Obtaining the Rarest Item in ARK! - ARK Survival Ascended [E40]

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so continuing on from the last episode when we got ourselves a bunch of raptor Claus drops and we also killed the Abominable Snowman we have some more Winter Wonderland things to check out and also yes I I have my cool synac head skin on it looks absolutely hilarious with the uh with the whole suit and everything I love this thing anyway so um we have the concept of being naughty or nice for Raptor Claws and and he will swing the final judgment on that so what you need to do to essentially get going with this whole thing is you need to come to your fireplace or make a new one or whatever you need to come into the crafting tab in here and um you'll see a couple letters to Raptor claws so you can essentially write to Raptor Claus asking for any one of these things so we have Saddles armor uh weapons and then dinos I think I want to write for a dino cuz I'm I'm kind of curious what what he's going to give me if I'm if I'm nice we'll see um so yeah essentially what you need to do is you need to have mistletoe and coal and then you also need to write your letter uh essentially I I don't really know I actually haven't even done this yet why am I in there should be inside of here let's actually just grab a bunch of this and I have tons and tons of coal cuz you use way more mistletoe than you use coal for all the different things that you need to craft so um yeah let's chook all this stuff into here and I want to write a letter for this do I have to light the fire I probably do let's grab a little piece of wood here yeah let's grab a couple pieces of wood nice Okay cool so let's see boom let's light that up and we want to go for a Dino so there we go Raptor Claus has received my letter and now what I have on my screen is a little a little uh status effect right down beside my hot bar there so right now we are neutral um we'll essentially need to either become naughty which will involve killing a bunch of like passive kind of creatures and babies um or we can become nice by killing a bunch of aggressive creatures like you know rexes and pretty much anything that's going to attack you so I think first of all let's actually try to become nice for once cuz you know me I'm constantly like I am the person who goes around uh just murdering all of my own dinos all the time because they don't have the good stats so yeah I think um I think first of all let's become nice and then we'll do naughty later that is a weird statement um okay cool also I did actually go ahead and grind out to get these things as well I haven't checked them out just yet that looks really cool wow yeah know that's amazing looking actually damn yeah so this is the Smithy skin of course um so yeah that's that's really cool looking I I don't have like a normal Forge around the place so I just had to make one real quick so let's go ahead and pop down this skin onto it it is in here boom okay that's pretty nice looking as well yeah I actually really like the top of it it would be really nice if you could have this without all the decorations on it though is that a thing no yeah no it's not I I like that but I also like that all year around like that's a really cool looking Forge damn Okay cool so there's a couple more things that you're actually going to need for this whole process you're also going to need a tree which we will place uh we'll probably just place that like out here or something in the corner it's actually kind of nice right there and you're also going to need a bed which you're going to need to sleep at when it comes close to midnight cuz you want to be in your bed before Raptor claw arrives you want to shut those eyes and everything and and you know pretend that you're sleeping but really you're going to see if he's there and if he's going to come out and if you're going to be able to catch him in the ACT um anyway so yeah we're uh we're we're good to go let's um let's head out let's see if we can kill some creatures we should be able to swing our status effect towards the nice if we maybe go for some rexes and stuff like that so what do we have we have do rg's count rg's probably count so I think that we're probably going to get some sort of a status effect on the screen when we're doing this um but I haven't actually started this yet so we'll we'll see also I'm kind of curious what kind of creature is it going to give me like is there any limits could I get a giga from Santa from raptor Claus oh oh there we go look at that okay hang on what does that say anything okay no no no we're still like in the middle okay so whenever we're killing creatures when we have this effect we're getting a little uh status bar and I'm guessing yeah if we go we go one side it's going to be naughty if we go the other side it's going to be nice so let's see is there like rexes and stuff around here if I kill something big that's got to do something right um I also got to make sure I'm not killing anything that is like Passover or anything like that cuz we could tip the scales a little bit and then pull them all the way back by accidentally killing like a baby or something so um yeah let's uh let's see if we can manage to actually find something around here uh do we have rexes no okay I'm going to head to the central River I would say oh is that an Alp Raptor oh dude that's got to be perfect okay just the kentro count as I I'm guessing the kro counts as like a mean creature right I would assume so this is okay that's really hurting cuz obviously the kro kick back that was a 150 kro I think all right didn't uh didn't mean to do that all right let's see let me kill this Raptor maybe possibly if it wants to okay we got to get some head shots on it oh oh did you see that that moved a lot wa I'm still neutral though okay so Alpha's probably perfect if we just keep going for them we could probably do that how much longer do we have we have yeah we have the majority of the day I should be able to do this so we want to tip it towards the nice maybe do one or two of those and then we want to tip it towards The Naughty and um and then yeah we'll we'll try and do a couple of those cuz there is one very rare item that you can get by becoming naughty um I don't know how common it is but I've heard that you can't just get it on your first time all the time so um yeah that item is the Krampus outfit which of course we will want okay I don't want to kill that monkey let's see uh yeah you know what let me actually just keep going for some for some big guys like rexes and stuff like that um Alpha Raptors as well let's head to the central river which is over in this direction through all of this fog and everything you know what I hear a big creature jumping somewhere I don't see anything really oh I can hear it it's here what is it it's a Rex it's killing a Bronto I'm coming I'm going to save you Mr Bronto maybe probably not uh I do have my really good shotgun now um this is one that we picked up out of a drop a little while ago okay I'm going to accidentally kill the Bronto if I do that we good yeah okay we're good uh I want to maybe just try and aim for tail and stuff uh maybe I should just wait for him to just die the Bronto to die and then we'll uh we'll grab that Rex something cuz it would be so much easier if I could just run in and just blast it a couple times but I don't want to get hit by that Bronto tail let's see let me get in here a little bit more come on any more Alphas around here at all no doesn't seem like it okay cool well anyway guys uh go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you enjoy this one oh is he dead oh he's totally dead right yes okay perfect so yeah hit the like button and uh Merry Christmas as well if you guys celebrate it I know there's lots of different things that people celebrate um yeah just enjoy your time there we go okay that didn't tip the scales a whole lot so Alpha seem to be the way that is definitely going to be the way to do this so yeah Central River there's usually tons of Alphas there I don't think we're really going to have many issues becoming nice um and we're not going to have any issues becoming naughty later cuz I think you can just probably kill a couple of your own baby creatures or if not you could just find a bunch of baby creatures out in the wild and become instantly naughty that way I'm wondering now if I kill a baby Rex would that count I have no idea I kind of want to know hello you coming with me oh it's a compy never mind I wanted the Raptor no keep grabbing compies I think all right never mind it's all good let's uh let's keep heading down here then okay we got another Alpha Raptor in there unfortunately it's got a bunch of trikes around it so we might have to wait for it to kill the Trikes and then fight it so yeah that's going to be perfect let me see is there anything else around here that I can manage to kill um don't really see any more Alphas in the immediate uh vicinity oh hello trons yes if I kill them I'm going to become a a a nice King here we go freaking trudon suck man all right oh you know what actually it would probably be like oh there we go I become nice slightly nice okay we're we're making progress here yeah so um I'm I guarantee if you went into like a cave that would probably be the best way of actually doing this cuz there's tons of creatures in there that are dangerous right and not usually creatures in there that would count as like nice creatures I would guess so um yeah that's definitely got to be the best way of doing this so um yeah I don't know maybe we could do that if if I'm really struggling but again I don't think we're really going to have too many issues here um we've already made a decent amount of progress on it actually as well we're slightly nice and we've only been at this like 5 minutes so yeah let me uh let me see can we manage to find anything else around here further down the river there's like that big big cluster where everything's just fighting so once we get to there I think we're going to be good hello is that an alpha Rex no that's an normal Rex okay cool it just I thought that I don't know I I don't know what I was looking at oh crap oh no I'm super slowed no okay we're getting we're getting there we made okay I'm quite nice now that's great we'll just keep fighting these big guys and hopefully no micro Raptors will ruin me we'll see um okay we got that wrecked as well that pushed the skills a little bit more you can see that the bar is also getting a little bit green now as well which is cool so here we go we're uh we're doing it there is a baby Rex I'm going to make sure I don't kill that thing what level is this Rex please don't be like a 150 or something uh it's a 135 oh man okay well I'm I'm just I'm going to go ahead and kill it we're going to kill it for the simple reason that's because if we can kill it we can become super nice maybe potentially I don't know we'll see um come on bro let me get you I don't know if the level actually really counts or maybe it's just the quantity of creatures okay still quite nice pretty good okay so I don't know like if if at this point if I went ahead and slept and I was quite nice would it still give me the gift or is it going to give me a better version of whatever I ask for depending on um how nice I am maybe that's the case I don't really know um we could get like a level 150 Dino or something if you're super duper nice or whatever the last one is um that could be a thing but who knows I guess we'll find out pretty soon all right this guy is going down they spend so much time roaring it's kind of silly uh we got a dead Raptor there nice okay cool uh anything else over there doesn't really look like it yeah let's keep heading further down the river it's usually past like that little Bend out um further down this way yeah we we haven't already passed it I think it's uh yeah it's just up ahead here look at some of these crazy looking creatures man that freaking Packy rannosaurus looks amazing it's like my colors it's perfect um okay cool let's see what else do we have I wonder if he killed a giga would that be like super duper nice I don't know maybe uh Carno hello just stop stop chasing that gy oh no no gy run run gy Caro fight me here we go come on bro oh yeah there we go we're still we haven't made much progress but I I guarantee that you don't just have to kill Alphas you know anything is probably adding some points to it uh there might be like an actual fullon just like amount of points that each creature gives and we just don't see those values unfortunately but um yeah maybe uh maybe we'll figure out what the best thing to kill is besides Alphas eventually we'll see um this is a cool concept though I really like that they've actually added so many new things this year cuz I'll be honest with you you know some of these events like uh I kind of just cover them for the cool skins and that's about it like there's not I'm not super excited about most of the events nowadays in Arc cuz I've already done them like eight or nine times or whatever not nine probably not even eight to be honest around seven times I'm going to say um yeah so I don't know it's it's interesting to actually see some extra stuff being added in and it's really it's bringing me back in a little bit which is nice uh this bear is a high level but I'm going to kill it anyway it's fine um yeah like adding adding some extra stuff in 100% is a great idea so super happy about that definitely great uh also the new creatures to hunt down and everything is a cool concept as well I really like that so yeah I don't know just all in all I'm happy with what they're doing um a little bit more effort in the events is perfect and the way that they're done now being mods is actually really handy as well cuz it's so much more user friendly to add onto your servers and everything so yeah super happy about that as well do we have a massive brawl happening over here there usually is come on there's got to be like a big fight right over there yeah I see some bronos I see some things I see allows and stuff fighting okay this is perfect what do we have over here never mind terrible uh creatures ooh bugs yeah killed a couple bugs back there maybe it helped a little bit I'm not sure honestly the swamp cave that's where we need to be I need to just get a new frog and go in there okay yeah we got uh we got some rexes here again I don't want to get too close we got a Rex egg ooh nice little uh present on the ground for me love that we'll just try and kill them from a distance maybe cuz if I go over there like there's like there's got to be like four rexes in here and there's a bunch of bows as well and a baby Raptor um but yeah if I go in here I'm going to end up uh I'm going to end up getting like hit and stuff by the bronos and everything and that's just bad give me some water nice uh we'll grab that Rex egg for sure let me just focus on killing some of these guys okay we got that aloe we're very nice right now okay what is the last stage of being nice is it is it something else maybe it's just like super super nice or something we'll see come on dude these bronos just keep getting in my way uh oh I just got hit there unfortunately let me grab this Rex egg give me that did I get it I got it sweet and we got battered away anyway all good let me uh let me get in here oh nice they killed the Bronto that's perfect okay now we can get in here and hopefully try to kill these guys oh there's a baby Rex though I got to be very cautious cuz I guarantee killing that is a bad thing that is a beautiful looking doic um crap okay hang on let me thought I landed you first I did press space okay here we go you going to follow me here come on bro oh there's a Theo my God I guarantee you if I kill that I'm going to become like uh whatever the last stage is the xenos are terrifying oh hang on okay here we go okay we got the nice so very nice right now might be hard for you guys to see although I do believe you can zoom in on mobile anyway on the YouTube app uh there we go okay let's uh try and kill this last guy here this last Rex come on bro how much longer do we have left oh yeah we got tons of time we've got this 100% we've got this so yeah I might have to go ahead and do a bunch of these just running around killing a bunch of crazy creatures um cuz like if we get something good I definitely want to at least try to farm it a little bit like if we're getting like a 150 creature whatever it might be you know that's pretty handy I I would very much appreciate that come on come on bro get over here come on no he doesn't care oh there we go okay we tip the scales a little bit more I feel like we are on the the second to last stage right now maybe possibly we'll see uh couple more little clusters of creatures like that that's what we need we could go to the Redwoods but I don't want to oh oh well that's that's perfect right there hello it's oh it's a level 45 though oh there's an alpar Raptor we maybe we kill the alpar Raptor and then don't kill the alpar Rex but then come back for the alpar Rex on the next day that would probably be the best option for us let me go ahead and focus on killing this guy right here uh okay there is a Diplo I guarantee killing that would be a bad thing for me that would just be a bad look all right come on bro you and me you and me and that Alp Rex let's let's move you over here so you stop getting boosted by him um no you're still getting boosted a little bit further oh is that another RX dude man okay we'll grab that in a second see come on one more yes oh super nice is that the last one it looks like it is but I'm not certain we might have to just uh we might have to kill a couple more things and just see see let me grab that and then there's that Rex egg we will grab that and we are good to go I'm going to leave that that alphar Rex for that reason that I've already stated you know it it would be a smart idea to come back and get that on the next night does that do anything okay killing the mega nura didn't do anything uh oh dude this is oh could you imagine if micro Rapters gave like the most nice points yeah I'm not getting any more we might be on the last stage right now okay we got a dow I'm pretty sure we killed one of those earlier yeah we're definitely already on the top tier Okay cool so now we have to wait till midnight unfortunately and we need to be sleeping in that bed when midnight comes so I think I might just go back and just sleep for the moment cuz I don't know if dying resets that or anything I don't really want to risk anything here cuz we've already completed it so yeah we're just going to head all the way back home I'm just going to chill there and I'll bring you guys back when we are ready to receive our gift from raptor claw and yeah we're going to have to do a couple of these here today so that alphar Rex we can kill that later we'll see how much that kind of gives towards the scale and it's got to be a lot like an Alx is massive and it's a big terrifying heart to kill a creature so yeah I would assume that that's going to give a bunch so anyway let me uh let me head all the way home all right we are back at the base and you may have noticed I've cleaned up quite a lot of the creatures I still have tons of Archies up there actually I might quickly just grab those too I have another cryle fridge now and I'm going to leave them in here right now um we're we're kind of debating whether or not we want to open up the cry pods to be able to be used without having to be within range of a cry fridge I don't know what do you guys think like we we've just kind of barely just started discussing it um as a group here on the server so yeah what do you guys think like should we do that like cuz personally I don't really see the point of the restrictions when it comes to like a server like this like we're a bunch of YouTubers Al it's really irritating how these things keep moving all over the place we're a bunch of YouTubers and it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense that you know we have restrictions on the cryopods and and they're so strict that you have to be within range of one of these things I get it for balance on like PVP and stuff and I just I I don't know I I don't know what do you guys think so should we open it up should we be able to use these things without having to be anywhere near a cryle fridge on here or do you guys think that that's too much um I don't know let me let me know uh we'll we'll kind of take some feedback and see what you guys think like all in all I think it would just kind of improve the videos a little bit cuz then you know I can bring my Rex places and do things with my recck instead of having to sit around base with it all the time you know being able to actually run out and about is so much better than you know not ever getting to use that creature because I have to be at my base to use it you know or come from my base um I don't know and again now Crow pods are in the game like there's going to be a work around like you know I was thinking hey you know what the whole like restriction thing is not too bad we can go ahead and just carry around a crow fridge and a generator and set all that up and then wait 5 minutes when I want to release something or we could just save the stress and just you know have them open or whatever by the way this is what I was talking about uh enable your Q Bar to run around if you're looking to cryopod a bunch of creatures cuz you know you're not going to have to go into your inventory every second or fill up an actual hot bar with with all of these things so yeah much easier much handier um yeah it's definitely better I love this okay here we go oh did I get one did I get a present I don't see one I don't want to get out of bed just in case I I think let's just wait it is midnight now rapor Claus is here maybe maybe he has to fly over my base I'm I'm not really sure let's just like sit here though oh hey there we go okay wait what time did that happen at about okay 5 minutes passed all right pretty good what do we get uh juvenile parasaur whoa amazing oh wow it's got some nice colors though okay well that really this is what rap Claus your presents suck I'm going to become naughty now that is terrible really that's it that's what I get uh H how naughty would I be if I killed the Raptor claw's present yeah we I think we might have to come we might have to become naughty cuz that that sucks level 50 parasaur like what come on now make it make it harder to become nice and give me something good damn all right well anyway uh what should we pick then yeah we got to wait till the morning um all right cool well I think maybe I don't know if rap claw's is close if he's way across the map I'm not going to go after the drops just cuz it's such a pain um oh he's actually kind of close we might head off and try and grab some of those all right well yeah that that really does suck like is there any way to get something better than that like is that really it that's so bad that's so so bad uh cool anyway we'll uh we'll head over for these drops maybe try to salvage something out of this we got to become naughty though clearly cuz like that that is terrible level 50 power swur and like if it had to been anything else you know I don't know like something rare to tame I don't know just like mosa I I don't know like a parasaur is like I could have gotten 10 of those by now in fact I'm going to specifically kill parasaurs now because of what he's done anyway um we got quite a few drops here we will try to grab as many of them as I can but I'm not going to be focusing on this if I get something absolutely amazing I'll show you but but otherwise we'll uh we'll just get it done all right so I did actually get something nice from that night of raptor claws drops I got a raptor claw chibi which I haven't checked out so let's pop it on boom let's see does it have like the whole sleigh and everything oh okay it's just yeah it's just the uh the Santa hat pretty cool I actually did get something else um the other day here it is I got the um what is it called the hyena deer there we go cool I might actually give this to axeman for uh for for Christmas or whatever here we go come here come here little guy a look at him he looks kind of goofy but I don't know axan likes um hyenadons and yeah there we go so weird looking yeah we we might go ahead and maybe drop a gift over to him at some point so yeah let me uh pop these two guys back I kind of like my turkey I'm going to be honest with you I don't know what it is I just kind of like having the turkey one more thing we're going to go ahead and do right now is become naughty um let's go ahead and I'll just I'll go for weapon I guess I don't know we'll see what we can get so Raptor Claus has gotten my gift we are currently neutral let's go down here and just quickly slaughter a crapload of Kuku in my little farm just pretty horrifying I actually did this earlier and everything cuz I realized that I accidentally left them breeding and there was a bunch of eggs but uh yeah we should be good let's um we've also got a bunch of Barry eggs in here as well I've actually picked up all the barries Oh I thought I was on o to drop all of them um by the way I'm not I'm specifically not leveling this because I don't want the range going any higher than this little Hut potentially is that really did they all oh I forgot to turn you off okay there we go uh you know what I'll actually grab them into my inventory and then Chuck them down beside me here not really sure how many it's going to take to actually become naughty but 50ish is going to be good enough so yeah we got 49 eggs you know there's going to be a couple Twins and triplets in here potentially so uh yeah wait for those guys to hatch which shouldn't be very very long oh my God this pelorus is look is look at his little Beak he he just he knows he knows dinner's coming he's actually already got a bunch of it on him as well um I believe they're supposed to have reduced weight on the organic polymer but they don't right yeah wa is the exact same are they not supposed to I could have sworn that they were H anyway all right we have some baby penguins very nice we got a couple mutations in there it's all good we will eat them anyway is that all of them I think it might be yeah you can see there's actually quite a few mutations in there nice Okay cool so they should be settled oh yeah oh there we go yeah that'll do it all right okay slightly naughty that was it really okay wow yeah maybe um maybe running around and killing a bunch of the wild um not just baby Kuku but like maybe bigger creatures as well would probably be a good idea all right uh we'll kill some barries too sure uh we got tons of eggs I'll probably start a proper breeding project for them pretty soon okay all the bar instantly want to go and try and maybe find some fish not really sure here we go boom oh yeah okay very naughty I've done it I've already done it but I got to clean up the rest of this mess all right I've been having a very long sleep here but hopefully Raptor Claus has a freaking Krampus outfit for me that would be amazing um here we go Raptor Claus is here and it took about 5 minutes then five you know in-game minutes or whatever to eventually get it all right what are we going to get this time come on God the suspense is building you know it is what are we going to oh look at all that stuff oh no get me oh there's so many of them wait I I'm so confused I was in g mode inside the bed I didn't even no crap okay hang on oh no no no no stop we got him level one really Raptor claw that's not fair what do we get coal crop plots and poo that's not fair really I just got I just got pranked what the hell what else did they almost break cuz I saw all this damage come in okay yeah wow you know that did a bunch uh maybe we should not be doing this at my base holy crap they could have broken my tree actually damn all right um cool that that kind of sucks though I really did want that uh that costume hm all right uh I guess I guess we'll try this again maybe I'll do it down there somewhere or something I don't really know I don't want to do it here though cuz like I don't want creatures spawning inside of my base in here huh okay weird all right going to pick up all this stuff then we'll uh we'll just move it elsewhere and uh we'll just yeah I don't know we'll do it down below I don't know if I need the fireplace near me as well I might probably not though maybe not I don't really know um yeah we we'll do it down there in future I definitely don't want more arthro spawning in my base I can't believe I just got like poo got like legitimately just poo and CR plots and coal that's great thank you very much R Claus God damn it can I do another letter now or do I have to wait I think I might have to wait let's go yeah no okay yeah there we go so your latest time to submit your letter is uh 11:45 then you got like 15 minutes before Raptor Claus comes and and ruins you potentially okay Raptor claw again hopefully we can get this Krampus skin this night so yeah um this is like a very timec consuming thing cuz you can get to very naughty super quick but actually getting to this point there's caos I'm going to just stay in the bed they won't be able to grab me maybe possibly I do have turrets are they going to be able to get me uh no it doesn't seem like they can okay I'm just going to stay in the bed oh crap no they can uh hang on here we go come on oh they're only level one okay good let me uh let me go check out my presents did we get it we got the crappa skin yes that's my second night and we got it wow okay that was not too bad at all actually nice okay where's that other level one did we kill it oh no there it is okay crap uh come here bro come on jump at me go on yes okay he failed nice and we have him killed iing amazing okay there we go we got the Krampus skin okay so it it's you know it's not going to be thing that you're going to get every single night but you know you might get it and uh there we go we got it oh he looks amazing whoa hang on oh I wanted it to be daytime so bad right now uh we're also really really hungry let's go ahead and do that um I shouldn't I ate five pieces I shouldn't have eaten that many the bells jingling no no it doesn't seem like it all right um we might wait till daytime just because I feel like we' be able to to check it out a little bit better it does look really cool and I love the way that the tongue just Wiggles all the way around the place does it have like full gravity though like I think it kind of does let me see what would happen if I like jumped off of like uh something here let me just jump off the stairs all right here we go boom and no okay I thought it would like fly up into my like nose or whatever that's really cool looking yeah so this is a super rare item obviously because you know you got to have this event active you got to become super naughty which you know is fairly easy it's much easier than becoming nice um and then obviously on top of that you also have to um you know kind of play the game because hey it might give it to you on your first try or second try in my case or it might be like your 10th try or whatever so it's not going to be like a guaranteed spawn every single time you become naughty so yeah super rare item but got to say it looks amazing it looks really really cool anyway we're going to wait till daytime we'll check it out properly at that stage cuz be able to see any like intricate details and stuff but so far so good all right here is the Krampus skin I like it I really like it a lot actually is so cool looking the tongue really just makes it though oh my God it's actually like way paler than I thought I don't really know much about Krampus I mean I don't know is he like a new thing I've only heard about him like in the last couple years there's like a movie I think I I don't think I ever watched it though I love the bells I wish that they kind of made noise even though that would get really annoying it'd be kind of cool if it did make a little bit of noise but yeah there we go super creepy looking the tongue is just just wild man oh my god let's see can we paint this thing then um let's see let's go and try and do this then oh yeah we can all right what do we got we got the center kind of gem uh we've got the metal accents here in the bells uh we've got the main kind of body part uh what would be a nice color for that probably like yeah let's go with like the dark color here that looks pretty good it also kind of um does a little bit of the Mask as well see what else we got we have that um let's maybe make the metal uh this color here and then for the gems let's go with like black on that I think that could look pretty cool all right what's this is that the horns seems like it's the horns and the claws okay probably oh I kind of like that actually although this the dark color almost suits it a little bit better um don't really know yeah we'll go with the darker color I mean he's supposed to be evil right he's like the evil variant of Santa so we'll go with a black for that for the gloves and like all the leather bits except it didn't work there we go is that still a bug in Arc wow uh let's see and then for the other bit we could make him kind of jolly and have like a nice bright color um yeah you know I almost kind of like that I don't know I feel like the rest of them looks kind of evil we need to have some like redeemable colors on there oh wow yeah no that the mask just looks like it doesn't look great when you um when you go super dark with it uh I feel like I don't know I feel like I like this we might change it but let's see oh yeah look at that dude oh my God the tuong and everything oh yeah that is uh that is disgusting looking love that all right well here we go guys we have done it we have become super naughty I have become Krampus uh I'm no longer Santa Claus I am um s Krampus Maybe I don't know it looks super cool though um guys I think that's probably going to be the end of this video if you did enjoy it go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you want to see more you can subscribe and everything and uh yeah I'll catch you in the next one hopefully you guys can also become Krampus as well this year
Channel: Syntac
Views: 169,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark winter wonderland, ark new, ark update, ark snowman, ark raptor claus, ark raptor claus gifts, ark op loot, ark funny moments, ark unreal engine 5, ark asa, ark ascended gameplay, ark news, ark memes, syntac asa, ark ascended, ark survival, syntac ark survival ascended, ark krampus, ark how to get krampus, ark naughty or nice
Id: BkkuYhdeQfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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