Indoraptor Takes On Indominus Rex! - JPOG Site B Special!

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this is whaling on the 140 right [Music] hello everybody and welcome to another episode or the episode of Jurassic world's fallen Kingdom operation genesis also known as Jurassic world evolutions prequel and today we are going to be playing the dress world falling kingdom mod yes we just play just AG world operation Genesis right but this time we're playing with a mod that has sticky moloch toast all this jazz so be prepared this is gonna be awesome the task is to recreate Isla Nublar there's also been like an update for this mod which we are going to be playing or using I should say what I wanted to do is we'll choose a map and we'll just take the trees down so we can actually see what it looks like I want to choose a map that looks most like Isla Nublar and once we find that map we're gonna make mounts I bow the volcano make some dinosaurs like try to think about what realistically what the dinosaurs would exist on Isla Nublar you know on Jurassic world before everything went wrong and then how basically this is the in-between Jurassic world and fallen Kingdom I want to recreate like after everything was destroyed the sticky Moloch and all that jazz so now I kind of want it to be a decent-sized island I don't want it to be too bad I always like the weird looking ones like where they have little alcoves and stuff like that sorry if this is why it's gonna be where we guys will say thank you so much for all support you guys have you left on the like this Jurassic month and it's just been so much fun like I've done things a little bit differently we've collab with some other people hopefully if it all worked out and and I also have my cup of tea that's nice yes the new textured map and everything so if this is is the new blob very weird I know how about we have this as Mount sighs oh I think that would hill or a mountain break for the mountain pass there you go can we can we get any higher than that it's like is that really as high as we could get well I call this one mounts I bow shall we so we'll delete all the trees off it only like that's the thing I can't wait for drastic world evolution I think we now know that Easler Nublar is or at least it's been said at least other people said already this mon man is awesome okay all this what I would like to do is kind of start this on a normal Island and be able to place fences and stuff but at the same time I kind of just want to jump into this and just recreate the dinosaurs that we you know I just want to have fun the only difference is it'd be really cool if there was fences you can make insight be however insight be you know you don't like you don't get message from dr. Sattler so that's really nice yes so let's have a look at the dinosaurs that we have so we have a less of the soros mica servitors as sticky Morlock Gallimimus pachycephalosaurs sincerity ox Styracosaurus I don't I'm sorry Soros on Isla Nublar okay and Kaila Soros you Persepolis pachyrhinosaurs which looks actually pretty decent Stegosaurus which look awesome Triceratops Stegosaurus which looks really good can we just like after seeing that blue monstrosity look at that that looks really good could eat the source from just Park 3 the drastic world powers office Edmontosaurus Apatosaurus even a Brachiosaurus interesting a man addressed a part three Bacchus or so they have higher next that's interesting okay min momenta Soros and then for the you got Compsognathus which hopefully work Stevo segi Soros see a lyricist Dilophosaurus Harris or us like from Jurassic world the game Sonic Park became blue echo oh no that's just a general Raptor then deinonychus another one of the head crests that got caused all this is so good I was excited from Jurassic world evolution metric and asuras which instead of being about birdies all this time is a serrata source and of course the Indo Raptor serrata soros Baryonyx and then for the large runs we've got a low source which looks more like the one from I think that's albertasaurus isn't it looks more like although this one's more like the drastic world one Johnson world fallen Kingdom toast concave concave at all think it's called pterosaurs of Rex they Bowl from oh my god just can we just I want to say thank you to whoever made this this mod this is amazing Sukumar vez which isn't as brightly colored which kind of fits in a really nice-looking drastic poetry spinosaurus indominus rex with like kind of okay proportions like that the thing is since recording my operation genesis series we've been able to put in your like make changes to the models so that's what's really helped us with all these different dinosaurs so we're gonna place like a couple of hatcheries down i'm gonna turn some around just in case it makes much of a difference I really don't think it does do we wanna place anything there connect ooh can they get across Oh hold on let's do that let's do that okay okay so we'll make that and then we'll flood it because otherwise there's kind of oh yeah also dinosaurs Congo and rampages or comas a little completely act up their own free will so we'll place people next to the mounts I bow possible I know in operation Genesis like the vanilla dinosaurs always go down south I really don't know why that is but you never know maybe they'll make it to this island if tell you what after a certain period of time let's say an hour once we've made all the dinosaurs if any managed to get away onto this place or this place they survive and everything else will die how about that that's so good I think that's what's good or at least if they're in the vicinity like a circle of vicinity that means they went extinct so we're gonna make everything pretty much and I've also whoever spawns here I'm sorry but you do not stop with the best advantage trying to get round that B should be okay look at that it's actually quite small when you think about how big it could be should we extend it out a little bit I feel like I should otherwise we're gonna have loads of dinosaurs really tightly compact together and I don't think stinking Morlocks gonna last too much too long and it's gonna be like a Spinosaurus lab because the Spinosaurus did apparently exist oh there's a drastic part 3 sound effect can we get them into the camera hold on hold on where they go where they go yeah I lost them so wall do is I kind of want to make like some sort of river running through the middle I always find that like really cool when you can just get down on the floor and just follow the river all the way from one end of the island to the other so if we make a river and then it can flow yeah how about that but that's a little bit nice and how about we have another one another river system because this is the alley we're gonna spend all the time on and guys whether you like it or not love it or hate it it's gonna be a long episode I know you're excited so what's a hill is a hill like a bigger oh that would be good it's like there's only like an entrance and an exit to the river system and that's like at the start and then you're kind of like protected once you're in the river that's I start with one idea so I kind of like this this it's not really too long actually we could make that longer so what we'll do is we'll border off this bit because I don't think dinosaurs will be able to get over this cliff so if you're in the river you're in the money to flatten it I think I have to flood it my bad I didn't realize how wide that was gonna go there you go there we go see you if you're in here oh yeah I wish we have terraforming like that mmm I mean I think we are gonna get stuff like this terraforming in a way when it comes to Jurassic world evolution everything swiggity if you've got it if you don't [ __ ] her off probably be wanting it for awhile but I've been thinking mugs and I even kiddin like people usually make mugs cuz it's like oh I can make a mug but we have tea on this channel it makes sense so this it's almost like this is the Great Valley this bit and then here's the mysterious beyond who knew we'll also have trees on this island we may end up with whatever like we put on here may just stay there and may survive those are put trees on here so look at that ten minutes into the video and already no dinosaurs yeah but you love it guys right you love it so what we'll do is we'll also make this kind of a like safe-haven as well a little bit now what I was thinking of doing what be really cool idea is downloading a map or somebody that has made easily blah because there's people out there that have really spent ages making either sauna he's a new blot and they look fantastic however depending on mods and stuff it's kind of hard to get that into the game if you know what I mean on your version at least anyway so play some trees around so we have the Great Valley Lake system and then like a miniature little Great Valley there that's the flooded plains I'm expecting suka - and Baryonyx and stuff like that to live I mean there's been an update in this for the behaviors that's for sure so what we'll do is well is that carnival I feel like that's a carnival less of the sort no I don't think it is I think it is so what we'll do is all the all the hatcheries all seven of them will flood with small things building up so and what I think would kind of be the population of what would make sense like you know you can't have a reverse food chain so you won't have like two hundred and Dom nurses and five her before she ship Thank You seperti have you don't very good I'm going to be mined now also it's like a really hot day in England and of course I'm recording with the Sun blaring on my Hannah's I might die so let's see the newest addition to Jurassic world I can't even see where is it hold on hold on oh there it is there it is oh look at them hey bud you oh it's a dry sword that's what they've done oh I like it oh man it just broke its neck yeah so these are probably gonna go extinct not going to lie oh what'd be interesting is if like we did it on an island where you know you get message from better there but then you get diseases come in and maybe disease actually if you had diseases come in like a regular game you're not protecting dinosaurs like immunizing them you're probably just gonna end up with a bunch of dead dinosaurs gonna get one tick infection or dinosaur dinosaur flu or bumblefoot one bout of verrucas and everything's going to die so yeah last time we ended Jurassic month with me playing this on the ps2 which is where I might I first played it and I still kind of had it I think I had to buy a PlayStation 2 version because I couldn't find it and I thought this time because Jurassic world falling kingdoms just around the corner and we've got Jurassic world evolution also I'm really excited I thought why not what better way to celebrate it then to play this ok dinosaurs don't seem to have moods do they have like a pack leader they rarely do I picked them straight away so there'll be like a couple of pack leaders around I say that well wait hold on leader leader leader leader leader are they all together okay although all the leaders are all together okay I guess it must be that way it must be like the the first one that was made in each hatchery when the second one came out made that one the leader because it goes in cycles of who's oldest to youngest so they were all leaders at the same time in they're hatching sequence hey guys pretty cool so yeah I'm not gonna introduce carnivores just yet I'm gonna see where all these guys go as you can see like the ones that are closest to the bottom of pointed up just so they don't all go down because as you can see already from the hatcheries we've got them going down we got these guys going down and those guys don't even know which way they're facing so lest the Souris done time for my cursor on us so we have 63 of those now if you think about it the ps2 back in the day that version of the game could only have 60 dinosaurs all right here we go 63 so even as like as a kid this is my dream to just make unlimited dinosaurs but even then I remember playing on the computer and you know running out like it just lagging because back then computers when that gravis whoever made this put his thing is a safari adventure so this guy is like a ceratopsian that walks on two legs so it's a theropod ceratopsian unlike Luda would want you to believe as it would be a carnivore it's actually so let's have a look when this guy comes out is he gonna become the leader or the other guy I think he saw him yeah he made the other one a leader so the second one that comes out becomes the leader interesting call scratch instantly so these guys are gonna make up the base or at least a lot of what the hell who is some happy there's some happy things oh wait wait what wait a minute wait a minute I was gonna say where are the the smiley faces going what would even obviously in order to get more dinosaurs in the game they've had to do some tomfoolery so they're actually not really okay okay so I would say this couldn't be a lot of these guys but maybe not as many so we'll just make a couple more there you go so maybe about 50 of these guys it's it kind of depends like what I used to do when I was bored you know when I was a weirdo I would I would like to make all the dinosaurs and then after a certain amount of time depending on how many of those species were left I would then add half extra so let's say if there was five Dilophosaurus left I would add two and then if there was only two left and add one and then you know eventually so basically the one that was most successful would thrive unfortunately in this case which it shouldn't be the big carnivores would survive and end up flourishing and the little herbivores would die with a island full of carnivals how many stickies on the seat four I'm going to say four stickies on each incubator how about that one two three six seven seven well 14 14 you know I think 14 is okay I think that's fine so so far these guys have not explored around the island which is interesting the lesser thesauruses have already gotten over the island but them over there or is some less of the horses are these guys have got to the edge the little island and it's just like playing about not getting on together oh we got we got a territory dispute oh ok never mind you saw backed up in their word thank you so let's check out sticky moloch yes I like you see that's really cool that we can now edit the models so they look better they look so much better zip 50 oh I think the sticky Moloch's have joined the micro-services Oh pick up their own sounds I think that yeah I think they may have joined that herd yeah and then I all wait a minute well they start off as babies Oh II didn't realize we could grow in operation are you kidding me why does anybody play any other game I didn't realize they start off as babies oh okay this is interesting so while there's less of the sources have they gotten to the river oh yeah there's one little path entrance there and they've got in so don't look so cool my River is inhabited but most of the other ones have not found their way in just because it's kind of tricky I mean there's a big open bit there and I kind of like hold on to things I did want to fix that that's what I want I wanted to close this off except for the entrances to the river so there is no way to get in here at all except by following the river that way or that way or somehow coming in via the open ocean and I wish we could make that bigger can we put a hill on top what's gonna save that would be amazing can we put like oh can we oh I'm gonna make I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I think I think I'm gonna make a please tell me I can no I can't make water in there but there you go there's boats I bow sticking bollocks are all made now okay what's next Gallimimus now we saw that there was lots of Gallimimus or at least a hood there's suddenly a flock so we'll give voyage I don't know if Gallimimus would really survived that well if there was no like in my head I can I can just see a flock of Gallimimus but in nature would I guess there would be they are like the gazelles so they would be able to outrun most other slow carnivores why it has been 20 minutes and I've almost finished my team fantastic so there we go has he not joined the less thesaurus oh look they've changed the way the neck is it's like slightly bent and not like straight they've curved it I am in awe oh my god to keep up lit it would be like would you do if I played Jurassic world evolution my guys this isn't as good as being territorial Oh territory I know they're gonna kill each other but hopefully because this is site B I'll just quickly skip through the health no they're okay cuz I played some mods than some for some reason that I know sores have just died so the next one is pachycephalosaurus don't you think oh we got night okay so it's the same kind of mod as last time but night instead I think you know I think - oh dear oh I could put Pat down though accidentally made more color - there we go - pachycephalosaurus I don't know I can't see them being oh wow you know what today I was like I could play raft or something something I haven't played before but then and when I saw I was like you know what I'm just in the mood to play this I just want to play this and this is what we're doing yeah look at that the graphics are awesome yeah I also download a a mod pack what are they doing are they rubbing each other are you freaking serious but they're like rubbing each other that's a different I've never seen that before they're territorial so they're like list I'm just blown away by everything so basically I downloaded a upgraded a texture pack which is supposed to be for computers that can handle it so and this one can handle it so since our table where we definitely seen that plenty of times in the trailer so I'm gonna give three of those each though how about this island is everybody just on here my car they don't they don't leave they can't get across I'm pretty sure I made that happen like because once you make land then you can they can walk across it because if it's if it's like a sheer drop-off like this bit will be here even holes in the karez we're since our tops that small well it is a baby actually so let's see of the sticky Morlocks growing up now we're even are they oh oh look at these guys they found the river and I'm the only ones benefiting from it right now so we still got a baby sticky I think it's a baby it's about the same size as a if they they keep on growing there's like multiple sizes unless he's like the plaque leader this is weird but really cool I love it so Styracosaurus um I think I'm gonna pass cuz I don't think it's like Styracosaurus was in there so gonna pass on that one now on to the big herbivores oh did you hear that was that a Pachycephalosaurus or was that sin since our tops whoa okay okay so in Kyllo saws I think would would be quite successful so I'm gonna say at least two there needs to be some way to call the you know the other large carnivores so oh wait we've got people in here less of the sources who I don't even up there yeah got him is he asleep she's sleepy oh I'm Kaila Soros I was cuz I please don't tell me that any of these are like secret carnivores but they are so there it is oh look at the graphics on it yes yes exercise oh look they're all green again like hello well is very happy he's got like his own face cut his own crew fees that's great so nobody has left this island at all well I didn't they make it a shock when they realize that you know what if that is the case and the coding is that they only leave if there's land then maybe it's in my best interest to at least do that and like because I don't want them all hunched up okay next one you persepolis okay which is based just ankylosaurus so we'll make one of these needs a 7 but it's makes them special oh look at him run look at him go as long as he's not attacking anything I'll be happy with that yeah as soon as we add carnivores into the equation things are gonna get crazy especially seeing as we are now going for herbivores that can fight back right now you know what I'm kind of thinking we should put in the small carnivores next just because if we put in Stegosaurus Triceratops you know like aggressive herbivores then they're just gonna kill all the little carnivores oh look at this stretch tomorrow he's like a skinnier version yeah happy you get your your pooping okay add to the little mound of poop there you go and you'll be happy now yeah what's it like the next one is Pocky rhinosaurus do we want any hybrids I love that stegosaur I love it because they've changed that they've given it like really high legs like back legs exactly like the one from the lost world so we've got a Stegosaurus Triceratops a lot of the hadrosaurs so the only thing that I'm worried about is trike and we're about right because trike maybe a bit too aggressive so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna put a load of kompy's these are scavengers and hopefully well actually you know what they're probably going to be absolutely mauled by the sincerity OPS's and Pachycephalosaurus --is and sticky oh oh look yeah they are movin they do one line okay well there it is the first one let's see how copy does look at that Pocky you can smell them he's so cute he's gonna be scared though right oh they even get all the tail because they'd be careful you're gonna die you're gonna die oh I feel like it won't be oh there's a copy runnin run copy run okay so these are the scavengers so I'm kind of sorry but we kind of need to keep pumping these guys in until we have a natural equilibrium cuz they're all gonna start to slowly die well they've definitely pushed the herbivores off the island I'm kind of worried about all the others will we get any other kills like the Gallimimus will be accidentally killed Oh something died something died come suck nailless Compsognathus okay well listen to that and not a herbivore I don't know I think oh no nope Lots the less of the sources were killed stinky Morlocks oh my god I'm so sorry little babies little puppies yeah as the copies are causing havoc at the moment yeah yeah maybe I should have introduced the copies last hopefully they won't need to hunt too often they look cool though that long neck oh god here we go again I just kind of want to go through the ankylosaurs and just see how many kills they've gone 1 1 2 2 1 okay how about you Persepolis I feel like I definitely got some kills 1 1 1 1 okay not bad Jesus is everywhere I heard something died I had something big divert something dead oh they got the Pteranodons what's that there oh did he get a kill did any of the I'm sorry topsis have a kill yes he did kill him you kill the copy oh it's awesome but in the Great Valley you're safe if you can get in there that is as long as no other carnivores get in there either how about oh look at that they've completely got them over here you know what I'll make some more trees there we go yeah guys this could be a long episode so we have 60 copies so far I'm gonna do one last big batch because I honestly feel like it's inevitable that it's gonna all die but hey you never know so let's make another hatchery facing that way and what else do we have um seed your sources don't know what those are oh come on cor I got I want to get really close to him damn it ah they only last for a little bit and they disappear they vanish any deaths here doesn't seem to be and all the comfies are all here look at them all they must have them set so they heard close together because look at that that's awesome yeah they do they're all I compact into like close little packs completely oblivious of the bloomin ankylosaur you push surplus right next to them so I don't know about this guy right okay 71 74 up 73 yep one died oh we got some in there in the air in here maybe I made too many diets awesome well what are you gonna do some dead here what's dead is it just kompy's looks like it's just kompy's okay so make some some sieges I don't even know what if they're any good to be honest yeah almost done should make more you know we're gonna make another hatchery over here oh you can't make fences can you make everything you could make everything apparently that because I don't have any fences oh that is cool okay sod it let's put some fences around yeah no I mean that's awesome how about some what a small fence and there you go oh that's cool okay so we've got some fences some remnants of Jurassic world so if we make the entrance can you even have visitors here that's interesting oh look at them everywhere love that there can we even send open people the toilet as well you know oh this is awesome this is what I wanted when I was a kid to make a site be and be able to place fences so all the copies of all together here look at them all okay okay so that's them all done Oh Whitney sources will get two of those I don't even know if they're gonna last much longer to be honest but hey is worth try oh okay oh I made some Dilophosaurus there okay I didn't want to do that one just yet okay well there you go I can hear things huffin and puffin while trying to hit oh you are stressed son okay no I don't think any the compass have killed anything they probably could if they wanted to Oh God is becoming a mess so are these the cool oh so these are the carnivores there's another one there they're like small Gallimimus ha's and what's it will they attack this thing I want to be scared oh look at that more animations well it's really cool so that cooled like hula collegia so whatever it is colder us color us look at them the way they go in that pack formation it's fantastic love it okay now we want Dilophosaurus --is how many Dilophosaurus is three Oh God no more of those three ish we'll say that'll do I think that'll do so we got fences to sort of divide things I want us like a low security fence somewhere so a place that like here there you go I've divided you yeah if you see any skull and crossbones it's usually kompy's like if we go into dinosaur summary fourteen ankylosaurs 1874 kompy's that's on the drop a Dilophosaurus gallon Lannisters where's the letter 56 of them that was like 70 so yeah like this is what happens I'm expecting it to slowly come into some sort of natural equilibrium that's what I'm expecting so once we got this we'll get so basically you'll get all the pecan of us at once look awesome so what's next Harris Soros is pretty sure that was in drastic world release it's it's a toy that's for sure and I'm expecting like some of these small carnivores - oh my god we've got like a mega Hood of kompy's here you can barely see him and there's some other carnivores as well it's because they all come down south from here so it looks like this is carnival island and we've got lots of dead compy 7471 well that's okay Oh God Pachycephalosaurus get out of there please you will get whacked God how many of you were left 14 actually okay it's quickly skip through not bad to be honest there's gonna be a lot of herbivores that are gonna die because they don't want to eat cuz they're terrified oh look at that Harris all it's amazing I'm still kickin up others Oh blues well we only need one blue I'm kind of worried too wet where to put blue actually so there's other Raptors as well but Jurassic world didn't have other Raptors Deinonychus it may have had I guess where should we put the one blue guys you know a pen blue last just in case hmm did you hear that Metricon thesaurus you know what we don't need to add loads so serrata sources put four in Baryonyx will put five in yeah I know you're asking my logic and I don't have any so we're gonna put five other souls in we're gonna put oh we need like pork for toasts concave erupt over put in two of those ooh t-rex now we're putting some Superman misses and then we'll put in two spy knows anything that's finished this is it this is it all the big ones are coming I don't even know where Allosaurus yeah are you doing looking quite big all those copies though look at that Oh Oh things are dying I tell you what those like Alice was made to eye themselves because the copies aren't leaving them alone and I think actually it's that one for water is driving them to the lake but they caught they can smell it they can't get over that's interesting okay Allosaurus I think is over here oh no that's concave Raptor oh it's on the it's on the hunt who's it going for or what is it going for oh wow what's making that noise okay what's over here metric and thesaurus okay what's over here suka - also gonna go for it's gotta go for a copyright it's quite big isn't it yeah he's trying to go for a comfy or less at the Souris I think okay what's over here a low Soros who seems to start okay actually okay what else do we have kaya toast who doesn't know what it's doing okay where's the other one oh it's gonna listen to stories die down that's a big less of thesaurus as well my god the other ones interest oh he's just even something don't know what he ate there you go let's see toast eat num num oh Jesus you poacher your stomach if you swallow that wouldn't you oh there's a what gluttonous of jesus lizard grinder gliding on water oh oh he's stuck and even know how you got out there what else we got I'm pretty sure I made old Baryonyx that's right and it looks exactly like the one from the movie lover so you best be afraid buddy let's running backwards what what where's where's Spinosaurus I think I made two of those oh there they are oh the other stores are running scared of them oh yes and now we're gonna have this in Jurassic world evolution as well to spy knows okay I kind of want to put on the other end of the island and the two t-rex's just so we don't have like a bowel straightaway so there's Rexy and we'll put on the bull t-rex as well actually put the Polti box over here it's kind of quiet over on this segment separated by the fence we'll put in Oh Rica Indo indominus rex and interrupter as well oh my god it's absolute madness can I just have a look at how he kills like a missiles have got three three three yep 3 is the highest concave a raptor is territorial apparently oh wow look Oh t-rex t-rex no oh is it already killed something what's it going pull oh is it gonna go fridge in love for Soros right loved his horses oh it's good for comfy or he's just trying to go for a comfy oh that sound effect yes bionics oh boy alex is becoming food for the bull t-rex I love it I can't make the noise last night oh oh oh it's the thighs I'm a touch of detail like that beautiful don't go for the fence Dino Dino run Paige what where I don't I don't see it try this or a page oh it's killed the Akata source from far away oh my god I didn't even see that that looked awesome though do not mess with Rexy well not Rexy you know that t-rex Rex is over here somewhere oh we've got a Sukkah - in the coma don't know when that's gonna get up its gonna say is that Alice always running away from the her Allosaurus but no it's the Spinosaurus it looks so dainty bless it and is there somebody in the kiosk can I just check please tell me there is please okay do we have a path from indominus rex in the raptor blue and Deinonychus we've got everything oh wow this is a you know what I'm gonna put oh oh what's the super my mascot what's the secret Scott what I said what is it was it damn it didn't get to see it he ate something okay blue I'm gonna put you oh there's a low source on that island but blue okay I kind of want to keep tabs on blue that want to make it so put indominus rex there we'll put indoor Raptor yeah interrupter that and we'll put blue over here actually I kind of want to keep tabs on these before anything I'm hoping that they've made blue better or something like that look at that why it's always gonna be a quiet little Valley has now turned into frickin chaos because there's too many of everything yeah Sarada saw us going here there's a dead I'm kind of Soros in there how did that die it looks like a died of language oh it's in a coma never mind he's easy prey yeah what is that Aurora sores Carnotaurus is scat oh look Baryonyx gotta yeah my crystal rotters this is awesome Tosi's just watching him yes it was that good awesome okay right so indominus rex oh there it is looks pretty good okay interrupter oh wait what interrupter did what what are you doing I think I got attacked by something you got hit by something odd if they're just scaled up a raptor he's wanting to hunt but what I think and kylo sores are too much for him to take on that's why he's not going for it oh I think you got hit there I think endure after got hit there oh oh oh the pole t-rex what's he going for he's pushing that poor little samsara tops oh I think he's one actually Bali and Carlos aw what's he going for he wants to do something here it doesn't know what though Oh something's died something's one of those has just died I think oh not now he's scared okay where's where's oh just kill because he cuz we're even is Indo Raptor hold on was indominus rex oh yeah you can't miss indominus rex doesn't know what it wants to do interrupt it was over here somewhere look for a carnival coulda went all the way over here I'm hoping it's not dead I mean I lost track of it where are you Oh toes taken down to Baryonyx ah just laying into him oh barn exciting the pole t-rex allosaurus is spinning at him toast is wrecking the pole t-rex Rexy is looking injured outside the party oh my god toast going for it I did I knocked him down is a date no he's not dead he's not that boot he showed him who was boss little hammer are a sorcerer Dino rampage oh oh oh my god bionics laying into toast he's still losing he'll know is he gonna get killed it's over that's it toaster days oh my god how many dead toast do we have oh we've got 100 did you kill it he's laying into him I think it's still alive though is he just gonna okay okay thank Allah saw oh no how much help oh god ankylosaurs not yeah it's not going anywhere not stand a chance okay right now the only way I think I'm gonna find endo Raptor is in here so we don't have any Brachiosaurus or creature sources or Edmondo sources oh we got another toast facing off against the t-rex I've completely forgot to put all the all the easy prey items in oops I forgot to put Stegosaurus is in oh no okay my bad my bad corythosaurus what else do we have Parasaurolophus Edmontosaurus and mono source a putt-putt asorech Apatosaurus I just passed it there yes and this one needed was this lady tried there's no trikes let's try it where is trying there it is okay interrupt is dead we'll make another one the next big interrupted a die wasn't it okay oh these things have grown up now they're looking pretty decently sized okay right Sukumar miss is dead there I think another Allosaurus a dead Bionics again oh it as indominus rex he's a pack leader - what what the hell's a pack leader - it's joined forces is it because there's no trees why they they're just so hungry and thirsty but they've given out yep so we have over 200 dinosaurs in the park at the moment there's indoor Raptor now we need blue over here I'm thinking a blue on this island would be pretty good how many copies do we have Oh Allosaurus just killed that one thing yeah back to sleep on your side hey you go okay indominus rex is live where's the bull white okay there's the male t-rex where is yeah there he is feeling pretty well for this hungry Oh a toast going but there's a dead Mexican thesaurus only three of those left oh my God look at that ah it looks awesome alright come on I have you even killed anything I like I even made your head wide that works really well I love it ok interrupter you don't really know what to do do you okay right toast are you okay how many toes do we have left - but add it into a coma that's up there's another one dead probably by owner that was the in Calais or one sleeping okay got Crete the source is here okay okay I'm just gonna refill all of the the hadrosaurs just because I'm the Apatosaurus because it was pretty I got two more of those and I would really like the Steger sauce so I can adjust one more sticker sauce and go for the burger sauce because we're I haven't seen those at all Miller diner on page and then they could go on rampage though they just go into comas so what I yet where's the river this is a lovely calm River nobody's in this bit except for a sicko my my Suze who's wanting to hunt oh oh there's indominus rex eating eating some toast so that's quite nice yum yum right okay I think did I make flu yet no Brachiosaurus amazed Parcells i could if i you know a little bit small there you go so they're over here oh yes look at that neg oh oh Spinosaurus Oh Apatosaurus are aggressive where's the other where is it okay the other ones there alright so I didn't realize that a palace so spiny sources are doing okay they're fine I expected as much to be honest I kind of want to make a hole in the fence there you go and 100 lightning strike Oh so rather Soros thank can you just get killed no we didn't what's his help on pretty well is he going for revenge no he's just scared it's justice Soros is alive actually okay like once you're in here it's just hell especially if you're like a small carnivore or herbivore so he's doing okay interrupted any anything any news oh it's alive it's a life somewhere have a look well it'll be a carnival I'm expecting it maybe to be over here it's it might be in the mess they love the sorcerer asaurus car no Baryonyx BAM look at oh my god that looks so good look at that is it is a grown up Brachiosaurus there or spinosaurus taking on a Stegosaurus right I'm gonna have to go on this if I want to find indoor Raptor has it killed anything it hasn't made a kill yet Follette the most deadliest dinosaur creature devil would roam the earth it's not really attacking anything now let's just throw blue into the mix and we'll follow blues life shall we I don't that would be a cool idea so blue you want a subway if you remember me blue all those jokes we told each other something's dead there and it's a dead Allosaurus Allosaurus is do we have fog okay so interrupts it was somewhere here wasn't he oh and dominance rex is asleep so here we go let's follow blue I'm expecting blue to die pretty quickly I know I know you love blue right but I feel like in this game it's just gonna die right okay you know I just need to hunt she needs to hunt but what I look at other stegosaurs over there Triceratops there's no easy prey items for a single Dino signal rough to the go for and that Stegosaurus enum I've seen her sorry are you gonna go for blue I kinda want to see so both t-rexes are alive it's three sick of my missus all this thing about looks are dead that's fantastic Allosaurus let's endure oh oh oh it seems something oh no I got scared it got scared I'm with you blue like honestly this is crazy but this would be the scenario straight away if I like the parcels really run outdoors room still scared still running away it needs something small like a compy that's what it needs I don't know if a trike sees it like they're trying to get they can smell the water but they just stuck on there so that might be the end of those herbivores to be honest they may just stay there so they'll be easy pickings for the Allosaurus eventually oh it's alice was running up there's a dead Alice or over there now at least it got whacked it's like a trap almost no no has it seen it I don't think it has okay or mitre that's why did that threat display just there so it took a interrupter still alive so let's have a look hasn't made a kill but is eating a dead parasol that was definitely killed by something look you're a huge carnival man go and kill something look there's a name on the source it's practically just half the site Oh unless it's going for you it might be trying to attack you also they've added the crest of the admonish sources Hayden just little touches it's awesome you're going to attack the fence Oh oh my god hurt it's being trampled but it did you die wait one essaouira son I'll be very disappointed oh there's blue blue running are you can't get over that blue oh don't go towards the Spinosaurus though don't do that now I'm gonna save this hit save it just in case it's awesome Oh looks like oh that's a thing oh I just put in a cheat code well that was nice of them to do okay so now you're with Apatosaurus --is Barrio what's up bionics go I mean Spinosaurus what is that oh it dropped it it killed the Herero source now very nice now blue please do not end up on the menu blues running for it do not run underneath the Spinosaurus please don't get picked up by it well you survived three weeks so far all you need to survive is three years and then the film makes sense can you survive three years unlike the Apatosaurus skin that's really nice the textures on are beautiful oh we got comas over there come on blue find something to eat I'm just it's Oh God yeah the Triceratops has seen it there do fretts displays that one over there especially oh don't control my power get out of it get out of that cool blue come on blue get up get up get up just get out of it get out of it I don't think it's going to I think it was kill I think it was killed but well there you go well you gave that stegosaur a kill whoo I heard some cool sound effect that oh that's another source trying to kill the entire source it is you'll be lucky but there is a dead fire onyx right there just pushed onto the cliff by the edmondo sorors Oh God oh it's good it's good it looks like all of these since Sarah topsis have gone up from the comas now so that's nice where are the T Rexes Oh dead you posted what's that dead concave rafter dead is that the last color there's one car no left and it's in a coma if it recovers from its coma it'll get full health again and reset stats oh I think I just witnessed interrupted I know oh look at it go indominus rex is just there oh it's not dead though this is awesome I was thinking is that you Persepolis it is although it is taking a lot of damage oh I think it's gonna be killed yeah it might it might happen unless something else intervenes yeah look at I redirected itself and that's it I think it killed it did it kill it yes it's dead oh look at the little rubber so it's like please I would like some food what's killing what is that parasol oh my god Thomas just killed it and ate it I think it ate it before it was Dave's damn you like hi interrupt oh that's Rexy not looking very good not in good shape but seeming to get on with the t-rex it's just sleepy and needs lon that's all just a little bit of land you are not happy you go to sleep man where is the oh why does not appear just go read thesaurus is living in harmony stegosaurs over here the Brachiosaurus over there and what are these Spinosaurus and sukham Imus not getting on I like how he's went ages away he actually got into the river where's the other one the ones over there okay I'm imagining that all a LeFort lesser thesauruses are all dead and probably all the copies should we have a look kompy's one corner left there's only one of blasts how many were there yet those the last one killed by Dino attack five months they've made kills though don't don't even know how endure Raptor is in Orono interrupts is attacking indominus rex i don't think that's a good idea I really don't think that's a good idea oh no they're being territorial they don't want to kill each other now they're working out where they where they fit in in the pecking order I love how that toast died oh really look at this though this is awesome Oh something fell over and died that I think that was the berry how did the berry just die oh no it's a locust or just died have you tell Office opposed to old Dino attack we are that was the last Dilophosaurus no oh we could picked up you picked up the dead body oh nice although the AI they've gotten this game is awesome okay well that's the last of office aw and endure raptor is actually killing indominus rex he's gonna kill him one more anything it's over yeah but well there you have it did not expect that to be the case there's something there died instantly it's made three kills it's probably gonna die of malnutrition though saying that so where is the other t-rex that's what I want to see let's have a look so Deinonychus were never made there's still loads of Gallimimus Pocky I know sources Oh pachyrhinosaurs never I didn't make those oops once planner saw all stiggy's and sticky the dead oak the bull t-rex is dead because I'm pretty sure Oh No you're the t-rex died he was he was alive two seconds ago where'd he go so Rexy died indominus rex died as well to be honest I didn't really see that aggressive but way to go it was right here not too long ago toast may still pull through I like the strategy hiding in the water until the volcano roots what did one just died one just died okay oh look at the periodic seesaw what's he doing like crouching in the water oh it's so cool he's like to live we like staying low although oh it's trying to sleep that up that there it goes so when it goes in the water it like highs my god this mod is amazing I love it and there's Rexy Rexy brought recovering food next to all it needs sorry water all it needs is food this is a dead Herrara source are they all dead they're all dead probably the last one was there I feel like I was two seconds ago we saw it and it's eating the concave rod it was the last one yeah that was the last one I think he killed it because concave rod too is here for the longest time but probably just want to eat it okay we have no carnivores left unless suka - counts as a Ono bionics does count as a herbivore I really want to make blue again though I mean I knew I was gonna happen I was just hoping it wasn't so let's go interrupter let's go there you go you're sleepy but you're stuck in the water you probably get out if you want to stay alive or else malnutrition is gonna get you yeah that they're all sleepy but they just can't seem to do it oh except for the the ball t-rex or just support three t-rex now look at it once he gets some sleep all he needs to do is eat and it's right next to Ana Montes horas is there any amount of sources left there's eight okay so since our top tsa's they're all like really thirsty these guys and that's because they all shook up - died how many kills five another one got four is rainy well that's it what got them Oh probably on connoisseurs to be honest I wouldn't be surprised oh no spinosaurus was killed as well what on earth so how many kills does this t-rex have I'm curious oh it's up oh it's back down again three kills I think the in Kyllo sources have killed way like all the dinosaurs there's the other one five kills two kills three kills and nine kills two kills four killed three kills seven kills and three kills okay I kind of want you Persepolis now so the one remaining Alice or is over here and it's doing really well it hasn't made a single kill though but at this point does it really care and they're clear the sources do not want to move away it's totes adorbs okay what else do you have let's run through I didn't expect any of the brackish sources to die to be honest still six you posit Phyllis's only one is died what 13 less at the sources no so my chrysalis lives like 60 of them all dead part is sticky sting is dead galleys are alive as since era top Cesare alive there's a lot of herbivores that have actually survived copies all dead CG sources all dead coca-cola's dead till officer was dead I were so dead because I was dead cerrado soros is alive though and so on to Baryonyx alice was just clinging in contours just clinging in concave inator dead Rexy Deadpool alive Superman was dead Spinosaurus alive and indominus rex dead I did not expect that to be the case so where are the less of the sources I'm curious are they just like around and I said yeah they are they're over here ish so this is yeah he's probably gonna die soon thinking he kills no it didn't get any kills oh all Pachycephalosaurus are you gonna go rip oh no how many of these are left 10 okay nevermind you can kill him it's already got 3 kills Oh hit him oh there's Alessa right there oh my god him how many kills do these guys have I'm curious now 2 2 4 3 100 the other store finally got a kill oh my god you beauty it killed the Pachycephalosaurus ok that's interesting that's the only carnival that's really gonna survive the volcanic eruption is is interactive who is apparently on here or at least for a little bit now the Rex woke up hasn't eaten yet and it's health is continuously going down so it really needs to eat or else it will die this is no time to poop survival is at stake if they tell you what the other sauce stays here and continuously just kills small things it'll do really well spinosaurus spinosaurus has done ok the other ones disappeared now and i'm guessing so is the body of the other one others no less of the surahs here where is it it's somewhere down here by the trees Oh a fence break oh it's a bloody hoodlum gang of puggy similar sources don't like this fence I'm wondering if just over time it's slowly been flashing into it and finally they go through it Oh Gollum yeah there's been loads of Callum I was like 16 and I was only 14 so these guys have done really well he's a little bit sick but he's okay oh never mind how are you holding that thing up there's another fence breakers at the Pachycephalosaurus the Pachycephalosaurus again he ish will destroy or defenses how are you holding that that was a huge gallery and the t-rex is even the carcass of the concave ER after finally a concavity coke a potato I mean how long did it survive for 10 months no how you gonna down that well it did it by relaxing doing really well to survivin oh oh no nevermind Oh territorial although this t-rex is weak he might be able to kill it that's right roar keep him away because if it bites you you could be done or you bite it hold on it might kill the Rexy Oh God let's take some links it might die oh oh is I know yeah I would run I wouldn't run away from that please do oh oh in the Raptor sensing blood [Laughter] cheeky kid oh my god oh well Oh t-rex is going for an Apatosaurus wrestled it to the floor is he gonna go for another bite did he can he oh no he's healing now because it ate and I thought yeah interruptus eating as well that's it interactors getting its health back this has been the most fun oh no oh the spine oh this - did really well no t-rex can take its toast is stomach over in the background oh my god gonna do it are they gonna go for death duel oh we gonna see it if they do I think spinal might win look up no no Breck see you can't afford it come on Rex oh that's it I think it 100 my little heart yeah now now drink there you go Oh their body it's like that's fine we'll both drink interruptus scared actually I think the apatosaur may have wiped it I was toast doing you like the only way it's getting its health back we'll get up from its coma right it'll die straight away look at that oh another fence break another package yeah the pakis have now destroyed the final bit oh wow yeah they're still not getting on thank you sir all the bites are coming - or to vote for guys this is awesome he might are they're both really weak now Spiner can't take any more hits and off it goes I think t-rex woman that exchange interrupts is still hungry and is eating his Baryonyx that he took down oh but it got scared from the spine of the spine oh is also going for the carcass as well as the t-rex I was gonna say I don't even want to used to die though no interrupter okay okay I'm gonna leave these two to sort of fight out but look at that the Great Valley has become the Great Valley now that the final serratus or has died there he is was a Dino attack it was a Dino attack how many kills zero classic pachycephalosaurus probably killed it oh no he's gonna kill him he's dead he's dead he's gonna get him there you go Spinosaurus killed by the Jurassic Park free all bull t-rex oh interrupters going for something it can't be gone for a trike oh it is sparking the Buddy II stopped there before I said it why did it get it oh my god it wrestled it to the ground oh he's the leader as well but look you might get on Oh No Oh try it you might be done here I think trikes done I think the trikes done so interactor what did it kill it killed indominus rex and now i think it's gonna kill the triceratops oh no it left it it left it do something for it sound like something fell out that there's Roxy what's it going for it's hungry there's plenty of dead bodies and middle things you can go for go for something oh no it died oh I killed the Triceratops over there it's dead how many kills have you got six that's quite a lot for only being alive for five months I suppose so there will be a less thesaurus that's quite old in this park I'm sorry Ellen asylum I want to find that guy because there's loads of them oh I didn't get the hit in I mean one in from a track would probably kill it isn't ironic it might be impaled on a tricorder did you kill it stop killing on the tracks what did they ever do to you there's only six legs up one more jump and that's it yeah it's dead is this gonna collapse now done it just keeps killing eat the things dammit your hell's going down look t-rex knows what it's doing it's not eating this Spinosaurus carcass and the Pachycephalosaurus is watching like she probably turned around now [Laughter] interrupt oh you're thirsty oh god that's your first point of call yeah is it dead it's just sort of it's so lying down and relaxing are we stressed it's like oh these bloody carnivores yeah this part about to be honest their head leader died so I would imagine now be quite stressful zero kills and then zero kills overly aggressive got to admit so we had 200 dinosaurs we now have like a hundred and twenty odd I think the indoor Raptor is actually a herbivore no no it's not actually it's one of the only ones that isn't one of the few stop being scared oh that's a tiny little it montessori look at it that's so cool I love how you can get varieties of sizes oh look at these Pocky seven sources are the pterosaurs flying above look at this scene beautiful interrupter your sense to just kill things is probably gonna be how you die I'm not gonna lie if you just stopped and ate things he's also stressed oh he's comatose apparently oh no sources only mana source is it scared it's injured oh it's doubt and then he's gonna start pouncing oh that's it it's over interrupter yeah please stop squeaking like a goose and that's it dead right next to the port since our tops now it has eight kills and is still refusing to eat oh god oh god being callous or magnetic Oh is he going for that in mana Soros I think it is it's gonna die stop killing him stop it yeah he's gonna die one more jump interrupter now nine kills is still hungry and is going off to kill most of you to think he was on a rampage the strange thing is he's not killing the up there you go finally as hunger gets the better of him it's not killing him any small herbivores Oh which is dead weird this I don't even know this got me multiple videos I think it has to be there's been going on for so long how much does you have to eat it's taking two bites now and still it's hunger husband went down oh there you go right okay he's healing right where's Rexy it takes a while for Rexy to regenerate though I like how the fence is completely gone the pachycephalosaurus is destroyed it and now where are they they're nowhere to be seen they they destroyed it and buggered off about one's the the croutha sources are just having a life of love that you can get that variety and could we just like have a look at the quality of the skin like look at that texture oh now you turn away I can't just look at you like a little papa yeah all right okay so indominus rex died and really didn't do anything got to be honest I kind of want a live stream doing an actual or like do a series on this just cuz it's so much fun so what what what dinosaurs do we have left interrupts is still alive I really don't know how oh it's just continuously eating okay that's good well the less of the source is still eleven of those it's like the only little herbivore that survived like I mean small like really small so we'll pick these guys who is the oldest one year and none of them have a kill oh no my nutrition what was he oh yeah it's the it's like the natural and like trap where all the carnivores and stuff and herbivores would come here and probably die they all got caught to try to get over and got stuck but luckily this tiger cells have found their way around oh man oh look if I kick it out about it so cool or the other still alive oh my god he's got an extra kill since out of everything I didn't expect the yellow to still be alive I think all the bionics have died as well all the Baryonyx let's have a look copies copies are now dead that last one didn't survive they died they died they died blue didn't last two seconds neither today interrupted still life started so dead bionics dead as well and these are still a toast is he out of his coma yet toast hello an interrupt is finally sleeping after nine kills toast would have been dead long ago long ago if it wasn't for somehow it stays alive so yeah I know I said the stars can do that volcanic eruption but I know it has been way more fun oh that's a bit unfair you're like twice the size of him okay never mind he's gonna beat you well then never mind me we must Triceratops distressed it's injured apparently don't know how so how many kills did the ankylosaurs get six of the highest sevens the highest oh nine nine for this guy yeah if somebody wants to make like easel saw on a map of this mod feel free and I'll download it if you've if you've lasted to this long I know I should have said that to start with oh no Allosaurus have you attacked him no you haven't okay get a bit scared though he's scared but he's drinking weird Reed combination I think you're scared of interrupted Oh unless at the surahs have you just been eating these guys is that what you been surviving on oh oh no oh no oh Tony scared Oh yep run away Oh Oh the Allosaurus get off the interrupter though Oh No the peaceful her decree thesaurus open there's a trike to defend them who don't even know where that came from other sources following them okay t-rex he's still scaring them up up River also is coming down yeah Alice um I've got past them look at that for a shot that looks so cool always hungry oh no Allosaurus Allosaurus how many kills is t-rex out only for that tree keeps on popping though oh no I don't think the t-rex season is prey he's trying his best to run away keep on going my battery right way is interrupted outside oh there's a try nones t-rex there are less of the sources if they really want them but that fence I feel like has saved a lot of dinosaurs from carnivores you can see food through it are you gonna destroy it oh we can snip it oh never mind never mind he didn't even see the less of the soros that was down there it has now been consumed in the t-rex is gaping more well then who is it trying to camouflage was that it interrupter is fo the corythosaurus hood have decided to shift over which is very good because this interrupter could quite easily kill all of them including the trike the only way this interrupt is gonna die in this situation is if the trike decides to go from but the baby crew thesaurus or oven is like nope but then decides to turn it around because it's scared to be without its family Oh No they also hunger drove it back to where it knows the less of the sources all but also the t-rex is here now so now toward the endo Raptor and there you go he's like oh where did all these puppies of resources come from hold on is there a hole in the fence or something I did not see all those there okay well t-rex is gettin is probably gonna hunt up to this Alice aw is hungry oh there's a left that less of the Souris oh it might do it might go for it oh it might go for it no why did it go into it like eat me oh it's going for the Pachycephalosaurus --is it has decent health it's not bad and I don't know if they can take on the pachycephalosaurus --is if they decide to attack but actually at this the size of it it probably could the t-rex is somewhere nearby though actually oh oh never mind t-rex is decide to go for a triceratops for a hunt and I think oh no didn't kill it this could be the end of the t-rex actually or did it kill it no it's it's thirsty okay come on t-rex interrupters still asleep so he's okay toast is not getting up or anything does it say it's even comatose it's just stressed should we try and help it like I want to see placing some land will actually wake it up just in case you never know up up you got a lesser thesaurus there you go now that all the herbivores are spreading out it's actually becoming easier for the t-rex oh the girl - is attacking he interrupted oh oh it's attacking oh it's oh no he's attacking the baby it got its sleep and now it's now the interrupted rampage is about to begin Allosaurus however is killing the Pachycephalosaurus ease is it dead I think it may have got it no it's still alive he's wearing form to get up oh that was that was a nice sport of him he was like I'll wait till you can you get up please past the fence actually nope don't want that when he wants the middle 100 career the sorcerer here oh how the heck oh this isn't good this is a herd of hadrosaurs well baby pachycephalosaurus oh no those in Manas or like who makes like a duckbill sound effect interrupter is running towards the pack oh it goes for a creeper Soros it's trying to push it over I like how they did that behavior Oh trike oh my god completely flatten the Indo Raptor yeah you got knocked out for a second he's but oh it slipping away oh is it gonna meet its demise beautiful I gotta give that steak a braise damn like this game is progressed so much since it first came out I'm so happy you would never have had that usually all the time Steiger Sora and Carlos all would accidentally kill something was accidentally but that interrupts a met its end at trying to kill everything injured by a trike it limped off and then compelled by a stagger freakin Soros that water send off and then the t-rex goes to sleep well guys the husband this episode of my god my throat is gone there's so many cool things happened I've loved it it's been loads of fun whoever made this mod you deserve all the praise thank you so much for dedicating so much time to a game that is how old it came out like 2001 or 2003 it's over like 12 years old for for sure maybe even 15 and it has been modded so much and so much lovers went into it and thank you for this experience this has been amazing and thank you guys for watching and sticking with jurassica maudlin if you enjoyed this video leave a like it until next time I'll see you later buh-bye and I mean if you want to do the rules since our tops and a parasol they're the only ones that survived why [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 897,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BLIkt5wmxlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 32sec (5372 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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