unlocked an enchanted iron pickaxe silk touch diamond shovel and a diamond hoe oh wait I can level him up nice okay let's see what he's trading now okay a diamond pickaxe nice okay so we have all the diamond tools but we still have to get a diamond sword and a diamond a ax and for that I'm going to need a weapon Smith that's what this grindstone is for okay hello friend let's buy all these iron axes from him okay and once again I'm all out of emeralds so I'll be back once I have the weapon Smith all leveled up okay yet again it's been quite a while but I've also made quite a bit of progress if I can find my weapon Smith where is he here we go I have him almost fully leveled up and I've been killing a ton of iron golems and I also went for a little mining trip and I finally have enough iron to level him up there we go okay let's see what he offers please some diamond stuff okay um guess I'll have to use more more iron to level him up it's a good thing I have extra okay let's see now diamond axe okay nice I'm pretty sure his next trade is going to be a diamond sword but all the trades to level him up to master are all super expensive I'm not about to trade him diamonds and I don't have that much Flint with me so I'm probably just going to have to buy tons of diamond axes that might take an extremely long time but at least I can Farm these guys and it's actually great cuz they usually spawn right there and for some reason they can't move so I've just been able to snipe them with my bow and then collect some easy Iron after but I'm going to need a ton of emeralds for this so I'll be back once I have all of that oh these diamond tools are so nice oh and I can also instamine leaves with my diamond hoe too that is going to make this go so much faster but it's time to get some more wood and I'll be back once I have enough emeralds okay once again I've done a ton of work and we're finally ready to level up this weapon Smith let's see here he is I've gotten so much iron from just killing these guys here we go all right please give me a diamond sword and there we go sharpness too not bad and only for 10 emeralds too but look at that full diamond armor and full diamond tools that is aming amazing but now that I have full diamond armor and full diamond tools I think it's time we get some good enchantments on these oh wait a cat wait I just saw it oh yeah here it is I don't have any fish to tame it though so we'll just have to let him be but let's go down into the stronghold and see if we have access to that Library yet since in the library there's tons and tons of books also it's been a really long time since I've been down here so I need to be extremely careful there's probably so many new areas for mobs to spawn okay yeah wow look at how big it is down here wow we have access to so much look at all these rooms oh my wow okay I don't even know where to begin let's try over here oh yeah look it's all dark in here I guess I'll just light these areas up as I go but wow we actually have access to so much of the stronghold now ooh look at that oh wait silverfish hold on let's see here though ooh diamonds that's actually amazing okay hold on we need to go break that silverfish spawner let's see do I even have access to the full portal oh wow I do okay well once we're ready we can go to the end but I still need to get some good enchantments first let's see I know there's a library around here somewhere I saw it maybe it's down here oh there's a skeleton in there let's try out my new new armor okay it's fairly decent let's light all this up though yeah wow we have access to so much this is crazy I hear so many mobs down here too wa go away I don't like this oh wa oh my gosh okay then I guess that creeper just took care of all those mobs for me okay although we do have full diamond armor and tools since we don't have many protection enchantments this stuff is actually not that amazing I'm still taking tons of damage okay yes fight each other oh look at that he's like strafing on the side of the wall oh there's the library okay I finally found it let's just grab this extra iron real quick though I can't believe how big the world is now this is insane okay here we go look at all these books that we have access to um you know what maybe I should be mining these with silk touch there we go I only need 15 bookshelves but let's get around 25 just to be safe cuz I kind of have no idea where I am right now and I don't want to have to come back let's see here oh more eye armor trims nice okay a fairly decent book might as well just take it who knows maybe it'll come in handy wao a chicken that's kind of funny let's go light this up real quick and get rid of this guy okay a few more bookshelves left to go yeah I have 27 now I think that's fine let's just quickly check this chest down here okay another eye armor shrim but that's about it okay let's head home and this world is so big now that I don't even know where to go I'm completely lost oh wait but we do have some lapis though let's grab that that's going to be super useful for enchanting and we also have some more iron over here oh and some more mobs Quick Escape I think I came down over here right yeah okay I can see all my torches okay I know where I am now nice okay we're back at the surface woah and there's a lot more iron for me waiting but it looks like it's just about to become night time so let's sleep real quick and now it's time to build an enchanting setup I have two diamonds right here then a bunch of lava right here which I'll turn into obsidian I only need three pieces though oh wait no I need four pieces actually there we go and now that I have a diamond pickaxe I can actually mine this stuff it's amazing okay four pieces now it's time to craft an enchanting table all right here we go now I'm not sure where I'm going to put it just yet um I'll probably build a better area for it later but maybe I can just put it right here I think right next to my house should be fine okay let's place down my bookshelf and let's test it out it should be level 30 right okay there we go all right now I'm going to need a grind Stone to disenchant my current stuff which I'll craft up like this okay let's start with my pickaxe it only has efficiency three so I think it's safe to disenchant it let's see Fortune three oh wow and Unbreaking three and efficiency 4 oh my gosh I don't think it gets any better than that okay nice that was a great first enchantment and we also have tons of levels so this should go pretty smooth let's try my sword next it only has sharpness two let's see knock back two okay definitely not let's try my chest plate maybe hey Unbreaking 3 should I risk it let's see okay protection 3 Unbreaking 3 and Thorns 2 that's not terrible I'll definitely keep it I guess let's try my boots next protection three okay it's not bad I'll keep that let's try my leggings next Unbreaking three fire protection 4 not amazing but I guess I'll just keep it for now then I'll try my helmet next respiration three and protection three honestly not bad let's see let's try my sword one more time it's still saying knock back two why let's try a book enchantments ooh sharpness three that's pretty good let's see it's still saying knock back two on my sword oh my gosh um maybe I'll let's do a little level one and then so I can roll it let's try again sharpness three okay let's see if I combine it with this then I'll have sharpness four um okay that's a pretty good start but I think the next step is to get an anvil we do have some iron over here let's see if I can get these guys to aggro on me come here friends okay he's coming he seem are so scary wait why is he not Angry Anymore get mad there we go okay let's Farm up some iron okay I got eight iron from that let's see what else I have in my house okay 15 and then 12 that needs to be smelted that's probably not going to be enough for an anvil though but I guess we can just see okay 35 iron you know what I think that might actually be enough yeah it is okay there we go we have an anvil now let's place that right here let's see I think I want to try for some better enchantments on a different sword real quick ideally I want looting three since we're going to need ender pearls to go to the end so let's see if I can buy up another sword real quick yeah they're super cheap just 10 emeralds okay perfect then I'll disenchant it let's see fire aspect no thank you what else and knock back two on my book oh it's like taunting me um okay this might take a while so I'll just be back once I have a good sword I'm going to need to do lots and lots of rrolling and I'll probably also have to buy a few more swords as well all right I burned through all of my levels but I finally have some decent tools I have a looting two sharpness for Diamond Sword an Unbreaking three silk touch efficiency 4 diamond axe a fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 efficiency 4 diamond pickaxe a silk touch diamond shovel protection three on my boots and helmets protection four on my chest plate and fire protection on my leggings not the best enchantments but I think it's a pretty good start but we can definitely do a lot more to get some better enchantments and I have just the idea if I grab some slabs I can craft a lecturn maybe I'll do two of these and then with that I can make a librarian villager oh wait it's night time let's sleep oh I missed 64 days we were on a stack of days but now we're on 65 all right it's a brand new day and the villagers are all awake let's see if I can get some Librarians all right he's a librarian let's see he's not offering anything good wao look at that protection 4 on the first try wait that's kind of insane oh and I have exactly what I need to buy it let's lock this guy in oh my gosh wow that is so lucky that like never happens to me it always takes me so long to roll these guys to get some good trades and wo silk touch like first try on this guy too that is insane but I think I want to get looting three from him or maybe sharpness five not really sure but I'm just going to keep rrolling him until I get a good trade you know what this is kind of annoying there's so many villagers over here that'll make things a little bit less annoying okay let's roll until we get a good sharpness enchantment or looting three okay hold on this is actually really annoying I have a better idea on how to do this there's just way too many villagers in there so it's not going very fast but let's see if I can maybe abduct one of these guys here we go then I'm going to bring him out side making sure none of his friends Escape then I'm also going to grab some more fences and then I'll make this villager his own little area and then he'll be the only one that's going to have access to this workstation and it should be a lot easier this way all right let's let him out let's see if he wants to become a librarian there we go okay now I can roll this guy in peace I'll be back once he's offering a good enchantment oh my gosh that was way faster than I was expecting look at that we got looting three okay I do need to get some more emeralds though cuz right now I have zero let's chop down some more trees turn them into sticks and trade them for some emeralds let's see how how expensive is it it's 15 emeralds okay I'll be back once I have 15 emeralds okay I think I should finally have enough emeralds let's see here 20 emeralds okay oh wait he changed his trade oh my gosh wao he just reset again I just what that is so weird okay well I guess we'll have to roll this guy some more o Infinity H that's fine I need fortune 3 or sharpness oh Fortune 2 again I'm going to keep rerolling oh wait it's thundering oh my gosh oh let's sleep okay back to rrolling let's see multi- shots no thank you wo power five for night ooh that is very tempting I think I should do it yeah let's just lock him in okay now I guess I'm going to have to get another librarian so I can get either looting or sharpness but right now my method of getting emeralds is terrible it's taking so long to get just a few emeralds so I think I have an idea on how we can fix that and that's going to be with an iron farm since if you see here my villagers buy iron for emeralds so I think that should be a pretty good way to make tons and tons of emeralds and we also have quite a few extra villagers so this should be pretty easy let's just gather up all the materials that I'll need to build this as well as some work stations to lure them and here we go we have to build this up in the sky so I guess I'll just build it in this corner of the world right here being extremely careful not to fall off okay I fell right as I was saying that but let's continue this staircase over in this direction and I think right here should be high enough so let's build ourselves a little platform now let's see if I can lure some villagers up here let's see how am I going to do this without letting all of them out I might have to wait until night time for them to all be sleeping and then I'll be able to break the beds of the ones that I want to bring up there okay it is right about to be night time so this is perfect timing okay they're all going to sleep perfect let's wait for them to all I'll be in bed then I can start abducting these guys all right let's place a bed right here wait he went back to sleep why here we go please pathy to that bed thank you very much okay I guess not why is this not working this is weird okay here we go wait oh he's going to the bed in my house oh don't do that that is so annoying hold on let's go break that real quick okay he's sleeping in that bed nice now I just have to get two more let's do one right here I'll place this bed over here these guys are trying to get these beds down here I don't know why why are you like this let's just break and replace a few of these beds okay he's going there now that's good okay we just need one more villager let's see this one right here let's place this bed over here okay and there we go we have our three villagers now I can isolate the rest of them and then I can start bringing them up one by one I'm going to break this guy's bed and then we'll go up these stairs and I'll place his bed right here let's see is this going to work okay maybe not I might be tooo far away let's see what about here there we go that's working I'll place it up here now okay it's working nice also look at the world from up here it's gotten so much bigger it's almost unrecognizable to what it was in the first few days but it looks like this is working pretty good I think this should be the last bed to get him all the way up here let's see if I break this and there he goes okay perfect and now I'm just going to have to do the same thing with the other two villagers okay success we have three villagers up here now now I'm going to sleep as well okay and now it's a very nice day number this guy down here is being kind of weird though don't know what he wants he's probably trying to pathline to that Barrel in my house let's just go down there and break it real quick or maybe if I place some blocks in front of it he'll forget about it let's see what is he looking at oh he's looking at this grindstone is he done why are you like this I hate villagers he's still just looking at something what are you looking at I'm pretty sure it was the GR rhinestone but I just broke it so I don't know okay he forgot about it nice all right finally okay can you go up please oh I'm going to like accidentally push him off or something okay there we go all right now that I have all three villagers up here it's time to start building the base of this iron farm I guess I'll just do it right over here I've built this iron farm so many times before that I have it basically memorized so let's just build it up real quick there's going to be one villager in each pod each with their own bed like this and now we just have to build up the walls please move thank you no oh my gosh he just fell why this guy pushed him off I hate villagers let's just push this guy in here for now now he can't escape that is so frustrating let's see if I can lure this guy here we go all right he wants to take this job that's good maybe I can get him to go in with his friend okay come get your job nice he's up here now I can just push him in please okay we have two I'm going to have to get one more though so let's do that real quick I can't believe that villager just pushed his friend off that's not a very good friend okay this might be kind of tricky how can I get one of these guys to escape I don't like this let's see let's try to get a guy with the grindstone all the way over here okay here he comes okay let's see see if I can get him to escape oh no I fell okay I'm going to try to push him out real quick there we go he's out okay now I should be able to use this grindstone to lure him let's see is it working nice okay I'm just going to have to do this until I get him all the way up to the top I guess that wasn't a huge setback just mildly tragic we saw a villager betray his friend okay come good job nice this is working pretty good actually okay I spoke too soon I'll just be back once he's moved in up there oh he just went back in oh my okay it's official I hate villagers okay it's working nice let's push him in there we go okay we now have three villagers so let's keep building this Farm okay looks like they're all going to sleep except for this guy H what's going on with that maybe I can break and replace his bed hello I think he wants this bed um I'm so confused he's sleeping now and okay I have to make sure they can all sleep cuz that's a pretty important part of this Farm okay there we go he's sleeping now let's place his bed right here let's see is he going to sleep there we go okay nice let's continue building let's try to get each individual villager into their villager pods I probably should have done this when they were sleeping but let's put one right there come on friend one right here and then one right there okay perfect so we have them all isolated now and now we can keep building up here is going to be the spawning platform for the iron golems and now we just have to surround the entire thing with fences something like this and then right in front of here I'll have to place three fence gates and then open them okay and now we should be able to place down some water this is what's going to push off all the Iron Golems okay nice I can't believe how fast I built this I have it like completely memorized by now but that's the top portion of the farm all done actually wait I need to craft up some stairs and then right here in place of these blocks I have to to put some stairs that's just going to make it work a little bit better okay nice all right that's the top portion of the farm all done so now the only thing left to do is to get a zombie up here and he's going to go right here in the center of the farm just need to excavate this little area real quick let's see here okay yeah that's going to be the Zombie area I'll block it off from the villagers for the time being okay um now we just have to figure out how to get a zombie up here since there's so many unlit caves below the world now it probably won't work if I just build a dark box up here so I'm probably going to have to find one down in the caves and then bring it all the way up here but it is just about to be night time so this is perfect timing since I wouldn't want my zombie to burn in the sunlight let's see here I thought I heard some zombies down here oh I hear skeletons wait oh and I hear zombies too I might be in the right spot I might just have to do some digging to find these guys let's see yeah I hear zombies down here oh okay I think I found a cave oh yeah there's tons of mobs down here okay this might be the perfect spot let's see here where are the zombies oh the skeleton sees me let's get rid of him real quick I think I should also get rid of this creeper oh wait I think this is right next to my mob farm this is probably that big cave but it just got expanded but I don't see any zombies I'm hearing some over here though so let's go see yeah it's like right over here okay it's getting louder where are you I can't tell if it's above or below me let's see I think it might be above me actually let's see here oh I think I found the cave yeah it's right above me I see some mobs just found a creeper many of them actually all right zombie oh I hate this this is so scary come on zombie where are you oh here he is here he is and he's already holding an item look at that that is perfect okay let's see here I need to make sure I can make a quick Escape out of here okay I think we're good oh hold on let's get rid of this creeper first there we go okay zombie where are you here he is come come friend okay let's let him come in here he comes okay chase me very nice okay looks like it's working all right friend this is perfect let's see where's the iron golem I need to make sure I don't bring him anywhere near the Iron Golem cuz the Iron Golem will just completely obliterate him let's steer him nice and far away from the Iron Golem very nice oh wait I have thorns on my armor H this might be kind of risky all right follow me up these stairs friend how is he holding a poppy that is really weird that means there must have been an iron golem that died down there very very strange ah okay let's go like this now I'm going to build a little box wait no come back don't leave okay he's trapped inside of here now and I should be able just to place some water down like this okay oh my gosh it is literally amazing and then we go like that I can't believe that went so easily oh my gosh I think I've done this so many times that I've just gotten the hang of it but there we go we have our zombie in here now I could not have gone more smoothly let's get rid of all the extra blocks around here now since I don't want any iron golems spawning on here and I'm also going to take a quick nap wait there's monsters nearby I'll sleep down here instead and now we just have to do one more thing before we can turn this Farm on wao what the heck heck there's a zombie in here interesting looks like all my villagers are safe though that's good but as I was saying there's one more thing that we have to do before we can turn this Farm on and that's to build the collection area it's going to go right below these blocks right here so it's going to be centered on this block like this okay and now we just have to build an iron golem killing chamber okay it's going to be in a shape like this and now we just have to clear out all of this down here okay there we go now there's just one last thing that we have to do that's going to be to come in here craft up some signs and then place them all down right here I think I might have made this thing a little too big but that's fine I don't want any iron golems to be bble to escape after all oh and I'm just one sign short oh my gosh why does it always have to be like this okay here we go placing down the last sign and now the last step is to add some lava on top of all of that I guess I'll do one in each corner and I'm also right about to run out of lava so I should probably restart my lava Farm there we go oh wait no it's catching things on fire hold on um H what can I do about this maybe I'll just have to clear out a little area around it I think that should be good now but let's keep placing down all the lava and wait I don't think I actually need that lava Farm cuz I have the nether so let's go get two more bits of lava from that oh wait hold on I had one extra let's go like this okay and I just need one more piece of lava okay here we go oh wait hold on earlier I was fighting a zombified piglin and I sent it through the portal so it might still be angry on this side let's see yep he's still angry okay wait they're all mad at me now hold on wait oh no this is really bad wait they're all Angry okay I did not expect that to happen um okay why does it have to be this way let's try to kill these guys real quick I totally forgot that if there's one angry Pigman then he's going to alarm all the other ones this is terrible they just keep coming oh my gosh okay well I guess I'll just have to sit here and fight all these guys off I just came for some lava please leave me alone okay is that all of them I really hope so but hey we did get a decent amount of gold from that so I guess it's not all terrible let's see oh there's still some angry guys down there oh they're still angry oh my gosh please leave me alone how can I get them to forget about me I don't want to be dealing with this right now all right guys bring it on I guess there are so many of them oh I hate this look at this it's like a conveyor belt go away I think I might have accidentally just made myself a gold Farm okay is is that it there's a few down there but they don't look angry I think this might be the last angry one I really really hope okay I think we might be in the clear guys oh wait no I still hear some angry ones oh yeah it's all of them down here okay we got to take care of those guys I think oh and now they're making other ones angry oh my gosh this is a disaster actually let's just snipe them all from up here I guess I hope I have enough arrows for this okay I really hope that's it oh just kidding here comes some more okay let's go investigate I hope that's all of them let's see are you guys angry okay oh my gosh okay they are all Angry that's great am I ever going to be able to get this to stop I don't know look there's like a whole horde of them coming now oh my gosh maybe I should just leave the Nether and not come back it might not be worth it let's just get rid of the rest of these guys and then I think I'm just going to leave okay well look at all of them this is terrible oh my gosh maybe if I just let all them pile up down there then that might solve my problem I can just let all the angry guys hang out down there okay I think that might be all of them there's one little guy right there there we go he just fell down and we have our angry horde down there okay I'm going to try to escape it's not worth it to be in the nether I don't think I'm ever going to be able to get rid of these guys to be honest let's just get out of here okay there's a few more this guy's also angry so is this guy everyone hates me in the nether okay Let's Escape oh no I left my door open oh my gosh wait how am I going to do this I bet you there's going to be so many of them that are angry when I go through ah okay I guess we'll just see what happens please please please oh wait there's tons of them but they're not angry okay wow this is very scary um let's just try to escape oh I really don't want to accidentally punch one of them okay oh my gosh this is genuinely Terri terrifying let's get them all to escape all right guys please leave thank you okay let's just take care of these guys now I think let's go like this and let's kill all of them wait can these guys use their crossbows okay I don't think they can that's good let's get rid of all these guys oh that was very scary but we got over a stack of gold nuggets from that okay and there we go I have the lava I need it should not have been that complicated oh my gosh wao what is going on over here oh there's a zombie and he converted one of my guys oh he converted my armor oh my gosh let's get rid of you real quick oh there's two of them that are converted okay that's great okay the zombes dead what am I going to do about these guys um yeah it's my Farmer and my armorer these guys are like really important let's see I might have enough gold to cure them let's go quickly investigate let's turn all these nuggets into ingots okay and I have 10 gold yeah I only have enough gold to cure one of them H let's see here I have two extra splash potions and I also have tons of apples so what should I do I need to find a way to quarantine these guys cuz otherwise they're going to convert all the rest of my villagers oh um okay this is kind of a problem why do things keep going wrong in this world oh no they're burning oh no oh no hold on I need water wait oh this is so bad they're going to die no no no no no no no no no one of them died oh they both died oh my gosh okay well I guess I won't have to deal with converting them now but I lost my maxed out armor and my maxed out farmor okay well I guess we'll just place down the lava on this iron farm right here and then once I have tons of extra iron I guess I'll just be able to get some new villagers okay tons of setbacks these last few days but let's just go turn the farm on and see if it works please I just need one good good thing to happen to me okay the zombies still there so that's a good sign let's break these three blocks right here and now the farm should turn on Okay wow that was instant okay perfect let's see if he lands in there nice okay it's working now all we have to do is just tear down this staircase and then we should have a fully functioning iron farm finally one good thing that happened today okay there we have it our fully functioning iron farm let's go see here oh yeah here's some iron nice and it's working okay amazing this is so nice let's just empty out my inventory real quick though cuz once again it's completely overflowing okay now I guess since my armor died I'm going to have to get another one so let's start smelting up some smooth Stone then we can craft up another blast furnace there we go okay and now I'm just going to have to work to upgrade this guy to master again oh wait actually hold on the blast furnace is still here so let's see yeah we just need to make a few more villagers I'm going to have to place down some more beds and then give them some food to breed but I'm all out of woods so let's go get some and I'll be back once I have some more adult villagers okay we finally just had an adult grow up but he became a farmer and I think I want him to become an armor instead let's see oh they're breeding again okay I think I gave them way too much food let's see armorer yes no there we go oh we have two adults now okay ooh that is so expensive let's see if I can reroll him a little bit they're breeding again okay okay another armorer with more expensive trades oh my gosh I guess I'll just have to do it and also as I've been waiting for these guys to grow up wow there is so much breeding happening right now okay but as I was saying as I was waiting for these guys to grow up I was getting all the iron that I was getting from this iron farm and using it to place hoppers down here I just have six Hoppers left to go and this Farm is working really good actually there's tons and tons of iron golems falling from it but let's craft up some more Hoppers I only have three more to go the three right here okay the iron farm is all done and I used all the extra iron that I got from it to upgrade my armor and finally he's trading full diamond armor and then I also got another armor that also buys iron and I've been making a decent amount of emeralds from this I'm at 37 right now that's not too bad but now I'm going to take my books and then head over to My Librarian to buy some more protection 4 I want to have full protection 4 on all all of my armor I don't really care about all the other enchantments maybe feather falling four on my boots but that's kind of all that matters so I'm just going to spend a bit of time getting some more emeralds and buy two more protection four books this should go very fast though cuz we're getting tons of iron from here yeah look at that it's only been like 2 minutes and we already got 27 that is really really good oh but they're all sleeping let's see here hello buy my iron thank you oh wait look at this a cow has made it into the world let's see if I can bring them over oh woah this is all powdered snow I need to be careful oh wait there's tons of it interesting all right hello cow is it just you do you have any friends okay here he comes let's push him in with all the rest of my animals there we go we finally have some cows I basically have one of every animal now that is amazing let's see are there any other cows yeah there's one right here but he's pretty far away I think that might be our only cow for quite a while but once I get two of them then I can breed them and get a pretty good source of food but let's keep working on making some emeralds and then using that to buy some more protection 4 okay here we go three more protection 4 books and I think I should have one over in my chest over here let's see okay nice now we have four and that's enough for every single piece of armor now I really want to get feather falling four on my boots so I'm going to disenchant these let's see what I can get o dep Strider three wait do I not have any more lapis wait oh I only have seven oh I have an idea I think you might be able to buy lapis from a cleric villager so let's grab my brewing stand let's see if we can get a cleric let's see who wants to become a cleric is it you it's you okay o I have plenty of rotten flesh to trade I knew it was a good thing holding on to all that okay yeah look at all this rotten flesh that's amazing it's going to make me so many emeralds I should have been doing this earlier oh wait no they're escaping okay hold on hold on hold on I should not have put this right here there we go um okay where can I put this should I do it like right here is that still going to work okay it still works all right let's get some emeralds nice he's leveled up and there we go okay we can buy lapis nice amazing okay we got 23 extra from that that's super good definitely enough for a bit of enchanting okay death strier 3 let's see here and protection 4 okay that's pretty good I mean I already have protection four books so maybe I should just try to get another set of diamond boots let's see who's selling it for cheaper let's see how much is it from this guy 19 okay let's get some more emeralds from our cleric collect up some iron and sell it for even more emeralds let's see here okay 19 nice all right let's go try my luck on this one let's disenchant it let's see here blast protection no thank you what about a book enchantment ooh flame that's really good I now have flame and power five for my bow let's see what else I can get okay I didn't get anything good and I'm already below 30 levels wait what's he doing here let's see if I can get some more XP real quick I think breeding my animals should be a decent source of XP I'll also breed up my sheep okay we got about one level from that that's not too bad let's see how else can I get levels though this might be kind of hard maybe I should just try for feather falling 4 from a cleric villager I think that might be a better option so let's see if I can get another librarian okay he wants to become one let's see here I'm going to try to push him over to where his friend is come on there we go okay and now I can roll his trades in peace I'm just going to oh wait we got mending H it's fine we only have 17 days left so we're not really going to need mending I really need feather falling four let's just try until I get that mending again oh my gosh okay I got feather falling two that's going to cost cost so much to get feather falling four though look it's 29 emeralds okay I think I'm going to keep re-rolling that's just not worth it to me I'd have to spend way too long getting emeralds so let's keep rerolling okay it's been a super long time and I swear I got mending like 15 times but the best that I could get was feather falling too and considering how long this took I think I'm just going to take it it's going to take way too long to get feather falling 4 and we don't have that much more time to waste so let's get a bunch of emeralds from these guys thank you very much let's see here feather falling too that's fine I'll just have to buy four books but it's better than rrolling like 100 more times and I think I've spent long enough with these villagers already so I just want to get this done oh wait an Enderman hold on side quest let's grab a boats oh he just teleported so far away let's see if I can look at him let's go like this oh where is he oh here he is oh he's too far away to make him angry please come closer oh there we go he's angry now okay let's see please go in the boat okay nice now we can kill him there we go I got some ender pearls oh I got two of them oh yeah it's cuz I have looting too that is amazing that was definitely a good side quest but let's quickly sleep and let's try to make some more emeralds to get feather falling 4 it's 23 oh my gosh that is so expensive but I'll be back once I have it okay I think I should finally have enough emeralds after this let's see okay nice four feather falling two books so let's combine all those to get feather falling four combine two like this and then two like this and then two like this okay now I guess I'll just add protection four to all my armor as well let's do protection four on my helmets I already have protection four on my boots but I'm going to add feather falling four there we go I already have protection four on my chest plates let's do protection four on my leggings oh wait oh I can't okay I guess we'll have to disenchant them and then I can add protection four there we go protection four on everything and feather falling four on my boots it's not perfect but it's definitely good enough now there's one more thing I want to do and that's going to be to add power five and Flame to my bow let's add power five to this bow then I'll add flame oh I don't have enough levels oh my gosh one second let's just breed all my sheep real quick it's kind of chaotic in here but if it gives me XP then it's fine there we go okay let's see now okay flame on my bow nice power five and Flame let's see can I add punch oh that cost nine levels Ah that's so expensive but that's fine that should be good for now so now that I have some really good enchantments some decent tools and also a decent bow I think it's time we go check out that ancient city since it's been a super long time since I've been down there and there's probably some new chests that we can loot so let's check it out there's probably also going to be so many mobs down there but I have some good armor now so it should be okay okay let's Venture down I already hear tons of mobs so far I haven't encountered any though okay and here we are oh yeah look it's so much bigger down here now oh and we have some chests okay let's go check those out oh but now there's some shriekers though so we do have to be careful oh I'm scared let's grab some wool okay here we go let's go investigate I can't believe I'm in an ancient city right now that is so crazy let's see here are there any shriekers nearby I don't think so let's just see what's inside oh my gosh two God apples some XP some name tags an enchanted hoe oh wow it's maxed out look at that a maxed out Diamond hoe that is insane and also some glowberries and some coal wow that was really good let's see what else I can find around here oh there's a shrier right there and the steps are just out inside the Border ah so I can't get up there H wait what if I place wool ah there we go I'm using my brain guys all right are there any other shriekers I don't think so so we can break this one safely there we go then I'll Bridge across with some wool let's see what's in here okay pretty decent some name tags and some coal let's see if there's any more chests there is one more shrier right here so let's get rid of it okay we have two chests over here as well as two shriekers okay um oh and there's one right there outside the Border too I wonder if those can activate I guess we're about to find out let's cover up this Sher and then I'll break this one okay and that one can't activate that's good let's see okay we got the ward armor shrim nice I'll probably never have enough diamonds to put this on my stuff though let's see ton of books in this one as well as some bones nothing too insane let's check this chest over here okay we have two shriekers again um I think I should go get some more wool real quick just to be extra safe let's gather up some from right here okay for some reason the last few minutes forgot to record so I'll give you guys a quick update I found one more enchanted golden apple I went down and mined my diamonds with fortune 3 but I only got two of them and that's basically basically it you guys didn't really miss much but I'm on my way back home so let's go all the way back up to the surface maybe I can get some more XP right here but here we are back home and now it is day 88 we're getting pretty close to day 100 so I think it's time we start getting some ender pearls and blaze rods so we can go to the end let's see here I already have three ender pearls and also a completely overflowing inventory let's just empty that out real quick and now let's go to the nether to get some blaze rods okay here we go there's probably still going to be tons of angry pigment at me though let's see are they still angry yep they still are okay that is so annoying let's put on a gold helmet just to make these guys happy oh how am I going to get rid of all these Zombie Pigmen ow ooh oh there's so many oh my gosh this is like the worst thing to happen in this world oh I guess we can try out my bow oh my gosh okay why are they like this they just never forget that I made them angry look at all these guys ah I have no idea how I'm going to get rid of these guys I just want to farm some blaze rods please okay those guys don't look angry hm maybe they've forgotten okay oh this guy's mad okay oh they're all getting mad now I hate this just let me Farm blaze rods in peace please there's even some coming from outside the Border oh my gosh the nether is forever ruined cuz as soon as I kill one another one will just spawn in its place and then they'll just keep going forever I'm not sure how I can get this to stop guys what am I going to do about this look at that some spawn over there and now they're just coming over here oh my gosh this is literally never going to end this is driving me crazy please leave me alone okay I think we finally have a break oh some more are spawning over there though stop with that please and I only have 24 arrows left oh my God gosh at least I'm getting some XP hey there's only a few left this might be it just kidding there's more of them oh this is so annoying let's just jump down real quick gather up all this XP why literally why okay hold on I need to do a Google search I need to see if there's any way that I can get these guys to stop being angry okay I just did a Google search and it says I have to go at least 40 blocks away from them wa Let's test out my armor okay these guys do half a heart that's not too bad let's collect up the rest of my items and XP over here though and now I guess I'll try try to go 40 blocks away let's just gather up a ton of blocks and then I guess I'll try to pillar up over here and then maybe if I stay far enough away for quite a while then it'll work I'm really not sure though I'm just going to go all the way up to bedrock and then just stay there for a few minutes maybe that'll work who knows okay I'm at Bedrock let's just stay here for a little bit and see if they forgive me okay it's been about 5 minutes let's go see okay they don't seem angry right off the bat there are a few right down here though H I wonder if this worked okay it seems to have worked I don't really see any of them angry at me yeah nice okay finally I can finally go killing blazes in peace let's see yeah they don't appear to be mad that's amazing okay blazes bring it on oh this guy's scaring me you know what let's try to build a better box real quick okay here's our first Blaze ah o I'm not done with my box yet okay I think we're good they should all spawn in there and be boxed in that's going to make things a lot safer for me okay here they are Hello friends oh this guy's mad okay how many blaze rods do we have six already oh my gosh I have so many golden swords oh it's so nice to have full prop four armor I barely take any damage from fire now hello I have 11 blaze rods okay I feel like that's enough but I'm just going to get a little bit more just in case finally things are going to plan okay 20 blaze rods that's good enough ooh go away uh all right so let's head back now we have one of the two ingredients done all right now that I have all these blaze rods it's time to get some ender pearls I also got so much gold from all that oh my gosh that is amazing oh I can craft up some golden apples I guess I might as well do that let's see here I'm pretty sure you can buy ender pearls from these guys let's see I think it might be his next trade let's try to get some more emeralds and then upgrade him okay he should be at the next level oh and he's not trading ender pearls H is it at the Master Level I don't know I guess I'll just buy some glow stone from him let's try to level him up to master okay let's see he should be a master now and no ender pearls okay that is not very good I guess we'll have to get another cleric it's a good thing I got all these extra blaze rods so I'll craft up another brewing stand let's get another cleric I think it's this guy right here right nice okay I have to buy some Redstone from him so I'm going to have to sell some more iron for more emeralds then use that to level him up okay let's see please trade ender pearls okay nice finally let's get two extras now I'm just going to have to work for a little bit longer to get some more emeralds to get those pearls and I'll be back once I have that done okay after a ton of work I finally have enough ender pearls and then I also got a few extra in case things go wrong in the end but you might notice that I only have two arrows left and since the world is so big my mob farm is practically useless now so it would be super hard to get some more so I think we should try to get infinity on this bow I got a pretty decent amount of levels in the Nether and then also from these guys so let's see what I can get okay Power three what about a book enchantments nothing very good okay where's my lapis here we go I guess I'll just do a small one and then disenchant let's try again ooh power four should I try it I don't know I don't know if it's worth the risk I'm going to do a small one again and then disenchant Unbreaking three again okay let's roll power four again what about a book flame I already have flame though I might not have enough levels for this power four again why is it doing this to me should we just try it oh I don't know I'm going to try a small one again and roll this is our last chance okay just power three oh this is not good guys I desperately need Infinity cuz how else am I going to be able to knock out the towers okay I have another idea let's grab three books turn it into a bookshelf and then into a lecturn let's see if I can get infinity from a librarian Villager when I was re-rolling for feather falling 4 I saw Infinity like three or four times so it shouldn't be too difficult let's see here H they're all going to sleep oh my gosh this has taken so long I feel like I've spent so much time just trying to get some good enchantments from villagers but we only have a few days left so I need to hurry come on villagers please I need Infinity and also what's really annoying is I've seen mending like six times I thought mending was supposed to be rare but I'm literally seeing mending more than I'm seeing any of the enchantments that I want to get but I guess that's just how it goes you never see the enchantments you actually want to get it's always the ones you don't want it's like the game knows I've also seen feather falling three a few times why is he taunting me I swear this villager over here showed me Infinity like six times and now this one's shown me feather falling three like four times why do they have to be like this ooh sharpness five that is way too expensive though sorry I need infinity and I need it now I got it finally oh my gosh let's quickly get some emeralds before he resets thank you very much and I'm also going to need a book as well okay here we go it's time for Infinity finally okay hello friend nice we got it okay so let's head back to my enchanting setup and add infinity onto my bow there we go I think I'm finally ready to go to the end now so let's grab my blaze rods turn them into blaze powder and then I'll craft up some Eyes of Ender here we go oh I'm scared guys okay here we are in the stronghold let's see where's the end portal wait what where is it um hold on I'm going to have to search for it wow I am completely lost wait wasn't it like super close to my staircase I have no idea oh wait actually hold on I'm not fully prepared to go to the end so let's quickly head back home I don't need all these extra items with me and then I'm going to need to bring some building blocks with me might as well just bring all of it and okay now I'm ready I'm so scared okay now where's the portal oh it's just right there I can't believe I didn't see that okay and now we have to go like this and here we go oh oh my gosh I can't believe we're about to go to the end this is insane but here goes nothing oh my gosh okay here we are I can't believe I'm doing this right now I never thought I would be able to get this far in this world this was an extremely difficult challenge but it's still not over we still have to defeat the Ender Dragon okay let's start sniping all the towers and my aim is really bad today there we go it's a good thing I have Infinity so I can make all these mistakes it looks like most of these towers are actually not too high up oh the dragon's already perching oh my gosh If This Were A speedrun I'd be so happy right now but we still have all the towers to get rid of I think I've done almost half of them oh my gosh wow I think protection four just saved me right there and the dragon also took damage cuz I have thorns on my armor but it looks like there's just three towers left there's this one right here this one right here and I think there's just one right here yeah there it is okay I'm going to have to pill her up though this might be pretty dangerous okay here we go it's a good thing I brought all these building blocks with me okay the dragon's perching again so that means we'll be safe for now and let's shoot it from over here okay is that it oh no there's still one up here oh no the Dragon no ah oh it's so close okay we're safe let's go over here let's hide behind a couple blocks I really need to make sure this doesn't knock me off okay here we go okay nice I think that's all of them so let's head back down all right oh it's perching it's perching am I going to make it in time I think I am okay here we go bring it on Ender Dragon ah this is so scary okay let's do some damage tons of damage nice okay that was a pretty good start let's see if I can do some hits with my bow now okay I guess not I'm terrible with the bow come on Dragon oh it's perching again oh it's close it's close oh that was a little bit dangerous okay let's do some more damage okay it's on half Health just a little bit less okay more good progress all right dragon please perch wow this is taking forever is it ever going to perch okay I think it might be perching here soon it's super high up so maybe I think this is the longest it's ever taken a dragon to perch for me this has been going on for like over 10 minutes what's wrong with this Dragon okay finally it's perching oh my gosh but here we go it's time to do some more damage and this Enderman is fre breaking me out oh my gosh please go away oh he just got yeated oh my gosh okay let's do some more damage okay oh that was really close okay we're almost there I think we just have one more perch okay it's perching here we go I think this is the one let's see here okay doing some damage and there we go oh my gosh we did it we defeated the Ender Dragon o tons of XP too nice thank you very much this would have been very useful when I was was enchanting but we can't forget to grab the dragon egg let's place a torch down below it and go like this nice okay all right we defeated the Ender Dragon but it's not quite day 100 yet so I think we should try to go get the elytra let's go over to this end Gateway right here and then I'll pill her up to it and here we go please don't kill me okay nice are there any n cities nearby it doesn't look like it all right I guess I'm going to have to search for a little bit this is so terrifying I'm so close to day 100 I do not want to lose everything right now that would be terrible okay but let's keep our eyes peeled for any n cities wait there there's one right there that was pretty close and it also has a ship too oh it's perfect and also you guys might be wondering why there's no border in the end and that's because if I had a border in the end then as soon as I would enter the end through the end portal I would instantly die since the platform that you spawn on when you enter the end is more than a 100 blocks away from the center of the island so that means when I would come into the end I would already be outside the border and that would instantly kill me so that's why I decided to do no border in the end cuz otherwise this wouldn't really be possible but let's do a nerve-wracking Bridge all the way across the void and need to be extremely careful okay here we are we're almost at the end City but let's go straight oh wait oh no I made an Enderman angry ah okay he's no match for my protection four armor and my sharpness four sword but as I was saying let's go straight to the end ship since I really want the elytra oh we're going to have to bridge again oh my gosh I don't like this okay here we are this end ship is super high up oh my gosh but let's start pillaring up okay where are we okay we made it let's get rid of this guy let's quickly go get this dragon head kind of a risky detour but I really want it okay here we are we finally have the elytra oh my gosh this is so cool let's see what's inside these chests ooh Frost Walker 2 boots that's pretty good and wo look at that that is a really good sword I think it's better than mine yeah let's keep this one we also have some emeralds ooh and beetroot seeds that's going to be great if I want to expand my farm but now that we have the elytra we can fly over here and let's see what other kind of loot we have there should be some chests in here I think oh wait no I was wrong it's this one that has chests they're all the way over on this side okay just some iron nothing super useful I guess I'll take the emeralds let's see are there any other areas that have loot maybe down here let's see is this one three stories it's only the three story ones that usually have loot yeah this is just the two-story one so yeah there's no chests okay that was basically it so let's float as high up as we can I'll let these guys attack me all right so we have the elytra some pretty good stuff let's fly back home okay here we are let's head back through and then I'll fly to the exit portal making sure not to look at any Enderman and here we go the end credits that is so cool okay and here we are I cannot believe we just did that we started from one single block and we made all this progress but if you see right here this is where the center of the world first started so I have a pretty cool idea on what I can build there I'm going to grab some deep slates melt up some stone make a stone cutter and then use that stone cutter to make some cool deep slate stuff let's see here maybe I'll do some deep slate tile walls some deep slate tile stairs and then some deep slate tiles I don't know let's see how this looks let's go like this and maybe I'll try something fancy like this oh I don't know I'm not very good at making pedestals guys maybe I'll grabb some grass and then build up a little Mound right here and then I can build on top of this mound let's try something that looks so bad hold on this is terrible maybe I should try something a little bit smaller let's go like this and then like this and then like this okay that looks much better but there we have it it's night time now so you know what that means it's time to sleep and make it day 100 there we go day 100 oh my gosh I cannot believe that this world started from just one single block and we were able to accomplish this much honestly way more than I was expecting and I had so much fun playing in this world but that's going to be all for me today guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next video [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Julien Azelart
Views: 4,787,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, azelart, funny minecraft, georgenotfound, 100 by 100 Minecraft, wadzee, minecraft challenge, tutorial, minecraft build, let's play, build tutorial, minecraft but, minecraft smp, 100 days, sb737, aCookieGod, hermitcraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, i survived 100 days, ben azelart, julian azelart, farzy, hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore, kolanii, 100 days survive, i survive, i survived 100 days in hardcore, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode
Id: KRwpFA3xf5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 2sec (8042 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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