Building a Park Filled With Dinosaurs! - Mesozoica Gameplay

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Mimi Chiba the meme asaurus okay hello everyone welcome back to another episode of Mesozoic ER today I'm playing it with the block nose but I'm not lil for the years of the festival play this game and I'm not dying so I kind of wanted to give this game a shot while I wasn't dying because I don't play that and I kind of want to talk a bit about the game as well cuz there's a lot of stuff going on with the hold on decide yes yeah yeah that's good right that's good the only thing I don't like is the like the field of view like the draw distance so if you zoom too far out everything sort of manages to just disappear yeah no no no no offense no no no no we're gonna put a path the thing is it's oh no I can't whoa there you go uh uh how did you delete things I've completely forgotten so yeah um I haven't played this game in a while like I said since it first came out they've added new dinosaurs nothing there's new let's have a look ooh there looks like there's one more dig site here not that one all Triceratops Pachycephalosaurus is new as six will still by himself and I'm not too sure what that is if you're gonna dig site send dick team we go strong can we do another dick team no we can't but we can do the black market for a rare and hopefully we won't glitch this time so there we go we got the rare t-rex ooh well let's kind of solves oh wait no one we're not digging that I was gonna say just give ourselves a common stegosaur and again every dinosaur has different skins I don't know if the Stegosaurus oh god there it is there's the music boy legendary skin okay okay Ryan turned it down please blast me Europe oh okay hold on hold on so if I keep on buying legendary I'm only gonna get a legendary wreck skin so I have to go for rares so that I don't know about you but that kind of seemed to be the same skin oh there we go Triceratops epic dinosaur let's go for uncommon see this this is the fun part the game oh here we go we got another one what do we get here oh you found nothing well I can instantly find the dinosaur bike home [ __ ] my gut habit there you go Maiasaura a little-known fact or maybe it's not a little-known fact many people know that is Jack Horner's favorite dinosaur here's astounding paleontologist very good man there was a lot about dinosaurs is making the first-ever chickenosaurus so I'm looking forward to whenever he decides to put that thing into the actual world because it's never done I click right that's never been done oh no we got a para awesome the para wall curry whale can you hear me let's go for a cut always it's another power oh no it's not nevermind I was hoping it would it was let's go for a poor a poor dinosaur we're gonna get o better source let's fly over and get ourselves a Baryonyx probably get different skins for this thing as well let's have a look so we do the first one you can't do a dick so there you go legendary skin let's get a legendary skin once you unlock I think you can get the skins so the legendary skin looks a bit like a turkey oh yeah that is England I'm looking at it on its side face and I'm like I don't recognize I recognize that a landmass though I thought maybe they were going for a pine gia looking thing we'll go for a poor now as well I kinda just want to get all the dinosaurs right off the bat you see that one just looks like I mean maybe I'm not seeing it maybe that's we'll just go we'll get this dinosaur here real whoo the [ __ ] erikak Erika Cara cacao Joe go for Rath is any different no but we do have a breast skin let's go over here unlock the oh is that the jogger Soros or is it Kentrosaurus bids came true sora starts a new dinosaur haven't seen that before des desert albertasaurus and that'll do that'll do so you got plenty of dinosaurs but one thing we want I want to sort of spend some time looking at in this is the blueprints these are created by you guys so we've got like that's my helipad I kind of float it by what doing it now I'll get rid of it what should right no I'll bring it forward is it the same one yes it is the same one with the binoculars yes oh no a place did a place to sugar I did place to okay did it there we go okay so we'll rotate all of it this way and then we'll bring it over yeah that's why I do like about this game is just the fact that you could you can move everything you could rotate it you could scale it you can make it however you want it to be oh look at that so we made a cool water pool oh that's awesome and what's this a utility shed oh that's cruel so we'll have this is the Raptor enclosure we love the utility shed there so I'm guessing that's like a callback to Jurassic Park also what you can do if I remember right is you can go back you can change the time of day so you can have it as night you see how it looks so we've already got people in or we can have it as like midday there you go whoa hold on today cause I definitely went inside it okay um so we'll go here go back go back to blueprints but check e we have is it - no it's one we got one Raptor enclosure from Jurassic Park so here it is hold on I want to get on look at that that looks great so obviously what they've done is they've this is this thing here that this gate is the hatchery right here but then they've built everything else around it no I don't think so Oh God okay well stop taking things but now we have a hatchery yes so we can go back here we go here yeah now how do I do this again hatchery one open hatchery here we go so this is where we combine the dinosaur so we do have raptors so want to make this the Raptor enclosure oh maybe I don't they're not get a raptor I know I should die sir I didn't get oh no there it is you dinosaur don't have any skins for it oh man we need more skins hold on although one guys I'm just gonna save this save game huh just in case of crashes and we'll go get ourselves some skins I kinda want to make it like a raptor squad so there's blue they should have like green stuff Oh what if they do if they thought that far ahead cuz anybody who's making a dinosaur game you must be aware of the hype that is Jurassic Park and anything to do with that franchise so if you're making a dress a game where you can make a part surely surely you're gonna make them customisable dinosaurs so you can have different skins so you can recreate your own ruff this squad so we'll go for a common so we've got fire berry we've got something blue we've got vulture so we're getting low I wish you could see the skin that's the only uh gonna disappoint me is that you can't see the skin spitfyre now we've got that one before so that should be enough oh I was worried there so here we go I'm getting a bit better with the UI now it's not as confusing as it first was so view dinosaur I regret having skins yeah rustic blue ice vulture we don't have flame we don't have wasteland ah we have Spitfire and we have fire baby so there we go we'll go one countryside we'll go one fire berry which one's blue which which one you say it's either that one it has to be this one there has to be blue so we'll make that oh so we've got echo hold on hold on so we got echo and Delta are these two so those two but what can Charlie be can Charlie just be that other one this one it's like rustic yeah rustic blue oh yeah we'll make him spotty there you go and we'll have four raptors so we need to make a hatchery as well as well as actually designing the same closure because that's something I still haven't done is just concentrate on making a park so we shall build hold on go blueprints because only made a carnival feeder which is pretty crazy yeah pretty interesting so put it we'll put it like over here carnivore feeder there and a carnivore feet are there I like this though it's like a shame that none of it works it's just it's just there for decoration but least is that so we got two of those feeders we do have water so they can drink we could submerge it was a little X image Oh bring it oh look at that hahaha oh god it was made it like that for a second so wow this looks interesting can they actually go in it though if they can go in it that's great I'll place it down oh it takes a while to render all the rocks because there's so many different types oh my first ruptor who is it oh my god they are tiny oh oh it's it's gone okay where'd it go hello hold on did I destroy it wait where'd it go it says I have one hatchery or one dinosaur oh I think I broke it I'm not even kidding I can't click anything oh no there you go to continue no no I didn't break it there's world marking exit out of that no we're still working we're still working but my dinosaurs have vanished that'd be cool if somehow they programmed them to stay in there until he gets to maturity but I don't think so okay let's look and concentrate on making this vegetation there we go so let's make this more interesting well I don't like the way that tree looks is it better close up yes it is okay so a little bit of fern so we'll have like the long grass because they're wrapped is Oh God Oh what is if you dissin so small on that I can't even see it after that else to feel like a big tree okay how do we do palm trees we'll do some palm trees as well oh ah oh I kind of had it there there it is there it is beautiful now I can zoom down now I won't ah I've got less of a chance of messing this up so they don't like snow things they all run they what else do we have we've got like these huge yuca things well place a few round like round here you can't always like scale them up I completely forget about that so every tree you can click on you can go on scale and then ruie okay it's of God for trees oh I don't want to see that yeah just like old school gave me graphics so how my Raptors doing we have two yes ones just coming out and we've got one who's drinking Oh could we take control if you we could do if we wanted to so we have our first residence velociraptors and this looks like blue actually I we lost the other apt I think he might have happy so that's the blood blue is he nowhere else like did he teleport I'm just curious whether he's he's like vanished somewhere else no okay right now the thing is you have we got any humans going into here we do have some look at them go they're amazing AI watch them walk in threes or falls through the boulder yes I don't think they are is like gang wars so funny just to watch him if we do not that way please doing dip path tip path now they may have a chance of walking up there but I didn't they're gonna do anything no I don't think they're gonna go up there interesting little thing they've got going here this guy made these mainly as if people can really go up but I don't think they can but one thing that people definitely can interact with is benches which oh well there you go oh it doesn't have to be a big gate though hold on will uh will bring that close scale it down there ya go hey yo I want some sound effect when I place down if it's like a cuckoo good room okay just know it happening now how'd you do oh there you go so can I actually move this oh I can woo I also can't delete Can I grab loads of it oh that's that's good okay hold on I tried to delete that there did he yeah okay I'm starting to get into more of a rhythm now let's look at some more stuff so we'll place down another hatchery we shall go build place a hatchery yeah that'll do and then go into I keep again just a bit annoying the layout just it's just a tad can I want a big set of sauropod exhibit so I'll buy Oh oops I picked the same hatchery that's gonna say cuz they've already got two in process so it must go from the top down okay so we'll place in the Mimi the Mimi chibi the meme asaurus okay do any skins for it it's got a Christmas skin oh all this stuff I kind of want the Christmas key yeah oh well the Christmas skin is okay anymore big sauropods no okay we just got the Argentinosaurus so we've got two Argentine sources and one bugger Horace ah yes we've got the penguin Goliath but I kind of like that one tell you what what I'll do is I'll go into the world map and see if we get any better ones into the world map yeah red hue red hue for the few so I guess when we get all the skins can we not get any more olive camo Oh Diggity damn I think that's how it works once you get that skin it disappears and you can't get it again let's have a look yeah oh that's how it works oh that's cool vanilla let's do one more blue sky whoa Konnor you got a lot of skins and that's it so we got all of the the Argentinosaurus skins that's really cool how that works I thought you were just getting like multiples of the same oh no oh oh no that's the meme that's the meme asaurus that's okay okay let's get the Argentine I was gonna say Argentina let's see babies ill olive camo which is just a darker version we've seen that one on the final whoa can Hey hello MIT I think I prefer we'll have a male and a female up with olive camo and that one and we'll call one male one female because we don't actually have genders at the moment so what was Cano as well we got all the Karno skins let's have a look but Navi pie bloodlust blue sky cheetah she do what creamy lizard green red devil savanna and vanilla hmm I wouldn't really call that one vanilla they don't cost any more though so that's good I think this was like max put out a thing where he was like anybody can you recreate the stuff from j-pod yeah and this is the result so we'll put in open the little little drinky drinks put it through the fence so that'll do something like that that's good and then what would our they're they're already coming what would sauropods have as far as like Roscoe's there we go is that through the ground I can tell I can tell what the ground is no that's it then that's it okay well we can do is scale up so I'm gonna go in rotation and turn some of these trees okay let's put some oh yeah that's a bit of a big rock but you know what one there will place a different type of rock but we could always scale that up and place that on so I'm gonna scale this and I'm gonna turn it upside down there ya go and I'm gonna do something similar with this cuz I have full creative control woo because I rotated it though its axes didn't reset see okay I kinda want to like bring loads of smaller rocks next to it so that's not a small rock how about this one Oh a small rock either neither that one oh that's beautiful that's one big pile of poop although ooh there you go be a little little anthill actually though that looks weird I preferred it when it was bigger actually how about yeah puts man okay I'm gonna make loads of loads of these and I'm gonna move them near I'm gonna put them through the floor there ya go and this one will be scared down yeah and we sort of have like a little rock formation not you and what rotate there we go and then place you down a little bit I'm scared that I'll just like randomly grab my sauropods so here we go it's yeah it's starting to take shape a little bit there we go not bad no but I mean something like this is where you'd play you just spend ages absolutely ages just faffing on with stuff anything it's like the grass doesn't and the fact that you can't even say when you assume this far out oh okay well we have Argentinosaurus and meat yeah just ignore the people look I've gotta admit out for this game oh there we go there we got the rafter squatter going yes did I make two of those I did make two of those you've got some weird stuff going on with your holes in your mesh not too sure what's really going on there but they seem to be just stuck in the water hold on if I could claim move the water now I can click onto it yeah there we go okay so I'm gonna move the water away just to see if that does anything because I don't know what these guys are doing that's all I did sleepies there you go that is the raptor squad now can I see what they're doing hold on oh is he going for the water again I think he just runs straight for the water he did as well come here they're getting oh there we go there it is hell yeah I know I could accidentally bin him so wish you would stop moving stop moving please stop moving I can't even click the remote but that stopped it's tight why does this menu feel like it has to move there we go Oh gorgeous can I roll awesome as long as I'm don't friendly fire yeah although the park doesn't really look like a park it just looks like a bunch of props just put together hey what are you gonna do it's all but like the thing is with this game you can spend ages and ages doing stuff and you will eventually make an amazing park it's just at the moment I don't know oh god this guy's got a bit for skinny ah I will kill all you up the people are disappearing did I kill him yeah but not disappear they're just going in and out of like view distance oh it looks cooler I imagine like looking at that this just looks like some things to this game that work really well like that shot Oh hold on not that one although that looked really good actually there is this one here this shot looks great I mean if it was a screen shot but then you realize everybody's walking weirdly and stuff but then you've just got some buggy things like the view distance is really really short and I'm not too sure it could be in the sense I could be doing this wrong hold on yeah it's been fantastic refresh for a blah blah okay can I go back now apply changes Oh God is it gonna break it please don't break ah for kids goddamnit can I just wait for it to respond please no you can do it Ivan even you oh god okay well we moved and that is why you don't play my secret at the moment anyway oh no boom a grin yes we're gonna fit us a save yes whoo okay we're gonna fantastic quality you ready yes [Music] yes oh that is gorgeous Oh Lord be damned this is great I can see things things far away yes okay I take back everything I said this game looks beautiful with the shadows some of the JPEG always MIT look at this look at this no wonder always it happy with the settings changed to the worst I just saw that's the way the game was oh this is gorgeous or we got to continue playing for a little bit at least just a little bit oh okay hold on let's build some more stuff in here like a few more small trees yeah yeah can we make little now put some little mosses coming in so we're sort of making this water place blend in a little bit more now so if we put in a few little bits or Rock you know rock could work well scale down this one and then we'll shove it in the ground a little bit and I'll bring it forward oh no no wrong way bring it this way like so and then we'll move this one down and we'll rotate it along that axis and there you go oh now it's looking great oh that looks so good okay click back just to stop everything from blaring on yeah oh that's looking great I'm loving this now this is fantastic can we see information on our dinosaurs not possible not really it's a bit of a shame oh he's lying down oh he's so cute oh this is a tiny enclosure for Argentinosaurus I now realize this I've realized the error of my ways so I'm actually gonna move the helipad behind the entrance so we have to go into the build menu in order to click it there we go let's move up off this way we don't even need this I've gotta be honest there you go how about how about them apples that day we got like a helicopter entrance yeah not bad like we move I'm noticing lag now just a little bit can we move it up a little bit there we go there that's good now it looks like people come in line from the helicopter and come in that's not bad yeah I'm noticing like now I'm sacrificing frames for a great gameplay experience but that looks really good 'banahna I've been on a Sunday banana toffee chieftain greeny fire red undergrowth swamp ooh tell you what should we have like one male we'll have that one the male and then we'll have the rest females that look like that there'd be really cool I live for 29 years population popularity poor people don't like Baryonyx what's that what's Argentina's popularity hold on Argentina sore but not in the whole place rare no ok I got it I got you it's not all about how people like to see it it's just like its rarity when you dig it up Carcharodontosaurus agus rond and subliminal adduce don't know what that means kind of try to refrain from saying it again because it could be a bad word absinthe Azur barrel blazer blade please what was it laser blade blazer well we got a Baryonyx already ok so oh yes we'll put it on the outside oh that's a cool idea actually hold on this is a carnivore exhibit and thus hold on if it will work I need to show you guys that it's a carnivore exhibit by showing it like we'll just pretend that's a sign ok that's a carnivore exhibit put one on this side as well carnivore exhibit and then because this is a herbivore exhibit can we do the same with this hold on I know you can't record but on the side what oh no oh that we can make this into a sign because at the moment just a floating thing so if we go on build and we look for a pole yeah yeah there we go so we'll let's go so can I get that close so I'll put that in we'll rotate that I don't think this is interactive if it is is gonna be really freed and then scale up to scale that up and there you go it's it's kind of a pole Shane saying that this is a kind of takes imagination this game this is a shame that the frames are so their frames yeah the frame rate so slow that looks great I love the way this game looks can I run did it did uh I've got a bit of a weird run cycle not gonna lie so there you go we got a new exhibit except they don't have food the foods on the outside though let us build let us build no indigo blueprints that's what we need to do there you go so place one over yeah and one over me and then also go into building and then find that pole again yeah that one and then extend it to be up here I think that's about right something there then we click it we rotate it to me the binoculars stand out that way and then scale it to bring them up and I think that's good enough can we not just move it in yeah you can do okay there you go so it's a carnal carnivore whoa can you move the whole path oh wow okay that that's weird okay I've just sent them on a mini mission yeah everyone's going into the observation place for their car it's not interactive so they just walk into it and then walk out down so the Raptors took in the water again yeah they love being stuck in that one haven't got a bloody clue and yeah I think this is going to have to wrap up the video but if you've enjoyed it guys leave a like and until next time maybe we'll play a bit more mesozoic er I apart from like the new dinosaurs there's not too much if somebody makes like a really cool custom like hatchery or a custom life certainly remakes visitor center will definitely like hop in continue with the park and show that off because that would look awesome we've been joined for you leave a line until next time flow to go to the source oh uh see you later over bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 427,756
Rating: 4.8989472 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaur game, jurassic park, jurassic park operation genesis, operation genesis sequel, dinosaurs, dino game, early access, park builder, jurassic world, mesozoica, mesozoica game, simulator, simulat
Id: EtQG0uAodXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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